Classification management of network anchor taxation: how to set standards and how to design schemes?

  A, classification management ideas and standard setting

  Different choices of civil subjects based on network anchors, as well as different civil contract designs from platforms and brokerage companies, constitute different tax payers and different tax objects in tax law, and apply different substantive rules and collection and management procedures, which inevitably requires the introduction of hierarchical management ideas. Classified taxation management is the essential appeal and concrete embodiment of the statutory principle of taxation. Under the guidance of classification, focusing the collection and management efforts on high-income groups such as head anchors and star anchors is in line with the requirements of the principle of collection and management efficiency, and also meets the requirements of the times to play the role of tax social distribution regulation under the background of common prosperity.

  How to set the standard of classification is the first question that needs to be answered. The first and bottom line standard is to classify according to the clear provisions of the tax law, and stick to the bottom line of no one size fits all.

  From the main design point of view, the network anchor is either in the form of a natural person, or in the form of an individual industrial and commercial household, a sole proprietorship enterprise and other organizational forms; In terms of civil contract design, the network anchor either signs a labor contract or business contract with the live broadcast platform, or signs a contract with a brokerage company and forms a tripartite relationship with the live broadcast platform; From the type of income, the main income is labor remuneration and business income (including the business income of natural persons, individual industrial and commercial households and sole proprietorship enterprises), and under special circumstances, it is salary income. If a company is established, it should also be taxed according to enterprise income tax.

  It is necessary to combine the above various civil subjects and their different contract types, and carry out classified collection and management in accordance with the clear provisions of the tax law, including income tax and value-added tax. The bottom line that needs to be grasped is that we can’t blindly make a one-size-fits-all approach, that is, unify the collection and management according to a certain subject type and contract type.

  A more guiding standard is to classify according to the amount of income, and advocate the establishment of individual industrial and commercial households, sole proprietorship enterprises and other organizations for high-income groups such as head anchors and star anchors and tax them accordingly. The important orientation of classified management is the collection and management of high-income groups, such as head anchors and star anchors. The amount of income should be regarded as an important standard of classified management, and a standard of amount can be determined by month or year (for example, 100,000 yuan per month or 1.2 million yuan per year). For those above this amount, tax authorities and platforms advocate the establishment of individual industrial and commercial households, sole proprietorship enterprises and other organizations, and handle tax registration, standardize the establishment of accounts and tax accordingly. Of course, it is not mandatory to advocate the establishment of an organization, and taxpayers’ free choice should be respected.

  Second, the taxation and scheme design of two types of network anchors

  According to the above standards, we can roughly outline two tax forms of network anchors:

  The first category is to advocate the establishment of individual industrial and commercial households, sole proprietorship enterprises and other organizations for network anchors above a certain standard amount and tax them accordingly;

  The second category is network anchors that have not reached a certain standard amount, or have reached a certain standard amount but have not established individual industrial and commercial households or sole proprietorship enterprises.

  The taxation of the first type of network anchor should be the key concern.

  The first type of collection and management scheme is designed as follows:

  (1) Main taxes and tax items: personal income tax is taxed according to "business income" and value-added tax according to "modern service industry" or "life service industry". As far as individual taxes are concerned, from the perspective of formal taxation, the establishment of individual industrial and commercial households and sole proprietorship enterprises should generally be taxed as "business income", and in special circumstances, it can be taxed as "labor remuneration" based on the principle of substantive taxation.

  (2) Collection and management methods and invoice management: taxpayers declare by themselves, issue invoices by themselves or apply to the tax authorities to issue invoices on their behalf. Whether it is individual tax or value-added tax, for the establishment of an organization, taxpayers should declare themselves, issue their own invoices or apply to the tax authorities for invoicing.

  (3) Tax determination method: mainly based on audit collection, supplemented by approved collection. According to State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China’s "Strengthening the Tax Administration of Employees in the Entertainment Field", "individual studios and enterprises that are required to be established by celebrity artists and network anchors should be instructed to establish account systems according to laws and regulations, and tax returns should be made by means of audit collection." Therefore, for such anchors, tax registration should be handled, accounts should be strictly established, and accounts should be audited and collected; Considering the difficulty in establishing accounts and saving the cost of collection and management, we can also consider collecting some anchors by verification, but we should ensure the balance of tax burden between the collection by verification and the collection by audit, so as to avoid the alienation of verification into a tax preference tool. (4) Tax payment place and competent tax authorities: According to the relevant provisions of the tax law, "operating income" should be declared and paid in the tax authorities where the business management is located, and the competent authorities are the tax authorities where the business management is located. In terms of value-added tax, it should be declared and paid by the tax authorities in the place where the institution is located or where it lives, and the competent authority is the tax authorities in the place where the institution is located or where it lives.

  The second type of collection and management scheme is designed as follows:

  (1) Main taxes and tax items: personal income tax is taxed according to "labor remuneration" or "business income" and value-added tax according to "modern service industry" or "life service industry". If there is no organizational structure, the income obtained from the platform or brokerage company can be taxed as "labor remuneration" or "operating income". From the point of view of collection and management efficiency, we might as well simplify it: whether it is continuous and regular activities for business purposes, and the size of income quota, as the distinguishing standard. Those who do not reach a certain standard amount are generally taxed according to "labor remuneration" (which can be understood as non-sustainability, regularity and small income); For those who reach a certain standard amount, they can be taxed as "operating income" (which can be understood as continuous, regular and large in income).

  (2) Collection and management methods and invoice management: if the tax is levied according to "labor remuneration", the payer (platform or brokerage company) will withhold and remit it when paying, and the anchor will make annual final settlement; The "operating income" shall be declared by the taxpayer. In invoice management, the former is opened by the anchor applying to the tax authorities, and it can also be considered to be opened by the platform or applied to the tax authorities; The latter is issued by the taxpayer himself or by the tax authorities.

  (3) How to determine the tax: if the tax does not reach a certain standard amount, it will be taxed as "labor remuneration", and the withholding agent will withhold it and broadcast the personal annual settlement; For those who are taxed according to "operating income", because there is no organization, they will generally adopt the approved collection, but taxpayers can also audit the accounts if they establish accounts.

  (4) Tax payment place and competent tax authorities: if tax is paid according to "labor remuneration", tax payment shall be declared at the tax authorities where the household registration is located, the habitual residence or the main source of income; If there is a withholding agent, the tax authorities where the withholding agent (such as the platform) is located shall withhold the declaration. Taxes levied on "business income" shall be declared and paid by the tax authorities in the place where the business management is located, and the competent authority shall be the tax authorities in the place where the business management is located. In terms of value-added tax, because there is no place where the organization is located, it should be declared and paid by the tax authorities at the place of residence or where the live broadcast activity takes place, and the competent authority is the place of residence or where the live broadcast activity takes place.

  No matter which of the above types, the network platform undertakes certain duties and obligations to assist in tax collection.

  First, the obligation to withhold and remit. For the individual tax levied according to "labor remuneration", the main obligation of the platform is the obligation of withholding and remitting.

  The second is the determination and sharing of live broadcast turnover. Whether it is reward income or sales income, the platform can grasp it in time and provide it regularly according to the requirements of tax authorities.

  Third, urge the anchor to handle tax registration, standardize the establishment of accounts, declare and pay taxes in time, and undertake certain inspection obligations and reporting obligations to the tax authorities.

  Fourth, the feasibility of entrusting the collection. From a practical point of view, entrusting to collect taxes is not the mainstream choice of tax authorities, but there is room for entrusting the platform to collect taxes for network anchors, especially for anchors whose income is higher than a certain standard amount but without an organization. The competent tax authorities can sign an entrustment agreement with the platform to entrust them to collect taxes according to the Administrative Measures on Entrusted Collection.

  In addition, the tax bureau should also strengthen the ability of data tax management, such as the construction of electronic tax bureau, electronic tax registration, electronic invoice and other related convenience systems, and at the same time strengthen the ability of data sharing with the platform.

