Why should we promote inclusive finance and how to do a good job in inclusive finance?

Inclusive finance, as it literally means, is a financial business that benefits everyone. Finance has its own characteristics in the process of development. For a long time, most people still feel that finance is somewhat high, and not everyone needs or has the opportunity to get financial services. Inclusive finance, on the other hand, is committed to making the slightly cold finance serve more classes and people, especially the general public who need financial support but can’t get financial services at ordinary times.

What is inclusive finance?

Inclusive finance refers to providing financial services with appropriate cost, convenience and effectiveness to all social strata according to the principle of equal opportunity and sustainable business. The concept of inclusive finance is an exotic product, which originated from the advocacy of the United Nations in 2005. The original English text is Financial Inclusion, which literally means "financial inclusion". This direct and blunt translation can explain the original meaning and goal of inclusive finance, that is, to include more groups in the scope of financial services. Of course, the Chinese translation of "inclusive finance" means that finance generally benefits the masses, which also shows the original meaning and is more elegant.

To put it simply, inclusive finance wants financial services to reach everyone who needs them, so that the financial needs of all social strata can be met. If finance is a kind of help, then it is necessary to let this help help more people and help everyone in need.

Why push inclusive finance?

From the perspective of the financial industry itself, the financial industry has its natural preference for the choice of customers. For example, banks prefer to serve big customers and rich customers, even though these customers themselves do not need financial support such as loans. In banking practice, there is not much difference in human resources between making a loan of 100 million yuan and making a loan of 1 million yuan. However, in order to complete the business volume of 100 million yuan, those who do a single 100 million yuan only need to do one stroke, while those who do a single 1 million yuan have to do 100 strokes. The human resource cost and operating cost behind it are very different. Therefore, if only from the perspective of commercial interests, banks are willing to provide more financial services to large and medium-sized customers.

In addition, from the customer’s point of view, the internal management of large and medium-sized customers is more standardized, the statements are more credible, and their credit is generally better. Comparatively speaking, small customers have small scale, irregular internal management, and even no qualified statements can be provided, so the credit risk of small customers and inclusive customers is generally greater. Finally, the loan business is reflected in the non-performing rate index, and the default rate generated by banks as small customers/inclusive customers may be higher, and the higher non-performing rate will bring more losses.

If there are no special regulatory requirements to correct the deviation, most banks will serve large customers more, while small customers and inclusive customers will not get financial support. From the perspective of social benefits, although the large customers are large, after all, the social economy is composed of more small enterprises or micro-enterprises, and the inclusive enterprises attract more employed people and maintain more people’s livelihoods. If small customers/inclusive customers do not get enough financial support, it will not be conducive to the all-round and healthy development of the national economy.

Since the financial industry itself is easy to form the deviation of the above-mentioned service targets, it needs external forces to correct it. This is why the supervision of the United Nations and many countries will give special impetus to inclusive finance.

Where is the difficulty in inclusive finance?

Heard a famous professor describe inclusive finance (SME loan problem), he said: "SME loans, banks do, banks die;" If banks don’t do it, SMEs will die. " Although this description is extreme, it also reflects some actual situations. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are weak in their ability to resist risks due to their small size, large operational uncertainty, and opaque information, and are prone to problems such as dishonesty of business owners. After banks put in loans for SMEs, the probability of bad loans is indeed not small. In reality, many banks’ business practices have repeatedly proved that inclusive finance/SME loans are difficult to do. Bank employees often find that bad loans appear in the loan portfolio one after another shortly after banks increase the investment of small and medium-sized enterprises. Compared with large and medium-sized enterprises, the loan of Pratt & Whitney customers takes a shorter time from delivery to non-performing loans, and the number of non-performing loans appears more. Even some banks are caught in the quagmire of continuously collecting the non-performing loans of Pratt & Whitney/SMEs shortly after the establishment of SMEs or inclusive finance Department.

In fact, no matter how high the non-performing rate of Pratt & Whitney or small and medium-sized customers is, banks can’t do business, as long as the income can cover the risks, that is, related businesses need to raise interest rates to make up for the losses caused by credit risks. However, since inclusive finance is Pratt & Whitney, the characteristics of Pratt & Whitney determine that inclusive finance can’t charge too high interest rates or handling fees. Since the risks and benefits are not equal, it is more likely that the bank will eventually bear the actual losses as a result of inclusive finance business.

Of course, the benefits of inclusive finance should be judged not only by the economic benefits of the business, but also by the overall social benefits. But if a business is risky and easy to cause losses, the difficulty of business development is also obvious.

What should inclusive finance be like?

Although inclusive finance has its development difficulties, the development of inclusive finance still needs to take into account both economic and social benefits. The development of inclusive finance needs to pay attention to "four characteristics", namely, inclusiveness, convenience, availability and commercial sustainability. Only by developing inclusive finance into an inclusive, convenient and sustainable business can inclusive finance benefit more social classes and enable banks as commercial institutions to continuously develop inclusive finance services.

Inclusive finance should expand its service coverage, expand its audience as much as possible, and let all those who want to get financial services have the opportunity to get services. In fact, according to the statistics of the World Bank, by 2017, 31% of adults in the world still don’t even have a bank account, let alone financing services and other more complicated services.

Countries around the world have actually done a lot to expand the inclusiveness of inclusive finance. For example, in June 2016, Mexico launched the National inclusive finance Strategy to accelerate the promotion of more than half of the population excluded from the formal and regulated financial system to obtain financial services; In July 2016, Mozambique launched the new inclusive finance Strategy, which increased the accessibility of financial services from 24% to 60%; Peru launched the National inclusive finance Strategy in 2015, and the government strives to ensure that at least 75% of adults can use trading accounts by 2021.

Inclusive finance also needs to enhance accessibility and business sustainability. In this regard, the Grameen Bank founded by Muhammad Yunus is a famous case. Up to now, the bank has issued $37.58 billion in unsecured loans, and the corresponding number of borrowers is as high as 10.45 million. In other words, the average amount borrowed by each borrower is only $3,600. The bank labels itself as a bank for the poor, and currently operates in 81,678 villages in Bangladesh (accounting for 94% of all its villages). Grameen Bank even provides interest-free loans to beggars to help them build their financial capacity so that they don’t have to beg any more. According to the information disclosed by the bank, 21,383 beggars have given up begging and achieved self-sufficiency. The loan recovery rate of Grameen Bank is as high as 96.71% (as of November 2023), which makes the bank have basic business sustainability. Grameen Bank has also become a model for inclusive finance to learn from, and its founder Professor Yunus won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.

