Hotel parking service is not well managed. The security guard steals a new car after drinking and discards the roadside.

  Parking service, as a humanized service measure, has been adopted by more and more businesses in the provincial capital. However, while this service project is gradually popularized, some problems have also been exposed. Yesterday (16th), Mr. Li, a citizen of (Shandong) provincial capital, gave his car to the hotel for care while dining in a hotel in the provincial capital. However, due to lax hotel management, a security guard stole Mr. Li’s car to see his friends off, and an accident occurred on the way, which led to the scrapping of the car. And how to claim, Mr. Li is in trouble.

  Don’t drive after drinking

  He parked his car in the hotel.

  During the dinner, Mr. Li drank wine. When he left, Mr. Li was inconvenient to drive, so he gave the car to the hotel for safekeeping. The hotel also said that Mr. Li could pick up the car with the corresponding number plate the next day. Mr. Li said that at that time, he also asked to use the car the next day, and he might come earlier. He hoped that the hotel would arrange people and the hotel agreed. "The hotel can provide such a service, and I still feel quite warm in my heart." Mr. Li said that he left with confidence.

  Pick up the car the next day

  The car has been scrapped on the road.

  The next morning, something happened! Mr. Li went to the hotel to pick up the car. After waiting for more than 10 minutes at the hotel, the staff told him in a panic that the car was gone! Where did the car go? Was it stolen? Mr. Li called the police with questions. That night, Mr. Li received a message from the police. The police found his car at the entrance of the First Municipal Hospital about four kilometers west of the hotel, and it crashed into the curb and had a traffic accident!

  Yesterday morning, the reporter saw Mr. Li’s car in the accident vehicle parking lot. The airbag in the car has been opened, the seat is covered with blood, the front of the car has been deformed, revealing the engine and water tank. After testing, the car has been scrapped. Looking at the unrecognizable car, Mr. Li felt that it was a pity that this new car, which had only been bought for 8 months, was scrapped like this.

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  It turned out that the security guard drove the customer’s car privately.

  The vehicle is missing. Is it a thief or a mole? After Mr. Li reported the case, the police checked the surveillance video of the hotel and locked the suspect. Surveillance shows that on the evening of the 11th, a young man with a security appearance walked to the car key storage window alone and then left. At 5 o’clock on the 12th, the man appeared in the parking lot again, opened Mr. Li’s car door, started the vehicle and drove off. According to the hotel security supervisor, the security guard was on duty that night.

  So how did the car accident happen? At the scene of the accident, the police seized the monitoring of a real estate for sale. At about 5 am on the 12th, someone drove Mr. Li’s car westward along Jingyi Road. When the car entered the monitoring range, it was out of control. First, it hit the side of the road, slowed down, slipped and hit the lamppost. Afterwards, when the police came to deal with the accident, the security guard driving had escaped. Because the monitoring distance is far away, the situation inside the car and the specific situation of the driver’s escape were not photographed.

  Hotel parking service vehicles scrapped on the roadside.

  On the evening of March 11th, Mr. Li and his friends went to Jingya Hotel, Minghu Road, the provincial capital, for dinner. After arriving at the hotel, Mr. Li handed over the keys and car to the service staff for parking. But when I picked up the car the next day, it was gone.

  The general process of car theft has been clear, and Mr. Li feels that the hotel has an unshirkable responsibility. "The car and keys were handed over to the hotel for safekeeping. Keys were stolen, cars were stolen and there was an accident. The hotel must compensate for its own losses. Moreover, it was not the thief who committed the crime, but the hotel security guard. The car is entirely the cause of hotel management, and this responsibility should be borne by the hotel. " According to Mr. Li, his car has only been bought for 8 months, and the total cost is about 120 thousand. Because it is not a new car, Mr. Li proposed a compromise plan of claiming 110,000 yuan. "I will pay for the car myself, which is much more important than the hotel compensating me for a car. I have already made concessions."

  As for Mr. Li’s request, the hotel admitted that it would bear the responsibility of vehicle theft and damage, but the compensation could not be cashed according to Mr. Li’s request. "Mr. Li’s car is insured, and he can wait for the insurance compensation, and the insufficient part will be paid by our hotel." After the theft, Mr. Li negotiated with the hotel for four days, but the hotel still insisted on its own plan. After several consultations, both sides refused to give in. In yesterday’s interview, both sides said that if negotiation fails, they can only go to court through judicial procedures.

  The customer demands full compensation.

  The hotel let insurance go first.

  ■ Views of both sides

  The reporter learned that Mr. Li’s experience is representative in the dispute between hotels and customers. Parking service, as a popular hotel catering service project, has been adopted by many businesses in the provincial capital, but some problems have also been exposed.

  The car and keys were handed over to the hotel management. How could a security guard get the keys and drive away? In yesterday’s interview, Mr. Li raised questions about the management of the hotel. The reporter made a visit to this. The key storage window of this hotel is set near the door of the hotel lobby, near the service desk. The reporter saw that the key storage window is relatively simple to make, and dozens of small open grids are made of transparent materials. The owner’s keys are placed in the corresponding number plate grids, and the owner gives the number plate to the service desk staff, and the car can be picked up after verification. "During the hotel’s business hours, there are staff on duty at the service desk, and the safety of the keys can be guaranteed. However, at night, these keys are still here, unlocked and unattended, and there must be security risks." Mr. Li said with concern.  

  In the past hotline, some readers also reflected similar problems. For example, in parking service, the vehicle was scratched and the contents were stolen, and there were also media reports that there was an accident in the parking process, how to determine the responsibility sharing, and cases in which someone pretended to be a parking person to steal a car.

  After work, it is neither locked nor watched by special personnel.

  The key is in the hotel lobby.

  ■ Reporter survey

  "There is some truth in what both sides say, but the initiative should be on the consumer side." Yesterday, the reporter consulted lawyer Chen Bin of Shandong Kangqiao Law Firm on this matter, and he said after listening to the reporter’s description.

  Lawyer Chen Bin told the reporter that, first of all, when consumers eat in the hotel, they form a contractual relationship with the hotel. Secondly, the hotel has valet parking service, regardless of whether it charges or not, and it also forms a custody relationship with the customer, so it is obliged to properly keep the customer’s property. Once losses are caused by accidents or property losses are caused by other reasons, the service place should be liable for compensation.

