This time, Liu Yifei is not just beautiful

Original, Poison Sir movie

The backstage has been urged to explode.

Sir, I understand everyone’s excitement very well.

After all, after watching it for a long time, the demons are dancing and making monsters.

It’s time for this fairy energy to press the field –


Costume drama, which used to entertain immortals fighting.

But in recent years.

Sir can always see complaints about "costume dramas getting uglier and uglier" on various platforms.

Makeup, clothing, there is little sincerity.

Acting, acting, can not support the world’s stunning name.

I miss the past.

Innocent and quirky;

Beautiful and elegant, as clean as ice and snow.

After the Unfeeling Valley parted, more than Yang Guo lived like a year.

Thousands of viewers also wanted to roar:

Fairy sister…

The costume drama has been without you for 16 years. Do you know how we spent it?

The years did not slow down her swiping speed at all:

15 hours on the line, the number of views exceeded 200 million, easily winning the top of the popularity list;

Today’s score was 8.3, and Sir watched it rise to 8.8 in a few hours…

The 2022 national drama Douban has the highest score.

Regarding the appearance of the starring role, everyone has reached a consensus, and Sir does not want to go into details.

Calm down.

"Menghualu" and Liu Yifei are not just "beautiful" words.


The texture of CP is metaphysics.

There is something.

No, let your marketing blow through the sky, and the audience will not buy it.

Liu Yifei + Chen Xiao, at first glance, are not people with a sense of CP.

But since going LIVE, the CP name Sir heard has evolved from "looking left and right" to "looking forward to life".

The answer was really hidden in the eyes of the two of them.

Zhao Paner (played by Liu Yifei), Fang Ling 24, the shopkeeper of Zhao’s Tea Shop in Qiantang, Hangzhou.

The tea fragrance is beautiful and the dim sum is good, and under the mutual achievements, there is an endless stream of customers.

No, Imperial City Division commanded Gu Qianfan (Chen Xiao, played) to investigate the case of Queen Jiangnan’s prophecy, and his subordinate Lao Jia was here to pick up the wind and clean up the dust for him.

Seeing that Gu Qianfan was absent-minded, Old Jia was also quite observant:

Country woman

Of course, it cannot be compared with the beautiful pink lady in the capital

Flat and unremarkable Gu Tianle, rural village woman Liu Yifei

Squinting, disdainful.

This was the first impression of Zhao Paner and Gu Qianfan.

The former heart belongs to, the object is the promise of marriage when the Flower Explorer Ouyang Xu (Xu Haiqiao, played).

The latter is not good for women, and the second has an important case.

In the blink of an eye, something changed.

The gangsters were chased to the tea shop by officers and soldiers, causing chaos. At an urgent juncture, Gu Qianfan saved Zhao Paner’s life.

According to common sense, it should be "The little girl has nothing to repay, and can only promise/be a cow and a horse".

But Zhao Paner sprinkled tea first and then put "laxatives" on this savior.

Gu Qianfan is not a good stubble either.

If the tea is spilled, pour it again, and if it’s gone, burn another pot… In short, if you can’t drink the tea, I’ll dismantle your shop.

What’s more, it is a cheap question after discovering the "laxative" –

Dare to ask miss

Where did you perform before?

Raise eyebrows, tease.

Not only did the two not look at each other, but their identities were also very different.

At the age of nine, Zhao Paner was denied official slavery due to his father’s crime. He spent seven years in Hangzhou Leying, and only got rid of his cheap status at the age of 16.

Hearing this, Gu Qianfan already understood that the only reason for Zhao Paner’s change in attitude before and after was the Imperial City Division. After all, who asked them to be "castration lackeys" who specialized in raiding families and exterminating ethnic groups?

This is the first confrontation between Zhao Paner and Gu Qianfan.

When she talked about her own experience, she was neither humble nor arrogant, and he would not pursue it after listening.

But the emotions are surging in the dark –

One hated, one was slightly curious.

The generation of emotions is the beginning of all subsequent intersections, emotions, and ties.

Soon, the two met again.

Yang Yunjun’s mansion.

Gu Qianfan came to find the calligraphy and painting with the queen’s prophecy "empirical evidence", and Zhao Paner came to intercede for Song Yinzhang (played by Lin Yun), the sister who eloped with her lover.

As soon as the two of them arrived, the Qiantang magistrate sent a large number of people to kill them.

After Gu Qianfan killed the thief, he was seriously injured and had been poisonous for a long time. He gave Zhao Paner a dart before falling to the ground.

Your dart is poisoned

If you don’t save me, you’ll die too

After escaping, Gu Qianfan took poison darts for Zhao Paner, and the two had their first "skin-to-skin relationship".

Gu: I’m really going to do it

Zhao: If you do it, I will move my mouth

This bickering has continued.

Until she was poked into the sore part of her life experience, Zhao Paner couldn’t help but be hard-headed.

