Wang Zulan attended the press conference of "Running Man", and offered his brothers on the wedding night

The second season of "Run, Brothers" is about to return on April 17, and at the go LIVE conference on April 11, Wang Zulan did not change his previous style and made a funny appearance. Wang Zulan, who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, made more audiences familiar with his ghost and horse side overnight because of his participation in "Running Man". His innate comedy talent, daring to play tricks and self-deprecating advantages are all presented to everyone at a glance. It is reported that because of his participation in the recording of "Running Man 2", Wang Zulan "abandoned" his new wife and all the brothers to spend the wedding night at the recording site, instantly became a fierce man, and killed all the brothers in seconds. This action surprised the brothers.

"Running Man 2" Wang Zulan Bao Bell hit his face, claiming that "Hong Kong Bank does not guarantee"

Bao Bell, who joined Running Man for the first time, was called a "long-lost brother" by netizens because of his "face-to-face" with Wang Zulan. On the day of the press conference, Bao Bell also posted a photo with Wang Zulan on Weibo, and the two posed in a blooming pose, claiming to be "the Bank of China and the Bank of Hong Kong". Wang Zulan then joked: "Do you mean I don’t have a warranty?" At the press conference, Bao Bell and Wang Zulan compared their lung capacity, and the live interaction was continuous, bursting with laughter and tacit understanding.

"Running Man 2" challenges the difficulty level to upgrade, and this Friday’s blockbuster attack

At the press conference, Yu Hangying, the chief producer and director of the show, introduced that the second season of the show will be fully upgraded, not only will there be more big-name stars joining, but there will also be more fresh themes and new games in the production. In terms of production, in addition to more themed games set according to regional characteristics like the Dunhuang special and Shanghai special in the first season of the show, the second season is expected to add more foreign themes like the "Han Jong" special, allowing audiences to experience foreign customs and exotic scenery.