Exercise can cure everything.

It’s been eight days since the Tokyo Olympic Games ended.

The national team won 38 gold medals, 32 silver medals and 18 bronze medals, which made us feel the strength of our motherland.

The athletes who returned to China for isolation have never been idle.

Trampoline champion Zhu Xueying took a yoga mat and a yoga ball with her, and even set up a mini trampoline beside the bed. I have to say, it was a champion.

Li Fabin, a weightlifting champion, practiced handstand with only two boxes of water, as if in a gym.

Wang Shun, who won the 200-meter medley, squatted and stood up without any equipment …

As long as people who really want to exercise, not to mention that there is no venue and no equipment, it is the most difficult isolation period, so it does not hinder.

Don’t blame netizens for commenting:"In the future, my unconditional excuses for exercising at home are gone."

We have long known that we are often beaten in the face. Many times we are tired, stressed, and have a headache and brain fever, which are just rhetoric and have nothing to do with the exercise itself.

The hardest thing about exercise is not the process of doing it, but the decision to do it.

When you really start exercising, you will find that it is too cured!

A while ago, there was a way to exercise while playing mobile phones on the Internet:

You can lie on your stomach and lie down, paralyzed in various positions, as long as you move your legs, it looks relaxed.

But the people who really tried it said this:

"I don’t want to move after two moves. I want to play with my mobile phone quietly."

"As soon as I lie in bed, I really don’t want to move."

"I have to raise my mobile phone, my arm is too tired …"

It doesn’t take long or much trouble to exercise in a down-to-earth manner. On the contrary, the more you think about being lazy and don’t want to move, the harder it will be to move in the future.

Sometimes, fatigue is not the amount of activity, but perhaps nothing.

Sometimes, it is not because you are tired that you lie down, but because you lie down.

Fatigue and burnout have long been a modern disease.

I have seen a post: "What kind of experience is it to exercise for an hour every day?"

Answer that the Lord goes to work normally every day, and he is indescribably tired, even when he returns home.

He is introverted. He can either go to the bookstore on weekends, play games, and occasionally get together for dinner, all of which can be done for half a day.

However, his physical foundation is already thin, and with high-intensity work, it is almost impossible to cope easily.

Until he made up his mind and set himself an exercise plan.

Practice bench press, back pull and leg flexion and extension.

There is an action called Dumbbell Flying Birds, which requires lying on a stool, stepping on the floor with two feet and reaching out with dumbbells in both hands. It is very standard to do it.

He persisted for 10 months, got rid of fat and got abdominal muscles, and the whole person changed.

The diet is more and more regular, and when I get home every day, my face is no longer tired.

After exercising, I found that those things that once tired him to death were nothing more than that. Besides work, I could do things I like, fall in love, and do a lot.

It used to be said that if you don’t die, you won’t die, and if you don’t shout tired, you won’t be tired. Later, I found out that those tired reactions are all your real physical state.

Enough physical strength, fatigue won’t last long.

Never stop until you like sports.

When you feel the thrill of exercise, you don’t want to stop, especially when you taste the sweetness.

After all, this is the best relaxation.

People who exercise for a long time can easily understand:My brain has become clear.

This is not a coincidence, but a necessity.

A study in the United States shows that,

Middle-aged people do 75 minutes of moderate and high-intensity exercise every week, which is very effective in promoting brain health and maintaining brain structure.

The risk of brain lesions and cerebral infarction in old age will also be greatly reduced.

The most direct benefit is to do things more smoothly.

The amount of information we receive every day is huge, which is difficult for our brains to digest.

When reading a book, I can’t concentrate. After watching a small video for 3 seconds, I unconsciously want to cross it away, let alone really meet something, which requires deep thinking.

The brain is like every part of the body. If you use it too hard at a time, it will strike.

It will become stronger with constant exercise.

Tao Hong, an actor, accidentally entered the show business at the age of 22. He just made a play and was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with full marks. She is the first student to get full marks in Chinese opera.

