In 2023, Beijing municipal social football fans watched the game: Feel the diverse charm of football.

BEIJING, Beijing, October 31 (Xinhua) In 2023, the fans’ watching activities of Beijing municipal social football activities were successfully held in Beijing Manchester United Dream Theater recently. Through a variety of football activities, fans and friends felt the fun brought by football.

The event was hosted by Beijing Social Sports Management Center and undertaken by Beijing Football Association. The fans’ watching activities are led by the government, with the community as the main body, aiming at integrating the participation of resources in football characteristic venues, integrating football matches, mass entertainment, parent-child interaction and other forms, so that citizens and friends can feel the charm of high-standard football matches.

At the event site, fans and friends experienced a variety of watching content. A series of simulation training facilities seem to bring fans and friends to the green field: "AR Football Experience Equipment" helps football lovers improve their practical skills such as dribbling, passing and shooting through technology; "Table football" has exercised the fans’ overall overall view of the football experience; "Under-table football" improves the ball control ability under the feet in a limited space by playing against two people.

Many fans also invited friends to play indoor 3v3 football matches to simulate team struggle on the pitch. A fan who participated in the event said that through a variety of football series activities, he enjoyed the top football matches with everyone and felt the fun brought by football together.

In 2023, Beijing municipal social football fans watched the game. Photo: Provided by the event organizer

In addition, fans and friends can also watch many European giants’ games on the spot. It is reported that there have been many watching games such as "Manchester United vs Crystal Palace", "Manchester United vs brentford", "Barcelona vs Real Madrid", "Chicago Flame vs Miami International" and "Manchester United vs Manchester City".

According to the organizer, at present, there have been seven football fans’ watching activities at the municipal level in Beijing. The purpose of the football fans’ watching activities is to provide professional services, and through the combination of various experience facilities and watching games, a good watching environment is created for the fans, so that citizens and friends can feel the charm of high-standard football matches, thus promoting the healthy development of football. (End)


    Source: Oriental Morning Post 

Profile photo: On the afternoon of May 24, 2006, the Shanghai traffic police towed the accident vehicle away from the scene of the accident.

   Yesterday (17th), after the article "Judicial Appraisal Says Shanghai Audi Car Crashes Nine People in a Row Due to Driver’s Illusion" went online, some netizens questioned the judicial appraisal that "the driver was in a’ delusional outburst’ at the time of the crime". To this end, the reporter once again investigated this incident.

    At 5: 30 pm yesterday, Min Yinlong, director of the Judicial Appraisal Center of East China University of Political Science and Law, was interviewed by a reporter in the office of the center, and showed the reporter the appraisal certificate of Huazheng Forensic Medicine [2006] No.086 with more than 5,000 words made on June 10.

    "In the afternoon, we received a lot of phone calls from readers, and some of them hung up without waiting for us to speak." Min Yinlong said, "There must be something fishy in it", "What background does this guy have" and "Aren’t you afraid of smashing your own brand in this appraisal?" He was puzzled by the speculation and accusations that came upon him.

     About judicial expertise

    Not disturbed by other factors

    "The appraisal of this case was entrusted by Huangpu Public Security Bureau to evaluate Li Wei’s mental state appraisal and criminal responsibility ability. We have never received so-called’ special instructions’ and’ greetings’, nor have we been under any pressure, and the identity background of the appraiser is nothing special." Min Yinlong said. The reporter saw that the appraisal book showed that Li Wei, a 33-year-old appraiser, was from Harbin, with a junior high school education, and an employee of a real estate company in Shanghai.

    Min Yinlong told reporters that the judicial appraisal of mental illness includes five major parts: the entrusted institution States the general situation of the incident; Family members, etc. provide a summary of the medical history of the appraiser; Inspection: the appraiser communicates with the appraiser, judges his reaction ability according to the response, investigates the relatives, friends, neighbors and colleagues of the appraiser, and understands his interpersonal relationship, life and work, etc. Explain the test results according to the comprehensive analysis of objective indicators; Finally, the appraisal conclusion is made.

    "If you have any objection to our appraisal conclusion, you can apply to the Municipal Judicial Appraisal Expert Committee for review." Min Yinlong said that in this case, the Legislative Affairs Office of the Municipal Public Security Bureau also made a special trip to the center to learn about the situation from two forensic experts.

    "Such a major case is not a joke." Yesterday afternoon, Qian Yulin, the chief physician of the case appraiser who was on a business trip in Anhui, repeatedly said in an interview with reporters on the phone, "There is no interference from other factors in the appraisal process, and we have never brought any affair."

    Qian Yulin said that the general judicial expertise has two or three pages and about 1,000 words, while the expertise in this case has six pages and more than 5,000 words, and the final appraisal conclusion has also been recognized by the entrusting organ Huangpu Public Security Bureau.

     About the identity of the driver

    Really a full-time driver

    Yesterday, after many investigations, the reporter found that Li Wei is 33 years old, from Harbin, with a junior high school education. By 2005, he had been working in Harbin without military service. After coming to Shanghai this year, I have been working in Shanghai Xintianyuan Real Estate Company as a boss’s full-time driver.

    According to the ID card provided by Li Wei, his home address in Harbin is No.6, North Qidao Street, Anyang, Daoli District, Harbin. The reporter contacted the Kang ‘an Police Station of Harbin Public Security Bureau again, and the other party said that the address had been relocated as early as 2003. At present, a commercial house named "Haifu Kangcheng" has been built here. The original residents are in the process of moving back, but Li Wei’s family cannot be directly contacted.

