At the press conference, the reporter twice mentioned the Diaoyu Islands-related issues, and the Foreign Ministry of China made a tough stance.

       CCTV News:On May 11, 2020, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian held a regular press conference.

       AFP reporter: Two China coast guard vessels expelled a Japanese fishing boat from the Diaoyu Islands last week, and the Japanese side has made representations to the Chinese side. What’s your comment on this? Has China explained or apologized to Japan?


       Zhao Lijian: It is understood that the China Marine Police recently found a Japanese fishing boat illegally operating in the territorial waters of China during a routine cruise in the Diaoyu Islands. China Marine Police carried out tracking and monitoring according to law, demanding that it immediately stop relevant activities and withdraw from relevant sea areas, and resolutely responded to the illegal interference of Japanese Marine Insurance Agency vessels at the scene. China has made solemn representations to the Japanese side through diplomatic channels, urging the Japanese side to immediately stop the infringement.

       I want to emphasize that Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands are China’s inherent territory, and it is China’s inherent right to carry out cruise enforcement in the Diaoyu Islands. We demand that Japan abide by the spirit of the four-point principle consensus, avoid creating new troubles on the Diaoyu Islands issue, and take practical actions to maintain the stability of the East China Sea.

       Kyodo News: As far as I know, it is very rare for China to take direct action against Japanese fishing boats. It seems that China is unilaterally stepping up its activities in the Diaoyu Islands. What direction does China think China-Japan relations should develop?

       Zhao Lijian: Just now I have clearly stated China’s position. China demands that Japan abide by the spirit of the four-point principle consensus, avoid creating new troubles on the Diaoyu Islands issue, and take practical actions to maintain the stability of the East China Sea.

       At present, China and Japan should concentrate on fighting the epidemic and further develop friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries.

Glad you came conference, Hugh and Leo cooperate again to talk about role shaping.

Special feature of 1905 film network June 10, 25th.Shanghai stateInternational film festivalgoldJue awardEntries in the main competition unitGlad you came.Hold a press conference and supervise the production.Cao Baoping, screenwriter and directorJiayin LiuActorHughLeoQi XiKe BaiMeet the media.

In the film, Wen Shan, an ordinary screenwriter who fell behind, started to write eulogy for a living by accident. In the encounter with ordinary people of all colors, Wen Shan comforted others and gained warmth, and finally found his own direction in life. The film is a true portrayal of director Jiayin Liu’s search for answers in constantly balancing the relationship between the individual and the world for more than ten years. "I also often go to Babaoshan and the zoo, and many of them are my imagination of the possible life. I imagined what I could do in Babaoshan and what I needed, from which I conjured up this role."

In the movie, Hugh plays an introverted observer who "smiles once in a while means he is happy, but looks less happy means everything is normal". When Hugh talked about his initial creation of this role, he was very concerned about whether he could find someone to refer to in real life. This role did not conform to his previous experience in creating characters. "When I have no specific object to refer to, I will be insecure and afraid that I can’t really get close to this person."

Finally, in this somewhat healing story, Hugh found his own experience in recent years. After his mother died in 2019, "I have never had the courage to face up to this matter, and I am lucky to meet Wen Shan. In fact, when I met this character, he really kept healing and warming me. I always switched between Wen Shan and the characters he cured. "

The third time I cooperated with Hugh, it was Leo who played the inner projection of Wen Shan in the film. For Wu Lei, who started to try the author’s film, this performance is also a brand-new challenge. Sometimes the role is not so "landing", and at the same time, it is necessary to reach a certain echo and care with Hugh’s performance. As a person who is waiting to be created in the movie, Leo said that Xiao Yin is waiting for a better way out. "It’s like myself, and like many young people, they are eager for a better future."

In Hugh’s view, the role of Wen Shan is to director Jiayin Liu, just as Xiao Yin played by Leo is to Wen Shan. Jiayin Liu, who projected a lot of his own experiences and emotions, admitted that when he first created the script, Wen Shan’s face was always vague until the moment he turned on the phone. "The reaction from quantitative change to qualitative change happened. He seemed to steal Wen Shan from me, and I can see Wen Shan’s face from now on."

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council warned before the "Double Tenth" that the Taiwan authorities do not presuppose that they will not give up the "two-state theory."

According to a report by China Taiwan Province Network today (28th), the Taiwan Province Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference in the press room of the Taiwan Affairs Office at 10: 00 this morning, which was presided over by Ma Xiaoguang, director and spokesperson of the Information Bureau of the Taiwan Affairs Office. Ma Xiaoguang is talking about Taiwan today.baysquareWhile refusing to accept the "1992 Consensus" and repeatedly saying that cross-strait exchanges should not presuppose, he said that the "1992 Consensus" and the one-China principle it embodies are objective facts that conform to the jurisprudence and reality of cross-strait relations, and are not artificial preconditions.The key to the so-called no preconditions is not to admit that both sides of the strait belong to the same China, that is, not to give up the position of "two States" and "one country on each side".

With regard to Taiwan Province’s upcoming "October 10th Speech", Tsai Ing-Wen may not be able to hand in a qualified answer. Ma Guang Xiao, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office, said that the key to maintaining the peaceful development of cross-strait relations lies in adhering to the political foundation of the "1992 Consensus".No matter what the leaders of the Taiwan Province authorities say, this hurdle cannot be bypassed.

In view of the fact that Xie Xuehong, the founder of the Taiwan Communist Party and the founder of the Taiwan Alliance, was packaged as a pioneer of Taiwan independence by some "Taiwan independence" on the island and set up a monument, Ma Xiaoguang said,Ms. Xie Xuehong is also a members of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Her spirit of fighting against Japanese colonial rule and realizing the reunification of the motherland is indelible and cannot be distorted. The "Taiwan independence" forces tried to make political articles and mislead the people of Taiwan Province, only to expose their distorted mentality and clumsy tactics.

The mainland released the reform dividend, and the development of Taiwanese enterprises in the mainland showed a steady trend.

Ma Guang Xiao, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said today that at present, the production and operation of Taiwan-funded enterprises in the mainland are generally stable. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Commerce, in the first eight months of this year, there were 2,392 new Taiwan-funded projects in the mainland (excluding the third transfer), up 23.93% year-on-year; The actual use of Taiwan capital was US$ 1.491 billion, up 33.09% year-on-year. At present, the mainland is implementing the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", deepening the construction of the "Belt and Road", promoting the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the large-scale development of the western region, and revitalizing the old industrial bases in Northeast China. It is hoped that the transformation and upgrading of Taiwanese enterprises will be in line with these strategies and achieve greater development.

As long as we have a correct understanding of cross-strait relations, we all take a positive attitude.

Ma Xiaoguang, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, told the visiting delegation of Taiwan’s counties and cities a few days ago that our determination and sincerity in promoting cross-strait exchanges and cooperation in various fields and seeking for the well-being of compatriots on both sides of the strait will not change. It is understood that eight counties and cities in Taiwan Province and relevant parties in the mainland are planning to hold agricultural special products fairs and tourism promotion conferences in eight counties and cities in Taiwan Province in the mainland this year. Relevant enterprises in mainland China are also planning to visit eight counties and cities and negotiate the procurement of agricultural products. He also stressed that as long as we have a correct understanding of the nature of cross-strait relations and county-city exchanges and are willing to contribute to enhancing the well-being and affection of compatriots on both sides of the strait, we all have a positive attitude.

Democratic Progressive Party’s 30-year-old radical or flexible "Taiwan independence" is doomed to failure

When talking about the 30th anniversary of the founding of Democratic Progressive Party, Ma Guang Xiao, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said today that Democratic Progressive Party’s long-term adherence to the "Taiwan independence" party platform and the "Taiwan independence" separatist proposition of "one country on each side" undermined the political foundation for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, incited cross-strait confrontation and obstructed cross-strait exchanges, which seriously impacted and affected the good momentum and achievements of the peaceful development of cross-strait relations since 2008 and damaged the vital interests of Taiwan Province compatriots. It can be said that if Democratic Progressive Party does not give up the "Taiwan independence", it will be difficult to find a way out in cross-strait relations. Whether it is a radical "Taiwan independence" or a so-called gradual and flexible "Taiwan independence", it is doomed to failure.

Lee Teng-hui’s clamor for so-called "constitutional reform" can only be a dream.