Before she was 30 years old, she became the winner of the Golden Rooster Award and the China Watch Award.

When she retired, she was silent. Two years ago, a film "Little Joy" became a big fire again. Even Bo Huang praised her: "She is a very smart person."

She was on the synchronized swimming team when she was very young. Even after retiring as an actress, she often practiced water yoga. Pilates, morning running, never broken.

After exercise, everything is easy to do.

If you don’t think it’s enough, you can look at Academician Zhong Nanshan, now 85 years old, who is still fighting against the epidemic when Delta virus spreads.

He fought against SARS at the age of 67 and studied COVID-19 in recent two years. His mind never stopped.

In these years, he is either treating people or on his way to treat them.

He also exercises three times a week for decades to make his brain run at high speed.

Even when he is on a business trip, he will take a stretcher and do some simple exercise. There are dumbbells and treadmills at home, and everything is available.

There is no one with a simple mind, developed limbs and a truly developed mind, and the limbs will never be simple.

Envy others’ Excellence, envy others’ ease, but I don’t know that kung fu is behind me.

Living clearly and working clearly are all in sports, which has created a strong mind.

The exercise you are doing now has surprises waiting for you in the future.

When a person is tired physically, he can rest, his brain is tired, and he can relax, most afraid of being tired.

Your state of mind directly determines your state.

Psychology has long been studied, and people who exercise regularly are much less likely to suffer from depression.

For everyone who works hard, the mentality is something that can be adjusted.

Some netizens shared her experience when she was unemployed, and she could collapse at any little thing.

A colleague who squeezed her out everywhere before leaving her job was promoted to the leadership. She was treated as an idiot and made a particularly unpleasant noise before leaving.

She was depressed for a time, so she didn’t look for a job. She was too scared to sleep at night and had to turn on the light.

Occasionally drinking with friends, and staring at the ceiling all night when I come back, I repeatedly doubt myself.

At that time, there was a reality show in the workplace on TV. In the camera, the boy asked the leader, "Am I really bad?"

She sat on the sofa and immediately burst into tears.

It was really difficult to start exercising. She got up the courage to run downstairs, climbed the stairs back and forth with her fat, and soon she gasped and often felt depressed.

Slowly, she began to adapt, increased exercise and went to the gym to practice.

She finally came out of the emotional black hole, and she could meditate by herself, find something to do, and began to enjoy the loneliness of doing nothing every minute.

Even the diet became regular, and she began to cook rich meals for herself, rewarding herself and enjoying every good weather.

When she is alone, she is also in the mood to read books and watch movies, and often makes videos to record her life. She also bought a full set of review materials, and finally had time to read the business English certificate that she had always wanted to take.

When you are at the bottom, you have to fend for yourself.

Doing happy things and thinking from different angles is superficial and most direct, and it depends on exercise.

Dopamine produced by exercise can help you.

Sweating, or the same dilemma, but you unconsciously completed the adjustment.

You don’t have to force yourself to smile, but you have a smile unconsciously.

The fashion blogger @ 发发发发发 said that every day, someone asked her how to stick to sports punching, but in her opinion, only those who don’t like it need to stick to it.

Exercise is just like eating and sleeping, even more enjoyable.

With the good mood gained in sports, even the unhappiness of life can be swept away.

Before we go to the gym, there are always countless hesitations: "It’s raining, it’s too hot, it’s troublesome to work overtime today, have dinner at night and change into sportswear, and the equipment is not ready yet …"

But if you ask those who exercise regularly, they only have one sentence: "Put on your running shoes and set off."

Exercise should not be a kind of suffering.

When the sweat comes down, you will cure all the fatigue, and your body, mind and mood will gradually improve.

Exercise is an investment with the highest rate of return and will not regret it.

Because when you love sports, happiness will love you.

Take the first step and experience a real relaxation.

author | yew, born in 1990, is an iron lady, whose pen can turn into a knife, and her eyebrows and eyes are smiling.

picture | vision china

25 photos that make you laugh, so funny, so funny.