    Identification basis: the driver of the accident was delusional and was chased and called 110.

    Qian Yulin, the chief physician of the appraiser in the case of "Audi car hitting 9 people in a row", said that Li Wei’s appraisal was jointly completed by him and Qin Shiyong, the deputy chief physician. Qian Yulin, 66, has more than 20 years of practical experience in psychiatric judicial expertise, and Qin Shiyong, 70, has also been engaged in this expertise for more than ten years.

    "He is a very typical severe mental patient." Qian Yulin recalled to reporters a lot of incredible, ambiguous and even logically contradictory fragments in his communication with Li Wei.

  Constantly searching his girlfriend’s hair and nails

    According to the analysis in the fourth part of the appraisal report, Li Wei became a full-time driver of a company boss after coming to Shanghai. One week before the incident, Li unreasonably suspected that his girlfriend was taking drugs, constantly searched his girlfriend’s hair, nails, etc., and rummaged through the car where his girlfriend had been sitting and the place of residence to search for drugs. He inexplicably suspected that drugs were hidden between the cracks in the floor tiles, and because of his girlfriend’s walking posture, facial expression, toilet use time and other daily details, he unreasonably inferred that she was taking drugs and firmly believed it.

    Illusion girlfriend sent someone to kill herself.

    According to the analysis, on the day of the crime, Li Wei began to be nervous because he couldn’t dial his girlfriend’s cell phone and the phone number of his residence. He suspected that his girlfriend knew that he was taking drugs and reported the case to the public security organ, which was not good for him. Then, Li Wei began to feel that there were many motorcycles and cars following him while driving, so he was highly nervous and afraid. He thought that his girlfriend had assigned others to follow him and his personal life was greatly threatened.

  Dare not drink mineral water

    The appraisal also excerpted the work of Huangpu Public Security Bureau on June 2: "… During the trial, Li Wei asked for water, and the police immediately used disposable cups to get him a cup of pure water, but he said that there was sediment in the water and he could not drink it. The police changed the second cup for him, but he still thought there was something in the cup and didn’t want to drink it. To this end, the police bought two bottles of mineral water for him. Before he opened the bottle cap, he carefully looked at the light, and at the same time squeezed the mineral water bottle to see if there was any leakage, and he was reluctant to drink mineral water. "

  I dialed 110 when I was "hunted"

    In the process of identification, one detail was considered the most critical by Qian Yulin: Li Wei once said that he had called 110 while fleeing. Three times before and after, he claimed that he was being chased by others, and he was very scared and asked for more police to protect him. The police record of Public Security 110 was indeed consistent with his description.

  background for news stories

    What is "paranoia"

    Professor Zhu Rongshen, director of psychiatry and medical psychology in the first clinical department of Tongji University School of Medicine, gave the concept of "paranoia" yesterday: it is a distorted belief, pathological reasoning and judgment based on pathology. Although these beliefs and reasoning judgments do not conform to the education level of patients, patients firmly believe in them and cannot be persuaded or corrected by personal experience and experience.

    "Sudden attack" is a selective attack, and the patient is completely normal when he is outside the delusion core. Therefore, the disease belongs to a deeply hidden mental disease that is difficult for patients to find under normal circumstances.

    Professor Zhu once received such patients. He told reporters that such people are prone to auditory hallucinations and hallucinations. Even some people think that they are being tracked by satellite positioning system, and the delusions are generally related to personal experience, social and cultural background. Lee? /Chen Chaoqun

  If you are mentally ill, you will lose your driver’s license.

    The reporter learned from the relevant departments that according to the relevant regulations, anyone who suffers from mental illness and other diseases that hinder the safe driving of motor vehicles can’t get a driver’s license, and after a normal person gets a driver’s license, his driver’s license will also be cancelled.

    According to the provisions of Article 22 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, people who suffer from diseases that hinder the safe driving of motor vehicles are not allowed to drive motor vehicles. After a normal person suffers from mental illness, first of all, the driver and his family should contact the traffic control department in time. "This is also a guarantee for the safety of himself and others", and the traffic management department will cancel his driver’s license in time to prevent traffic safety from being affected. When the police find abnormal situations in the course of duty, they will also check the driver to ensure the driver’s safe driving.

    In addition, according to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Public Security, motor vehicle drivers need to go to the traffic control department under the jurisdiction of the driver’s license for regular inspection. The contents of regular inspection of motor vehicle driver’s license by public security traffic management department are: the physical condition of motor vehicle driver and the accumulated points of traffic violations. (Reporter Yang Jiehe and Zhang Ling Gu Wenjian Cheng Jia)

Editor: Chang Yan

"Water Story" became an Oscar winner. Last year, the Oolong incident was ridiculed again.

  Beijing, March 5 (Reporter Zhang Xi) On the morning of the 5th Beijing time, the 90th Academy Awards ceremony was held at Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, USA. The Story of Water, led by 13 nominations, was not disappointing, and finally won four awards, namely, best film, best director, best art direction and best original soundtrack, and became the biggest winner.

  — — "Water Story" became a big winner.

  This year’s Oscar didn’t disappoint people. The Story of Water won with pride, winning four awards: best film, best director, best art direction and best original score.

Guillermo del toro, the director of Water Story, took the golden statuette as the best director.

  Guilmault Deltoro, a Mexican director, has directed the Maze of Pan Shen, Pacific Rim and Scarlet Peak. Although "Mermaid Love" is an old topic, Guilmault has brought politics, conspiracy, prejudice and other elements together in "Tales of Water", and this is the first time that he has been nominated for the Oscar for Best Director.