When talking about Lee Teng-hui’s recent clamor to promote the so-called "constitutional reform", Ma Xiaoguang said today that there is a fashionable political term in Taiwan Province called "people who pretend to sleep can’t wake up". I think Lee Teng-hui is the one who can’t wake up from the dream of "Taiwan independence". However, the development trend of the world and the development trend of the two sides of the strait are doomed to be a dream. What’s important is that compatriots on both sides of the strait may not forget that during Chen Shui-bian’s administration, he frantically tried to change Taiwan Province’s status as a part of China by means of "constitutional reform" and "referendum" and suffered a shameful failure. If someone still wants to inherit the mantle of Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian, I don’t think the end will be good, and everyone can foresee it.

Taiwan Province should not mislead the public with the so-called flight safety as an excuse.

In response to Taiwan Province’s claim that seeking to participate in the International Civil Aviation Congress is based on its responsibility for the safety of international air navigation, Ma Xiaoguang said that Taiwan Province should deeply reflect on its failure to participate in the 39th ICAO Congress, instead of making accusations against the mainland and misleading public opinion. The mainland has always attached importance to the needs of Taiwan Province compatriots in the field of civil aviation, and will continue to provide relevant information to Taiwan Province. Taiwan Province’s aviation safety has nothing to do with Taiwan Province’s participation in international civil aviation conferences.

Taiwan authorities should not be led by the "extremely independent" forces.

Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, responded to the claim of the "United Taiwan Party" that it would not rule out sending a letter inviting Lai Lama or Rebiya to counter the mainland: It is not surprising that inviting figures like Dalai Lama and Rebiya to Taiwan Province may have an impact and harm on cross-strait relations. The key is that Taiwan Province’s rulers should not misjudge the situation and be led by "ultra-independence" forces.

Green camp said that the eight mayors who landed in the county were "blue eight slaves" selling Taiwan. Ma Xiaoguang: the Qing Dynasty cleared itself.

Mayors of eight counties in Taiwan Province made achievements when they landed, and they were called "Blue Eight Slaves" by green camp citizens to sell Taiwan. Ma Guang Xiao, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said that those who are clear are clear and those who are turbid are turbid. Those acts of throwing dirty water at others certainly reflect the political nature of these politicians, but they still can’t solve the vital interests of Taiwan Province people.

The individual remarks of individual politicians in the United States do not represent the attitude of the US government.

Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, responded to the US Congressman’s claim that he should join ICAO for the sake of Taiwan Province’s flying safety: The US government adheres to the one-China policy and has made commitments on bilateral occasions and major international occasions many times. As for the individual remarks of individual politicians in the United States, they do not represent the attitude of the US government.

"Taiwan independence" exposes a distorted mentality: the founders of the packaging Taiwan Communist Party and the Taiwan Alliance are the pioneers of "Taiwan independence"

In view of the fact that Xie Xuehong, the founder of the Taiwan Communist Party and the founder of the Taiwan Alliance, was packaged as a pioneer of Taiwan independence by some "Taiwan independence" on the island and a monument was erected, Ma Guang Xiao, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office, said today that Ms. Xie Xuehong is also members of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and her spirit of fighting against Japanese colonial rule and realizing the reunification of the motherland is indelible and cannot be distorted. The "Taiwan independence" forces tried to make political articles and mislead the people of Taiwan Province, only to expose their distorted mentality and clumsy tactics.

"Taiwan independence" organization set up a monument for Xie Xuehong and tried to package it as "Taiwan independence Pioneer"  

It is the key to correctly understand cross-strait relations if blue-green counties and cities reshuffle.

Ma Guang Xiao, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said today that Taiwan Province will also face a county and mayor election in 2018. If the blue and green counties and cities are reshuffled, and whether the eight measures taken by the mainland to promote exchanges with eight counties and cities in Taiwan Province will be adjusted, he said that the key to cross-strait county-city exchanges is to have a correct understanding of the nature of cross-strait relations and county-city exchanges, which will help the development of interaction, exchanges and cooperation between the two sides.

In addition, there are constant protests on the island, calling for work, survival and the "1992 Consensus". Ma Xiaoguang, a spokesperson for the Affairs Office of the State Council, said that in a word, these ordinary people in Taiwan Province, people from all walks of life, took to the streets to express their feelings and dissatisfaction, and they were actually voting on the cross-strait policies of the Taiwan Province authorities with their feet.

The following is the full text of the conference (from Hong Kong China Rating Society)

Ma Xiaoguang: Hello, everyone, the press conference will begin now. Now please ask questions.

Xinhua News Agency: Since May 20th this year, Taiwan Province has refused to accept the "1992 Consensus" on the one hand, and repeatedly said that cross-strait exchanges should not presuppose. What is your comment?

Ma Xiaoguang: The "1992 Consensus" and the one-China principle it embodies are objective facts that conform to the jurisprudence and reality of cross-strait relations, and are not artificial preconditions. This consensus was reached by both sides of the strait through communication and consultation, seeking common ground while reserving differences, and was not unilaterally imposed on Taiwan Province by us. When dealing with each other, we must first make clear the nature of their relationship. The key to the so-called no preconditions is not to admit that both sides of the strait belong to the same China, that is, not to give up the position of "two States" and "one country on each side". The Democratic Progressive Party authorities unilaterally undermine the common political foundation of the two sides of the strait, in fact, they impose their denial of consensus on the mainland, which is the prerequisite for cross-strait exchanges and interactions.

Reporter from Hong Kong China Rating Society: A few days ago, a visiting delegation from Taiwan’s counties and cities visited China. The mainland will take eight measures to promote exchanges and cooperation with these eight counties and cities. How will the spokesman implement these measures in the future? In addition, does this mean that the mainland will adopt a different policy towards Taiwan Province’s blue-green camp? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: Not long ago, a delegation of mayors from some counties in Taiwan Province came to the mainland and said that they would continue to support the "1992 Consensus". We responded positively and put forward eight measures to further promote the relevant departments and cities in the mainland to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with these eight counties and cities. Our determination and sincerity to promote cross-strait exchanges and cooperation in various fields and to benefit compatriots on both sides of the strait will not change. As long as we have a correct understanding of the nature of cross-strait relations and county-city exchanges and are willing to contribute to enhancing the well-being and affection of compatriots on both sides of the strait, we all have a positive attitude.

It is understood that eight counties and cities in Taiwan Province and relevant parties in the mainland are planning to hold agricultural special products fairs and tourism promotion conferences in eight counties and cities in Taiwan Province in the mainland this year. Relevant enterprises in mainland China are also planning to visit eight counties and cities and negotiate the procurement of agricultural products.

CCTV reporter: On October 10th, Tsai Ing-Wen will also deliver a "Double Ten Speech". We noticed that some media analyzed that Tsai Ing-Wen could not hand in a qualified answer sheet on cross-strait relations in this speech. How did the spokesman respond to this? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: Since May 20th this year, the good momentum and achievements of the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations, which lasted for eight years, have been seriously impacted, and the vital interests of Taiwan Province people have been harmed. We all know the crux of this situation and the responsibility.

The practice of both positive and negative aspects of cross-strait relations proves that different road choices determine different prospects. The key to maintaining the peaceful development of cross-strait relations lies in adhering to the political foundation of the "1992 Consensus". No matter what the leaders of the Taiwan Province authorities say, this hurdle cannot be bypassed.

I have said many times that our major policy toward Taiwan is clear and consistent. We will continue to adhere to the political foundation of the "1992 Consensus", resolutely oppose the "Taiwan independence" and firmly safeguard the one-China principle. We will further expand exchanges between compatriots on both sides of the strait, promote exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and build a cross-strait community of destiny. We believe that no force can stop the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Reporter from Xiamen Satellite TV, Fujian: Recently, Taiwan Province and the southeast coastal areas of the mainland have been frequently ravaged by typhoons. May I ask the spokesman whether the two sides can strengthen relevant cooperation in disaster reduction and prevention to cope with the bad weather of typhoons and other disasters? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: Recently, several destructive typhoons have successively affected some areas on both sides of the strait, causing heavy losses to people’s lives and property on both sides of the strait. We have been paying close attention to this, and I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere condolences to the affected compatriots. It is understood that during the typhoon "Nibert" and "Moranti" affected Taiwan Province and mainland China this year, meteorological professionals on both sides of the strait communicated and exchanged in real time through the instant messaging software system. We actively support everything that is conducive to compatriots on both sides of the strait to jointly do a good job in meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation and to enhance the well-being of people’s livelihood on both sides of the strait.

