Stock (1): What do you buy when you buy stocks?

Hello, my name is Peking University Xu Yuan, and welcome to my investment class.

Today we enter the second part of the course, the investment tools part. In this part, I will explain to you the basic nature of investment tools, including stocks, bonds, funds, real estate, gold and so on. For example, these are 18 kinds of weapons in the martial arts field. After understanding the basic properties of these weapons, we can choose the weapons that we can take advantage of.

As the saying goes, "If you want to do a good job, you must sharpen your tools first." Without understanding the nature of these tools, you are like a tiger without teeth, and you will be very passive in the arena of investment.

Today is the first lecture on investment tools. We begin to talk about one of the most common and important tools, namely stocks. Regarding stocks, we focus on six issues.

First, when we buy stocks, what are we buying? In particular, some companies are not profitable at all, let alone paying dividends. Why are they still worth so much money? How exactly is this priced?

Second, how to judge the stock price? Some stocks are very cheap, can you buy them? Some stocks have high unit prices, why do they go up all the way? How to judge?

Third, there are so many stocks in the market, how to quickly grasp the market situation?

Fourth, how is the stock price determined? What are the different factors?

Fifth, do A shares earn money? If you don’t make money, why are so many people playing in it?

Sixth, what kind of stocks have high returns?

Let’s look at the first question first. What do we buy when we buy stocks? In particular, some companies on the A-share market are not profitable, and there is no dividend. Why are they still so expensive? In order to clarify this problem, I divide stocks into two categories, dividend-paying and non-dividend-paying

Dividend-paying stocks have a relatively simple principle. We buy a stock because we are optimistic about the cash flow that this stock can bring.For example, if you spend 10 yuan on a stock and pay a dividend of 1 yuan a year, after ten years, you will return to your capital (for simplicity, discount is not considered here), and all dividends in the future will be profits.

If you divide it into 50 cents a year and pay it back in 20 years, all future dividends will be profits. At this time, you spent 10 yuan to buy it, which is all future dividends.

You may say, where is the company giving such a high dividend rate now? Actually, it’s not. You can have a look at Table 1. Table 1 shows the distribution of dividend rate of A-share listed companies from 2016 to 2018. As you can see, the average dividend rate of listed companies is over 30%, which is not low.

This is not the most exaggerated. The 10% companies with the most dividends have a dividend rate of over 60%. At present, there are more than 3,000 listed companies in A-shares, of which more than 300 have a dividend rate of over 60%. Therefore, the statement that A shares do not pay dividends is not consistent with the real data.

Table 1: Dividend rate of A-share listed companies (2016-2018,%)

Note: Before calculating the dividend rate, companies with negative net profit in this year are excluded, and the dividend rate is equal to the total annual dividend of the company divided by the annual net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company.

As of the production date of this table (November 2019), the dividend data for 2019 has not been published, so the data from 2016 to 2018 are used. Source: Wind information.

In fact, what you need to pay attention to is not the companies that don’t pay dividends, but the dividend rate of some companies is too high, which is a bit abnormal. You need to see what is going on. In order to illustrate this situation, we have specially compiled Table 2 and listed the companies with the highest dividend rate in recent years.

When sorting out Table 2, we made a screening and only considered large and medium-sized companies with positive profits and large market value of more than 10 billion. The data of small and micro enterprises fluctuates greatly, so we will not consider it for the time being.

Table 2: Top 30 Dividend Rates of Companies with Market Value of Over 10 Billion (2016-2018,%)

Note: The data comes from Wind. Before calculating the dividend rate, the companies with negative net profit for the year and companies with a total market value of less than 10 billion at the end of the year were excluded.

If you look at Table 2, many companies have a high dividend rate, and some companies even have a dividend rate of more than 100%, that is, dividends exceed profits. Why is this happening? To sum up, there are probably three possible reasons.

In the first case, the company has little temporary profit, but in order to maintain the stability of dividends, it still maintains a consistent dividend level. In this case, even if there is a temporary shortage of cash, the operation is still stable, so paying more dividends is to show the market that everything is under control and there is no need to panic.

China Petroleum, for example, has done such a thing. Due to lower oil and gas prices, its net profit in 2016 dropped by nearly 80% compared with that in 2015.

However, in order to maintain a steady dividend, China Petroleum used the retained undistributed profits of previous years to pay dividends in 2016, and the dividend rate reached 137.43%. By 2018, the company’s profits have improved, the denominator has become larger, and the dividend rate has fallen.

Purchase column to unlock the remaining 70%

The snowy season brings you the most complete skiing vocabulary.

The snowy season brings you the most complete skiing vocabulary.

After entering the winter, everyone began to look forward to snow, so that we can have fun and run wild in the snow. Of course, people who like outdoor sports are ready to go skiing in the surrounding snow fields. We have won the bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics, and the winter events are not practiced quickly! Not ready for actual combat? Let’s start by learning related vocabulary.

Skiing types skiing classification

Snowboarding snowboarding

Cross-country skiing cross-country skiing

Alpine Skiing alpine skiing

Nordic skiing nordic skiing (cross-country skiing with the heel not fixed on the snowboard)

Ski jumping ski jumping

Freestyle skiing freestyle skiing (no fixed snow slot)

Classical skiing traditional skiing (fixed snow slot)

Downslope skiing mountain skiing

Military skiing (used as a means of transportation in the military)

Kite skiing kite traction skiing (a form of skiing pulled or carried by a paraglider, glider or kite)

Backcountry skiing wilderness skiing (refers to skiing in uninhabited rural areas without put in order and marked snow slopes or trails)


The snowy season brings you the most complete skiing vocabulary.

Skiing equipments ski equipment

Ski snowboard

Snowboard snowboard

Tipped ski board head

Tailed ski plate tail

Ski break skid stop

Ski pole ski pole

Ski wear ski suit

Tapering trousers Ski Pants

Ski boots ski boots

Snow training shoes cold-proof sneakers

Binding fixer

Thermos thermos kettle

Snow cap snow hat

Gloves gloves

Ski glasses/goggle ski glasses

Helmet helmet

Kneepad knee pads

Plush earmuffs plush earmuffs

Band-Aid/plaster band-aid


The snowy season brings you the most complete skiing vocabulary.

Skiing moves skiing action

Pole planting stick (when turning, the snowball fights lightly on the inner curved side snow trail)

Short radius turn short radius turn

Giant slalom turn(G.S turn)

Parallel turn and leg turn (parallel turn)

Snow plough Plough Brake (two skis with their tails facing outwards, so that the skis form a figure of eight).

Airplane turn air turn

Stem christie braked the turn (pushed the tail end of the inner side plate outward and slid along the snow surface to make it change from a position parallel to the outer side plate into a V-shape).


The snowy season brings you the most complete skiing vocabulary.

Skiing facilities ski resort facilities

Ticket Office ticket office

Ski resort ski resort

Track track

Ski slopes/runs/piste slide

The primary/elementary ski slopes/runs/bunny slope primary road

The intermediate Ski slopes/runs intermediate road

The high-class/high-level/high-grade ski slopes/runs advanced road

Snowmaking machine/snowmaker snow maker

Bombardier snow press

Cableway cableway

Drinking Station drinking station

Shuttle Bus shuttle bus

Ski equipment hall snow gear hall

The distance between … spacing

The cable car gondola lift cable car

Chairlift cable car

Oxygen bar oxygen bar

Snow entertainment snow play area

Snow entertainment area for children children’s snow amusement park

Entertainment facilities entertainment facilities

Ski area ski area

Skiing show ski show


Ski area conditions natural conditions of snow field

Slope gradient

Temperature temperature

Humidity humidity

Altitude altitude

The slope orientation faces upwards.