  It’s no surprise that "Tale of Waters" has won 13 nominations in one fell swoop. It is the 10th film in the history of Oscar Awards. It has won the Golden Lion Award at the 74th Venice International Film Festival, the Best Director, Best Actress and Best Photography at the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award, the Best Film, Best Director, Best Art Direction and Best Score at the 23rd American Critics’ Choice Award, and the Best Director and Best Score at the 75th American Film Golden Globe Award.

Gary Oldman won the Best Actor for his wonderful performance in The Dark Hour.

  — — The best actor and actress deserved it.

  This year’s Oscar for Best Actor and Actress was won by Gary Odeman and Francis McDermott, both of whom are veteran actors.

  Gary Odeman, 60, is nominated for this award for the second time and won it for the first time. Before that, he had already swept the Critics’ Choice Award, Golden Globe Award, Screen Actors Guild Awards and British Film Academy Award for his excellent performance in The Dark Hour. Gary Odeman said after winning the prize that his mother will be 99 years old next month, and he can finally take home an Oscar trophy.

Frances McDormand won the best actress for her performance in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.

  Francis McDermott won the Oscar for the second time. Her performance in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri was well received. The film is currently being shown in China, with a douban score of 8.7. Many viewers think that Francis has contributed to the "textbook performance" and expressed the feelings of losing her daughter to the fullest.

The best animated short film was awarded to Dear Basketball, and Kobe won the first golden statuette.

  — — There is no suspense in animated feature films and short films.

  The animated film "Journey to the Dream Ring" won the best animated feature film award, and producer Dara Anderson bluntly said that the award proved that art can cross ethnic groups and spread to the whole world. "Only in a world where everyone can hear each other’s voices can we do this."

  Dear Basketball, an animated short film produced by Kobe Bryant, won the best animated short film. The film lasted about 6 minutes. It was a long poem published by Kobe Bryant when he announced his retirement at the end of the season in 2015. It was directed by the famous animator Keane, and Kobe Bryant personally dubbed it.

  When receiving the award today, Kobe said frankly, "As a basketball player, some people want us to keep our mouths shut, but we are glad to be better than those people’s demands."

The picture shows the scene of the 90th Academy Awards.

  — — Last year, the Oolong incident was ridiculed again.

  At last year’s Oscar ceremony, due to a mistake in the process, there was an oolong incident in which the best film Moonlight was awarded to la la land by mistake. In order to avoid repeating the mistake of taking the wrong award envelope, this year’s Oscar specially wrote the award in big letters on the envelope. However, the Oolong incident still became the object of ridicule at the party.

  The host Jimmy Cammore took the lead in quipping, "If someone calls your name this time, don’t hurry to go on stage", and Mark hamill also humorously said, "Never say" la la land ".

  Interestingly, Warren Beatty and Fei Donnawei, who awarded the "Best Film of Oolong" last year, awarded the Best Film Award again this year. Director Guilmault Deltoro specially took out the envelope from Warren Beatty and made sure that it was awarded correctly, then happily waved it for everyone to see.

"Journey to the Dream Ring" won the best animated feature film. The creative theory said that "Journey to the Dream Ring" proved that art can cross races and spread to the whole world.

  "Journey to the Dream Ring" won the best animated feature film. The creative theory said that "Journey to the Dream Ring" proved that art can cross races and spread to the whole world.

  Winner list:

  Best film: Water Story

  Best Director: The Story of Water by Guilmault Deltoro.

  Best Actor: Gary Odeman’s Dark Hour.

  Best Actress: Francis McDowell Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.

  Best Supporting Actor: Sam Rockwell Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

  Best Supporting Actress: I, the Queen of Flowers by Alison Jenny

  Best adapted screenplay: Please call me by your name.

  Best Original Screenplay: Escape from Breaking Town

  Best Editing: "Dunkirk"

  Best Photography: Blade Runner 2049

  Best animated feature film: Journey to the Dream Ring

  Best animated short film: Dear Basketball

  Best Foreign Language Film: Ordinary Women

  Best original song: "Remember Me" and "Journey to the Dream Ring"

  Best documentary short film: Blocked in Heaven

  Best documentary: Icarus

  Best artistic direction: Water Story

  Best costume design: Phantom of the Dress

  Best sound editing: Dunkirk.

  Best Sound Effect: Dunkirk.

  Best live-action short film: The Silent Child

  Best original soundtrack: Water Story

  Best visual effect: Blade Runner 2049

  Best Makeup and Hairstyle Design: The Dark Hour (End)

Experience the China big plane C919.

  (video production: the main station is dreaming of the media creative studio)

  Commercial aircraft has always been called the jewel in the crown of modern industry. On May 5, 2017, with the success of the first flight of China C919 passenger plane, China people’s dream of a big plane took another step forward. In the following five years, the C919 large passenger plane has been conducting evidence-based test flight. On September 29th, 2022, it ushered in the most important moment — — Obtaining the type certificate issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China also means that after 15 years’ efforts, China has completed the whole process of design, manufacture, test, flight test and airworthiness certification of a large jet airliner in strict accordance with the internationally accepted airworthiness standards for the first time. The C919 has the "safety qualification" to deliver to customers and put into market operation, and it also marks that China’s airworthiness certification ability has reached the advanced level in the world.

