"Ordinary" and "Moderate" Who is coping with the college exam?

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  Examinations have always been the most worrying thing for students. For college students, the performance not only represents the academic level, but also is an important basis for future research or employment. In order to get satisfactory results, students not only hope that the teacher can "draw the key points", but also hope to be lenient when judging the papers … …

  But for teachers, the mood when marking papers is by no means as simple as leaving no mercy. Recently, the reporter received a letter from a university professor, complaining about the "suffering" during the final exam. Although it has been a holiday, many jumps in the students’ papers, perfunctory answers, lackadaisical language expression, logical analysis, and even the "blank space" under the exam questions still make him sigh.

  Is what the professor said a common phenomenon? What problems are mapped out in a paper? It’s the school season again, and I hope that this year’s questioners and respondents can make real efforts to complete a satisfactory answer sheet.

  [Letters from readers]

  Shock wave behind a final exam paper

  Li Mingliang, Professor of International Business School of Tianjin Foreign Studies University.

  I have been teaching in the university for more than ten years, and at the end of each semester, I will face a serious psychological shock — — Suffer from the "torment" of the final exam. This "suffering" is not only a physical test, but also a mental torture. At the end of almost every semester, I have to read at least 200 or 300 papers by myself. These "final exam works" from students of different majors and grades are not only hard to see refreshing, serious and beautiful writing, but also jump and answer casually, and the language expression and logical analysis are indifferent. There are even many papers that leave a lot of worrying blanks. A teacher once told me that some students couldn’t answer the questions, so they simply drew a smiling face in the blank space under the examination questions, and then wrote a kind word praising the teacher, as if to please the teacher or win the teacher’s sympathy, hoping that the teacher could be "merciful."

  As we all know, examination has its unique functions of evaluation, detection, diagnosis, guidance, feedback and encouragement, which cannot be replaced by any other teaching link. The final exam is not only a final assessment and systematic evaluation of students’ learning situation of various courses since one semester, but also a process check of professional teachers’ teaching effect and teaching quality. Generally speaking, the total score of the current assessment courses in colleges and universities is comprehensively evaluated according to the usual scores and final exam scores. Among them, the usual scores include quizzes, homework, class discussions, course papers, attendance, etc. The final score is the final closed-book exam paper score, and their respective weights are different in each school. But on the whole, most colleges and universities stipulate that the final grade accounts for 50% ~ 70% of the total grade. In addition, some colleges and universities also stipulate that there should be no less than four kinds of questions in the final examination paper of each course, and the number of questions is moderate and the difficulty is moderate, which should basically ensure that candidates can complete it within 90 minutes. In this way, the test questions of many courses are limited to noun explanation questions, multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, short-answer questions, discussion questions, case analysis questions or calculation questions. Students also follow this logic year after year to review the "exam-oriented". In colleges and universities, there is also an unwritten "rules of the game". Teachers will divide the students into a general examination range at the end of the term to give each other a "reassurance". Otherwise, students will be at a loss and don’t know what to review;Teachers will also be worried that candidates will "fail in a large area" and the failure rate is too high, which will not only affect their personal teaching reputation, but also lead to tension between teachers and students; Seriously, it may also be held accountable by the teaching authorities, and even ultimately affect the annual performance appraisal and professional title promotion of teachers.

  From this point of view, the curriculum assessment in our colleges and universities is really not limited to a final examination paper. This is not only related to the relationship between teachers and students, teaching, examination, evaluation and management in colleges and universities, but also related to the talent training mode of higher education, especially the quality of talent training. In fact, for many years, we have been advocating the separation of teaching and examination, calling for the separation of teaching and examination, and teachers do not participate in the final examination of their courses, including setting questions, invigilating, marking papers, scoring and quality analysis; Instead, a set of examination management system with complete rules and regulations including examination database, automatic proposition, marking, grading, examination analysis, score management and so on is established. College curriculum examination should not blindly emphasize theory over application, knowledge over ability, results over process and grades over feedback, but should be adjusted to pay more attention to students’ innovative ability and practical ability, and realize a comprehensive evaluation system with comprehensive evaluation contents, diversified subjects, diversified methods and dynamic process. However, in reality, colleges and universities still have a long way to go in order to build a scientific, comprehensive and reasonable evaluation system and its mode reform.

  This holiday, Wang Li, a sophomore in a university in Shanxi, didn’t have an easy time. "There are two exam results that haven’t come out, and I’m particularly worried that I can’t pass them. Because I didn’t answer the last two big questions, my paper score is definitely not enough. I pray that the teacher can make my usual grades higher." For these two grades, Wang Li basically brushes the school website every day, and often chats with his classmates to "pray for blessings". "There are still a few days before school starts, and we will know the result soon."

  Liu Zhengdong, Wang Li’s classmate, told the reporter, "I had a hunch that I would fail two exams, and finally I went to the teacher to plead with him, hoping that he would hand ‘ Song ’ Point, the final result is quite satisfactory, all 60 points, just passed. " Looking at the results haven’t come out yet, Liu Zhengdong advised Wang Li to send a message to the teacher and get in touch with "feelings", so maybe he could pass the exam on the line. "After all, many students didn’t answer well."

  1. "Everything will be fine if you don’t fail."

  Are the examination papers of college students really so casual and so "vulnerable"?

  "No matter which school, there are schoolmasters, but to be honest, if there are no goals such as insurance research that explicitly require credit scores, many students are in line with ‘ Just pass the exam ’ The mentality to cope with the exam. I usually don’t listen to lectures in class, I leave homework from the Internet, review all night before the exam, and everything will be fine without failing. " Zhu Wenshuo, a college student in Beijing, told reporters.

  "The examination questions of many courses are nothing more than noun explanation questions, multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, short-answer questions, essay questions and so on." Fan Hui, a college student in Hunan, is a liberal arts student. In his view, liberal arts exams are usually relatively easy. "As long as you can remember the knowledge points, you will definitely get similar results. Especially the following essay questions, as long as you have a general understanding of this course, you can write the paper full and make sense, and the basic score will not be bad. "

  A college teacher who has been engaged in teaching for many years read this sentence repeatedly after seeing it. "I can’t say a lot, but there are some papers that have such problems. When students don’t know what to answer, they will simply list or analyze some concepts of this course, lack basic logic, and even answer irrelevant questions. Because the students know that as long as I answer this question, the teacher will give some points. "

  However, there is also a college teacher who believes that the college exam is to condense the task of assessing students’ knowledge into a test paper. "Therefore, teachers often ask questions fairly well, and students only need to write out what they think is the most correct. We can’t ask all students to keep a cutting-edge and in-depth understanding of a certain knowledge."

  2. Who is responsible for the "dull" test paper?

  Then, in the face of some "plain" answers that are difficult to make people shine at the moment, we should think deeply. What is the problem?

  In this regard, Mo Leiyu, an associate professor at China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) School of Management, believes that there are three reasons: First, the academic level of students is uneven now, and it is difficult to unify the measurement standards; Second, due to the school regulations, some colleges and universities have specific proportions for the failure rate of course assessment; Third, under the baton of postgraduate entrance examination, students are utilitarian, and many students do not attach importance to courses that are not directly related to postgraduate entrance examination.

  Chen Peng, director of the Department of Communication at Nankai University, said that sometimes, in order to "standardize" and facilitate management in a uniform way, educational management departments will require teachers to take exams according to certain prescribed formats, forms and even contents, sometimes they have formulated strict procedures for exams, and sometimes they even put forward some requirements for exam results. "For example, I have learned that the education management departments of many universities will require teachers to take exams in some form, which will facilitate the final filing management; Sometimes students’ grades are required to present an approximate normal distribution, otherwise they are considered to have problems in the exam; Sometimes teachers’ grades are questioned, and in order to be consistent with their standards, teachers are required to lower or raise their grades. In the final analysis, it is still to cope with teaching evaluation. " Chen Peng said, "As an important link in teaching, examination evaluation should respect the laws of education and teaching and be set by teachers, and should ensure that teachers are in the professional field according to professional standards, academic standards and teaching objectives ‘ Discretion ’ 。”

  "Just because the test papers answered by students are relatively dull does not mean that there is something wrong with the test itself." Some experts said that examination may not be the best way to assess, but as far as the current situation is concerned, there is no better way to test learning, supervise learning and complete evaluation. He believes that the negative impact seen at present is by no means from the examination mechanism itself.