Taiwan Province TVBS TV reporter: Three "legislators" in Democratic Progressive Party have been unable to get Hong Kong visas one after another. Some of them went to the Hong Kong Forum, and some went to Hong Kong to take refuge after a typhoon entered the country, but they failed to get Hong Kong visas. The "Green Committee" thinks that everything is green. How does the spokesman comment on this?

Ma Xiaoguang: This is an internal affair of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. We respect the Hong Kong SAR Government’s handling of the entry and exit of overseas personnel in accordance with the Basic Law. Thank you.

Fujian straits herald reporter: what is the overall situation of Taiwan-funded enterprises investing and operating in the mainland at present? What are the opportunities for the transformation and upgrading of Taiwan-funded enterprises under the new situation of the implementation of the 13 th Five-Year Plan in the mainland? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: At present, the production and operation of Taiwan-funded enterprises in the mainland are generally stable. With the continuous release of reform dividends and market space in the mainland, the development of Taiwanese businessmen in the mainland has generally shown a trend of structural transformation, technological upgrading and capital increase and share expansion. Taiwanese investment in the mainland continues to grow.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Commerce, in the first eight months of this year, there were 2,392 new Taiwan-funded projects in the mainland (excluding the third transfer), up 23.93% year-on-year; The actual use of Taiwan capital was US$ 1.491 billion, up 33.09% year-on-year.

At present, the mainland is implementing the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", deepening the construction of the "Belt and Road", promoting the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the large-scale development of the western region, and revitalizing the old industrial bases in Northeast China. It is hoped that the transformation and upgrading of Taiwanese enterprises will be in line with these strategies and achieve greater development.

Taiwan Province Zhongtian TV reporter asked: Chen Deming, president of ARATS, said in an exclusive interview with Lianhe Zaobao that there was no difference in treatment between blue and green ruling counties and cities, but this time it was true that the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council released more benefits to the eight counties and cities of Lanying. Does Taiwan Province think there is a gap between these? Is there a difference in treatment without customs clearance code? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: You may have noticed that President Yu Zhengsheng made it clear in his talks with mayors of eight counties that our determination and sincerity to promote cross-strait exchanges and cooperation in various fields and to benefit compatriots on both sides of the strait will not change. As long as we have a correct understanding of cross-strait relations and the nature of cross-strait county-city exchanges, of course, we all have a positive attitude.

International TV reporter: Taiwan Province claims that it seeks to participate in the international civil aviation conference because of its responsibility for the safety of international air navigation. What is the spokesman’s comment on this? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: On the question that Taiwan Province was not invited to participate in the 39th ICAO Assembly, I think Taiwan Province should deeply reflect on why it was able to participate three years ago, but not this year, instead of making accusations against the mainland and misleading public opinion, and even using the so-called flight safety in Taiwan Province as an excuse to mislead the people of Taiwan Province. Here, I solemnly express that the mainland has always attached importance to the needs of Taiwan Province compatriots in the field of civil aviation, and will continue to provide relevant information to Taiwan Province. It can be said that Taiwan Province’s access to ICAO standards, recommended measures and related information is smooth, and the information is complete and comprehensive. Taiwan Province enjoys convenient navigation with many cities in the world. Facts have proved that Taiwan Province’s aviation safety has nothing to do with whether Taiwan Province participates in the International Civil Aviation Congress or not.

China Taiwan Province Network reporter: Ma Ying-jeou, the former leader of Taiwan Province, said in a lecture at Soochow University a few days ago that the Diaoyu Islands and the South China Sea Islands belong to China’s inherent territory, and the Japanese side’s claim is stealing. When talking about cross-strait relations, Ma Ying-jeou said that no matter how cross-strait relations are handled, they should not fight. He said that peace is the highest value and can really bring prosperity. How does the spokesman comment on this statement? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: Because Mr. Ma is no longer in public office, according to reason, we don’t comment on the speeches of individual Taiwan Province people. However, he mentioned two points in his speech, which we should understand: First, on the sovereignty of Diaoyu Island and South China Sea, we hope compatriots on both sides of the strait will jointly safeguard the inheritance left by our ancestors. Second, we hope for peace in the Taiwan Strait and the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. To this end, we have found such a path since 2008, and its foundation is to adhere to the "1992 Consensus". If we continue along this road, the new Taiwan Province administration must give a clear answer to the common political foundation of the two sides.

Fujian Strait Satellite TV reporter: Democratic Progressive Party is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Party. How do you evaluate the history of this party in the past 30 years from the perspective of the mainland, and what expectations do you have for its future? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: It seems that this activity has been postponed. As we all know, Democratic Progressive Party has long adhered to the "Taiwan independence" party platform and the "Taiwan independence" separatist proposition of "one country on each side", undermining the political foundation for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, inciting cross-strait confrontation and obstructing cross-strait exchanges, which has seriously impacted and affected the good momentum and achievements of the peaceful development of cross-strait relations since 2008 and harmed the vital interests of Taiwan Province compatriots. It can be said that if Democratic Progressive Party does not give up the "Taiwan independence", it will be difficult to find a way out in cross-strait relations. Whether it is a radical "Taiwan independence" or a so-called gradual and flexible "Taiwan independence", it is doomed to failure.

Taiwan Province Wangbao asked: I would like to ask about the visit to 8 counties and cities in Pan-Blue again. We know that Taiwan Province will also face a county mayor election in 2018. If the blue-green counties and cities are reshuffled, will there be some adjustments to these eight policies? The second question is that some media reported that the "Beijing-Taiwan Science and Technology Forum" will be held in Beijing in the middle and late October. What is the current preparation? If representatives of Taiwan Province are invited, will economic and trade officials still be invited to lock in these pan-blue county mayors? The third question, in the National Palace Museum in Taipei, it was recently decided to remove the 12 copies of animal heads given by Jackie Chan. What is the comment of the Taiwan Affairs Office?

Ma Xiaoguang: First, the key to cross-strait county-city exchanges is to have a correct understanding of the nature of cross-strait relations and county-city exchanges. I think this will help the two sides to interact, exchange and cooperate. As for the "Beijing-Taiwan Science and Technology Forum", as far as I know, it is a regular event held every year, which is specifically organized by Beijing. At present, the preparatory work is under way, and I don’t know the relevant details. I will let you know if there is further information.

Regarding the third question, you have noticed that Mr Jackie Chan has made a public response, saying that their donation conveys an attitude of "respecting civilization and protecting culture". Whether the National Palace Museum in Taipei respects this attitude or has other purposes, I think everyone has their own public comment.

Global Network reporter: Now we have noticed that Taiwan Province’s "United Taiwan Party" recently said that Tsai Ing-Wen authorities should take countermeasures against failing to get an invitation letter from the International Civil Aviation Conference, and they even suggested that the Taiwan authorities should invite people like the Dalai Lama or Rebiya to visit Taiwan, without excluding the invitation from the "United Taiwan Party". What is the spokesman’s comment on this? In addition, we have also noticed that some members of the US Congress sent a letter to congratulate the so-called 105th "Taiwan Province National Day". The statement even claimed that Taiwan Province should participate in ICAO because of its flying safety needs. How do you comment on this?

Ma Xiaoguang: The first question is about the possible impact and harm to cross-strait relations caused by inviting people like Dalai and Rebiya to Taiwan Province. Everyone knows the specific political stance and nature of the "United Taiwan Party". It is not surprising that they make such wild remarks. The key is that the Taiwan Province rulers should not misjudge the situation and be led by the "ultra-independence" forces.

Second, the U.S. government adheres to the one-China policy, and has made many commitments on bilateral occasions and major international occasions. As for the individual remarks of individual politicians in the United States, they do not represent the attitude of the U.S. government.

Fujian Southeast Satellite TV reporter: The landing of mayors of eight counties in Taiwan Province has achieved fruitful results. Some people in green camp alleged that the mayors of these counties were "blue slaves" selling Taiwan. What is the spokesman’s comment? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: The eight visiting county mayors have refuted and clarified. I think, the clear is self-clear, and the turbid is self-turbid. Those acts of throwing dirty water at others certainly reflect the political nature of these politicians, but they still can’t solve the vital interests of Taiwan Province people.

Hong Kong Phoenix TV reporter: I would like to ask Taiwan Province to attend the International Civil Aviation Conference. Some commentators said that if Taiwan Province insists on not recognizing the "1992 Consensus", it will affect Taiwan Province’s space to participate in international affairs. How do you comment on this? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: Undoubtedly, the "1992 Consensus" is not only an important political basis for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, but also an important basis for the two sides to build mutual trust and carry out benign interaction. Without this foundation, the mutual trust between the two sides and the achievements in all aspects of the peaceful development of cross-strait relations will inevitably be affected.

