Ma Ma: Under the tide of "Internet +", what magic power can Tencent "+" produce?

Pony Ma, Chairperson and CEO of Tencent

  The popularity of "Internet +" is not just because it appeared in Premier Li Keqiang’s government report, but the inevitable development of the times and the general trend of the development of information technology.

  Speaking of "Internet +", Pony Ma, chairperson and chief executive of Tencent, said he first realised in 2013 that the internet was a cross-border concept. Later, the development of the Internet was at its height, and many traditional industry people then defined the Internet as something that disrupts, conflicts and replaces traditional industries. However, "things that disrupt, conflict and replace traditional industries" are not the essence of the Internet. "The Internet is a tool, and this tool should be available to any industry," he said. But the Internet is not just a tool, but a capability, a new DNA that, when combined with various industries, can give the latter new strength and regeneration ability.

????What kind of magic can the Internet "+" produce?

  Back on March 5, Premier Li Keqiang delivered a government work report and formally proposed "formulating an’Internet + ‘action plan to promote the integration of mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, etc. with modern manufacturing, promote the healthy development of e-commerce, industrial Internet and Internet finance, and guide Internet companies to expand the international market." For a time, "Internet +" became a key buzzword in major media, and the power of the Internet extended to various industries such as transportation, medical care, education, manufacturing, and agriculture.

  It can be seen from the daily life closest to the people that the Internet has unknowingly penetrated into everyone’s life. Functions such as social networking, shopping, payment, taxi hailing, car washing, and registration can almost all be realized through the Internet. The Internet is becoming one of the necessities of life on an equal footing with water and electricity. Pony Ma defines the Internet as a new information energy source. He believes that all industries can integrate "Internet +" into their own industries. If they do not do so, this industry and industry will be outdated and eliminated.

  Although "Internet +" has not been a hot word for a long time, the Internet’s changes to traditional industries continue. From a broad perspective, "Internet +" is fully radiating to the tertiary industry based on the information and communication industry, and is penetrating into the primary and secondary industries. Services such as catering, tourism, entertainment and other services have begun to move towards a mature "Internet +" development stage. At the same time, industrial Internet and agricultural modernization will bring new opportunities for the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

  In depth, "Internet +" has gradually penetrated from the link of information transmission to the links of multiple industrial chains such as manufacturing, distribution, and operation. Use information productivity to shift the scale production in the industrial age to a new production model that can meet the needs of personalized long tails. "Internet +" is penetrating from consumer goods to equipment manufacturing, energy, new materials and other industries, and will comprehensively promote the transformation of traditional industrial production methods.

  According to official data, our country’s online retail enterprises have created more than 9 million jobs, and it is expected to reach 30 million by the end of 2015. Take WeChat as an example. In 2014, WeChat stimulated 95.20 billion of information consumption, equivalent to 3.4% of China’s total information consumption in 2014, driving social employment 10.07 million people. It is expected that by the end of 2015, WeChat-driven information consumption will grow to 142.80 billion yuan. This is the magic of Internet "+", but there are more than 10 million netizens in China. The above figures are just the tip of the iceberg dug out by China’s information economy. In the future, the number of Internet "+" will continue to set new records.

????Do subtraction before addition

  For major traditional industries, compared to what the Internet can "+", they are more concerned about how to "+". An example that Ma Yun often cites is the **** between WeChat and operators about two and a half years ago. Some outsiders said that WeChat replaced text messages, which was a replacement and subversion for operators. He admitted that the pressure was very high at that time. This was the first major impact between mobile Internet and traditional communications. A year and a half ago, Internet finance attracted the attention of regulators again, and online credit cards were subsequently suspended. In the past year, Didi and Kuaidi have triggered government supervision issues in the transportation sector. There have been many collisions in the process of the integration of the Internet and traditional industries, but these collisions are not enough to stand in the way of traditional industries moving towards the Internet. In Ma Jintao’s view, the above problems are "healthy" and can be solved through discussions in various departments.

  Pony Ma said that before the "Internet +" wave came, Tencent had made the largest organizational restructuring in history three years ago to adapt to the mobile Internet and the combination of the Internet and traditional industries. Tencent abandoned the "do everything" strategy, and search, e-commerce, and some O2O and small businesses have been axed. Now, Tencent only does two things: connectors and content industries.

  In recent public occasions, Pony Ma has repeatedly explained the clear positioning of Tencent, and the most powerful backing for Tencent to become a connector that connects people, people, services, and devices is the two major platforms of QQ and WeChat. The latest data shows that WeChat has 549 million monthly active users, and more than 8 million official accounts, which are increasing at a rate of 15,000 per day. QQ’s monthly active users are 832 million, QQ space has 668 million monthly active users, and Tencent’s international users are 200 million, covering more than 200 countries and regions. It is this series of numbers that give Tencent the confidence to propose "connecting everything".

  Pony Ma said that the second thing Tencent does is the content industry, which includes news, online games, videos, literature, music, etc., and other things will be handed over to partners. In the words of Pony Ma: "Before adding, you must first subtract." Pony Ma admitted that this is also the conclusion that Tencent has come to after years of pain. Tencent will firmly be the best partner for all entrepreneurs. Just like the saying "half life": Tencent now only retains half life and gives the other half life to partners, so that an ecosystem will be formed.

????Tencent "+" has produced fruitful results in various industries

  After the two sessions this year, Tencent quickly launched the "Internet +" action. Since March 23, Tencent has signed "Internet +" strategic cooperation agreements with Henan, Chongqing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou and other provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government. And on April 29, it hosted the 2015 "Internet + China" Summit with the theme "Imperative". At this conference, Tencent launched the "Internet +" ecosystem for the first time. At this conference, 16 cities including Changsha, Wuxi and Dalian signed a strategic framework cooperation agreement with Tencent and became a member of the "Internet +" ecosystem. At present, some cities have access to WeChat city services, allowing citizens to enjoy more than 10 convenient services such as checking the weather, paying bills, booking passports, and inquiring about violations of regulations through WeChat.