  At present, the car has been scrapped, and there is no problem for consumers to claim compensation from the hotel. The hotel proposes to let customers claim compensation through insurance first, and it is also an option for the hotel to pay the rest of the money. Now the choice is in the hands of consumers, no matter how they claim compensation, they should be supported. If the hotel does not compensate, consumers can seek a solution through litigation.

  The initiative is on the consumer side.

  ■ Lawyer’s statement

  The security guard has turned himself in and claimed to "borrow the car" to send his friend home.

  Yesterday, the reporter learned from the police that Xiao Zhao (a pseudonym), a security guard who drove privately, has surrendered himself and has been detained by the police.

  Xiao Zhao confessed that he drank some wine that night, and his mind was a little hot, so he stole Mr. Li’s car key from the key storage window while on duty. He wanted to use Mr. Li’s car to send his friends home when he got off work the next morning. He originally wanted to send the car back after sending his friends, but he didn’t expect an accident on the road. "He fled the scene because he was afraid."

  "He came back quietly on the evening of the 14th, slept in the dormitory for one night, and only came to me the next morning, so I took him to the police station to surrender." The hotel security supervisor recalled.

  "The child who borrowed the car is only 20 years old, and I don’t want him to be destroyed in prison."

  "After the police informed me that the car thief turned himself in, I went to the police station, and the police gave me a simple information about this security guard." It is understood that Xiao Zhao, who "stole a car", just turned 20 this year and worked in this hotel for more than a month. The hotel has put forward a solution to compensate Mr. Li for his losses by security guards, but it is understood that Xiao Zhao’s family is just an ordinary family and it is difficult to compensate Mr. Li for his losses. Mr. Li expressed his attitude towards the car thief. "I don’t want to pursue the responsibility of this little security guard too much. He is only 20 years old, and I don’t want prison life to ruin his future. This is a problem in hotel management, and I still hope that the hotel can take responsibility. " (Reporter Liang Wei Cao Jianmin)

Online recruitment of Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker praise staff? A new scam similar to Taobao’s brushing list

  Xinhua News Agency, Shenzhen, October 11th (Reporter Zhou Ke) "Like a single 0.5— Two dollars, 80 to 150 dollars a day. No problem. Free time, unlimited quantity, more pay for more work, daily salary, no deposit, no membership fee … …” Recently, messages claiming to recruit likes from Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker appeared in WeChat group and QQ group, which attracted the attention of many netizens. Shenzhen police reminded that this is a new type of online part-time scam similar to "swipe fraud" on Taobao, and the scammer just shifted his position from "Taobao" to "Tik Tok" and other software, with the purpose of cheating money.

  According to the police, this kind of recruitment claims that the job content is to double-click the works of users such as Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker designated by the merchants to help them become popular. However, in practice, in order to make the deceived people fall for it, the swindlers deliberately let them pay attention to a Tik Tok first, try to "brush" a single order, and then let the deceived people send the promotion information to other groups to "help promote" in the name of avoiding membership fees. In addition, if you temporarily pay 118 yuan to buy the activation code, the deceived person can also enjoy the VIP rights for life. However, after paying 118 yuan, the swindler will guide the deceived person into another group and pay other fees.

  The police said that in terms of the modus operandi of these fraud cases, criminals used the curiosity and greed of the deceived people to attract fans through the newly popular "Tik Tok", "Aauto Quicker" and "Watermelon Video" apps, and asked the deceived people to pay by scanning the QR code, issuing red envelopes, transferring money, etc. Once they cheated money, they immediately blacked out the deceived people. From the former "courier typist", "novel typist" and "part-time brush list" to the present variant "Tik Tok praise clerk", the routine behind the fancy renovation is always the same, just to cheat money.

  At the same time, the police reminded that this kind of fraud has a large audience, a wide spread and strong confusion. Netizens should raise their awareness of self-prevention, don’t trust videos with marketing and money on short video platforms such as "Tik Tok" and "Aauto Quicker", and don’t easily transfer money to the other party. If they find that they have been cheated, they should call the police immediately.

Great Wall Gun commercial pickup King Kong Gun listed in Hebei, starting from 88,800 yuan.

In terms of power, the King Kong Gun (parameter picture) is equipped with a power combination of 2.0T+6MT, and the GW4C20B gasoline engine is mature and reliable, with a peak torque of 360N·m, and the high-power version of GW4D20M diesel engine has a peak torque of 400 N m. This mature power system has been tested by the market and has outstanding reliability.

A few days ago, another brand-new product based on the same platform of the Great Wall Gun, the fashionable commercial pickup truck King Kong Gun, was listed in Hebei Province.

King Kong cannon has two kinds of power, gasoline and diesel, and there are many different versions of two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive, with gasoline models starting at 88,800 yuan and diesel models starting at 95,800 yuan.

The above price is the standard box model price, and the long box model is added with 2000 yuan;

Entrepreneurial and elite models of long box models can be equipped with flat-bottomed containers, and on this basis, 2,000 yuan will be added;

Pilot limited optional package: including "LED headlights +360 panoramic image", with an optional price of 2000 yuan.

In addition, King Kong Gun also provides car buyers with five exclusive rights: financial gift, replacement gift, interconnection gift, recommendation gift and worry-free gift.

King Kong Gun adopts the design concept of "minimalist aesthetics", which is simple and tough as a whole, and offers five body colors: dream blue, worry-free white, bold horizontal black, enterprising gray and struggle brown.

For the interior, the high-definition LCD dual floating screen is matched with intelligent voice control, and the FOTA online upgrade function can upgrade some in-vehicle functions.

King Kong cannon has three kinds of containers: standard box, long box and flat bottom. The long box model has a 1.82-meter super-large container. The intimate design of low cargo platform and container lighting shows the profound insight of Great Wall Gun to pickup truck users. The turning diameter of 11.9 meters makes the King Kong gun more flexible in turning and turning around.

These SUVs recently listed are worthy of attention, led by Yuan PLUS.