Xinhua News Agency: Lee Teng-hui, the former leader of the Taiwan Province authorities, recently clamored for the so-called "constitutional reform" and clamored for the normalization of Taiwan Province. What is the spokesman’s comment on this?

Ma Xiaoguang: Now there is a fashionable political term in Taiwan Province called "People who pretend to sleep can’t wake up". I think Lee Teng-hui is the one who can’t wake up from the dream of "Taiwan independence". However, the development trend of the world and the development trend of the two sides of the strait are doomed to be a dream. If I have to respond, I’ll quote a poem by Du Fu, a poet in the Tang Dynasty: "Ercao’s body is destroyed in name, and he won’t waste the rivers and rivers." Of course, it is important that compatriots on both sides of the strait may not forget that during Chen Shui-bian’s administration, he frantically tried to change Taiwan Province’s status as a part of China by means of "constitutional reform" and "referendum" and suffered a shameful failure. If someone still wants to inherit the mantle of Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian, I don’t think the end will be good, and everyone can foresee it.

Fujian Strait Satellite TV reporter: Recently, Xie Xuehong, the founder of the Taiwan Communist Party and the founder of the Taiwan Alliance, was packaged by some "Taiwan independence" organizations on the island as a pioneer of "Taiwan independence" and also set up a monument. How did the spokesman comment on this? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: As you may know, Ms. Xie Xuehong is also a members of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Her spirit of fighting against Japanese colonial rule and realizing the reunification of the motherland is indelible and cannot be distorted. The "Taiwan independence" forces tried to make political articles and mislead the people of Taiwan Province, only to expose their distorted mentality and clumsy tactics.

Guangdong Shenzhen Satellite TV reporter: I have three questions. First, can Taiwan Province attend the APEC meeting in Peru in November this year? Is it possible to participate only if the Taiwan Province authorities respond positively to the "1992 Consensus"? Second, the Taiwan Province authorities have improperly frozen the Kuomintang’s party property by the Party Property Processing Committee, and the Kuomintang’s fund mobilization is facing a break. What is the spokesman’s comment on the current predicament faced by the Kuomintang? Third, regarding the KMT-CPC Forum, do you have any information that the spokesman can introduce? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: I talked about these three issues at the last press conference. First, people from Taiwan Province should attend APEC-related activities in accordance with the relevant provisions of the APEC Memorandum of Understanding. Second, we have noticed that there are many comments on the island, and we will continue to pay attention to the development of the situation. Third, regarding the operation of the platform between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the two sides are in contact and communication, and we will release the exact news in time.

CCTV reporters on both sides of the Taiwan Straits: We have seen that protests have been going on on Taiwan Province Island since September, and many people in Taiwan Province have also taken to the streets to express their dissatisfaction with the ruling authorities. For example, the tourism industry has directly shouted out that they want the "1992 Consensus", that they want to work and survive. Can this be understood as public pressure on the Taiwan Province authorities? What does the spokesman think of the current situation on the island? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: I think, in a word, these ordinary people in Taiwan Province, people from all walks of life who care about their livelihood, have taken to the streets to express their feelings and dissatisfaction. They are actually voting on the cross-strait policies of the Taiwan Province authorities with their feet.

This is the end of the press conference. Thank you for coming.

(Observer Network Comprehensive China Taiwan Province Network, China Review Society Report)

"Don’t Call Me" Gambling God "Beijing Conference was a special occasion. Chow Yun Fat and Anita Yuen gathered in" Parent-child Run "

On June 18th, Father’s Day, a special activity in a park in Beijing-the movie "Don’t call me a gambler" and "Father’s Day Parent-child Run in 2023" kicked off. Starring Chow Yun Fat and Anita Yuen, director Anthony Pun, screenwriter Zhuang Wenqiang, producer Huang Bin, art director Man Lim Chung, producers Yu Dong, Chen Huilian and other creative artists attended the event together, extending the plot of father and son’s blood running in the film to the outside of the play. Humor at the scene shows that he plays a gambler in this film, but "he fell in love with running and stopped gambling", and together with 100 groups of parent-child runners composed of father and children, he completed a 5-kilometer running activity and celebrated Father’s Day.

Don’t call me "gambler"

No score yet

The plot was released in Hongkong, China on June 21st, 2023.

The movie "Don’t call me a gambler" will be released nationwide on June 21st during the Dragon Boat Festival, and the pre-sale has been fully opened. I look forward to Fage’s "running" on the big screen and making great strides all the way.

In the movie "Don’t call me" God of Gambling ",Chow Yun Fat plays Wu Guanghui, who is addicted to gambling for half his life. When he falls into the trough of his life, he is inspired by his sudden son, and his father and son run together to awaken each other’s love, which also rekindles Wu Guanghui’s love for life. The "2023 Father’s Day Parent-child Run" activity initiated by this film is to extend the plot in the film to the outside of the play, and invite 100 groups of father and son to run for love together.

On the same day, Chow Yun Fat, who was on the runway with many runners, was in high spirits, but he couldn’t hide his healthy figure created by running. Fage said that he insisted on running for many years, which not only made his body better, but also made many friends, and admitted that "today’s activities are as caring, warm-hearted and heartfelt as the film." And Jing Jing Anita Yuen added humorously that he had "practiced for a week" for today’s activity and called on all runners to "run well with Brother Fa!"

Among the runners, some fathers took their children to participate in activities, and some young friends came with their parents, which was very suitable for Father’s Day. In addition, Jin Qiaoqiao, Huo Siyan and Uh-huh also attended the activity and joined the running group. Before the game, Fage warmed up with the runners and took a group photo at the starting line, which pushed the atmosphere of the event to a climax.

After the event, Chen Qingyi, vice president and general manager of Bona Film Group, Liang Feng, co-founder and CEO of Yuepao Circle, Hou Qi, Party branch secretary and executive director of Beijing Lvxin Garden Co., Ltd., and Na Heli, general manager of Beijing Lvxin Garden Co., Ltd. fired the starting gun together, and Fage rushed out of the starting point with the film creator and the parent-child runner, and successfully reached the finish line after a 5-kilometer run. Fage, who finished the race, said with emotion that he saw so many excellent runners today, "I will continue to exercise myself."

At the end of the activity, Fage and Anita Yuen presented medals to the 10 runners who took the lead in crossing the finish line, and selected a number of lucky spectators to give movie tickets, which ended the happy and energetic parent-child running activity.

Holding this parent-child running activity on Father’s Day complements the theme of the movie "Don’t call me a gambler". In the movie, the booster for Wu Guanghui and his son to move towards a new life is running, which makes them rekindle their hopes for life together. At the scene, Fage said that his role in the film was once a bad man, but in the end he understood the responsibility of the family and "brought warmth to his family".

Anita Yuen, who plays Wu Guanghui’s lover in the movie, bluntly said that although the movie is about father and son, he sent his son back to Wu Guanghui. "No matter what happens, the family should be together.". Yu Dong, chairman of Bona Film, also said: The film is related to running and also to his father. "I believe the audience will be moved by the film."

The gross profit margin of this airline is higher than that of Maotai?

Text | BT Financial Data Pass, Author | Three Crazy

Cathay Pacific has been controversial because of its attitude towards non-English-speaking passengers, but this does not affect its ultra-high profit margin.

In May 2023, Cathay Pacific was pushed to the forefront because of the blanket incident. Some passengers accused the flight attendants of showing obvious discrimination when providing blankets to non-English passengers. This incident quickly sparked heated discussion on social media.

In fact, this is not the first time that Cathay Pacific has attracted public attention because of discrimination. In the past few years, similar incidents have been common, and every time they have caused widespread discussion and criticism in society. However, Cathay Pacific does not seem to have learned from these incidents, and its service attitude has not been fundamentally solved.

Looking back at the long river of history, the development history of Cathay Pacific is accompanied by glory and shadow.

Since its birth in 1946, Cathay Pacific has carried the dream of Hong Kong’s take-off. At that time, Hong Kong was in the midst of a booming economy, and the founders of Cathay Pacific, Dragonair and Singapore Airlines were ambitious and determined to write their own legends in this hot land. They bravely embarked on the journey with a small plane and several short-haul routes.

