Best films at home and abroad gather! 2024 Qingming file, these films cannot be missed

1905 movie network feature Spring is strong, and April is approaching, and the spring-filled film market will also usher in a new lineup. Up to now, there have been many good films at home and abroad aimed at the Qingming Festival, with diverse film types and star-studded films, making people dizzy.

Among them, leading the release in front of the Qingming Festival, can it be better?

At the same time, in the new film of Qingming Festival, there are not only director Wan Dan Caima’s posthumous work, but also the new film of the animation master, and the film "The Great" Anti "and other films to be screened. During Qingming Festival, who can win the championship in one fell swoop?

Film critic Wu Yanyu said on the program that this year’s Qingming Films are destined to be a special schedule. On the one hand, this year’s films will give audiences a lively, rich and relevant experience in Qingming Films, and the previous weekend’s films will continue to release energy during the schedule. Movies about life thinking such as "Let’s Shake the Sun Together", "Snow Leopard" and "What kind of life do you want to live" can also attract more viewers’ attention in this schedule.

On the other hand, when the residual heat of the Spring Festival is gradually exhausted, and the May Day and summer holidays have not yet arrived, the Qingming file plays a connecting role at this time. Many films are set here. While seeking their own positioning, they also hope that the audience’s viewing enthusiasm and viewing habits can be better continued.

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"Godzilla vs. King Kong 2: Rise of the Empires"



Plot Synopsis: After the last Monster Burning Battle, King Kong and Godzilla will once again join forces to confront a great threat lurking in the world, and gradually explore the origin of these beasts and the mysteries of places such as Skull Island. At the same time, the veil of the ancient battle will also be revealed. It was the battle that created these extraordinary creatures and profoundly affected the fate of the human world.

What to watch: A new film released on the 10th anniversary of the birth of "Monster Universe" will also comprehensively upgrade the story between Godzilla and King Kong, the two monster kings. The film will tell the story more deeply from the perspective of monsters, allowing audiences to understand and explore more of the grand world view of the monster universe.

"Galaxy Writers"


Starring : / / / Li Wenru/Song Xiaoliang 

Synopsis: A screenwriter who doesn’t listen to any revisions (Song Muzi, played), a screenwriter who listens to all revisions (Hewenjun, played), an arrogant, a bold, the strongest in the galaxy (Ruo) Party B, to challenge the top Party A company’s talent.

What to watch: The film has exploded since its debut at the film festival. As the "survival apocalypse of contemporary migrant workers", the film may become the next "workplace movie" hit.

"Let’s Shake the Sun Together"


Starring : / / / / Liu Dan

Synopsis: When "brainless" Lu Tu (Peng Yuchang, played) meets "unhappy" Ling Min (Li Gengxi, played), two young people with severe illness but very different personalities, because of the "Relay of Life" agreement, they accidentally embark on a healing journey full of love and strength.

What to watch: The film is the final chapter of Han Yan’s "life trilogy". Although it is a second set, there is no doubt that the love story of the critically ill patient is more suitable for the social emotions in the Qingming period. The superb acting skills of the two young stars and the spirit of facing life with a positive and sunny attitude can make people feel the power of the film.

The Snow Leopard.


Starring : / / /

Synopsis: A snow leopard breaks into a herdsman’s sheepfold and kills nine sheep. Therefore, the herdsman father and son are at odds. The son insists on killing the leopard, but the father insists on releasing the snow leopard. Faced with the huge loss of nine sheep, release or kill? The fates of humans and snow leopards seem to be tied together.

What to watch: This film is the last work of director Wanma Tseden, and it is also a story about how people and animals eventually get along. Director Wanma Tseden focuses on the story of his hometown on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to analyze the contradictions and conflicts between all things from a unique perspective, and also hides the grand proposition of human nature and life, which is worthy of deep consideration for every audience.

"What kind of life do you want to live?"

Director: Hayao Miyazaki

Starring: Satoshi Yamashi / / / Aimu/  

Synopsis: After the mother of the young Muzhen dies in the sea of fire, he forms a new family with his father and stepmother. Deep in sadness, Zhenren is gloomy and withdrawn, and it is difficult to integrate into the new environment. An accident, he follows a talking heron into the abandoned mysterious tower, but unexpectedly enters the fantasy "world of the dead" and embarks on an incredible adventure.

What to watch: The film is regarded as the 83-year-old Hayao Miyazaki’s "life film, farewell work". The superb production and story core have won the film global recognition. It has won a double harvest at the overseas box office and won several awards, including the 96th Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature. This time, the Qingming schedule was selected for release, and domestic audiences were also full of expectations. The number of people who wanted to see it has been far ahead of the films in the same schedule.

"The Grass World"


Starring : / / / /

Plot synopsis: Wu Tahua (Jiang Qinqin, played) is driven away from the tea garden by her lover (Chen Jianbin, played) on her front foot, and her back foot is tricked into the MLM organization "Butterfly International" by her closest good sister Jin Lan. After newly graduated college student He Mulian (Wu Lei, played) finds her mother, Wu Tahua, trapped in the MLM quagmire, she begins to try her best to rescue her.

What to watch: The film combines the story of "Mulian Saving the Mother" with the realistic issue of "anti-pyramid scheme". Through the victim’s perspective of He Mulian and Wu Taihua, it reveals the emotional manipulation behind pyramid scheme, restores the real scene of pyramid scheme, and shows the pyramid-style brainwashing trap. Jiang Qinqin also won the Best Actress of the 17th Asian Film Awards with this film. Her wonderful performance in the film is also worth looking forward to.

"The yellow bird is behind!"


Starring : / / / /  

Synopsis: Guan Xiuying (played) is brutally murdered, and the suspects with disparate identities have their own motives. Powerful people buy murderers to kill, gambler Zheng Wei (played by Huang Jue) sees the money, and a desperate woman Xiao Yazhen (played by Tao Hong) takes revenge and kills… Under the tracking of police officer Yuan Wenshan (played by Feng Shaofeng), it is found that there is another secret to the case.

What to watch: The film’s suspense elements are dense, the story and characters are set to be curious, the plot is reversed many times, and the truth is confusing. It coincides with the ancient Chinese saying "the mantis catches the cicada, and the yellow sparrow is behind". In addition to the "real murderer", there is also the real murderer.