  Chen Peng said: "Exams and grades are the intersection of students and teachers in knowledge dissemination. Different understanding of the role of knowledge in the educational process and life path leads to different understanding of exams between teachers and students and between different students. However, if there are courses, there will be exams, because every course needs quality evaluation and effect test, and it is necessary to innovate in ways and methods. "

  3. How to get the true level in the exam?

  Kun Wang, a student of a university in Beijing, was deeply impressed by a small innovation in an ordinary exam. She told reporters that in the final exam of English listening course last semester, in addition to the regular British accent, there was also a Japanese accent in her listening materials. "Although it is indeed difficult to distinguish, it is inevitable to encounter this kind of communication situation in practical application. After several years of professional courses, it is necessary for us to exercise our ability to eliminate all kinds of interference factors."

  "We all know that exams are very important, but we often ignore the significance of exams." Kun Wang said that when we take exams just for the sake of exams, the effect will naturally be greatly reduced.

  "The meaning of the exam is to know what progress students have made and what students have gained through the study of the course ‘ Value-added ’ , to what extent ‘ Value-added ’ ; Discover the shortcomings of students’ learning process and find out which aspects of students have failed to achieve the expected learning effect, so as to provide targeted and targeted help to students. " Professor Xie Xiaoqing, former director of beijing language and culture university Institute of Educational Measurement, said.

  Then, how to make the exam play a greater role and make the exam get the true level?

  In Mo Leiyu’s view, the examination can be analyzed in detail, such as dividing the examination into two parts, setting a unified national examination method for the basic knowledge part, and stipulating a bottom line that students of this major must reach. If it is not reached, the basic knowledge is not mastered. "Now there are many channels for students to acquire knowledge, but most of them are fragmented and difficult to connect, so it is still necessary to systematically examine the basic knowledge. Non-single answer questions involving creative and divergent thinking can be flexibly assessed by interviews and other means. "

  Xie Xiaoqing emphasized: "The knowledge test mainly examines the memory of specific professional knowledge. This kind of memory knowledge can often be completed with the help of online search, which is easy to dampen students’ interest in learning. The ability test mainly examines those psychological characteristics that have a wide influence and are relatively stable. This kind of test has obvious effect on improving students’ overall quality. At the same time, the ability test is not easily affected by the surprise preparation, and can accurately reflect the students’ real learning level. "

  (Our reporter Jin Haotian, our correspondent Jiang Jiaqian)

"Sports Lottery, New Spring, Longteng and Good Luck" opens in Shandong.

Recently, the theme activities of the Chinese sports lottery "Sports Lottery in New Spring, Longteng Good Luck" were opened in Weifang, Jinan, Liaocheng and other places, which sent blessings and good luck to Shandong citizens in the New Year of the Dragon and let everyone feel the festive atmosphere in advance.

The brand promotion activity of "Sports Lottery New Spring Longteng Good Luck" was held in Weifang Taihuacheng Holiday Plaza a few days ago. This activity fully demonstrated the brand strength of public welfare sports lottery through comprehensive experience forms such as "exhibition, performance, play and competition". On the day of the event, the citizens who came to Weifang Taihuacheng Holiday Plaza were pleasantly surprised to find that the holiday hall had a new look overnight and entered the festive "Longmen" to the "Sports Lottery New Spring" activity area, as if they were in a paradise. Different theme zones are set up at the scene, including not only the big screen stage, the wishing tree for the Spring Festival, the photo punching box, the good luck red envelope wall, but also the public welfare flip wall, the "Happy Five Knows" of the responsible sports lottery, the easel of the Asian Cup rational lottery board, etc., to show the use direction of the sports lottery public welfare fund and the concept of responsible lottery, and the knowledge of rational lottery for popular science, so that the public can fully feel the public welfare attribute and brand culture of sports lottery.

The wonderful live performance of the national tide attracted many viewers to stop and watch. The enthusiastic and energetic flash program performance kicked off in "Encouragement of the Prosperous Age". The singer sang popular songs such as "Broad Sky" and "Red Sun", and the wonderful magic performance brought by the female magician made everyone feel the magic charm at close range. Dancers with fluttering sleeves brought the classical elegance that has passed through thousands of years with a song "Jing Hong Dance", which surprised the eyes of the audience, and then they used a costume version of the popular dance "Subject III" to make everyone stunned.

A sports lottery top scratch experience zone was set up at the event site, and a variety of theme tickets such as "Long Xing Universiade", "Happy New Year to Xianglong" and "Happy New Year" brought a strong New Year atmosphere, and the audience experienced the fun of scratching prizes on the spot and helped public welfare. In the exhibition areas of non-legacy paper-cuts, Weifang kites and other special folk culture, non-genetic inheritors personally cut out lifelike "Le Xiaoxing" paper-cuts and gave them to the audience at the scene, which was loved by many young people. In front of Weifang’s special kite booth, there are not only customized kites in Le Xiaoxing’s version, but also children can paint colorful kites on the spot to make a kite with childlike innocence and commemorative significance. The Chinese New Year wishing tree in the atrium is covered with wishing cards, such as "Going ashore for the 2024 college entrance examination", "Wishing the family peace, happiness and success" and "being together forever" … Young people write down their New Year wishes on the wishing cards and place a wonderful New Year dream on them. In front of the photo punching box at the scene, the girls and boys held placards and took photos with hands such as "Long Xing Universiade" and "Step by Step Promotion" to convey New Year greetings.

During the activity, the host called the masses to participate in interactive games such as "football shooting", "passing balloons overhead" and prize-winning questions and answers, and won exquisite small gifts such as red envelopes, lanterns and origami. At the event site, Le Xiaoxing, the mascot of sports lottery, also interacted with everyone with different images, including a large statue of Le Xiaoxing at the Longmen, a doll of Le Xiaoxing who walked around and interacted with everyone, a kite of Le Xiaoxing, a paper-cut of Le Xiaoxing, etc. The super cute and lovely image was loved by everyone, which also made everyone experience the fun of sports lottery in all directions.

In Jinan, the theme activity of "Sports Lottery in New Spring, Longteng Good Luck" was recently launched in Sunacmao, Daming Lake and Gaoxin Wanda Sports Lottery Store. Fun interactive games and prize-winning question-and-answer sessions were set up at the event site. In the game, everyone experienced the joy of moving, and laughter continued. Everyone actively participated in the prize-winning question and answer session and won a surprise gift. Le Xiaoxing became a "group pet" at the scene, and everyone rushed to take pictures with it, leaving many wonderful moments. Through the explanation of the host, everyone also learned about the public welfare attribute and the concept of responsible lottery in China. The citizens experienced the top-scraping and lotto games on the spot. Ms. Zhang said: "This’ red envelope is coming’ is particularly festive. I buy some every year. I can’t miss such wonderful activities today. " There are also many "lottery fans" who bet on the spot to support public welfare undertakings, and look forward to realizing their little dreams with the help of lotto in the New Year. In Liaocheng, a sports lottery exhibition experience center was opened in Gaotang Fortune Plaza, and the brand promotion activities of "Sports Lottery New Spring Longteng Good Luck" were launched simultaneously. Accompanied by dynamic music, the event kicked off. The explosive dance attracted a large number of young people to stop and watch. The fashionable and interesting New Year theme photo punching box was deeply loved by the public, and everyone took photos as a souvenir, adding a new year atmosphere to the upcoming Spring Festival. While enjoying the dynamic dance, the on-site citizens also actively participated in the quiz of sports lottery knowledge and won exquisite gifts. At the event, a "wishing card" was also prepared for every citizen. In the new year, I wrote down my good wishes and hung them onOn the "wishing tree", I record my beautiful thoughts on life and look forward to a good fortune in the New Year.

