The delivery guy comes and goes in the wind and rain, and a contract makes him feel insecure

  Takeaway has long been integrated into people’s lives, but all kinds of illegal riding by takeaway brothers have also been criticized. Retrograde, running red lights, speeding and other behaviors have brought about continuous accidents. Recently, Meituan, an outsourcing company in Gaocheng District, Shijiazhuang City, re-signed the contract for dozens of takeaway brothers. In the eyes of most riders, this contract has many unreasonable points, and the riders have come forward to analyze the problems existing in the industry: some regulations make them lack safety protection, and some situations are helpless…

  Text/Picture Yan Zhao Evening News reporter Nankai University Yu


  Signing a new contract, most delivery riders are not satisfied

  On September 25, the company asked us to sign a new contract, but many of our riders thought that this contract was unreasonable and did not pay attention to the protection of the riders. But if we don’t sign the contract, we will be fired. Many riders have no choice but to sign the contract, but they are very dissatisfied and hope that the reporter will pay attention… "

  During the National Day holiday, this newspaper’s 24-hour news hotline received a news tip. Through the phone, the reporter communicated with the lead person, Han Bing. He was a rider. During the period when the unit asked for a contract, he was recuperating due to an injury at work. As a result, on October 1, the rider, who had been working for more than a year, was directly cancelled by the company without knowing it.

  What kind of new contract is it that causes the dissatisfaction of the delivery brothers? On October 8, the reporter came to the People’s Square of Gaocheng District as scheduled. When he heard that the reporter was coming, nearly 20 local Meituan delivery riders gathered at the scene. "We all want to reflect our views on the contract. Under such a contract, we run orders in the wind and rain, but we are very unsure and insecure." A rider said.

  According to Han Bing, Meituan takeout in the central area of Gaocheng District was contracted to this outsourcing company. They had a total of 40 or 50 riders here, most of whom were full-time delivery guys, and there were also a few part-time workers. In late September, the company came up with a contract and asked all riders to sign it as soon as possible, but everyone had opinions on several items of the contract, but if they didn’t sign it, the result was dismissal.

  First of all, everyone has an opinion on the paragraph at the beginning of this labor contract. In the contract, the company is Party A, and the delivery brother is Party B. It states that "both parties A and B have reached an equal agreement and voluntarily sign this labor contract, and jointly abide by the terms listed." Mr. Rider Wu said that before the contract was sent to everyone, no one knew about it, let alone the contents of the contract, let alone equal consensus. If you don’t sign it, you will be fired, so in order to make a living, everyone has no choice but to sign it.

  Secondly, the contract requires a lot of riders. In terms of the duration of the labor contract, although it is signed for 6 months, the contract states: "Party A can terminate the labor relationship with Party B in advance according to business needs and Party B’s performance." Some riders said bluntly: "What is the difference between signing such a contract and not signing it? The company can terminate the labor relationship at any time according to the situation, so what guarantee do we have?"

  The contract also includes the following clause: "Party A will insure Party B with employer liability insurance and commercial insurance during the contract period." It seems to protect the riders’ rights and interests, but the riders said that the company deducts 45 yuan per month from their wages, saying that the unit will pay another part of the money, and then buy insurance for everyone. But the riders said that they still do not know what insurance is on, and have never seen an insurance contract, let alone signed an insurance contract.


  The injury has not healed, and some rider accounts have been cancelled by the company

  The terms of the contract made many riders feel insecure, but the company kept urging everyone to sign, but most of them signed. But Han Bing and the other two riders had their rider accounts cancelled because they didn’t sign, so they couldn’t take orders and were fired by the company.

  The accounts of the riders were cancelled by Han Bing and Mr. Hou, but Han Bing fell to avoid other trams at the start of construction in early September, and his left hand was pressed on the broken glass on the ground and sewed. During this time, Han Bing has been recuperating and recovering. "On October 1, I went to a meeting as usual and learned about the signing of the contract. At that time, I told the unit that my hand still needs to be raised for two days. I will take the contract back to take a look first, and bring the contract back after signing it. Who knew that after finishing in the morning, I found that my account was cancelled by the unit in the evening." Han Bing said.

