The delivery guy comes and goes in the wind and rain, and a contract makes him feel insecure

  Takeaway has long been integrated into people’s lives, but all kinds of illegal riding by takeaway brothers have also been criticized. Retrograde, running red lights, speeding and other behaviors have brought about continuous accidents. Recently, Meituan, an outsourcing company in Gaocheng District, Shijiazhuang City, re-signed the contract for dozens of takeaway brothers. In the eyes of most riders, this contract has many unreasonable points, and the riders have come forward to analyze the problems existing in the industry: some regulations make them lack safety protection, and some situations are helpless…

  Text/Picture Yan Zhao Evening News reporter Nankai University Yu


  Signing a new contract, most delivery riders are not satisfied

  On September 25, the company asked us to sign a new contract, but many of our riders thought that this contract was unreasonable and did not pay attention to the protection of the riders. But if we don’t sign the contract, we will be fired. Many riders have no choice but to sign the contract, but they are very dissatisfied and hope that the reporter will pay attention… "

  During the National Day holiday, this newspaper’s 24-hour news hotline received a news tip. Through the phone, the reporter communicated with the lead person, Han Bing. He was a rider. During the period when the unit asked for a contract, he was recuperating due to an injury at work. As a result, on October 1, the rider, who had been working for more than a year, was directly cancelled by the company without knowing it.

  What kind of new contract is it that causes the dissatisfaction of the delivery brothers? On October 8, the reporter came to the People’s Square of Gaocheng District as scheduled. When he heard that the reporter was coming, nearly 20 local Meituan delivery riders gathered at the scene. "We all want to reflect our views on the contract. Under such a contract, we run orders in the wind and rain, but we are very unsure and insecure." A rider said.

  According to Han Bing, Meituan takeout in the central area of Gaocheng District was contracted to this outsourcing company. They had a total of 40 or 50 riders here, most of whom were full-time delivery guys, and there were also a few part-time workers. In late September, the company came up with a contract and asked all riders to sign it as soon as possible, but everyone had opinions on several items of the contract, but if they didn’t sign it, the result was dismissal.

  First of all, everyone has an opinion on the paragraph at the beginning of this labor contract. In the contract, the company is Party A, and the delivery brother is Party B. It states that "both parties A and B have reached an equal agreement and voluntarily sign this labor contract, and jointly abide by the terms listed." Mr. Rider Wu said that before the contract was sent to everyone, no one knew about it, let alone the contents of the contract, let alone equal consensus. If you don’t sign it, you will be fired, so in order to make a living, everyone has no choice but to sign it.

  Secondly, the contract requires a lot of riders. In terms of the duration of the labor contract, although it is signed for 6 months, the contract states: "Party A can terminate the labor relationship with Party B in advance according to business needs and Party B’s performance." Some riders said bluntly: "What is the difference between signing such a contract and not signing it? The company can terminate the labor relationship at any time according to the situation, so what guarantee do we have?"

  The contract also includes the following clause: "Party A will insure Party B with employer liability insurance and commercial insurance during the contract period." It seems to protect the riders’ rights and interests, but the riders said that the company deducts 45 yuan per month from their wages, saying that the unit will pay another part of the money, and then buy insurance for everyone. But the riders said that they still do not know what insurance is on, and have never seen an insurance contract, let alone signed an insurance contract.


  The injury has not healed, and some rider accounts have been cancelled by the company

  The terms of the contract made many riders feel insecure, but the company kept urging everyone to sign, but most of them signed. But Han Bing and the other two riders had their rider accounts cancelled because they didn’t sign, so they couldn’t take orders and were fired by the company.

  The accounts of the riders were cancelled by Han Bing and Mr. Hou, but Han Bing fell to avoid other trams at the start of construction in early September, and his left hand was pressed on the broken glass on the ground and sewed. During this time, Han Bing has been recuperating and recovering. "On October 1, I went to a meeting as usual and learned about the signing of the contract. At that time, I told the unit that my hand still needs to be raised for two days. I will take the contract back to take a look first, and bring the contract back after signing it. Who knew that after finishing in the morning, I found that my account was cancelled by the unit in the evening." Han Bing said.

  The same thing happened to Mr. Hou, a rider who was hospitalized with bronchitis. "I injured my foot in September, and then I was hospitalized due to bronchitis. I didn’t bother to sign the contract during my sick leave. It was also on October 1 that I found out that my account was cancelled by the unit." Mr. Hou said.

  In addition, the rider Mr. Du’s account was also cancelled. He rushed to the company to sign a contract, and the unit restored his account that afternoon, which saved his job.

  On the afternoon of the 8th, the company’s webmaster Liu said that the two were fired because they were not working for a long time. The fired rider Han Bing said that the next step will be to apply to the labor arbitration department for arbitration.


  Many practitioners violate traffic laws and injuries are commonplace

  The Internet is full of news of illegal riding by takeaway riders, and there are many cases of traffic accidents caused by takeaway brothers who rush to deliver meals. In order to strengthen the traffic management of electric vehicles in the express delivery industry, the Traffic Administration of the Ministry of Public Security held a video conference of the national public security traffic control department in March this year, and issued a proposal to express delivery industry organizations and enterprises to strengthen the traffic management of electric vehicles.

  Traffic violations such as red light running, retrograde driving, and speeding are common and disrupt urban traffic order. In this contract, there are special clauses to bind the delivery brother. The contract states that "Party B must abide by various national traffic regulations, laws, and rules when providing labor services. If there is any violation, Party B will bear the corresponding responsibility. (Special prohibition: not wearing a helmet, working under the influence of alcohol, driving a motorcycle without a license, retrograde driving, running a red light, rushing, speeding, etc.) "

  Regarding this clause, the takeaway brothers have the most words. When it comes to traffic violations, the takeaway brothers are very helpless. "This industry does not have many requirements for academic qualifications, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can earn 4,000 or 5,000 yuan a month, but we earn hard-earned money!" Many takeaway brothers said that it is common for practitioners to be injured in collisions, and some people have been in traffic accidents, but the degree of injuries varies.