  But Tencent’s eyes are not only on the field of "smart cities". In terms of medical care, nearly 100 hospitals across the country have launched WeChat full-process visits, and more than 1,200 hospitals support WeChat registration. The service has accumulated more than 3 million patients, saving more than 6 million hours for patients and greatly improving efficiency. In terms of education, Tencent has cooperated with a number of educational institutions to open Tencent classrooms, opening more than 20,000 courses for primary and secondary schools, universities, vocational education, IT training and other multi-level people, with about 73,000 people taking classes every week. In terms of finance, WeBank also began to test its first Internet credit product "Microloan" after Premier Li Keqiang issued the first batch of online loans. In addition, in various fields such as emergency management and media, Tencent is doing "Internet +" exploration.

  It is worth noting that in order to welcome the "maker era", Tencent has upgraded its open API, which has been running for nearly four years. On April 28, Tencent officially upgraded its startup base to Tencent Maker Space. Hou Xiaonan, general manager of Tencent open API, said at the summit: "Tencent hopes to integrate the power of society, integrate the alliance of venture capital, combine offline acceleration and online support, and create a three-dimensional Maker Space for entrepreneurs."

  Data from Tencent shows that the total number of open API applications has reached 2.40 million, including entertainment, life, education and other aspects. The total number of entrepreneurs has reached 5 million, covering the first to third tier cities across the country. At the same time, over 500,000 square meters of 25 Tencent Maker space has been planned to land.

  Pony Ma said: "In the new era, what Tencent needs to do is to build a ladder, that is, return to the core platform. What we can do is to provide all industries with spare parts and tools, so that they can fly higher and safer in the wave of integration with the mobile Internet." The innovative DNA brought by "Internet +" has begun to seep into various industries. I believe that the innovative seeds implanted with the "Internet +" gene will soon spread all over the country and continue to bear fruitful fruits.

Let community group buying become assured group buying

In recent years, the community group buying model has gradually attracted the attention of capital, and many leading e-commerce platforms have entered the market. The COVID-19 epidemic has made community group buying more popular. A number of data show that community group buying is prosperous during the epidemic.

Simply put, community group buying is a business model that provides daily goods and life services to residents in surrounding communities using WeChat and WeChat Mini Program as carriers. The Mini Program places an order and picks up goods at the door of the community group buying, which brings a win-win situation. For merchants, it can reduce the cost of acquiring customers, improve the repurchase rate of goods, and also save distribution costs. For example, each community only needs to be delivered to the designated "head of the group", and then the "head of the group" will distribute the goods to the community users uniformly, reducing the cost of logistics and distribution. In addition, it can also use the real-world friends relationship to acquire customers online and offline, making up for the shortcomings of traditional e-commerce.

For consumers, participating in community group buying on the one hand can get more cost-effective goods, on the other hand, there is no need to worry about after-sales problems. Some consumers said that an important reason for choosing to place an order in the community is the trust in the "head of the community". The "head of the community" and the user belong to the offline person-to-person model, and the trust is higher.

Community group buying has certain development potential, but consumers are more looking forward to this model to become assured group buying. How community group buying develops more standardized is also worthy of attention. Any consumption model must abide by the law. Whether it is spontaneous solitaire buying in community groups or buying on other e-commerce platforms, it must comply with the laws and regulations of our country on production standards and food safety standards. This also requires the joint efforts of platforms, merchants and "heads of state", and even consumers. In addition, it cannot be ignored that group buying market order and online transaction safety also urgently need regulatory efforts to ensure that community group buying truly becomes assured group buying. (Yang Yulong)

Jackie Chan exposes his childhood unbearable past, saying he will not leave a legacy to Jaycee Chan

  Movie Network News(Photo/Qian Jia’s memoir/Diao Zongrui) On July 17, Jackie Chan, who was filming "Kung Fu Dream" in Beijing, showed up at the China Conservatory of Music with members of Seven Xiaofu to participate in the summer internship activities of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan college students. On that day, Jackie Chan, who had not returned to campus for a long time, was very interested. Not only did he answer the questions of the students in the audience carefully, but he also exposed his poignant past and bluntly stated that his dying estate would be donated to charity and would not leave his son Jaycee Chan’s name.

Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan

New Seven Xiaofu Dance

Exposing that he was in the underworld as a child, he denounced unscrupulous media habits

  In conversations with students, Jackie Chan did not shy away from his childhood misdeeds, and even called himself a very bad child. According to him, he had been fighting with Hong Jinbao since he was a child, and he did not read a good book. And the surrounding environment is quite complicated. "I am surrounded by the underworld, and they also asked me to participate in the sale of white powder." However, when it comes to choosing, Jackie Chan said that he always remembers his father’s teaching to him, "He told me not to join the underworld, not to take drugs, and not to gamble on Pai Gow." For the first two Jackie Chan kept in mind, but about "not to gamble on Pai Gow", he laughed and said that he was very puzzled at the beginning. Later, the experience of losing all my wealth overnight woke him up like a dream. Jackie Chan said he now says the same to Jaycee Chan, "except for these three, everything else can be done".

  "I was really bad when I was young, so bad that I didn’t want to talk about it," he says, smiling about the shyness of the past. However, he also expresses his doubts about the professionalism of today’s media. "Now some media reporters listen to what you say. If you say the wrong thing, you will definitely be written to death. If the previous reporters thought that what we said and did was wrong, they would teach us that some things should not be said." In addition, Jackie Chan is also very dissatisfied with the behavior of some photojournalists who specialize in taking dew point photos.