  For this important historical moment, two C919 aircraft flew to Beijing from the development site, which was the first time that a large C919 passenger plane flew to Beijing Capital International Airport. As the first "passengers", CCTV reporters from the main station followed one of the planes and experienced this unusual journey exclusively. This is the first time that a large C919 passenger plane has witnessed the report by the media since its first flight. What exactly is the interior of C919 cabin like? What kind of experience will you have when you take the C919 domestic large plane for the first time? The CCTV reporter at the reception desk reveals the secret for you!

  (CCTV reporter Cui Xia Tao Jiashu assisted in filming China Commercial Aircraft He Chun Xu Bingnan Yan Tianyu)

Li Daxiao decodes his own Weibo picture: cherry on the top of the earth "should run away" parrot means "baby should cover up when he grows up"

Source: Financial website
Author: Qi Ning
On November 30th, the 2019 Snowball Carnival with the theme of "Ten Years as One" was held in Guangzhou Pearl River.
Li Daxiao, chief economist of Yingda Securities, attended the special meeting and delivered a speech on "Ten Perspectives of Investment Opportunities in the Next Decade".
Li Daxiao said, "The first bull market in China, which is the slowest, longest and can test the level of every investor, has arrived", and the fifth bull market in China began at 2440.
Li Daxiao talked about future investment from 10 perspectives, such as the rebound of RMB against the US dollar, MSCI’s expansion of A-share weight according to the established rhythm, the CSRC’s promotion of long-term funds to enter the market, the opening of bank wealth management subsidiaries and the fact that domestic GDP growth is in the forefront of major economies in the world. He said that all domestic residents used to buy houses, and they will buy bonds, stocks and wealth management products in the future.
Li Daxiao believes that the research market is the first to see where the gold mine is, the first gold mine in A shares is in real estate, the second gold mine is in banks, the third gold mine is in non-bank finance, and the fourth gold mine is in infrastructure.
At the end of the speech, Li Daxiao also decoded his own picture of Weibo: the top of the earth (June 14, 2015), cherry means "escape", and the parrot picture released in 2017 means "the baby should be covered when it grows up" …
The following is the full text of Li Daxiao’s speech:
The bull market is here! For the first time, the China stock market is the slowest, longest and most able to test the level of every investor. This bull market started from 2440. Today, I will report to all golfers in detail what his logic is and why he made such a judgment.
The global risk appetite is rising, which is a big trend. We have 17 trillion bonds with negative yields around the world, and now they are flowing out. Where are they flowing out? Flowing to the stock market, we look at three countries. The first is Germany, where the yield of negative-yielding bonds is rising, the second is the United States, and the third is China. Now it is rising, and the funds in the bond market are flowing into the stock market.
The interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve has come to an end, and the unemployment rate in the United States has hit a 50-year low. We also see that the interest rate level of the global market, including the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, is at a historical low level. We also see that the price of gold has fallen below $1,500. What does this mean? It shows that risk aversion is decreasing. What does this trend mean? It shows that those who used gold as a safe haven began to understand that gold has no P/E ratio. We also saw that the stock markets in Europe and the United States continued to strengthen, including the Dow Jones index, the Nasdaq index and the Standard & Poor’s index, and the DAX index in Germany and France.
The RMB exchange rate has been rising recently. What does the rising exchange rate mean? It means that the fun is coming!
MSCI has expanded its capacity according to regulations, and now it is 20%. I predict that in the near future, MSCI, FTSE Russell and Standard & Poor’s will expand their capacity competitively, and foreign capital will continue to flow into the stock market. Tell you a data, the proportion of foreign capital in A shares is only 2.8%, and that of bonds is only about 3%. Is it possible to expand to 10%, 20% or even 30% in the future? It’s entirely possible. We can see the capital flowing into the stock market from the north. Comrades, hold on to the good stocks in your hands.
Don’t be scared by yesterday’s decline. Foreign investors are eager to buy good stocks. We see that the CSRC is promoting domestic medium and long-term funds to enter the market. I will tell you a situation, such as pensions, insurance funds and social security funds, which are all low-allocated, and some are even zero-allocated. This situation will change soon in the future. We see that the allocation of insurance funds is only 12%, and its upper limit is 30%. Now we are studying how to expand this ceiling. We should see that the financial subsidiaries of banks are entering the market one after another, with large troops behind.
The growth rate of domestic GDP is still at the forefront of major economies in the world. Just now, Dr. Pan Xiangdong also said that although we are on the decline, compared with other major economies, China’s growth rate is still two to three times. We also see that the wealth ratio of domestic residents is changing, and financial assets will rise in the future. This trend has just begun.
I’m telling you, it’s just beginning. What do you mean? It turns out that all domestic residents buy houses, and will buy bonds, stocks and wealth management products in the future.
What is better to buy?
First, I’m buying a house in Shenzhen and Beijing, and its rental yield is 1.7%. However, we can see the index here and buy the Hang Seng State-owned ETF. The dividend yield is 3.9%, which is the first recommendation. The second recommendation is SSE 50ETF. The third recommendation is the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300ETF, and the dividend yield is better than the rent yield!
We look at four cities, Shenzhen has quietly started, Shanghai is ready to move, Guangzhou is still wandering, Beijing is still adjusting, where is the whole country? Look at Shenzhen first. Shenzhen is the weather vane, and Guangzhou will have money in the future. Of course, the potential of Shanghai and Beijing can not be ignored.