The soaring oil price has once again attracted everyone’s attention. In many places, the unit price of 92# gasoline has exceeded 8 yuan/liter, and the voice of "can’t afford to add oil" is getting higher and higher. As an SUV owner, looking at the comprehensive fuel consumption of 100 kilometers up from 10 liters on the meter, the idea of starting a new energy vehicle has become stronger and stronger. Recently, four new energy SUVs have attracted my attention, hoping to give some reference to friends who also want to start new energy vehicles.

Byd yuan PLUS

BYD’s achievements in the field of new energy are obvious to all, and the explosive models launched are also continuous. BYD Yuan PLUS, which attracted widespread attention last year when it carried out preheating publicity. Different from the other derivative models of BYD Yuan Series, Yuan PLUS’s body size has been fully upgraded, with the length, width and height reaching 4455x1875x1615mm and the wheelbase of 2720mm respectively, and the vehicle positioning has also been upgraded to a compact SUV.

The appearance of yuanplus adopts BYD’s latest family-style appearance, which is more recognizable, and the rear of the car adopts penetrating taillights to enhance the layering and fashion sense of the rear. The design language of the interior is refreshing. The inspiration for the shape of the air outlet and the shape of the handrails on both sides of the door is said to come from musical instruments, but for users of different ages, the acceptance may be different. In terms of power and endurance, which everyone is most concerned about, YuanPlus is equipped with a motor with a maximum power of 150kW, and lithium iron phosphate batteries with capacities of 49.92 kWh and 60.48 kWh, respectively. The cruising range under CLTC conditions is 430km and 510km, respectively, and the subsidized guiding price is 13.18-159,800 yuan. From the point of view of price and positioning, BYD Yuan PLUS will become a competitor of Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an Y, Nezha U and Tucki G3.

Bound M5

Wenjie M5 is a brand-new product jointly built by Huawei and Jin Kang Celeste. The new car adopts extended-range power, and the fuel-electric driving mode makes it no longer have mileage anxiety. As the first vehicle equipped with Huawei HarmonyOS in-vehicle system, users have high expectations for the performance of the in-vehicle system. Wenjie M5 uses a 1.5T four-cylinder engine as the range extender, and its power configuration has three versions: 272 horsepower, 428 horsepower and 496 horsepower. Except for the entry-level version, it is a rear-drive model, and the others are all four-wheel drive models. All models are equipped with a ternary lithium battery pack with a capacity of 40 degrees, and support 0.75 hours of fast charging.

The Wujie M5 is positioned in a medium-sized SUV, and there are not many bright spots in the design. The design language is particularly concise, with the dimensions of length, width and height of 4770x1930x1625mm and the wheelbase of 2880mm, respectively. The interior space of the car is considered medium in its class. At present, there are not many extended-range power models on the market. Li ONE is the best seller at present, and its six-seat large space is one of its biggest selling points. The second is Lantu FREE. The price of the M5 in the world is 24.98-31.98 million yuan, which overlaps with the positioning of the first two. It is not easy to break through the tight encirclement, but with the technical blessing of Huawei, everything is still unknown.


The listing of Mocha DHT-PHEV means that hybrid power will become the development focus of Great Wall Motor in the new energy field in the future. The appearance of Moka DHT-PHEV is very close to that of the fuel version, and the dimensional parameters are basically the same, with the length, width and height of 4875x1960x1690mm and the wheelbase of 2915mm respectively.

The biggest highlight of this new car is the powertrain. Moka DHT-PHEV is equipped with a 1.5T engine, which adopts special technologies such as Miller cycle and high-temperature VGT pressurization, which can effectively improve engine efficiency. There are two models on the market this time, two-wheel drive with 130kW motor and front and rear dual-motor four-wheel drive with a total power of 265kW, which are matched with 2-speed DHT (special gearbox for hybrid power). It is said that the comprehensive fuel consumption under WLTC is as low as 1L/100km, and the price is 295,000 yuan and 315,000 yuan respectively. Compared with the fuel version, the pricing is greatly increased, and the fuel version of Mocha is cold in the market. Wei Jianjun blames the poor marketing. Whether it can make a breakthrough in the plug-in hybrid vehicle with a comprehensive upgrade of power and fuel consumption is still very exciting.

Xing tu Zhu feng ET-i

Chery has also begun to catch up in the field of hybrid power. In January this year, it launched the Tiggo 8PLUS Kunpeng e+, which is the first new car equipped with plug-in hybrid power in Chery SUV series. The high-end brand Xingtu also launched the Chasing Wind ET-i equipped with the same powertrain. It is expected that this powertrain will be carried to more models under Chery. Compared with the fuel version, the appearance of Star Road Chasing Wind ET-i has hardly changed. The design language is simple and fashionable, and the body lines are tough, which is in line with its own positioning.

The powertrain of Star Road Chasing Wind ET-i consists of a 1.5T engine and a motor with a total power of 125kW. The comprehensive power of the system reaches 240kW, and the comprehensive torque reaches 510Nm, with excellent performance in power parameters. It is matched with a 3-speed DHT (special gearbox for hybrid power). At the same time, the car is equipped with a ternary lithium battery pack of 19.27kWh, and the cruising range under NEDC working conditions is 105km. The official claims that the fuel consumption is only 4.8L/100km, and the comprehensive fuel consumption is as low as 1.0L/100km. The guide price of ET-i is only 14.98-15.98 million yuan, which looks very attractive.

2022 is destined to be a year of sustained and rapid growth of new energy. The above four SUVs cover three mainstream powertrain forms in the field of new energy vehicles: pure electric, extended range and plug-in hybrid power. Which model do you think has the best chance to become an explosion? Welcome to express your opinion in the comments. (Text/Yu Feng)

Far ahead of Bluetooth! China people’s own "star flash" has come: 60% energy consumption, 6 times speed and 1/30 time delay.

Bluetooth technology was born in 1994 and was invented by Ericsson. Its original purpose was to make wireless headphones possible through wireless audio transmission.

In the past more than 20 years, Bluetooth is the most mainstream short-range wireless communication technology, which is widely used in mobile phones, headphones, handles, keyboards and other devices.

However, Bluetooth technology also has many inherent shortcomings.

For example, the delay of human-computer interaction devices such as Bluetooth mouse and handle, the audio quality and stability of Bluetooth headset, and the number of intelligent Bluetooth networking devices in the whole house are not satisfactory.


So, China people’s own "NearLink" came!

