Let community group buying become assured group buying

In recent years, the community group buying model has gradually attracted the attention of capital, and many leading e-commerce platforms have entered the market. The COVID-19 epidemic has made community group buying more popular. A number of data show that community group buying is prosperous during the epidemic.

Simply put, community group buying is a business model that provides daily goods and life services to residents in surrounding communities using WeChat and WeChat Mini Program as carriers. The Mini Program places an order and picks up goods at the door of the community group buying, which brings a win-win situation. For merchants, it can reduce the cost of acquiring customers, improve the repurchase rate of goods, and also save distribution costs. For example, each community only needs to be delivered to the designated "head of the group", and then the "head of the group" will distribute the goods to the community users uniformly, reducing the cost of logistics and distribution. In addition, it can also use the real-world friends relationship to acquire customers online and offline, making up for the shortcomings of traditional e-commerce.

For consumers, participating in community group buying on the one hand can get more cost-effective goods, on the other hand, there is no need to worry about after-sales problems. Some consumers said that an important reason for choosing to place an order in the community is the trust in the "head of the community". The "head of the community" and the user belong to the offline person-to-person model, and the trust is higher.

Community group buying has certain development potential, but consumers are more looking forward to this model to become assured group buying. How community group buying develops more standardized is also worthy of attention. Any consumption model must abide by the law. Whether it is spontaneous solitaire buying in community groups or buying on other e-commerce platforms, it must comply with the laws and regulations of our country on production standards and food safety standards. This also requires the joint efforts of platforms, merchants and "heads of state", and even consumers. In addition, it cannot be ignored that group buying market order and online transaction safety also urgently need regulatory efforts to ensure that community group buying truly becomes assured group buying. (Yang Yulong)