However, the road to entrepreneurship is not smooth sailing. Cathay Pacific opened international routes and bought new aircraft during the expansion period, but its management means and technical level are still immature. Facing the competition of international aviation giants, Cathay Pacific strives for a breakthrough, but it also has to face various internal contradictions and challenges.

Entering the period of internationalization, Cathay Pacific ushered in a golden period of development. The opening of international routes such as new york, London and Sydney, as well as the cooperation with many international airlines, have made Cathay Pacific gradually emerge. However, just when Cathay Pacific seemed to have unlimited scenery, the shadow came quietly. The decline in service quality and frequent management loopholes have dealt an unprecedented blow to Cathay Pacific’s reputation.

During the merger period, Cathay Pacific tried to make up for its own shortcomings through acquisition and cooperation. The acquisition of Dragonair has undoubtedly injected new vitality into Cathay Pacific, but it has also brought many integration problems. At the same time, the cooperation and alliance with other airlines are not smooth sailing, and problems such as interest disputes and cultural differences have put Cathay Pacific into a situation of internal and external troubles.

In the period of modernization and transformation, Cathay Pacific tried to revive itself through digital transformation and the introduction of new aircraft models and technical means. However, in the face of intensified market competition and changes in customer demand, Cathay Pacific’s road to transformation seems to be difficult. Although innovative measures such as SkyTeam membership plan have been launched, it still needs to be improved in terms of service quality and operational efficiency.

In addition to service disputes, Cathay Pacific’s financial situation is also worrying. The performance of losing money for three consecutive years makes investors feel pessimistic about the company’s prospects. The latest financial report shows that despite the company’s efforts in some aspects, revenue and net profit have been greatly improved, but the overall financial situation has not improved significantly.

After the recent relatively bright financial report was released, Cathay Pacific’s share price fell instead of rising. According to statistics, the stock price fell by 3.27% in the trading day after the financial report was released, which reflected the market’s concern about the company’s future performance. As of the close of March 14th, Cathay Pacific’s share price was HK$ 8.870 per share, which was 40% lower than the high of HK$ 14.672.

Cathay Pacific released its financial report for 2023 on March 13th, and its performance showed a positive trend of turning losses into profits. On the whole, after experiencing the losses in 2022, the company achieved a significant recovery in performance through efforts.

From the overall performance overview, in 2023, Cathay Pacific’s performance income reached 94.485 billion Hong Kong dollars, compared with the loss of 6.623 billion Hong Kong dollars in the same period in 2022, achieving a significant increase in net profit of 9.789 billion Hong Kong dollars. This achievement is mainly due to the strong recovery of passenger transport business.

What is optimistic is that Cathay Pacific’s passenger transport business has grown substantially. In terms of passenger transport, Cathay Pacific’s passenger transport revenue is HK$ 55.951 billion, an astonishing increase of 308.8% compared with 2022. In 2023, the company transported 18 million passengers, with an average daily passenger capacity of 49,300 passengers, an increase of 541.4% compared with 2022. This growth reflects the strong recovery of the aviation market and Cathay Pacific’s efforts in passenger service.

The recovery in North Asia has been remarkable. From the perspective of Cathay Pacific’s global passenger transport business, the data of all regions have shown an increasing trend. It is particularly noteworthy that the recovery of North Asia, which is dominated by the mainland of China, is more remarkable. The financial report shows that in North Asia, the company’s carrying capacity increased by 534.7% year-on-year, and the passenger carrying rate also increased by 23.6 percentage points, reaching 78.4%. This growth rate ranks first in all regions, showing the importance of the North Asian market to Cathay Pacific and the company’s strong competitiveness in the region.

In addition to North Asia, Cathay Pacific’s performance in other regions can not be ignored. In South Asia, Middle East and Africa, the company’s carrying capacity increased by 467.7% year-on-year, and the passenger carrying rate also increased by 15.9 percentage points. In Southeast Asia, the carrying capacity increased by 456.6% year-on-year, and the passenger carrying rate increased by 17.7 percentage points. These data show the company’s business recovery and growth momentum on a global scale.

As we all know, the gross profit margin of Maotai is the ceiling of many industries.The gross profit margin can be higher than that of Maotai, and Cathay Pacific is one of the few.

Cathay Pacific’s gross profit margin in 2023 was as high as 91.85%, which even exceeded the gross profit margin of 91.71% of Kweichow Moutai in the same period. In general, gross profit margin is regarded as an important indicator of enterprise profitability and operating efficiency. Cathay Pacific’s gross profit margin is higher than Maotai’s, which explains its high profit margin in aviation business to some extent.

However, when we further observe Cathay Pacific’s net interest rate, we find that its net interest rate is only 10.36%, far lower than that of Kweichow Moutai’s 53.09%. This phenomenon of high gross profit margin and low net interest rate actually reveals a series of challenges Cathay Pacific faces in its operation.

First of all, labor cost is one of the important expenses in airline operation.With the recovery of global economy and the recovery of aviation market, in order to attract and retain talents, airlines often need to improve the salary and welfare level of employees. This has increased the labor cost of Cathay Pacific to a certain extent, thus compressing its net interest rate space.

Secondly, in addition to labor costs, airlines also need to face various cost pressures such as fuel price fluctuations, aircraft maintenance costs, and route operating costs.The changes of these cost factors will directly affect the profitability of airlines. For example, the increase in fuel prices will increase the operating costs of airlines, thus reducing their net interest rates.

In addition, market competition is also one of the important factors that affect the net interest rate of airlines.In the highly competitive aviation market, airlines often need to adopt price competition strategy in order to compete for market share and customer resources. Although this strategy can increase sales and market share, it will also reduce the profit rate of airlines to some extent.

Although Cathay Pacific has a high gross profit margin, its net interest rate performance is not ideal due to the increase of labor costs and market competition. In order to improve profitability, Cathay Pacific needs to make more efforts in cost control, market expansion and service quality improvement. Because Cathay Pacific’s high gross profit margin did not bring high net interest rate.

In the aviation industry, the performance of companies is often affected by multiple factors such as macroeconomics, fuel price, market competition and service quality. Cathay Pacific, as one of them, does not have obvious advantages over the same industry in some aspects.

First look at the revenue data. Although the revenue disclosed by Cathay Pacific in the latest financial report is still huge, compared with the industry leaders, its growth rate is somewhat weak. Take Singapore Airlines and Emirates as examples. Both airlines have achieved steady revenue growth in the past few years, while Cathay Pacific’s revenue growth is relatively slow.

There are many reasons for this situation. On the one hand, the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, especially in Asia, where emerging airlines are constantly emerging, posing a severe challenge to traditional airlines. On the other hand, Cathay Pacific may be too conservative in route layout and market expansion, failing to fully grasp the growth opportunities of emerging markets.

Let’s look at the net profit data. Cathay Pacific’s net profit performance is also not optimistic. Compared with its counterparts such as Singapore Airlines and Emirates Airlines, Cathay Pacific’s net profit level is low and fluctuates greatly. This instability not only affects the profitability of the company, but also increases the risk of investors.

The reasons of net profit fluctuation mainly include fuel price fluctuation, exchange rate change, market demand change and other factors. However, Cathay Pacific seems to be unable to cope with these risks. Especially in terms of fuel prices, Cathay Pacific failed to effectively hedge the pressure brought by rising fuel costs, resulting in a greater impact on net profit.

In terms of gross profit margin and net interest rate, Cathay Pacific’s performance is also unsatisfactory. Although its gross profit rate is relatively high, its net profit rate is far below the average level of the same industry. This means that the company is facing great cost pressure in the operation process, and the profit space is severely squeezed. This is mainly due to the pressure of labor cost, fuel cost and market competition faced by the company in the operation process, which leads to the compression of profit space.

Because Cathay Pacific has been criticized for its service quality, there are as many as 721 complaints about Cathay Pacific on the complaint platform Black Cat. In order to improve the service level, the company has increased its investment in employee training, which has increased its labor cost to some extent. It is reported that the labor cost of Cathay Pacific in 2023 increased by 3 billion yuan compared with previous years.

Although Cathay Pacific has made efforts in service training, its service problems are still frequent, which may be related to the company’s management system, staff quality and corporate culture. In contrast, Singapore Airlines and Emirates Airlines have shown good stability in terms of gross profit margin and net interest rate.

There are two main reasons for this situation. First of all, fixed expenses such as labor costs account for a relatively high proportion, which makes it difficult for Cathay Pacific to reduce costs during its operation. Especially in terms of employee compensation and welfare, Cathay Pacific needs to invest a lot of money to maintain the stability of the workforce and the quality of service. Secondly, the fierce market competition makes airlines have to adopt price competition strategy to attract customers, which further reduces Cathay Pacific’s profit margin.