1. The skier is holding a sheep, which will never be forgotten.

2.The pug’s face says it all, and the surprised look is so cute.

3. The new superhero team, mothman and Batman.

This playground is occupied by cats.

It’s so cute that the big dog is watching the fun with the puppy on his back.

6. Several lions are eyeing around the car, and the people in the car are feeding raw meat.

7. Holding an umbrella like this is really domineering.

8. When camping, all the clothes were towed away by wild boar. What should I do?

9. The book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu.

10. The greedy elephant tore down the kitchen.

11. Carrying a cat for a walk, the cat looks around curiously like a child.

Is the horror sticker stuck on the back glass of the car to cure the high beam dog or to scare people?

13. The special service desk is like a big soup pot.

14. Foreign netizens found that a moose got lost because of heavy snow and broke into the basement.

15. This toilet is a bit special. I don’t know what it is used for.

16. The clown touches the pony, and the pony’s eyes are a little special.

17. The car seat disguised by a real person is just a little fat, if only it were thinner.

18. Little brother plays the piano outdoors, and a group of long-tailed monkeys come to make trouble.

19. There are many donkeys pulling carts, and it is the first time for people to pull donkeys by car.

20. Don’t pee on the floor, or we’ll cut off our balls.

21. Save King Super Bee.

22. Two very sleepy "sumo wrestlers" fell asleep.

23. This is a strange photo.

A flock of sheep caused a traffic jam.

25. Take a rooster to the Internet cafe to play games.

26. The legendary mushroom cat

Understanding the Four Realms of History

History is an evil teacher who only tells the truth to free people.

-Lord acton

For some countries or nations, history may be a fetter and a burden, but if you want to liberate from history, the safest and most reliable means is to recognize history.How a country’s citizens know about history determines what kind of future this country will have to a certain extent.Therefore, a correct understanding of history is extremely important for us at present.

Hegel said, "The only lesson that human beings have learned from history is that they have not learned any lessons from history". The reason for this is precisely because human beings have all kinds of wrong understandings of history. However, a historian, with his vigilance and insight, corrected the wrong cognitive model of history and helped us learn wisdom from history and enhance our realm. He is Lord acton.

From Lord acton’s works such as Freedom and Power and Lectures on Modern History, The Prophet Bookstore summarized the following four ideological paths of understanding history, each of which is a historical thinking that goes straight to the bottom:

1. History lies not in abundance, but in truth.

In human history, there are many false histories, the most typical of which is the "history" from the hands of autocratic monarchs. In order to maintain their own orthodoxy, they always delete historical materials and monopolize history. If we want to break away from the domination of power in the vast "history" where fakes are everywhere, we must have the knowledge and courage to find the truth.

Acton believes that the value of history lies not in its richness, but in its credibility. No matter how much false history is piled up, it is equivalent to garbage. It is better not to have it. Only in reliable historical facts can human beings learn real lessons.

2. Meaning is not in the present, but in eternity.

People usually think that the main significance of history is to provide lessons for the present. This is not wrong, but if it is only so, it will be a bit narrow. Because "the present" is always full of disputes and agitation, and the sacred and just beliefs should be detached from it and need to be formed in a quiet space.

Acton said, "Beyond credibility, it is a question of detachment". The key point of historical significance lies in "grasping the eternal problems, so that we are free from limiting the transient and changeable things". Reading history lies in thinking about the origin and root of things, thus gaining a transcendental wisdom.

3. Truth is important, but morality is more important.

In the face of history, if we only pay attention to the truth, it is often easy to draw wrong conclusions. For example, ancient aristocratic rule had many disadvantages, which is a fact, but it does not lead to the conclusion that civilian rule is better. As acton said, "The question is not which specific class is not suitable for ruling, but all classes are not suitable for ruling". Without the universal morality of mankind as a whole, any rule is dangerous.