On August 4th, at the Huawei Developers Conference HDC023, Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei Terminal BG, announced that,

Huawei will introduce Starshine NearLink into HarmonyOS’s ecology.

What are the advantages of Star Flash over Bluetooth?

It is understood that Star Flash is a new generation of short-range wireless connection technology native to China. It is the first time that China’s communication industry has innovatively applied the experience and technology accumulated from following to leading the world for more than 30 years in the field of short-range wireless connection, which is another important milestone for China’s scientific and technological self-reliance.

Fast Science and Technology learned that in 2020, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology took the lead in formulating the near field communication standard for Star Flash.

In September 2020, the Star Flash Alliance was formally established. It only took more than two years from the official start of standardization work to the first commercial use, and it became the fastest-growing short-range wireless technology in history.

Flash-related technicians said that Star Flash is to solve the demand that WiFi and Bluetooth can’t meet the ultimate experience such as delay and reliability in some subdivided scenarios of smart terminals and smart homes, rather than subverting WiFi and Bluetooth.

In terms of technical advantages,

Star flash has the advantages of low delay, high speed, high concurrency, high reliability, anti-interference and precise positioning.

Star Flash only uses 60% energy consumption of Bluetooth, and it can reach 6 times speed, and the transmission delay is only 1/30.

Star Flash can improve the air interface delay of e-sports mouse from millisecond level to microsecond level. In addition, with its high bandwidth and anti-interference ability, lossless audio that was difficult to achieve in the past with Bluetooth headset becomes a reality. In the smart travel scene, the positioning accuracy of Star Flash digital car keys has changed from meter level to decimeter level.

It is reported that,

As a member of the Star Flash Alliance, Huawei has contributed its wireless communication experience and technology precipitation for more than 30 years to the Star Flash standard.

For the first time, the 5G technology contributed by Huawei, such as Polar code, was shortened and made great contributions.

Known as the "pork king" in Guangzhou, he graduated from Peking University and Tsinghua.

  Growing vegetables and selling drinks and pork.

  Opened more than 100 chain stores and became the "pork king" in Guangzhou.

  Claiming that "selling pork is more technical than selling computers"

  As a fresh graduate, it is almost impossible to sell pork as a career choice. A few years ago, the news that Lu Buxuan, a gifted scholar of Peking University, was a butcher once spread all over the country, which triggered a great discussion about whether this behavior was a waste of talents. However, a few years later, another talented person from Peking University, Chen Sheng, also quietly entered the pig industry, and opened nearly 100 pork chain stores in just one year, becoming the largest pork chain store in Guangzhou and even Guangdong, and was called the "king of pork" in Guangzhou. A few days ago, in an interview, he even broke the amazing words: "Selling pork is more technical than selling computers."

  What is his personal experience and entrepreneurial story? A few days ago, the reporter had an exclusive interview with Chen Sheng.


  Chen Sheng said: "I like this kind of doing things in unknown areas or in a more complicated environment, including selling pork."

  Chen Sheng, born in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Peking University and an EMBA from Tsinghua. After graduating in 1984, he was assigned to an institution in Guangzhou. Three years later, he resolutely decided to go to sea.

  A paper triggered the idea of resignation.

  When talking about why he gave up such an enviable "iron rice bowl", Chen Sheng said with a smile that he was the only one who entered the office at that time. One day, he wrote a paper entitled "China will enter a free economy sooner or later", which was later published, but somehow it got to his boss. After the boss saw it, he called him to the office to "educate" him and thought that there was something wrong with his concept.

  "At that time, I was depressed. I felt that I was out of place there and I couldn’t find a career advantage." Chen Sheng said that he likes to make decisions on certain things independently, but in that working environment, he can’t act according to his own personality. It can be said that the "paper incident" prompted him to make an indirect decision to resign.

  Growing vegetables earns the first pot of gold in life.

  After resigning, in order to make a living, Chen Sheng became a ghost and began to sell clothes in stalls. After selling clothes for months, he made a little money. Then one day, he went to a relative’s house in rural Zhanjiang to play. On the same day, his relatives carried more than 100 kilograms of radishes they planted to the streets to sell. However, due to the windy and rainy weather at that time, their relatives only sold 10 kilograms and made money in 10 yuan. On the same day, the experiences of other farmers in the village were similar. A group of farmers were very angry and sat on the ground complaining that they would never do it again next year.

  Chen Sheng, who stood on the side at that time, was inspired by this sentence. According to the principle of economics, the price will rise when the supply is less than the demand. So, he used a little savings earned by reselling clothes to contract 100 acres of vegetable fields and took some vegetable farmers to cultivate them himself. During this period, he found that besides the supply and demand, the price of vegetables was most affected by the weather. Especially when the Siberian cold current approached the day before Guangzhou, the weather was sultry that day, and the price of vegetables was very cheap. Chen Sheng took the opportunity to buy all the vegetables that could be bought in the market. On the day of cooling, it happened to be a holiday, and most farmers didn’t come out to sell vegetables. "The purchase price is 1 cent a catty, and I sell it for 6 cents a catty." Chen Sheng said that this reselling made him earn the first bucket of gold in his life and earned more than 100,000 yuan at once. Since then, he began to specialize in selling vegetables. As for the understanding that the weather affects the price, Chen Sheng said with a smile that he kept his mouth shut until he went back to chat with the vegetable farmers in that year after eight years.

  Two phone calls "gave birth" to vinegar drinks

  With the first bucket of gold earned, Chen Sheng began to devote himself to the real estate industry in Zhanjiang in 1993. It only took him three years to become the top three in Zhanjiang real estate market. Considering some unsafe factors outside the law involved in the real estate industry, Chen Sheng began to switch to making drinks. "At that time, I wanted to make a pure carbonated drink." Chen Sheng said that just as his research and development of pure carbonated drinks entered the last moment, the phone calls from two friends changed his fate.

  Chen Sheng said that at that time, two friends called him and said, "Don’t develop your carbonated drinks any more. Everyone is popular to drink vinegar drinks these days." It turned out that when a country leader visited Zhanjiang, he chose Sprite to blend vinegar, a novel drinking method, and vinegar drinks became popular for a time. Chen Sheng ran to the market and made an investigation. He found that everyone blended vinegar and Sprite directly, but there was no ready-made vinegar drink. Immediately, he made a bold decision to produce vinegar drinks immediately. Thus, in 1997, the first vinegar beverage in China was born in the hands of Chen Sheng.