  Self-analysis: The work system makes us insecure

  The rider Xiao Zhang had been working for more than a year, and he said that he had not only bumped into an electric car, but also hit a car for food delivery, and that time he lost 2,800 yuan. Xiao Hou had hurt his foot while delivering food, Xiao Du had recently injured his knees, Xiao Wu had just injured his leg in August, and Xiao Han had also injured his hand while recovering from a work injury due to dodging a tram…

  During the conversation, the reporter noticed that these takeaway brothers were injured because of the fast speed of the car during the delivery or the illegal riding in order to take a shortcut. Why must the delivery of takeout be speeding, retrograde or even running a red light? According to these riders, they have to run 500 orders a month to get a basic salary, and they can get 4 yuan for each order. Generally speaking, from 11:00 to 2:00 pm every day, and from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm are the takeout peak, but these two periods are also the traffic peak. There are many cars on the road, and the signal light time is longer. Moreover, the order is more concentrated. " Take noon as an example, we send orders electronically, and the positions of the orders sent are different. Some orders have to run more than 4 kilometers, and often three or four orders are sent at the same time. "Xiao Han said that the company stipulates that the delivery time is within 30 minutes. If three orders are sent at the same time, all three orders must be delivered within half an hour. The food is picked up at different locations, and some people have to wait for a while to arrive at the restaurant. The three orders plus the three orders must be completed within half an hour. If there is a customer complaint after the time limit, 500 yuan will be deducted if the complaint is successful, so the time is very tight, and we have no choice but to ride quickly. Wait for less red lights or take shortcuts on the road.

  According to the riders, the company often let everyone solve the accident by themselves, and even pay for it themselves. Although there are many injuries, if you are not hospitalized, you will rarely get insurance compensation. "So we usually endure minor injuries." These delivery guys said that from 6:30 in the morning to midnight, they can be seen on the streets. Whether it is windy, rainy or snowy, they cannot ask for leave in special weather. On several rainy days this summer, the delivery guys walked through tens of centimeters of water in the street to deliver food in the rain. Afterwards, many delivery guys’ trams broke down and everyone had to repair them at their own expense. These riders hope to be understood by everyone, and they look forward to more perfect rules and regulations for the delivery industry, so that the industry can be healthy, standardized and sustainable.

Tencent: More than 180 businesses have been connected to Tencent’s hybrid model

Beijing News Shell Financial News (Reporter Bai Jinlei) On October 26, Tencent announced that more than 180 internal businesses have been connected to Tencent’s hybrid model, including Tencent conferences, Tencent documents, WeCom, Tencent advertising and WeChat search. Customers from retail, education, finance, medical care, media, transportation, government affairs and other industries call Tencent’s hybrid API (application programming interface) through Tencent Cloud. The application field involves intelligent Q & A, content creation, data analytics, code assistant and other scenarios.

It is understood that after the first batch of records were passed in September this year, the Tencent Hybrid model has also been open to C-end users one after another. Users can communicate with Tencent Hybrid through the Mini Program or the web.

Editor, Song Yuting

Proofreading, Chen Diyan

State Regulation for Market Regulation: 25% Power Bank Spot Check Quality Unqualified

Mobile power banks are also called power banks. Due to their small size and easy portability, they have solved the problem of charging mobile phones and other electronic products anytime and anywhere. In recent years, sales have been very impressive. The latest national supervision and spot inspection results of mobile power supplies released by the State Regulation for Market Regulation show that a quarter of the products in the spot inspection failed, and the problems found were mainly due to various hidden dangers such as leakage and fire.

25% of the mobile power supply quality failed the national supervision and random inspection

Miao Yuchen, Director of the Product Spot Inspection Department of the Quality Supervision Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation: This time, 108 batches of mobile power supply products produced by 107 enterprises in 9 provinces (cities) were randomly checked, and 27 batches of products were found to be unqualified, and the unqualified discovery rate was 25%. The inspection focused on 16 items such as the conversion efficiency, heat generation requirements, and radio disturbance of the products. After inspection, the unqualified items were concentrated on 5 items: conversion efficiency, effective output capacity at room temperature, heat abuse, overcharging, and radio disturbance.

Mobile power, also known as power bank, is a non-stationary charging product assembled from battery packs, circuits and casings. It is understood that there are more than 900 million smartphone users in our country in 2020; and according to relevant industry statistics, in 2019, our country’s mobile power output is also close to 900 million.

However, at the same time, the reporter’s investigation found that in recent years, with the increasing use of mobile power sources, fire and explosion accidents related to mobile power sources are also common in various places.

In December 2021, the mobile power supply in the home of Mr. Liu, a consumer in Guiyang, Guizhou, suddenly exploded while charging.

Consumer Mr. Liu: The power bank was charged for one night, but I forgot to unplug it when I sent my child to read the next morning. In the afternoon, it was charged and ignited.

After searching, the reporter found that on a bus in Guangzhou, the power bank in a middle school student’s schoolbag suddenly caught fire, causing thick smoke to spread throughout the carriage.

In recent years, there have been a number of mobile power fires in crowded places such as university dormitories, cabins, office buildings, and subways, threatening consumers’ personal and property safety.

Since the implementation of the national standard for mobile power supplies in 2019, the State Administration for Market Regulation has conducted national supervision and spot checks on such products for three consecutive years.

Pang Yao, Deputy Director of the Electronic and Electrical Products Testing Center of Beijing Quality Inspection InstituteFirst of all, national supervision and spot checks must place greater emphasis on safety items, because safety items involve consumers’ personal health and property safety.

