How persistent is Wang Jiawei to the play? Dong Yong filmed more than 30 times in a scene of "Flowers", and Hu Ge was driven crazy

Directed by Wang Jiawei, the new drama "Flowers" starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, Xin Zhilei and others is currently being broadcast on Tencent Video. In order to present the drama perfectly, Wang Jiawei spent three years polishing the camera. Not only does it run through its own unique style in narrative, but it also repeatedly recalls actors who have already finished filming. To be honest, many viewers of Wang Jiawei’s TV series did not have high expectations this time. After all, the shooting process and narrative style of TV series and movies are completely different.

Moreover, compared to movies, the filming of TV series takes a long time, and it is completely too late to pick the shots one by one. The more popular directors and actors are often in a state of seamless integration, and the progress of normal filming TV series is too slow. "Flowers" is different, because it is directed by Wang Jiawei and Hu Ge is the main male lead, so the drama has attracted the attention of many industries and platforms from the beginning of filming. Wang Jiawei is also really persistent in the drama, and forcefully made the TV series into a movie.

Sure enough, this drama did not live up to the expectations of most audiences. Although Wang Jiawei’s fragmented narrative style did not meet the taste of the remote control audience, the online broadcast volume of "Flowers" was in the process of steady growth, and the popularity of Tencent in-app also exceeded the 30,000 mark. Tang Yan played Miss Wang with a full personality and a complete growth line. Xin Zhilei played Li Li, who was also bright and moving under the camera of Wang Jiawei, and there was a big gap with the previous image, stunning many viewers who came to follow the drama.

It can be said that when filming Wong Kar-wai’s plays, actors have the opportunity to leave their own life scenes and unlock another image of themselves, but this does not apply to actors in the rising stage and actors who have not yet stabilized their coffee positions. Because Wong Kar-wai’s seriousness and dedication to the play exceeds the image of all working actors, even a powerful faction like Hu Ge can’t stand Wong Kar-wai’s dedication to the play. Because in the past, movies were filmed, so actors in the TV drama circle did not have a real sense of Wong Kar-wai’s stream-of-consciousness shooting method.

For example, Liang Jiahui, he admitted in an interview that when he entered the group, the director only told him that the role he was going to play was Huang Yaoshi, and there was no script to tell him what to play and how to play it. So in the later shooting process, Liang Jiahui was in a kind of confusion about not knowing what to shoot. In addition to the stream of consciousness method of film shooting, Wong Kar-wai also has a lot of experience in fooling actors. In the early years of filming movies, Wong Kar-wai used his superior fooling skills to deceive many actors at the level of best actor.

For example, Tony Leung. Because he was a screenwriter in the early days, Wong Kar-wai wrote a high-quality suspense film script on the spot, and immediately won the actor Tony Leung. However, when he arrived at the filming location in Argentina, Leung Chaowei was told by the director that the role he was going to play was gay. The movie Leung Chaowei was fooled into making was "Spring", which was later enthusiastically sought after by most fans.

First of all, regardless of whether the behavior of fooling people is correct, the mere fact of editing a script to deceive the best actor proves that Wang Jiawei himself is a talented top PUA master. From this, it can be seen that Wang Jiawei’s personal style is quite distinct. This time, Wang Jiawei, who came to shoot a TV series, still adheres to the same set of principles of making movies. Hu Ge was driven crazy in the process of walking through the scenes again and again, and posted on social platforms: If I stop acting, will you still support me?

At that time, many netizens were wondering why Hu Ge’s mental state was so beautiful. All their questions were answered in interviews with the creators released one after another after the show was broadcast. It turned out that Hu Ge’s collapse came from Wang Jiawei’s strict requirements for actors to act. In an interview with the media, Hu Ge said: In his opinion, "Flower" is not just a crew, but more like Hengdian Film Academy. In addition, the entire filming cycle of "Flower" is very long, and the actors will experience a period of exhaustion in both physical and mental aspects.

It is precisely because the filming time of "Flowers" took a full three years, and the actors kept reworking and reshooting according to Wang Jiawei’s requirements, so Hu Ge felt physically and mentally exhausted. According to the cast member, Wang Jiawei’s understanding of the play is usually not on the same channel as the actors, so the actors can only rely on themselves to constantly grope. Before the director nods, the actors can only repeat the same scene, which is a stream of consciousness shooting method that really makes many actors collapse.

Because he had no idea what kind of effect Wong Kar-wai wanted to achieve, he could only keep repeating the same scene. Tony Leung broke the news that he ate 26 bowls of wonton noodles in a row during the filming of "In the Mood for Love". Liu Jialing also said in an interview that during the filming of "The True Story of Ah Fei", he wiped the floor 27 times in a row, and in the middle of the filming, several actors suddenly felt that they could not act. Therefore, when choosing the film and television works directed by Wong Kar-wai, actors should be more careful.

Dong Yong, a veteran artist who starred in "Flowers", also said: "I have always used the standards of old artists to demand myself, and the standard of" one pass "is the basic quality of old actors, but when it comes to Wang Jiawei, there is no" one pass "at all. Director Wang Jiawei keeps asking actors to reshoot clips that he is not satisfied with. There is even a scene that has not been filmed more than 30 times in a row. Later, the director called out and gave Dong Yong a break. Who knows that the first scene back to the crew after the holiday is still the last one.

From this, it can be seen that Wong Kar-wai has a strong sense of responsibility for the film and television works he directs. The truest reaction of actors nowadays is the state he pursues in the film venue. It is precisely because of this that Wong Kar-wai will hand over so many film and television works that satisfy fans. Although Wong Kar-wai has extremely high requirements for every frame of "Flower", it is precisely because of this rare persistence and dedication to the work that "Flower" will be so precious in the era of frequent bad movies.

It can be said that Flower, whether it is the texture of the picture or the design of light and shadow, is completely unlike a TV drama, and it can be said that it is a perfect work of art. In addition to the great shock of the picture to the audience, the three actresses of the play have also reached a new height of beauty, and even left their own life scenes. Tang Yan has successfully transformed with the play, and her acting has been recognized by the audience. Her image has subverted the inherent dress of silly and sweet in the past, and her portrayal of Miss Wang’s role has been affirmed by many audiences.

Although Tang Yan gave up many film and television invitations in the early stage because of the filming of "Flowers", it was not a loss, at least because she successfully got rid of the label of the idol school in this drama, and the resource rating will definitely be higher in the future. Xin Zhilei also attracted much attention because of her role as the bright and moving Li Li in the drama, and the follow-up bonus should not be underestimated.