The most profitable mobile game in July was announced! Netease has two explosions in succession, or become the biggest winner in the summer?

Hello, everyone, this is the surprise game, and I’m the little brother.

Not long ago, Sensor Tower, a well-known mobile application data analysis company, announced the global top mobile game revenue list in June 2023. Which games are on the list? What’s the mystery? I will give you an analysis today!

Note: The data does not include the third-party Android market in China and other regions.

Income list: The top 10 are the glory of the king, PUBGM, Against the Water, Royal Match, candy crush saga, Roblox, Collapse: Star Dome Railway, Gold Coin Master and MONOPOLY GO! "enchanted gardens"

The glory of the king took in $220 million (about RMB 1.6 billion) in the global App Store and Google Play this month, and there is no doubt that it will continue to win the global mobile game bestseller list.

On July 8th, the game launched Milady’s perfect holiday skin, which set the peak of income in that month. With the return of two limited skins, the introduction of new hero Doria, and the update of summer welfare, the game not only maintained the strong interest of players, but also further consolidated the champion position on the best-selling list.

Tencent’s PUBG Mobile (combined with Peace Elite) regained the second place from Collapse: Star Dome Railway with a revenue of 172 million US dollars.

On July 4th, with the introduction of new function carrier replacement, the game topped the best-selling list of iPhone mobile games in China for four consecutive days. On July 7, the game launched the activity of "Pure Dream Wedding Yarn" and set a revenue peak for that month. Continuing its success, on July 14th, the game cooperated with Sega to launch Sonik-themed skin, which further increased the revenue.

Netease’s "Going Against the Water" mobile game was launched on June 30, ranking third on the list with a revenue of $113 million. Thanks to the excellent art design and rich game content, from June 30th, the martial arts MMORPG mobile game "Going Against the Water" was ranked among the top 3 best sellers of iPhone mobile games in China during July, and the whole summer file almost became the home of this product!

Before opening the service, 45 million reservations were made, PCU exceeded 1 million in 10 minutes, and it topped the best-selling list twice, and 40 million players were recruited in a month. In addition, the game also topped the global mobile game revenue growth list in July. These data look terrible!

It is worth mentioning that in this month’s income list, Mihayou’s "Collapse: Star Dome Railway" is still barely on the list, and "The Original God" has disappeared directly. It seems that the 3.8 summer version of "The Original God" is "clear summer! Paradise? Great secret! " , because Youqu and Keli are replicas, their flowing water level is among the lowest among many versions since the original God beta.

However, the original God launched a new version of 4.0 Fontaine on August 16th, which may make the original God return to the income list?

Income growth list: The top ten are Against the Water, PUBGM, The Legend of Guild Wars in Dragon Ball, Crystal Nucleus, MONOPOLY GO, Call of Duty Mobile Games, Royal Match, Top Speed, Blue Archives and Soul of Professional Baseball A.

In July, the revenue growth performance of Crystal Nucleus by DNF, a porcelain-touching company, was also excellent. Since the public beta on July 14th, Crystal Nucleus has further occupied the bestseller list after the airborne free list.

According to the data of the three-party platform, it is estimated that the total platform flow of Crystal Nucleus has reached 400-500 million yuan within 12 days after the game was released, and it is estimated that the single-day flow will be 30 million yuan or even higher, making it the highest-paid game of domestic action RPG, taking off directly with ByteDance’s game business, and doubling the flow.

In addition, Netease’s "Peak Speed" also maintained a high income growth in July. With highly realistic racing, personalized customization and immersive experience, Peak Speed successfully entered the seventh place in the revenue growth list in the first month of its release, which is very rare as a racing game.

Thanks to the opening of the national service, the game "Blue Files", which has been on the shelves for many years, once again reached the revenue growth list. On the first day of the national service public beta, the flow of iOS reached 1.62 million.

In fact, the foreign service of "Blue Archives" has reached more than 240 million US dollars at the beginning of the year, and the annual income peaked at 2 billion. The original performance was very good, and the opening of the national service made "Blue Archives" make another big profit.

However, at present, "Blue Files" has fallen beyond the top 100 in the best-selling list of games in the AppStore. I wonder if the success of Japanese clothing can be copied? Can the fire continue in August?

A positive shock problemWhat games did you play in July?

The game is back!