That’s right, this is what I learned as a geisha

It specializes in helping the pussies who avoid debts to escape debts

Commander Gu, are you satisfied?

Gu Qianfan spoke again.

But look at the look in his eyes before he speaks.

It was clearly a heartbeat mixed with heartache.

After that, the bickering escalated, but the body language gradually took off its guard.

Zhao: Give money, Gu: No money

Zhao: Rascal. Gu: Stingy.

Zhao: Insidious. Gu: Mean.

Three rounds of verbal exchanges, Zhao Paner has been lying on the bed board hugging the quilt.

Although his eyes were focused, his mind was obviously not here.

It wasn’t until he heard "mean" that he woke up like a dream.

He got up and yelled.

You are mean

Are you still ruthless?

Unreasonable, no virtue, no luck

None of you men are good

From Gu Qianfan’s perspective, Zhao Paner is strong, independent, and beautiful, but she has nothing to do with weakness.

After a bickering, his heart rate deepened significantly.

Zhao Paner subconsciously fought back with Gu Qianfan, and when she was "unreasonable", she had already diverted the conversation object to Ouyang Xu.

Therefore, he said pitifully that he was unlucky.

She has been in the Windy Moon Field for many years, and under the influence of her eyes, she did not know how much wealth she had seen before forgetting the scum of his wife.

This time in Tokyo, although the name is to verify that Ouyang Xu is not scum, but deep in his heart he already believes in the fact that he repented.

She certainly only regarded Gu Qianfan as a friend at the moment.


Uncovering scars and showing weakness is often a sign of deepening feelings.


Watching "Menghualu", apart from the plot, the focus is mostly on Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei has always had a label on her body.

Some people shouted "Heavenly Immortal", while others shouted "Sister Immortal".

There is also an official certification from Mr. Jin Yong, "Only with you playing Wang Yuyan will readers know that Jin Yong did not lie."

The names are different, and the connotations are the same:

Recognized beauty and character-enhancing charm.

But if you think about the characters, you can see the difference.

"Eight Heavenly Dragons", Wang Yuyan.

Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting are all proficient, poetry and poetry are not a problem, and even the martial arts secrets of the major gangs are also rare.

Everyone lady fairy.

"The Legend of Immortals and Swords", Zhao Linger.

He had spent almost all of his time on Xianling Island since he could remember. When he saw his benefactor Li Xiaoyao, he would suddenly squat down and say, "Ten years ago, Ling’er only came to Brother Xiaoyao’s place."

When he proposed, even if he didn’t know what "marriage" was, he agreed with a smile.

Little house jasper fairy.

"The Condor Heroes", Little Dragon Girl.

He lived in the tomb of the living dead all year round, did not interact with outsiders, and used to eat honey.

Really do not eat the world fireworks fairy.

As Liu Yifei said.

Over the years, I have also been asked which character resembles me the most, but every time I say that each character is an upgraded version of me.

"Menghua Lu", Liu Yifei is still a fairy.

However, her Zhao Paner had obviously broken through the label of pure fairy in the past.

The experience of knowing the wind and dust and leaving the "wind and dust".

In the first episode, she saw Song Yinzhang’s lover, Zhou She, and recognized at a glance that this person was not sincere.

He had the incense commonly used in brothel buildings, and he drank tea with the gesture of a gambler playing with dice. He would set up a "bosom friend & rich businessperson" character, and he would not even memorize Du Fu’s next sentence of "Once you go to the purple platform, you will even be able to learn the next sentence of Shuo Mo"…

These common tricks in the wind and moon field

I’m just lying to a girl like you

In the fourth episode, Song Yinzhang was not only cheated of marriage and money, but also severely beaten and locked in the yard with a dog chain.

After Zhao Paner heard about it, he went to the rescue and condescended to Zhou She.

The plot is adapted from Guan Hanqing Yuan drama "Zhao Paner saves the wind and dust".

As the "leader of the Liyuan, the head of the editor-in-chief, the head of the drama crew", and also the "copper pea" of the Fengyue Field, he can say that the torn mentality of the woman in one sentence.

To marry an honest, but also afraid of the world will be difficult to pair; to marry a smart and handsome, but also afraid of being abandoned halfway.

You can also say words of consolation that can be handed down from generation to generation.

One night of marriage and a hundred nights of grace, you can calm down your anger and stop your anger.

It has been adapted into a "genre" other than Kunqu Opera. Is there any hip pulling?

Look at Liu Yifei’s handling –

Inside and outside the words, Zhou She released a good impression of "if you don’t marry a concubine," so that she could write a divorce letter for Song Yinzhang.

Luo Fan’s gentle teasing, the charm of leaning against the door…

Comes with a million styles.

Not to mention the old gambler Zhou She, Liu Xiahui may have to shout "go to rest now" when he arrives.

Did you find it?

Liu Yifei’s fairy is not formatted and unchanged.