Natural resources natural resources

Sunlight sunshine

Local climate local climate

Transport capacity/ability capacity

Go to the next page to see skiing tips and spoken language.

Six real "Chinese-style" original ecological beauties are a lot of popular actresses.


In this era of looking at faces, "Yan value is justice" has become the consensus of the public.

However, the true beauty connotation goes far beyond the proportion of the five senses, and more importantly, it contains the soul power.

Let’s take a look at these truly stunning beauties. Do they have enough charm to convince the world?

True love at first sight, does Zhou Yun’s shining light come from Jiang Wen?

In 2002, a film called Heroes of Heaven and Earth was under intense shooting.

Zhou Yun, a girl who is still in college, came to the set and met the director Jiang Wen here.

Jiang Wen has been a veteran director for many years, while Zhou Yun is just a newcomer who has just set foot in the entertainment industry.

However, this time the encounter, but in the fate of the two people painted a heavy color.

In order to perform the role perfectly, Zhou Yun resolutely shaved off his thick black hair and polished his head.

Despite losing the embellishment of her hair, her temperament has not diminished at all, but has added a touch of skill and tenacity.

In the interval between filming, Jiang Wen often looks at Zhou Yun approvingly, with appreciation in his eyes.

And Zhou Yun will return shyly with a bright smile.

In 2005, the two formally entered the marriage hall.

Originally, people may think that the combination of the older director and Hua Dan Jr. is a little abrupt, but their feelings are like old wine, and the longer they get, the more mellow they become, which makes people want to bless.

In many films directed by Jiang Wen later, Zhou Yun appeared and successfully created female characters with different personalities.

Whether it’s the brave true nature in One Step Away, the witty blood in Let the Bullets Fly, or the free and easy pride in Evil Doesn’t Suppress Righteousness, Zhou Yun perfectly presents himself in different aspects.

Jiang Wen seems to be showing the multiple charms of Zhou Yun in his heart to the audience through focus plane.

He used the beauty of art to carve the beauty of love.

Ye Jihong, the first supermodel in China, proved her unique charm with her strength.

In 1980s, a legendary supermodel was born in the modeling field of China, and she was Ye Jihong.

Unlike porn stars in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Ye Jihong is not eye-catching by her stunning style.

Her beauty is more like a deep pool, calm and not thrilling, but can firmly grasp your eyes.

Ye Jihong knew that true charm does not need external decoration, but internal temperament.

Therefore, she attracted the attention of countless fans with her unique temperament.

Michele Monique Reis, a Hong Kong elder sister who competed with Ye Jihong, once made her feel inferior.

Michele Monique Reis’s popularity is higher and its appearance is more eye-catching.

However, Ye Jihong did not flinch, but proved his unique charm with his own strength.

Under the artist Chen Yifei’s pen, Ye Jihong seems to have a thousand words in his eyes.

She got rid of the bondage of commercial packaging and showed an extraordinary temperament.

Ye Jihong used her magnetic aura to tell the world that true beauty does not need the approval of others, but it has its own aura.

Perhaps it is this leisurely temperament that makes her a classic that cannot be copied.

Zhu Lin, the rare king of the daughter country in Journey to the West, perfectly interprets complex character with acting skills.

In 1986, the shooting of the classic The Journey to the West was in full swing.

Among many roles, the most troublesome one is the candidate for the role of king of the daughter country.

This role needs to have both the majesty of the king and the charm of women, both atmospheric and lively and amiable.

Such a complicated person was hardly found among the actors at that time.

After interviewing thousands of actors, director Yang Jie finally took a fancy to a very young actor-Zhu Lin.

Although Zhu Lin is still young, her understanding of this role is eye-catching.

Through her interpretation, the audience saw not only a touching beauty, but also a flesh-and-blood three-dimensional life.

In her rich facial expressions, she is sometimes filled with love and sometimes with sadness, which shows the inner struggle of the king of her daughter country to the fullest.

Even in the scene of confrontation with Tang Priest, she didn’t use the exaggeration that ordinary villains would use.

On the contrary, through subtle expression management, this female character has maintained her unique charm.

With his keen insight and excellent acting skills, Zhu Lin perfectly interpreted this extremely difficult role and made it lifelike.

Perhaps, it is this control of the details of the role that has made her brilliant on the road of acting.

Chen Hong, the first beauty in mainland China, conquered the difficult Hong Kong art circle with her strength.

The 1980s was the golden age of Hong Kong films.

However, for mainland actors, this fertile land of art is not friendly.

It was in such a difficult environment that Chen Hong made his mark.

She conquered many Hong Kong audiences with her unique temperament and solid acting skills, and was praised as "the first beauty in mainland China".

Chen Hong has a small square face, unlike the traditional beauty.

However, it is this asymmetrical facial line that increases her three-dimensional sense and aura.

When director Chen Kaige first met Chen Hong, she was deeply shocked by her face like an oil painting.

Although it is not a melon face, it is also beautiful.

Chen Hong is 51 years old, but she still has girlish skin.

The traces left by years on her face only made her beauty more precipitated.

Perhaps this is the unforgettable charm of Chen Hong.

With her own efforts and strength, she opened up a world of her own in a severe environment, and this spirit cannot be eroded by time.

A smile warms people’s hearts like spring breeze, and Gao Yuanyuan influences every role with sincerity.

"Mark Chao, it’s bitter to take revenge on your wife!" The heroine of this sentence is Gao Yuanyuan, who is known as "laughing like spring".

In 1997, Gao Yuanyuan entered the show business at the age of 18.

Although she is still a little childish, her unique temperament is already in the bud.

With big eyes, high nose and oval face, the proportion of Gao Yuanyuan’s five senses is perfect.

When she smiles, the whole person radiates dazzling light.

In 2014, Gao Yuanyuan returned to the public eye.

What remains unchanged is her bright smile, but what changes is the faint maternal aura revealed in the smile.

Gao Yuanyuan is not only outstanding in appearance, but also excellent in acting.

Whether it is the villain in "Eternal Dragon Slayer" or the warm-hearted girl in "Mala Tang Girl", she can infect every character with her sincerity.

Perhaps this is the real secret that she can touch the hearts of the audience.

Gao Yuanyuan endowed each character with the agility of life with his pure soul strength.

Lin Fangbing, who plays the legendary role of Yang Guifei, shows the beauty of women with her plump figure.

In the hit drama The Legend of Yang Guifei, Lin Fangbing, who successfully played the role of Yang Guifei, was deeply loved by the audience.

For this role, Lin Fangbing gained 30 Jin, reaching the highest weight in his life.

However, the plump figure did not affect her charm, but added charm.

As an excellent actor, Lin Fangbing not only presents Yang Guifei’s noble temperament in appearance, but also depicts Yang Guifei’s inner waves through subtle expressions.

In particular, her every move reveals charming amorous feelings and successfully completes the transformation from modern women to Yang Guifei.

In this play, Lin Fangbing shows the colorful life of this legendary woman with her rich acting skills.