Acton believes that "ideas are often repeated, rules of conduct are often changed, and creeds also rise and fall, but moral laws are engraved on the eternal monument". Therefore, history must have morality and faith running through it, and we must return to caring for people themselves. Without the restraint of moral principles, history can easily lead to blind hatred and become a call for slaughter.

4. Great history bears witness to the wisdom of God.

Acton believes that if we don’t take into account the history of 3,000 years, we can’t find philosophy in the historical observation of nearly a hundred years in modern times. But compared with ancient history, the cognition of modern history is more important. Because the transformation of mankind from barbarism to civilization in modern history helps us to see that "the wisdom of God’s rule is not reflected in the perfection of the world, but in the improvement of the world".

Modern history "tells our own story and is a record of our own life". Modern history "still hinders the pace of human beings and puzzles the human mind", and every part of modern history "contains extremely precious lessons". If we don’t know how to use the precedents and teachings, we will only repeat the same mistakes in the future and pay a huge price.

The above four points are only a small part of Lord acton’s historical insights. What he warned by moral laws is the weakness of the whole human race and the universal humanity. Acton’s unique transcendence and historical concern made him a prophet, but he was destined to be a minority in history.

Generally speaking, historical research values scientific methods, objective facts and impartial attitude; However, acton’s historical research is the last echo of western classical liberalism, and what he emphasized is precisely the points farthest from history in our eyes-freedom, morality and faith. This unique historical perspective is unfamiliar to Chinese people, but also lacking-perhaps this is the fundamental reason why China has not been able to get out of the cycle of chaos control for thousands of years.

What is "culture"

In an era, it not only updated our understanding of culture, but also refreshed our ideas again.

Just as knowledge is not equal to culture, it subverts our rational knowledge and perceptual habits all the time.

In fact, in our thinking logic, people often regard culture as the code of conduct of civilization.

For example, benevolence, courtesy, wisdom and trust, gentleness, courtesy and frugality are all concrete manifestations of behavior culture.

Therefore, when a person walks under a tree or an obstacle below his height, there is no doubt that he will bend down.

It should be said that few people even think about how to change it. This is a kind of culture.

Especially when the elevator door is opened, some people stand aside and wait for others to get off the elevator, and some people are eager to squeeze in.

These actions are the intersection of behavior and culture, and have nothing to do with education and knowledge. This is also a kind of culture.

[1] What is culture

Now that we have talked about "culture", how should we understand and recognize these two words? Of course, in other words: "What is" culture "?

Generally speaking, what we call "culture" in a broad sense refers to the sum of all material products and spiritual products created by human beings.

In a narrow sense, it refers to spiritual products including language, literature, art and all ideologies.

Here, we emphasize that as a kind of "culture", it must have six characteristics:

(1) universality. The universality of culture is manifested in the common cultural forms in social practice activities, even though different national consciousness and behavior are manifested, they have the same forms of expression.

(2) Diversity. Under different natural, historical and social conditions, different cultural types and cultural models have been formed, which makes the world culture present the characteristics of diversity as a whole.

(3) nationality. The traditional culture rooted in the nation is complementary to the development of the nation. So different nationalities have different national cultures.

(4) Inheritance. The inheritance of culture is the basis of carrying forward and developing culture. If there is no inheritance, of course, there will be no culture.

(5) Developmental. The essence of a national culture lies in its continuous development and change. A series of cultural products, including today’s automation and informatization, are the results of cultural development.

(6) the times. In the historical process of human development, each era has its own typical cultural type.

[2] Cultural background

I remember that Mr. Li Yanjie, the former professor of Beijing Normal University and vice president of the World Association for the Promotion of Chinese Education, once gave an open class entitled "Virtue, knowledge, talent, truth, goodness and beauty" at the lecture tour in Peking University.

He said; What is culture? The sum of truth, goodness and beauty is culture.

It can be seen that what we call "culture" is the product of all-round, multi-level and three-dimensional intersection of fields.

It not only covers a person’s cultivation, temper and disposition, but also includes family environment, living space, and even genetics and so on.

My neighbor, Aunt Song, once said, "Without culture, you are illiterate.". This statement is very incisive and hits the nail on the head.