Although inclusive finance is a manifestation of banks’ social responsibility, sometimes banks can give up some commercial interests in order to fulfill their social responsibility. After all, banks are still commercial organizations, and it is not difficult to bear the loss or loss at one time. However, in the long run, the inclusive finance business itself will not be sustainable. The society needs charity, and the government can also make financial arrangements, but inclusive finance is not charity, it is a part of the business of commercial banks after all, and inclusive finance with sustainable development has vitality.

What are the specific ways to develop inclusive finance?

Many business models have been formed in the practice of inclusive finance, and each model has its advantages and disadvantages. It is hard to say which model can win the world. Various specific models and measures for developing inclusive finance jointly promote the development of inclusive finance.

The most famous model in inclusive finance is the credit factory model, because it was first proposed by Temasek, also known as Temasek model. The credit factory model regards credit as a factory assembly line to produce products, and its characteristics and advantages lie in product standardization, business batch, process intensification and personnel specialization. The core of the credit factory lies in the link design of the process, that is, bank employees can be responsible for several links without mastering the whole process. This factory model can make the processing efficiency of small and medium-sized loans more efficient and the business more standardized. Both China Construction Bank and Bank of China have introduced the credit factory model to develop their own loans for SMEs. Of course, credit factories also have bottlenecks. For example, credit products themselves are not personalized enough, and they can’t cope well with some personalized inclusive finance needs.

Another well-known mode in inclusive finance is IPC mode. IPC is a German company, whose full name is International Project Consulting GmbH, that is, an international project consulting company. It has developed the methodology and operational means of SME credit operation, such as report restoration and precise risk control. For example, cross-checking is one of the core technologies of its loan analysis and evaluation, and the information is verified and judged by means of SME account books, contract information, product receipt and issue documents, water and electricity bills, tax bills, and interviews with parties and third parties, so as to obtain an objective evaluation of the enterprise. Using IPC mode to carry out business does not change the main flow of bank credit, so it is easy to start. IPC is a kind of relational credit with high viscosity, which embodies the characteristics of small and beautiful. However, its operation mode is too nonstandard and difficult to copy, so there is a bottleneck. In addition, the production tools used in the model are also somewhat backward compared with the big data analysis methods that are more widely used at present.

In China, the SME loan model in inclusive finance combines the popularity of digital finance, thus developing other distinctive business models, such as the micro-online business model. The micro-online business model is also the model of digital credit. Its advantages are reflected in the overall subversive innovation and the use of big data for risk control decision-making, which brings fast, convenient and better user experience unique to the mobile Internet era, and brings extremely low operational and decision-making costs to bank operations. However, this model also has its limitations. There is a wall between social data and transaction data, and there are restrictions on the transformation of social scenes into business traffic, and there is a deviation between data and reality.

In addition, in the credit business of inclusive finance and small and medium-sized enterprises, China has also developed the Taizhou model, or the super loan officer model. The representative financial institution of this model is the local small and medium-sized banks in Taizhou. After independent exploration of localization, Taizhou mode adopts local market positioning, combined with meticulous management system and more in-depth credit technology to cultivate a more suitable local credit culture. Its core lies in building a relational credit scene through community marketing, increasing the sources of information acquisition and realizing 360 due diligence. That is to say, through a super loan officer who is familiar with the local situation, as the core person to carry out business, because the business is all local, this loan officer can fully grasp the situation of the clients in inclusive finance, and then decide whether to launch credit. This model is more in line with the local economic characteristics, and its ideas of "time is more important than price" and "repayment willingness is more important than repayment ability" in inclusive finance are refreshing.

For banks, developing inclusive finance’s business is like "eating meat in the cracks of bones". Although it is not so delicious, it can be a sustainable business and can produce greater social benefits. For people who urgently need inclusive finance’s services, inclusive finance needs more than icing on the cake. The development of inclusive finance will be more conducive to the balanced, harmonious and sustainable development of the whole society.

[The author Xue Jian is the president of a bank branch, and an expert in the L/C Group and Forfaiting Group of the Banking Committee of China National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce]

27. Set up vendors’ standard points to develop stall economy. Netizen: It’s so smoky.

  Seimi Zhang, June 4 (Xinhua) Recently, the word "stall economy" has been completely popular, and the number of related Weibo topics has exceeded 600 million. Many places have set up vendors’ standard points to encourage the development of stall economy.

  Set up vendors’ standard points in many places to develop stall economy

  According to incomplete statistics, up to now, there are at least Shanghai, Jinan, Nanning, Zhengzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Hefei, Xiamen, Shaanxi, Liaoning, Jiangxi, Gansu, Changchun, Hangzhou, Changsha, Shijiazhuang, Nanning, Qingdao, Yichang, Huanggang, Deyang, Panzhihua, Guang ‘an, Nanchong, Ziyang.

  Data map: stall economy. Zhongxin jingwei photo

  Ying Xiwen, head of the macro-regional research team of the People’s Bank of China think tank, pointed out in an interview with Zhongxin Jingwei client that the stall economy has always been a "gray zone" in China’s urban economy, and its existence has certain rationality, which has alleviated the employment pressure to a certain extent, promoted the development of the tertiary industry, and at the same time activated the market and stimulated economic development.

  Zhang Zhixin, an associate professor at the School of Urban Economics and Public Administration of Capital University of Economics and Business, told the client of Zhongxin Jingwei that liberalizing the development of stall economy can meet people’s consumption demand, especially during the epidemic period, stall economy brings convenience to people’s shopping, and at the same time increases the fireworks in the city, which also meets the current requirements for epidemic prevention and control.

  The first Shanghai Nightlife Festival was launched on June 6th.

  On June 3rd, the press conference of Shanghai Municipal Government revealed that Shanghai will hold the first Shanghai Nightlife Festival from June 6th to June 30th. Create a new image of night Shanghai with fireworks, Shanghai flavor, fashion trend and international style.

  In addition, recently, Shanghai Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau formulated and issued the Guiding Opinions of Shanghai Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau on Optimizing the Business Environment, and Shanghai will support the development of new consumption formats. Promote the economic development of the night market, cooperate with local governments and relevant administrative departments to scientifically set up the night market, guide the night market to implement the management subject and implement merchant autonomy. Support specialty stores to carry out "external placement" operation, and implement refined management of external placement time and placement scope.

  Jinan proposes to develop "small store economy"

  On June 2nd, Liu Yanqiu, director of Jinan Municipal Bureau of Commerce, said at the press conference held by Jinan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government that Jinan would rationally release the street stall economy, and vigorously develop the night economy, promote consumption transformation and upgrading, and increase jobs by upgrading the IP brand of the night economy, cultivating the theme blocks of the night economy, holding special activities of the night economy, and building the brand of the night economy and culture.

  Jinan also proposed to develop "small store economy", optimize the access process of "small stores", shorten the time limit for examination and approval, and guide various formats to extend business hours; Support catering stores to increase snack categories and rest places to increase consumers’ stay time; Moderately allow businesses to make personalized shop signs, shop signs, beautiful Chen and street artists to sing, and increase the employment opportunities of urban residents.