Spring in the snow believes that everything is sprouting, and the Year of the Dragon will be lucky before starting. Next, Shandong Sports Lottery will also convey the concept of public welfare and responsibility to the public in a more colorful form, show the public welfare image of fashion and warm sunshine, continue to contribute to the development of social public welfare undertakings and sports undertakings, and add color to the people’s better life. (From January 30th, China Sports Daily, 08 edition) 

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This special reunion dinner is really delicious!

Original title: This special reunion dinner is really delicious!

"Today’s annual meal is very fragrant and warm." On January 30, after eating a special reunion dinner at school, Wang Tongbang, a 2021 graduate student of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Education of Huazhong Normal University, said with emotion.

This year, a total of 161 students from Huazhong Normal University stayed in school for the New Year. On the day before New Year’s Eve, the school invited the students’ representatives who stayed in school during the winter vacation to have a "group annual banquet" and sent the students a New Year gift package and warm wishes. Although this special "Group Year Banquet" took the form of distributing box lunches and scattered meals, the students still lamented: "It smells good!" "I also feel at home when I stay in school for the New Year."

In a conference room in the Nanhu complex of the school, representatives of teachers and students communicate while eating lunch boxes. "I wish the students a prosperous and prosperous Year of the Tiger, and learn something!" The school leaders sent New Year greetings to the students who stayed in school for the New Year, asked about their study and life, and told everyone to pay attention to safety precautions, strengthen physical exercise, and communicate with family and friends more. If you encounter difficulties in life during your stay in school, the school will provide you with all kinds of help in time.

On the same day, Huazhong Normal University also prepared lunch boxes, Chinese New Year gift packages and Chinese New Year red envelopes for the students who did not attend the group annual banquet at the scene, which were collected by the heads of various training units and sent to the students’ dormitory. The delicious food and the warm words of the teachers moved the students deeply.

"Although I haven’t seen my family, it is also a special experience and growth opportunity for me to stay in school for the New Year." Yun Tianrun, a 2020 undergraduate from the School of Psychology in Hong Kong, said.

Li Bairong, a 2019 undergraduate from the School of Computer Science, is from Taiwan Province. He said that he was used to living in Wuhan and wanted to feel the Spring Festival in Hubei this year.

After receiving the gift package, Xing Xu, a 2018 doctoral student of China Rural Research Institute, said: "The concern and condolences of the school made me deeply feel the’ temperature of Chinese teachers’. Wuhan is very cold after the snow, but my heart is warm. Guizishan is my home in Wuhan. "

The reporter learned that in order to ensure that the students staying in school have a warm and happy New Year, in addition to ensuring normal meals during the winter vacation, Huazhong Normal University also provides free meals for the students staying in school from New Year’s Eve to the second day of the first month.

Hubei Daily All-Media Reporter Han Xiaoling Correspondent Wu Yan Party Botao

(Photo taken by correspondent Chen Xichang)

Source: Hubei Daily


97,000 real estate enterprises’ transformation "the second half" financial model transformation to reduce debt into a starting point.

  Huang Qifan believes that the huge annual real estate transaction volume of 16 trillion to 17 trillion will surely become a historical turning point, and the future market will gradually shrink.

  About 97,000 real estate enterprises are gradually entering the deep-water period of transformation. With the implementation of measures such as deleveraging and stabilizing finance, China’s real estate sector will enter the "second half" era of stock management.

  "Overall, the era of China’s real estate in short supply is over." Huang Qifan, vice chairman of China International Economic Exchange Center, said at the World Chinese Real Estate Society held on July 13th, "The huge annual transaction volume of real estate in China is bound to become a historical turning point, and the market will gradually shrink in the future; Therefore, in the next decade, I predict that the real estate growth rate will not be higher than China’s GDP and M2 growth rate, but it will not fall too fast and will enter a stage of steady growth in an all-round way. "

  How should real estate enterprises with an average debt of more than 80% go into battle lightly? "Learning from the experience of developed countries, in fact, financial transformation is also crucial for housing enterprises." Wang He, secretary-general of the World Chinese Real Estate Society, said, "The transformation of real estate enterprises should start from the financial field, such as REITs (real estate trust and investment funds) to reduce the burden on enterprises."

  At present, nearly 100,000 real estate enterprises registered in industrial and commercial registration have become the epitome of China’s real estate development in the first half.

  According to Gao Bo, director of the Center for Urban and Real Estate Research of Nanjing University, the development of real estate has contributed to GDP, promoted the process of urbanization, promoted land finance and housing finance, and reduced financial risks. Only by taking the modernization of the housing system as a prerequisite can the real estate industry really do it.

  For example, in 2018, the added value of the real estate industry in the United States accounted for about 13.2% of GDP. In the first three quarters of the same year, the added value of real estate in China was about 4.36 trillion, accounting for 6.69% of GDP.

  There is no doubt about this step of transformation. How to turn? Many experts in the research field believe that on the one hand, it is necessary to shift from extensive expansion strategy to refined operation, on the other hand, enterprises need to fundamentally change their financial model.

  "The transformation of real estate enterprises should pay attention to ‘ Lianggao ’ That is, high quality and high technology. " Jia Shenghua, director of the Real Estate Research Center of Zhejiang University, said, "High quality means that housing enterprises should return to their final purpose of residence, not quantitative expansion; High technology means that more technical means need to be integrated into the development and management of houses. "

  "REITs are like an IPO of an office building, and the share can be transferred, traded and distributed." Hu Feng, a senior director of dtz and head of the North China District Valuation and Consulting Service Department, told the First Financial Reporter, "It is equivalent to sharing this building. If you buy a share, you can enjoy the benefits of the share. This share can be transferred and transferred, so the assets will flow."

  According to the First Financial Reporter, Ping An Real Estate, Poly Real Estate, Xuhui and Longhu have also stepped in since CITIC, the first private equity REITs in China, was launched in May 2014. According to the data of Industrial Securities, as of May 12 this year, 48 REITs have been issued in China, with a total amount of 93.42 billion yuan.

  The REITs research group of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University estimates that the market size of REITs in China is about 4 trillion to 12 trillion.

  Liu Qiao, dean of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University and professor of finance, believes that REITs will probably become one of the most important starting points for China’s financial system reform or supply-side reform in the next few years.

  Liu Qiao also wrote in CBN that REITs are not limited to real estate. At present, the problem of financing difficulty and high cost for enterprises in China, especially private enterprises, has been very prominent. The introduction of REITs is conducive to reducing systemic financial risks and promoting the development of real estate industry and upstream and downstream industries.

  "If the capital operation in previous years was to borrow money to get land, then in the second half of the stock management era, we must calm down and operate our assets well." Chen Xiaoou, independent director of Yuexiu Real Estate Trust, told the reporter, "We are providing asset management services for Chengdu Luhu Eco-city, such as business format and asset sorting, and later asset securitization."

  In the era of stock management, in addition to residential real estate, building economy will also become an important carrier to adjust industrial structure.

  According to Zhu Jianhui, head of the research department of Jones Lang LaSalle in West China, "At present, the building economy is also operating under the dual-track background of urbanization and urban renewal; We also found two characteristics: first, the demand side of building transformation mostly comes from technology-driven enterprises such as we work and incubation centers; Second, real estate buildings such as Joy City began to build amusement parks, maternal and child rooms, etc., paying more attention to the humanistic value brought to consumers. "

  The quality transformation of housing enterprises under the empowerment of many technologies has gradually landed nationwide. In other words, housing enterprises really began to bid farewell to the extensive and expansive development model in the past, focusing on social services that are people-oriented and meet domestic demand.

  How does technology drive the development of cities and real estate? According to Wang Yeqiang, director of the Land Economy and Real Estate Research Office of the Institute of Urban Development and Environment of China Academy of Social Sciences, on the one hand, smart cities should be built through technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing and big data to meet the needs of residents’ production and life; On the one hand, infrastructure and industrial informatization should be highly developed.

  Some large real estate enterprises are integrating big data and Internet of Things into residential management and services.