Extras are also actors who "play dead" to rise to the top

  As an extra actor, Stephen Chow was criticized by the director for his portrayal of a mischievous and immortal priest in "The King of Comedy", and then he got a kiss from Jackie Chan, a master of "playing dead". In fact, this scene is not fabricated, it is indeed Jackie Chan’s own personal experience. Speaking of his past when he first entered the martial arts industry, Jackie Chan said, "It is because of’good death ‘that he has a chance to rise to power." In Jackie Chan’s view, no matter what a person does, as long as he doesn’t give up, he will always be appreciated by others and get a chance, even if sweeping the street is no exception in his eyes. When he was an extra, he also pursued perfection. And it is this attitude of doing things that has created Wu Zhi, the youngest in the history of Hong Kong film, and established his status as an international superstar in the Chinese film industry.

He admitted that he would donate all his property on his deathbed and would not leave his name to Jaycee Chan

  As an international superstar, Jackie Chan has done countless acts of kindness around the world. When it comes to the original intention of doing these things, he said that when he was 20 years old, he took 1 million out shopping. "At that time, he was like a nouveau riche. He bought a lot of things, and now the warehouse is full of waste. Everyone will think that I have helped others by doing charity. In fact, charity has taught me to be a person, and it has made me understand a lot of reasons and want to help more people."

  Jackie Chan said he hoped that his bank account would be zero on the day of his death, and he did not want to see Jaycee and his wife or more people competing for inheritance. According to him, he gave half of his assets to a charitable foundation a decade ago. However, he also admitted that his wife is not working, and his son Jaycee is not capable, and he wants him to support him. Compared with the many dreams of his youth, Jackie Chan said that the only thing he wants to do now is to make a good show and be himself.

In the telecom business hall, a long counter is missing, and the waiter will come to serve with the Pad

Do you want to handle business? The service staff holding the Pad will take the initiative to walk up to you and do the business while standing and talking; you buy a villa or a large flat floor, but you don’t know how to network your home? At this time, you can touch the "model room" on the interactive big screen of the business hall, and you can see at a glance where to put a few routers; Xiaomi, Huawei, Apple and other companies have built a sales scene similar to the study and living room here. In addition to mobile phones, there are also various Internet celebrity products such as smart sweepers, smart speakers, and smart rearview mirrors…


Today, Shanghai Telecom’s first smart business hall at 1551 Zhangyang Road has been upgraded and reopened to the outside world. This is also one of the five pilot smart business halls launched by China Telecom Group in Guangzhou, Nanjing, Hefei, Chengdu and Shanghai.


They need to transform themselves, and their peers are also transforming


Shanghai Telecom’s Zhangyang Road Business Hall was officially opened in June 2008. It is a first-class business hall operated by Shanghai Telecom. Because it is located in the bustling Lujiazui Financial District, it not only serves community residents, but also serves white-collar workers in surrounding business buildings. Therefore, the business volume has always been very large, and the sales of mobile phone digital products are also good. Why is it taking the lead in launching "change change" now?


According to industry analysts, in recent years, with the opening of electronic channels such as operator’s official website, official Weibo, telephone customer service, APP, etc., the customer service function of traditional telecom business halls has been increasingly replaced; at the same time, with the development of Internet technology, the application of facial recognition, big data, scan code purchase, Mini Program and other advanced technologies of new retail enterprises emerge in an endless stream. In contrast, the traditional sales methods of mobile phones and digital products in telecom business halls are still very outdated and difficult to capture the hearts of young consumers. Zhangyang Road Business Hall is located in a prosperous area, surrounded by many high-end real estate and many commercial buildings. Therefore, the acceptance of taking the lead in transforming into a smart business hall is high.


The transformation of Zhangyang Road business hall is also the result of internal competition in the industry. On December 18, the flagship business hall of Shanghai Mobile Changshou Road was replaced with "new makeup", which caused a lot of shock in the industry. The newly remodeled Changshou Road flagship business hall is carried by Shanghai Mobile’s "dual gigabit" network and integrates into multiple experience areas such as smart home, smart life, and e-sports mobile games. At the same time, the flagship store on Changshou Road has also been built into the first e-sports experience hall in the country. The core e-sports event area in the hall is supported by China Mobile’s Gigabit Optical Broadband network. The world-renowned game provider Perfect World and the world-renowned e-sports event KPL have joined hands with well-known Chinese game equipment providers Razer, Gigabyte AORUS, and Ningmeidu. The goal is to become a landmark of Shanghai e-sports culture. In the future, not only will dozens of formal or informal competitions be held here, but also live broadcasts of international e-sports events will be introduced.


Since the mixed reform, China Unicom has successively used its own business hall resources in Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xuzhou and other places with Alibaba,, and other e-commerce enterprises to jointly create "smart life experience stores". With the blessing of e-commerce, Unicom has further revitalized its own brick and mortar stores. At the same time, Alibaba, and other offline entities have opened up online and offline to implement new retail.?


Each clerk has a QR code, and the user is the exclusive "fan" of the business hall.


Walking into Shanghai Telecom’s new smart business hall, I saw that its spatial pattern was divided into 9 functional areas: entrance consultation area, smart home experience area, end point exhibition and sales area, service leisure area, business acceptance area, payment area, cooperation area, complete service area, and self-service area. The entrance consultation area has cancelled the manual consultation desk and served users through the intelligent customer identification and intelligent guidance system. After loading the facial recognition system, as soon as the high-star user enters the business hall, the service staff will receive the user’s information as soon as possible, so as to actively provide users with personal consulting services. The "mobile" business processing can also be completed through the handheld Pad, and customers no longer need to wait in line and go to the cabinet for processing, which greatly saves time.

The large screen in the pick-up area at the entrance of the business hall is connected to the Pad in the hands of the service staff through the network. When the service staff sees an object that needs mobile services, they will take the initiative to greet it.

