Original Yang Ying overseas comeback rollover! The latest material is thin and out of shape, and it is very wild, and it is mocked as a stumbling girl nightclub style

On November 21st,Yang Ying has always been one of the hottest stars in the entertainment industry with her unparalleled fashion resources and mixed-race international appearance. Not only does she have a charming appearance and deep big eyes, but she also exudes a mysterious atmosphere unique to the East, making her a unique presence in the entertainment industry. Although her performance in acting is relatively low-key, Yang Ying’s appearance is indisputable, which has deeply fascinated netizens.

However, Yang Ying’s recent performance on the French Crazy Horse show caused quite a stir. Although it was once a high-profile performance, Yang Ying seemed to suddenly "evaporate overnight" after that, and she stopped making frequent appearances on variety shows, which made her position somewhat precarious.

In order to avoid fading out of the public eye, Yang Ying has recently chosen an ingenious "curve self-rescue" approach to try to recover the disadvantage that has been forgotten by the market. She first made a comeback overseas to test the water for the reaction to public opinion. Recently, a group of overseas magazine blockbusters that Yang Ying participated in has attracted everyone’s attention. However, this seems to be an excessive force in the pursuit of European and American aesthetic standards.

In the newly exposed photos, Yang Ying’s figure is obviously thin, with sunken eye sockets and cheeks, and a prominent bony body, in sharp contrast to the plump charm of the past. This change has made her lose the bright temperament of the past, and look a little too thin. The slightly dull expression may be an inevitable choice for the pursuit of fashion internationalization, but it has produced a strong contrast with Yang Ying’s usual lively image. This change seems to have lost some of her former unique charm, and instead appeared a little mean.

Yang Ying’s wild look also sparked some controversy. Some saw it as too avant-garde to accept, and even had the eerie feeling of a controlled puppet figure. Perhaps it was an attempt to challenge herself through fashion, but in the eyes of some viewers, it remains to be seen whether this bold attempt will succeed.

The fashion elements have been strongly injected, but to some extent she has lost her usual sophistication and elegance. This attempt may be to create a sharp contrast with the past, but in the eyes of netizens, such an attempt does not seem to achieve the desired effect.


Therefore, netizens have made sharp comments one after another, complaining mercilessly that Yang Ying’s new style is quite like Crazy Horse Show, and one of them even mocked: "The style of the missing girl nightclub is so beautiful, it is really suitable for going to Crazy Horse Show to do striptease." Such comments are full of ridicule and sarcasm, which directly hits the many doubts caused by Yang Ying’s fashion attempt in the hearts of netizens. Perhaps this is also the cruel reality of the fashion industry, and a temporary attempt may not be accepted by the public.

However, fashion is a field full of subjective opinions. Although domestic netizens may not buy Yang Ying’s fashion attempts, it does not mean that foreign audiences cannot appreciate and accept it. Fashion is a diverse and inclusive field. Every star is constantly challenging and exploring his own style, and the audience’s preferences may vary. Perhaps, Yang Ying’s fashion adventure is just a temporary attempt, and it is still possible to find her real breakthrough point in different styles in the future.

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