With her understanding and expressive force of the role, she vividly showed Yang Guifei, a historical figure, to the audience.

Because of this, Lin Fangbing won the honor of best actress in the 11th Golden Eagle Award.

This is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also represents that the beauty of all plump women deserves attention and praise.


So, what is true beauty? Perhaps the external appearance is just the entrance, and what really convinces people is the inner soul power.

If a person has these beautiful qualities of tenacity, wisdom and sincerity, he can shine brilliantly.

We should use our inner eyes to discover the true beauty of the world.

27. Set up vendors’ standard points to develop stall economy. Netizen: It’s so smoky.

  Seimi Zhang, June 4 (Xinhua) Recently, the word "stall economy" has been completely popular, and the number of related Weibo topics has exceeded 600 million. Many places have set up vendors’ standard points to encourage the development of stall economy.

  Set up vendors’ standard points in many places to develop stall economy

  According to incomplete statistics, up to now, there are at least Shanghai, Jinan, Nanning, Zhengzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Hefei, Xiamen, Shaanxi, Liaoning, Jiangxi, Gansu, Changchun, Hangzhou, Changsha, Shijiazhuang, Nanning, Qingdao, Yichang, Huanggang, Deyang, Panzhihua, Guang ‘an, Nanchong, Ziyang.

  Data map: stall economy. Zhongxin jingwei photo

  Ying Xiwen, head of the macro-regional research team of the People’s Bank of China think tank, pointed out in an interview with Zhongxin Jingwei client that the stall economy has always been a "gray zone" in China’s urban economy, and its existence has certain rationality, which has alleviated the employment pressure to a certain extent, promoted the development of the tertiary industry, and at the same time activated the market and stimulated economic development.

  Zhang Zhixin, an associate professor at the School of Urban Economics and Public Administration of Capital University of Economics and Business, told the client of Zhongxin Jingwei that liberalizing the development of stall economy can meet people’s consumption demand, especially during the epidemic period, stall economy brings convenience to people’s shopping, and at the same time increases the fireworks in the city, which also meets the current requirements for epidemic prevention and control.

  The first Shanghai Nightlife Festival was launched on June 6th.

  On June 3rd, the press conference of Shanghai Municipal Government revealed that Shanghai will hold the first Shanghai Nightlife Festival from June 6th to June 30th. Create a new image of night Shanghai with fireworks, Shanghai flavor, fashion trend and international style.

  In addition, recently, Shanghai Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau formulated and issued the Guiding Opinions of Shanghai Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau on Optimizing the Business Environment, and Shanghai will support the development of new consumption formats. Promote the economic development of the night market, cooperate with local governments and relevant administrative departments to scientifically set up the night market, guide the night market to implement the management subject and implement merchant autonomy. Support specialty stores to carry out "external placement" operation, and implement refined management of external placement time and placement scope.

  Jinan proposes to develop "small store economy"

  On June 2nd, Liu Yanqiu, director of Jinan Municipal Bureau of Commerce, said at the press conference held by Jinan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government that Jinan would rationally release the street stall economy, and vigorously develop the night economy, promote consumption transformation and upgrading, and increase jobs by upgrading the IP brand of the night economy, cultivating the theme blocks of the night economy, holding special activities of the night economy, and building the brand of the night economy and culture.

  Jinan also proposed to develop "small store economy", optimize the access process of "small stores", shorten the time limit for examination and approval, and guide various formats to extend business hours; Support catering stores to increase snack categories and rest places to increase consumers’ stay time; Moderately allow businesses to make personalized shop signs, shop signs, beautiful Chen and street artists to sing, and increase the employment opportunities of urban residents.

  Nanning makes it clear that minor violations of urban management laws and regulations will not be punished.

  On June 2nd, the headquarters office of "Beautiful Nanning Clean, Smooth and Orderly Action" issued "Guiding Opinions on Doing a Good Job in Services such as Occupation Management, Road Market and Mobile Vendors", which came into effect on the 2nd and is valid until December 31st this year.

  The "Opinions" clarify that in order to protect the economy, temporary stalls are allowed to be opened near residential concentrated areas to guide self-produced and self-sold farmers and mobile vendors to regulate their operations; Encourage the use of idle areas inside and outside the community, set up temporary stalls, and where conditions permit, set up the morning market and night market. The "Opinions" also make it clear that enterprises and operators will not be punished for minor violations of relevant laws and regulations on urban management due to their production and business activities. In principle, no booth fee, booth rent and other fees will be charged to operators and mobile vendors who occupy the roads in permitted areas.

  Demonstrative zones of night economic agglomeration are arranged around Zhengzhou.

  On June 2nd, Zhengzhou issued "Opinions on Implementing People-Centered Development Thought and Doing Better Work for the People", in which it was mentioned that each county (city, district) and development zone should rationally arrange one or two demonstration zones of "night goods, night shopping, night appreciation, night tour and night health" and hold one or three night economic theme activities. To carry out the selection of night economic activities in counties (cities, districts) and development zones, the municipal finance will reward the top three with 1 million yuan, 800,000 yuan and 500,000 yuan respectively.

  On the evening of June 2, Zhengzhou Jiankang Road Night Market was very lively. Zhongxin jingwei photo

  In addition, all counties (cities, districts) and development zones in Zhengzhou should clearly plan their distribution, implement management measures, make full use of public places such as squares and parks and idle land, and set up bazaars and characteristic flea markets according to the principles of fixed time, fixed place, fixed format, fixed expenses and fixed management.

  Nanjing added 1,410 temporary outside stalls.

  On May 1st, Nanjing Urban Management Bureau issued "Guiding Opinions on Doing a Good Job in Service Management of Temporary Outside Stalls during Epidemic Prevention", requiring that obvious signs should be set up in temporary outside areas, stalls should be numbered, business items, business hours and safety tips should be publicized, and garbage should be collected separately at the site.

  On the basis of the existing 3,400 temporary stalls, Nanjing Urban Management Bureau added 134 temporary external stalls in the city this year. The area, scale and time period of setting up temporary external stalls in this opening need to be reviewed by the urban management departments of all districts. The urban management law enforcement department will resolutely investigate and deal with illegal acts such as occupying roads and unlicensed mobile stalls.

  Chengdu plans a more elaborate stall policy version 2.0

  On March 14th, Chengdu issued "Chengdu Urban Management Five Permits and One Persist in Coordinating Epidemic Prevention and Control to Help Economic Development". On the premise of ensuring safety, not occupying blind roads and fire exits, not infringing on the interests of others, and doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, cleaning and sanitation, it is allowed to set up temporary stalls, allow street shops to operate outside the door, allow large shopping malls to carry out occupation promotion and allow mobile vendors to sell. As of May 28th, Chengdu has set up 2,230 temporary road stalls and stalls, allowing 17,147 temporary crossing points and 20,130 mobile vendors, increasing employment by more than 100,000 people.

  According to the Chengdu Urban Management Committee, Chengdu is planning a more precise and precise version of the policy 2.0, so as to realize the organic unity of standardized and orderly occupation of roads, clean and tidy city environment, convenient and fast life for citizens, more active urban consumption and stronger market atmosphere.