  Third, the policy declaration and legal expression of classified management

  In recent years, the tax system has strengthened the tax collection and management of webcasting industry, which shows the spirit of the rule of law of statutory and strict tax collection and the times demand of common prosperity, but at the same time, it has also caused great uncertainty and even panic to the practitioners of webcasting industry and related industries: Is the tax rectification of network anchors a temporary "Great Leap Forward" or a continuous implementation of the rule of law? What is the policy orientation for tax consolidation, unified and integrated governance, or focusing on the big and letting the small and releasing water to raise fish?

  In addition, the resonance between the complexity of tax law norms and the complexity of the design of network anchor trading model also increases the uncertainty of anchor paying taxes according to law and tax compliance, and the lack of clear policy list guidance also increases the illegal risk of tax law. On September 18th, 2021, State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China issued "Strengthening the Tax Administration of Employees in Entertainment Field", but it did not make clear policies and specific rules.

  In the face of the ongoing tax clearance of the live broadcast industry, tax authorities, network anchors, platforms and other parties should seek to build a basic consensus. The tax system can clearly declare its position on anchor tax collection and management through the rule of law, that is, taxation according to law and strict collection and management, as well as giving play to the social distribution and regulation function of taxation under common prosperity; In terms of policy, the tax authorities should establish the management thinking of classification and clarify the standards of classification and classification, that is, focus on the collection and management of high-income groups such as head anchors and star anchors, and at the same time follow the clear provisions of the tax law and stick to the bottom line of the rule of law that does not apply across the board.

  On this basis, the tax authorities should construct typical types of network anchors and sort out the current tax rules, and stipulate the tax collection and management types, tax collection methods and invoice management, tax determination methods, tax payment locations, competent tax authorities and tax-related assistance obligations of platforms for different types of anchors, so as to provide clear guidance for network anchors and platforms. This should be an urgent task and a fundamental solution to the current legalization of taxation in the live broadcast industry.

  (Author Wang Zongtao is an associate professor at Xiamen University Law School, doctor of law)

Investigation on "Punching in online celebrity": Many serious cases of disturbing the people can be detained.

       CCTV News:In the last year or two, a very popular word on the Internet is: online celebrity punched in, which means that a video of a certain place was broadcast on the relevant platform, which aroused widespread concern, and then a large number of tourists and photographers went to the place to shoot and remember. The influx of people may have boosted local tourism revenue, but some uncivilized phenomena have also embarrassed these places with hot networks.

       Tongdeli is an alley in Suzhou, about 2 meters wide and more than 200 meters long. The 19 western-style houses here constitute the most typical buildings of the Republic of China in Suzhou. The old house named after a TV series is here. Thousands of tourists come here to take photos and punch in every day, and the lives of more than 100 households have changed.


       Aunt Xu is an old resident of No.8 in Tongli. In the past two months, she has received a large number of tourists to visit, take photos and consult every day. Her home was originally an actor’s rest area, and No.7 was the prototype of Su’s old house, but because the layout of the two houses is the same, Aunt Xu often takes the initiative to open the door to receive visitors in order to alleviate the pressure next door.

       Xu Lifang, a resident of Tongli, said: "There are very few uncivilized tourists who are still knocking at the door of Su’s old house in the middle of the night."

       Aunt Xu said that she actually welcomes everyone to visit, but there are some problems, and even the house number of her own "No.8 Tongdeli" has disappeared a few days ago. The location of the actor lounge in the play has also been affected by the large passenger flow.


       Lin Shengguo, a resident of Deli, said: "When someone opens the door in the whole community, once a person takes the lead to rush into the owner’s room, all the tourists will file in, and people will be packed around their homes in the morning. This situation is very common, just like my place, where I used to sit, and so are the tourists. Even the floor of my place was trampled, the board was broken, and some people fell in my place."


       On the roadside of Pingjiang, Suzhou, a small courtyard called Haneryuan is the prototype of the restaurant "Meat eater" where the hero and heroine of this hit TV series met. A large number of tourists have been jammed at the door for two months.

       CCTV reporter Wang Shengdong: "The surge of photo-punching passengers has also brought unprecedented pressure to the garden. For example, this century-old wall around me, many tourists have taken photos with their hands, and the wall has been destroyed. The garden has to arrange special personnel to maintain order at the door."

       Haner Garden staff: "Some of them are for consumption, but more people simply punch in for taking pictures, which will lead to many people trampling on the flowers and plants in our garden, and throwing garbage everywhere, which will affect the environment of our whole garden and elegance. There are stone bridges and Ping Jianghe, which are actually very dangerous for everyone."


       Destruction of flowers and plants is even more common in other places in online celebrity. Chengdu Airport Flower Field is an open sightseeing area built by Chengdu Shuangliu District in the landing area of the east runway of Shuangliu Airport. It has become a place for many tourists to punch in because it can photograph flowers and planes at the same time. The reporter saw at the scene that most tourists can enjoy the flowers on the observation deck, greenway and other places. However, many tourists ignored the fence, and even the staff dissuaded them, insisting on taking photos and playing in the flower planting area. Some flower fields near the sightseeing channel have been trampled by tourists, which is very conspicuous.


       The "online celebrity punch card place", which suddenly rises in heat, can be said to be an embarrassing problem for the local area. There are more tourists, and their popularity has been greatly improved; But the uncivilized behavior of tourists interferes with everyone’s normal life. The Dragon Boat Festival holiday is approaching, and relevant departments in some places have prepared emergency plans for the upcoming large passenger flow.

       Li Jun, a member of the comprehensive administrative law enforcement brigade in the Fengmen area: "Our urban management department has also joined forces with the public security traffic police, transportation and other departments to cope with the peak passenger flow during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. We have put forward corresponding measures, such as one-way circulation of vehicles, and then our passenger flow has also gone from left to right, and timely guidance has been made to deal with the unexpected incident that happened to some tourists. For these uncivilized behaviors, we first educate them through community volunteers. "

       Ji Zhaoliang, secretary of the Party Committee of Jinfan Road Community, said: "One is the combination of dredging and blocking. If it is sparse, it is mainly because we have also made a hand-painted map, then we will divert residents or some tourists and go to other places to have a look. On the other hand, we have also posted some soft guiding signs at the exit of Tongli, so as not to disturb some normal lives of our residents. "

       In fact, these places in online celebrity are not the tourist attractions in our strict sense, and the short-term gathering of passengers by punching cards will bring great pressure to the local area. On the one hand, we call on tourists to travel in a civilized way and punch cards rationally; On the other hand, for uncivilized behavior, some legal experts said that excessive disturbance to the people and damage to the environment should bear the responsibility.

       Lawyer Cheng Xiaowen: "First of all, it is the provisions of the Law on Public Security Administration Punishment. Once there is a corresponding actor who disturbs some lives and normal life order of others, the public security organs can give warnings and punishments after reporting to the police, and in serious cases, they can be administratively detained."

       According to the lawyer, knocking at the door in the middle of the night and shouting the names of the characters in the TV series are also suspected of infringement. On the one hand, they disturb the normal rest of others. On the other hand, if residents can prove that this behavior has caused their physical, mental or health damage, then the actor should not only apologize, but also make financial compensation.

       Lawyer Cheng Xiaowen: "As a tourist, it’s good to visit people’s private houses, or other places in online celebrity, or to punch cards. First of all, you should travel in a civilized way, respect others, and you respect others, so you can get others’ respect for you."

       Some experts in the field of tourism also said that online celebrity’s punch-in fires quickly and the fever drops quickly, which often caught the local residents and functional departments off guard. Therefore, in addition to on-site emergency coordination due to too many tourists, various means can be used to keep the passenger flow in online celebrity stable, orderly and long-term.