  Go to the market to buy meat and join the pork stall.

  "I like this kind of doing something in an unknown field or in a complicated environment to satisfy some of my desires, including selling pork," said Chen Sheng, who decided to "kill pigs" when he went to the market to buy meat. He found that this industry was misunderstood by others, this profession was misunderstood by others, and many things were misunderstood by others. Guangzhou’s pork market is several billion yuan a year. Why doesn’t anyone expand it? With such doubts and the temptation of a huge market, Chen Sheng began to invest. He believes that the more neglected the industry, the greater the opportunities, the first is the market, and the second is competitors.

  He explained that if he was selling computers, he would have to face competition from tens of billions of enterprises like Lenovo, but he still had an advantage over his competitors by choosing to sell pork. He is going to do something great in this profession, for example, people sell one pig and half a pig, but he can sell more than a dozen pigs. Isn’t this the level of Peking University?

  Selling pork is more technical than selling computers? Chen Sheng has an explanation for this. "Selling a computer is to assemble all kinds of hardware and then sell it to consumers. Assembly is a technology, which only needs a little study. However, for selling pork, how to divide and match fat meat, lean meat and ribs determines the profit or loss of selling pork, and its variability is great. "

  For example, he told reporters that lean meat, for example, is all thin and not delicious, too fat and not good. From the taste point of view, it may be best to add 3% fat, but it is impossible to teach the operation, and it may depend on the touch. Therefore, cultivating a good pork knife seller is the embodiment of technical content.

  So, in 2006, Chen Sheng built his local pig breeding factory near the junction of Zhanjiang and Guangxi, and in 2007, he began to open a pork stall in Guangzhou to sell pork. In just one year, it has developed into the largest pork chain store in Guangzhou and even Guangdong, "No.1 local pig". (Author: Zhang Danyang correspondent Jiang Feixue)

Editor: Fan Jing

The price is 239,700 yuan-253,700 yuan, and Xingyue L Hi·P Raytheon extended-range electric SUV is officially listed.

    On November 25th, Xingyue L Hi·P Raytheon extended-range electric SUV was officially launched. The new car has launched two models, the extended-range electric flagship version, with a comprehensive subsidy price of 253,700 yuan and an equity payment price of 243,700 yuan; Extended-range electric vehicle reaches Zhen version, with the price of 239,700 yuan after comprehensive subsidy and 229,700 yuan after equity payment. Among them, the high-end custom car paint LOMOGrey matte ash is priced at 8,000 yuan; Optional wheel hub 20-inch particle low wind resistance wheel hub, priced at 3000 yuan; Optional interior starry grey suede double interior, priced at 3000 yuan.

    In order to give users a better experience of electric vehicles, Xingyue L Extended Range Electric Edition launched the listing lock list to enjoy the top 10 car purchase rights (only for users who booked cars before December 31, 2022):

    Deposit ceremony: enjoy the expansion of deposit, and enjoy a deposit of 3,000 yuan to 13,000 yuan; Subsidy ceremony: before December 31, 2022, the car will be booked by the lock order to ensure the price after enjoying the national new energy subsidy; Huanxinli: Geely’s old users will increase the purchase subsidy by up to 10,000 yuan; Financial gift: 5050 car purchase financial subsidy, 24 installments with 0 interest; Energy-supplementing ceremony: free home charging piles and basic installation services, 220V home charging guns; Warranty ceremony (the first owner): 5 years or 150,000 kilometers warranty, lifetime free warranty for three electric systems and lifetime free warranty for range extenders; Camping ceremony: 1999 yuan Raytheon Homie exclusive camping suit and 220V discharge gun; Traffic gift (the first car owner): unlimited traffic for 5 years, and basic traffic is free for life; Delivery ceremony: the order will be placed before the end of November, and the delivery is expected to be completed before December 31; Boutique gift: original 3D foot pad worth 318 yuan.

    At the same time, it also announced the first batch of surprise blind boxes for users of Dading: the first batch of users of Dading can upgrade for free when they buy the extended-range electric flagship version, and the 20-inch particle wheel hub with a value of 3,000 yuan can be replaced and upgraded for free within 30 days to 12 months after being licensed (if the first batch of users of Dading change their configuration, they will enjoy the rights of the surprise blind box according to the listing lock list, but not enjoy the rights of the surprise blind box). In addition, users can participate in both listing locking activities and small ordering activities at the same time, and the corresponding rights can be superimposed and enjoyed.

    Xingyue L Extended Range Electric Edition is Geely’s first "Raytheon Extended Range Electric Vehicle" based on "e-CMA" intelligent ultra-electric architecture. At the same time, it has three electric technologies: pure electricity, hybrid electricity and extended range electricity, and comes standard with four electric properties: pure electricity in the city, long-distance extended range, fast charging and discharge outside camping, covering users’ needs for electric travel.

    Through standard 41.2kWh CTP flat battery, range extender with thermal efficiency of 43.32% and "Super Three Electricity Technology" of 3-speed frequency conversion electric drive DHT Pro, WLTC has a pure battery life of 205km.

    It is worth mentioning that Xingyue L extended-range electric version has a unique full-mileage "electric drive series locking", and the working life of WLTC is 1250km. By locking the pure electric drive extended range mode, full-time electric drive and full-scene electric drive are realized, which brings users a more efficient, energy-saving and worry-free electric experience.

    The thermal efficiency of the range extender equipped on the Xingyue L extended-range electric version is 43.32%, and the Miller cycle has a high compression ratio of 13:1. When the battery power is insufficient, the range extender can charge the power battery like a "charging treasure" and directly supply power to the driving motor like a "generator". Unique 3-speed frequency conversion electric drive DHT Pro, starting with 1-speed ratio, 0-30km/h acceleration time of 1.9s, super speed of 220km/h, strong power.

    At the same time, the Xingyue L extended range electric version comes standard with a DC fast charge of up to 85kW, and it takes 27 minutes to charge the battery from 30% to 80%. It also comes standard with 6.6kW household slow charging, which can be set to make full use of trough charging. At the same time, it also supports 3.3kW external discharge, which can easily meet the demand for camping electricity for more than 12 hours.