You can imagine, living in the present, if you don’t even know a big word, this is not a scene, and it has nothing to do with the bridge, but it is incredible.

[3] It’s terrible to have no culture

Once upon a time, there was a saying circulating in the society: "It’s terrible to be uneducated", although it was just a network language. But it is a culture in itself.

Do you know that the cultural content contained in this sentence is far and near, false and real, true and false?

Perhaps, it may be trying to explain a thing or an action. But I hope it’s just a humorous remark with no practical significance.


The game is back!

Every edited: Zhao Yun

On December 1, the three major indexes of A-shares fluctuated and sorted out. As of the close, the Shanghai Composite Index rose by 0.07% to close at 3031.64 points. Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.07% to close at 9720.57 points; The growth enterprise market index rose 0.19% to close at 1926.28 points. In terms of industry sectors, the TMT tracks such as games, education, cultural media, Internet services, software development and communication services rose collectively, and the AI application side strengthened collectively, while the short drama and game sectors continued to be strong. Motors, auto parts, airports and general equipment sectors were among the top losers.

In the afternoon, after the news that the state-owned capital operation company entered the market to buy ETF came out, the index ushered in a turning point, with the Chinese prefix taking the lead, followed by AI+ dreaming back to the first half of the year, and the application side set off a daily limit. On December 1, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges traded 834.1 billion yuan. In terms of northbound funds, Shanghai Stock Connect sold 4.062 billion yuan and Shenzhen Stock Connect sold 935 million yuan, and the two cities sold 4.997 billion yuan.

Source: Wind

On December 1st, the game ETF(516010) rose by 8.55%, and the movie ETF(516620) rose by 5.03%.

Source: wind

In the news, AIGC tools such as AI+ video quickly landed. At the beginning of the year, HeyGen launched, which can help users create promotional videos through AI digital people. Since Runway released Gen-2 in early November, AI video tools such as MetaEmuVideo, Byte PixelDance, and StableVideoDiffusion were released on 16th and 21st. On November 28th, Pika, an AI startup, announced that Pika1.0, its AI video generation software, launched a major upgrade and officially opened an early beta version after more than four months of internal community testing, which quickly became popular on major social media.

A leading A-share game company officially released the "Tiangong SkyAgents" platform on December 1st. On the Tiangong SkyAgents platform, users can deploy their own AIAgents in a few minutes through natural language and simple operation without code programming, and complete many personal tailor needs such as industry research report, document filling, trademark design, and even fitness plan and travel flight reservation. A leading A-share game company is also developing a series of "Three-body" games, and plans to build a large model of the domestic game industry with Yuncong Technology.

Tencent’s companies issued a "script solicitation order" to enter the short drama industry. The platform promises to bring 15,000-50,000 guaranteed remuneration to the authors, and a maximum of 2% of the running accounts. Reading Group has unified requirements and regulations in four aspects: content standard, original submission requirements, adaptation submission requirements and submission instructions. The short play market has entered the stage of a hundred flowers blooming. The platform with rich IP reserves and strong script development ability is helpful to grasp the audience’s aesthetics, help the writers to create and adapt the content, pave the way for the future short play content, and is expected to seize the market share in advance. The game sector with fundamental advantages can be given priority.

In terms of film and television, the recent release of two high-topic films has led to the marginal recovery of the film market. "I am a mountain" has been searched in Weibo many times, and the suspense film Across the Furious Sea is the second film with a box office forecast exceeding 500 million after the National Day file. Driven by this, the weekend box office is showing a marginal improvement trend, and the Saturday/Sunday box office has reached the highest since the National Day file. There are still many blockbuster films released in December, which is expected to undertake a relatively high enthusiasm for watching movies, and the film market is expected to continue to recover. It is estimated that there is still room for recovery in the film market in 2024, which is expected to grow steadily to 58-60 billion yuan, basically returning to the level of 2019 (64.266 billion yuan).