       Deng Ning, vice president of beijing international studies university Institute of Tourism Science, said: "We can relatively explore some of its tourism products, or some tourist routes, and explore its connection with the so-called online celebrity land, so that this kind of people flow can have other places to visit, spend money and experience some local elements with more humanistic care besides punching in. In this case, In order to form a so-called complete tourism experience, it is especially necessary to combine with other local things, such as cultural and creative products, catering, performing arts and so on. It does not have to be physically focused on a certain point, and it can be extended a little more. "

There is no need to press the "map" to upgrade the smart car, and the Aouita 11 HarmonyOS version of the smart car upgrade is listed.

On January 8th, Aouita 11 HarmonyOS version of Zhixiang upgrade was officially launched. The car has mainly undergone four upgrades: intelligent driving upgrade, equipped with map-free NCA function that does not rely on high-precision maps; Comfort upgrade, four somatosensory optimizations; Chassis upgrade, adding Huawei iTRACK function; The rights and interests are upgraded, and the "intelligent" highest rights and interests can be enjoyed for life. Moreover, there is no price increase in the whole department, and the prices of 90-degree rear-drive version 300,000 yuan, 116-degree rear-drive version 335,000 yuan, 90-degree luxury version 350,000 yuan and 116-degree luxury version 390,000 yuan remain unchanged.

With the launch of the car, Aouita has entered the era of intelligent driving with "de-high-precision mapping", effectively making up for the shortcomings of the intelligent driving scheme with high-precision maps, not only solving the pain point of "following the map", but also unlocking more high-frequency intelligent driving scenes. It is reported that its urban NCA intelligent driving function will unlock more than 300 cities at one time, bringing users a travel experience of "all the country can open and all the country can open".

Thanks to the industry’s top-stream vehicle-side perception and calculation ability brought by three laser radars that are fully equipped at the beginning, Aouita 11 can land quickly without relying on the intelligent driving NCA function of high-precision maps. Aouita 11′ s intelligent driving system integrates the Road Topology Reasoning Network (RCR) and the industry’s first GOD network to build real-time road information, identify all kinds of obstacles sensitively, and improve the safety of human driving and intelligent driving.

Aouita 11′ s intelligent driving system can make rapid and reasonable vehicle movement planning and path planning, and its driving style is more "human-like". In case of repairing subway, tidal lane, temporary road changes caused by traffic control and other scenes, the intelligent driving system can make up for the difference of iteration period of high-precision maps, and truly drive with or without maps, and the complex road conditions will not be degraded. In response to daily commuting and self-driving cross-provincial travel scenarios, the intelligent driving system can independently choose roads with higher traffic efficiency.

Combined with user feedback, the car has also been optimized for the leg, waist, back and sitting posture of the seat, so that users can have a comfortable experience no matter which seat they are in or which sitting posture they take. At the same time, the chassis of the car is upgraded with Huawei iTRACK architecture, which can realize ultra-fine road condition perception of 10,000 times per second and real-time adjustment of torque of 1,000 times per second, so as to realize the best power output mode under different road conditions and create the best driving experience.

Huawei’s iTRACK function "makes the road smooth". Aiming at the most common speed bump scene in daily life, Huawei iTRACK accurately identifies the wheel speed fluctuation, and adjusts and controls the torque within milliseconds to achieve rapid convergence. Through the actual measurement, the wheel speed fluctuation can be reduced by 50% and the aftershock time can be shortened by 40%, thus effectively improving the comfort and safety of the whole vehicle and bringing better driving experience to users. 

The rights and interests are easy to upgrade. From now until February 29, 2024, car buyers can choose one of the following rights and interests: rights and interests 1. Users who buy cars after January 8 will be given a high-end smart driving bag worth 26,000 yuan; Second, during the activity, car buyers can enjoy the discount of paying a deposit of 5,000 yuan to offset the car payment of 25,000 yuan. In addition, Aouita also introduced more car benefits in a limited time, including: the first car owner’s lifetime three-electricity warranty; 6000 yuan replacement subsidy; Give away the intelligent fragrance system; The down payment starts from 42,000 yuan, and the full-term ultra-low interest financial concessions.

Upstream news Wu Jian

Apple battery is difficult to change the network. Now it is "yellow cattle": online sales reservation number 10 yuan to 100 yuan

  A few days ago, Apple promised to replace batteries for some 6S series mobile phones for free, but many consumers complained that it was difficult to make an appointment, queue up and maintain. The Beijing Morning Post reporter visited two direct stores and found that there was a long queue of tens of meters waiting for mobile phone testing and maintenance. The staff admitted that it may not be possible to change batteries after waiting for 4 hours. At the same time, online "scalpers" appeared to help make an appointment, with prices ranging from 10 yuan to 100 yuan. Apple’s official customer service reminds consumers to repair and replace the wrong peak. If the documents are complete, it is recommended to go to the designated repair outlets for repair, but the Beijing Morning Post reporter randomly visited two outlets, but it was all in vain.

  Waiting for three hours in front of the door may not be replaced.

  Yesterday morning, the reporter came to the Apple Store in Sanlitun. Although it was not open yet, there were about 50 people lined up at the door, mostly consumers who came to test and replace the mobile phone battery. Xiao Wang, who was waiting with a mobile phone, told reporters that he had failed to make an appointment online many times. "I heard that because the battery is out of stock, even if it is queued on the spot, it may not be able to be changed, but I still want to try my luck." The security guard near the shopping mall said that the "surge of people" in front of the Apple store has become the normal state in recent days. "When there are many people, you have to turn a corner in a row."

  When the door opened at 10 am, people flocked in, and the staff guided a dozen consumers who had made a successful appointment to sign in first. One of the staff said that at present, hundreds of mobile phones have to be repaired every day. "Yesterday, there were more than 40 phones that were not repaired." He introduced that consumers who have not made an appointment like Xiao Wang can only test in the store but can’t replace the battery. "After testing, it is recommended that he go to our authorized outlets for maintenance, and the service is the same."

  Then the reporter went to Wangfujing Apple Store, just like Sanlitun Store, and there was still a long queue at the door of the store. "If the battery is available, it will take at least three or four hours to change it. We will give priority to customers with appointments." The staff explained that due to the large number of people replacing batteries recently, there are often out of stock situations, and the store will no longer accept non-reserved customers.

  Officially designated outlets eat two doors shut.

  What about Apple’s officially designated outlets that "provide the same service"? According to the list of outlets given by the staff, the reporter went to a maintenance point on the 9 th floor of Sun Dong’ an Square, but he was turned away. A notice posted on the door said, "Our store is suspended due to internal business integration and maintenance." The reporter dialed the contact number and was told that when to resume business, he still needed to wait for a notice.

  Later, the reporter went to the designated maintenance point in the Sanyuanqiao Third Real Estate Building in Chaoyang District, which is also the "Iron General" to close the door. The business hours here are only from Monday to Saturday. Two consumers who came to replace the battery had to sigh and go home. "The appointment can’t be made, and the store can’t be arranged. After listening to the words of the store staff, I ran over and thought that I could finally repair it, or I ran for nothing!"

  Subsequently, the reporter randomly dialed seven officially designated maintenance outlets as customers, and only two of them were successfully connected. Among them, the staff of the maintenance network on the second floor of the post office of the Asian Games Village in Chaoyang District introduced that there were more than 20 people waiting in line in the store at two o’clock in the afternoon. "If you want to repair it, you have to come early." He especially reminded consumers to bring their mobile phones, packaging boxes, three-package cards, invoices and ID cards before they can be repaired. Generally, it is necessary to leave the mobile phones in the store for about a week to replace the mobile phone batteries.

  The online "yellow cattle" selling business is hot.

  Apple’s free "battery" is so hard to enjoy, but it allows "yellow cattle" to find business opportunities and sell Apple’s after-sales appointment number online. The reporter searched a website for two keywords: genius bar and appointment, and hundreds of related "treasures" appeared, some of which indicated the appointment numbers of the day and the recent purchase of Apple. The optional locations included many cities in China, and the prices ranged from 10 yuan to 100 yuan.