  Nanning makes it clear that minor violations of urban management laws and regulations will not be punished.

  On June 2nd, the headquarters office of "Beautiful Nanning Clean, Smooth and Orderly Action" issued "Guiding Opinions on Doing a Good Job in Services such as Occupation Management, Road Market and Mobile Vendors", which came into effect on the 2nd and is valid until December 31st this year.

  The "Opinions" clarify that in order to protect the economy, temporary stalls are allowed to be opened near residential concentrated areas to guide self-produced and self-sold farmers and mobile vendors to regulate their operations; Encourage the use of idle areas inside and outside the community, set up temporary stalls, and where conditions permit, set up the morning market and night market. The "Opinions" also make it clear that enterprises and operators will not be punished for minor violations of relevant laws and regulations on urban management due to their production and business activities. In principle, no booth fee, booth rent and other fees will be charged to operators and mobile vendors who occupy the roads in permitted areas.

  Demonstrative zones of night economic agglomeration are arranged around Zhengzhou.

  On June 2nd, Zhengzhou issued "Opinions on Implementing People-Centered Development Thought and Doing Better Work for the People", in which it was mentioned that each county (city, district) and development zone should rationally arrange one or two demonstration zones of "night goods, night shopping, night appreciation, night tour and night health" and hold one or three night economic theme activities. To carry out the selection of night economic activities in counties (cities, districts) and development zones, the municipal finance will reward the top three with 1 million yuan, 800,000 yuan and 500,000 yuan respectively.

  On the evening of June 2, Zhengzhou Jiankang Road Night Market was very lively. Zhongxin jingwei photo

  In addition, all counties (cities, districts) and development zones in Zhengzhou should clearly plan their distribution, implement management measures, make full use of public places such as squares and parks and idle land, and set up bazaars and characteristic flea markets according to the principles of fixed time, fixed place, fixed format, fixed expenses and fixed management.

  Nanjing added 1,410 temporary outside stalls.

  On May 1st, Nanjing Urban Management Bureau issued "Guiding Opinions on Doing a Good Job in Service Management of Temporary Outside Stalls during Epidemic Prevention", requiring that obvious signs should be set up in temporary outside areas, stalls should be numbered, business items, business hours and safety tips should be publicized, and garbage should be collected separately at the site.

  On the basis of the existing 3,400 temporary stalls, Nanjing Urban Management Bureau added 134 temporary external stalls in the city this year. The area, scale and time period of setting up temporary external stalls in this opening need to be reviewed by the urban management departments of all districts. The urban management law enforcement department will resolutely investigate and deal with illegal acts such as occupying roads and unlicensed mobile stalls.

  Chengdu plans a more elaborate stall policy version 2.0

  On March 14th, Chengdu issued "Chengdu Urban Management Five Permits and One Persist in Coordinating Epidemic Prevention and Control to Help Economic Development". On the premise of ensuring safety, not occupying blind roads and fire exits, not infringing on the interests of others, and doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, cleaning and sanitation, it is allowed to set up temporary stalls, allow street shops to operate outside the door, allow large shopping malls to carry out occupation promotion and allow mobile vendors to sell. As of May 28th, Chengdu has set up 2,230 temporary road stalls and stalls, allowing 17,147 temporary crossing points and 20,130 mobile vendors, increasing employment by more than 100,000 people.

  According to the Chengdu Urban Management Committee, Chengdu is planning a more precise and precise version of the policy 2.0, so as to realize the organic unity of standardized and orderly occupation of roads, clean and tidy city environment, convenient and fast life for citizens, more active urban consumption and stronger market atmosphere.

  Hefei stalls are divided into "forbidden areas" and "diversion areas"

  The setting area of Hefei stalls is divided into "forbidden area" and "diversion area". Among them, the "forbidden area" refers to the main roads, window units, squares, bridges (including footbridges), underground passages, the periphery of office areas, the entrance and exit of the campus within 100 meters, and other areas where stalls are not allowed to be set up as stipulated by laws and regulations. In addition to the forbidden areas, the areas outside the forbidden areas shall be demarcated by the district governments and development zone management committees and announced to the public without affecting the lives of citizens and traffic, and shall be standardized and managed according to the standards.

  There are 37 stalls in the "grooming area" to provide convenience for the public. In addition to 37 temporarily defined stalls, there are some seasonal or temporary convenience stalls in Hefei, mainly including watermelon temporary sales outlets, breakfast carts, kiosks and so on.

  Xiamen has been trying out the "booth" since 2019.

  Since June last year, the trial of "booth" has been carried out, and 50 "booth" of various types have been built in Xiamen, providing 1150 booths. In addition to the autonomy of business households, urban management and law enforcement departments also cooperate with relevant responsible units to do a good job in food safety and environmental sanitation management at these "stalls".

  Xiamen Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau said that it will further communicate and coordinate with relevant departments, make full use of idle venues, roads with few cars, beaches, etc., and establish flea markets, gourmet streets, fruit markets, etc. in a time-limited manner to bring more mobile vendors into orderly management.

  For the first time at the provincial level in Shaanxi Province, the "Four Permits" for occupying roads were put forward.

  On May 27th, Shaanxi Province issued a notice, proposing that "street shops in urban areas should be allowed to operate without affecting pedestrian access and ensuring safety, large shopping malls should be allowed to occupy the road for promotion, temporary stalls should be opened in residential areas, and mobile vendors should be allowed to occupy the road for operation at a certain time and area". This is the first time at the provincial level in Shaanxi Province that the "four permits" on the occupation of roads have been put forward.

  At the same time, Xi ‘an plans to set up 100 vegetable morning markets, 100 night market barbecue centralized management areas and 100 temporary food stall sites this year.

  Spreading economic related topics into hot search professional households

  Source: Weibo screenshot

  In the past few days, Weibo topics such as # Street Economy # # Urban Management called vendors to set up stalls # # Street Cars # have been on the hot search list. As of 23: 30 on June 3, the reading volume of # Street Economy # Weibo topic has exceeded 630 million, with more than 100,000 discussions.

  Source: Weibo User Comments Screenshot

  Spread the economic fire all over the country, all over the network. Netizens have said: "It is suggested that every city should leave some places for stalls, not sneaking stalls but civilized stalls, which will not affect traffic and the environment, but also increase income." "Stalls, night markets, so fireworks, like it." "The stall is really convenient and affordable and gives the community a sense of life."

  Source: Weibo User Comments Screenshot

  At the same time, netizens have also given advice to the economic development of the stalls: "The bottom line of maintaining hygiene, exclusive areas and food safety should also be adhered to." "It is allowed to set up stalls, but it can’t be arbitrarily placed, and a new harmonious and win-win economic order will be established." "Don’t overdo it, don’t be across the board."

  Expert: Letting go of the stall economy does not mean letting go of responsibility.

  During the development of stall economy, it is inevitable to cause some urban management problems, such as sanitation and pollution, traffic congestion, noise disturbing people, insecure commodity quality and safety, social security and tax evasion.

  The essay suggests taking this opportunity to solve the long-standing problem of standardizing stall economy in one fell swoop. The first is to register and manage the practitioners in the stall economy. The second is to limit the space and time of operation to avoid affecting traffic. The third is to strengthen the control of health pollution and establish an emergency management system for epidemic prevention. The fourth is to set up a service quality supervision mechanism to protect consumers’ rights and interests. The fifth is to improve management efficiency with the help of Internet thinking, such as online application, registration and tax filing.

  Zhang Zhixin said that letting go of the stall economy does not mean letting go of the responsibility, nor does it mean giving up the law. In terms of food safety, environmental pollution and other aspects related to the vital interests of the people, urban law enforcement departments must investigate reports, investigate violations and enforce the law strictly. But at the same time, we should avoid overcorrection and one size fits all. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

People’s Daily published a New Year’s Day message.

People’s Daily editorial on January 1st:

Fully promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with confidence and Chinese modernization

-New Year’s Day dedication

Years engrave glorious dreams and strive to draw magnificent pictures. After an extraordinary year of 2023, we have ushered in a brand-new year.














Rejuvenate after a century. Shanghai International Film Festival focuses on traditional Chinese opera films.

Original title: Fans’ Gala, Fans’ New Meal | Rejuvenating over a Hundred Years Shanghai International Film Festival focuses on traditional Chinese opera movies.
Traditional Chinese opera is a national art treasure that our people are proud of. In the film history of China, drama and film are thicker than water. In 1948, China’s first color film, Life and Death Hate, was a Peking Opera stage film. In 1954, butterfly lovers, the first color film produced by New China, was also opera film.
Traditional Chinese opera is an important source of China’s film themes in his early years, and it is also a model for artistic creation style. The film has given the opportunity to graft the traditional opera content with the brand-new media. Through video recording, the stage performance has been preserved, and the famous singers and local operas have crossed the gap of region, time and culture, entered the people and even influenced overseas.
Stills of Jingyang Bell
In 1962, the Yue Opera film Dream of Red Mansions was a masterpiece. It was a problem in itself to shoot a masterpiece in more than three hours. Fortunately, Xu Jin, the screenwriter of the drama, had profound skills, closely followed the love thread of Baodai, and her lyrics were elegant and fresh, which was quite vivid. The director connected the true and false scenes almost seamlessly and grasped the rhythm well. The performance is even better. Lin Daiyu of Wang Wenjuan, known as "Living Daiyu", is unsurpassed until today.
It has been more than a hundred years since the first China opera film was born. Today’s opera film works have better blended the artistic forms of the two. The use of 3D shooting techniques has made the performance of the opera more tense, and the classic opera has a brand-new vitality in the film, which is full of brilliance and elegance on the big screen.
Stills of The West Chamber
The 21st Shanghai International Film Festival will also focus on the future development of China’s traditional opera films. During the Jin Jue Forum, a traditional opera film forum will be held, and many experts and scholars from all over the country will gather together to discuss the development and transformation of traditional opera films. There are also many excellent opera films in the exhibition list for the audience, including the above-mentioned 1962 Yue Opera film A Dream of Red Mansions, as well as the 3D Kunqu Opera film Jingyang Bell and the 3D Yue Opera film The West Chamber, which won the Golden Maple Leaf Film Festival in Canada in 2017. These opera films in the new era, while inheriting the classics, have no lack of innovative power, and have given the old operas with modern improved aesthetics and technology.
A Dream of Red Mansions (1962)
Dream of the Red Chamber
Director: Cen Fan
Screenwriter: Xu Jin
Starring: Xu Yulan/Wang Wenjuan/Lv Ruiying/Jin Caifeng/Zhou Bao
Introduction to the film
Lin Daiyu, who lost her loving mother early, went to live in her grandmother’s Jia family and became friends with her cousin Baoyu. In the second year, Xue Baochai, who was born in a famous family and had a "great demeanor", came to Jia’s house again. Because Baoyu has a piece of Baoyu brought from the womb and Baochai has a gold lock, people say behind their backs that they are destined for each other. Baoyu and a group of sisters get along well day and night, but they are soul mates with Daiyu alone.
Jia Zheng wanted his son to become a dragon, forcing Baoyu to read eight-part essay. Baoyu and Daiyu, who despised fame and fortune, peeked at The West Chamber, which was forbidden to read, and understood each other’s thoughts. Baochai also hopes that Baoyu can concentrate on his official career and always preach to him, which makes Baoyu very disgusted. Daiyu is sensitive by nature and has many misunderstandings with Baoyu. Nevertheless, their feelings are getting deeper and deeper. However, Lady Jia and Baoyu’s mother, Mrs. Wang, don’t think much of Baodai’s feelings. In their view, Daiyu is eccentric and not as docile and sensible as Baochai, so she set up a "switch plan" to trick Baoyu into marrying Baochai …
Romance of the West Chamber 3D(2016)
The Love Story In The Western Chamber
Director: Xia Weiliang
Screenwriter: Sun Hongjiang
Starring: Fang Yafen/Qian Huili/Zhang Yongmei/Wu Qun
Introduction to the film
During the first year of Zhenguan in Tang Dynasty, Zhang Xun, a scholar, passed by Pujiu Temple and met Cui Yingying, the daughter of Xiangguo. When she saw her love, she borrowed the West Chamber. Just as Zhang Xun and Yingying were soul mates, Sun Feihu surrounded Pujiu Temple and forced Suo Yingying to be his wife. Cui Furen made it clear in public: Who can get rid of thieves and soldiers, is willing to match his daughter. Zhang Xun stepped forward, only to find that his wife broke the contract again.
Yingying cheated matchmaker and sent her to hand over the poem to Zhang Xun. When they met in the garden, Yingying improvised the design, reprimanded her and left. Zhang Xun became ill because of this. Yingying couldn’t bear it after all, and decided to enter the west wing at night. Soon, Cui Furen was aware of it, and the matchmaker said it truthfully, and accused the lady of breaking her promise and being ungrateful. Madam had no choice but to betroth Yingying to Zhang Xun. However, Zhang Xun was forced to go to Beijing to take the exam, and he was married in the middle and rear.
Jingyangzhong 3D(2016)
The Bell Tolls For A Dynasty
Director: Xia Weiliang
Screenwriter: Zhou Changfu
Starring: Lian/Wu Shuang
Introduction to the film
At the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Jiashen, Li Zicheng soldiers were trapped in Shanxi, which matched Yanjing, the capital of Ming Dynasty. The bell rang in Jingyang, and Emperor Chongzhen summoned the ministers to discuss the matter, ordered General Li Guozhen to supervise the enemy and sent eunuch Du Xun to supervise the army. Due to the lack of soldiers and horses and Du Xun’s elbow, the army was defeated and Li Guozhen died. When Chongzhen heard the news, he wanted to order Zhou Kui, the ruler of the country, to protect the prince from fleeing, but Zhou Kui turned his back on him. Li Zicheng surrounded the capital, and Chongzhen ordered the bell of Jingyang to ring the officials, but few people responded.
Chongzhen was filled with sorrow and hate, and he made a letter to himself. At the same time, he led his family to cry and sacrifice to the ancestral temple. When the capital city was breached, Chongzhen knew that the tide was gone, and ordered the queen and princess to commit suicide and go to Jingshan alone. Looking back on the past, he felt deeply ashamed of his ancestors under the spring, and he was even more indignant: he made great efforts to govern, but Daming Jiangshan was lost in his own hands! He left a suicide note written in blood, but he hoped that Li Zicheng would not hurt the people and his body would be broken; I hope future generations can learn from Daming. Jingyang bell rings again …

"Cross-border" Integration of Tourism to Promote Green Development

Source: People’s Daily Online-People’s Daily Overseas Edition

Scenery of Aershan National Forest Park (photo of drone). Xinhua News Agency reporter Lian Zhenshe

Tourists watch the float parade in Aershan City, Xing ‘an League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Zhipeng photo

In September, the coolness in the Daxinganling forest area grew stronger, but the lush small town of Aershan was booming. On September 2-3, the 2023 China (Aershan) Tourism Conference, co-sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Xinhua News Agency and the People’s Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, was held in Aershan City, Xing ‘an League. Representatives of cultural and tourism industries from all over the country gathered in this small town famous for tourism to talk about the "cross-border" integration of tourism and promote green development.

Promote industrial integration

Talking about the Multiple Values of Tourism

During the tourism conference, theme forums such as "Green Development of Cultural Tourism Integration", "Tourism Promotes Exchanges and Blending among Ethnic Groups" and "Tourism Promotes Rural Revitalization and Helps Common Prosperity" were held successively. Dozens of experts and representatives talked about the integration of cultural tourism industry, and talked about the multiple values of tourism in ethnic cultural exchanges and blending, regional development and industrial upgrading.

"Tourism is an important channel for exchanges and mutual learning between different regions and cultures." Shan Gangxin, director of the Resource Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said that in recent years, all localities have actively promoted industrial integration, enriched the supply of tourism products, and promoted exchanges, exchanges and blending among ethnic groups.

"Tourism has changed the life of Aunt Ding’s family." Rao Xiangbi, deputy director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, introduced at the meeting that Ding Dama’s family in Gongshan County, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture has six ethnic groups. As the earliest person in the local area to set up a family inn, Ding Dama passed on the ethnic integration family culture to tourists, which was popular among tourists and it was hard to find a room in the peak season.

According to "2023 China Tourism and Vacation Development Report" released by china tourism academy during the Tourism Conference, the development of China’s holiday industry has initially formed such modes as linkage development of scenic spots, creation of accommodation scenes and development of industrial clusters. Tourism "cross-border" and "out of the circle" promote industrial integration and constantly broaden the tourism format. Sanhuali Resort with "Agriculture+Cultural Tourism", Tsingtao Brewery Garden with "Industry+Cultural Tourism" and Cool Play Town with "Sports+Cultural Tourism" in Ke Qiao, Shaoxing, and other industrial integration practices, break through industrial barriers and enhance regional development value.

Promote common prosperity

Discussion on focusing on rural revitalization

At the meeting, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Xinhua News Agency jointly launched the activity of "I design for the countryside", and at the same time held the awarding ceremony of national ski resorts and national key villages and towns for rural tourism.

"Rural tourism can organically combine rural excellent traditional culture, natural local features and modern tourism needs, and promote rural industrial integration, improve living environment and increase villagers’ income." Zhang Xiaoli, Director of the Rural Tourism and Creative Products Guidance Division of the Resource Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, introduced at the forum.

"In recent years, all parts of Inner Mongolia have actively explored the path and mode of rural tourism development and created a number of demonstration villages to help rural revitalization." Wei Zhiguo, deputy director of the Inner Mongolia Department of Culture and Tourism, said.

The exhibition "Ten Years in Aershan" was held during the conference. Ten years ago, most people in rural areas of Aershan lived in old houses with "boards and mud", and the forestry resources on which they depended for their livelihood were gradually exhausted and their living conditions were poor. In 2012, the commercial logging of natural forests was completely stopped in Aershan City, and the ecological construction was re-dressed in green for the forest area. Forestry workers "put down their axes as tour guides", and tourism gave this small town a new vitality.

In the past 10 years, the number of tourists received in Aershan has increased from more than 2 million to more than 5 million. In the first half of this year, the number of tourists received by Aershan City increased by 6 times year-on-year, achieving a tourism income of 1.65 billion yuan. Today, nearly half of the population in Aershan is engaged in tourism. As tourism becomes more and more popular, the lives of ordinary people are getting more and more prosperous.

Advocate harmonious symbiosis

Suggestions on the development of green tourism

The theme of this tourism conference is "Green Development of Cultural Tourism Integration". Experts and representatives put forward suggestions on the development of green tourism market, product design, resource development and business philosophy to promote the development of green tourism.

Tang Xiaoyun, vice president of China Tourism Research Institute, said that in recent years, a variety of green tourism products in China have attracted much attention, and forest baths, hot spring baths, grassland tours, diving, skiing, mountaineering and hiking have continuously catalyzed the development of the green tourism market.

Lihong Fu’s travel agency launched a study tour on forest ecology. She took her children into the deep forest and picked up pine cones and needles on the ground. "Nature is the best raw material for artistic creation." Lihong Fu said that she started a study tour group to let children know about forest culture and feel the concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature in artistic creativity.

Next to the venue of the tourism conference is the forest oxygen bath road in Aershan City. When tourists walk up the mountain road, it is not difficult to find that the steps are composed of abandoned train track sleepers, which not only has historical vicissitudes, but also reflects the green tourism development concept. The Lujiaowan Hot Spring Holiday Camp in Aershan City adopts overhead design to protect the original ecological function of the grassland under the building.

"We will actively develop green tourism with intensive resources, environmental protection, energy saving and low carbon, and sharing between host and guest." Tang Xiaoyun proposed that the national cultural and tourism system should further strengthen the protection of resources, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, improve the quality of green tourism services, and vigorously promote the formation of a new trend of civilized, healthy and green tourism.

(Xinhua News Agency, Hohhot, reporter He Shuzhen)

There are 65 rare and beautiful pictures, and the nature is amazing.

There are countless beautiful scenery and wonders in nature, waiting for us to discover and explore.

Let’s enjoy a group of amazing natural landscapes together.

Beautiful wisteria flowers string by string, like a purple waterfall, romantic and beautiful, full of magic.

The lake falls and birds fly.

Xiaguang dyed the mountains red, which matched the reflection in the clear lake.

Silent mountains, clear and calm lake water, gentle glow, snow-white earth.

Green water and green mountains, pleasant scenery.

Blue sky and white clouds, green water and green mountains, flowers in full bloom, just like a fairyland.

All over the mountains, azaleas are in full bloom.

Green mountains and green waters, misty.

The mountains and peaks are overlapping, green and beautiful.

The endless flower fields are romantic and charming.

The Great Wall of Wan Li is magnificent.

The trees are green and the lake is clear.

Clouds and mist, such as in a fairyland.

Great rivers and mountains, magnificent.

Dear friends, if you also like nature, animals, plants and beautiful things; Like reading and writing, like beautiful scenery; Then pay attention to me, and have wonderful sharing every day!

Thank you for your attention. Welcome to like, comment, collect and forward. Your encouragement is my greatest motivation!

Rapid recovery of tourism "new play" to incite new tourism market

"Standing at the intersection of the new free travel in golden decade, whoever can accurately understand the needs of users and provide personalized gameplay products will take the lead in the next era of tourism industry development." Chen Gang, founder and CEO of Ma Honeycomb, said at the "2023 Earth Discoverer Conference".

On December 8th, at the "Earth Discoverer Conference" hosted by Ma Honeycomb, the joint laboratory of free travel big data jointly established by china tourism academy and Ma Honeycomb released "Research Report 2023" (A Collection of Global Travel Plays), which provided a new reference example for the industry. It is reported that "Gameplay 2023" has strictly selected tens of thousands of gameplays from 130 countries around the world, and finally compiled two lists of "Top 100 New Gameplays for Domestic Tourism" and "Top 100 New Gameplays for Foreign Tourism" to recommend more unique travel experiences for travelers and guide industry partners to create more attractive tourism products.

Dai Bin, president of china tourism academy, said, "After three years of deep depression, tourism has entered a period of rapid recovery. It is expected that the recovery of the domestic tourism market will reach more than 90% in 2019 this year, which is very remarkable. Seeing the smile on the tourists’ faces is also my happiest thing. But what makes me happier is to see that the tourists like Ma Honeycomb still keep a young heart to explore and innovate after going through hardships. They deeply observe the needs of tourists and sum up a number of keywords such as personalization, theme, experience and quality. These detailed needs are the cornerstones of today’s tourism’ new gameplay’. "

(Left: Dai Bin, Dean of china tourism academy; Right: Chen Gang, founder and CEO of Ma Honeycomb)

2023 is a year of rapid recovery of tourism industry, and new tourism behavior preferences are gradually becoming clear. According to Chen Gang, in 2023, the proportion of users who searched for intentional destination gameplay exceeded 76%, and the popularity of customized tour search increased by 245% year-on-year. The popularity of high-quality demand continued to rise, and the booking of cost-effective products also increased significantly. This means that the Local travel experience has become the main factor affecting people’s consumption decisions.

"We can’t simply understand’ travel experience’ as eating better and having more fun. For young people today, any idea that can strengthen their self-expression is a plus item of travel experience, and we collectively call it’ new gameplay’". Chen Gang said, "We have specially refined the content of’ new gameplay’ based on the core contents such as Polaris Raiders and Raiders Group. Every destination has a raiders expert from Mawei to sort out a detailed new gameplay map and update it in real time according to the changes of the trend. At present, Ma Honeycomb has matched the corresponding services and products for the gameplay map through a brand-new supply chain, forming a one-stop travel service closed loop of "planting and pulling together" to help consumers realize the ultimate experience of what you see is what you get. "

The Ma Honeycomb community is also fully upgraded around the "new gameplay". In Ni Jia’s view, in the face of the brand-new personalized tourism demand, the best response formula is to provide different new gameplay exchange positions for different segments of the population. "For example, for the Z-generation’ new youth’ who is looking forward to socializing and advocating freedom, Ma Honeycomb not only launched a large number of new city weekends, but also provided opportunities to find travel partners; Facing the’ new middle-class families’ who prefer light and luxurious gameplay and pay attention to emotional value, they provide a series of new and subdivided gameplay including long-distance travel and parent-child travel; For’ senior travelers’ who pay attention to in-depth experience and humanistic value, Ma Honeycomb continues to deepen the content of outbound travel, design various novel experience routes abroad, and launch activities to send them back to a new world. " Ni Jia said that the new gameplay community ecology based on different people and different circles will better meet the personalized travel needs.

At the same time, "new gameplay" has also become a favorable starting point for marketing. Liu Tingting, head of commercial marketing of Mawei, said that the core of Mawei’s marketing is to help destinations and brands find the right people, do the right content and then spread it to more right people. "The community and the strategy group upgraded this year are the first steps for Mawei to find accurate marketing people. The so-called’ right content’ is to explore and even create the destination experience under the drive of new gameplay, and thus create new theme products, trigger IP linkage, let users see, buy, feel, and then spread to more people. " According to reports, Ma Honeycomb has created a brand-new gameplay experience for many destinations at home and abroad in 2023, and promoted it through various channels and forms. "The new gameplay is like a key to open the door to new tourism marketing, which will rejuvenate traditional destinations, take mature destinations to a new level, and let brands find new scenes of tourism marketing. We are also looking forward to working with more destinations and brands to open up the infinite possibilities of’ new gameplay’." (Reporter Zhan Zhao)

Source: Guangming Net

New Trends and Influences in Fashion: Sustainability, Street Culture and Digital Transformation

Fashion, as a dynamic theme, plays an extremely key role in contemporary society, and its influence has gone beyond the simple clothing and appearance, extending to many levels of culture, society and psychology. With the passage of time, we can clearly see that some exciting trends are shaping this field.

First of all, with the increasingly prominent environmental problems, people began to pay more attention to the impact of the clothing industry on the natural environment. Traditional fashion production and consumption patterns lead to resource waste and environmental damage. This situation has aroused people’s concern about sustainability, and many fashion brands and designers have begun to reflect on their production methods and materials used.

Sustainable fashion emphasizes the consideration of environmental, social and economic influences in the process of design, production and consumption. This trend is not only reflected in the choice of materials, but also includes the choice of energy use, transportation mode and packaging materials in the production process. More and more brands began to adopt environmentally friendly materials, advocating the concept of circular economy and zero waste production. The practice of sustainable fashion includes careful selection and use of materials, such as organic cotton, recycled fiber and degradable materials, to reduce the impact on the environment. In addition, energy consumption in the production process is also paid attention to, and some brands adopt clean energy and energy-saving technologies. Transportation is also a key link, and using more environmentally friendly transportation methods can reduce carbon emissions.

Consumers’ consciousness gradually turned to sustainability, and they began to choose to support environmental protection brands and buy more durable and high-quality clothing. This consumption change not only supports the development of sustainable fashion economically, but also promotes the spread of more environmentally friendly fashion concepts in society.

Secondly, street culture is a symbol of young people at first, but with the development of the times, it has crossed different ages and become an important part of fashion. This cultural integration has brought more diverse fashion styles and broken the boundaries of traditional aesthetics. Street elements such as sportswear, graffiti elements and loose tailoring are gradually emerging in fashion design. The introduction of these elements makes fashion more creative and energetic, and at the same time reflects a unique aesthetic.

The influence of street culture makes people pay more attention to individuality and self-expression. People no longer pursue a single fashion standard, but show their unique personality and attitude through clothing. This diverse attitude gives fashion greater freedom.

Street culture pays attention to freedom, innovation and non-traditional aesthetics, which affects people’s attitudes and views on fashion. Fashion is no longer an unattainable symbol, but a lifestyle that is closely related to everyone.

Third, in the digital age, the fashion industry has also ushered in tremendous changes. Social media has become a new platform for fashion information dissemination, and people can easily obtain the latest fashion trends, trends and brand information. Fashion bloggers and celebrities share their fashion collocations and opinions on social media, introducing fashion into people’s daily lives. They have become fashion opinion leaders, influencing people’s purchasing decisions and aesthetic concepts. This phenomenon enhances the visibility and influence of the fashion industry.

The digital age has brought convenience to online shopping, and consumers can choose their favorite clothes anytime and anywhere. This change enables consumers to meet their personal needs more flexibly, and also promotes the growth of the fashion industry.

Social media platforms create more opportunities for interaction between consumers and brands. Consumers can communicate directly with brands, provide feedback and suggestions, and brands can understand consumers’ needs more accurately, thus providing products closer to the market.

To sum up, as a dynamic field, fashion is not only the surface of clothing, but also the comprehensive embodiment of environmental protection, personality and culture. The sustainable revolution, the rise of street culture and digital transformation have jointly shaped the diversity and vitality of fashion field. These trends are not only reflected in fashion design, but also profoundly affect all aspects of individuals and society.

People convey their values, hobbies and personal styles through clothing, thus establishing their own unique personal image. The culture and values represented by fashion are also imperceptibly influencing people’s attitudes and behaviors. Some fashion brands influence people’s attitudes towards society and life by advocating values such as environmental protection, diversity, inclusiveness and innovation.

As designers, we should always pay attention to the evolution and trend of fashion field, realize the importance of sustainability, and integrate the concept of environmental protection into the design process. Choosing environmentally friendly materials, adopting recyclable production mode and paying attention to the life cycle of products are all our goals in design. At the same time, we should pay close attention to the development of street culture, draw creative inspiration from it, and skillfully integrate street elements into the design to meet diversified consumer needs. With the advent of the digital age, we should keep up with the pace of science and technology. Mastering digital tools and technologies can better promote their own design works, interact with consumers, and integrate into social media platforms to establish close ties with fashion opinion leaders and consumers. This will help to improve brand awareness and visibility. By paying attention to sustainability, drawing lessons from street culture, using digital tools and transmitting positive values, we can make positive contributions to the development of fashion and lead fashion to a better future.

Author: Chen Chao

Inject youthful strength into cultural inheritance and development (solid foundation and new discussion on culture)

Source: People’s Daily

"Do you want to innovate in the lyrics and plot? Make the audience feel more interesting. " "A play is long, no play is short. Traditional operas have to adapt to the theater, and the plot is compact and simple. " This is a daily discussion among young actors in Zhejiang Wuju Art Research Institute. In this troupe, which accounts for nearly 90% of the post-80s, post-90s, and post-00s, the actors practice hard the Four Merits and Five Methods and improve the literary and martial arts, and are active in more than 500 performances every year, so that the audience can feel the "fashion" of the opera.

The new appearance of Wu Opera is the epitome of contemporary China youth’s active participation in cultural inheritance and development. It has become the cultural consciousness of contemporary China youth to explore the cultural roots and take the initiative to inherit and innovate, from the young archaeologists at Sanxingdui archaeological site, to the young restorers who "rejuvenate" ancient villages, and then to the young creative talents in the national wind and tide.

Young people can use new technologies and new means to skillfully combine Chinese excellent traditional culture with contemporary life and open up innovative space. Taking intangible cultural heritage as an example, in the front line of rural revitalization, young people use innovative ideas to stimulate intangible cultural heritage, which not only inherits intangible cultural heritage, but also promotes rural development. Yang Changqin, the representative of the 14th National People’s Congress and the inheritor of the post-90s generation of Chishui bamboo weaving, a provincial-level non-legacy in Guizhou Province, studied skills and innovatively introduced a series of handicrafts such as bamboo weaving porcelain, which directly led to the increase of income of 177 households and 570 people in the ethnic village of Datong Town, Chishui City, and the bamboo weaving industry led to the employment of nearly 30,000 people in surrounding towns and villages. On the Tik Tok platform, in 2022, nearly seven creators in the field of non-legacy became young people, with over 1,000 live broadcasts every day; Young talents from professional troupes such as Huangmei Opera and Huagu Opera have stepped onto the "Cloud Stage", covering more than 300 kinds of operas. Last year, the number of people watching live broadcasts exceeded 2.5 billion, with an average of 3,200. Thanks to the innovative enthusiasm and creativity of youth groups, Chinese culture, including intangible cultural heritage, continues to glow with the glory of the times.

Inheritance needs innovation, and innovation calls for youth. Generate’s creativity in the cultural inheritance and innovation of the youth group proves the enterprising spirit of the Chinese nation, respecting the past and not retro, and reflects the outstanding innovation of Chinese civilization. Growing up in contemporary China, the stage for young people to display their skills is extremely broad. It is expected that the vast number of young people will inject more youthful strength into the cultural inheritance and development with high spirits.

The game is back!

Every edited: Zhao Yun

On December 1, the three major indexes of A-shares fluctuated and sorted out. As of the close, the Shanghai Composite Index rose by 0.07% to close at 3031.64 points. Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.07% to close at 9720.57 points; The growth enterprise market index rose 0.19% to close at 1926.28 points. In terms of industry sectors, the TMT tracks such as games, education, cultural media, Internet services, software development and communication services rose collectively, and the AI application side strengthened collectively, while the short drama and game sectors continued to be strong. Motors, auto parts, airports and general equipment sectors were among the top losers.

In the afternoon, after the news that the state-owned capital operation company entered the market to buy ETF came out, the index ushered in a turning point, with the Chinese prefix taking the lead, followed by AI+ dreaming back to the first half of the year, and the application side set off a daily limit. On December 1, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges traded 834.1 billion yuan. In terms of northbound funds, Shanghai Stock Connect sold 4.062 billion yuan and Shenzhen Stock Connect sold 935 million yuan, and the two cities sold 4.997 billion yuan.

Source: Wind

On December 1st, the game ETF(516010) rose by 8.55%, and the movie ETF(516620) rose by 5.03%.

Source: wind

In the news, AIGC tools such as AI+ video quickly landed. At the beginning of the year, HeyGen launched, which can help users create promotional videos through AI digital people. Since Runway released Gen-2 in early November, AI video tools such as MetaEmuVideo, Byte PixelDance, and StableVideoDiffusion were released on 16th and 21st. On November 28th, Pika, an AI startup, announced that Pika1.0, its AI video generation software, launched a major upgrade and officially opened an early beta version after more than four months of internal community testing, which quickly became popular on major social media.

A leading A-share game company officially released the "Tiangong SkyAgents" platform on December 1st. On the Tiangong SkyAgents platform, users can deploy their own AIAgents in a few minutes through natural language and simple operation without code programming, and complete many personal tailor needs such as industry research report, document filling, trademark design, and even fitness plan and travel flight reservation. A leading A-share game company is also developing a series of "Three-body" games, and plans to build a large model of the domestic game industry with Yuncong Technology.

Tencent’s companies issued a "script solicitation order" to enter the short drama industry. The platform promises to bring 15,000-50,000 guaranteed remuneration to the authors, and a maximum of 2% of the running accounts. Reading Group has unified requirements and regulations in four aspects: content standard, original submission requirements, adaptation submission requirements and submission instructions. The short play market has entered the stage of a hundred flowers blooming. The platform with rich IP reserves and strong script development ability is helpful to grasp the audience’s aesthetics, help the writers to create and adapt the content, pave the way for the future short play content, and is expected to seize the market share in advance. The game sector with fundamental advantages can be given priority.

In terms of film and television, the recent release of two high-topic films has led to the marginal recovery of the film market. "I am a mountain" has been searched in Weibo many times, and the suspense film Across the Furious Sea is the second film with a box office forecast exceeding 500 million after the National Day file. Driven by this, the weekend box office is showing a marginal improvement trend, and the Saturday/Sunday box office has reached the highest since the National Day file. There are still many blockbuster films released in December, which is expected to undertake a relatively high enthusiasm for watching movies, and the film market is expected to continue to recover. It is estimated that there is still room for recovery in the film market in 2024, which is expected to grow steadily to 58-60 billion yuan, basically returning to the level of 2019 (64.266 billion yuan).

At the same time, the game film and television industry is the most certain direction for AIGC to reduce costs and increase efficiency. With the accelerated investment in the industry, industry changes such as reducing costs and increasing efficiency and playing innovation will be gradually reflected. Under the normalization of the version number, the supply cycle of the game industry is gradually opened; The audience’s willingness to watch movies rebounded, the demand for film and television picked up, and the prosperity of the game and film industry continued to rise. After pre-adjustment, the cost performance of plate investment has improved.

From the catalyst point of view, the rapid landing of AI+ video (pika, heygen), the expected release of Apple MR, and the new increment of AR glasses, the media has a lot to watch in the New Year’s market. The market space of the industry is still relatively broad, and it has certain allocation value after the callback. We can continue to pay attention to the investment opportunities of game ETF(516010), film ETF(516620) and other related targets.

Both the software and computer sectors achieved good gains that day, with the software ETF(515230) closing up by 3.12% and the computer ETF(512720) closing up by 2.89%.

Source: Wind

From the policy point of view, the computer software sector bears the important mission of the transition from industrial economy to digital economy. Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Party has drawn a grand blueprint for the deep integration of digital economy and real economy. At present, the digital transformation of manufacturing industry has become the general trend. With the infiltration and integration of new generation information technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence and blockchain into manufacturing industry, the value of data elements has been further released. The computer software sector plays a decisive role in promoting business process transformation and promoting fundamental changes in production methods, organizational forms and business models of enterprises.

A detailed analysis of the subdivision direction of the computer software sector shows that artificial intelligence is a main line with high certainty at present, and the world is waiting for highly active AI applications to achieve a "closed loop", thus driving the next round of growth from computing power to application penetration. In the domestic market, data elements continue to brew. In April 2020, China explicitly listed data elements as new production factors for the first time. By 2H23, the data industry has ushered in a series of top-level design catalysis, and data elements are expected to become an important main line of the computer software sector.

From the perspective of supply and demand, Xinchuang and the digitalization of central state-owned enterprises are expected to lead the computer software sector to open up new growth space. Under the background of weak downstream digitalization demand and delayed digitalization expenditure of SME customers in 2023, the digitalization investment of central state-owned enterprises still shows some resilience in the big environment. With the release of new demand for digitalization and the promotion of industry localization, the digitalization investment of central state-owned enterprises is expected to continue marginal upward in the following quarter, leading the computer software market to open up long-term and stable growth space.

Interested partners can pay attention to the software ETF(515230) and the computer ETF(512720) to grasp the overall investment opportunities in the computer and software fields, or they can pay attention to the Xinchuang ETF(159537) to lay out the investment opportunities for information technology application innovation with one click, but they should also be wary of the fluctuation risk because the short-term orders are less than expected.

Risk warning:

Investors should fully understand the difference between fixed-term investment and lump-sum withdrawal of funds. Regular fixed investment is a simple and easy way to guide investors to make long-term investment and average investment cost. However, fixed-term investment can not avoid the inherent risks of fund investment, can not guarantee investors to obtain income, and is not an equivalent financial management method to replace savings. Both stock ETF/LOF funds are securities investment funds with higher expected risks and expected returns, and their expected returns and expected risks are higher than those of hybrid funds, bond funds and money market funds. Fund assets invested in science and technology innovation board and GEM stocks will face unique risks caused by differences in investment targets, market systems and trading rules, so investors should pay attention to them. The short-term ups and downs of the sector/fund are only used as auxiliary materials for the analysis of the article, for reference only, and do not constitute a guarantee for the fund’s performance. The short-term performance of individual stocks mentioned in this paper is for reference only, and does not constitute a stock recommendation, nor does it constitute a forecast and guarantee for the performance of the fund. The above views are for reference only and do not constitute investment suggestions or commitments. If you need to buy related fund products, please pay attention to the relevant regulations on investor suitability management, make risk assessment in advance, and buy fund products with matching risk levels according to your own risk tolerance. The fund is risky and needs to be cautious in investment.

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