Let me tell you what will happen to the market in 2020, which is the most valuable, right?
Let me tell you, what is the password for 29 years? The first password is at 325 o’clock, and I named it the policy bottom. The second point is in 998, and I used two words. This place needs to be planted. The third is that the once-in-a-century financial crisis has brought us a once-in-a-century investment opportunity. I am here to say that 1664 needs courage. The fourth place is the diamond bottom where I was scolded for three years. I am saddened here. I used all my energy in this place to appeal that our country’s pension should enter the market at this diamond bottom. Comrades, the first three points, the pension can’t enter, the V-shaped bottom, only the diamond bottom, the pension can enter the market, but unfortunately I didn’t understand. It’s not too late. The fifth bottom, 2850, baby bottom, fell below. I named it baby diapers, and 2638 fell below again. I named it the end of the year. Aren’t you wrong? Why is it getting lower and lower? However, it is very correct to observe the SSE 50 index, because the baby has grown into a teenager and thrived.
Let’s take a look again. Let’s look at the trend of the whole market. The first top is 1559 points, and the second top is 2245 points. The third place, I put forward the need to be indifferent in 6124. The fourth place is the top of the earth, where I have been calling for a long time. I can’t buy stocks. This is a height that the earth has never been to, and I absolutely can’t buy stocks. Unfortunately, no one listens to me.
Now is the fifth bull market, starting at 2440, it is the fifth bull market in China stock market, and 2440 is a historic bottom.
I’ll tell you another secret. How can I tell the bottom? Ten times the PE is the bottom, and you can judge the bottom next time you encounter the corresponding situation. Where are the opportunities? Where are the risks? Risk accumulates at 29 times and opportunities arise at 9.31 times. Comrades, where are the historic opportunities? These are risks and these are opportunities. Where are the opportunities? The opportunity is in the blue line, where is the risk? The risk is on the purple line. The purple line is the second new share.
This is the status quo, and there may be the future. How can we identify the market? How to judge the market? We see the contrast between China and the United States, and we also see what good opportunities are there. There are "Ten Predictions" published in 2020. First, there will be an asset shortage in 2020. Second, there will be more stocks than bonds. Third, there will be a large number of delisting companies. Fourth, the scale of refinancing will increase. Fifth, the registration system. Sixth, foreign capital will enter the market in large numbers. Seventh, domestic long-term funds will enter the market. Eighth, the proportion of A shares in major indexes will increase. Ninth, it is Pay attention to where the profit is. The biggest profit, I think, is real estate, because it has an output of 16 trillion yuan, and the output of 16 trillion yuan is calculated by 10%, and it has a profit of 1.6 trillion yuan, just because most real estate enterprises are not in A shares, but in Hong Kong stocks, so it is not counted, and many real estate enterprises are not listed. Therefore, the research market first looks at where the gold mine is, the first gold mine is in real estate, the second gold mine is in banks, the third gold mine is in non-bank finance, and the fourth gold mine is in infrastructure.
How to choose the largest gold mine real estate, choose the fastest-growing enterprises, leading monopoly enterprises, and choose enterprises with upward rankings year by year. Second, we choose non-bank finance. How to choose non-bank finance? The first choice is insurance. Insurance is greater than securities and trust. What is insurance? Choose peace. Third, choose the bank, what does the bank choose? Choose China Merchants Bank. Also, we choose enterprises that increase their holdings in the secondary market on a large scale, not those that reduce their holdings in the secondary market on a large scale. And let’s look at the global valuation comparison. Globally, the first one is the Russian market, but this market is outside the global economy. We exclude it. The first one recommends Hang Seng State-owned Enterprises, the second one recommends Hang Seng Index, the third one recommends SSE 50, and the fourth one recommends CSI 300. They are more attractive than other markets in terms of valuation, and I think this attraction will be the object of global capital allocation in the future. In terms of operation: First, in 2020, stocks will be larger than bonds, and five types of black risks will emerge. Second, allocate banks’ non-bank finance, real estate, infrastructure and consumption. Pay attention to the once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunities in Hong Kong stocks. There are two main lines in the Hong Kong market, one is the investment opportunities in traditional industries, the other is the investment opportunities after the thorough adjustment of emerging industries. Not many people bought my book "Li Daxiao Investment Strategy". Why did I come here? Why do we come to snowball every year? Let me tell you a truth. People have lived a circle in the world, some have made a little money, some have not, and that’s all.But I think some people are different. Some people left a piece of music to the world, some people left a building to the world, some people left some beauty to the world, and some people left a beautiful impression in everyone’s hearts and minds. I think these people live more meaningfully.
What is my password for Weibo? Every picture has a password. At the top of the earth, on June 14th, 2015, what fruit was it? Cherry. What do you mean? Should "run away", that is, the audience in Guangzhou did not understand, he said that Miss Li was a cherry! Comrades, this baby is growing sturdily. It’s the end of the year and the baby has grown up. What kind of bird is this? Parrot, what do you mean? It should be covered. I firmly believe that who will make money in the future? Patriots earn!
Finally, please read this sentence with me, and meditate at home three times a day. It works wonders. Let’s help me read it together: Be a good person, buy good stocks and get good results.