  One of the stores is called "Appointment Expert", which only sells the appointment numbers of Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and other places, and this "baby" sells 174 times a month. The reporter consulted as a customer. The other party said that the prices of all store reservation numbers in Beijing are 50 yuan. "The prices in every place are different, and other cities are more expensive than Beijing!" He also said that it is the earliest time to buy the reservation number after 3 days. "Give me your information. After I make an appointment, you can go directly with your ID card."

  The reporter consulted another seller. He said that he can get the reservation number two days later, but the time is random and the stores are random. When the reporter asked why it was difficult for others to make an appointment with him, the other party changed the subject and did not answer.

  Apple customer service suggested peak fault maintenance.

  In this regard, Apple’s official customer service said that it was not long before Apple’s 6S battery replacement policy was introduced, with more customers and greater pressure on supply, so many stores could not replace batteries for consumers in time. In addition to stores, consumers can also hold mobile phones, three-guarantee cards, invoices and ID cards to a number of officially designated outlets for testing and maintenance. As for the case that the reporter mentioned that he was "closed", the customer service suggested that it is best to go before the working day and communicate with the outlets by telephone in advance.

  The customer service staff also reminded consumers that all mobile phones that meet the requirements of battery replacement within three years can be tested and maintained for a long time. If they are not in urgent need, consumers are advised to avoid the current peak maintenance.

  Beijing Morning Post Live News

  Reporter Kang Jiawen and photo

Original TOP10 List of Top Search Stars in Weibo in 2023! Zhao Lusi ranked 10th, Sean Xiao lost to Bailu 4th, and the champion was Hot Search King.

Original title: TOP10 list of the most popular stars in Weibo in 2023! Zhao Lusi ranked 10th, Sean Xiao lost to Bailu 4th, and the champion was Hot Search King.

The 2023 TV series is no longer just the top-notch world of Yang Mi, Dilraba, Sean Xiao and YiBo. On the contrary, there are many post-95 generation conflicts. For example, Zhao Lusi in Hiding Secretly, White Deer in Long Moon Blooming, Dylan, Leo, soso, Esther Yu, Zhou Ye and others are the hottest stars nowadays. near futureWeibo released TOP10, the star with the most hot searches in the first half of 2023! Zhao Lusi was tenth, Xiao Zhan was fourth, Bai Lu was third, and the champion was really a hot search king!

In the first half of 2023, the star with the most hot searches TOP10: Zhao Lusi made 300 hot searches on the list.

Zhao Lusi ranked tenth with 300 hot searches. Zhao Lusi has been dominating the screen in recent years. First, Chen Qianqian, a rumored movie, was on fire. Later, Try the World and Brilliant Stars starring Zhao Lusi all had high popularity. In 2023, Zhao Lusi was still very popular. First, she appeared in the inspirational drama "Houlang" with the theme of traditional Chinese medicine, and then her partner Chen Zheyuan’s "Can’t Hide Secretly" was broadcast.

The hot topics of "After the Waves" and "Can’t Hide Secretly" are both amazing. Although the reviews of both dramas are bipolar, there is a high topic if there is Zhao Lusi. Especially, "Can’t Hide Secretly" was broadcast in the summer prime time. Even though there was "Long Wind Crossing" in the same period, Sean Xiao’s "jade bone Yao" and Yang Yang’s "My Human Fireworks" were all broadcast, but the popularity of "Can’t Hide Secretly" has not been compared, and the play has a high popularity overseas. Zhao Ruth’s momentum in 95 flowers is really unstoppable!

In the first half of 2023, TOP10, the "most frequently searched" star: Andy made 300 hot searches on the list.

Although Andy, the queen of traffic, didn’t broadcast a new drama in the first half of the year, her popularity was still amazing. In the past, Andy’s films "Sweet honey is as heavy as frost", "Dear, beloved", "Please give me more advice for the rest of my life" and "Aquilaria sinensis is like crumbs" all got good results, which made Andy secure her position as the queen, and her every move would become a topic. This summer, Andy is coming back with a new drama "Sauvignon Blanc"!

"Sauvignon Blanc" is an S+ heavy costume drama produced and broadcast by Tencent, which is adapted from Tonghua’s novel. The three men advocate late Italy, JC-T and Deng Weiyan are all highly valued, and their people are also very attractive. "Sauvignon Blanc" is expected to be broadcast in late July. Everyone expects this drama to make a splash for this year’s unpopular summer file. I believe Andy’s drama will not let everyone down.

In the first half of 2023, the star with the most hot searches TOP9: Esther Yu’s hot search list was 315 times.

Esther Yu 2022′ s two plays, Freesia Tactics and A Little Forest for Two, have greatly benefited her, especially Freesia Tactics, which made Esther Yu become a popular flower after 1995. Previously, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying dominated the world with 85 flowers, followed by Dilraba and Andy with 90 flowers. However, since last year, the post-1995 actors have taken turns to dominate the screen, and Esther Yu is now as hot as Zhao Lusi because of the success of Freesia.

After these two dramas, Esther Yu has not aired any new works, but her costume dramas "Six Prayers for the Present" and "Feather of the Cloud" are highly topical. In particular, Zhang Linghe’s "Feather of the Clouds" is the second one. Reuters often makes hot searches for all kinds of shooting of this drama. Esther Yu even made hot searches for more than 300 times in the first half of the year without any new drama broadcast. She really brings her own topic.

In the first half of 2023, TOP8, the star with the most hot searches: KUN made 317 hot searches.

Zhao Lusi, Andy, Esther Yu and others went on the hot search list mostly because of their star charm, but KUN didn’t go on the hot search because of a good thing. A while ago, KUN was told by paparazzi that she had a one-night stand with an amateur and asked her to have an abortion. Her mother illegally installed a pinhole camera and asked someone to follow her, and then she made a false report. When the incident first came to light, Weibo Hot Search was almost occupied by KUN.

Although KUN issued a statement apologizing afterwards, it still damaged the image. Many programs that KUN participated in before the accident were also taken off the shelves overnight, and the shots on the variety show were cut out.

In the first half of 2023, the star with the most hot searches TOP7: Jackson Yee hot search list 331 times.

Jackson Yee is definitely the most successful idol singer turned actor. He showed his mature acting skills in The Longest Day In Chang’an, which were not inferior to those of the old opera bones. After that, Better Days, the film starring Zhou Dongyu, also created a high reputation and a high box office, and now it has a place in the film circle.

In the first half of 2023, Jackson Yee participated in the movie "Man Jiang Hong" directed by Zhang Yimou, which is one of the most popular movies in China this year, and it broke out at the super-high box office of 4.5 billion yuan. Jackson Yee also won the seventh place on the list with 331 hot searches.

In the first half of 2023, TOP6, the star with the most hot searches: Jason made 341 hot searches.

Jason is a famous singer in China, and many people should have heard of his voice. He has sung the theme songs of many popular dramas, such as to the sky kingdom, swords of legends, Why Shengxiao Mo, and Aquilaria Resina. This year, Jason’s latest concert tour started, which also made him get on the hot search constantly, and the topic kept on.

TOP5: Song Yaxuan, the star with the most hot searches in the first half of 2023, made 346 hot searches on the list.

Song Yaxuan is one of the members of the Youth League in the era of the popular Men’s League. He is the lead singer and facade of the group and has a high popularity. He is also the darling of variety shows. This year alone, he joined two popular variety shows, Ace to Ace and All Staff Acceleration. Song Yaxuan won the fifth place with 346 hot searches.

TOP4, the star with the most hot searches in the first half of 2023: 484 hot searches in Sean Xiao.

I didn’t expect Top Stream Sean Xiao to rank fourth! Xiao Zhan broadcast two dramas in 2023, one was the drama Na Pianhai in My Dream, which started in June, and the other was jade bone Yao, which was ranked in the summer file. In contrast, "Na Pianhai in My Dream" has a better reputation. It not only made it into the top ten in terms of ratings and webcasts in the first half of 2023, but also scored 7.5 in Douban.