In fact, how to find a balance between improving service quality and controlling costs is a big problem for Cathay Pacific. On the one hand, improving service quality can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, thus bringing more market share and benefits to the company. On the other hand, excessive investment may lead to rising costs, declining profit margins and even losses. Therefore, Cathay Pacific needs to pay more attention to cost control and operational efficiency improvement on the premise of ensuring service quality.

The change in the rating of Cathay Pacific also reflects its performance to some extent. In recent years, due to the problems in service quality, cost control and market competition, some institutions have downgraded Cathay Pacific. These rating changes not only affected the company’s share price performance, but also dealt a blow to its market reputation and investor confidence.

In the latest trading day, Cathay Pacific’s share price fell by more than 4%, and CLSA downgraded its rating and earnings forecast. In the research report released by CITIC Lyon, Cathay Pacific’s investment rating was adjusted from "buy" to "outperform the market" and the target price was kept at HK$ 10.6.

The report predicts that the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the company will increase by 29% to HK$ 5.1 billion in the second half of 2023, which is 22% higher than previously expected. At the same time, it is expected that the company will resume paying ordinary dividends in advance.

However, CLSA believes that the risk return of the current share price is not attractive in view of the changes in air ticket prices and rising staff costs. Therefore, the agency lowered its profit forecast for 2024-25 by 4-5%, mainly because it has not seen obvious signs of improvement in freight business.

ICBC International, the investment banking department of the largest bank in the Mainland, downgraded Cathay Pacific to "strong sell" and adjusted its target price to HK$ 6. This shows that ICBC International is pessimistic about Cathay Pacific’s future development prospects.

To sum up, Cathay Pacific’s performance in 2023 does not have obvious advantages in the aviation industry. In order to enhance its competitiveness, Cathay Pacific needs to make more efforts in service quality, cost control, operational efficiency and market risk management.

The Chengdu Auto Show ended, making its debut at SAIC Audi to show its top popularity.

The 24th Chengdu Auto Show ended on September 7th. In 2021, when the development and recovery of the global automobile industry is still affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, China, as one of the most important automobile production and sales countries in the world, cannot be immune to it.

Nowadays, the normalization of epidemic prevention and control has become the most basic policy. The audience wears masks, the car dealers wear masks, and even the car models on the platform wear masks. The A-class auto show held under such conditions, Chengdu International Auto Show has become one of the most important voice platforms in the automobile industry in China and even in the world, and it is truly a battleground for world-renowned auto companies to release their "star models".

All kinds of luxury and mid-to-high-end car brands have brought their own brand-new products at Chengdu Auto Show. As a brand-new luxury brand born only this year, SAIC Audi has set up its own booth for the first time since its establishment. This time, SAIC Audi brought its two innovative models to the 2021 Chengdu International Auto Show. As a high-profile flagship model of SAIC Audi luxury, the new Audi A7L advanced version completed its first official appearance in Southwest China.

During the auto show, the popularity of SAIC Audi booth in Hall 3 has been very high, and consumers coming and going to see the car are in an endless stream. On the booth, two car color versions of the new Audi A7L are displayed, namely limited color Qingshan Dai and Xinghe Blue. The new A7L inherits the design essence of the Audi Prologue concept car in appearance. The coupe-style body lines, obsidian black sports kit and 21-inch RS racing wheels show the sporty feeling of this car. The A7L’s power combination is also verifying this point. The A7L’s first version is equipped with a 3.0TFSI V6 engine, which matches the 48V light mixing system and accelerates for 5.6 seconds per 100 kilometers. Intelligent quattro four-wheel drive technology, the only active air suspension in its class and DAWS dynamic all-wheel steering system combination. It is no exaggeration to call A7L the benchmark of the same level in this series of power operation configurations.

While A7L shows its athletic talent, it also shows the elegance of an administrative model everywhere. The frameless electric suction door with A8 grade and the configuration of multi-layer aviation glass minimize the noise interference in the car. As an extended model, A7L has a body length of more than 5 meters, a wheelbase of more than 3 meters and the widest body in its class. All these hard indicators have built a leapfrog administrative space experience for A7L. The seats in the car are tailor-made seats for China consumers, with thickened advanced foam materials, lengthened cushions and widened back. All this is for A7L to create an administrative experience far beyond its peers.

In addition to the car as the protagonist, this exhibition is the first independent exhibition of SAIC Audi. For example, there is a fan interaction space on the second floor, which will display many Audi products, including the clothes used by men, the bags that women like, and the car models and pens that children like. This area has also become the favorite of children during the auto show.

Audi Box[ Enterprising Red Man Station] is the punching place for online celebrity and fashionable men and women. The whole Audi Box presents a cool cube, which combines cool tuners and retro microphones with the trend of the times to integrate retro elements with the trend icon, conveying Audi’s extraordinary design concept and enterprising attitude towards life.

Such a diversified booth suitable for men, women and children is the answer sheet handed over by SAIC Audi at Chengdu Auto Show. The high popularity at the scene proves the success of this auto show and consumers’ expectations for the brand SAIC Audi.

"Nezha" was released overseas, and netizens struggled for translation.

  The movie "Nezha", which has made great strides at the box office, has been released in North America and Australia recently, which has triggered new topics. Netizens are quite worried about how to translate these funny traditional cultural stalks, such as "hurry as a law" and "my life is up to me", in order to convey the original flavor of traditional culture and let foreigners understand it. And launched the "Nezha Speeches Translation Contest" on the Internet. When interviewed by Yangzi Evening News, many translation experts affirmed the talents of netizens. However, the translation of "as urgent as a law" into "fast fast biu biu" is accused of being unreliable — — "It’s interesting to do this, but foreign audiences can’t understand it.

  "Urgent as a law"?

  This question has been searched in Weibo.

  Netizens set off the "Nezha Speaks Translation Contest", which became a hot topic on the Internet. The most discussed is the phrase "as urgent as a law" by the greasy uncle Taiyi in the film. It is said that "the sun and the moon are born together, a thousand spirits are heavy, and the heavens and the earth are boundless, and it is as urgent as a law." This is a spell in Taoist culture in China. How to translate it so that foreigners can understand the meaning? Netizens lamented that there is no hot search in this world. The problem that one person couldn’t figure out originally became a hot search when there were more people who couldn’t think of it.

  Among them, "fast fast biu biu" is regarded as a serious nonsense: "fast fast" follows the word "hurry" in the original text and translates the "letter" in the three principles of "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance"; The "biu biu" in the back is even more brilliant, which is the powerful point of using onomatopoeia to express spells and achieve the "da" in "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance".

  The answer given by netizens with wide brains is chicken chicken like green zero, which literally translates as "chicken is like green zero". Some people also popularize science, which means that the speed of transmitting orders is as fast as that of laws, and it is best translated as speed is like lvling. Although the meaning of "fast" has been conveyed, it seems that there is a little lack of spell feeling.

  Stunned by Nezha’s classic lines

  Netizens laugh at themselves for "exhausting their English skills all their lives"

  Another example is "My life depends on me", which is translated by some netizens as I am the master of my fate. Some people think that it is not domineering enough. Such a bloody scene, we must stress the sentence and walk! That is me to be the master of me! Again, such as "although a little baby fat, but also can not hide my compelling handsome", "dragon survival, just between your thoughts" have also triggered discussions.

  The funny thing is, "Then you go to … … Don’t come back when you go. "How do you translate Shen Gongbao’s tongue-tied lines that cause all kinds of misunderstandings? “If you go… … Gone, never come back "is well received because it also distinguishes the verb tense before and after stuttering."

  As for Nezha, the first little poet in Chentangguan, doggerel comes with his mouth open, and his sad and lazy voice and expression are too powder-sucking. "I am a little monster, free and easy, killing people without blinking, eating people without salt." "Life is full of tears, and the more you struggle, the more unlucky you are. If you are tired of dying, it is better to sleep in bed. " This rhyming and humorous limerick in Chinese is translated into English, which also inspires netizens to use their life-long English skills.

  The translation teacher suggested

  JI-ji-ru-lv-ling can be transliterated directly.

  In this regard, the translation teacher Zhang Wenqin told the Yangzi Evening News reporter that "fast fast biu biu" is a bit like Chinglish, showing the sense of humor of domestic netizens, but foreigners certainly can’t understand it. In fact, you can also directly use Pinyin to translate spells and promote China culture. Even if foreign audiences can’t understand it so quickly when watching movies, they can understand it by consulting materials.