  Wu Zhihua, CEO of Greentown Service Group, said, "Take a certain community as an example, the proportion of elderly people over 60 years old is 10.98%, and the proportion of second children in the community is higher than the national average; Through this kind of analysis, we have laid out the services of children’s education, nutrition and rehabilitation for the elderly in the community. At present, 130,000 people have established health records on our platform, and 400,000 elderly users are enjoying paid chronic disease management services.

  Small and medium-sized housing enterprises choose to cut in from low energy consumption and green ecological technology. "The core of real estate is still the residential industry, and this cannot be lost. The reason is that it can develop rapidly and standardize, and because it has a large market consumer group and belongs to popular products, it has strong anti-risk ability. " Li Biao, chairman of yueda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. said, "In addition to paying attention to building quality, scientific research and development is also our strength."

  Previously, Jinmaofu attracted much attention in the industry because it proposed 12 black technologies (to meet residents’ comprehensive household needs such as air, temperature, humidity and noise), and the average price of its housing in Hongkou, Shanghai New Town was about 102,000/square meter.

  "We already have the 12 major scientific and technological systems of Jinmaofu, and we have a clear understanding of ourselves, that is, to be an expert in quality life operation." Li Biao told the First Financial Reporter, "In addition to residential technology research and development, looking further, we are developing projects around the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomerations (such as Suzhou, Nantong and Yancheng)."

  Some real estate big data companies have already quietly laid out. "According to more than 50 major industries involved in real estate, we divided the data into eight thematic directions, including transaction end, residential security end and residential service end." Yan Zhimin, chairman of Hangzhou Zhongfang Information Technology Co., Ltd. told the First Financial Reporter.

  "For example, in Fuyang, which is more than 20 kilometers away from Hangzhou, the price of a parking space in a certain community reached 800,000, but the house price in the community was around 10,000. At that time, the people and the media were very controversial; Therefore, we assisted the government to make a data analysis and look at the reasonable reasons according to the floor price and market environment. In the future, data-based disaster reduction, shock absorption, escape, etc. will be used to ensure residential safety. " Yan Zhimin added.

Wang Zhiwei: He solved the problem of baffling foreign automobile experts in two hours.


Zhiwei Wang

CCTV News:"A simple and beautiful" car dream "will always shine in my heart: it is because I love cars and Beijing cars that I have persisted for more than ten years, and I will continue to do it with my life." The man who said this is Wang Zhiwei, a senior technician in a Beijing automobile factory. Although he is only 37 years old, Wang Zhiwei already holds many titles, such as Beijing’s senior industrial technical expert, winner of the National May 1st Labor Medal, and "youth post expert" in the national automobile industry.

Wang Zhiwei, a native of Shunyi, Beijing, likes playing with machinery since he was a child. After graduating from junior high school, Wang Zhiwei was admitted to Beijing Automotive Industry School to study in a technical secondary school. After graduating from technical secondary school, he went to a car company in Beijing and worked in the assembly workshop.

Automobile assembly and adjustment workers need to assemble and debug tens of thousands of parts to ensure that every screw and every wire are accurate, so that the automobile can run normally. However, one of the wires is out of order, which is often difficult to detect. After years of exploration, Wang Zhiwei has summed up a set of unique vehicle circuit system adjustment and detection technology and troubleshooting methods, which can quickly detect and eliminate faults.

From a junior worker to a senior technician, the average person needs more than ten years, and he has completed five consecutive technical jumps in one competition. After the introduction of new models, he solved technical problems that foreign technical support experts could not solve, and he solved them in two hours.

"I work as an assembler on the production line. Go to work at 8 o’clock every morning and get off work at 8 o’clock or even 10 o’clock in the evening. The hardest thing is that in 2003, as an operator on the production line, I couldn’t see the future, and my thoughts fluctuated at that time. " Wang Zhiwei said.

However, the turnaround also occurred that year, and the production capacity of the car factory was expanded from 50,000 to 150,000. At this time, the workshop maintenance team recruits people, and the new team is responsible for maintaining the new car that has just rolled off the assembly line. It has high technical content and needs an exam to enter. Wang Zhiwei, 23, and hundreds of employees signed up for the exam, and finally won the top 6, and successfully entered the maintenance team.

Subsequently, Wang Zhiwei started the learning hegemony mode of day and night, and he held a large pile of circuit system adjustment detection methods and troubleshooting methods of various models, which became a "big hand" for everyone in the maintenance team.


Wang Zhiwei at work (right)

After obtaining the certificate of senior technician, Wang Zhiwei began to take apprentices. Newcomers are just graduates, without any experience, and need to be taught by hand. "I have a low education and I have to teach others, so I have to improve my theoretical study. Many times, I am learning and selling now." Wang Zhiwei said, "All say ‘ Church apprentice, starving master ’ But in my opinion, this is not a problem. When bringing new people, I will tell them which operations are correct and which are incorrect, where to start, and which level of knowledge to learn. "

In order to improve the professional quality of the whole staff in the workshop, Wang Zhiwei not only took full responsibility for the technical training of the assembly workshop, but also launched the "E2E Weekly Technical Promotion" for engineers to learn and improve, and the "Zhiwei Lecture Hall" for technical personnel training, which taught automobile theoretical knowledge and assembly skills, and trained more than 4,000 employees successively, and trained 7 skilled automobile electrical maintenance workers, of whom 25 grew up to be technicians under their guidance, and two became senior technicians.

One year, a certain model of the eighth generation could not be started after it was first rolled off the production line, and the technical support from South Korea could not solve the problem, so they called Wang Zhiwei to come over by name. After Wang Zhiwei went over, he used the unique vehicle circuit system to adjust the detection technology and troubleshooting methods, and solved the problem in two hours.

Since joining the work, Wang Zhiwei has solved more than 120 technical problems in production, including 27 outstanding innovations, 11 utility model patents and more than 300 production improvement projects.

In 2009, the company established the "Wang Zhiwei Chief Technician Studio" while continuously achieving various technological innovations. In the innovation studio, Wang Zhiwei mainly focuses on the improvement of tools and techniques, the cultivation of talents, the proposal of economic and technological innovation, and the improvement of achievements. Wang Zhiwei led the studio members to put forward more than 160 improvement measures in the company’s "two investments and one mention" project, saving nearly 7.4 million yuan.

After years of persistence and forging, "Wang Zhiwei Chief Technician Studio" has developed and trained a large number of outstanding young technicians. These young technicians have now become builders of various factories, and continue to influence and drive a new group of technical youth. (Source: Zhonggong. com)

How to heat up the car quickly in winter?

The following are the most effective ways to warm up your car in winter:

1. Start the car first, wait for 20 seconds, and then warm it up by driving at a low speed to avoid slamming on the accelerator.

2. The correct and effective way to warm up the car is to go on the road 30 seconds to one minute after starting and keep the speed low. The engine speed should not exceed 3,000 ~ 3,500 rpm, and it is generally kept at 2,000 rpm to avoid excessive wear of the engine and gearbox. Wait for the engine temperature to rise to the normal operating temperature (about 3 to 5 minutes), and then resume normal driving.

Hot cars in winter are a concern of car owners. Here are some effective methods:

1. Start the car first, wait for 20 seconds, and then drive at a low speed after the idle speed of the engine is completely stable to avoid slamming on the accelerator. This can fully lubricate the engine oil and reduce wear.

2. The correct and effective way to warm up the car is to go on the road 30 seconds to one minute after starting and keep the speed low. The engine speed should not exceed 3,000 ~ 3,500 rpm, and it is generally kept at 2,000 rpm to avoid excessive wear of the engine and gearbox. Wait for the engine temperature to rise to the normal operating temperature (about 3 to 5 minutes), and then resume normal driving.

In a word, the correct hot car method can protect the engine and gearbox and prolong the life of the car. In the cold winter, it is necessary to warm up the car, but don’t over-warm it to avoid wasting fuel and time.

Stock (1): What do you buy when you buy stocks?

Hello, my name is Peking University Xu Yuan, and welcome to my investment class.