TikTok American users: I may go to jail for teaching English to children in China.

  On September 3rd, the website of National Public Radio published a report entitled "They teach China children English online, but now they are caught in Trump’s war against TikTok". On August 6th, Trump issued an executive order against TikTok, which not only prohibited American enterprises from doing business with this video sharing application, but also prohibited them from doing business with all subsidiaries in ByteDance. This puts the future of Hunter and nearly 4,000 American teachers who signed with GOGOKID in an extremely dangerous situation. The article is excerpted as follows:

  Kristi Hunt used to be a teacher in a public school. In the past two years, most of her income has come from teaching China children to speak English online.

  Hunter, 42, lives in Columbia, South Carolina. She said: "I am a stay-at-home mother with three children. As they grow up, I begin to miss working days." She said: "Therefore, it helped me to restart my career, and the time was flexible."

  GOGOKID, where Hunter works, is a one-to-one English teaching service organization under the ByteDance company, and ByteDance is also the parent company of TikTok, a popular short video application.

  On August 6th, President Trump issued an executive order against TikTok, which not only prohibited American enterprises from doing business with this video sharing application, but also prohibited them from doing business with all subsidiaries in ByteDance.

  This puts the future of Hunter and nearly 4,000 American teachers who signed with GOGOKID in an extremely dangerous situation.

  ↑ This is the logo of TikTok Company shot in Culver City, Los Angeles County, California, USA on August 21st. (Xinhua News Agency)

  Hunter said: "This is a very terrible, confusing and stressful period."

  According to Trump’s executive order against TikTok, "any transaction" between American citizens and ByteDance will be banned. Violation of this executive order may result in a fine of $300,000 or even criminal proceedings. This administrative order, which was prosecuted by TikTok, will take effect on September 20th.

  Hunter said: "I may be put in prison for teaching a 5-year-old how to say hello on the computer." She said, "Because of this ‘ National security risk ’ Some of our families may lose their houses and deposits because of his stroke of the pen. "

  Brian Fleming, a former lawyer of the U.S. Department of Justice who specializes in enforcing economic sanctions, said that since this action is aimed at TikTok, the government may make an exception to ByteDance’s GOGOKID and other services, but this is far from certain.

  In the confrontation between the United States and TikTok, teachers who earn their income by teaching English in GOGOKID feel nervous.

  Lindsay Jacobs, 40, is a GOGOKID teacher in eastern oklahoma city. She said: "We are collateral damage. It is really frustrating to see that this struggle continues around us, but no one knows our existence. "

  Jacobs is a navy veteran and a mother of two children. Her husband works in the federal government.

Company Frontline | Donghua Software Theme Points Adjustment and Update

  () F10 data shows that on February 25th, 2024, () theme points have been updated and adjusted:

  Intelligent integrated machine

  On November 6, 2023, the company disclosed on the interactive platform that Donghua Pengxiao Company has successfully developed PX100, PX200, PX300 and GT100 series all-in-one products, which are mainly used for self-service and window service of public security and government affairs, and are still under constant research and upgrading to provide more powerful support for public security construction and government affairs services. Among them, GT100 is an intelligent all-in-one machine specially built for uncertified cities. It has a series of powerful functions, such as face recognition, voice recognition, environmental monitoring, national secret encryption authentication and so on, and has won unanimous praise.

  Huawei kunpeng

  On September 25, 2023, the company disclosed on the interactive platform that the company has maintained in-depth cooperation with major domestic CPU manufacturers (such as Kunpeng, Haiguang, Godson, Feiteng, etc.) and system manufacturers. On may 25, 2023, the company disclosed on the interactive platform that the company’s Qingdao Pengxiao all-in-one machine project is under fundraising and construction, and Pengxiao all-in-one machine is gradually promoting sales to customers in key industries such as finance, communication, energy and medical care.

Relying on the company’s branches all over the country, we will build a nationwide marketing network system and provide integrated soft and hard solution services around Kunpeng’s ecology.

  The company’s aerospace software listed in science and technology innovation board.

  On May 24th, 2023, the stock of aerospace software was officially listed in science and technology innovation board, Shanghai Stock Exchange. In addition, Xingdong Shenqi, a holding subsidiary of Xi ‘an Donghua Software Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, invested RMB 79.7 million in aerospace software with its own funds. Xi ‘an Donghua Software Co., Ltd., as the executive partner of Xingdong Shenqi, holds 56.12% of its shares. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Xingdong Shenqi holds 22.11 million shares of aerospace software, accounting for 7.37% of its total share capital before its initial public offering and 5.53% of its total share capital after its initial public offering.

  Products in the field of vehicle networking

  On August 22, 2022, the company disclosed on the interactive platform that in the field of car networking, the company’s self-developed products have covered the main products of the car networking industry and have related applications, including: intelligent roadside equipment, cloud control platform, intelligent network application, and car networking operation and maintenance platform.

  Cross-border payment

  On March 1, 2022, the company disclosed on the interactive platform that the company and the clearing center of the People’s Bank of China have a long-term customer relationship. The Company has successively participated in several projects of the Clearing Center of the People’s Bank of China, such as the 2020 payment system host storage update project of the Clearing Center of the People’s Bank of China and the 2019 RMB cross-border payment system equipment update and software upgrade project of the Clearing Center of the People’s Bank of China.

  Digital industry application (water conservancy industry)

  In 2022, the company made full use of the leading advantages of industries involved in top-level architecture design such as smart water conservancy and the 14th Five-Year Plan, made use of more than ten years’ experience in water conservancy business, and applied artificial intelligence, big data, water conservancy model, digital twinning and other information technologies, focusing on digital twinning project, digital twinning basin and smart water conservancy application to achieve breakthroughs, solve the pain points of water conservancy business and promote the high-quality development of water conservancy. In the implementation of several typical projects, the company has formed a number of smart water conservancy platform products that have been tested by actual business. Through smart water conservancy projects such as Pearl River Delta, Indo-China and Liaoning, the big data object model, governance method and service system of water conservancy projects are developed, and the digital twin water conservancy project data backplane products are formed. Through Changsha Smart Water Conservancy Platform Project, integrating visualization engine, BIGIS, simulation and other technologies, digital twin scenes such as water resources management, flood control and disaster reduction, and engineering construction management have been developed, and digital twin basin products have been formed. Through the project of Shanxi Data Capability Center, a full-service platform of "one account, one picture, one platform" for water conservancy has been developed, and a smart water conservancy integrated platform product has been formed. Through the river length system project, the integrated application system of artificial intelligence voice technology and river and lake management is developed, and the assistant of river length, supervision assistant and intelligent outbound call are realized, forming the intelligent product of intelligent robot for river and lake supervision.