  The same thing happened to Mr. Hou, a rider who was hospitalized with bronchitis. "I injured my foot in September, and then I was hospitalized due to bronchitis. I didn’t bother to sign the contract during my sick leave. It was also on October 1 that I found out that my account was cancelled by the unit." Mr. Hou said.

  In addition, the rider Mr. Du’s account was also cancelled. He rushed to the company to sign a contract, and the unit restored his account that afternoon, which saved his job.

  On the afternoon of the 8th, the company’s webmaster Liu said that the two were fired because they were not working for a long time. The fired rider Han Bing said that the next step will be to apply to the labor arbitration department for arbitration.


  Many practitioners violate traffic laws and injuries are commonplace

  The Internet is full of news of illegal riding by takeaway riders, and there are many cases of traffic accidents caused by takeaway brothers who rush to deliver meals. In order to strengthen the traffic management of electric vehicles in the express delivery industry, the Traffic Administration of the Ministry of Public Security held a video conference of the national public security traffic control department in March this year, and issued a proposal to express delivery industry organizations and enterprises to strengthen the traffic management of electric vehicles.

  Traffic violations such as red light running, retrograde driving, and speeding are common and disrupt urban traffic order. In this contract, there are special clauses to bind the delivery brother. The contract states that "Party B must abide by various national traffic regulations, laws, and rules when providing labor services. If there is any violation, Party B will bear the corresponding responsibility. (Special prohibition: not wearing a helmet, working under the influence of alcohol, driving a motorcycle without a license, retrograde driving, running a red light, rushing, speeding, etc.) "

  Regarding this clause, the takeaway brothers have the most words. When it comes to traffic violations, the takeaway brothers are very helpless. "This industry does not have many requirements for academic qualifications, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can earn 4,000 or 5,000 yuan a month, but we earn hard-earned money!" Many takeaway brothers said that it is common for practitioners to be injured in collisions, and some people have been in traffic accidents, but the degree of injuries varies.


  Self-analysis: The work system makes us insecure

  The rider Xiao Zhang had been working for more than a year, and he said that he had not only bumped into an electric car, but also hit a car for food delivery, and that time he lost 2,800 yuan. Xiao Hou had hurt his foot while delivering food, Xiao Du had recently injured his knees, Xiao Wu had just injured his leg in August, and Xiao Han had also injured his hand while recovering from a work injury due to dodging a tram…

  During the conversation, the reporter noticed that these takeaway brothers were injured because of the fast speed of the car during the delivery or the illegal riding in order to take a shortcut. Why must the delivery of takeout be speeding, retrograde or even running a red light? According to these riders, they have to run 500 orders a month to get a basic salary, and they can get 4 yuan for each order. Generally speaking, from 11:00 to 2:00 pm every day, and from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm are the takeout peak, but these two periods are also the traffic peak. There are many cars on the road, and the signal light time is longer. Moreover, the order is more concentrated. " Take noon as an example, we send orders electronically, and the positions of the orders sent are different. Some orders have to run more than 4 kilometers, and often three or four orders are sent at the same time. "Xiao Han said that the company stipulates that the delivery time is within 30 minutes. If three orders are sent at the same time, all three orders must be delivered within half an hour. The food is picked up at different locations, and some people have to wait for a while to arrive at the restaurant. The three orders plus the three orders must be completed within half an hour. If there is a customer complaint after the time limit, 500 yuan will be deducted if the complaint is successful, so the time is very tight, and we have no choice but to ride quickly. Wait for less red lights or take shortcuts on the road.

  According to the riders, the company often let everyone solve the accident by themselves, and even pay for it themselves. Although there are many injuries, if you are not hospitalized, you will rarely get insurance compensation. "So we usually endure minor injuries." These delivery guys said that from 6:30 in the morning to midnight, they can be seen on the streets. Whether it is windy, rainy or snowy, they cannot ask for leave in special weather. On several rainy days this summer, the delivery guys walked through tens of centimeters of water in the street to deliver food in the rain. Afterwards, many delivery guys’ trams broke down and everyone had to repair them at their own expense. These riders hope to be understood by everyone, and they look forward to more perfect rules and regulations for the delivery industry, so that the industry can be healthy, standardized and sustainable.