Recently, "jade bone Yao" is relatively silent. Compared with the goddess Sean Xiao, everyone in "jade bone Yao" is talking about the face value of the female director Min. In recent years, Sean Xiao began to try to broaden the theater, and at the same time, it can maintain the heat of the top stream, which is really amazing. Although the number of hot searches is not the most, Sean Xiao’s every move is still attracting attention.

In the first half of 2023, the star with the most hot searches TOP3: White Deer Hot Search was listed 489 times.

This year, Bailu topped the list of hot searches in Weibo with "Long Moon Blooming", and it was fully searched for 500 times! From the beginning to the end of "Long Moon Blooming", the degree of discussion has never been lower. During the hot broadcast, Bailu, Leo and Chen Douling almost lived on the hot search in Weibo, and the fiery red of the play also caused the traffic of Bailu to rise.

After "Long Moon Blooms", White Deer’s every move has become a topic, from her new drama "Going North" to her participation in the variety show "Run", which has caused heated discussion. Many people are optimistic that White Deer is expected to become a new traffic goddess after Andy and Dilraba.

TOP2, the star with the most hot searches in the first half of 2023: YiBo made 606 hot searches.

YiBo beat Sean Xiao and Bailu to win the second place! In recent years, YiBo began to move to the big screen. In the first half of 2023 alone, YiBo was connected to three films. First, co-star Tony Leung Chiu Wai’s The Unknown, and then April’s King of the Sky and May’s China Youth: Me and My Youth were also released, all of which were big productions with high topics.

Throughout the first half of the year, YiBo made a hot search on the list for 606 times, and the charm of Top Stream remained undiminished. And then there are two movies in YiBo, Enthusiasm and Peacekeeping Riot Squad, which are also expected to be scheduled for 2023. YiBo is going to dominate the cinema schedule this year!

TOP1, the star with the most hot searches in the first half of 2023: Dylan’s hot search list was 607 times.

The champion is Dylan! Since last year’s "Freesia", Dylan has become a popular actor in one fell swoop. In 2023, there was not only a hit of "Floating Map" in Dylan, but also his workplace drama "Come on today" and his partner Zhou Ye’s Republic of China drama "Youth in War" were broadcast. These plays were all performed by Dylan before he became popular, and some of them were not even the protagonists, but they still had a hot topic because of Dylan.

In the first half of the year, Dylan made 607 hot searches, which were not only broadcast by many dramas, but also talked about constantly because of her participation in the variety show Fifty Kilometers of Peach Blossom House and her new dramas "Taking Love as a Camp" and "Da Feng Da Geng Ren". Taking Love as a Camp, Dylan is the partner of the new generation of Xiaohua White Deer, and the costume drama Da Feng Da Geng Ren is the partner of 95 Hua Tian Xi Wei, both of which are popular and topical.

Editor in charge:

At the press conference, the reporter twice mentioned the Diaoyu Islands-related issues, and the Foreign Ministry of China made a tough stance.

       CCTV News:On May 11, 2020, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian held a regular press conference.

       AFP reporter: Two China coast guard vessels expelled a Japanese fishing boat from the Diaoyu Islands last week, and the Japanese side has made representations to the Chinese side. What’s your comment on this? Has China explained or apologized to Japan?


       Zhao Lijian: It is understood that the China Marine Police recently found a Japanese fishing boat illegally operating in the territorial waters of China during a routine cruise in the Diaoyu Islands. China Marine Police carried out tracking and monitoring according to law, demanding that it immediately stop relevant activities and withdraw from relevant sea areas, and resolutely responded to the illegal interference of Japanese Marine Insurance Agency vessels at the scene. China has made solemn representations to the Japanese side through diplomatic channels, urging the Japanese side to immediately stop the infringement.

       I want to emphasize that Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands are China’s inherent territory, and it is China’s inherent right to carry out cruise enforcement in the Diaoyu Islands. We demand that Japan abide by the spirit of the four-point principle consensus, avoid creating new troubles on the Diaoyu Islands issue, and take practical actions to maintain the stability of the East China Sea.

       Kyodo News: As far as I know, it is very rare for China to take direct action against Japanese fishing boats. It seems that China is unilaterally stepping up its activities in the Diaoyu Islands. What direction does China think China-Japan relations should develop?

       Zhao Lijian: Just now I have clearly stated China’s position. China demands that Japan abide by the spirit of the four-point principle consensus, avoid creating new troubles on the Diaoyu Islands issue, and take practical actions to maintain the stability of the East China Sea.

       At present, China and Japan should concentrate on fighting the epidemic and further develop friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries.

Glad you came conference, Hugh and Leo cooperate again to talk about role shaping.

Special feature of 1905 film network June 10, 25th.Shanghai stateInternational film festivalgoldJue awardEntries in the main competition unitGlad you came.Hold a press conference and supervise the production.Cao Baoping, screenwriter and directorJiayin LiuActorHughLeoQi XiKe BaiMeet the media.

In the film, Wen Shan, an ordinary screenwriter who fell behind, started to write eulogy for a living by accident. In the encounter with ordinary people of all colors, Wen Shan comforted others and gained warmth, and finally found his own direction in life. The film is a true portrayal of director Jiayin Liu’s search for answers in constantly balancing the relationship between the individual and the world for more than ten years. "I also often go to Babaoshan and the zoo, and many of them are my imagination of the possible life. I imagined what I could do in Babaoshan and what I needed, from which I conjured up this role."

In the movie, Hugh plays an introverted observer who "smiles once in a while means he is happy, but looks less happy means everything is normal". When Hugh talked about his initial creation of this role, he was very concerned about whether he could find someone to refer to in real life. This role did not conform to his previous experience in creating characters. "When I have no specific object to refer to, I will be insecure and afraid that I can’t really get close to this person."

Finally, in this somewhat healing story, Hugh found his own experience in recent years. After his mother died in 2019, "I have never had the courage to face up to this matter, and I am lucky to meet Wen Shan. In fact, when I met this character, he really kept healing and warming me. I always switched between Wen Shan and the characters he cured. "

The third time I cooperated with Hugh, it was Leo who played the inner projection of Wen Shan in the film. For Wu Lei, who started to try the author’s film, this performance is also a brand-new challenge. Sometimes the role is not so "landing", and at the same time, it is necessary to reach a certain echo and care with Hugh’s performance. As a person who is waiting to be created in the movie, Leo said that Xiao Yin is waiting for a better way out. "It’s like myself, and like many young people, they are eager for a better future."

In Hugh’s view, the role of Wen Shan is to director Jiayin Liu, just as Xiao Yin played by Leo is to Wen Shan. Jiayin Liu, who projected a lot of his own experiences and emotions, admitted that when he first created the script, Wen Shan’s face was always vague until the moment he turned on the phone. "The reaction from quantitative change to qualitative change happened. He seemed to steal Wen Shan from me, and I can see Wen Shan’s face from now on."

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council warned before the "Double Tenth" that the Taiwan authorities do not presuppose that they will not give up the "two-state theory."

According to a report by China Taiwan Province Network today (28th), the Taiwan Province Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference in the press room of the Taiwan Affairs Office at 10: 00 this morning, which was presided over by Ma Xiaoguang, director and spokesperson of the Information Bureau of the Taiwan Affairs Office. Ma Xiaoguang is talking about Taiwan today.baysquareWhile refusing to accept the "1992 Consensus" and repeatedly saying that cross-strait exchanges should not presuppose, he said that the "1992 Consensus" and the one-China principle it embodies are objective facts that conform to the jurisprudence and reality of cross-strait relations, and are not artificial preconditions.The key to the so-called no preconditions is not to admit that both sides of the strait belong to the same China, that is, not to give up the position of "two States" and "one country on each side".