"Xiao Ai, start the sweeping robot." The clerk gave an order to the Xiaomi speaker, and the Xiaomi sweeping robot began to clean the business hall carefully. For young people, smart homes help them free their hands and reduce the thought of cumbersome affairs. For the elderly with limited mobility, smart homes are a necessary guarantee for life. In this smart home exhibition area, customers can get up close and personal with smart home products such as smart smoke detectors, door and window alarms, Find smart pianos, etc.; in the end point experience area, I saw this business hall starting from a single mobile phone sales to a diversified smart end point sales expansion, the introduction of Huawei, Xiaomi and other brands close to 40 kinds of smart products, mobile phones, smart speakers, car purifiers and other smart products can be purchased in one stop in the business hall, users can scan the QR code on the product label, that is, you can understand the product more detailed technical parameters and instructions, can also be mobile payment, and the business hall provides home delivery services.


From dial-up Internet to broadband, from copper cable to all-optical network, today, with the improvement of people’s living standards, intelligent networking for enterprises and institutions has begun to enter households with villas or large flat floors. In the past, intelligent networking was a relatively abstract concept, and people only knew that it was a magical thing that could cover the whole family with WIFI, full signal everywhere, and fast network at all times. How is intelligent networking realized? Many customers have little understanding of this. In the Zhangyang Road business hall, I saw that the intelligent network was displayed through AR technology, and the large screen in the display area had the room type map of the nearby community. Customers only need to click on the screen according to their own room type to see the real scene. Click on the corresponding room location to view the product information. Pick up your mobile phone and scan the QR code to achieve one-click ordering.

The intelligent networking experience area provides various room types of the surrounding main real estate, allowing users to follow the map and choose the best networking solution.

In the leisure experience area, Shanghai Telecom has created different areas according to the different age groups of users, including popular e-sports such as "VR Eating Chicken" and "QQ Speed Car", as well as VR movies, allowing users to immerse themselves in the entire virtual world.

Next to the machine that pays bills by itself, a large video game screen is placed, so that customers are no longer anxious when queuing.

In addition, in order to enhance customer stickiness, the business hall also tried the "DingTalk + Handmade Amoy" sales model. Each clerk has an exclusive QR code, and users scan the QR code through Taobao to become exclusive fans of the business hall.


Telecom has a large number of self-owned business halls, and will become a force to be reckoned with in the new retail field after transformation


Peng Hong, senior manager of China Telecom Group’s sales and channel development division, said that after the completion of the pilot of the five smart business halls at the end of this year, China Telecom will rapidly promote the construction of smart business halls in provincial capitals and important cities next year. By the end of the year, companies in all cities across the country will build at least one provincial-level benchmarking flagship store, achieving full coverage of administrative areas in cities and regions across the country. By 2020, the total number of smart business halls in the country will exceed 1,000.


She said that the upgraded smart business hall has three major changes, one is the restructuring of sales and service processes, intelligent customer recognition through customer portrait big data, accurate matching of customer needs and marketing strategies, and integration of exhibition and sales in the store, shortening user waiting time and improving store operation efficiency; the second is to strengthen customer interaction experience, with traditional mobile, broadband, and end point product sales, transforming into a pan-intelligent end point, and diversifying the experience of smart family life solutions; the third is to unify the standardized image layout of stores, transforming from traditional stores to experiential and technology-based stores to attract young passengers.


Although the transformation of China Telecom’s smart business hall is not early, it is much more specific than the other two in terms of steps. Why is this? Industry analysts believe that this is mainly because China Telecom has a huge number of its own business hall resources, far more than the other two operators, and due to historical reasons, the location is very advantageous. Therefore, the urgency of transformation is particularly urgent, and once China Telecom’s business hall forms a transformation model, in today’s high-quality physical store resources are increasingly scarce, it will become a force to be reckoned with in the new retail field.

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How persistent is Wang Jiawei to the play? Dong Yong filmed more than 30 times in a scene of "Flowers", and Hu Ge was driven crazy

Directed by Wang Jiawei, the new drama "Flowers" starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, Xin Zhilei and others is currently being broadcast on Tencent Video. In order to present the drama perfectly, Wang Jiawei spent three years polishing the camera. Not only does it run through its own unique style in narrative, but it also repeatedly recalls actors who have already finished filming. To be honest, many viewers of Wang Jiawei’s TV series did not have high expectations this time. After all, the shooting process and narrative style of TV series and movies are completely different.

Moreover, compared to movies, the filming of TV series takes a long time, and it is completely too late to pick the shots one by one. The more popular directors and actors are often in a state of seamless integration, and the progress of normal filming TV series is too slow. "Flowers" is different, because it is directed by Wang Jiawei and Hu Ge is the main male lead, so the drama has attracted the attention of many industries and platforms from the beginning of filming. Wang Jiawei is also really persistent in the drama, and forcefully made the TV series into a movie.

Sure enough, this drama did not live up to the expectations of most audiences. Although Wang Jiawei’s fragmented narrative style did not meet the taste of the remote control audience, the online broadcast volume of "Flowers" was in the process of steady growth, and the popularity of Tencent in-app also exceeded the 30,000 mark. Tang Yan played Miss Wang with a full personality and a complete growth line. Xin Zhilei played Li Li, who was also bright and moving under the camera of Wang Jiawei, and there was a big gap with the previous image, stunning many viewers who came to follow the drama.

It can be said that when filming Wong Kar-wai’s plays, actors have the opportunity to leave their own life scenes and unlock another image of themselves, but this does not apply to actors in the rising stage and actors who have not yet stabilized their coffee positions. Because Wong Kar-wai’s seriousness and dedication to the play exceeds the image of all working actors, even a powerful faction like Hu Ge can’t stand Wong Kar-wai’s dedication to the play. Because in the past, movies were filmed, so actors in the TV drama circle did not have a real sense of Wong Kar-wai’s stream-of-consciousness shooting method.

For example, Liang Jiahui, he admitted in an interview that when he entered the group, the director only told him that the role he was going to play was Huang Yaoshi, and there was no script to tell him what to play and how to play it. So in the later shooting process, Liang Jiahui was in a kind of confusion about not knowing what to shoot. In addition to the stream of consciousness method of film shooting, Wong Kar-wai also has a lot of experience in fooling actors. In the early years of filming movies, Wong Kar-wai used his superior fooling skills to deceive many actors at the level of best actor.

For example, Tony Leung. Because he was a screenwriter in the early days, Wong Kar-wai wrote a high-quality suspense film script on the spot, and immediately won the actor Tony Leung. However, when he arrived at the filming location in Argentina, Leung Chaowei was told by the director that the role he was going to play was gay. The movie Leung Chaowei was fooled into making was "Spring", which was later enthusiastically sought after by most fans.

First of all, regardless of whether the behavior of fooling people is correct, the mere fact of editing a script to deceive the best actor proves that Wang Jiawei himself is a talented top PUA master. From this, it can be seen that Wang Jiawei’s personal style is quite distinct. This time, Wang Jiawei, who came to shoot a TV series, still adheres to the same set of principles of making movies. Hu Ge was driven crazy in the process of walking through the scenes again and again, and posted on social platforms: If I stop acting, will you still support me?

At that time, many netizens were wondering why Hu Ge’s mental state was so beautiful. All their questions were answered in interviews with the creators released one after another after the show was broadcast. It turned out that Hu Ge’s collapse came from Wang Jiawei’s strict requirements for actors to act. In an interview with the media, Hu Ge said: In his opinion, "Flower" is not just a crew, but more like Hengdian Film Academy. In addition, the entire filming cycle of "Flower" is very long, and the actors will experience a period of exhaustion in both physical and mental aspects.

It is precisely because the filming time of "Flowers" took a full three years, and the actors kept reworking and reshooting according to Wang Jiawei’s requirements, so Hu Ge felt physically and mentally exhausted. According to the cast member, Wang Jiawei’s understanding of the play is usually not on the same channel as the actors, so the actors can only rely on themselves to constantly grope. Before the director nods, the actors can only repeat the same scene, which is a stream of consciousness shooting method that really makes many actors collapse.

Because he had no idea what kind of effect Wong Kar-wai wanted to achieve, he could only keep repeating the same scene. Tony Leung broke the news that he ate 26 bowls of wonton noodles in a row during the filming of "In the Mood for Love". Liu Jialing also said in an interview that during the filming of "The True Story of Ah Fei", he wiped the floor 27 times in a row, and in the middle of the filming, several actors suddenly felt that they could not act. Therefore, when choosing the film and television works directed by Wong Kar-wai, actors should be more careful.

Dong Yong, a veteran artist who starred in "Flowers", also said: "I have always used the standards of old artists to demand myself, and the standard of" one pass "is the basic quality of old actors, but when it comes to Wang Jiawei, there is no" one pass "at all. Director Wang Jiawei keeps asking actors to reshoot clips that he is not satisfied with. There is even a scene that has not been filmed more than 30 times in a row. Later, the director called out and gave Dong Yong a break. Who knows that the first scene back to the crew after the holiday is still the last one.

From this, it can be seen that Wong Kar-wai has a strong sense of responsibility for the film and television works he directs. The truest reaction of actors nowadays is the state he pursues in the film venue. It is precisely because of this that Wong Kar-wai will hand over so many film and television works that satisfy fans. Although Wong Kar-wai has extremely high requirements for every frame of "Flower", it is precisely because of this rare persistence and dedication to the work that "Flower" will be so precious in the era of frequent bad movies.

It can be said that Flower, whether it is the texture of the picture or the design of light and shadow, is completely unlike a TV drama, and it can be said that it is a perfect work of art. In addition to the great shock of the picture to the audience, the three actresses of the play have also reached a new height of beauty, and even left their own life scenes. Tang Yan has successfully transformed with the play, and her acting has been recognized by the audience. Her image has subverted the inherent dress of silly and sweet in the past, and her portrayal of Miss Wang’s role has been affirmed by many audiences.

Although Tang Yan gave up many film and television invitations in the early stage because of the filming of "Flowers", it was not a loss, at least because she successfully got rid of the label of the idol school in this drama, and the resource rating will definitely be higher in the future. Xin Zhilei also attracted much attention because of her role as the bright and moving Li Li in the drama, and the follow-up bonus should not be underestimated.

Hengchi 5 Shanghai’s first test drive, "new car builder" Hengda is ready?

On April 19, Hengda Automobile made its debut at the 2021 Shanghai International Auto Show and released nine new cars at the same time. Subsequently, Hengda Automobile held a media test ride and test drive activity at its Shanghai factory. The test drive models were blue and color-matching Hengchi 5.

The specific parameters of Hengchi’s nine cars were exposed, and the test ride experience of Hengchi 5 was good

Hengchi 5 is created by the team of international styling design master Shiro Nakamura. From the scene, Hengchi 5 has original H-shaped headlights, 21-inch oversized wheels, neat lines, dynamic color scheme, and exuding a youthful atmosphere.

The interiors of new energy vehicles have always been known for their sense of technology. After the test riders enter Hengchi 5, they can look up and see a panoramic sunroof, and in front of them is a 3D curved triplex screen. In addition, Hengchi 5 also has AR Driving augmented reality driving assistance, Tencent, Baidu dual ecosystem.

It is understood that the model has a range of up to 700km. "You can feel the outstanding design and careful workmanship of Evergrande," said the test driver.

At the morning press conference, Dai Lei, executive vice president of Hengda Automobile, who has just joined, disclosed the parameters of nine Hengchi cars: the maximum comprehensive battery life of all models is 700km, and some models exceed 800km. Among them, Hengchi’s flagship model, Hengchi 1, is the world’s first pure electric D-class flagship sedan, with a length of 5320mm, a wheelbase of 3170mm, and a battery life of 760km. The pure electric ultra-luxury B-class SUV Hengchi 9 has a length of 4810mm, a wheelbase of 2910mm, and a battery life of up to 810km.