Rather, while maintaining a smooth aesthetic, we are constantly seeking new angles and new ways.

That may be the love with Mr. Ba in "The Third Kind of Love".

It may be the seduction in the name of purity in "A Thousand Ghost Souls".

It could also be the joy of finally repaying kindness in "The Second Generation of Goblins".

No matter what the final outcome is, Liu Yifei’s goal is one sentence:

Seek innovation and change.


In addition to the focus, Sir needs to dig out the attention that is easily overlooked.

First, the main creative team.

Director Yang Yang, filmed "Merit" and "General Night"; screenwriter Zhang Wei, wrote "Legend of Lu Zhen" and "Dulala Promotion".

As women, they really know how to capture beauty and shape female portraits.

Song introduction.

The first pipa player in Jiangnan, "Wuling young people are fighting for their heads, and a song of red silk is unknown".

Or, "People are stupid and have a lot of money".

Although she and Zhao Paner are both music geeks, she was protected by several sisters and was ignorant of worldly affairs. After growing up, she was fascinated by Zhou She’s rhetoric, losing her husband and losing her army.

I know wrong

I shouldn’t have turned my back on you.

Run away with Zhou She behind your back

After being rescued by Zhao Paner, she did not miss the money she had been cheated of or the resentment of being imprisoned.

The only thing I miss is the pipa named "Lonemoon".

And Sun Sanniang (played by Liu Yan).

The daughter of the pig butcher has a lot of strength. After marrying into the Fu family, she does all-inclusive laundry and cooking, and also sells some cakes to support the household.

His lifelong wish is that his son can study hard and gain a reputation in the future.

Unexpectedly, her husband thought that she was too "housekeeping", had an affair with a widow of the same clan, and her son also shouted, "This is my mother".

Fu Zifang

He has to study hard

Finally, it was Zhao Paner.

Just like in "Save the Wind and Dust", he is brave, smart and capable, and the mantra is "no regrets".

Song Yinzhang did not regret saving his sister, nor did he regret going to Tokyo to find Ouyang Xu, nor did he regret breaking up with the heartbreaker.

Even if it had to provoke a scoundrel, a Huating prefect, and a royal family…

The three are not isolated individuals.

It was a collective projection of the plight of women in that era, and the group of the weak to save themselves for warmth.

No matter in Hangzhou or in Tokyo, they help each other and have a deep sisterhood.

Open a tea house first.

Zhao Paner made tea, Sun Sanniang made cakes, and Song introduced the chapter to play the pipa.

The division of labor is clear and indispensable.

Of course, this kind of divorce + career plot is too much, which inevitably makes the rhythm not tight enough and not enough to catch people.

In particular, teahouses and restaurants cannot be completed overnight, and it is inevitable to deal with the scoundrels and literati on the branch line during this period.

Each flower catches the eye.

In terms of Sir.

The best part of "Menghualu" is the main line, that is, the love between Zhao Paner and Gu Qianfan after the disaster.

Because the heroine finally revealed her "vulnerability".

When Zhao Paner saved Song Yinzhang, she was almost beaten to death in court. In an emergency, it was Gu Qianfan who sent her to save her.

Immediately, she passed through the crowd and went to look for Gu Qianfan.

I knew it was you.

You can probably remember this scene for ten years.

Zhao Paner and Gu Qianfan looked at each other through the screen.

The scene is half empty and half real, the love is half real and half cut, and the future is half edge and half calamity.

Looking at each other and smiling, everything is in silence.

Then step into the spring breeze and grain rain side by side.

In this rain, Zhao Paner attacked.

Gu Qianfan

What do you want from me?

She was keenly aware of the latter’s growing affection.

I have the intention not to develop my gratitude towards love between men and women.

She is still asking for a "no regrets" –

Between the two of them, it was clear, asking for a clean break.

Gu Qianfan respected her choice and left after saying goodbye.

Three steps, stop.

After returning the "token of love" to her, he turned around decisively.

In the updated episode, the two are not together yet.

But just by the eyes that want to talk, we know that they can’t be broken and can’t be counted.


How can there be an unequivocal "no regrets" in the feelings of adults, they are all entangled constantly.

It is said that the current ancient puppet is difficult to shoot well.

Little did they know.

As long as you are willing to create it in a targeted manner, you can capture the lingering emotions in the characters’ hearts.

The impact and feelings it can bring are no less than those of other types.

Back to the question at the beginning:

What else did "Menghualu" do right besides "beauty"?

Many in the audience mentioned…

Beauty is the first layer.

Xian is the "more beautiful" layer.

What is a fairy?

In Sir’s eyes, it is actually a kind of focus.

When the direction of the content changed round after round, the overbearing president would be stupid and sweet when he was popular, the female main character would be miserable when she was popular, and the female consciousness would rise, and the "independent character" would be concave…

However, the facts have been repeatedly verified.

Original title: "This time Liu Yifei is not just beautiful"

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