With regard to Taiwan Province’s upcoming "October 10th Speech", Tsai Ing-Wen may not be able to hand in a qualified answer. Ma Guang Xiao, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office, said that the key to maintaining the peaceful development of cross-strait relations lies in adhering to the political foundation of the "1992 Consensus".No matter what the leaders of the Taiwan Province authorities say, this hurdle cannot be bypassed.

In view of the fact that Xie Xuehong, the founder of the Taiwan Communist Party and the founder of the Taiwan Alliance, was packaged as a pioneer of Taiwan independence by some "Taiwan independence" on the island and set up a monument, Ma Xiaoguang said,Ms. Xie Xuehong is also a members of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Her spirit of fighting against Japanese colonial rule and realizing the reunification of the motherland is indelible and cannot be distorted. The "Taiwan independence" forces tried to make political articles and mislead the people of Taiwan Province, only to expose their distorted mentality and clumsy tactics.

The mainland released the reform dividend, and the development of Taiwanese enterprises in the mainland showed a steady trend.

Ma Guang Xiao, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said today that at present, the production and operation of Taiwan-funded enterprises in the mainland are generally stable. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Commerce, in the first eight months of this year, there were 2,392 new Taiwan-funded projects in the mainland (excluding the third transfer), up 23.93% year-on-year; The actual use of Taiwan capital was US$ 1.491 billion, up 33.09% year-on-year. At present, the mainland is implementing the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", deepening the construction of the "Belt and Road", promoting the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the large-scale development of the western region, and revitalizing the old industrial bases in Northeast China. It is hoped that the transformation and upgrading of Taiwanese enterprises will be in line with these strategies and achieve greater development.

As long as we have a correct understanding of cross-strait relations, we all take a positive attitude.

Ma Xiaoguang, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, told the visiting delegation of Taiwan’s counties and cities a few days ago that our determination and sincerity in promoting cross-strait exchanges and cooperation in various fields and seeking for the well-being of compatriots on both sides of the strait will not change. It is understood that eight counties and cities in Taiwan Province and relevant parties in the mainland are planning to hold agricultural special products fairs and tourism promotion conferences in eight counties and cities in Taiwan Province in the mainland this year. Relevant enterprises in mainland China are also planning to visit eight counties and cities and negotiate the procurement of agricultural products. He also stressed that as long as we have a correct understanding of the nature of cross-strait relations and county-city exchanges and are willing to contribute to enhancing the well-being and affection of compatriots on both sides of the strait, we all have a positive attitude.

Democratic Progressive Party’s 30-year-old radical or flexible "Taiwan independence" is doomed to failure

When talking about the 30th anniversary of the founding of Democratic Progressive Party, Ma Guang Xiao, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said today that Democratic Progressive Party’s long-term adherence to the "Taiwan independence" party platform and the "Taiwan independence" separatist proposition of "one country on each side" undermined the political foundation for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, incited cross-strait confrontation and obstructed cross-strait exchanges, which seriously impacted and affected the good momentum and achievements of the peaceful development of cross-strait relations since 2008 and damaged the vital interests of Taiwan Province compatriots. It can be said that if Democratic Progressive Party does not give up the "Taiwan independence", it will be difficult to find a way out in cross-strait relations. Whether it is a radical "Taiwan independence" or a so-called gradual and flexible "Taiwan independence", it is doomed to failure.

Lee Teng-hui’s clamor for so-called "constitutional reform" can only be a dream.

When talking about Lee Teng-hui’s recent clamor to promote the so-called "constitutional reform", Ma Xiaoguang said today that there is a fashionable political term in Taiwan Province called "people who pretend to sleep can’t wake up". I think Lee Teng-hui is the one who can’t wake up from the dream of "Taiwan independence". However, the development trend of the world and the development trend of the two sides of the strait are doomed to be a dream. What’s important is that compatriots on both sides of the strait may not forget that during Chen Shui-bian’s administration, he frantically tried to change Taiwan Province’s status as a part of China by means of "constitutional reform" and "referendum" and suffered a shameful failure. If someone still wants to inherit the mantle of Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian, I don’t think the end will be good, and everyone can foresee it.

Taiwan Province should not mislead the public with the so-called flight safety as an excuse.

In response to Taiwan Province’s claim that seeking to participate in the International Civil Aviation Congress is based on its responsibility for the safety of international air navigation, Ma Xiaoguang said that Taiwan Province should deeply reflect on its failure to participate in the 39th ICAO Congress, instead of making accusations against the mainland and misleading public opinion. The mainland has always attached importance to the needs of Taiwan Province compatriots in the field of civil aviation, and will continue to provide relevant information to Taiwan Province. Taiwan Province’s aviation safety has nothing to do with Taiwan Province’s participation in international civil aviation conferences.

Taiwan authorities should not be led by the "extremely independent" forces.

Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, responded to the claim of the "United Taiwan Party" that it would not rule out sending a letter inviting Lai Lama or Rebiya to counter the mainland: It is not surprising that inviting figures like Dalai Lama and Rebiya to Taiwan Province may have an impact and harm on cross-strait relations. The key is that Taiwan Province’s rulers should not misjudge the situation and be led by "ultra-independence" forces.

Green camp said that the eight mayors who landed in the county were "blue eight slaves" selling Taiwan. Ma Xiaoguang: the Qing Dynasty cleared itself.

Mayors of eight counties in Taiwan Province made achievements when they landed, and they were called "Blue Eight Slaves" by green camp citizens to sell Taiwan. Ma Guang Xiao, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said that those who are clear are clear and those who are turbid are turbid. Those acts of throwing dirty water at others certainly reflect the political nature of these politicians, but they still can’t solve the vital interests of Taiwan Province people.

The individual remarks of individual politicians in the United States do not represent the attitude of the US government.

Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, responded to the US Congressman’s claim that he should join ICAO for the sake of Taiwan Province’s flying safety: The US government adheres to the one-China policy and has made commitments on bilateral occasions and major international occasions many times. As for the individual remarks of individual politicians in the United States, they do not represent the attitude of the US government.

"Taiwan independence" exposes a distorted mentality: the founders of the packaging Taiwan Communist Party and the Taiwan Alliance are the pioneers of "Taiwan independence"

In view of the fact that Xie Xuehong, the founder of the Taiwan Communist Party and the founder of the Taiwan Alliance, was packaged as a pioneer of Taiwan independence by some "Taiwan independence" on the island and a monument was erected, Ma Guang Xiao, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office, said today that Ms. Xie Xuehong is also members of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and her spirit of fighting against Japanese colonial rule and realizing the reunification of the motherland is indelible and cannot be distorted. The "Taiwan independence" forces tried to make political articles and mislead the people of Taiwan Province, only to expose their distorted mentality and clumsy tactics.

"Taiwan independence" organization set up a monument for Xie Xuehong and tried to package it as "Taiwan independence Pioneer"  

It is the key to correctly understand cross-strait relations if blue-green counties and cities reshuffle.

Ma Guang Xiao, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said today that Taiwan Province will also face a county and mayor election in 2018. If the blue and green counties and cities are reshuffled, and whether the eight measures taken by the mainland to promote exchanges with eight counties and cities in Taiwan Province will be adjusted, he said that the key to cross-strait county-city exchanges is to have a correct understanding of the nature of cross-strait relations and county-city exchanges, which will help the development of interaction, exchanges and cooperation between the two sides.

In addition, there are constant protests on the island, calling for work, survival and the "1992 Consensus". Ma Xiaoguang, a spokesperson for the Affairs Office of the State Council, said that in a word, these ordinary people in Taiwan Province, people from all walks of life, took to the streets to express their feelings and dissatisfaction, and they were actually voting on the cross-strait policies of the Taiwan Province authorities with their feet.

The following is the full text of the conference (from Hong Kong China Rating Society)

Ma Xiaoguang: Hello, everyone, the press conference will begin now. Now please ask questions.

Xinhua News Agency: Since May 20th this year, Taiwan Province has refused to accept the "1992 Consensus" on the one hand, and repeatedly said that cross-strait exchanges should not presuppose. What is your comment?