What roads have you taken to make a car? The factory will interview for production in the fourth quarter

At a press conference in the morning, Liu Yongzhuo, president of Evergrande New Energy Vehicle Group, announced the mass production schedule. "In the fourth quarter of this year, Hengchi Automobile will fully start trial production and will be delivered on a large scale next year. In addition, power battery products with high specific energy, high safety, long life and super fast charging will also be mass-produced in the second half of this year," Liu Yongzhuo said.

Liu Yongzhuo said that the development of new energy vehicles and the promotion of peak carbon dioxide emissions and comprehensive carbon targets have been raised to the national strategy. As a world’s top 500 enterprise with 2.30 trillion total assets and 700 billion annual sales scale, Evergrande has made up its mind to enter the new energy vehicle market, and to do the best.

At the beginning of determining the car, Hengda made clear the positioning and goal of the car: Hengda Automobile will become the world’s largest and most powerful new energy vehicle group, with annual production and sales exceeding 1 million vehicles by 2025 and annual production and sales exceeding 5 million vehicles by 2035. Hengda Automobile’s core technology must be world-class, intellectual property rights must be owned independently, and product quality must be world-class.

Liu Yongzhuo said that by the end of last year, Hengda Group had invested 47.40 billion yuan in the new energy vehicle industry, of which research and development investment was as high as 24.90 billion. "Hengda Automobile already has the world’s leading core technology in the fields of chassis architecture, powertrain, battery engineering technology, intelligence, network connection, and autonomous driving," Liu Yongzhuo said.

According to the data, Hengda Automobile has established the Global Research Institute and the Academy of Intelligent Sciences, and established the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, including model research and development, vehicle technology, battery research and development, autonomous driving, intelligent networking, artificial intelligence, and intelligent communication. At present, Hengda Automobile has more than 8,700 professionals, a scientific research team of more than 3,500 people, and 20 top international experts, including Gao Jingshen, deputy general manager of GAC Toyota, Li Junxiu, former president of the battery research institute of SK Group in South Korea, and Dai Lei, a former BMW and Infiniti executive.

Mr. Liu said that Hengda’s production base would begin trial production by the end of this year. Hengda has planned and built "digital, intelligent and ecological" smart factories in accordance with Industry 4.0 standards, introduced advanced equipment and production processes from Siemens and ABB, and signed cooperation agreements with the world’s top 148 auto parts companies.

According to reports, the sales aspect mainly adopts the direct sales model, Hengda Automobile has set up 36 exhibition experience centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities, 1,600 investment sales centers, and 3,000 self-operated and authorized warranty after-sales service centers.

In the field of smart charging, Hengda Automobile and State Grid established a joint venture company "State Grid Evergrande" to focus on smart charging services in community parking spaces. At the same time, Hengda Automobile also connected the world’s largest real estate and automobile online and offline trading platform "RV Treasure". Hengda Automobile also launched the Hengchi Intelligent Network System with Tencent and Baidu, which fully integrates Hengda’s own ecosystem and gathers industry resources to achieve "car-family integration".

Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter, Bai Jinlei, Editor, Zhao Ze, Proofreader, Liu Baoqing

Geely Wangbo: To be the first Chinese brand fuel vehicle

  At the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show, Wang Bo, deputy general manager of the sales company, talked to Aika Auto. Wang Bo said that as the first model of the Galaxy series, the mission of the Galaxy L7 is to be the first choice for smart travel for Chinese family users, and to break into the first camp of China’s A-class smart electric hybrid SUVs. The following is the transcript of the conversation.


  Aika Auto: Mr. Wang, what new cars and new technologies did the brand bring to the Shanghai Auto Show?

  Wang Bo:Geely is in Hall 5.1 of this Shanghai Auto Show, bringing the core products of the Galaxy L7, which is the first SUV of the Geely brand’s mid-to-high-end new energy series – the Galaxy series. The prototype car of the Galaxy series "Galaxy Light" is also on display. In addition, there are geometric series such as Panda mini and Geometric G6/M6, (|) Hi · P, (|) Hi · F, (|) Hi · P and other hybrid products and (|). At the Geely booth press conference this morning, we released the Galaxy L7 Smart Love cockpit system to bring users more intelligent and scene-based experience. This is the situation of Geely’s booth at this Shanghai Auto Show.

  Aika Auto: Bank L7 made its debut and appearance at the auto show as a new model. What role does the Galaxy series play? Product features?

  Wang Bo:The Galaxy series is a mid-to-high-end new energy series released by Geely brand in February this year. At present, Geely Automobile is divided into three series. The Galaxy series just mentioned focuses on the high-value new energy market above the 150,000. Geometry series is mainly an entry-level cost-effective new energy vehicle, mainly within 150,000. The original Geely series, called the Jixing series, is mainly in the current fuel vehicle market to seize share.

  As the first model of the Galaxy series, the mission of the Galaxy L7 is to be the first choice for Chinese family users to travel intelligently, and to break into the first camp of China’s A-class smart electric hybrid SUV. This model will be delivered in the second quarter. This morning, we released the Smart Love cockpit, and also released the L7 Super Experience Officer plan. From the users who have ordered nationwide, 100 people will be selected to test drive this model first. Of course, in addition to experiencing the product power, we will also give us more rationalization suggestions. We will apply these suggestions to the later product upgrades and improvements, so as to make this car a model without shortcomings in the smart electric hybrid market.


  Aika Auto: Is it a rational co-creation based on experience?