Today we enter the second part of the course, the investment tools part. In this part, I will explain to you the basic nature of investment tools, including stocks, bonds, funds, real estate, gold and so on. For example, these are 18 kinds of weapons in the martial arts field. After understanding the basic properties of these weapons, we can choose the weapons that we can take advantage of.

As the saying goes, "If you want to do a good job, you must sharpen your tools first." Without understanding the nature of these tools, you are like a tiger without teeth, and you will be very passive in the arena of investment.

Today is the first lecture on investment tools. We begin to talk about one of the most common and important tools, namely stocks. Regarding stocks, we focus on six issues.

First, when we buy stocks, what are we buying? In particular, some companies are not profitable at all, let alone paying dividends. Why are they still worth so much money? How exactly is this priced?

Second, how to judge the stock price? Some stocks are very cheap, can you buy them? Some stocks have high unit prices, why do they go up all the way? How to judge?

Third, there are so many stocks in the market, how to quickly grasp the market situation?

Fourth, how is the stock price determined? What are the different factors?

Fifth, do A shares earn money? If you don’t make money, why are so many people playing in it?

Sixth, what kind of stocks have high returns?

Let’s look at the first question first. What do we buy when we buy stocks? In particular, some companies on the A-share market are not profitable, and there is no dividend. Why are they still so expensive? In order to clarify this problem, I divide stocks into two categories, dividend-paying and non-dividend-paying

Dividend-paying stocks have a relatively simple principle. We buy a stock because we are optimistic about the cash flow that this stock can bring.For example, if you spend 10 yuan on a stock and pay a dividend of 1 yuan a year, after ten years, you will return to your capital (for simplicity, discount is not considered here), and all dividends in the future will be profits.

If you divide it into 50 cents a year and pay it back in 20 years, all future dividends will be profits. At this time, you spent 10 yuan to buy it, which is all future dividends.

You may say, where is the company giving such a high dividend rate now? Actually, it’s not. You can have a look at Table 1. Table 1 shows the distribution of dividend rate of A-share listed companies from 2016 to 2018. As you can see, the average dividend rate of listed companies is over 30%, which is not low.

This is not the most exaggerated. The 10% companies with the most dividends have a dividend rate of over 60%. At present, there are more than 3,000 listed companies in A-shares, of which more than 300 have a dividend rate of over 60%. Therefore, the statement that A shares do not pay dividends is not consistent with the real data.

Table 1: Dividend rate of A-share listed companies (2016-2018,%)

Note: Before calculating the dividend rate, companies with negative net profit in this year are excluded, and the dividend rate is equal to the total annual dividend of the company divided by the annual net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company.

As of the production date of this table (November 2019), the dividend data for 2019 has not been published, so the data from 2016 to 2018 are used. Source: Wind information.

In fact, what you need to pay attention to is not the companies that don’t pay dividends, but the dividend rate of some companies is too high, which is a bit abnormal. You need to see what is going on. In order to illustrate this situation, we have specially compiled Table 2 and listed the companies with the highest dividend rate in recent years.

When sorting out Table 2, we made a screening and only considered large and medium-sized companies with positive profits and large market value of more than 10 billion. The data of small and micro enterprises fluctuates greatly, so we will not consider it for the time being.

Table 2: Top 30 Dividend Rates of Companies with Market Value of Over 10 Billion (2016-2018,%)

Note: The data comes from Wind. Before calculating the dividend rate, the companies with negative net profit for the year and companies with a total market value of less than 10 billion at the end of the year were excluded.

If you look at Table 2, many companies have a high dividend rate, and some companies even have a dividend rate of more than 100%, that is, dividends exceed profits. Why is this happening? To sum up, there are probably three possible reasons.

In the first case, the company has little temporary profit, but in order to maintain the stability of dividends, it still maintains a consistent dividend level. In this case, even if there is a temporary shortage of cash, the operation is still stable, so paying more dividends is to show the market that everything is under control and there is no need to panic.

China Petroleum, for example, has done such a thing. Due to lower oil and gas prices, its net profit in 2016 dropped by nearly 80% compared with that in 2015.

However, in order to maintain a steady dividend, China Petroleum used the retained undistributed profits of previous years to pay dividends in 2016, and the dividend rate reached 137.43%. By 2018, the company’s profits have improved, the denominator has become larger, and the dividend rate has fallen.

Purchase column to unlock the remaining 70%

This Italian children’s choir is hard to get a ticket every year. How will they appear in Shanghai this year?

The Italian Antoniano Chorus ("An Tuan" for short) is no stranger to many audiences in China. Every New Year, the choir’s New Year concert in Shanghai has become a regular program for many parent-child families, and it is not difficult for parents of all walks of life to "grab tickets". Because every time, the tickets for the New Year concert will be sold out within 1 minute. This record has been maintained for many years.
Since its first performance in China in 2016, the troupe has held a New Year Chorus Concert at Shanghai Children’s Art Theater (SAIC Roewe Children’s Cultural Center) for five consecutive years. When the epidemic struck this year, foreign performing groups could not come to China. The organizer, Shanghai Children’s Art Theater, made a decision to continue to hold the Anzhuan New Year Concert in 2021 and put it on in a "cross-time" way.
This concert tried a brand-new stage technology, using high-definition video and holographic technology to realize the interaction between Italy and China. An Tuan will sing in Italy and interact with the China Sisters from a distance. There will be six concerts from December 31st to January 3rd. The concert on New Year’s Day will be broadcast live through Youku platform.
Liang Xiaoxia, general manager of Shanghai Children’s Art Theater, revealed that this New Year concert "through time and space" is the most difficult concert they have had in the five years since they introduced the troupe. In addition to the great technical difficulties, including the time difference and different ideas between China and Italy. However, because the Italian security corps is located in a high-risk area, it has also overcome various difficulties in rehearsal and filming. Mr. Cavalli Giampaolo, artistic director of ANTuan, said that it was the most difficult but also the warmest New Year concert that ANTuan had completed in the past 57 years.
Liang Xiaoxia said that the reason why we insisted on presenting the New Year’s Concert in this way this year was that we hoped to satisfy the thoughts of the Shanghai audience; Second, I hope that through this concert that spans time and space, there will be a warm connection between China and the international children. Just like the theme of this year’s New Year concert: "2021, More Love".
Affected by the epidemic, the real person did not come to the New Year concert to be put on hold.Every year, New Year’s Eve is celebrated with the songs of the troupe, which has become a fixed project for many China audiences to welcome the new year. This year, an Tuan can’t come to China, and there is no live concert. What should we do?
Finally, after consulting with Shanghai Children’s Art Theater, the troupe decided to present the New Year concert in this special period with high-definition video.
However, can the audience’s expectations be met by playing HD video alone, and how can the audience who go into the theater to listen to the concert have a unique live experience? After discussion, the Chinese and Italian teams finally decided to use holographic technology.
Holographic technology used to be used in concerts and other large-scale activities, but it is the first time in the world to be used in concerts, especially children’s chorus concerts. For this reason, the organizer invited the best professional technical team in China, used the world’s most advanced cable-stayed film projection technology, and equipped the top dance equipment in the industry to achieve the best imaging effect in the industry at present.
It is envisaged that the three tracks of the concert will be presented by holographic projection technology. On the stage, the pre-recorded singing video of the troupe will be presented by holographic technology, while the China Sisters Hydrangea Choir of the troupe will perform live, so the two choirs will present the effect of "singing on the same stage", and there will be an interactive experience of live performance and virtual imaging.
In the past, holographic film technology was mostly in the form of "single person and single film", but this time, the Chinese and Italian teams must solve the problem of presenting dozens of choir children on the same film at the same time. Not only that, but also will interact with the security group at the scene. The number of people, the complexity of design, the difficulty of shooting and the difficulty of the later stage are unprecedented for the technical team.
In order to solve this series of problems, the domestic technical team has produced a shooting guide with dozens of pages for ANTuan, explaining each shot, each angle and each group of protagonists in detail.
Because this is the first time that an Tuan has challenged holographic technology, the effect of the first shooting is not satisfactory. The teams in China and Italy overcame the time difference and communicated remotely all night. Finally, gather all the children in the choir again and shoot again.
Although there are great challenges and difficulties, Liang Xiaoxia said, "The impact of the epidemic has prevented the troupe from coming to the scene to perform, but at the same time, this situation has also made us think, open up more imagination and see if we can use scientific and technological means to make the performance team who can’t come to the scene personally bring a good stage experience to the audience."
Liang Xiaoxia said that the application of holographic technology in the New Year concert is also an attempt by Shanghai Children’s Art Theater to perform on the stage at present and in the post-epidemic era, which can provide reference and inspiration for the future.
Serious risk escalation of epidemic situation, bumpy recording and difficult transmissionFor the Italian Chorus Antoniano, the experience of this New Year concert is unprecedented.
Lombardia, where the choir is located, is listed as a high-risk area of red epidemic by the Italian government, and Italy is one of the countries with the worst epidemic in Europe. This year, almost all performances of the choir were suspended, including the children’s chorus gold medal competition that the choir participates in every year, which was also announced to be postponed until next year.
At the same time, due to the epidemic situation, the Italian national television team, which recorded the concert for ANTuan in previous years, was unable to assist in the filming this year, and the staff of the technical department of ANTuan made up the seats one by one at the first time, which solved the shooting problem.
However, the local government does not allow many people to enter the studio for recording. To this end, the security group specially applied to the Italian government, and after more than two months of examination and approval, it finally obtained special approval. Therefore, during the Italian epidemic, ANTuan became the only organization that was able to carry out multi-person shed recording.
During each rehearsal and recording, the local government will also appoint two health supervisors to be full-time inspectors at the scene.
The problems encountered in shooting are also continuous. Because there are 40 members in the official performance, according to the requirements of Italian epidemic prevention and control, only half of them can now enter the studio for recording. At the same time, when rehearsing and recording, each child should be separated by a safe distance of at least 1 meter. As a result, during the video recording in the studio, the children no longer stood on the chorus table, but stood on 23 little red dot landmarks which had been strictly measured.
In order to present the best visual effect, the troupe shot every song in the concert from multiple positions and angles, and it took a long time to shoot the material of 18 songs. But at the same time, how to "send" the massive materials of the whole New Year concert to China at the fastest speed has become another difficult problem under special conditions this year.
After numerous international discussions and various schemes, there are only one or two days left before the concert starts. Liang Xiaoxia and her team are still making various adjustments across the time difference every day, striving to make the concert present the best effect. In Italy, all the children and the conductor of the troupe are full of expectations for this unprecedented concert.
"So many times, the children didn’t complain, because the children themselves are very curious and looking forward to it. They will ask, can holographic technology really send us to China? What will we look like on China’s screen? "
Liang Xiaoxia said that since she introduced AnTuan five years ago, this children’s choir has been regarded as the most healing and joyful choir. Therefore, I hope that in this special New Year, more audiences can enjoy and share the warmth and healing brought by the concert.
(This article is from The Paper, please download the "The Paper" APP for more original information)