  In addition, the method that people in the industry agree with is "transliteration without translation, and foreigners will recite spells in the future." Like Pumbaa and Timon in the movie "The Lion King", the phrase "Hakula matata" that they often say is quite pleasing to the ears of China audiences, isn’t it? Such transliteration is acceptable to young people.

  David from Russia is a graduate student of Tsinghua University Institute of Humanities, and the champion of the "Chinese Bridge" global Chinese conference for foreigners. He came up with a variety of translation methods, such as literal translation: let my order be carried out immediately. Or directly translated into JI-ji-ru-lv-ling in Pinyin. You can also find similar words in English allusions, such as abrakadabra, which was originally an Arabic spell from Arabian Nights. Later, many languages transliterated the word directly. All spells are rhythmic, rhythmic and often written. For example, the word "Nezha" can also be translated in Pinyin or into Latin.

  Translation should also stick to the style of cooperation.

  The movie lines "faithfulness" and "expressiveness" are the most important.

  Fu Yu, who graduated from the English Department of NTU with a master’s degree and is currently engaged in editing work in a publishing house, thinks that netizens are very talented, which is really a variety of whimsy. "The movie lines are mainly to express clear meaning, mainly to be faithful and expressive, like ‘ Urgent as a law ’ In this way, I think translation is still needed to convey ‘ Quick ’ I think it’s quite good. "

  Fu Yu said that biu biu can also be used in movie subtitles. It is cute and funny, and the memory is deep, which is also in line with this movie. In fact, translation should also stick to the cooperative style. Generally, if the translation in the book is more elegant, rhymes and literary allusions can be used, and it is good to explain it in the form of notes. Of course, biu biu is quite out of the context of foreigners, and it must be confusing to look at it alone, but it should be understandable if it is combined with movies and sounds.

  Fu Yu said that Ang Lee’s translation of the title of eat drink man woman and the English name crouching tiger and hidden dragon are relatively direct. At first glance, they don’t seem to convey the meaning of Chinese, but with the rich content of the film, this unfamiliar phrase in the English context is endowed with a unique color of China culture.

  According to various translation theories in his study, David gave advice, "whether it’s literary works or film and television works, the overall translation style should be taken into account when translating specific words, so there is no 100% answer, so how to translate that sentence?" In his view, engaging in the translation of literary and artistic works is different from doing ordinary translation. Besides understanding the national conditions and languages of other countries, we also need to learn the theory of literary translation. (Yangzi Evening News/Yangyan reporter Zhang Nan)

Learn to dress with movies during the Spring Festival, leaving seven aunts and eight aunts speechless.

    What to wear when you go home to meet your parents and friends during the Spring Festival holiday is a big problem. Dressing up is too casual, too fashionable and too different. If you are too unconventional, your parents’ hearts will probably be unbearable.

    Today, Xiao Dian teaches you the four right and wrong demonstrations of dressing in the Spring Festival with the shapes in the movie, which ensures that you will become the focus of the holiday party, gogogo~

    Our slogan is: Watch movies and celebrate the Year of Bigger!

Correct demonstration

Leading the way — — Retro sweet campus style

    Although the film was released in 1995, among them, the clothes worn by Hollywood upper-class girls are still fashionable and eye-catching today. It can be said that the protagonist of this film is gossip girls in the 1990s. Until 2014, the costumes in this film were also used in the MV of the rapper Iggy Azalea, which is enough to show its influence.

Iggy Azalea’s MV is a copy of this costume in the film.

    If you pick out a few sets that can be used for reference: then plaid suit/short coat+plaid skirt+boots, it will definitely make it difficult for you to be outstanding. There is also a shirt+vest+short skirt, which immediately reduces the age by ten years. By the way, details such as accessories are also the key. Pay attention to the color of hairband, the heroine, and the black hat also echoes the black in the red Haig pattern. Have you learned?

Get out of here! Tumor jun — — Cute, clever and lovable

    Although "fuck off!" The film tumor jun is too sad for the atmosphere of the Spring Festival, but several sets of clothes played by Xiong Dun in Bai Baihe outside the hospital are still very suitable for girls to follow suit. These shapes are similar to the characters’ personality, cute, fashionable and grounded, which is definitely what parents should wear as good girls.

    Take a closer look at these styles to learn, medium and long coat+overskirt, if the skirt is longer than the coat, you must wear short boots to show that your legs are not short! ! ! If the skirt is too bright, it’s best to have the same color as the scarf. Choose a short cotton-padded jacket/coat, then it is more appropriate to put a long sweater inside to cover your thighs (if you are confident about your beautiful legs, it will be better to wear tight jeans), and if the coat is light in color, the color of your booties should not be too dark.

Intern — — Capable, stylish and simple

    For most office workers, it is naive to dress too cute and too gorgeous during the Spring Festival, but the smart and simple fashion style is the dress that suits most people. Today, Anne Hathaway is no longer an intern in The Devil Wears Prada. In the new film Intern, she has transformed herself into the editor-in-chief of fashion websites, and the modeling in her film is also worth talking about.

    The two sets of clothes in the film: denim shirt+plaid suit+wide-leg pants, polka-dot shirt+wide-leg pants of the same color, are easy to learn, and they are not demanding on their bodies; Jeans+loafers+college sweater is a fashion that will never go out of fashion. Also, the bag with bright colors and simple lines is definitely the finishing touch of the whole body shape.

Sex and the City — — High-end luxury shows off the wind

    In a whisper, when I went home during the Spring Festival, a few people didn’t think, "I just want to show all those seven aunts and eight aunts, and I am doing very well now." If you don’t think so, this film is of no reference value to you. As long as you have the slightest thought, then the dresses of several fashionistas in Sex and the City are the style that you should learn immediately.

Carrie’s fur coat is the most dazzling item in winter.

    Since the purpose is to show off, it is natural that the nobler and more gorgeous the better, and there can be no shortage of fur shawls, cashmere and formal dresses. If you don’t believe me, look at these four heroines, and wherever you go, it will definitely be the focus of the crowd. Also, the heel must not be less than eight centimeters. This momentum will immediately put aside the uncles and aunts who asked you "when to get married and when to have children".

Error demonstration

Warm with Light — — Hair dyeing should not be too exaggerated.

    It’s no problem to celebrate the Spring Festival and dye your hair, but if you don’t want to listen to your parents nagging you for a week, then don’t be like Clementine in this movie. Your hair is bright red today, blue tomorrow and green the day after tomorrow. It’s not impossible to dress up as a rainbow, but you should also consider your parents’ feelings. Try to keep a low profile and then keep a low profile.

Pirate radio — — Take care of your hair and beard

    To tell the truth, retro, hippie, playing with personality and so on, these dressing styles are actually personal choices, and Xiao Dian likes the British rock style in the film as much as you do. But since the Spring Festival is a reunion with family, we should take care of other people’s thoughts for the time being. Therefore, the hairstyle should be as clean and tidy as possible, and the beard and everything should be shaved. In these few days, put away your personality a little and let others judge your appearance less.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo — — Tattoos and stuff should be hidden.

    Tell Xiao Dian that this exhortation is unnecessary! You all know that, right? You don’t tell your parents to secretly tattoo or wear a nose ring. At this time, you must hide it. Don’t learn from the hacker Lisbeth in the movie and expose your tattoo casually. The consequences will be very serious.

Searching for the Dragon — — Go away, sloppy guys

    In "Seeking Dragons", Hu Bayi fascinated the girls, but! Don’t think that the modeling of Chen Kun in the movie is worth learning. Only on the grassland can the handsome and rough image set off a rough charm. Also, if you think that you can be the beauty of Brother PK Kun, you must take this sloppy grave-robbing style and go home. Parents and relatives think that you are not doing well and have tears in your eyes. Don’t blame Xiaodian for not reminding you.

Xinhua All Media+丨 World Artificial Intelligence Conference Report: Artificial Intelligence Behind "A Good Bowl of Rice"

  There are seven bottles filled with rice seeds on the booth. Xinhua News Agency reporter Joline photo

  Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, September 2 (Reporter Joline, Gong Wen) Entering the exhibition hall of CITIC Group in the 2022 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, seven bottles filled with rice seeds are particularly special among many scientific and technological exhibits such as robotic arms, robots and unmanned boats.