At the same time, the game film and television industry is the most certain direction for AIGC to reduce costs and increase efficiency. With the accelerated investment in the industry, industry changes such as reducing costs and increasing efficiency and playing innovation will be gradually reflected. Under the normalization of the version number, the supply cycle of the game industry is gradually opened; The audience’s willingness to watch movies rebounded, the demand for film and television picked up, and the prosperity of the game and film industry continued to rise. After pre-adjustment, the cost performance of plate investment has improved.

From the catalyst point of view, the rapid landing of AI+ video (pika, heygen), the expected release of Apple MR, and the new increment of AR glasses, the media has a lot to watch in the New Year’s market. The market space of the industry is still relatively broad, and it has certain allocation value after the callback. We can continue to pay attention to the investment opportunities of game ETF(516010), film ETF(516620) and other related targets.

Both the software and computer sectors achieved good gains that day, with the software ETF(515230) closing up by 3.12% and the computer ETF(512720) closing up by 2.89%.

Source: Wind

From the policy point of view, the computer software sector bears the important mission of the transition from industrial economy to digital economy. Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Party has drawn a grand blueprint for the deep integration of digital economy and real economy. At present, the digital transformation of manufacturing industry has become the general trend. With the infiltration and integration of new generation information technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence and blockchain into manufacturing industry, the value of data elements has been further released. The computer software sector plays a decisive role in promoting business process transformation and promoting fundamental changes in production methods, organizational forms and business models of enterprises.

A detailed analysis of the subdivision direction of the computer software sector shows that artificial intelligence is a main line with high certainty at present, and the world is waiting for highly active AI applications to achieve a "closed loop", thus driving the next round of growth from computing power to application penetration. In the domestic market, data elements continue to brew. In April 2020, China explicitly listed data elements as new production factors for the first time. By 2H23, the data industry has ushered in a series of top-level design catalysis, and data elements are expected to become an important main line of the computer software sector.

From the perspective of supply and demand, Xinchuang and the digitalization of central state-owned enterprises are expected to lead the computer software sector to open up new growth space. Under the background of weak downstream digitalization demand and delayed digitalization expenditure of SME customers in 2023, the digitalization investment of central state-owned enterprises still shows some resilience in the big environment. With the release of new demand for digitalization and the promotion of industry localization, the digitalization investment of central state-owned enterprises is expected to continue marginal upward in the following quarter, leading the computer software market to open up long-term and stable growth space.

Interested partners can pay attention to the software ETF(515230) and the computer ETF(512720) to grasp the overall investment opportunities in the computer and software fields, or they can pay attention to the Xinchuang ETF(159537) to lay out the investment opportunities for information technology application innovation with one click, but they should also be wary of the fluctuation risk because the short-term orders are less than expected.

Risk warning:

Investors should fully understand the difference between fixed-term investment and lump-sum withdrawal of funds. Regular fixed investment is a simple and easy way to guide investors to make long-term investment and average investment cost. However, fixed-term investment can not avoid the inherent risks of fund investment, can not guarantee investors to obtain income, and is not an equivalent financial management method to replace savings. Both stock ETF/LOF funds are securities investment funds with higher expected risks and expected returns, and their expected returns and expected risks are higher than those of hybrid funds, bond funds and money market funds. Fund assets invested in science and technology innovation board and GEM stocks will face unique risks caused by differences in investment targets, market systems and trading rules, so investors should pay attention to them. The short-term ups and downs of the sector/fund are only used as auxiliary materials for the analysis of the article, for reference only, and do not constitute a guarantee for the fund’s performance. The short-term performance of individual stocks mentioned in this paper is for reference only, and does not constitute a stock recommendation, nor does it constitute a forecast and guarantee for the performance of the fund. The above views are for reference only and do not constitute investment suggestions or commitments. If you need to buy related fund products, please pay attention to the relevant regulations on investor suitability management, make risk assessment in advance, and buy fund products with matching risk levels according to your own risk tolerance. The fund is risky and needs to be cautious in investment.

national business daily