  Hefei stalls are divided into "forbidden areas" and "diversion areas"

  The setting area of Hefei stalls is divided into "forbidden area" and "diversion area". Among them, the "forbidden area" refers to the main roads, window units, squares, bridges (including footbridges), underground passages, the periphery of office areas, the entrance and exit of the campus within 100 meters, and other areas where stalls are not allowed to be set up as stipulated by laws and regulations. In addition to the forbidden areas, the areas outside the forbidden areas shall be demarcated by the district governments and development zone management committees and announced to the public without affecting the lives of citizens and traffic, and shall be standardized and managed according to the standards.

  There are 37 stalls in the "grooming area" to provide convenience for the public. In addition to 37 temporarily defined stalls, there are some seasonal or temporary convenience stalls in Hefei, mainly including watermelon temporary sales outlets, breakfast carts, kiosks and so on.

  Xiamen has been trying out the "booth" since 2019.

  Since June last year, the trial of "booth" has been carried out, and 50 "booth" of various types have been built in Xiamen, providing 1150 booths. In addition to the autonomy of business households, urban management and law enforcement departments also cooperate with relevant responsible units to do a good job in food safety and environmental sanitation management at these "stalls".

  Xiamen Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau said that it will further communicate and coordinate with relevant departments, make full use of idle venues, roads with few cars, beaches, etc., and establish flea markets, gourmet streets, fruit markets, etc. in a time-limited manner to bring more mobile vendors into orderly management.

  For the first time at the provincial level in Shaanxi Province, the "Four Permits" for occupying roads were put forward.

  On May 27th, Shaanxi Province issued a notice, proposing that "street shops in urban areas should be allowed to operate without affecting pedestrian access and ensuring safety, large shopping malls should be allowed to occupy the road for promotion, temporary stalls should be opened in residential areas, and mobile vendors should be allowed to occupy the road for operation at a certain time and area". This is the first time at the provincial level in Shaanxi Province that the "four permits" on the occupation of roads have been put forward.

  At the same time, Xi ‘an plans to set up 100 vegetable morning markets, 100 night market barbecue centralized management areas and 100 temporary food stall sites this year.

  Spreading economic related topics into hot search professional households

  Source: Weibo screenshot

  In the past few days, Weibo topics such as # Street Economy # # Urban Management called vendors to set up stalls # # Street Cars # have been on the hot search list. As of 23: 30 on June 3, the reading volume of # Street Economy # Weibo topic has exceeded 630 million, with more than 100,000 discussions.

  Source: Weibo User Comments Screenshot

  Spread the economic fire all over the country, all over the network. Netizens have said: "It is suggested that every city should leave some places for stalls, not sneaking stalls but civilized stalls, which will not affect traffic and the environment, but also increase income." "Stalls, night markets, so fireworks, like it." "The stall is really convenient and affordable and gives the community a sense of life."

  Source: Weibo User Comments Screenshot

  At the same time, netizens have also given advice to the economic development of the stalls: "The bottom line of maintaining hygiene, exclusive areas and food safety should also be adhered to." "It is allowed to set up stalls, but it can’t be arbitrarily placed, and a new harmonious and win-win economic order will be established." "Don’t overdo it, don’t be across the board."

  Expert: Letting go of the stall economy does not mean letting go of responsibility.

  During the development of stall economy, it is inevitable to cause some urban management problems, such as sanitation and pollution, traffic congestion, noise disturbing people, insecure commodity quality and safety, social security and tax evasion.

  The essay suggests taking this opportunity to solve the long-standing problem of standardizing stall economy in one fell swoop. The first is to register and manage the practitioners in the stall economy. The second is to limit the space and time of operation to avoid affecting traffic. The third is to strengthen the control of health pollution and establish an emergency management system for epidemic prevention. The fourth is to set up a service quality supervision mechanism to protect consumers’ rights and interests. The fifth is to improve management efficiency with the help of Internet thinking, such as online application, registration and tax filing.

  Zhang Zhixin said that letting go of the stall economy does not mean letting go of the responsibility, nor does it mean giving up the law. In terms of food safety, environmental pollution and other aspects related to the vital interests of the people, urban law enforcement departments must investigate reports, investigate violations and enforce the law strictly. But at the same time, we should avoid overcorrection and one size fits all. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

In 2023, China’s film industry accelerated its recovery, and the top ten at the box office were all domestic films.

In 2023, China's film industry accelerated its recovery, and the top ten at the box office were all domestic films.

  On November 4th, the Golden Rooster Award of the 36th Chinese Film was announced in Xiamen, Fujian. Tony Leung Chiu Wai (first from left) won the Best Actor Award. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wei Peiquan photo

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 19 (Reporter Leon) The cold wave struck, and the somatosensory temperature in Beijing has dropped below minus 10 degrees Celsius, but it can’t stop people from watching movies at the end of the year. In the Capital Cinema, which is located in Xidan business district in the city center, the prime-time sales of popular New Year movies are tight.

  According to the data of Cat’s Eye, the box office revenue of China in 2023 was 52.9 billion yuan as of December 18th. The annual box office jumped from about 30 billion yuan last year to more than 50 billion yuan this year, setting a new box office record since 2020, indicating that the film industry in China is accelerating its recovery.

  At present, the top ten in the annual box office list are all domestic films. The box office data released by the film data platform since 2011 shows that domestic films have won the top ten annual box office only once before in 2020. Analysts pointed out that behind the growing popularity of domestic films is the overall progress of China films — — Domestic films are more and more close to the aesthetic needs of the audience.

  In 2023, China’s box office revenue exceeded 50 billion yuan on November 13th. Industry insiders predict that the annual box office revenue will eventually reach around 55 billion yuan. Although it is lower than the historical highs of more than 60 billion yuan in 2019 and 2018, it is equivalent to the level in 2017 and will be the fourth or third highest annual box office in China film history.

  "This shows that the film market has generally recovered, and both the film supply side and the audience demand side are gradually returning to the pre-epidemic level." Liu Peng, president of Cat’s Eye Research Institute, a box office data analysis agency, told Xinhua News Agency.

  Looking back on the whole year, the Spring Festival in 2023 performed well, with the box office exceeding 6.7 billion yuan, making it the second highest box office in China film history, only lower than that in 2021. The summer file is particularly eye-catching, with the box office reaching 20.6 billion yuan, creating the first record of China’s summer file box office breaking through the 20 billion mark. The National Day box office was 2.7 billion yuan, although it was inferior to the 4 billion yuan in the National Day file for three consecutive years from 2019 to 2021, but it was higher than the 1.5 billion yuan in 2022.

In 2023, China's film industry accelerated its recovery, and the top ten at the box office were all domestic films.

  On June 9th, the crew of the film "Feng Shen Part I" appeared at the red carpet ceremony of the 25th Shanghai International Film Festival. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xin Mengchen photo

  The types of films are rich and the themes are diverse. Among them, "Man Jiang Hong" and "Wandering Earth 2" aroused the feelings of home and country; The realistic movies "Put all your eggs in one basket", "She Disappeared", "In an octagonal cage" and "Rock-solid" are highly topical and close to life. Feng Shen Part I is praised as a masterpiece of China people’s own epic myth, while Three Wan Li in Chang ‘an tells a new antique story from a unique perspective.

  "On the whole, China films adhere to the realistic line, absorb the tradition of legendary narration of China films, communicate and interact with the mainstream audience more closely, and constantly improve the industrialization of films, which has contributed to the overall progress and development of China films." Rao Shuguang, president of China Film Criticism Society, believes that film consumption in China is showing a good trend of recovery growth.