Today, I am you | grab 50 training places in one minute! "Olive" is in the first place. Why do Qingdao people fall in love with this ball?

Peninsula all-media reporter Zhong Wenting

  Rugby is known as the first sport in the United States, but on a football field in Qingdao Guoxin Stadium, young men and women often play rugby games, and the joyful scene attracts many people to stop and watch. Recently, the reporter of "I am you today" on the peninsula felt the heat that 50 football training places were robbed in one minute.

The reporter first experienced the flag football.

  At present, Qingdao American Football Adult Equipment Group has 80 full-time players, more than 1,000 fans who often participate in training, and more than 3,000 waist flag football fans who are relatively easy to get started. Why is this minority sport so popular in Qingdao, from young people to children, from college students to returnees? Come and experience it with the reporters from Peninsula and feel the charming life of this fashionable city!

Grab the quota in one minute

It took the reporter a few days to grab it.

  Recently, the reporter came to Guoxin Stadium. Although it was 8 pm on Wednesday, the stadium was in full swing. The football team organized here is the American football team of Qingdao Conquerors. Captain Tong Yi told reporters that today’s football activities are becoming more and more popular. Professional team training and the participation of fans make this stadium lively, even on weekdays, there are different levels and intensities of training going on almost every night.

  Nowadays, no matter whether it is a zero-based "Little White" or an enthusiast who has been training for many years, he can find a suitable training team and teammates in Qingdao. "Regardless of flag football or American football, everyone’s acceptance is getting higher and higher. Now all football fans’ WeChat groups divided by category and grade have filled my top list, adding up to more than 3,000 people." Tong Yi pulled the reporter into the primary group of fans a week ago, but it took a week for the reporter to sign up.

  Because the registration is too hot, because the number of people needs to be controlled in each training, the upper limit of each registration is 50. At first, the reporter set up the information-free mode, and when he remembered to grab the quota, dozens of people had lined up behind him. Wait until the next training suitable for beginners, as soon as the registration information is sent out, 50 people will be reported in one minute, and there will be people waiting in line. Looking at the registration information carefully, there is only one second difference between the 50th person and the 51st person, and the 51st person in line is equivalent to the backup team for this training-if there are formal players who temporarily quit, the backup team members waiting in line at the back can make up the position according to the queuing order. The reporter was amazed at everyone’s enthusiasm. Captain Tong told the reporter that if you want to participate, you must register in advance. Fans know the basic registration instructions, and the organizers will also buy insurance for the players. Therefore, the registration process is very strict, and you will never accept temporary registration on the spot.

  After several days’ dedicated competition, the reporter finally grabbed a place to participate in zero-based training. On the left and right sides of the court, there is American football on one side and flag football on the other. The reporter signed up for flag football training.

Many girls are happy in flag football.

  For the classification of these two events, in many people’s impression, rugby requires intense physical collision and confrontation, which requires high physical quality. However, as a non-contact and non-collision rugby form, flag rugby has lower threshold, faster start-up and is more suitable for beginners to try to participate.

  The reporter first entered the football team with the waist flag on the right side of the venue. After entering the door, his teammates tied a belt for the reporter, and two pieces of cloth about half a meter long were hung on both sides of the belt. This is the waist flag. "Pulling this flag is equivalent to knocking down your opponent in American football. This is the biggest difference between the two categories. The flag football avoids direct collision and plays in a more gentle way, "Tong Yi told reporters." You see that the American football on the left needs to wear protective equipment and a helmet, but the flag football on the right doesn’t need it. Everyone can go into battle lightly, as long as they wear sports shoes. " The reporter found that the proportion of men and women in his training team is basically half and half, and most of them are young people in their twenties and thirties, while the American group with equipment accounts for the majority. Most of them are strong and their bodies reveal the traces of fitness all the year round.

Catching a ball is like hitting a sandbag.

Running is much happier.

  The reporter entered the training team of flag football. At first, fifty people were divided into five groups according to the number of times they participated in the training. The primary group where the reporter was located was the first-fourth training group. After grouping, the coach first organizes the practice of running and catching the ball without the opponent’s letting go of defense.

  The coach asked the group of ten people to form a line and take turns to train for running. After each person stood on the line, he waited for the coach’s command with his left foot in front and his right foot behind. When he heard the word "run", he ran forward quickly, stopped at the specified position quickly, and then turned around and went back. Familiar with the basic pace requirements, and then more complex running route training.

  Get familiar with the route first, and then catch the ball. In the training of catching the ball in situ, you are required to bend your knees, lean forward slightly, and keep your eyes on the ball. When the ball comes, you should stretch out your arms to meet the ball and fully relax your fingers to touch the ball. After touching the ball, both hands instantly exert force and recover it to firmly connect the ball. As it was the first time to participate in training, the reporter did not wear protective gloves, and when he reached out his hands to catch the ball, he was worried that his manicure would not be guaranteed. It’s best to wear protective gloves if there are girls participating in the training.