The testing engineer told the reporter that if the mobile power supply safety project fails, it indicates that the product is at risk of overheating, fire, explosion, etc., and there are serious safety hazards.

8 batches of overcharging fail the test, which can cause fire and explosion

The reporter learned that it generally takes a few hours or even longer for the power bank to be fully charged. If you forget to unplug the power supply, you may even charge it all day and night. This situation is called overcharging. This requires that the internal quality of the power bank must be reliable, so as not to have safety hazards such as fire and explosion in the overcharged state. The State Administration of Market Supervision found that 8 batches of mobile power supplies failed the overcharging test.

During the investigation, the reporter learned that the mobile power supplies currently sold on the market are generally not equipped with adapters. Consumers mostly use adapters from other electronic products when charging the mobile power supply. The testing engineer told the reporter that if the adapter does not match the current parameters of the mobile power supply, the internal circuit of the long-term charging mobile power supply may be damaged. This requires that the internal battery pack of the mobile power supply is of reliable quality. In the case of failure of the protection circuit, it can still work normally without causing safety hazards to consumers. Overcharging items are a key safety indicator for testing the quality of the internal battery pack of a mobile power supply.

Beijing Quality Inspection Institute, Electronic and Electrical Products Testing Center, Yang Jiaju: The overcharging project is to assess whether there is a risk of fire or explosion when the internal battery is continuously charged with overvoltage and overcurrent when the protection function of the mobile power supply fails. A total of 8 batches of mobile power overcharging projects were unqualified in this national pumping. Failure to overcharge may lead to fire and explosion in the mobile power supply, threatening the safety of consumers’ personal and property.

During the over-charging test, eight batches of mobile power supplies were judged to be unqualified, and the unqualified products were produced by companies such as Shenzhen Harman Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Baojia Energy Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Yimi Technology Co., Ltd.

9 batches of hot abuse failed the test, and there are hidden dangers such as explosion

The reporter noticed that this time, 9 batches of mobile power supplies that failed the 15 batches of safety projects were unqualified for thermal abuse, and this project was also the project with the most unqualified products.

In the testing laboratory, the reporter saw that the inspectors first disassembled the battery pack inside the mobile power supply, and then put it into the test chamber. When the temperature reached 130 degrees Celsius, the battery was kept at a constant temperature for 30 minutes. During the process, the battery did not catch fire or explode, and the heat abuse items were qualified.

The battery of this mobile power bank began to bulge 6 minutes after the start of the test, began to smoke 20 minutes later, and then the battery caught fire and exploded. The huge airflow generated by the explosion could be seen exploding the ventilation equipment of the test chamber.

Beijing Quality Inspection Institute, Electronic and Electrical Products Testing Center, Yang JiajuThe thermal abuse project assesses the ability of the internal battery of the mobile power supply to withstand high temperature. If the mobile power supply encounters a high temperature environment during use, it may cause a fire and explosion, which poses certain safety hazards. For example, the temperature in the car will be particularly high in summer. If the mobile power supply is kept in the car, its environment is a high temperature environment.

A total of 9 batches of mobile power supplies, including this batch of products, caught fire or exploded during the thermal abuse test, and were judged to be unqualified. The nominal production units of the unqualified products were Shenzhen Fushun Cheng Technology Co., Ltd., Dongguan Beisest New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Shisailai Technology Co., Ltd., and other 9 enterprises.

9 batches of virtual standard capacity cannot meet the charging requirements

During the investigation, the reporter learned that mobile power supplies are generally marked with "rated capacity" to indicate how much power the product can provide for electronic products such as mobile phones. This time, the national pumping found that some mobile power supplies have quality problems with false rated capacity.

The rated capacity claimed by the manufacturer of this product is 4000 mAh, and the measured output capacity is 2160 mAh, which is only more than half of the nominal value. It is the most serious product with the rated capacity false standard found in this national pumping.

Qi Rui, Electronic and Electrical Products Testing Center, Beijing Quality Inspection InstituteIn layman’s terms, the higher the effective output capacity of a product at room temperature, the more it can charge electronic devices such as mobile phones. If you use this mobile power supply to charge a mobile phone with a battery capacity of 4,000 mAh, the mobile power supply may run out of power before the mobile phone is fully charged.

The testing engineer told reporters that, in general, the larger the rated capacity of the mobile power supply, the more expensive the price will be. If the enterprise falsely labels the capacity, consumers will spend more money to buy products that do not live up to their name, and their economic benefits will also be damaged.

Some of these products are deliberately falsified by the manufacturer in order to raise the selling price, and some products are actually labeled on the outer packaging as the capacity of the internal battery cell, not the actual output capacity. Some enterprises with low manufacturing level are unwilling to indicate the true rated capacity due to low conversion efficiency.

Pang Yao, Deputy Director of the Electronic and Electrical Products Testing Center of Beijing Quality Inspection Institute: Now there are some products that do not have a rated capacity. It is marked with capacity or battery capacity. It is not ruled out that these refer to the capacity of the battery or battery pack, not the capacity that the mobile power supply can output externally. If the nominal is battery capacity, the output (capacity) of the mobile power supply will definitely not meet the nominal capacity requirements.

After testing, 9 batches of mobile power supplies failed to meet the requirements for their effective output capacity at room temperature. They were mobile power supplies produced by nominal production units such as Di Fu Le Bio (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Jianghai Technology Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Shi Sailai Technology Co., Ltd.

Scan and check, the country’s first "taxi smart code" Xi’an is online

  Passengers can scan the "taxi smart code" to experience real-time itinerary inquiry, service evaluation and complaint, fare payment and other functions.

  Yesterday morning, the Xi’an Taxi Management Office and Xi’an Taxi Association released a new type of service supervision card for Xi’an taxis. The content displayed on the card includes Xi’an’s unified "taxi payment code" and the country’s first "taxi smart code". The reporter learned that passengers only need to scan the "Xi’an Taxi Smart Code" to realize real-time itinerary inquiry, service evaluation and complaint, fare payment and other functions.

  Real-time information can be known on the "code" to efficiently ensure passenger safety

  The newly released Xi’an Taxi’s new service supervision card can not only display the driver’s photo, name, license plate number and other information, but also add two new functions: "Xi’an Taxi Smart Code" and "Xi’an Taxi Payment Code". The reporter found that the new service supervision card is not only placed in front of the co-pilot, but also intimately set up a service supervision card in the back row to facilitate passengers to scan the code.

  After the trip starts, passengers can enter the WeChat Mini Program of TikTok Travel by scanning the "smart code" on the service supervision card to "claim" their trip. At the same time, the information queried and the information of the actual ride are verified through the "smart code", which can effectively identify cloned cars and condominium cars. It is worth mentioning that the "smart code" provides an itinerary sharing function. Passengers can share the ongoing itinerary with their family and friends. The party who receives the itinerary sharing can monitor the driving track of the vehicle, the specific information of the driver and the vehicle in real time, providing more security for passengers to travel. In addition, the "smart code" is linked to the GPS data in the taxi, and passengers can scan the code to estimate the journey cost in advance, and can view the real-time travel track, driving speed, travel direction, and see if there is a yaw or detour.

  After the trip, the "smart code" is connected to the in-car meter in real time. The driver lifts the meter to stop charging, and the fare displayed on the meter will directly bounce to the passenger’s mobile phone. Passengers can pay directly, and there is no need to manually enter the fare, which avoids the situation that passengers will enter errors and overpay when paying the fare through their mobile phone.

  Anonymous service evaluation anti-violation "code" is more convenient to pay

  In order to fill the gap in service evaluation of traditional cruise taxis, the "Smart Code" launched this time has been integrated into the evaluation system. Passengers can anonymously evaluate drivers from five dimensions: "Communication Politeness", "Quiet and Not Disturbing", "No Odor in People and Vehicles", "Clean and Comfortable Environment" and "Safe Driving". Drivers with high passenger satisfaction can receive priority orders and service rewards, which will also be used as a reference condition for the first evaluation in the industry.

  For drivers with poor service, passengers can also make anonymous complaints through the "smart code", and the complaint content, itinerary information, driver information and other data will be transmitted in real time to the complaint acceptance department of the Municipal Taxi Administration for investigation and handling. Compared with telephone complaints, the "smart code" is more efficient, and it is easier to identify service violations such as detours and overcharges, which can effectively ensure the rights and interests of passengers.

  In the payment process, in addition to scanning the "smart code" payment, Bank of Xi’an also provides a "seven-in-one" aggregate payment method. Passengers can complete the payment by scanning the "payment code" on the new service supervision card. It supports seven methods such as WeChat and Alipay, and also supports savings card and credit card payment, providing more options for passengers to pay conveniently. The fare will be directly credited to the driver’s bank card, without the need to withdraw again through the payment platform, saving the driver the withdrawal fee.

  "IoT + Big Data" empowers taxi operations

  The release of the new service supervision card and "taxi smart code" is the first time that the data of the Internet platform and in-car facilities has been connected in the national industry, marking an important step in the deepening reform of the taxi industry in Xi’an and the process of reducing the taxi network in Xi’an. The taxi industry in Xi’an plans to complete the first batch of 3,000 vehicles by August 31, and then complete the laying of all "taxi smart codes" in the city.

  The reporter learned that the "smart code" uses the Internet of Things technology to integrate the information data of Yangzhao taxis, predict the demand for taxis through travel demand heat map and big data analytics, and rationally allocate urban taxi resources during peak hours to alleviate the problem of difficult taxis during peak hours. Help taxi drivers reduce empty driving rates and improve operational efficiency.

  "The integration of old and new formats in the taxi industry is the trend of the times. Traditional cruise cars and online taxi-hailing cars should learn from each other, learn from each other’s strengths and complement each other’s weaknesses, and jointly provide passengers with high-quality and safe travel services." Wang Jian, director of Xi’an Taxi Management Office, said that the "smart code" is an important attempt launched by Xi’an taxi industry in the country. I hope citizens and drivers can actively use it and give more opinions.

  It is understood that during the launch of the "smart code", both drivers and passengers can get rich rewards for using it. Taxi drivers who activate the new service supervision card can enjoy the first 5 yuan bonus, and if there are more than 60 transactions in the month, they can get a 30 yuan bonus; passengers can get different amounts of ride ticket rewards by scanning the code to complete the service evaluation of the driver, and the driver can also get the evaluation bonus. In the next step, the "smart code" will also launch electronic invoices, yaw reminders, lost and found, taxi combination, enterprise payment and other functions to continuously improve the service quality of cruise taxis in the industry. (Text/Photo, Reporter, Guo Peiran)

Racing game’s "novice mode" Autonavi pushes AR navigation

  [Autohome Connected Travel] When we play racing games, the suggested driving route is projected on the track in novice mode. Generally, following this route can pass each corner without rushing out of the track. Today, this "novice mode" is applied to navigation by Autonavi.


  It has been less than a month since Autonavi announced a new version of the map that supports Carplay function. Autonavi maps and Ali Damo Academy have released car AR navigation. Do you still remember the real-life navigation of Roewe MARVEL X? Click for details "AR function introduction, experience MARVEL X driver assistance system", if you were still short of AR navigation with a MARVEL X before, then in 1 month, you will only be short of AR navigation with a rearview mirror.

What needs does AR navigation solve?

  Whether it is the real navigation displayed from the dashboard of MARVEL X or the "product" brought by Autonavi this time, most people will think that AR navigation is very cool, so what needs can it actually solve? Installation B only accounts for a small part of the proportion, and its fundamental significance is to solve the "understanding cost" in the process of using navigation.


  To achieve AR navigation functions, the hardware needs to have image acquisition (camera), positioning (GPS positioning, gyroscope, inertial navigation), image recognition (chip, algorithm), navigation (lane-level navigation, road and traffic data). The core technology of AR navigation, image recognition, is developed by Autonavi in collaboration with Aridama Academy.



  For a typical example, when driving at high speed, there are often vehicles that suddenly slow down or stop at the exit, which often leads to rear-end collisions. The reason is mostly to miss the exit or not confirm whether the current exit should go out. The function of AR navigation is to help the driver get on the right path through the real-life guide.

What can the AR navigation released by Autonavi do?




  In addition to the above functions, with the help of image recognition technology to detect the car in front, when the intersection lights switch and the car leaves, the navigation will give the driver a voice prompt.

Hardware Carrier for AR Navigation

  At present, the AR car navigation functions brought by Autonavi are basically auxiliary navigation, with some pre-collision and lane departure prompts attached, which is generally more practical. But this set of AR navigation needs to rely on a set of hardware as a carrier to show these functions. Similar to the LCD dashboard, multimedia display, and HUD head-up system used by MARVEL X can all become AR navigation carriers, but these hardware need to rely on the entire vehicle manufacturer, so Autonavi chose a shortcut – smart rearview mirrors.



  Don’t rush to scold the street! I know that most people are not optimistic about the product of smart rearview mirrors, but in Autonavi’s own words: we can’t take the PPT when we go to discuss cooperation with the OEM? In fact, smart rearview mirrors are hardware that integrates cameras, chip computing, and display screens and can be quickly landed. Low threshold is the biggest feature, so Autonavi chose the smart rearview mirror in cooperation with China Mobile to make this set of AR navigation "landing".



  From the actual experience, there is no problem with the AR navigation function itself, and the auxiliary effect of combining voice broadcast on the driver is still very strong. But if you add the carrier – the smart rearview mirror, this feeling is a little sour. First of all, to use AR navigation, you must sacrifice the function of the inner rearview mirror itself, which is obviously not good for driving safety. Secondly, due to the problem of lens material, more serious reflective problems will also reduce the functionality of the AR navigation itself. In addition, the entire AR navigation is integrated in the small area of the inner rearview mirror, which greatly reduces the effect.


Write at the end:

  It is understood that this smart rearview mirror that can use AR navigation will be in marketing activities in November, and more smart rearview mirrors will be equipped with this function thereafter. But in terms of experience, AR navigation presented on the central control screen and dashboard is the most anticipated. Of course, if it is not subject to configuration factors, HUD is the best choice. (Photo/Text Autohome Li Xiang)


Click here for details.

Only 127g Xiaomi’s first lipstick power bank released: 5000mAh sells for 129 yuan

Today.Xiaomi released its first 5000mAh lipstick power bank, using a gradual change of color design, priced at 129 yuan.

According to reports, the Xiaomi lipstick power bank has a built-in capacity of 5000mAh, which can be brought on the plane.The width of the power bank body is about 30.6mm and the weight is 127g.Girls can also keep it in a small satchel without burden, and take out emergency power at any time.

This new product is also very eye-catching in appearance, the inner shell adopts a soft blue powder gradual change design, and the shell is a matte UV matte process, which can be called a fashionable item for the lady.

In terms of configuration,Xiaomi lipstick power bank supports a maximum output power of 20W.Xiaomi Civi 2 with lipstick power bank can get an additional 80% power, but also for iPhone 13 fast charging, 30 minutes to charge to 43%.

At the same time, the power bank has a built-in intelligent identification chip, which can automatically match the current required by the device to meet the charging needs of various brands of mobile phones, tablets, and low-current devices.

The built-in Type-C interface of Xiaomi lipstick power bank supports two-way fast charging and has 13.5W input.With its own charging cable, self-charging can be completed in about 1.5 hours.

In terms of safety, the new product uses 21700 power batteries, which support temperature protection, short circuit protection, RESET protection, input overvoltage/overcurrent protection, output overcurrent/overvoltage protection, and more.

Purchase (129 yuan)

NIO "sell a loss 110,000", NIO has a future?

Recently, NIO disclosed its financial report for 2022. The NIO Xiaopeng ideal, which has always been compared by everyone, is inevitably used by the industry for financial competition. However, unexpectedly, NIO, which has always been the big brother in the new car manufacturing forces, has the highest revenue but more losses. In comparison, Xiaopeng and the ideal gross margin are slightly better.

Simply put, NIO lost 14.437 billion in 2022, an increase of 259.4% year-on-year; if calculated by the delivery volume of 122,486 vehicles last year, NIO will lose 117,800 yuan on average for every car sold. And you can also see that in the fourth quarter of last year, NIO’s gross profit margin fell to 3.9%, and the annual gross profit margin was only 10.4%. This data compares to the ideal 20% to know how low it is. In this case, does NIO have a future?

From its establishment in November 2014 to March 2023, NIO has experienced eight years. As the most powerful and reputable new energy vehicle company among many new car-making forces, Li Bin, the founder of NIO, is the founder of Yiche, the first overseas listed automotive Internet company in China. Before going public in 2018, NIO had received more than 2 billion US dollars in financing, and investors included Tencent,, Hillhouse, Hopu and other first-class institutions. In 2018, NIO successfully went public in the United States, with a financing scale of up to 960 million US dollars, making it the third largest financing scale among Chinese companies that went public in the United States that year. Although it encountered a capital chain crisis for more than a year after listing, and there was news of bankruptcy, NIO finally got 7 billion strategic investment through the assistance of Hefei state-owned assets, and got through the difficulties without danger.

First of all, NIO’s substation is one of the important factors of its loss. In the early days of NIO’s establishment, its substation model was regarded by many as its unique selling point, but now, this model has become a burden. It is reported that NIO currently has more than 140 substation, and each substation costs more than 10 million yuan to build. Although this has improved the user experience and brand value, NIO needs to bear huge pressure.

Secondly, as cost growth far outpaced revenue growth, NIO’s gross margin fell sharply. The higher the gross margin, the stronger the profitability and competitive advantage of the company’s products. And NIO’s automotive gross margin suddenly fell from 20.9% to 6.8% in the fourth quarter of 2022, which led to a loss. If we ask the reason for the low gross margin, we can find that the reasons are inventory reserves, accelerated depreciation of production equipment, loss of purchase commitments, and rising battery costs.

In addition to profit pressure, the other end of the deficit isR & DCost. In 2022, NIO’s R & D expenses were 10.836 billion yuan, an increase of 136.0% year-on-year.At the same time, selling, general and administrative expenses were 10.537 billion yuan, an increase of 53.2% year-on-year. From this point of view, R & D expenses almost doubled, which was the main reason for the increase in expenses, while high sales, general expenses and administrative expenses also contributed to the loss.

Responsible editor:

Ministry of Transportation: Online taxi drivers need to take an exam, and taxis will be fined up to 2,000 yuan for refusing to take a taxi

  As an important supporting regulation to deepen the reform of the taxi industry, yesterday, the Ministry of Transport announced the newly revised "Regulations on the Management of the Qualifications of Taxi Drivers" and "Regulations on the Management of Tour Taxi Business Services". The two regulations make it clear that whether it is a traditional cruise taxi driver or an online taxi booking driver, they must pass the national public subject and regional subject examinations to obtain a qualification certificate, and be registered with the taxi administrative department before they can engage in taxi passenger transportation services. The two regulations will come into force on October 1 and November 1 this year respectively.

  Provisions on the management of professional qualifications



  Divided into public subjects and regional subjects

  Beijing Morning Post reporter found that the revised "taxi driver qualification management regulations" on the scope of application has been clear, taxi driver qualifications include cruise taxi driver qualifications and online booking taxi driver qualifications, and combined with the characteristics of the new business model of the network about the car, the driver conditions, test content, certificate category, registration management, further education and legal responsibility and other aspects of the corresponding adaptation.

  The "Regulations" make it clear that the Ministry of Transport is responsible for guiding the management of the national taxi driver qualification. The taxi driver qualification examination includes the national public subject and regional subject examinations.

  The regional subject examination for the qualification of cruise taxi drivers is a knowledge test with regional service characteristics such as local taxi policies and regulations, operating regional human geography and traffic routes; the regional subject examination for the qualification of online taxi drivers is a knowledge test with regional specifications such as local taxi policies and regulations.



  3 years of driving experience and no drunk driving record

  For drivers who apply to participate in the taxi driver qualification examination, the "Regulations" also make it clear that they must obtain a motor vehicle driver’s license of the corresponding approved driving type and have more than 3 years of driving experience; no traffic accident crime, dangerous driving crime record, no drug use record, no driving record after drinking, and no 12-point record has been recorded in 3 consecutive scoring periods recently. At the same time, no violent criminal record, and other conditions stipulated by the city people’s government are required. Only if the above conditions are met can they register for the exam with relevant materials.

  In addition, only taxi drivers who have obtained the qualification certificate can engage in taxi passenger transportation services after registering with the qualification of the taxi administrative department. The valid period of registration of the qualification of taxi drivers is 3 years.

  If you have obtained the qualification certificate for more than 3 years and have not applied for registration, you need to complete no less than 27 hours of further education before starting the job after registration.



  The maximum penalty for operating without a license is 30,000 yuan

  The "Regulations" also make it clear that for drivers, there are acts such as dumping passengers on the way or deliberately detouring; not carrying road transportation certificates and professional qualification certificates in accordance with regulations; cruise taxi drivers refusing to carry, or without the consent of the driver or passengers, online booking taxi drivers failing to arrive at the agreed location to provide reservation services without justifiable reasons; carrying other passengers without the consent of passengers; cruise taxi drivers not using metering equipment in accordance with regulations, illegal charging or online booking taxi drivers illegal charging; retaliation against passengers who report, complain about the quality of their services or make unsatisfactory evaluations of their services, and if the behavior is serious, the registration will be postponed, ordered to make corrections, and a fine of more than 200 yuan and less than 2,000 yuan will be imposed.

  Those who fail to obtain the qualification certificate or exceed the scope of the qualification certificate and drive a taxi to engage in business activities; those who use an invalid, forged or altered qualification certificate to drive a taxi to engage in business activities; those who lend, rent or alter the qualification certificate shall be fined not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 30,000 yuan; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

  For enterprises, in violation of these Provisions, employing personnel who have not obtained a qualification certificate and driving a taxi to engage in business activities, they will be ordered to make corrections and fined not less than 5,000 yuan 10,000 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, they will be fined not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 30,000 yuan.

  In addition, it is worth noting that these "Regulations" also put forward clear requirements for the taxi administrative department and staff, failing to organize the professional qualification examination and issue the professional qualification certificate according to the prescribed conditions, procedures and deadlines; discovering illegal acts that are not promptly investigated and punished; soliciting, accepting other people’s property and making other improper benefits, the directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnel will be given administrative sanctions according to law; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility will be investigated according to law.

  ■ Follow-up

  Why manage ride-hailing drivers?

  The Ministry of Transport said that whether it is online car-hailing or cruise cars, it provides universal passenger transportation services for the public, and the driver is subject to access management according to law, which is the bottom line requirement of the industry management department to ensure transportation safety and service quality.

  In what aspects have the characteristics of online car-hailing been considered?