Every edited: Zhao Yun

On December 1, the three major indexes of A-shares fluctuated and sorted out. As of the close, the Shanghai Composite Index rose by 0.07% to close at 3031.64 points. Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.07% to close at 9720.57 points; The growth enterprise market index rose 0.19% to close at 1926.28 points. In terms of industry sectors, the TMT tracks such as games, education, cultural media, Internet services, software development and communication services rose collectively, and the AI application side strengthened collectively, while the short drama and game sectors continued to be strong. Motors, auto parts, airports and general equipment sectors were among the top losers.

In the afternoon, after the news that the state-owned capital operation company entered the market to buy ETF came out, the index ushered in a turning point, with the Chinese prefix taking the lead, followed by AI+ dreaming back to the first half of the year, and the application side set off a daily limit. On December 1, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges traded 834.1 billion yuan. In terms of northbound funds, Shanghai Stock Connect sold 4.062 billion yuan and Shenzhen Stock Connect sold 935 million yuan, and the two cities sold 4.997 billion yuan.

Source: Wind

On December 1st, the game ETF(516010) rose by 8.55%, and the movie ETF(516620) rose by 5.03%.

Source: wind

In the news, AIGC tools such as AI+ video quickly landed. At the beginning of the year, HeyGen launched, which can help users create promotional videos through AI digital people. Since Runway released Gen-2 in early November, AI video tools such as MetaEmuVideo, Byte PixelDance, and StableVideoDiffusion were released on 16th and 21st. On November 28th, Pika, an AI startup, announced that Pika1.0, its AI video generation software, launched a major upgrade and officially opened an early beta version after more than four months of internal community testing, which quickly became popular on major social media.

A leading A-share game company officially released the "Tiangong SkyAgents" platform on December 1st. On the Tiangong SkyAgents platform, users can deploy their own AIAgents in a few minutes through natural language and simple operation without code programming, and complete many personal tailor needs such as industry research report, document filling, trademark design, and even fitness plan and travel flight reservation. A leading A-share game company is also developing a series of "Three-body" games, and plans to build a large model of the domestic game industry with Yuncong Technology.

Tencent’s companies issued a "script solicitation order" to enter the short drama industry. The platform promises to bring 15,000-50,000 guaranteed remuneration to the authors, and a maximum of 2% of the running accounts. Reading Group has unified requirements and regulations in four aspects: content standard, original submission requirements, adaptation submission requirements and submission instructions. The short play market has entered the stage of a hundred flowers blooming. The platform with rich IP reserves and strong script development ability is helpful to grasp the audience’s aesthetics, help the writers to create and adapt the content, pave the way for the future short play content, and is expected to seize the market share in advance. The game sector with fundamental advantages can be given priority.

In terms of film and television, the recent release of two high-topic films has led to the marginal recovery of the film market. "I am a mountain" has been searched in Weibo many times, and the suspense film Across the Furious Sea is the second film with a box office forecast exceeding 500 million after the National Day file. Driven by this, the weekend box office is showing a marginal improvement trend, and the Saturday/Sunday box office has reached the highest since the National Day file. There are still many blockbuster films released in December, which is expected to undertake a relatively high enthusiasm for watching movies, and the film market is expected to continue to recover. It is estimated that there is still room for recovery in the film market in 2024, which is expected to grow steadily to 58-60 billion yuan, basically returning to the level of 2019 (64.266 billion yuan).

At the same time, the game film and television industry is the most certain direction for AIGC to reduce costs and increase efficiency. With the accelerated investment in the industry, industry changes such as reducing costs and increasing efficiency and playing innovation will be gradually reflected. Under the normalization of the version number, the supply cycle of the game industry is gradually opened; The audience’s willingness to watch movies rebounded, the demand for film and television picked up, and the prosperity of the game and film industry continued to rise. After pre-adjustment, the cost performance of plate investment has improved.

From the catalyst point of view, the rapid landing of AI+ video (pika, heygen), the expected release of Apple MR, and the new increment of AR glasses, the media has a lot to watch in the New Year’s market. The market space of the industry is still relatively broad, and it has certain allocation value after the callback. We can continue to pay attention to the investment opportunities of game ETF(516010), film ETF(516620) and other related targets.

Both the software and computer sectors achieved good gains that day, with the software ETF(515230) closing up by 3.12% and the computer ETF(512720) closing up by 2.89%.

Source: Wind

From the policy point of view, the computer software sector bears the important mission of the transition from industrial economy to digital economy. Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Party has drawn a grand blueprint for the deep integration of digital economy and real economy. At present, the digital transformation of manufacturing industry has become the general trend. With the infiltration and integration of new generation information technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence and blockchain into manufacturing industry, the value of data elements has been further released. The computer software sector plays a decisive role in promoting business process transformation and promoting fundamental changes in production methods, organizational forms and business models of enterprises.

A detailed analysis of the subdivision direction of the computer software sector shows that artificial intelligence is a main line with high certainty at present, and the world is waiting for highly active AI applications to achieve a "closed loop", thus driving the next round of growth from computing power to application penetration. In the domestic market, data elements continue to brew. In April 2020, China explicitly listed data elements as new production factors for the first time. By 2H23, the data industry has ushered in a series of top-level design catalysis, and data elements are expected to become an important main line of the computer software sector.

From the perspective of supply and demand, Xinchuang and the digitalization of central state-owned enterprises are expected to lead the computer software sector to open up new growth space. Under the background of weak downstream digitalization demand and delayed digitalization expenditure of SME customers in 2023, the digitalization investment of central state-owned enterprises still shows some resilience in the big environment. With the release of new demand for digitalization and the promotion of industry localization, the digitalization investment of central state-owned enterprises is expected to continue marginal upward in the following quarter, leading the computer software market to open up long-term and stable growth space.

Interested partners can pay attention to the software ETF(515230) and the computer ETF(512720) to grasp the overall investment opportunities in the computer and software fields, or they can pay attention to the Xinchuang ETF(159537) to lay out the investment opportunities for information technology application innovation with one click, but they should also be wary of the fluctuation risk because the short-term orders are less than expected.

Risk warning:

Investors should fully understand the difference between fixed-term investment and lump-sum withdrawal of funds. Regular fixed investment is a simple and easy way to guide investors to make long-term investment and average investment cost. However, fixed-term investment can not avoid the inherent risks of fund investment, can not guarantee investors to obtain income, and is not an equivalent financial management method to replace savings. Both stock ETF/LOF funds are securities investment funds with higher expected risks and expected returns, and their expected returns and expected risks are higher than those of hybrid funds, bond funds and money market funds. Fund assets invested in science and technology innovation board and GEM stocks will face unique risks caused by differences in investment targets, market systems and trading rules, so investors should pay attention to them. The short-term ups and downs of the sector/fund are only used as auxiliary materials for the analysis of the article, for reference only, and do not constitute a guarantee for the fund’s performance. The short-term performance of individual stocks mentioned in this paper is for reference only, and does not constitute a stock recommendation, nor does it constitute a forecast and guarantee for the performance of the fund. The above views are for reference only and do not constitute investment suggestions or commitments. If you need to buy related fund products, please pay attention to the relevant regulations on investor suitability management, make risk assessment in advance, and buy fund products with matching risk levels according to your own risk tolerance. The fund is risky and needs to be cautious in investment.

national business daily

"Let Chinese excellent traditional culture become an important source of literary and artistic innovation"

"The apes on both sides of the strait can’t stop crying, and the canoe has passed Chung Shan Man!"

Rivers run, birds gather, and poets sing loudly, resounding through the sky. At the end of the animated film "Three Wan Li in Chang ‘an", Li Bai finally saw the light after a rough time, and the audience felt deeply and comfortably. The creator showed the weather of the Tang Dynasty with a hearty audio-visual narrative, and also made the familiar Tang poems have a new artistic conception.

From The Return of the Great Sage on the Journey to the West, which was called "the light of the country", to the grand occasion that Ne Zha created a single box office of more than 5 billion yuan and 140 million people watched the movie, and then to the watching craze and continuous hot discussion caused by Three Wan Li in Chang ‘an … In the past 10 years, nine of the top 20 animated films at the box office in China were based on Chinese excellent traditional culture. These passionate "national style animations" activate cultural genes with contemporary aesthetics, present magnificent imagination with digital technology, explore China style and pursue China style, and become a microcosm of Chinese excellent traditional cultural innovation.


5000多年未曾中断的中华文明,为新的文化创造提供丰沛源泉,人民日益增长的精神文化需求,为推动文艺高质量发展提供源源动力。习近平总书记指出:“要把握传承和创新的关系,学古不泥古、破法不悖法,让中华优秀传统文化成为文艺创新的重要源泉。”当前文艺创新的成功探索向我们昭示:文化自信涵养文化创造,文化创造增强文化自信。强化这个正反馈,在新的起点上继续推动文化繁荣、建设文化强国、建设中华民族现代文明,是我们在新时代新的文化使命,也必将推动中华文化生生不息、奔涌向前。《 人民日报 》( 2023年09月15日 04 版)