  Wang Bo:Yes, Geely has always been committed to co-creation with users. Before today, many of our models were constantly involved in the research and development process, such as vehicle styling design, body color, interior seat fabric, and even the interface design of the car-machine system. Open the door and build a car, this has always been Geely’s philosophy.

  Aika Automobile: The current growth rate of new energy is relatively rapid, but considering the domestic and global markets, new energy and fuel vehicles will develop simultaneously in a short period of time. How should Geely respond?

  Wang Bo:I think the point I just talked about is also one of the focuses of the industry at present. We call it the Chinese auto market and even the global auto market. There are two certainties. One certainty is that new energy is growing rapidly, especially in the first quarter of the Chinese auto market, where the proportion of new energy is close to 30%. The other certainty is that the fuel vehicle market still has a relatively large volume. In the case of coexistence of the two for a long time, Geely Automobile has also adapted and embraced changes, making some optimizations and adjustments to its organizational structure.

  This year, we established three business divisions, Galaxy Division and Geometry Division, which mainly seize the opportunity of rapid development of new energy and realize the rapid transformation of enterprises to new ones. In March this year, our new energy sales accounted for more than 25%. Jixing Division is responsible for the fuel vehicle market and strives to achieve the ultimate share in the Chinese automobile fuel vehicle market. Geely has always been highly competitive in the fuel vehicle field, and our goal has always been to be the first in China’s brand fuel vehicles.


  Aika Automobile: 2023 is Geely’s product year and the year of accelerated new energy transformation. What are the plans for the overall product layout?

  Wang Bo:The first model of the Galaxy series just mentioned, L7, will be mass-produced and delivered in the second quarter. The second model, L6, which is a sedan, will be delivered to users in the third quarter, and a pure electric model E8 will be delivered in the fourth quarter. In addition, Geely’s fuel vehicles also have new products, and a new model will be released at the end of this month (|) COOL. This model has a 2.7-meter wheelbase and is also the most mainstream A-class SUV. Our positioning is to create the strongest SUV model in the 100,000 class. He will form a product matrix with Boyue L to strengthen Geely’s share in the A-class SUV market. In addition, our China Star high-end series and Shuangbin will have new annual models released and launched one after another.

  Aika Automobile: Everyone says that the second half of new energy is intelligent. Geely launched the Geely 2025 strategy in 2021, so now it has also made a series of layouts. What is the progress of Geely’s intelligent field so far? What are the results?

  Wang Bo:After the release of Geely’s Smart 2025 strategy, it has been advancing steadily and orderly according to the overall strategy. Geely Automobile has always maintained strategic resolve, and intelligent results are gradually emerging. The Galaxy L7 Smart Love cockpit we just talked about this morning is actually part of Smart Geely 2025. In addition, in terms of chips, the "No. 1" self-developed chip has been mass-produced in March, and Geely’s self-developed chip will also be put on the brand 08 model for the first time. In addition, the Xingrui Smart Computing Center has been launched in February. It is the smart computing center with the largest scale of self-built equipment, leading comprehensive computing power, the most comprehensive business coverage, the strongest intelligent support capacity, and high security level among domestic car companies. The implementation of this series of achievements will be gradually applied to Geely’s new models.

  AIKA: Okay, thank you.

From the bottom of Hengda Automobile’s car-making puzzle, does Hengchi 5 really produce energy?

As early as February 2018, Hengda officially established Ruichi Intelligent Vehicle Co., Ltd., and in June of the same year also invested in Faraday Future to enter the car manufacturing industry. But now that three years have passed, it is time to build a Nezha, right?

After a series of warm-ups, Schr?dinger’s Hengda car has really moved. Just in early November, the Hengchi 5 LX suddenly appeared on MIIT’s latest public list. Good guy, I didn’t expect that I would be able to wait until the day of Hengda’s mass production!

So the question ****** Hengchi 5 really energy-efficient? Does anyone really buy it? In other words, can Hengchi become a life-saving straw for Hengda Group? Today we will uncover Hengda’s car-making mystery.

Blue is better than blue

We mentioned in the "Jia Yueting" program before that in 2018, Hengda, which was just about to enter the market for new energy vehicles, was shut down. Less than half a year after investing in FF, the two sides parted ways due to equity and capital conflicts. Although Boss Xu was not good at starting out, through this investment, Director Xu of the workshop still gained something – successfully learned secret techniques of Boss Jia’s PPT car making secret skills.

After the official announcement of the car, Evergrande opened the model of "buy buy buy, close, circle, big, good", which is truly breathtaking.

What is buy buy buy? No electric drive system? buy! No hub motor technology? buy! In short, in the eyes of Boss Xu, problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

What is Hehe? Boss Xu personally visited 23 countries and visited 58 leaders in the automotive field, from the top 500 to the studio. If you can’t buy it, you can cooperate!

As a result, Hengda Haotao 24.90 billion used for the acquisition and research and development of core technologies of new energy vehicles worldwide.

With the technology, what about the land? What about the factory? Continue to buy! Buy land to build a factory, this Evergrande is more skilled.

Therefore, Hengda spent 22.50 billion yuan for factory construction, equipment procurement, etc. Now the main factories are concentrated in Guangzhou Nansha, Shanghai and Tianjin. So far, including technology research and development, Hengda has invested nearly 50 billion yuan.

In contrast, NIO, which also burned money and 50 billion in the same period, has three models officially offline for delivery by the end of 2020, and has laid its own charging network across the country.

And what did Hengda bring until now? Hengchi 1, Hengchi 2, Hengchi 3, Hengchi 4, Hengchi 5, Hengchi 6, Hengchi 7, Hengchi 8, Hengchi 9… conceptual graph of nine cars?

And not only is there no production car, but even the two staff members of the exhibition car participating in the event can lift it.

Ah? It can’t be this, can it?

Of course, Evergrande is also a bit reliable, such as Hengchi 5’s "birth permit". Eh, it seems to be about to expire.