  In the revision of the "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Driver Qualifications", the characteristics of online car-hailing are fully considered, and through "tailor-made" system design and management innovation, we actively support the standardized development of new business models. For example, compared with cruise car drivers, the content of the online car-hailing driver test is minimized, and its registration and cancellation are stipulated, which can be completed by the platform company reporting to the taxi administrative department where the issuing authority is located.

  Regulations on the Administration of Cruise Taxi

  "Molecular money" should be adjusted in time

  According to the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" issued, the revised "Regulations on the Management of Cruise Taxi Business Services" adjusted the scope of application, and made a series of provisions on the positioning of the taxi industry, the distribution of interests between operators and drivers, etc. It is clear that taxis are an integral part of the urban comprehensive transportation system, a supplement to urban public transportation, and provide personalized transportation services for the public. The development of cruise taxis should be in line with the economic and social development of the city, and coordinated with the development of passenger transportation service methods such as public transportation. By clarifying the development orientation, efforts should be made to build a diversified and differentiated urban comprehensive transportation service system to better meet the travel needs of the people.

  In response to the "part money" problem of taxis, cruise taxi operators are required to adjust the contract fee standards or quota tasks in a timely manner according to factors such as operating costs and changes in freight rates, so as to better build a business model of shared operational risks and reasonable distribution of benefits between enterprises and drivers, and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.


  The two provisions provide for the rule of law

  In July this year, the Ministry of Transport issued the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services", as important supporting regulations for deepening the reform of the taxi industry. Yesterday, the Ministry of Transport issued the newly revised "Regulations on the Management of Taxi Drivers’ Qualifications" and "Regulations on the Management of Tour Taxi Business Services" and made relevant interpretations.

  The Ministry of Transport said that the amendments to the two ministerial orders were solicited from local transportation authorities in early July this year, and will provide legal protection for promoting the transformation and upgrading of cruise cars, standardizing the operation of online car-hailing, and promoting the integrated development of new and old business models.

  Writing in this edition

  Beijing Morning Post reporter, Cao Jingrui

Ma Ma: Under the tide of "Internet +", what magic power can Tencent "+" produce?

Pony Ma, Chairperson and CEO of Tencent

  The popularity of "Internet +" is not just because it appeared in Premier Li Keqiang’s government report, but the inevitable development of the times and the general trend of the development of information technology.

  Speaking of "Internet +", Pony Ma, chairperson and chief executive of Tencent, said he first realised in 2013 that the internet was a cross-border concept. Later, the development of the Internet was at its height, and many traditional industry people then defined the Internet as something that disrupts, conflicts and replaces traditional industries. However, "things that disrupt, conflict and replace traditional industries" are not the essence of the Internet. "The Internet is a tool, and this tool should be available to any industry," he said. But the Internet is not just a tool, but a capability, a new DNA that, when combined with various industries, can give the latter new strength and regeneration ability.

????What kind of magic can the Internet "+" produce?

  Back on March 5, Premier Li Keqiang delivered a government work report and formally proposed "formulating an’Internet + ‘action plan to promote the integration of mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, etc. with modern manufacturing, promote the healthy development of e-commerce, industrial Internet and Internet finance, and guide Internet companies to expand the international market." For a time, "Internet +" became a key buzzword in major media, and the power of the Internet extended to various industries such as transportation, medical care, education, manufacturing, and agriculture.

  It can be seen from the daily life closest to the people that the Internet has unknowingly penetrated into everyone’s life. Functions such as social networking, shopping, payment, taxi hailing, car washing, and registration can almost all be realized through the Internet. The Internet is becoming one of the necessities of life on an equal footing with water and electricity. Pony Ma defines the Internet as a new information energy source. He believes that all industries can integrate "Internet +" into their own industries. If they do not do so, this industry and industry will be outdated and eliminated.

  Although "Internet +" has not been a hot word for a long time, the Internet’s changes to traditional industries continue. From a broad perspective, "Internet +" is fully radiating to the tertiary industry based on the information and communication industry, and is penetrating into the primary and secondary industries. Services such as catering, tourism, entertainment and other services have begun to move towards a mature "Internet +" development stage. At the same time, industrial Internet and agricultural modernization will bring new opportunities for the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

  In depth, "Internet +" has gradually penetrated from the link of information transmission to the links of multiple industrial chains such as manufacturing, distribution, and operation. Use information productivity to shift the scale production in the industrial age to a new production model that can meet the needs of personalized long tails. "Internet +" is penetrating from consumer goods to equipment manufacturing, energy, new materials and other industries, and will comprehensively promote the transformation of traditional industrial production methods.

  According to official data, our country’s online retail enterprises have created more than 9 million jobs, and it is expected to reach 30 million by the end of 2015. Take WeChat as an example. In 2014, WeChat stimulated 95.20 billion of information consumption, equivalent to 3.4% of China’s total information consumption in 2014, driving social employment 10.07 million people. It is expected that by the end of 2015, WeChat-driven information consumption will grow to 142.80 billion yuan. This is the magic of Internet "+", but there are more than 10 million netizens in China. The above figures are just the tip of the iceberg dug out by China’s information economy. In the future, the number of Internet "+" will continue to set new records.

????Do subtraction before addition

  For major traditional industries, compared to what the Internet can "+", they are more concerned about how to "+". An example that Ma Yun often cites is the **** between WeChat and operators about two and a half years ago. Some outsiders said that WeChat replaced text messages, which was a replacement and subversion for operators. He admitted that the pressure was very high at that time. This was the first major impact between mobile Internet and traditional communications. A year and a half ago, Internet finance attracted the attention of regulators again, and online credit cards were subsequently suspended. In the past year, Didi and Kuaidi have triggered government supervision issues in the transportation sector. There have been many collisions in the process of the integration of the Internet and traditional industries, but these collisions are not enough to stand in the way of traditional industries moving towards the Internet. In Ma Jintao’s view, the above problems are "healthy" and can be solved through discussions in various departments.