  Xiong’ an Donghua

  Xiong’ an Donghua Global Software R&D Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, completed the establishment of industrial and commercial registration on November 1, 2017 with a registered capital of 200 million yuan, mainly engaged in software technology development, technical consultation, technical service, technology promotion and technology transfer; Computer information system integration service; Data processing; Basic software services, application software services, public software services, etc. As an enterprise that obtained the industrial and commercial business license earlier in xiong’an new area, the company will give full play to its leading role in the software information service industry, and make use of its accumulated industry experience in emerging fields such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, big data, smart medical care, smart city, government information, etc., and actively carry out intensive cultivation in the fields of medical care, education, finance, water conservancy, government affairs, big data and cloud computing, demonstrating the company’s strategic determination to deeply cultivate xiong’an new area and lay out the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.


  In terms of smart medical care, the company has successively won the bid for the first phase of the national national health insurance informatization project-the project of application support platform, and several projects of the national health information platform in Yanqing District, Datong City, Chuzhou City and Ankang City in Beijing. In addition, the company has also made important progress in cloud clinic and intelligent network hospital, and launched the cloud clinic system in four Shanghai UIH imaging centers located in Changchun, Hengshui, Xi ‘an and Wuhan respectively. Nanjing Jiangbei Medical Cloud Hospital, the first intelligent network hospital in Nanjing Jiangbei New District, which relies on a three-level comprehensive entity hospital, covers the functions of online consultation, health education, appointment for diagnosis and treatment, etc. Through cooperation with seven community health service centers, the high-quality medical resources of the three-level hospitals are sunk and docked with all the distribution points, and convenient drug circulation is realized through prescription circulation.

The last solar term in autumn is coming!

There are bones in the autumn mountains,

First frost has no trace of water.

Heaven and earth are for chanting,

Haze is intoxicating.

At 12: 51 today

We welcome the first frost solar terms.

This is the last solar term in autumn.

The climate changed from cool to cold.

Everything grows bleak with the cold.

First frost is the beginning of the transition from autumn to winter.

The weather is getting colder.

First frost appears

The vegetation began to yellow.

Autumn will go,

Winter is coming,

Do you feel it?

What are the customs of "first frost"?

What is "first frost Third Waiting"?

What does "first frost Three Preventions" mean?


1. What is "first frost Third Waiting"?

Jackals sacrifice animals.

Jackal’s jackal

Common name "jackal"

First frost risha beast exhibition

The ancients said it was "a sacrifice to autumn gold"

It’s also a ceremony for parting in autumn.

Yellow fall of vegetation

Wood leaves fall

Sassy air drying

Winter is coming

The stinging insect is salty and prone.

"salty" is all.

"Bowing" means bowing your head.

Lie down instead of eating.

Is hibernation.

The above excerpt is from Micro-reading Solar Terms (by Zhu Wei).

2. What does "first frost Three Preventions" mean?

First, prevent autumn dryness

As the last solar term in autumn, the weather in first frost is getting colder, and autumn dryness is obvious, which is prone to dry mouth, dry lips, dry throat, constipation, dry skin and other phenomena, and dryness is easy to hurt body fluids.

Second, prevent autumn depression

In late autumn, the weather is getting colder, the plants are yellow, the leaves and fruits are falling, and everything is bleak, which is easy to cause anxiety and make people depressed and depressed.

Three defenses against autumn cold

During the solar term in first frost, the temperature drops suddenly, and the elderly are prone to suffer from "old cold legs" and other diseases, and chronic bronchitis is also prone to relapse or aggravation, which is also the peak period for the recurrence of chronic gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcer. This time node is no longer suitable for "autumn freezing". For the elderly and children with poor resistance, clothes should be increased or decreased on time, so as to avoid the invasion of damp and cold pathogens and lead to illness.

3. How to maintain health in first frost season?

"salt water in the morning, honey soup in the evening"

The main climate feature of autumn is dryness, but drinking boiled water alone cannot completely resist the negative effects brought by autumn dryness. Drinking boiled water is easy to lose. If you add a little salt to boiled water, it is not so easy to lose. Drinking some salt water during the day and honey water at night is not only a good way to replenish human body’s water, but also a good diet for keeping in good health and resisting aging in autumn. At the same time, it can prevent constipation caused by autumn dryness, which really kills three birds with one stone.

Nourishing yin and moistening lung should be "flat"

In order to prevent autumn dryness, you can eat more foods with more sweet and cold juices, such as pears, grapefruit, sugar cane, bananas, oranges and other fruits, and vegetables can eat more carrots, white gourd, tremella, lotus roots and various bean products.

In autumn dry season, we should pay attention not to eat or eat less spicy barbecue food, such as pepper, pepper, cinnamon, ginger, onion and wine, especially ginger. These foods are hot and lose a lot of water in cooking, so they are easy to get angry after eating. Of course, it is not a big problem to use a small amount of onions, ginger and peppers as condiments. In ancient medical books, there was also such a "warning": "Don’t eat ginger in autumn within one year; Don’t eat ginger at night within one day. "

Diet and exercise are both suitable.