  When the ball comes, open your hands side by side with palms facing outwards, and there is a nearly triangular gap between the two index fingers and little fingers to catch the ball. When the coach saw that the reporter was attending for the first time, the girl would show some mercy. However, when the reporter saw a ball flying over for the first time, he was still a little instinctively afraid. At that moment, he just wanted to avoid being afraid of hitting his head. His companion described the reporter as bringing his own "ah" elongated sound effect, and then watched the ball land beside him.

Peng bo is attacking.

  This process of catching the ball is a bit like playing sandbags when I was a child, that is, "playing cat’s tail" in Qingdao dialect. Some people are scared when they see the ball, while others are excited when they see it.

  After catching the ball, you run with the ball. There are two kinds of holding the ball: two-handed holding and one-handed holding. Holding the ball with both hands is easy to combine with passing, and holding the ball with one hand is easy to accelerate. When holding the ball with both hands, the five fingers are naturally opened and the thumb is pressed on the most convex part of the ball; The palm is empty, and the finger grips the ball hard; The wrist is turned up, the elbow is set up to hold the ball in front of the body, and it swings left and right with the running action. There are two ways to hold the ball with one hand: vertical and horizontal. Hold the ball with one hand and hold it firmly with your hands, arms and chest.

  If you can catch the ball, you can either pass it to your teammates or break through the opponent’s defense and bring the ball to your camp, which means a touchdown. What the opponent’s defender has to do is to pull out the flag on the receiver’s waist. After pulling it out, the defense is successful. Therefore, when the players with the ball run, they have to avoid the other team to pull the flag.

  When the defender intercepts from the front or oblique side, he can use the arc running to get rid of his opponent. At this time, he should pay attention to the distance from his opponent, and he will be intercepted if he is too close to his opponent. Take a detour to the right as an example: lower your center of gravity and lean forward to run forward. When your opponent approaches from the front, look to the left to attract your opponent’s attention; Turn to the right with the inside of the left foot, cross the left foot to the front of the right foot, and run away in an arc. This process of running while protecting the flag is a bit like tearing a famous brand in the reporter’s view, while running to the designated position, we must not forget to protect the famous brand from being torn off.

  After understanding the basic rules, the coach organized two groups to have a friendly match. On the field, everyone encourages his teammates while learning skills. Even if there are mistakes, no one will complain. Everyone pats their shoulders and cheers on each other. At this time, losing and winning are not so important, and everyone has gained happiness in running.

From the eight-member student club

To the top four teams in the country

  Tong Yi told reporters that his Qingdao conqueror American football team was only a football club of Ocean University in 2013, with only seven or eight people at first. By 2018, there will be more than 30 American football players. They are bank employees, teachers, doctors and fitness instructors during the day ….. When they arrive at the training ground at night, they are football players when they put on their equipment. At that time, although the sport was relatively small in Qingdao, the enthusiasm of these players was very high.

  In order to improve the competitive level and get good results in the national league as soon as possible, people often go to Shanghai to participate in football training camps at their own expense. "Shanghai has always been a city with a relatively good development of domestic rugby, where there are more international coaches and a more professional training atmosphere. Therefore, in a 3-4-day training camp, everyone spends seven or eight thousand yuan to learn skills." In addition to spending money, it is not easy to bring a group of adults together for fixed training. "The fixed members are those people, and everyone has his fixed position. Without anyone, the overall training will be affected." Tong Yi recalled that in the early days when the team wanted to improve their performance, every member of the team overcame all kinds of difficulties, pooled their money and made time. "Everyone is an adult with family and career concerns. It seems that everyone has returned to his childhood and should also thank each member’s family for their support."

Jerry took a photo with Super Bowl champion Russell Wilson.

  In addition to regular training at least three times a week and going to Shanghai to participate in the improvement training camp every six months, the players at that time also contacted the old coaches in China online to ask tactical questions. "At that time, there were few people playing football in China, so no matter where people were far apart, as long as they were sincerely loved, there were some appreciate each other between them, and even strangers were willing to give you all they had to tell you about tactics by phone or online." Tong Yi missed the players’ thirst for knowledge about football at that time, "that ignorant and eager stage was as urgent and expected as a newborn trying to learn to walk."

  For Qingdao people, rugby needs a process from scratch. How to take every step on the field may be difficult for them to figure out for a long time, but it will be of great benefit to try it again after being instructed by the old coach on the Internet. Long-term hard work and exchange study, Qingdao team joined the National Rugby League in 2018, and in 2019, Qingdao team reached the third place in the northern part of the country, ranking among the top 12 in the country. In 2020, Qingdao team was shortlisted for the first time in the top four in China.

  2020 is an important year for Qingdao rugby. In that year, a senior player who represented China in the World Championships was invited from Shanghai, and a foreign coach was also invited.

  Jerry, a veteran player from the Shanghai champion team, was originally from Qingdao. After returning to Qingdao, he spent a year leading the Qingdao rugby team to practice better, free of charge. Everyone in the team tried their best, rain or shine, and the football level in Qingdao improved rapidly.

  Today, there are 80 regular football players in Qingdao, more than 1,000 fans who often take part in training, and more than 3,000 football fans with waist flags. Their influence has spread to the surrounding cities of Qingdao, and brother cities such as Yantai and Weihai often come to Qingdao to learn from them, just as the Qingdao team once went to Shanghai to study.

Both father and son are crazy about football.

Failure experiences quench the spirit.

  "peng bo, run! Faster! Good shot! " In Qingdao in June, a youth American football game officially began. Peng bo, a photographer on the sidelines, got busy. As a well-known media reporter, he had to shoot with a dozen catties of long guns and short guns, and at the same time he had to worry about the performance of his son on the field. In every competition, peng bo, a teenager, is like this, "playing as a partner" with his photographer father.

Peng bo attacked in the game.

  Today, 9-year-old peng bo has five years’ experience in rugby, and his relationship with rugby originated from an interview with his father many years ago. "I once interviewed an adult rugby team in Qingdao and fell in love with the sport at once. When peng bo was 4 years old, I sent him to learn rugby." Peng bo, the father of a loyal NFL fan, wore a jersey of NFL star Peyton Manning in the first football class. Foreign coaches were not used to addressing Chinese names and called peng bo "Manning", which naturally became the English name of peng bo.

  Four-year-old peng bo fell in love with the game when he first came to the football field, and he fell in love with the feeling of breaking through many obstacles and chasing after the wind. While he was training and playing, Dad would take out his photographic equipment to shoot the wonderful moments of the children, and use the Tik Tok "Lightning Manning" to record the growth of the children in football. Peng bo has excellent speed and flexibility. He was assigned as an attacker by the coach just after he went to training. At the age of 6, he showed excellent sense of the ball among his peers. He was assigned by the coach to take over the team and take on the most important scoring task. Now he has been able to make touchdowns again and again in the game to help the team score.

  When peng bo was 6 years old, his narwhal team played a friendly match with Jinan Cobra team, which was the first fully armed match he played with his friends. Facing Jinan team, which was older than himself and had certain competition experience, peng bo’s father described his son as "completely stupid, even the opposing players passed by him, and he wouldn’t move". He was replaced less than 3 minutes after playing, and the game ended in defeat. Failure inspired peng bo’s fighting spirit. He said to his father, "Dad, I want to practice more during the summer vacation." The original training once a week became three times a week, and soon, hard training paid off. Five months later, in the Qilu Bowl, peng bo and his teammates once again faced the Jinan team. He played well and played the whole game. In the last crucial minute of the game, he made three important Tackle, which prevented the opponent who was four years older than himself from attacking and won an exciting victory. Finally, the team won the Qilu Bowl.

His son peng bo is Peng Yan’s most satisfactory photography.

  As NFL fans, father and son often watch NFL games together and learn skills and tactics by watching them. Pumbaa has more than a dozen NFL star jerseys and many NFL peripheral products. He loves these "treasures" fondly, which also promotes peng bo’s interest in football. In order to encourage children, my father went into battle in person, participated in the adult flag football game, and won the championship against teams such as Shanghai, Dongying and Weihai, which also added a lot of confidence to peng bo.

American players come to help.