Ma Xiaoguang: The "1992 Consensus" and the one-China principle it embodies are objective facts that conform to the jurisprudence and reality of cross-strait relations, and are not artificial preconditions. This consensus was reached by both sides of the strait through communication and consultation, seeking common ground while reserving differences, and was not unilaterally imposed on Taiwan Province by us. When dealing with each other, we must first make clear the nature of their relationship. The key to the so-called no preconditions is not to admit that both sides of the strait belong to the same China, that is, not to give up the position of "two States" and "one country on each side". The Democratic Progressive Party authorities unilaterally undermine the common political foundation of the two sides of the strait, in fact, they impose their denial of consensus on the mainland, which is the prerequisite for cross-strait exchanges and interactions.

Reporter from Hong Kong China Rating Society: A few days ago, a visiting delegation from Taiwan’s counties and cities visited China. The mainland will take eight measures to promote exchanges and cooperation with these eight counties and cities. How will the spokesman implement these measures in the future? In addition, does this mean that the mainland will adopt a different policy towards Taiwan Province’s blue-green camp? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: Not long ago, a delegation of mayors from some counties in Taiwan Province came to the mainland and said that they would continue to support the "1992 Consensus". We responded positively and put forward eight measures to further promote the relevant departments and cities in the mainland to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with these eight counties and cities. Our determination and sincerity to promote cross-strait exchanges and cooperation in various fields and to benefit compatriots on both sides of the strait will not change. As long as we have a correct understanding of the nature of cross-strait relations and county-city exchanges and are willing to contribute to enhancing the well-being and affection of compatriots on both sides of the strait, we all have a positive attitude.

It is understood that eight counties and cities in Taiwan Province and relevant parties in the mainland are planning to hold agricultural special products fairs and tourism promotion conferences in eight counties and cities in Taiwan Province in the mainland this year. Relevant enterprises in mainland China are also planning to visit eight counties and cities and negotiate the procurement of agricultural products.

CCTV reporter: On October 10th, Tsai Ing-Wen will also deliver a "Double Ten Speech". We noticed that some media analyzed that Tsai Ing-Wen could not hand in a qualified answer sheet on cross-strait relations in this speech. How did the spokesman respond to this? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: Since May 20th this year, the good momentum and achievements of the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations, which lasted for eight years, have been seriously impacted, and the vital interests of Taiwan Province people have been harmed. We all know the crux of this situation and the responsibility.

The practice of both positive and negative aspects of cross-strait relations proves that different road choices determine different prospects. The key to maintaining the peaceful development of cross-strait relations lies in adhering to the political foundation of the "1992 Consensus". No matter what the leaders of the Taiwan Province authorities say, this hurdle cannot be bypassed.

I have said many times that our major policy toward Taiwan is clear and consistent. We will continue to adhere to the political foundation of the "1992 Consensus", resolutely oppose the "Taiwan independence" and firmly safeguard the one-China principle. We will further expand exchanges between compatriots on both sides of the strait, promote exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and build a cross-strait community of destiny. We believe that no force can stop the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Reporter from Xiamen Satellite TV, Fujian: Recently, Taiwan Province and the southeast coastal areas of the mainland have been frequently ravaged by typhoons. May I ask the spokesman whether the two sides can strengthen relevant cooperation in disaster reduction and prevention to cope with the bad weather of typhoons and other disasters? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: Recently, several destructive typhoons have successively affected some areas on both sides of the strait, causing heavy losses to people’s lives and property on both sides of the strait. We have been paying close attention to this, and I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere condolences to the affected compatriots. It is understood that during the typhoon "Nibert" and "Moranti" affected Taiwan Province and mainland China this year, meteorological professionals on both sides of the strait communicated and exchanged in real time through the instant messaging software system. We actively support everything that is conducive to compatriots on both sides of the strait to jointly do a good job in meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation and to enhance the well-being of people’s livelihood on both sides of the strait.

Taiwan Province TVBS TV reporter: Three "legislators" in Democratic Progressive Party have been unable to get Hong Kong visas one after another. Some of them went to the Hong Kong Forum, and some went to Hong Kong to take refuge after a typhoon entered the country, but they failed to get Hong Kong visas. The "Green Committee" thinks that everything is green. How does the spokesman comment on this?

Ma Xiaoguang: This is an internal affair of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. We respect the Hong Kong SAR Government’s handling of the entry and exit of overseas personnel in accordance with the Basic Law. Thank you.

Fujian straits herald reporter: what is the overall situation of Taiwan-funded enterprises investing and operating in the mainland at present? What are the opportunities for the transformation and upgrading of Taiwan-funded enterprises under the new situation of the implementation of the 13 th Five-Year Plan in the mainland? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: At present, the production and operation of Taiwan-funded enterprises in the mainland are generally stable. With the continuous release of reform dividends and market space in the mainland, the development of Taiwanese businessmen in the mainland has generally shown a trend of structural transformation, technological upgrading and capital increase and share expansion. Taiwanese investment in the mainland continues to grow.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Commerce, in the first eight months of this year, there were 2,392 new Taiwan-funded projects in the mainland (excluding the third transfer), up 23.93% year-on-year; The actual use of Taiwan capital was US$ 1.491 billion, up 33.09% year-on-year.

At present, the mainland is implementing the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", deepening the construction of the "Belt and Road", promoting the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the large-scale development of the western region, and revitalizing the old industrial bases in Northeast China. It is hoped that the transformation and upgrading of Taiwanese enterprises will be in line with these strategies and achieve greater development.

Taiwan Province Zhongtian TV reporter asked: Chen Deming, president of ARATS, said in an exclusive interview with Lianhe Zaobao that there was no difference in treatment between blue and green ruling counties and cities, but this time it was true that the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council released more benefits to the eight counties and cities of Lanying. Does Taiwan Province think there is a gap between these? Is there a difference in treatment without customs clearance code? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: You may have noticed that President Yu Zhengsheng made it clear in his talks with mayors of eight counties that our determination and sincerity to promote cross-strait exchanges and cooperation in various fields and to benefit compatriots on both sides of the strait will not change. As long as we have a correct understanding of cross-strait relations and the nature of cross-strait county-city exchanges, of course, we all have a positive attitude.

International TV reporter: Taiwan Province claims that it seeks to participate in the international civil aviation conference because of its responsibility for the safety of international air navigation. What is the spokesman’s comment on this? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: On the question that Taiwan Province was not invited to participate in the 39th ICAO Assembly, I think Taiwan Province should deeply reflect on why it was able to participate three years ago, but not this year, instead of making accusations against the mainland and misleading public opinion, and even using the so-called flight safety in Taiwan Province as an excuse to mislead the people of Taiwan Province. Here, I solemnly express that the mainland has always attached importance to the needs of Taiwan Province compatriots in the field of civil aviation, and will continue to provide relevant information to Taiwan Province. It can be said that Taiwan Province’s access to ICAO standards, recommended measures and related information is smooth, and the information is complete and comprehensive. Taiwan Province enjoys convenient navigation with many cities in the world. Facts have proved that Taiwan Province’s aviation safety has nothing to do with whether Taiwan Province participates in the International Civil Aviation Congress or not.

China Taiwan Province Network reporter: Ma Ying-jeou, the former leader of Taiwan Province, said in a lecture at Soochow University a few days ago that the Diaoyu Islands and the South China Sea Islands belong to China’s inherent territory, and the Japanese side’s claim is stealing. When talking about cross-strait relations, Ma Ying-jeou said that no matter how cross-strait relations are handled, they should not fight. He said that peace is the highest value and can really bring prosperity. How does the spokesman comment on this statement? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: Because Mr. Ma is no longer in public office, according to reason, we don’t comment on the speeches of individual Taiwan Province people. However, he mentioned two points in his speech, which we should understand: First, on the sovereignty of Diaoyu Island and South China Sea, we hope compatriots on both sides of the strait will jointly safeguard the inheritance left by our ancestors. Second, we hope for peace in the Taiwan Strait and the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. To this end, we have found such a path since 2008, and its foundation is to adhere to the "1992 Consensus". If we continue along this road, the new Taiwan Province administration must give a clear answer to the common political foundation of the two sides.