  Take a closer look, among them, Liangyou Huazhan, a hybrid rice seed crystal that ranks in the top three in the country for three consecutive years, and Weiliangyou 8612 with an average yield of over 1,000 kilograms per mu.

  Behind the seeds is full of science and technology, and the "planting brain" is making breeding smarter and more "intelligent" through artificial intelligence and other technologies.

  Breeding information decision-making system integrating biotechnology, data technology and artificial intelligence technology — — "planting the brain." (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

  "In the past, rice scientists were limited by the scale of the base and management costs. Breeding could only select a limited number from thousands of available combinations for experiments, and then plant them in the field for repeated verification. Now, with the help of artificial intelligence technology, it is possible to simulate combinations and tests more quickly and select the ‘ Female parent ’ And ‘ Father ’ The combination broke the bottleneck of traditional breeding. " Li Gang, deputy director of the Longping Hi-Tech Information Center under CITIC Agriculture, said, "Using artificial intelligence technology in breeding is equivalent to predicting the results in advance without farming."

  "Accurate collection and analysis of data related to agricultural production through remote sensing satellites, drones, and Internet of Things devices provide big data support for actual production decisions, replacing empirical judgment and improving agricultural production efficiency." Ma Yan, head of research and development of Huazhi Bio-Big Data Intelligent Application Center under CITIC Agriculture, said.

Beijing will be fined 100 yuan for violating the rules in the fifth ring of China I and China II vehicles on working days from the 15th.

  The South Center for the Elimination and Renewal of Old Motor Vehicles in Beijing has recently made an appointment for the elimination and renewal of vehicles by a large number of car owners.

  Starting from tomorrow, the city will implement restrictions on vehicles in countries I and II on working days within the Fifth Ring Road. Vehicles that fail to meet the standards can’t enter the Fifth Ring Road. In addition, the city has introduced an incentive policy to encourage car owners to eliminate the vehicles in countries I and II. Many car owners have joined the ranks of eliminating old motor vehicles. The reporter learned from the Emissions Trading Center of the Beijing Stock Exchange that with the advent of the new policy of restricting traffic, there are a large number of car owners who have recently made an appointment for the elimination and renewal of motor vehicles. It is recommended that car owners make an appointment for the date after March 1. According to the introduction of the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, since the implementation of the policy on December 1, 2016, the Beijing old motor vehicle elimination and renewal trading platform has actively handled the government subsidy procedures for vehicle owners, and has audited and subsidized 26,447 national I and II light gasoline vehicles. By the end of last year, there were 397,000 national I and II light gasoline vehicles in this city.


  The information is complete and can be done in five minutes.

  The South Center for the Elimination and Renewal of Old Motor Vehicles in Beijing is located in Xinfadi Automobile Trading Market in the South Fourth Ring Road, which is the largest number of car owners in the six old motor vehicle elimination outlets in this city. At 10 o’clock yesterday, when the Beijing Morning Post reporter came here, there were already many car owners waiting for the application form in the processing hall. The handling hall is small, with six handling windows, two auditing windows and one consulting window, which can facilitate the owner to complete all formalities in one stop. Hu Xiaolin, the person in charge of the southern central network, said that in the past, all service windows were in different rooms. From consultation to review of materials, car owners needed to go in and out of many offices. "So later, we integrated these windows in an office area, so that car owners only need to go through all the formalities once."

  How long does it take the owner from entering the gate of the processing hall to completing all formalities? The answer given by Hu Xiaolin is 5 minutes. According to the reporter’s observation, because many data owners have already filled in and printed from the Internet before, after entering the lobby, the owners first hand over the data to the staff for preliminary review, and after the review is completed, they can go to the final review window to go through the formalities of receiving subsidies, so the processing time is not long.


  I was lucky enough to make up my mind now.

  Yesterday, I handled the branch in the South Center. Mr. Tian Zhihui, a citizen, successfully completed all the formalities. Within 15 working days, a subsidy of 12,000 yuan will be paid to Tian Zhihui’s bank account. Speaking of his fiat, which was just scrapped in 2003, Mr. Tian said frankly that he was "really reluctant." Although that Fiat has been driving for 14 years this year, Tian Zhihui’s family didn’t drive much, so the mileage in the past 14 years was only over 100,000 kilometers. "At the end of last year, I heard that the country I and country II cars were restricted, and I was still lucky. There was nothing wrong with my car anywhere, so I wanted to see if I could not eliminate it." However, seeing that the restriction policy will be officially implemented on February 15, Tian Zhihui decided to join the team that eliminated old motor vehicles. "I take the fourth ring road from home to work, and once I start to restrict my car, I will definitely not be able to drive it. In addition, isn’t the government giving back subsidies, so it’s better to scrap it quickly. "

  With the subsidy, it will be eliminated now.

  The owner Yu Xiansheng’s national II car was originally a second-hand car. Yu Xiansheng said, "I was short of money before, so I bought a second-hand car. I originally thought that I would change the car after I had enough money for a year or two, but this is not the policy that has to be restricted now, and now there is a subsidy for eliminating the country I and country II cars, so I will scrap them in advance. "

  Ms. Ma, the owner of the car, and her husband also went to the South Center to go through the formalities yesterday. Ms. Ma said that the on-site handling procedure is not complicated. At the same time, she suggested increasing the publicity of policies related to the elimination of old motor vehicles. "For example, policy interpretation brochures can be distributed to the community, and the community can post them on the bulletin board, so that some older car owners can clearly understand the handling process without surfing the Internet."

  ■ Reminder

  Don’t forget your ID card and CCB card.

  1 Hu Xiaolin introduced that all car owners who handle the elimination of old motor vehicles need to make an appointment online for the specific time of on-site processing. If they miss the processing time, they need to make an appointment again. When the reporter interviewed at the scene, he met a car owner who missed the appointment time. After arriving at the scene, he could not go through the formalities and had to make a new appointment on his mobile phone with the help of the staff.

  Identity card and bank card are two documents that the owner must remember to bring with him in addition to the information. Hu Xiaolin said: "Especially the bank card, the owner must check it, and it must be the owner’s own CCB current savings card. We have had many cases in which the car owners brought the wrong bank card after they came, which led to the situation of going home to get the bank card or re-applying for the bank card. "

  In addition, Hu Xiaolin reminded that car owners need to bring the original and photocopy of their ID cards when they come to the outlets. Although it is convenient for car owners to copy their ID cards on the spot in the lobby, the reporter found that there are many people in the copying office, so if the car owners have copied their ID cards before coming to the lobby, it will be faster to go to the scene.

  Avoid getting together and make an appointment for next month.

  2 "Beijing Old Motor Vehicle Elimination and Updating Management Information System" is a network platform for all car owners to eliminate old motor vehicles. Hu Xiaolin introduced that the online reservation system has been fully opened. Take the South Center as an example, the daily handling volume is nearly 500 people every Tuesday to Thursday, and there are more than 1,000 car owners going through formalities every day at six on-site handling points in the city, of which 60%— 70% are national I and II vehicles. Hu Xiaolin said that at present, the online booking time for eliminating old motor vehicles in February is saturated, and it is recommended that car owners make an appointment after March 1 to stagger the peak.

  How to distinguish between country I and country II cars

  One is "counting time", which can be distinguished according to the vehicle registration date marked on your driving book. Cars bought after June 30, 2006 in this city are not national I and II cars.

  The second is "counting the stars", which means looking at the environmental protection signs issued by the annual inspection of motor vehicles. If there is no green sign of a star, a star or two stars, it is a country I and a country II car.

  The third is "looking at materials", according to the vehicle emission standards marked by materials such as the vehicle factory certificate issued by the automobile manufacturer when buying a new car.

  Fourth, "seeking help", you can log on to the "Motor Vehicle Emission Standard Inquiry" column of the website of Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau; Or directly call the "12369" Beijing environmental complaint reporting consultation telephone, and ask the staff to help you directly inquire.

  Restriction measures

  From February 15th, light gasoline vehicles with national I and II emission standards are prohibited from driving on the roads within the Fifth Ring Road (excluding Saturdays and Sundays). Offenders will be fined 100 yuan, which will be calculated once every 4 hours.

  Subsidy policy

  From December 1, 2016 to the end of 2017, light gasoline vehicles with emission standards of country I and country II can receive government subsidies in advance. Among them, the elimination before the end of June 2017 is 2000 yuan more than the elimination from July to the end of December 2017.

  Beijing Morning Post reporter Wu Tingting/Wen

  Chief Photojournalist Ning Wu/photo