Help Qingdao win the championship

  Jerry, who came to Qingdao from Shanghai, now focuses on youth training. Jerry told reporters that there are more than 100 children studying rugby in Qingdao today. Although there are no special points for rugby majors in China at present, children’s rugby training from an early age can be brutal and tempered, which is very beneficial to physical fitness and willpower training. "Of course, intellectual development is also a very important aspect. Groups under the age of eight must master more than 20 sets of tactics. As soon as they read the tactical code, they must know where they and their companions are going to do, and their ability to adapt to the situation and psychological quality are all-round considerations in a tense environment."

  Jason, who played football in the United States since childhood, is very touched by the various benefits of football in children’s growth. Jason, a native of Tangshan, grew up in the United States. Now, after returning to China, he works as a fitness coach in a fitness studio in Yanji Road, Qingdao, and just joined the American football team of Qingdao Conquerors in June this year.

  Jason looks like a football player from the outside. Rugby is the first sport in the United States. Jason grew up playing in the United States. At the age of 19, he was selected for the Los Angeles high school team. Later, he performed well in the American college football league and entered the University of Los Angeles team with the eighth place. "Originally, Europeans are good at collision, Asians are usually more endurance, and I have been exercising for many years. I think I have both advantages at the same time." Jason is very confident about his football level. Jason has always been the only face of china in the team since he was a child. He admits that every time he comes to a new team, he will really get some strange eyes from his teammates and wonder if I, a China native, can play their ball. "Facts have proved that I can not only play, but also play very well. I used my strength to change the initial prejudice of foreigners against me and make all doubts disappear." Jason laughed and said that he was talented and could not do without long-term hard training. "I can squat 270 kilograms with a load now, and Bobby can jump 100 times continuously."

Jason is now working as a fitness instructor in Qingdao, and he will never forget his rugby feelings.

  Jason now works as a private tutor in a fitness studio on Yanji Road in Qingdao. He learned by chance that there are also professional football teams in Qingdao, so he immediately signed up for the training. In just one night, the coach discovered his strength and immediately invited him to enter the professional group for training. Jason has played in the United States for many years. He thinks that the strength of the Qingdao team today can not be underestimated, but the attack can be more fierce. "My goal is to help the Qingdao team win more championships!"

  Jason recalled the daily training of American teams in the past, and felt that it was indeed more intense than now. "At that time, players would wear 50 pounds of sandbags for long-distance running or press 20 kilograms of barbells for push-ups. Now, the training intensity of both adults and teenagers in Qingdao is much more’ civilized’ than I have ever seen before." Jason believes that the rugby environment in Qingdao can be gradually strengthened in addition to the training intensity, and the general fitness awareness of ordinary people around him is not enough. "Many people have not regarded sports as an essential part of their daily lives, so I still hope that people will get active soon. Even if they don’t play rugby, it is always beneficial to do more fitness and exercise."

Jason usually works out when he doesn’t practice.

  Finally, there is the spirit of entertainment. Jason thinks that although American football looks a bit barbaric and has a collision, in fact, its protective equipment and rules are making every effort to protect the safety of players. "I hope that once we get on the court, we will all let go of playing and abandon all social relations. No matter who is the leader and who is the colleague, we will be friends when we get on the court, and we will have a hearty game. We will neither be humble with our hands tied nor be impatient because of the inevitable collision in the game ….. I hope more and more people can join in and enjoy the happiness of the sport itself."

Reporter’s note:

The more open, the more confident.

The city of fashion is full of vitality

Nowadays, the football team in Qingdao is growing day by day.

  As a sports enthusiast, the reporter is glad to see that there are more and more interesting things in his hometown Qingdao in recent years, especially in sports and fitness. Squash, baseball, rugby and other once small sports have quietly emerged among men, women and children in the streets. With the mass base, the achievements of professional teams are among the best in the country.

  Qingdao has always been an energetic and enterprising city. People in this land are brave in challenges, high morale and full of self-confidence. American football equipment seems to be a foreign thing full of violent aesthetics. In fact, Qingdao people have played the game of "playing cat’s tail" since childhood. The happy pursuit of playing sandbags seems to have the same effect as flying on the football field today. Who can refuse this kind of happiness that makes adults go back to childhood? For children, rugby is also a good sport to develop intelligence and exercise, so there are many rugby families like peng bo.

  Nowadays, Qingdao’s economy is developing rapidly, and spiritual entertainment and mass fitness are also keeping pace with the times. Everyone is willing to spend 180 yuan to play a flag football in the stadium in their leisure time, and they can also accept spending thousands of dollars to buy American football equipment and join a professional American football team. What fun to play, enjoying life and inspiring life is the lovely romantic feelings in Qingdao people’s bones, and it is also open and inclusive to accommodate the winds from all directions.


The snowy season brings you the most complete skiing vocabulary.

The snowy season brings you the most complete skiing vocabulary.

After entering the winter, everyone began to look forward to snow, so that we can have fun and run wild in the snow. Of course, people who like outdoor sports are ready to go skiing in the surrounding snow fields. We have won the bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics, and the winter events are not practiced quickly! Not ready for actual combat? Let’s start by learning related vocabulary.

Skiing types skiing classification

Snowboarding snowboarding

Cross-country skiing cross-country skiing

Alpine Skiing alpine skiing

Nordic skiing nordic skiing (cross-country skiing with the heel not fixed on the snowboard)

Ski jumping ski jumping

Freestyle skiing freestyle skiing (no fixed snow slot)

Classical skiing traditional skiing (fixed snow slot)

Downslope skiing mountain skiing

Military skiing (used as a means of transportation in the military)

Kite skiing kite traction skiing (a form of skiing pulled or carried by a paraglider, glider or kite)

Backcountry skiing wilderness skiing (refers to skiing in uninhabited rural areas without put in order and marked snow slopes or trails)


The snowy season brings you the most complete skiing vocabulary.

Skiing equipments ski equipment

Ski snowboard

Snowboard snowboard

Tipped ski board head

Tailed ski plate tail

Ski break skid stop

Ski pole ski pole

Ski wear ski suit

Tapering trousers Ski Pants

Ski boots ski boots

Snow training shoes cold-proof sneakers

Binding fixer

Thermos thermos kettle

Snow cap snow hat

Gloves gloves

Ski glasses/goggle ski glasses

Helmet helmet

Kneepad knee pads

Plush earmuffs plush earmuffs

Band-Aid/plaster band-aid


The snowy season brings you the most complete skiing vocabulary.

Skiing moves skiing action

Pole planting stick (when turning, the snowball fights lightly on the inner curved side snow trail)

Short radius turn short radius turn

Giant slalom turn(G.S turn)

Parallel turn and leg turn (parallel turn)

Snow plough Plough Brake (two skis with their tails facing outwards, so that the skis form a figure of eight).

Airplane turn air turn

Stem christie braked the turn (pushed the tail end of the inner side plate outward and slid along the snow surface to make it change from a position parallel to the outer side plate into a V-shape).


The snowy season brings you the most complete skiing vocabulary.

Skiing facilities ski resort facilities

Ticket Office ticket office

Ski resort ski resort

Track track

Ski slopes/runs/piste slide

The primary/elementary ski slopes/runs/bunny slope primary road

The intermediate Ski slopes/runs intermediate road

The high-class/high-level/high-grade ski slopes/runs advanced road

Snowmaking machine/snowmaker snow maker

Bombardier snow press

Cableway cableway

Drinking Station drinking station

Shuttle Bus shuttle bus

Ski equipment hall snow gear hall

The distance between … spacing

The cable car gondola lift cable car

Chairlift cable car

Oxygen bar oxygen bar

Snow entertainment snow play area

Snow entertainment area for children children’s snow amusement park

Entertainment facilities entertainment facilities

Ski area ski area

Skiing show ski show


Ski area conditions natural conditions of snow field

Slope gradient

Temperature temperature

Humidity humidity

Altitude altitude

The slope orientation faces upwards.

Natural resources natural resources

Sunlight sunshine

Local climate local climate

Transport capacity/ability capacity

Go to the next page to see skiing tips and spoken language.