Autumn is the season when people are most likely to gain fat. The days are cool and the nights are long, people’s appetite is wide open, and they are comfortable to rest at night. The daily calorie intake of the human body easily exceeds the calorie consumption, so that fat is accumulated little by little. If it is not adjusted, people will gain a lot of weight after autumn and winter.

Year after year, people will soon "get fat". Therefore, it is necessary to let children pay attention to a reasonable diet, and also pay attention to strengthening physical exercise when feasting.

Grab the tail of autumn.

Enjoy the beauty of autumn again.

Continue to refuel and enrich yourself

Welcome the arrival of winter

Source: People’s Daily

Editor: Yang Liwei

Second trial: Yu Guanglin Third trial: Zhao Xiaobing.

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Original title: "The last solar term in autumn is coming! 》

What do you call children of all kinds of animals in English?

We all know that the puppy of a dog is called Puppy in English and the kitten of a cat is called Kitten.

But, you know what? Goat cubs are represented by kid in English. Yes, that’s the kid we often refer to as a child.

Therefore, what we are going to learn with you today is the vocabulary expression of various animal cubs in English.

What do you call children of all kinds of animals in English?

Are you ready? Let’s start now.

Duck –duckling

Eagle –eaglet

Eel (eel) –elver

Elephant –calf

Elk (moose) –calf

Ferret (white glaze) –kit

Fish –fry

What do you call children of all kinds of animals in English?

Fox –cub/kit

Frog –tadpole

Giraffe –calf

Goat –kid

Goose –gosling

Hare (hare) –leveret

Red hartebeest –calf

Hawk (falcon) –chick/eyas

What do you call children of all kinds of animals in English?

Horse –foal/colt/filly

Kangaroo –joey

Leopard –cub

Lion –cub

Mink –kit

Owl –owlet

Peafowl –peachick

Note: peacock means male peacock, peahen means female peacock.

Pheasant –chick

What do you call children of all kinds of animals in English?

Pig –piglet/ porkling/gilt

Pigeon –squab/squeaker

Pike (pike) –pickerel

Possum –joey

Rabbit –kitten

Rat –pup

Rhinoceros (rhinoceros) –calf

Roedeer (roedeer) –kid

Salmon –parr/smolt

Seal –calf/pup

What do you call children of all kinds of animals in English?

Sheep –lamb

Skunk –kitten

Spider –spiderling

Swan –cygnet

Tiger –cub

Toad (clam –tadpole

Wallaby (wallaby) –joey

Walrus –cub

Weasel –kit

Whale (whale) –calf

Wolf –cub/pup/whelp

Zebra (zebra) –foal

What do you call children of all kinds of animals in English?

It can be seen that foal, kid, kit, joey, cub, calf and other words are the most commonly used in English names of animal cubs. spider and duck’s cub names all add ling after the original words, while eagle, owl and pig all add let at the end of the original words (because eagle has the letter le at the end and owl has the letter L at the end, T and et are added directly respectively).

For the convenience of memory, you can summarize the words of cubs with the same words or similar endings. In this way, the vocabulary has doubled in an instant!

(Source: Oxford Dictionary WeChat WeChat official account, Editor: Helen)

Foreigner: I love Beijing autumn girls to show their charm in boots and stockings.

    China people have a very flexible scale for the change of seasons. Someone said, "Ah, the Mid-Autumn Festival has come, and autumn has begun." Others said, "Autumn really begins with the first rain after the Mid-Autumn Festival." Someone also told me: "When the wind from Siberia swept the streets and the fruits and leaves on the trees began to fall in the cold wind, autumn really came."

    However, it is already October, and I have not paid special attention to these phenomena. Due to the lack of accurate explanation of meteorology, I have to try to define the beginning of autumn by myself. Since ancient times, it has been men’s instinct to explain seasonal changes through natural signals. The leaves changed color, the rice ripened, the birds began to change their hair and flew to a warm place for the winter. I am still sensitive to nature, and of course I can judge the change of seasons by some kind of signal given by nature.

    Of all the signals I have observed, the most representative is women’s dress. That’s why I define autumn in Beijing as "when girls start to put on boots". It’s really too hot to wear boots in summer in Beijing. If women barely put it on, they can’t stand it for more than 10 minutes, and it not only makes people feel funny, but also makes the salt excreted by the body rise sharply.

    I have been in Singapore for several years. In that country where I can always sweat profusely, even female parliamentarians and company bosses wear shorts, sleeveless T-shirts and breathable sandals to work. Therefore, boots always attract my attention.

    Boots are always paired with stockings and plaid skirts. I often look at these different landscapes with ecstasy, so I am always laughed at by some kind people. One day, I walked out of Dawanglu subway station in Beijing, and it was about 10 minutes’ walk to my apartment. If there is a girl dressed as I just described and walks past me to take the subway, I will not hesitate to follow her. This may be why, sometimes when I get home, I will find my wife sitting gracefully on the bench in boots, stockings and tartan skirt. Perhaps this is why I always look forward to autumn in Beijing.

    Unfortunately, autumn is not far away when it comes to winter. Winter will make people wrap themselves up like "Zongzi". In my opinion, a thick coat over the knee is one of Beijing women’s favorite clothes in winter. They make women’s curves suddenly disappear and make Beijing look like a city with countless huge, crooked and upright caterpillars. Autumn in Beijing is sweet because it is the last season for people to show their charm before the arrival of the four-month cold winter in Beijing.

Editor: Li Erqing