Fujian Strait Satellite TV reporter: Democratic Progressive Party is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Party. How do you evaluate the history of this party in the past 30 years from the perspective of the mainland, and what expectations do you have for its future? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: It seems that this activity has been postponed. As we all know, Democratic Progressive Party has long adhered to the "Taiwan independence" party platform and the "Taiwan independence" separatist proposition of "one country on each side", undermining the political foundation for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, inciting cross-strait confrontation and obstructing cross-strait exchanges, which has seriously impacted and affected the good momentum and achievements of the peaceful development of cross-strait relations since 2008 and harmed the vital interests of Taiwan Province compatriots. It can be said that if Democratic Progressive Party does not give up the "Taiwan independence", it will be difficult to find a way out in cross-strait relations. Whether it is a radical "Taiwan independence" or a so-called gradual and flexible "Taiwan independence", it is doomed to failure.

Taiwan Province Wangbao asked: I would like to ask about the visit to 8 counties and cities in Pan-Blue again. We know that Taiwan Province will also face a county mayor election in 2018. If the blue-green counties and cities are reshuffled, will there be some adjustments to these eight policies? The second question is that some media reported that the "Beijing-Taiwan Science and Technology Forum" will be held in Beijing in the middle and late October. What is the current preparation? If representatives of Taiwan Province are invited, will economic and trade officials still be invited to lock in these pan-blue county mayors? The third question, in the National Palace Museum in Taipei, it was recently decided to remove the 12 copies of animal heads given by Jackie Chan. What is the comment of the Taiwan Affairs Office?

Ma Xiaoguang: First, the key to cross-strait county-city exchanges is to have a correct understanding of the nature of cross-strait relations and county-city exchanges. I think this will help the two sides to interact, exchange and cooperate. As for the "Beijing-Taiwan Science and Technology Forum", as far as I know, it is a regular event held every year, which is specifically organized by Beijing. At present, the preparatory work is under way, and I don’t know the relevant details. I will let you know if there is further information.

Regarding the third question, you have noticed that Mr Jackie Chan has made a public response, saying that their donation conveys an attitude of "respecting civilization and protecting culture". Whether the National Palace Museum in Taipei respects this attitude or has other purposes, I think everyone has their own public comment.

Global Network reporter: Now we have noticed that Taiwan Province’s "United Taiwan Party" recently said that Tsai Ing-Wen authorities should take countermeasures against failing to get an invitation letter from the International Civil Aviation Conference, and they even suggested that the Taiwan authorities should invite people like the Dalai Lama or Rebiya to visit Taiwan, without excluding the invitation from the "United Taiwan Party". What is the spokesman’s comment on this? In addition, we have also noticed that some members of the US Congress sent a letter to congratulate the so-called 105th "Taiwan Province National Day". The statement even claimed that Taiwan Province should participate in ICAO because of its flying safety needs. How do you comment on this?

Ma Xiaoguang: The first question is about the possible impact and harm to cross-strait relations caused by inviting people like Dalai and Rebiya to Taiwan Province. Everyone knows the specific political stance and nature of the "United Taiwan Party". It is not surprising that they make such wild remarks. The key is that the Taiwan Province rulers should not misjudge the situation and be led by the "ultra-independence" forces.

Second, the U.S. government adheres to the one-China policy, and has made many commitments on bilateral occasions and major international occasions. As for the individual remarks of individual politicians in the United States, they do not represent the attitude of the U.S. government.

Fujian Southeast Satellite TV reporter: The landing of mayors of eight counties in Taiwan Province has achieved fruitful results. Some people in green camp alleged that the mayors of these counties were "blue slaves" selling Taiwan. What is the spokesman’s comment? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: The eight visiting county mayors have refuted and clarified. I think, the clear is self-clear, and the turbid is self-turbid. Those acts of throwing dirty water at others certainly reflect the political nature of these politicians, but they still can’t solve the vital interests of Taiwan Province people.

Hong Kong Phoenix TV reporter: I would like to ask Taiwan Province to attend the International Civil Aviation Conference. Some commentators said that if Taiwan Province insists on not recognizing the "1992 Consensus", it will affect Taiwan Province’s space to participate in international affairs. How do you comment on this? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: Undoubtedly, the "1992 Consensus" is not only an important political basis for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, but also an important basis for the two sides to build mutual trust and carry out benign interaction. Without this foundation, the mutual trust between the two sides and the achievements in all aspects of the peaceful development of cross-strait relations will inevitably be affected.

Xinhua News Agency: Lee Teng-hui, the former leader of the Taiwan Province authorities, recently clamored for the so-called "constitutional reform" and clamored for the normalization of Taiwan Province. What is the spokesman’s comment on this?

Ma Xiaoguang: Now there is a fashionable political term in Taiwan Province called "People who pretend to sleep can’t wake up". I think Lee Teng-hui is the one who can’t wake up from the dream of "Taiwan independence". However, the development trend of the world and the development trend of the two sides of the strait are doomed to be a dream. If I have to respond, I’ll quote a poem by Du Fu, a poet in the Tang Dynasty: "Ercao’s body is destroyed in name, and he won’t waste the rivers and rivers." Of course, it is important that compatriots on both sides of the strait may not forget that during Chen Shui-bian’s administration, he frantically tried to change Taiwan Province’s status as a part of China by means of "constitutional reform" and "referendum" and suffered a shameful failure. If someone still wants to inherit the mantle of Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian, I don’t think the end will be good, and everyone can foresee it.

Fujian Strait Satellite TV reporter: Recently, Xie Xuehong, the founder of the Taiwan Communist Party and the founder of the Taiwan Alliance, was packaged by some "Taiwan independence" organizations on the island as a pioneer of "Taiwan independence" and also set up a monument. How did the spokesman comment on this? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: As you may know, Ms. Xie Xuehong is also a members of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Her spirit of fighting against Japanese colonial rule and realizing the reunification of the motherland is indelible and cannot be distorted. The "Taiwan independence" forces tried to make political articles and mislead the people of Taiwan Province, only to expose their distorted mentality and clumsy tactics.

Guangdong Shenzhen Satellite TV reporter: I have three questions. First, can Taiwan Province attend the APEC meeting in Peru in November this year? Is it possible to participate only if the Taiwan Province authorities respond positively to the "1992 Consensus"? Second, the Taiwan Province authorities have improperly frozen the Kuomintang’s party property by the Party Property Processing Committee, and the Kuomintang’s fund mobilization is facing a break. What is the spokesman’s comment on the current predicament faced by the Kuomintang? Third, regarding the KMT-CPC Forum, do you have any information that the spokesman can introduce? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: I talked about these three issues at the last press conference. First, people from Taiwan Province should attend APEC-related activities in accordance with the relevant provisions of the APEC Memorandum of Understanding. Second, we have noticed that there are many comments on the island, and we will continue to pay attention to the development of the situation. Third, regarding the operation of the platform between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the two sides are in contact and communication, and we will release the exact news in time.

CCTV reporters on both sides of the Taiwan Straits: We have seen that protests have been going on on Taiwan Province Island since September, and many people in Taiwan Province have also taken to the streets to express their dissatisfaction with the ruling authorities. For example, the tourism industry has directly shouted out that they want the "1992 Consensus", that they want to work and survive. Can this be understood as public pressure on the Taiwan Province authorities? What does the spokesman think of the current situation on the island? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: I think, in a word, these ordinary people in Taiwan Province, people from all walks of life who care about their livelihood, have taken to the streets to express their feelings and dissatisfaction. They are actually voting on the cross-strait policies of the Taiwan Province authorities with their feet.

This is the end of the press conference. Thank you for coming.

(Observer Network Comprehensive China Taiwan Province Network, China Review Society Report)