After investing so much money, did Hengda’s PPT model make money?

Did the PPT car make money?

If you want to know whether the Hengda PPT car manufacturing model is profitable or not, let’s look at it from two aspects.

Let’s look at the stock price first. At the beginning of this year, Hengda Motor Hong Kong’s highest offer was HK $72.45/share, and the market value once exceeded HK $500 billion, second only to BYD.

Looking at the annual report, the 2020 financial report shows that Hengda Automobile has earned nearly 15.50 billion yuan based on the conceptual graph of several models after experiencing the mode of buying, buying and combining.

Good guy, if this wait until the model is mass-produced, why don’t you punch Tesla? Kick BYD?

But upon closer inspection, I still noticed something fishy.

It can be noted that more than 98% of Hengda’s revenue in 2020 comes from Hengda’s healthy income, and the real new energy vehicle revenue is only less than 200 million yuan.

Health Valley tried its best, brothers, please put the public screen in tears.

What about the stock price?

After the continuous bombardment of various negative news such as model car doors and industry people’s disapproval, Xinhua News Agency’s naming of false high stock prices, Hengda Automobile’s stock price has plummeted, and the stock price has fallen from 72 Hong Kong dollars/share to now hovering at 3 Hong Kong dollars/share, and the total market value has shrunk to less than 40 billion.

From 18 to 21, Hengda Automobile seemed to have made money, but it didn’t seem to.

Although the past few years seem to have been a waste of time, Hengda Automobile has still not reached the point of exhaustion, and in today’s debt crisis of Hengda Group, Hengda Automobile has become a life-saving straw for Hengda Group. So can Hengda Automobile bring Hengda Group back to life?

Children from poor families take charge early

As of the first half of this year, Hengda Group has 1.97 trillion yuan in debt. The real estate bubble burst, and the wealth management products thundered.

But now, it was no longer appropriate to describe Evergrande Group as tearing down the east wall and making up the west wall. Originally, he wanted to sell Hengda properties and Hengda’s automobile business, but in the end, he contacted several buyers to no avail. Boss Xu simply gave up and dedicated himself to building a car!

Hey, wait a minute, doesn’t Evergrande still rely on Health Valley and the Evergrande Group behind it to barely survive? Why do you have to go out to work to subsidize your family now?

As a result, Hengda sold the electric system transmission company e-Traction and wheel hub motor manufacturing company Protean Electric, clearance Hengteng, two rights issues in November, financing 3.20 billion Hong Kong dollars, even the old real estate sales scale is also planned from 700 billion yuan, compressed to 200 billion yuan in ten years, all funds and manpower concentrated in Tianjin factory to ensure the production of Hengchi 5.

It can be seen that Hengda is really determined to bet on Hengchi!

But does Hengchi 5 have the ability to help Hengda turn around? Is Xu Jiayin really so confident in Hengchi’s future?

We asked Dapeng, who knows cars best, to tell us.

First of all, Heng Chi 5 positioning A-class SUV, pricing 200,000 yuan or less. Meaning that in this price range, Heng Chi 5 to face is BYD Song Pro, Weimar EX5, Xiaopeng G3 this level of opponents, in my opinion, whether it is appearance, configuration, or performance and battery life, Heng Chi 5 want to front the just mentioned several cars, there is still a certain degree of difficulty.

As for how much confidence Xu Jiayin has in Hengchi’s future?, this is up to you, I will test the automatic parking 50 times first.

Hurry up and test, the factory manager will be back from a business trip soon.

Cough cough, getting down to business, is Xu Jiayin really so confident in Hengchi’s future?

First of all, over the past 18 years, Hengda has indeed invested a lot in automobiles, but it is not difficult to see that Xu Jiayin intends to give up his car to maintain his position.

Secondly, the current concentration of resources to ensure the smooth commissioning of Hengchi, a large part of the reason is that the production qualification of pure electric vehicles owned by the Tianjin factory is about to expire. And if a model has not completed mass production and entered the market before the expiration date, this qualification will also disappear with the wind.

It seems that Xu Jiayin is also struggling to ride a tiger now. If he has confidence, he will do it, but if he has no confidence, he will do it.

However, it is also understandable. After all, for Evergrande, the best thing to do now is to create a production car while the production qualification is still there, and renew the production qualification. After that, when the opportunity is ripe, the production qualification will be packaged and sold directly with the automobile business. In case the sales of Hengchi 5 are good, you can also take the opportunity to raise the price and sell a good price to repay the group’s debt and renew its life, killing two birds with one stone.

Boss Xu’s wishful thinking is really good.

Manuscript | Cui Qiuyang, Yin Heyan

Editing | Yin Heyan

Dubbing | Ryosuke Takahashi

Evergrande urgently announces!

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China Evergrande’s hearing has been postponed again

On December 4, according to Hong Kong media reports, the liquidation case of China Evergrande was tried again in the Hong Kong High Court today. After the petitioner and Evergrande exchanged and deliberated, the judge heard the arguments and postponed the liquidation hearing of China Evergrande again until January 29, 2024.

In fact, this is the seventh time that Hengda has been delayed by creditors. Industry insiders believe that this also reflects the cautious handling of the liquidation and bankruptcy of the largest real estate company in the Hong Kong capital markets by the Hong Kong judiciary.

On the morning of December 4, China Evergrande issued a clarification announcement saying that the company noticed that an institution published a report on December 1, 2023 that the company had never made a profit. The report has no actual basis, and the company will further clarify the content of the report later. Holders of the company’s securities and potential investors should exercise caution when buying and selling securities.

The move follows a report by GMT Research, a short-seller, that China Evergrande’s delayed 2021 annual report clearly reflects the company’s apparent overstatement of revenue and earnings, which is likely to continue for many years. Evergrande has either fundamental problems or has never made a profit.

Original title: "Evergrande Emergency Announcement!"

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