  As of December 16th, the data of Lighthouse Professional Edition, a movie data platform, shows that 83% of the box office in China in 2023 was contributed by domestic movies, and the top ten in the box office list were all domestic movies. The Hollywood film Fast and Furious 10 ranks 12th with a box office income of 980 million yuan, which is the highest ranked foreign film.

  According to industry observers, the attraction of Hollywood movies to China movie audiences is weakening, corresponding to the increasing attention of domestic movies.

  "Hollywood mainly relies on Marvel Comics films and series of films. Although these films present powerful audio-visual wonders, they have also caused aesthetic fatigue to China audiences over time." Rao Shuguang analyzed, "At the same time, American movies lack internal connection with China people’s lives, and it is difficult to cause empathy."

  Liu Peng believes that Hollywood films are good at industrialization and visual effects, while domestic visual effects blockbusters have become common in recent years. "If Hollywood films don’t have strong word-of-mouth support, rich and diverse domestic films are a natural choice for audiences".

Rejuvenate after a century. Shanghai International Film Festival focuses on traditional Chinese opera films.

Original title: Fans’ Gala, Fans’ New Meal | Rejuvenating over a Hundred Years Shanghai International Film Festival focuses on traditional Chinese opera movies.
Traditional Chinese opera is a national art treasure that our people are proud of. In the film history of China, drama and film are thicker than water. In 1948, China’s first color film, Life and Death Hate, was a Peking Opera stage film. In 1954, butterfly lovers, the first color film produced by New China, was also opera film.
Traditional Chinese opera is an important source of China’s film themes in his early years, and it is also a model for artistic creation style. The film has given the opportunity to graft the traditional opera content with the brand-new media. Through video recording, the stage performance has been preserved, and the famous singers and local operas have crossed the gap of region, time and culture, entered the people and even influenced overseas.
Stills of Jingyang Bell
In 1962, the Yue Opera film Dream of Red Mansions was a masterpiece. It was a problem in itself to shoot a masterpiece in more than three hours. Fortunately, Xu Jin, the screenwriter of the drama, had profound skills, closely followed the love thread of Baodai, and her lyrics were elegant and fresh, which was quite vivid. The director connected the true and false scenes almost seamlessly and grasped the rhythm well. The performance is even better. Lin Daiyu of Wang Wenjuan, known as "Living Daiyu", is unsurpassed until today.
It has been more than a hundred years since the first China opera film was born. Today’s opera film works have better blended the artistic forms of the two. The use of 3D shooting techniques has made the performance of the opera more tense, and the classic opera has a brand-new vitality in the film, which is full of brilliance and elegance on the big screen.
Stills of The West Chamber
The 21st Shanghai International Film Festival will also focus on the future development of China’s traditional opera films. During the Jin Jue Forum, a traditional opera film forum will be held, and many experts and scholars from all over the country will gather together to discuss the development and transformation of traditional opera films. There are also many excellent opera films in the exhibition list for the audience, including the above-mentioned 1962 Yue Opera film A Dream of Red Mansions, as well as the 3D Kunqu Opera film Jingyang Bell and the 3D Yue Opera film The West Chamber, which won the Golden Maple Leaf Film Festival in Canada in 2017. These opera films in the new era, while inheriting the classics, have no lack of innovative power, and have given the old operas with modern improved aesthetics and technology.
A Dream of Red Mansions (1962)
Dream of the Red Chamber
Director: Cen Fan
Screenwriter: Xu Jin
Starring: Xu Yulan/Wang Wenjuan/Lv Ruiying/Jin Caifeng/Zhou Bao
Introduction to the film
Lin Daiyu, who lost her loving mother early, went to live in her grandmother’s Jia family and became friends with her cousin Baoyu. In the second year, Xue Baochai, who was born in a famous family and had a "great demeanor", came to Jia’s house again. Because Baoyu has a piece of Baoyu brought from the womb and Baochai has a gold lock, people say behind their backs that they are destined for each other. Baoyu and a group of sisters get along well day and night, but they are soul mates with Daiyu alone.
Jia Zheng wanted his son to become a dragon, forcing Baoyu to read eight-part essay. Baoyu and Daiyu, who despised fame and fortune, peeked at The West Chamber, which was forbidden to read, and understood each other’s thoughts. Baochai also hopes that Baoyu can concentrate on his official career and always preach to him, which makes Baoyu very disgusted. Daiyu is sensitive by nature and has many misunderstandings with Baoyu. Nevertheless, their feelings are getting deeper and deeper. However, Lady Jia and Baoyu’s mother, Mrs. Wang, don’t think much of Baodai’s feelings. In their view, Daiyu is eccentric and not as docile and sensible as Baochai, so she set up a "switch plan" to trick Baoyu into marrying Baochai …
Romance of the West Chamber 3D(2016)
The Love Story In The Western Chamber
Director: Xia Weiliang
Screenwriter: Sun Hongjiang
Starring: Fang Yafen/Qian Huili/Zhang Yongmei/Wu Qun
Introduction to the film
During the first year of Zhenguan in Tang Dynasty, Zhang Xun, a scholar, passed by Pujiu Temple and met Cui Yingying, the daughter of Xiangguo. When she saw her love, she borrowed the West Chamber. Just as Zhang Xun and Yingying were soul mates, Sun Feihu surrounded Pujiu Temple and forced Suo Yingying to be his wife. Cui Furen made it clear in public: Who can get rid of thieves and soldiers, is willing to match his daughter. Zhang Xun stepped forward, only to find that his wife broke the contract again.
Yingying cheated matchmaker and sent her to hand over the poem to Zhang Xun. When they met in the garden, Yingying improvised the design, reprimanded her and left. Zhang Xun became ill because of this. Yingying couldn’t bear it after all, and decided to enter the west wing at night. Soon, Cui Furen was aware of it, and the matchmaker said it truthfully, and accused the lady of breaking her promise and being ungrateful. Madam had no choice but to betroth Yingying to Zhang Xun. However, Zhang Xun was forced to go to Beijing to take the exam, and he was married in the middle and rear.
Jingyangzhong 3D(2016)
The Bell Tolls For A Dynasty
Director: Xia Weiliang
Screenwriter: Zhou Changfu
Starring: Lian/Wu Shuang
Introduction to the film
At the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Jiashen, Li Zicheng soldiers were trapped in Shanxi, which matched Yanjing, the capital of Ming Dynasty. The bell rang in Jingyang, and Emperor Chongzhen summoned the ministers to discuss the matter, ordered General Li Guozhen to supervise the enemy and sent eunuch Du Xun to supervise the army. Due to the lack of soldiers and horses and Du Xun’s elbow, the army was defeated and Li Guozhen died. When Chongzhen heard the news, he wanted to order Zhou Kui, the ruler of the country, to protect the prince from fleeing, but Zhou Kui turned his back on him. Li Zicheng surrounded the capital, and Chongzhen ordered the bell of Jingyang to ring the officials, but few people responded.
Chongzhen was filled with sorrow and hate, and he made a letter to himself. At the same time, he led his family to cry and sacrifice to the ancestral temple. When the capital city was breached, Chongzhen knew that the tide was gone, and ordered the queen and princess to commit suicide and go to Jingshan alone. Looking back on the past, he felt deeply ashamed of his ancestors under the spring, and he was even more indignant: he made great efforts to govern, but Daming Jiangshan was lost in his own hands! He left a suicide note written in blood, but he hoped that Li Zicheng would not hurt the people and his body would be broken; I hope future generations can learn from Daming. Jingyang bell rings again …

Serie A

At 1 am on October 30th, Beijing time, in the 10th round of Serie A in 2023-24, Inter Milan played against Rome at home. In the first half, Charles Hanoglu shot and hit the doorframe; In the second half, Thuram scored the winning goal in the 81st minute, and Augusto hit the crossbar again. In the end, Inter Milan beat Rome 1-0, overtaking Ewan and rising to the top of the standings.