    Xingyue L extended range electric version has the function of high, medium and low+automatic four-speed energy recovery, which converts kinetic energy into electric energy when taxiing or braking, and improves endurance. It also has P-gear parking power generation, comprehensive mileage protection, predictive energy management and other energy management systems, which makes power consumption more worry-free.

    In addition, more than 90% of the whole vehicle of Xingyue L extended-range electric version is covered with acoustic materials, 9 key range extenders are optimized, and 7 key electric drive NVH is optimized, so that the all-electric switch is accelerated to 100km/h, and the interior noise is up to 64 decibels.

    Xingyue L Extended Range Electric Edition went on the market this time, and released the low-key luxury and highly scientific LOMOGrey matte gray body color, creating a higher sense of value atmosphere.

    It is understood that after 125 days and 3,000+hours, LOMOGrey has exceeded the standard aging test, ensuring that the color gloss is always above 90%. Three-color coating fine chemical technology is adopted, and 200+ rounds of passing cars verify the quality of strict screening finished products. In the reflective range of 25 5, the most delicate gloss consistency is achieved.

    In addition, the Xingyue L extended-range electric version has previously released a custom magic color Wangshu blue body color. As the first color-changing car paint, Wangshu Blue body color is jointly designed and developed by Geely and Kansai, Japan. It adopts fine color matching and painting technology, and has four layers of magic color painting technology. The refractive texture of light will change with the light, reflecting bright blue light.

Classification management of network anchor taxation: how to set standards and how to design schemes?

  A, classification management ideas and standard setting

  Different choices of civil subjects based on network anchors, as well as different civil contract designs from platforms and brokerage companies, constitute different tax payers and different tax objects in tax law, and apply different substantive rules and collection and management procedures, which inevitably requires the introduction of hierarchical management ideas. Classified taxation management is the essential appeal and concrete embodiment of the statutory principle of taxation. Under the guidance of classification, focusing the collection and management efforts on high-income groups such as head anchors and star anchors is in line with the requirements of the principle of collection and management efficiency, and also meets the requirements of the times to play the role of tax social distribution regulation under the background of common prosperity.

  How to set the standard of classification is the first question that needs to be answered. The first and bottom line standard is to classify according to the clear provisions of the tax law, and stick to the bottom line of no one size fits all.

  From the main design point of view, the network anchor is either in the form of a natural person, or in the form of an individual industrial and commercial household, a sole proprietorship enterprise and other organizational forms; In terms of civil contract design, the network anchor either signs a labor contract or business contract with the live broadcast platform, or signs a contract with a brokerage company and forms a tripartite relationship with the live broadcast platform; From the type of income, the main income is labor remuneration and business income (including the business income of natural persons, individual industrial and commercial households and sole proprietorship enterprises), and under special circumstances, it is salary income. If a company is established, it should also be taxed according to enterprise income tax.

  It is necessary to combine the above various civil subjects and their different contract types, and carry out classified collection and management in accordance with the clear provisions of the tax law, including income tax and value-added tax. The bottom line that needs to be grasped is that we can’t blindly make a one-size-fits-all approach, that is, unify the collection and management according to a certain subject type and contract type.

  A more guiding standard is to classify according to the amount of income, and advocate the establishment of individual industrial and commercial households, sole proprietorship enterprises and other organizations for high-income groups such as head anchors and star anchors and tax them accordingly. The important orientation of classified management is the collection and management of high-income groups, such as head anchors and star anchors. The amount of income should be regarded as an important standard of classified management, and a standard of amount can be determined by month or year (for example, 100,000 yuan per month or 1.2 million yuan per year). For those above this amount, tax authorities and platforms advocate the establishment of individual industrial and commercial households, sole proprietorship enterprises and other organizations, and handle tax registration, standardize the establishment of accounts and tax accordingly. Of course, it is not mandatory to advocate the establishment of an organization, and taxpayers’ free choice should be respected.

  Second, the taxation and scheme design of two types of network anchors

  According to the above standards, we can roughly outline two tax forms of network anchors:

  The first category is to advocate the establishment of individual industrial and commercial households, sole proprietorship enterprises and other organizations for network anchors above a certain standard amount and tax them accordingly;

  The second category is network anchors that have not reached a certain standard amount, or have reached a certain standard amount but have not established individual industrial and commercial households or sole proprietorship enterprises.

  The taxation of the first type of network anchor should be the key concern.

  The first type of collection and management scheme is designed as follows:

  (1) Main taxes and tax items: personal income tax is taxed according to "business income" and value-added tax according to "modern service industry" or "life service industry". As far as individual taxes are concerned, from the perspective of formal taxation, the establishment of individual industrial and commercial households and sole proprietorship enterprises should generally be taxed as "business income", and in special circumstances, it can be taxed as "labor remuneration" based on the principle of substantive taxation.

  (2) Collection and management methods and invoice management: taxpayers declare by themselves, issue invoices by themselves or apply to the tax authorities to issue invoices on their behalf. Whether it is individual tax or value-added tax, for the establishment of an organization, taxpayers should declare themselves, issue their own invoices or apply to the tax authorities for invoicing.

  (3) Tax determination method: mainly based on audit collection, supplemented by approved collection. According to State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China’s "Strengthening the Tax Administration of Employees in the Entertainment Field", "individual studios and enterprises that are required to be established by celebrity artists and network anchors should be instructed to establish account systems according to laws and regulations, and tax returns should be made by means of audit collection." Therefore, for such anchors, tax registration should be handled, accounts should be strictly established, and accounts should be audited and collected; Considering the difficulty in establishing accounts and saving the cost of collection and management, we can also consider collecting some anchors by verification, but we should ensure the balance of tax burden between the collection by verification and the collection by audit, so as to avoid the alienation of verification into a tax preference tool. (4) Tax payment place and competent tax authorities: According to the relevant provisions of the tax law, "operating income" should be declared and paid in the tax authorities where the business management is located, and the competent authorities are the tax authorities where the business management is located. In terms of value-added tax, it should be declared and paid by the tax authorities in the place where the institution is located or where it lives, and the competent authority is the tax authorities in the place where the institution is located or where it lives.