  Pony Ma said that before the "Internet +" wave came, Tencent had made the largest organizational restructuring in history three years ago to adapt to the mobile Internet and the combination of the Internet and traditional industries. Tencent abandoned the "do everything" strategy, and search, e-commerce, and some O2O and small businesses have been axed. Now, Tencent only does two things: connectors and content industries.

  In recent public occasions, Pony Ma has repeatedly explained the clear positioning of Tencent, and the most powerful backing for Tencent to become a connector that connects people, people, services, and devices is the two major platforms of QQ and WeChat. The latest data shows that WeChat has 549 million monthly active users, and more than 8 million official accounts, which are increasing at a rate of 15,000 per day. QQ’s monthly active users are 832 million, QQ space has 668 million monthly active users, and Tencent’s international users are 200 million, covering more than 200 countries and regions. It is this series of numbers that give Tencent the confidence to propose "connecting everything".

  Pony Ma said that the second thing Tencent does is the content industry, which includes news, online games, videos, literature, music, etc., and other things will be handed over to partners. In the words of Pony Ma: "Before adding, you must first subtract." Pony Ma admitted that this is also the conclusion that Tencent has come to after years of pain. Tencent will firmly be the best partner for all entrepreneurs. Just like the saying "half life": Tencent now only retains half life and gives the other half life to partners, so that an ecosystem will be formed.

????Tencent "+" has produced fruitful results in various industries

  After the two sessions this year, Tencent quickly launched the "Internet +" action. Since March 23, Tencent has signed "Internet +" strategic cooperation agreements with Henan, Chongqing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou and other provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government. And on April 29, it hosted the 2015 "Internet + China" Summit with the theme "Imperative". At this conference, Tencent launched the "Internet +" ecosystem for the first time. At this conference, 16 cities including Changsha, Wuxi and Dalian signed a strategic framework cooperation agreement with Tencent and became a member of the "Internet +" ecosystem. At present, some cities have access to WeChat city services, allowing citizens to enjoy more than 10 convenient services such as checking the weather, paying bills, booking passports, and inquiring about violations of regulations through WeChat.

  But Tencent’s eyes are not only on the field of "smart cities". In terms of medical care, nearly 100 hospitals across the country have launched WeChat full-process visits, and more than 1,200 hospitals support WeChat registration. The service has accumulated more than 3 million patients, saving more than 6 million hours for patients and greatly improving efficiency. In terms of education, Tencent has cooperated with a number of educational institutions to open Tencent classrooms, opening more than 20,000 courses for primary and secondary schools, universities, vocational education, IT training and other multi-level people, with about 73,000 people taking classes every week. In terms of finance, WeBank also began to test its first Internet credit product "Microloan" after Premier Li Keqiang issued the first batch of online loans. In addition, in various fields such as emergency management and media, Tencent is doing "Internet +" exploration.

  It is worth noting that in order to welcome the "maker era", Tencent has upgraded its open API, which has been running for nearly four years. On April 28, Tencent officially upgraded its startup base to Tencent Maker Space. Hou Xiaonan, general manager of Tencent open API, said at the summit: "Tencent hopes to integrate the power of society, integrate the alliance of venture capital, combine offline acceleration and online support, and create a three-dimensional Maker Space for entrepreneurs."

  Data from Tencent shows that the total number of open API applications has reached 2.40 million, including entertainment, life, education and other aspects. The total number of entrepreneurs has reached 5 million, covering the first to third tier cities across the country. At the same time, over 500,000 square meters of 25 Tencent Maker space has been planned to land.

  Pony Ma said: "In the new era, what Tencent needs to do is to build a ladder, that is, return to the core platform. What we can do is to provide all industries with spare parts and tools, so that they can fly higher and safer in the wave of integration with the mobile Internet." The innovative DNA brought by "Internet +" has begun to seep into various industries. I believe that the innovative seeds implanted with the "Internet +" gene will soon spread all over the country and continue to bear fruitful fruits.

Let community group buying become assured group buying

In recent years, the community group buying model has gradually attracted the attention of capital, and many leading e-commerce platforms have entered the market. The COVID-19 epidemic has made community group buying more popular. A number of data show that community group buying is prosperous during the epidemic.

Simply put, community group buying is a business model that provides daily goods and life services to residents in surrounding communities using WeChat and WeChat Mini Program as carriers. The Mini Program places an order and picks up goods at the door of the community group buying, which brings a win-win situation. For merchants, it can reduce the cost of acquiring customers, improve the repurchase rate of goods, and also save distribution costs. For example, each community only needs to be delivered to the designated "head of the group", and then the "head of the group" will distribute the goods to the community users uniformly, reducing the cost of logistics and distribution. In addition, it can also use the real-world friends relationship to acquire customers online and offline, making up for the shortcomings of traditional e-commerce.

For consumers, participating in community group buying on the one hand can get more cost-effective goods, on the other hand, there is no need to worry about after-sales problems. Some consumers said that an important reason for choosing to place an order in the community is the trust in the "head of the community". The "head of the community" and the user belong to the offline person-to-person model, and the trust is higher.

Community group buying has certain development potential, but consumers are more looking forward to this model to become assured group buying. How community group buying develops more standardized is also worthy of attention. Any consumption model must abide by the law. Whether it is spontaneous solitaire buying in community groups or buying on other e-commerce platforms, it must comply with the laws and regulations of our country on production standards and food safety standards. This also requires the joint efforts of platforms, merchants and "heads of state", and even consumers. In addition, it cannot be ignored that group buying market order and online transaction safety also urgently need regulatory efforts to ensure that community group buying truly becomes assured group buying. (Yang Yulong)