In this game, Roma coach Jose Mourinho was unable to play against his old club because of suspension, but Lu Kaku appeared in the starting lineup of Rome, and he was booed by tens of thousands of Inter fans at Meazza Stadium.

In the 6th minute, Char Hanoglu blasted a long-range shot in front of the restricted area, and the ball bounced back after hitting the doorframe. Then Thuram’s barb hit the door and the goalkeeper got it. In the 7th minute, Inter’s left corner kicked into the restricted area, and lautaro’s header was not strong enough, so the goalkeeper confiscated the ball.

In the 15th minute, dumfries made a cross from the right, Thuram’s header hit the defender, and then his stab was blocked by the goalkeeper. In the 16th minute, Di Marco’s shot on the left side of the restricted area missed the far post.

In the 24th minute, mkhitaryan received the clearance ball before the top of the arc and volleyed it high. In the 38th minute, dumfries made another cross on the right, and pawar, who was inserted into the restricted area, volleyed his right foot and missed. In the 45th+3rd minute, varela got the chance to volley in the restricted area, and the ball was higher than the crossbar. At the end of the first half, neither team scored.

In the second half, it was easy to fight again. In the 48 th minute, Inter Milan’s free kick was hoisted into the penalty area, and Thuram’s header was high.

In the 59th minute, varela crosses the restricted area, Thuram returns the ball in the chest, lautaro volleys with his right foot, and the ball bounces to the ground and is hugged by the goalkeeper. In the 65th minute, Rome won a free kick in front of the penalty area, and chaaraoui took the penalty and hit the wall. Two minutes later, Charles Hanoglu blasted a long-range shot in front of the restricted area, and the ball hit the defender and crossed the bottom line in disguise.

In the 76th minute, Aslani took the ball in front of the restricted area. When he saw that no one had come forward to block it, he hit a long-range shot, and the ball slightly missed the post.In the 81st minute, Di Marco crossed the ball on the left side of the frontcourt, and Thuram, who was inserted into the middle of the restricted area, grabbed the ball and scored a goal. Inter Milan led Rome 1-0.

In the 89th minute, Augusto made a cross on the left side of the frontcourt. Thuram’s outflanking shot in the middle missed. In the 90th minute, Augusto made a long-range shot in front of the restricted area, and the ball hit the crossbar and popped up.

In the end, the whole game ended and Inter Milan beat Rome 1-0.

Female estrogen deficiency usually has these five manifestations! These four methods can make up for it.

Estrogen is a "spring-protecting pill" for women, whose skin is white and beautiful, long legs and exquisite figure depend on it to some extent.

So, don’t let your estrogen balance be insufficient!

So, what are the symptoms of estrogen deficiency and what should I do?

Estrogen is one of the "female" hormones secreted by ovary, and it is an important hormone in female endocrine system. It maintains the health of female body in many aspects, including reproductive system, bone, cardiovascular system and nervous system.

Estrogen plays many roles in the female body, including:

Promoting sexual maturity:Estrogen is the main hormone of female sexual maturity, which controls female menstrual cycle and ovarian function.

Maintain bone health:Estrogen helps to maintain bone density and protect women from bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

Maintaining cardiovascular health:Estrogen can help reduce the risk of heart disease in women and protect women from some other cardiovascular diseases.

Maintain skin health:Estrogen plays a key role in maintaining the health of women’s skin, which maintains the vitality, elasticity and health of cells.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the ovarian function is normal, women generally do not have estrogen deficiency, and estrogen can be dynamically adjusted, and occasionally the body will adjust quickly after a night. However, in these three cases, there will still be insufficient estrogen.

1. Age factor

With the increase of women’s age, ovarian function gradually declines, and the level of estrogen secretion decreases year by year.

2. Health factors

After a woman suffers from mastitis, the estrogen produced in her body will decrease. In addition, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid problems and anemia, may lead to female estrogen deficiency. Due to abnormal ovarian function or other serious diseases, women may experience irregular menstrual cycle, and irregular menstruation may lead to a decline in estrogen levels.

3. Life factors

Excessive consumption of estrogen-containing food, long-term busy lifestyle, smoking, excessive drinking and inability to cope with stressful life will also lead to insufficient estrogen in women.

Female estrogen deficiency may have different effects on women’s body, mood and cognition. Here are some common symptoms:

oneClimacteric symptoms

Female estrogen deficiency is one of the main causes of menopausal symptoms. With the advent of menopause, women may have a variety of discomfort symptoms, such as hot flashes, sweating, headache, palpitations, insomnia, anxiety and depression, which are all caused by estrogen deficiency.

2. cardiovascular diseases

Studies have found that estrogen can resist oxidation, inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce atherosclerotic plaques and other protective effects, and estrogen deficiency will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in women.

3. Osteoporosis

Estrogen is very important for bone health. It can promote calcium absorption and bone growth. When estrogen is insufficient, bone density will gradually decrease, increasing the risk of osteoporosis.

4. Skin problems

Estrogen deficiency can make women’s skin dry, lose elasticity and appear fine lines.

5. Mental state changes

Studies have shown that estrogen can regulate neurotransmitters in the brain and affect mood and behavior. Estrogen deficiency can lead to mental state changes such as mood swings, irritability and insomnia in women.

Step 1 pay attention to diet

Nutrients in diet have a great influence on estrogen level. You can eat more foods rich in vitamin B, iron, calcium, zinc, folic acid, tea phenol, etc., such as bean products, grains, fruits, vegetables, flaxseed, oats, alfalfa, etc., which are also helpful to improve cardiovascular health. At the same time, women should avoid eating excessively greasy food.

Step 2 exercise actively

Exercise is another good way to keep healthy, which can promote the synthesis of estrogen and help women maintain good physical condition and endocrine system function. It is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise every week, such as running, walking, swimming and yoga.

3. A healthy lifestyle

Women should try to avoid unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, drinking and excessive stress, which will have a negative impact on estrogen levels. At the same time, it is necessary to correctly handle psychological pressure, and through decompression skills and maintaining emotional stability, it can help women to better regulate the endocrine system to stabilize the estrogen level in the body.

4. Hormone replacement therapy

For severe symptoms of estrogen deficiency, hormone replacement therapy can be considered, that is, synthetic estrogen is used to replace the estrogen lacking in the body. Modern medicine provides many types of artificial estrogens for treatment, including oral drugs, patches and gels. Patients can discuss with their doctors the most suitable alternative treatment, and the dosage and duration are usually customized according to the patient’s individualization.

However, long-term use of estrogen replacement therapy will reduce the level of estrogen, so it must be used under the guidance of a doctor to avoid the adverse effects of estrogen replacement therapy.

Finally, although estrogen is important, it can’t be supplemented indiscriminately, let alone the more the better. Supplementing too much is not only beneficial to the body, but also may lead to hysteromyoma, mammary gland hyperplasia, menstrual disorder and so on, and even increase the probability of breast cancer and endometrial cancer. Therefore, those health care products on the market that claim to maintain ovaries suggest that you eat less.

More recommendations:

Get out of the way! These most pitiable "maintenance" projects cost money and hurt people! Never believe it.

?When you become a mother, don’t do these seven things no matter how busy or tired you are, it hurts your health!

?Endocrine disorders are easy to cause these five diseases! Especially those who have these four habits should pay attention.

Women who are stared at in street shooting have nowhere to escape.

Author | Liu Chezai Editor | Yan Fei

Summer has come, and photographers holding cameras in the street are waiting for this cool season. On the streets of Taikooli, Chengdu, there are often fashionable hipsters in strange clothes, but more people just come for "beauty".

Here, the lens of street photographer Xiaomi captures a woman wearing a pink floral sling and a middle-aged man also wearing pink. Their light pace, such as the spring breeze, the swaying charm of the girl and the obvious age difference between the two make the photographer feel very excited.

But no one expected that this video of lovers’ elegant demeanor made the whole people witness an extramarital affair led by a global project management company. Subsequently, the girl’s personal social account was revealed, and people talked about the details of her private life and made great comments on it. And the sales of the pink floral dress with suspenders on her body soared with the heat until it was sold out.


When interviewed by the media, the photographer Xiaomi has deleted the video. He explained: "At that time, when shooting in the street, the two did not refuse. Many photographers were shooting, and they were chasing after each other in the front." But the reality is that most people who are photographed don’t know how to explicitly refuse to shoot in public. In addition, they will not know where these photos and videos will eventually flow and how they will be used.

Aside from the discipline of this matter and the moral controversy of extramarital affairs, the invasion of privacy and the "sexual gaze" revealed in street shooting since its appearance are deeply disturbing.

Abused "street shooting"

"Street shooting" is an exotic product. "Street snap" means capturing the moment on the street. At the beginning of the 20th century, it first appeared in European and American fashion circles. Photographers found that the instantaneous state of models outside the show was more personalized than that on the show.

In that era of strong personal consciousness and the rise of popular culture, photographers took to the streets to capture popular fashion through street shooting. In 1970s, William John Cunningham, the originator of street photography, was famous for his candid camera and street photography. He is a milliner himself, and after a series of street shooting works, he became a fashion photographer in The New York Times.

Bill Cunningham who is shooting in the street. (Photo/new york Museum of History)

Subsequently, many professional photographers turned their subjects from celebrities to street people. They were fascinated by the urban street environment and the mental state of people in it, and took many unforgettable street photographs so far.

Photo taken by legendary street photographer vivian maier. (Photo/"Looking for vivian maier")

In about 2007, Zhong Hao, the "street shooter", found inspiration from foreign fashion street shooters and began to take pictures of people he thought were dressed in fashion in downtown Hangzhou. Until 2010, with the rise of fast fashion in China, people began to pay attention to wearing, and street photography, as a fashion photography, gradually became popular in China.

With the rise of social media, around 2018, a large number of street auctions have emerged in China. For example, Sanlitun in Beijing, Yintai in Hangzhou, Taikooli in Chengdu, Tianjie in Chongqing and Anfu Road in Shanghai are all business districts where hipsters gather.

Anfu road street shooting is a grand occasion. (Photo/vision china)

At first, street shooting focused on capturing people’s clothes. But soon, in the battle for attention of social media, beauty became a natural traffic password. More and more street shooting bloggers began to target women groups, paying more attention to the beauty’s face value and figure when shooting.

At this time, street shooting has little to do with the randomness of "street". In other words, the public nature of "street" sheltered all kinds of irrationality when the photographer openly raised the camera.

Walking around Taikooli, Chengdu in June, you will see many people holding cameras, shooting at girls in short skirts, bare legs and revealing their waists. Some people will pose when they see the camera, but others will speed up their steps and cover their faces with mineral water bottles or fans. But this is not enough to deter the photographers. If the subjects don’t have a more explicit refusal, they will trot close to each other and continue to look for positions and angles.

A man running in the street. (Photo/Weibo)

In 2019, due to the phenomenon of chasing and blocking shots in street shooting, it caused serious interference to pedestrians and made people feel uncomfortable that their privacy was violated. Taikooli, Chengdu, issued a public notice prohibiting street shooting, stating that "unauthorized photographing/shooting is prohibited" and setting up a sign to remind people to "raise awareness of prevention and protect personal portrait rights". At present, these warning signs are still there, but the ban is gone.

Warning signs in Taikooli business district in Chengdu. (Figure/Time Video)

In fact, the problem of invasion of privacy almost exists with the birth of street shooting. In fashion street shooting, in order to avoid the risk of privacy, the most reasonable way is to obtain the consent of the subject before shooting and inform the shooting purpose.

People generally have a high degree of acceptance for some recorded humanistic street beats.

In these humanistic street photography, recording the interaction between people and the environment is the key point. Joel Meyerowitz, an American street photographer, said when explaining street photography: "I am interested in the whole street environment, not a specific person." In Joel’s lens, people are integrated with their surroundings. The structure, light and shadow of the street environment and the people in it present the rhythm of a city.

Joel Meyerowitz, an American street photographer, walks the streets of new york with a 35mm camera on his arm every day to capture passers-by. (Photo/photographer official website)

But in some photographers’ works today, the street remains unchanged, and they just want to shoot different faces and bodies. Street shooting has nothing to do with fashion and has lost its public value.

Sexual Gaze in Street Shooting

After the scandal was revealed, photographer Xiaomi deleted the video, but different versions of video clips are still popular online. The scandal has become a joke, the male client is invisible, and an inspection of the female client has just begun.

In many videos, the figure of the male party is directly cut off, leaving only the enlarged female body parts for the spectators to touch carefully. The comment area is full of comments on "genuine goods and good leadership taste", which proves the status quo that women are regarded as "appendages" under the gaze of men.

Susan Sontag wrote in On Photography, "Photography is not practiced by most people as art, it is a power tool." The behavior of street shooters aiming long guns and short guns at young women reflects the power difference between the sexes. The female body in front of the camera has become the carrier of men’s "possession" power.

People with cameras are looking for "prey" everywhere. (Photo/vision china)

In some street shooting accounts featuring snapshot, photographers not only put the camera on it, but even ask passers-by to interact with it in a provocative tone.

Previously, a female star met a street shooter on the street, and the other party held a mobile phone while shooting and flirted: "Beauty, come and say hello to everyone." The female star was angry and uncooperative, leaving a string of swearing words, which also triggered the criticism of female stars by netizens.

In the face of girls’ anti-sneak shots, the most commonly used words of photographers and their supporters are: "Isn’t it for filming to dress so well?" Not cooperating with filming means that girls are not generous and rude. This means that the authority of male gaze construction is everywhere, while women don’t even have the right to say "no".

The chase scenes and frivolous orders are uncomfortable. (Figure/short video account)

A photographer who pretends to photograph each other’s "beauty" completely deprives the subjectivity of female beauty. In other words, this interpretation of women’s motivation to dress up completely ignores the possibility of women’s self-satisfaction. It seems that women’s dress and beauty must be confirmed by men and exposed to produce meaning.

Finally, under the guidance of male perspective, the chest, long legs, exposed parts, suspenders and short skirts become the focus of street photos. The material is full of sexual gaze from men, and the audience’s sexual fantasies are also met invisibly.

The invasiveness of the camera, coupled with male gaze. (Photo/"Blonde Monroe")

What is even more disturbing after this is the flow of these photos.

These photographers often use street shooting materials to run social accounts. On social networks or short video platforms, you can see a lot of street shooting content. In order to drain, they often use labels such as "long legs", "beautiful little sister" and "fair skin". On some street shooting websites, users want to watch the full version of the street shooting video and even need to pay to unlock it.

Many subjects discovered that they had been photographed when they saw their photos and videos online. In order to better protect the privacy of portrait rights, the provisions of the Civil Code, which came into effect on January 1, 2021, point out: "Without the consent of the portrait owner, the portrait owner may not use or disclose the portrait of the portrait owner by publishing, copying, distributing, renting or exhibiting."

In addition to explicitly expressing rejection when being photographed, this provision directly requires street photographers to obtain the consent of the photographed when using their own street photographs, and not to use the street photographs beyond the authorized scope afterwards, let alone illegally use them.

You must obtain the consent of the other party before shooting. (Photo/"Follow Your Home")

But this is still based on personal consciousness, and more importantly, the attitude of the platform to these street shooting behaviors-can more censorship links be set up on the level of protecting women’s privacy? And, can you improve the efficiency of feedback on complaints?

At present, many platforms have set up complaint portals that infringe privacy and portrait rights, but the complaint cycle is very long, and it often takes several working days or even longer to get feedback. This gives the photographer an opportunity.

Back to this incident, while the whole people applauded for "catching rape", we should also realize that the flood of street shooting has extended to people’s private lives, and it is difficult for ordinary people who have been infringed to delete photos or sue each other. Only by raising the illegal cost and reducing the difficulty of safeguarding rights can vulgar street shooting gradually disappear.

Proofreading: Yang Chao

Operation: hee hee

Typesetting: Zhong Yinglin

Fashion says: wearing the end is an eternal topic.

#2023 Creative Challenge #

Fashion says: wear the end

Fashion is an eternal topic, and everyone wants to wear their own style and personality. However, in the process of wearing, we also need to know some basic principles and the end of wearing, in order to really wear our own style.

1. The end of the coat is solid color. A simple solid color coat can be matched with all kinds of clothes and occasions, which is very versatile, and it is also a necessary item to maintain a professional image.

2. The end of jewelry is gold. The texture and temperament of gold can highlight your personality and taste, and it is also a way to show your economic strength.

3. The end of skin care is minimalism. Simple skin care steps and ingredients can ensure the health and hydration of the skin and avoid the burden of too many ingredients on the skin.

4. The end of hairdressing is black and straight. Black long straight hairstyle has always been one of the classic styles, which can highlight the beauty and mystery of women, and it is also easier to take care of.

5. The end of the sweater is white. White sweater is simple and stylish, and can be matched with various trousers and shoes to make your wearing more diversified.

6. The end of the sweater is white. The white sweater is simple and atmospheric, and can be matched with all kinds of short skirts and jeans to keep you fashionable in winter without losing the warmth.

7. Cowboys are at the end of trousers. Jeans are classic items to wear. They can be simply matched with T-shirts and sneakers, or they can be advanced with shirts and shoes to make your wear more diversified.

8. The end of the long down is black. Black long down can keep you warm and fashionable in winter without losing a sense of high class.

9. The end of the short down is white. White short down is classic and atmospheric, and can be matched with all kinds of trousers and shoes to keep you fashionable in winter without losing a sense of simplicity.

10. The end of the trench coat is khaki. Khaki windbreaker can be matched with all kinds of suits and trousers, which can not only maintain professional image, but also show your fashion taste.

11. The end of fashion is Xiaoxiangfeng. Xiaoxiang style is one of the classics in the fashion world. It is simple and elegant, allowing you to show your taste and style in the workplace and daily life.

12. At the end of the national wind is the cheongsam. Cheongsam is a traditional fashion item in China, simple and atmospheric, which can show your elegance and China cultural heritage.

13. The ends of sports shoes are black and white. Black and white sports shoes are very popular in sports and daily wear, simple and atmospheric, and can be matched with various clothes and occasions.

14. The end of the lotus leaf is pink. Pink flounced clothes are very suitable for women to wear, simple and elegant, which can show women’s femininity and charm.

15. The ends of high heels are red. Red high heels can not only enhance women’s temperament and self-confidence, but also become the highlight and finishing touch of personality collocation.

16. The end of casual shoes is a wild color. Joker-colored casual shoes are suitable for various occasions and wearing styles, so that you can keep a relaxed state.

17. The end of the cotton coat is orange. Orange cotton-padded clothes are very suitable for men to wear, simple and atmospheric, and can be matched with all kinds of trousers and shoes.

18. The end of the leather coat is black. Black leather coat not only has a sense of fashion and personality, but also can enhance your male charm and courage.

19. The dress ends with a V-neck. V-neck dress can show the elegance and beauty of women, and at the same time make your waist line more prominent.

20. At the end of the coat is a fur collar. A fur collar style coat can keep warm and temperament in winter, making you more elegant and fashionable to wear.

21. The end of the turtleneck is black. Black turtleneck can keep you warm and fashionable in winter, without losing a sense of high class.

22. The end of a solid T-shirt is white. A white T-shirt can be matched with all kinds of trousers and shoes, which can be simple and show your fashion taste.

23. The short-sleeved shirt has a bow tie at the end. Bow tie shirts can not only enhance men’s temperament and charm, but also make you look more decent and generous at family gatherings and banquets.

24. The end of the vest is black. Black vest can be used with all kinds of clothes and occasions, which can not only maintain the sense of youth but also show your maturity and stability.

25. The end of the hat is black. Black hat can be matched with all kinds of clothes and shoes, which can not only beautify your appearance, but also keep you warm in winter.

26. The glasses have a black frame at the end. Black-rimmed glasses can show your intellectuality and professionalism, and at the same time beautify your appearance.

27. The end of fruity lipstick is nude. Naked lipstick is simple and atmospheric, which allows you to show your elegance and beauty on any occasion.

28. The end of the small leather bag is black. Small black leather bags can be matched with various occasions and clothes, which can not only facilitate carrying items, but also show your sense of fashion and taste.

29. The end of the big bag is brown. Brown bags can be matched with all kinds of clothes and occasions, which can not only hold more items, but also show you a sense of fashion and atmosphere.

30. The ends of trousers are black. Black trousers can be matched with various occasions and clothes, which can not only show your professional image and professionalism, but also make you feel comfortable and comfortable in your daily life.

# Pay attention to high-grade sense of wearing # # Wear aesthetic dispute # # Fashion top-grade wear # # High-grade sense of overlapping wear sharing # # Share winter dress # # Fashionable fine wear cheats # # Autumn and winter atmosphere wear # # Pragmatic wear # # Autumn and winter fashion expensive sense # # Dress style innovation #

#2023 Creative Challenge #