  The second type of collection and management scheme is designed as follows:

  (1) Main taxes and tax items: personal income tax is taxed according to "labor remuneration" or "business income" and value-added tax according to "modern service industry" or "life service industry". If there is no organizational structure, the income obtained from the platform or brokerage company can be taxed as "labor remuneration" or "operating income". From the point of view of collection and management efficiency, we might as well simplify it: whether it is continuous and regular activities for business purposes, and the size of income quota, as the distinguishing standard. Those who do not reach a certain standard amount are generally taxed according to "labor remuneration" (which can be understood as non-sustainability, regularity and small income); For those who reach a certain standard amount, they can be taxed as "operating income" (which can be understood as continuous, regular and large in income).

  (2) Collection and management methods and invoice management: if the tax is levied according to "labor remuneration", the payer (platform or brokerage company) will withhold and remit it when paying, and the anchor will make annual final settlement; The "operating income" shall be declared by the taxpayer. In invoice management, the former is opened by the anchor applying to the tax authorities, and it can also be considered to be opened by the platform or applied to the tax authorities; The latter is issued by the taxpayer himself or by the tax authorities.

  (3) How to determine the tax: if the tax does not reach a certain standard amount, it will be taxed as "labor remuneration", and the withholding agent will withhold it and broadcast the personal annual settlement; For those who are taxed according to "operating income", because there is no organization, they will generally adopt the approved collection, but taxpayers can also audit the accounts if they establish accounts.

  (4) Tax payment place and competent tax authorities: if tax is paid according to "labor remuneration", tax payment shall be declared at the tax authorities where the household registration is located, the habitual residence or the main source of income; If there is a withholding agent, the tax authorities where the withholding agent (such as the platform) is located shall withhold the declaration. Taxes levied on "business income" shall be declared and paid by the tax authorities in the place where the business management is located, and the competent authority shall be the tax authorities in the place where the business management is located. In terms of value-added tax, because there is no place where the organization is located, it should be declared and paid by the tax authorities at the place of residence or where the live broadcast activity takes place, and the competent authority is the place of residence or where the live broadcast activity takes place.

  No matter which of the above types, the network platform undertakes certain duties and obligations to assist in tax collection.

  First, the obligation to withhold and remit. For the individual tax levied according to "labor remuneration", the main obligation of the platform is the obligation of withholding and remitting.

  The second is the determination and sharing of live broadcast turnover. Whether it is reward income or sales income, the platform can grasp it in time and provide it regularly according to the requirements of tax authorities.

  Third, urge the anchor to handle tax registration, standardize the establishment of accounts, declare and pay taxes in time, and undertake certain inspection obligations and reporting obligations to the tax authorities.

  Fourth, the feasibility of entrusting the collection. From a practical point of view, entrusting to collect taxes is not the mainstream choice of tax authorities, but there is room for entrusting the platform to collect taxes for network anchors, especially for anchors whose income is higher than a certain standard amount but without an organization. The competent tax authorities can sign an entrustment agreement with the platform to entrust them to collect taxes according to the Administrative Measures on Entrusted Collection.

  In addition, the tax bureau should also strengthen the ability of data tax management, such as the construction of electronic tax bureau, electronic tax registration, electronic invoice and other related convenience systems, and at the same time strengthen the ability of data sharing with the platform.

  Third, the policy declaration and legal expression of classified management

  In recent years, the tax system has strengthened the tax collection and management of webcasting industry, which shows the spirit of the rule of law of statutory and strict tax collection and the times demand of common prosperity, but at the same time, it has also caused great uncertainty and even panic to the practitioners of webcasting industry and related industries: Is the tax rectification of network anchors a temporary "Great Leap Forward" or a continuous implementation of the rule of law? What is the policy orientation for tax consolidation, unified and integrated governance, or focusing on the big and letting the small and releasing water to raise fish?

  In addition, the resonance between the complexity of tax law norms and the complexity of the design of network anchor trading model also increases the uncertainty of anchor paying taxes according to law and tax compliance, and the lack of clear policy list guidance also increases the illegal risk of tax law. On September 18th, 2021, State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China issued "Strengthening the Tax Administration of Employees in Entertainment Field", but it did not make clear policies and specific rules.

  In the face of the ongoing tax clearance of the live broadcast industry, tax authorities, network anchors, platforms and other parties should seek to build a basic consensus. The tax system can clearly declare its position on anchor tax collection and management through the rule of law, that is, taxation according to law and strict collection and management, as well as giving play to the social distribution and regulation function of taxation under common prosperity; In terms of policy, the tax authorities should establish the management thinking of classification and clarify the standards of classification and classification, that is, focus on the collection and management of high-income groups such as head anchors and star anchors, and at the same time follow the clear provisions of the tax law and stick to the bottom line of the rule of law that does not apply across the board.

  On this basis, the tax authorities should construct typical types of network anchors and sort out the current tax rules, and stipulate the tax collection and management types, tax collection methods and invoice management, tax determination methods, tax payment locations, competent tax authorities and tax-related assistance obligations of platforms for different types of anchors, so as to provide clear guidance for network anchors and platforms. This should be an urgent task and a fundamental solution to the current legalization of taxation in the live broadcast industry.

  (Author Wang Zongtao is an associate professor at Xiamen University Law School, doctor of law)

Apple battery is difficult to change the network. Now it is "yellow cattle": online sales reservation number 10 yuan to 100 yuan

  A few days ago, Apple promised to replace batteries for some 6S series mobile phones for free, but many consumers complained that it was difficult to make an appointment, queue up and maintain. The Beijing Morning Post reporter visited two direct stores and found that there was a long queue of tens of meters waiting for mobile phone testing and maintenance. The staff admitted that it may not be possible to change batteries after waiting for 4 hours. At the same time, online "scalpers" appeared to help make an appointment, with prices ranging from 10 yuan to 100 yuan. Apple’s official customer service reminds consumers to repair and replace the wrong peak. If the documents are complete, it is recommended to go to the designated repair outlets for repair, but the Beijing Morning Post reporter randomly visited two outlets, but it was all in vain.

  Waiting for three hours in front of the door may not be replaced.

  Yesterday morning, the reporter came to the Apple Store in Sanlitun. Although it was not open yet, there were about 50 people lined up at the door, mostly consumers who came to test and replace the mobile phone battery. Xiao Wang, who was waiting with a mobile phone, told reporters that he had failed to make an appointment online many times. "I heard that because the battery is out of stock, even if it is queued on the spot, it may not be able to be changed, but I still want to try my luck." The security guard near the shopping mall said that the "surge of people" in front of the Apple store has become the normal state in recent days. "When there are many people, you have to turn a corner in a row."

  When the door opened at 10 am, people flocked in, and the staff guided a dozen consumers who had made a successful appointment to sign in first. One of the staff said that at present, hundreds of mobile phones have to be repaired every day. "Yesterday, there were more than 40 phones that were not repaired." He introduced that consumers who have not made an appointment like Xiao Wang can only test in the store but can’t replace the battery. "After testing, it is recommended that he go to our authorized outlets for maintenance, and the service is the same."

  Then the reporter went to Wangfujing Apple Store, just like Sanlitun Store, and there was still a long queue at the door of the store. "If the battery is available, it will take at least three or four hours to change it. We will give priority to customers with appointments." The staff explained that due to the large number of people replacing batteries recently, there are often out of stock situations, and the store will no longer accept non-reserved customers.

  Officially designated outlets eat two doors shut.

  What about Apple’s officially designated outlets that "provide the same service"? According to the list of outlets given by the staff, the reporter went to a maintenance point on the 9 th floor of Sun Dong’ an Square, but he was turned away. A notice posted on the door said, "Our store is suspended due to internal business integration and maintenance." The reporter dialed the contact number and was told that when to resume business, he still needed to wait for a notice.

  Later, the reporter went to the designated maintenance point in the Sanyuanqiao Third Real Estate Building in Chaoyang District, which is also the "Iron General" to close the door. The business hours here are only from Monday to Saturday. Two consumers who came to replace the battery had to sigh and go home. "The appointment can’t be made, and the store can’t be arranged. After listening to the words of the store staff, I ran over and thought that I could finally repair it, or I ran for nothing!"

  Subsequently, the reporter randomly dialed seven officially designated maintenance outlets as customers, and only two of them were successfully connected. Among them, the staff of the maintenance network on the second floor of the post office of the Asian Games Village in Chaoyang District introduced that there were more than 20 people waiting in line in the store at two o’clock in the afternoon. "If you want to repair it, you have to come early." He especially reminded consumers to bring their mobile phones, packaging boxes, three-package cards, invoices and ID cards before they can be repaired. Generally, it is necessary to leave the mobile phones in the store for about a week to replace the mobile phone batteries.

  The online "yellow cattle" selling business is hot.

  Apple’s free "battery" is so hard to enjoy, but it allows "yellow cattle" to find business opportunities and sell Apple’s after-sales appointment number online. The reporter searched a website for two keywords: genius bar and appointment, and hundreds of related "treasures" appeared, some of which indicated the appointment numbers of the day and the recent purchase of Apple. The optional locations included many cities in China, and the prices ranged from 10 yuan to 100 yuan.

  One of the stores is called "Appointment Expert", which only sells the appointment numbers of Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and other places, and this "baby" sells 174 times a month. The reporter consulted as a customer. The other party said that the prices of all store reservation numbers in Beijing are 50 yuan. "The prices in every place are different, and other cities are more expensive than Beijing!" He also said that it is the earliest time to buy the reservation number after 3 days. "Give me your information. After I make an appointment, you can go directly with your ID card."

  The reporter consulted another seller. He said that he can get the reservation number two days later, but the time is random and the stores are random. When the reporter asked why it was difficult for others to make an appointment with him, the other party changed the subject and did not answer.

  Apple customer service suggested peak fault maintenance.

  In this regard, Apple’s official customer service said that it was not long before Apple’s 6S battery replacement policy was introduced, with more customers and greater pressure on supply, so many stores could not replace batteries for consumers in time. In addition to stores, consumers can also hold mobile phones, three-guarantee cards, invoices and ID cards to a number of officially designated outlets for testing and maintenance. As for the case that the reporter mentioned that he was "closed", the customer service suggested that it is best to go before the working day and communicate with the outlets by telephone in advance.

  The customer service staff also reminded consumers that all mobile phones that meet the requirements of battery replacement within three years can be tested and maintained for a long time. If they are not in urgent need, consumers are advised to avoid the current peak maintenance.

  Beijing Morning Post Live News

  Reporter Kang Jiawen and photo

At the press conference, the reporter twice mentioned the Diaoyu Islands-related issues, and the Foreign Ministry of China made a tough stance.

       CCTV News:On May 11, 2020, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian held a regular press conference.

       AFP reporter: Two China coast guard vessels expelled a Japanese fishing boat from the Diaoyu Islands last week, and the Japanese side has made representations to the Chinese side. What’s your comment on this? Has China explained or apologized to Japan?


       Zhao Lijian: It is understood that the China Marine Police recently found a Japanese fishing boat illegally operating in the territorial waters of China during a routine cruise in the Diaoyu Islands. China Marine Police carried out tracking and monitoring according to law, demanding that it immediately stop relevant activities and withdraw from relevant sea areas, and resolutely responded to the illegal interference of Japanese Marine Insurance Agency vessels at the scene. China has made solemn representations to the Japanese side through diplomatic channels, urging the Japanese side to immediately stop the infringement.

       I want to emphasize that Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands are China’s inherent territory, and it is China’s inherent right to carry out cruise enforcement in the Diaoyu Islands. We demand that Japan abide by the spirit of the four-point principle consensus, avoid creating new troubles on the Diaoyu Islands issue, and take practical actions to maintain the stability of the East China Sea.

       Kyodo News: As far as I know, it is very rare for China to take direct action against Japanese fishing boats. It seems that China is unilaterally stepping up its activities in the Diaoyu Islands. What direction does China think China-Japan relations should develop?

       Zhao Lijian: Just now I have clearly stated China’s position. China demands that Japan abide by the spirit of the four-point principle consensus, avoid creating new troubles on the Diaoyu Islands issue, and take practical actions to maintain the stability of the East China Sea.

       At present, China and Japan should concentrate on fighting the epidemic and further develop friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries.