College students running home: 70 kilometers takes 9.5 hours to think about it.

  "I’m just doing what I like and want to challenge myself."

  On October 2nd, Wang Lang, a 20-year-old sophomore, didn’t expect that he suddenly got angry on the Weibo. Everything stems from the fact that the day before, he realized a long-simmering plan — — Running alone from the school in Dazhou, Sichuan, I returned to my hometown in Dazhu County, more than 70 kilometers away.

  Wang Lang, a 20-year-old sophomore. Sichuan Daily Map At 3: 30 in the morning on the National Day, Wang Lang started from the dormitory of Lianhu Campus of Sichuan University of Arts and Sciences, without luggage, wearing light sweatpants, carrying a sports purse around his waist, and navigating with mobile phone software, and started a nine-and-a-half-hour running trip home.

  Before dawn, it was raining heavily. After running 5 kilometers in the original urban area, Wang Lang entered the nearly 40-kilometer-long mountain road. There are no street lamps, no pedestrians, and the light from the flashlight can only illuminate the feet. Wang Lang runs with fear every step. "Psychological suffering is more difficult than physical suffering."

  Relying on his love of running, Wang Lang insisted on running the whole course, although he had frequent cramps in his thighs in the last few kilometers, so he had to slow down and pull to relieve himself after running a few hundred meters.

  Wang Lang’s self-made national day home route map. This love of running continues from my father who farmed at home. According to Wang Lang, running is my father’s hobby since childhood, but due to family conditions, I have never received professional training. "This is my father’s regret, but running is still his greatest pleasure. My father has insisted on getting up early every day for 35 years."

  Running together has also become a way of emotional communication between father and son. In March of this year, Wang Lang signed himself up for the Chengdu Double Legacy Marathon with his father. "In order to reduce his father’s regrets, the ranking is not important, and running together is very happy."

  The Paper:When did you have the idea of running home? Why?

  Wang Lang:During the National Day holiday of senior one, I also had the experience of running from home to school, but the distance was only a dozen kilometers, and I didn’t try to run as far as this time. But I ran back to Dazhu County, where my family is located, from Dazhou City. This plan was made long ago. If I hadn’t sprained my ankle before, I might have realized it during my vacation in Tomb-Sweeping Day.

  I like running, and I want to challenge myself. I want to add some colorful things to my plain life. Isn’t there a saying that we will get old if we don’t get crazy?

  The Paper:What plans and preparations have been made in advance?

  Wang Lang:Let friends take luggage belt home in advance and go into battle lightly. I brought my bank card, cash, ID card and campus card in my pocket. I was afraid of any unexpected situation on the road, so I prepared two mobile phones, which were fully charged. The route is to follow the navigation completely.

  Wang Lang:Looking at the map before running shows that it is about 73 kilometers, and it is estimated that it will take more than 17 hours to walk. But what I recorded with running software was that I ran 79.18 kilometers from school to Shuangma Station in Dazhu County, which took a total of 9 hours and 28 minutes, including the time needed to rest and replenish energy.

  The Paper:Did you encounter anything impressive on your way home from running? Have you ever thought about giving up halfway?

  Wang Lang:Actually, it’s a little scary to think about it. There are more than 30 kilometers of mountain roads in the middle. At that time, it was still dark, and it was raining cats and dogs. I was afraid of spraining my ankle and being chased by dogs. When crossing a tunnel, there were no pedestrians. My breathing, the footsteps of running, the shaking of my wallet zipper, the rain outside and the speeding of passing cars echoed in the tunnel, which was particularly scary. I was in a bad mood at that time. When I was shopping and asking for directions on the way, I met passers-by and advised me not to run, but I never thought about giving up. I had to persist and challenge what I liked.

  The Paper:Do you often run? Why do you like it?

  Wang Lang:I am a student of the Institute of Physical Education, and I usually run regularly or quantitatively at school. Running away from the phone and the crowd, talking to your heart, seems to purify your mind. It feels good to sweat after running, and it can really bring positive energy to life and study.

  I like running and am influenced by my father. His greatest pleasure is running, which lasted for 35 years. When I was at home on holiday, he woke me up at four or five in the morning and we went together.

  The Paper:Do you have any plans after this attempt?

  Wang Lang:My father and I both signed up for the Guang ‘an International Marathon in mid-October, and are going to join the Dazhou Running Group. Ranking doesn’t matter, running with dad is very happy.

It snows in Chengdu today! Netizen: Scalp snow, it is also snow.

just now
Downtown Chengdu, get off! Snow! Yes!
Chengdu Meteorological Observatory
Publish a snowfall forecast
At present, there is light snow or sleet in most areas of Chengdu
It is expected that from today’s day to tomorrow night.
There is intermittent light snow in Chengdu
The most obvious period of snowfall occurred this evening.
The temperature is-2 ~ 5℃
Wuhou, Chenghua and Qingyang
Wenjiang, Pidu, Longquan and Xindu
Netizens in other places
Sent a "good news"!
Come on!
Let’s feel the snowflakes in Chengdu first.
a pet phrase
Although the scalp is snowy, it is also snow.
The snowflake floating on the clothes
It’s really not that everyone is dazzled.
If the downtown area is dominated by a sense of snowy atmosphere,
The snow in these places is really visible to the naked eye.
Southwest jiaotong university photographed by netizens
Dujiangyan in the early morning
And Pengzhou.
The snowflakes are distinct
Not enough?
21 to 22
Sandaoyan and Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park
Lujiatan, Huanglongxi and Tiantai Mountain Scenic Area
Danjingtai Scenic Area, Dujiangyan
Jiezi Ancient Town, Jiulonggou
Xiling Snow Mountain, Pujiang, etc.
Are showing in the snow.
The main force of cold air has passed
There are weak cold air supplements in the follow-up.
Affected by strong cold air
20 -22 January
Strong cooling, rain, snow and windy weather occurred in Chengdu.
According to the monitoring data of the National Meteorological Observatory
The average temperature in Chengdu on the 21st is 6.0℃.
It is 4.4℃ lower than that on 19th.
The biggest drop is Jianyang.
From 11.4℃ to 5.7℃
The highest temperature in various places on the 22nd.
Has dropped to 4 ~ 9℃
The lowest temperature in various places in the early morning of the 22nd.
Has dropped to 0 ~ 2℃
Most parts of Chengdu
There has been the most obvious rainfall this year
Among them, the western mountain area
Longquanshan City Forest Park
And parts of Tianfu New District in Sichuan.
There was sleet or light snow.
According to the statistics of monitoring data of ground meteorological observation stations
maximum precipitation
Appeared in Tianfu New District, Sichuan
instantaneous wind speed
Appear in Qingbaijiang
According to the latest meteorological data monitoring and analysis
At present, the main force of this cold air affecting our city has passed.
Chengdu Meteorological Observatory at 16: 00 on the 22nd
Lift the blue warning of strong cooling
But there are weak cold air supplements in the follow-up.
At present, the influence of strong winds is over.
The cooling continues.
Late heating is slow.
Somatosensory still cold and biting.
Frozen hands and feet
Minimum -4℃! It’s still cold these days.
According to @ Chengdu Meteorological News
At 7 o’clock this morning, the city’s temperature
0.0℃ (Dujiangyan) ~ 2.7℃ (Shuangliu)
It is estimated that the daytime in our city will be mainly cloudy with cloudy days.
There is scattered light rain or sleet in the west and Longquan mountains around evening.
There is still light snow in the mountains
The highest temperature is about 5℃
It is estimated that in the next three days
The sky in Rongcheng is mainly cloudy or cloudy on cloudy days.
Some places have a short-lived sun.
Multi-scattered light rain or sleet
There is still light snow falling in some mountainous areas.
The highest temperature is about 5 ~ 8℃
The lowest temperature can reach -4℃
The specific weather forecast for the next few days is as follows
On the 23rd, it was cloudy on cloudy days, with scattered light rain or sleet in the west and Longquan mountains, and light snow in the mountains, with the temperature of-2 ~ 5℃.
From the evening of 23rd to 24th, there was scattered sleet on cloudy days and light snow in mountainous areas, and the temperature was-2 ~ 5℃.
From the evening of 24th to 25th, it is cloudy during the day, with scattered light rain in the west and light snow in the mountains at night, and the temperature is-4 ~ 8℃.
From the evening of 25th to 26th, it turns cloudy during the day, with scattered sleet or light snow in the mountains, and the temperature is-3 ~ 9℃.
From the evening of 26th to 27th, it was cloudy and sunny during the day, and the temperature was-2 ~ 11℃.
From the evening of 27th to 28th, it was cloudy and sunny during the day, and the temperature was-3 ~ 12℃.
It was cloudy during the day from the evening of 28th to 29th, and the temperature was 0 ~ 12℃.
The chill is very strong and the temperature continues to drop.
Today, from day to night, it is cloudy in Bazhong, Dazhou and Guang ‘an, with sleet or light rain on cloudy days in other cities in the basin and light snow in the mountainous areas around the basin. The northwest of Ganzi Prefecture and the south of Aba Prefecture are cloudy with snow showers, with partial snow, and the rest of the western Sichuan Plateau is cloudy and cloudy; Most of Panxi area is cloudy on cloudy days, among which there are showers of snow (rain) in the northeast of Liangshan Prefecture, with partial snow. Within 24 hours, the lowest temperature in the basin:-1 ~ 2℃; Maximum temperature: 3~6℃.
The rain and snow process in central and eastern China ends today.
Southwest China has become the "main battlefield" for precipitation
Yesterday, the southern part of China ushered in the strongest snowfall day, and the snow line pressed to the northern part of South China, and there were many blizzards. According to the forecast, the current rain and snow weather process will basically enter the final stage from today’s daytime. In the next few days, the "main battlefield" of precipitation will be concentrated in the southwest region, in which freezing rain will appear in southern and western Guizhou and eastern Yunnan.
Specifically, today, some areas in central and eastern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, eastern Tibet, northern and southern Qinghai, Hexi in Gansu, northern and eastern Sichuan Plateau, western Guizhou, northeastern Yunnan and other places have small to medium snow or sleet, and local snow (5 ~ 8 mm). There is light rain in parts of Sichuan Basin, south-central Yunnan, southeastern Guangxi, southwestern Guangdong, Hainan Island and Taiwan Province Island.
Tomorrow, there will be light to medium snow or sleet in parts of eastern Tibet, southern Qinghai, Hexi in Gansu, western Sichuan Plateau, western Guizhou and northeastern Yunnan, with local heavy snow (5 ~ 7 mm). There are small to moderate rains in parts of Yunnan and Sichuan Basin.
The day after tomorrow, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of eastern Tibet, southern Qinghai, southern Gansu, northern Sichuan Plateau, southern Sichuan, western Guizhou, northeastern and northwestern Yunnan. There are small to moderate rains in most parts of Yunnan and southwestern Guizhou.
Has the low temperature in various places ended for a long time?
Will last until around the 26th.
This morning, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a low-temperature blue warning. It is estimated that the lowest or average temperature in Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, south-central Zhejiang, western Fujian, Guangdong, and central and eastern Guangxi is more than 5 C lower than that in the same period of history. Among them, some areas in central and eastern Guizhou, northwestern Hunan, south-central Jiangxi, southern Zhejiang, and northwestern Guangdong are more than 7 C lower, and the minimum temperature line of 0 C will be located in northern Guangxi and northern Guangdong.
Among the big cities, the temperatures in Changsha, Hunan Province at 7: 00 this morning were only -6℃ and Guiyang at -5.9℃, both of which were rare low temperatures in late January. In addition, many areas in the south were blessed by rain and snow this time, which made them feel damp and cold, and the somatosensory temperature may be lower. The public needs to continue to do a good job in cold protection and warmth.
It is expected that the impact of this cold wave will gradually end from tonight, but due to the slow return of temperature in most parts of the central and eastern regions, this generally low temperature will continue until around the 26th, and then the temperature will gradually return to a higher or normal state than normal.
Did it snow there?
Comprehensive: CCTV News, Sichuan Meteorology, Chengdu Meteorology, Chengdu Daily,
Source: Sichuan Traffic Radio

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  Come to New Year this year.

  In addition to friends and family.

  There is also a cold wave from the polar regions.

  Central Meteorological Observatory at 06: 00 on January 23

  Continue to issue a cold wave blue warning

  It is expected that it will not be until the third day

  This cold wave will continue to affect our country.

  Affected by strong cold air, it is estimated that the temperature will drop by 6 ~ 10℃ in most parts of central and eastern China, by 12~14℃ in eastern Northeast China, eastern Jiangnan and northeastern South China, and by more than 16℃ in eastern Jilin from 08: 00 on January 23rd to 08: 00 on January 25th. There are 4 ~ 6 winds in the above areas, and gusts are 7 ~ 8. Some areas in western Gansu, western Inner Mongolia, northern Qinghai and Ningxia have sand or floating dust. There are 6 ~ 8 winds and 9~10 gusts in most offshore areas of China. The lowest temperature in the process appeared on the morning of 25th, and the lowest temperature 0℃ line will be located in the east of Yunnan, south of Guizhou and north of South China.

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  From 23rd to 24th (the second day and the third day of New Year’s Day), the temperatures in Northeast China, North China and East China will hit new lows after winter, and the temperature will be 6-10℃ lower than normal.

  From the early morning of January 23rd, snowflakes began to float in Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao, Baoding and many places in Beijing.

  [Snow in xiong’an new area]

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  Address: xiong’an new area Yuerong Park Source: Jishi Client

  [Snow in Tangshan]

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  Photo from Tangshan traffic police

  Hebei specific weather forecast

  [Hebei Meteorological Observatory continued to issue the blue warning signal of cold wave at 05: 00 on January 23, 2023]

  Affected by cold air, it is expected that the lowest temperature in the whole province will continue to drop tomorrow morning, with Baoding, Langfang and the south area dropping by 6 ~ 8℃, local dropping by 8 ~ 10℃ and other areas dropping by 2 ~ 5℃. Tomorrow morning, the minimum temperature in the north of Zhangjiakou and Chengde will drop to-33 ~-26℃, in Shijiazhuang, Cangzhou and the south, to-16 ~-12℃, and in other areas to-25 ~-17℃.

  [Hebei Meteorological Observatory continued to issue gale blue warning signal at 05: 00 on January 23, 2023]

  Affected by cold air, it is expected that there will be winds of 4 to 6 from north to northeast in eastern Chengde, Qinhuangdao, eastern Tangshan, Cangzhou, Hengshui, Xingtai and Handan from day to night, with gusts of 7, which will weaken to below 6 at night; There are 4 to 6 northwest winds, 7 gusts and 8 local gusts in Zhangjiakou, the central and western Chengde, the western Baoding and the western Shijiazhuang. There are 7-8 northeast winds, 9 gusts, 6-7 northwest winds and 8-9 gusts in coastal waters and coastal areas. Please take precautions!

  [Weather forecast issued by Hebei Meteorological Observatory at 05: 00 on January 23, 2023]

  Today, from day to night, scattered light snow or light snow turned cloudy in southern Langfang, Cangzhou, eastern Hengshui, western Shijiazhuang and western Xingtai, while other areas turned cloudy and sunny. The highest temperature is-25 ~-5℃ in Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao and northwest Baoding, and-4 ~ 2℃ in other areas. The lowest temperature is-33 ~-20℃ in Zhangjiakou, Chengde, northern Qinhuangdao and northwestern Baoding, among which-33 ~-26℃ in Bashang area and-19 ~-12℃ in other areas.

  Tomorrow, from day to night, the whole province will be sunny and cloudy.

  From day to night on the 25th, the northwest turned sunny and cloudy, while other areas were cloudy and sunny.

  Yesterday (22nd, New Year’s Day),

  The cold wave brings strong winds and cools down to "celebrate the New Year"!

  Today and tomorrow,

  On the 23rd (the second day) and 24th (the third day),

  The temperature in our province plummeted,

  Many places will be frozen.

  And the strong wind "assisted",

  The wind-cold effect is remarkable,

  Little friends, be sure to wear more clothes to protect yourself.

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  To sum up

  During the Spring Festival this year

  The cold in the north lasts for a long time

  It’s short but really cold in the south.

  Everyone should pay attention to cold and warmth.

  Synthesis: Website of Central Meteorological Observatory, Hebei Weather and Meteorology Beijing

[Editor in charge:


"Ordinary" and "Moderate" Who is coping with the college exam?

  editpersonaccording to

  Examinations have always been the most worrying thing for students. For college students, the performance not only represents the academic level, but also is an important basis for future research or employment. In order to get satisfactory results, students not only hope that the teacher can "draw the key points", but also hope to be lenient when judging the papers … …

  But for teachers, the mood when marking papers is by no means as simple as leaving no mercy. Recently, the reporter received a letter from a university professor, complaining about the "suffering" during the final exam. Although it has been a holiday, many jumps in the students’ papers, perfunctory answers, lackadaisical language expression, logical analysis, and even the "blank space" under the exam questions still make him sigh.

  Is what the professor said a common phenomenon? What problems are mapped out in a paper? It’s the school season again, and I hope that this year’s questioners and respondents can make real efforts to complete a satisfactory answer sheet.

  [Letters from readers]

  Shock wave behind a final exam paper

  Li Mingliang, Professor of International Business School of Tianjin Foreign Studies University.

  I have been teaching in the university for more than ten years, and at the end of each semester, I will face a serious psychological shock — — Suffer from the "torment" of the final exam. This "suffering" is not only a physical test, but also a mental torture. At the end of almost every semester, I have to read at least 200 or 300 papers by myself. These "final exam works" from students of different majors and grades are not only hard to see refreshing, serious and beautiful writing, but also jump and answer casually, and the language expression and logical analysis are indifferent. There are even many papers that leave a lot of worrying blanks. A teacher once told me that some students couldn’t answer the questions, so they simply drew a smiling face in the blank space under the examination questions, and then wrote a kind word praising the teacher, as if to please the teacher or win the teacher’s sympathy, hoping that the teacher could be "merciful."

  As we all know, examination has its unique functions of evaluation, detection, diagnosis, guidance, feedback and encouragement, which cannot be replaced by any other teaching link. The final exam is not only a final assessment and systematic evaluation of students’ learning situation of various courses since one semester, but also a process check of professional teachers’ teaching effect and teaching quality. Generally speaking, the total score of the current assessment courses in colleges and universities is comprehensively evaluated according to the usual scores and final exam scores. Among them, the usual scores include quizzes, homework, class discussions, course papers, attendance, etc. The final score is the final closed-book exam paper score, and their respective weights are different in each school. But on the whole, most colleges and universities stipulate that the final grade accounts for 50% ~ 70% of the total grade. In addition, some colleges and universities also stipulate that there should be no less than four kinds of questions in the final examination paper of each course, and the number of questions is moderate and the difficulty is moderate, which should basically ensure that candidates can complete it within 90 minutes. In this way, the test questions of many courses are limited to noun explanation questions, multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, short-answer questions, discussion questions, case analysis questions or calculation questions. Students also follow this logic year after year to review the "exam-oriented". In colleges and universities, there is also an unwritten "rules of the game". Teachers will divide the students into a general examination range at the end of the term to give each other a "reassurance". Otherwise, students will be at a loss and don’t know what to review;Teachers will also be worried that candidates will "fail in a large area" and the failure rate is too high, which will not only affect their personal teaching reputation, but also lead to tension between teachers and students; Seriously, it may also be held accountable by the teaching authorities, and even ultimately affect the annual performance appraisal and professional title promotion of teachers.

  From this point of view, the curriculum assessment in our colleges and universities is really not limited to a final examination paper. This is not only related to the relationship between teachers and students, teaching, examination, evaluation and management in colleges and universities, but also related to the talent training mode of higher education, especially the quality of talent training. In fact, for many years, we have been advocating the separation of teaching and examination, calling for the separation of teaching and examination, and teachers do not participate in the final examination of their courses, including setting questions, invigilating, marking papers, scoring and quality analysis; Instead, a set of examination management system with complete rules and regulations including examination database, automatic proposition, marking, grading, examination analysis, score management and so on is established. College curriculum examination should not blindly emphasize theory over application, knowledge over ability, results over process and grades over feedback, but should be adjusted to pay more attention to students’ innovative ability and practical ability, and realize a comprehensive evaluation system with comprehensive evaluation contents, diversified subjects, diversified methods and dynamic process. However, in reality, colleges and universities still have a long way to go in order to build a scientific, comprehensive and reasonable evaluation system and its mode reform.

  This holiday, Wang Li, a sophomore in a university in Shanxi, didn’t have an easy time. "There are two exam results that haven’t come out, and I’m particularly worried that I can’t pass them. Because I didn’t answer the last two big questions, my paper score is definitely not enough. I pray that the teacher can make my usual grades higher." For these two grades, Wang Li basically brushes the school website every day, and often chats with his classmates to "pray for blessings". "There are still a few days before school starts, and we will know the result soon."

  Liu Zhengdong, Wang Li’s classmate, told the reporter, "I had a hunch that I would fail two exams, and finally I went to the teacher to plead with him, hoping that he would hand ‘ Song ’ Point, the final result is quite satisfactory, all 60 points, just passed. " Looking at the results haven’t come out yet, Liu Zhengdong advised Wang Li to send a message to the teacher and get in touch with "feelings", so maybe he could pass the exam on the line. "After all, many students didn’t answer well."

  1. "Everything will be fine if you don’t fail."

  Are the examination papers of college students really so casual and so "vulnerable"?

  "No matter which school, there are schoolmasters, but to be honest, if there are no goals such as insurance research that explicitly require credit scores, many students are in line with ‘ Just pass the exam ’ The mentality to cope with the exam. I usually don’t listen to lectures in class, I leave homework from the Internet, review all night before the exam, and everything will be fine without failing. " Zhu Wenshuo, a college student in Beijing, told reporters.

  "The examination questions of many courses are nothing more than noun explanation questions, multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, short-answer questions, essay questions and so on." Fan Hui, a college student in Hunan, is a liberal arts student. In his view, liberal arts exams are usually relatively easy. "As long as you can remember the knowledge points, you will definitely get similar results. Especially the following essay questions, as long as you have a general understanding of this course, you can write the paper full and make sense, and the basic score will not be bad. "

  A college teacher who has been engaged in teaching for many years read this sentence repeatedly after seeing it. "I can’t say a lot, but there are some papers that have such problems. When students don’t know what to answer, they will simply list or analyze some concepts of this course, lack basic logic, and even answer irrelevant questions. Because the students know that as long as I answer this question, the teacher will give some points. "

  However, there is also a college teacher who believes that the college exam is to condense the task of assessing students’ knowledge into a test paper. "Therefore, teachers often ask questions fairly well, and students only need to write out what they think is the most correct. We can’t ask all students to keep a cutting-edge and in-depth understanding of a certain knowledge."

  2. Who is responsible for the "dull" test paper?

  Then, in the face of some "plain" answers that are difficult to make people shine at the moment, we should think deeply. What is the problem?

  In this regard, Mo Leiyu, an associate professor at China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) School of Management, believes that there are three reasons: First, the academic level of students is uneven now, and it is difficult to unify the measurement standards; Second, due to the school regulations, some colleges and universities have specific proportions for the failure rate of course assessment; Third, under the baton of postgraduate entrance examination, students are utilitarian, and many students do not attach importance to courses that are not directly related to postgraduate entrance examination.

  Chen Peng, director of the Department of Communication at Nankai University, said that sometimes, in order to "standardize" and facilitate management in a uniform way, educational management departments will require teachers to take exams according to certain prescribed formats, forms and even contents, sometimes they have formulated strict procedures for exams, and sometimes they even put forward some requirements for exam results. "For example, I have learned that the education management departments of many universities will require teachers to take exams in some form, which will facilitate the final filing management; Sometimes students’ grades are required to present an approximate normal distribution, otherwise they are considered to have problems in the exam; Sometimes teachers’ grades are questioned, and in order to be consistent with their standards, teachers are required to lower or raise their grades. In the final analysis, it is still to cope with teaching evaluation. " Chen Peng said, "As an important link in teaching, examination evaluation should respect the laws of education and teaching and be set by teachers, and should ensure that teachers are in the professional field according to professional standards, academic standards and teaching objectives ‘ Discretion ’ 。”

  "Just because the test papers answered by students are relatively dull does not mean that there is something wrong with the test itself." Some experts said that examination may not be the best way to assess, but as far as the current situation is concerned, there is no better way to test learning, supervise learning and complete evaluation. He believes that the negative impact seen at present is by no means from the examination mechanism itself.

  Chen Peng said: "Exams and grades are the intersection of students and teachers in knowledge dissemination. Different understanding of the role of knowledge in the educational process and life path leads to different understanding of exams between teachers and students and between different students. However, if there are courses, there will be exams, because every course needs quality evaluation and effect test, and it is necessary to innovate in ways and methods. "

  3. How to get the true level in the exam?

  Kun Wang, a student of a university in Beijing, was deeply impressed by a small innovation in an ordinary exam. She told reporters that in the final exam of English listening course last semester, in addition to the regular British accent, there was also a Japanese accent in her listening materials. "Although it is indeed difficult to distinguish, it is inevitable to encounter this kind of communication situation in practical application. After several years of professional courses, it is necessary for us to exercise our ability to eliminate all kinds of interference factors."

  "We all know that exams are very important, but we often ignore the significance of exams." Kun Wang said that when we take exams just for the sake of exams, the effect will naturally be greatly reduced.

  "The meaning of the exam is to know what progress students have made and what students have gained through the study of the course ‘ Value-added ’ , to what extent ‘ Value-added ’ ; Discover the shortcomings of students’ learning process and find out which aspects of students have failed to achieve the expected learning effect, so as to provide targeted and targeted help to students. " Professor Xie Xiaoqing, former director of beijing language and culture university Institute of Educational Measurement, said.

  Then, how to make the exam play a greater role and make the exam get the true level?

  In Mo Leiyu’s view, the examination can be analyzed in detail, such as dividing the examination into two parts, setting a unified national examination method for the basic knowledge part, and stipulating a bottom line that students of this major must reach. If it is not reached, the basic knowledge is not mastered. "Now there are many channels for students to acquire knowledge, but most of them are fragmented and difficult to connect, so it is still necessary to systematically examine the basic knowledge. Non-single answer questions involving creative and divergent thinking can be flexibly assessed by interviews and other means. "

  Xie Xiaoqing emphasized: "The knowledge test mainly examines the memory of specific professional knowledge. This kind of memory knowledge can often be completed with the help of online search, which is easy to dampen students’ interest in learning. The ability test mainly examines those psychological characteristics that have a wide influence and are relatively stable. This kind of test has obvious effect on improving students’ overall quality. At the same time, the ability test is not easily affected by the surprise preparation, and can accurately reflect the students’ real learning level. "

  (Our reporter Jin Haotian, our correspondent Jiang Jiaqian)

This Italian children’s choir is hard to get a ticket every year. How will they appear in Shanghai this year?

The Italian Antoniano Chorus ("An Tuan" for short) is no stranger to many audiences in China. Every New Year, the choir’s New Year concert in Shanghai has become a regular program for many parent-child families, and it is not difficult for parents of all walks of life to "grab tickets". Because every time, the tickets for the New Year concert will be sold out within 1 minute. This record has been maintained for many years.
Since its first performance in China in 2016, the troupe has held a New Year Chorus Concert at Shanghai Children’s Art Theater (SAIC Roewe Children’s Cultural Center) for five consecutive years. When the epidemic struck this year, foreign performing groups could not come to China. The organizer, Shanghai Children’s Art Theater, made a decision to continue to hold the Anzhuan New Year Concert in 2021 and put it on in a "cross-time" way.
This concert tried a brand-new stage technology, using high-definition video and holographic technology to realize the interaction between Italy and China. An Tuan will sing in Italy and interact with the China Sisters from a distance. There will be six concerts from December 31st to January 3rd. The concert on New Year’s Day will be broadcast live through Youku platform.
Liang Xiaoxia, general manager of Shanghai Children’s Art Theater, revealed that this New Year concert "through time and space" is the most difficult concert they have had in the five years since they introduced the troupe. In addition to the great technical difficulties, including the time difference and different ideas between China and Italy. However, because the Italian security corps is located in a high-risk area, it has also overcome various difficulties in rehearsal and filming. Mr. Cavalli Giampaolo, artistic director of ANTuan, said that it was the most difficult but also the warmest New Year concert that ANTuan had completed in the past 57 years.
Liang Xiaoxia said that the reason why we insisted on presenting the New Year’s Concert in this way this year was that we hoped to satisfy the thoughts of the Shanghai audience; Second, I hope that through this concert that spans time and space, there will be a warm connection between China and the international children. Just like the theme of this year’s New Year concert: "2021, More Love".
Affected by the epidemic, the real person did not come to the New Year concert to be put on hold.Every year, New Year’s Eve is celebrated with the songs of the troupe, which has become a fixed project for many China audiences to welcome the new year. This year, an Tuan can’t come to China, and there is no live concert. What should we do?
Finally, after consulting with Shanghai Children’s Art Theater, the troupe decided to present the New Year concert in this special period with high-definition video.
However, can the audience’s expectations be met by playing HD video alone, and how can the audience who go into the theater to listen to the concert have a unique live experience? After discussion, the Chinese and Italian teams finally decided to use holographic technology.
Holographic technology used to be used in concerts and other large-scale activities, but it is the first time in the world to be used in concerts, especially children’s chorus concerts. For this reason, the organizer invited the best professional technical team in China, used the world’s most advanced cable-stayed film projection technology, and equipped the top dance equipment in the industry to achieve the best imaging effect in the industry at present.
It is envisaged that the three tracks of the concert will be presented by holographic projection technology. On the stage, the pre-recorded singing video of the troupe will be presented by holographic technology, while the China Sisters Hydrangea Choir of the troupe will perform live, so the two choirs will present the effect of "singing on the same stage", and there will be an interactive experience of live performance and virtual imaging.
In the past, holographic film technology was mostly in the form of "single person and single film", but this time, the Chinese and Italian teams must solve the problem of presenting dozens of choir children on the same film at the same time. Not only that, but also will interact with the security group at the scene. The number of people, the complexity of design, the difficulty of shooting and the difficulty of the later stage are unprecedented for the technical team.
In order to solve this series of problems, the domestic technical team has produced a shooting guide with dozens of pages for ANTuan, explaining each shot, each angle and each group of protagonists in detail.
Because this is the first time that an Tuan has challenged holographic technology, the effect of the first shooting is not satisfactory. The teams in China and Italy overcame the time difference and communicated remotely all night. Finally, gather all the children in the choir again and shoot again.
Although there are great challenges and difficulties, Liang Xiaoxia said, "The impact of the epidemic has prevented the troupe from coming to the scene to perform, but at the same time, this situation has also made us think, open up more imagination and see if we can use scientific and technological means to make the performance team who can’t come to the scene personally bring a good stage experience to the audience."
Liang Xiaoxia said that the application of holographic technology in the New Year concert is also an attempt by Shanghai Children’s Art Theater to perform on the stage at present and in the post-epidemic era, which can provide reference and inspiration for the future.
Serious risk escalation of epidemic situation, bumpy recording and difficult transmissionFor the Italian Chorus Antoniano, the experience of this New Year concert is unprecedented.
Lombardia, where the choir is located, is listed as a high-risk area of red epidemic by the Italian government, and Italy is one of the countries with the worst epidemic in Europe. This year, almost all performances of the choir were suspended, including the children’s chorus gold medal competition that the choir participates in every year, which was also announced to be postponed until next year.
At the same time, due to the epidemic situation, the Italian national television team, which recorded the concert for ANTuan in previous years, was unable to assist in the filming this year, and the staff of the technical department of ANTuan made up the seats one by one at the first time, which solved the shooting problem.
However, the local government does not allow many people to enter the studio for recording. To this end, the security group specially applied to the Italian government, and after more than two months of examination and approval, it finally obtained special approval. Therefore, during the Italian epidemic, ANTuan became the only organization that was able to carry out multi-person shed recording.
During each rehearsal and recording, the local government will also appoint two health supervisors to be full-time inspectors at the scene.
The problems encountered in shooting are also continuous. Because there are 40 members in the official performance, according to the requirements of Italian epidemic prevention and control, only half of them can now enter the studio for recording. At the same time, when rehearsing and recording, each child should be separated by a safe distance of at least 1 meter. As a result, during the video recording in the studio, the children no longer stood on the chorus table, but stood on 23 little red dot landmarks which had been strictly measured.
In order to present the best visual effect, the troupe shot every song in the concert from multiple positions and angles, and it took a long time to shoot the material of 18 songs. But at the same time, how to "send" the massive materials of the whole New Year concert to China at the fastest speed has become another difficult problem under special conditions this year.
After numerous international discussions and various schemes, there are only one or two days left before the concert starts. Liang Xiaoxia and her team are still making various adjustments across the time difference every day, striving to make the concert present the best effect. In Italy, all the children and the conductor of the troupe are full of expectations for this unprecedented concert.
"So many times, the children didn’t complain, because the children themselves are very curious and looking forward to it. They will ask, can holographic technology really send us to China? What will we look like on China’s screen? "
Liang Xiaoxia said that since she introduced AnTuan five years ago, this children’s choir has been regarded as the most healing and joyful choir. Therefore, I hope that in this special New Year, more audiences can enjoy and share the warmth and healing brought by the concert.
(This article is from The Paper, please download the "The Paper" APP for more original information)

Financial data released in July! Why is it lower than market expectations? Expert interpretation

  According to the financial statistics released by the People’s Bank of China on August 11th, at the end of July, the balance of broad money (M_2) was 285.4 trillion yuan, up 10.7% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 0.6 and 1.3 percentage points lower than that at the end of last month and the same period of last year respectively. In the first seven months, RMB loans increased by 16.08 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.67 trillion yuan over the same period of last year. In July, RMB loans increased by 345.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 349.8 billion yuan.

  According to preliminary statistics, the scale of social financing in the first seven months totaled 22.08 trillion yuan, 206.9 billion yuan more than the same period of last year. In July, the scale of social financing increased by 528.2 billion yuan, 270.3 billion yuan less than the same period of last year.

  Experts believe that on the whole, the financial data in July was lower than market expectations, mainly due to short-term fluctuations caused by overdraft effect and delayed release of financing demand, which does not mean that the process of wide credit has changed. At present, the macro-policy control is increasing, and the credit downturn will not last.

  "The financial data in July was less than expected, mainly due to three reasons: First, the economy is in a weak repair period, the recovery situation is not stable, and the financing demand of the real economy is still weak; Second, the scale of social financing and RMB loans unexpectedly rebounded and grew rapidly in June, and the credit supply of financial institutions was rushed ahead of schedule, which overdrawn the credit demand in July to some extent; The third is seasonal factors, and July is usually a small month for credit. " Dong Ximiao, chief researcher of Zhaolian, said.

  Wang Qing, chief macro analyst of Oriental Jincheng, said that the high credit impulse in June had an overdraft effect on the credit demand in July, which would significantly increase the monthly fluctuation of new loans. This phenomenon appeared many times in April, July and October, 2022. At the same time, although the expectation of steady growth continued to improve in July, the incremental policy was limited, and the economic recovery was still weak, especially in the real estate market, and the credit demand of enterprises and residents was not strong. In addition, the interest rate cut in June and the lowering of the quoted interest rate (LPR) in the loan market may have formed a strong downward expectation of interest rates in the market, causing some enterprises or residents to postpone financing needs in order to wait for lower financing costs.

  By sector, in July, household loans decreased by 200.7 billion yuan, of which short-term loans decreased by 133.5 billion yuan and medium-and long-term loans decreased by 67.2 billion yuan; Loans from enterprises and institutions increased by 237.8 billion yuan, of which short-term loans decreased by 378.5 billion yuan, medium-and long-term loans increased by 271.2 billion yuan, and bill financing increased by 359.7 billion yuan; Loans from non-banking financial institutions increased by 217 billion yuan.

  "We should attach great importance to the problems of weak confidence in the household sector and sluggish market demand, make efforts from the demand side as soon as possible, speed up the adjustment and optimization of housing purchase restriction and loan restriction policies, continue to strengthen the implementation of differentiated housing credit policies, and comprehensively reduce the down payment ratio and cancel ‘ Recognizing the house and the loan ’ Measures such as reducing the interest rate of stock loans. " Dong Ximiao said that the current adjustment of housing credit policy mainly focuses on supporting rigid housing demand, and more powerful measures should be taken to support improved housing demand. At the same time, accelerate the adoption of more comprehensive measures to stabilize and expand the large-scale consumption of automobiles and homes.

  In July, Politburo meeting of the Chinese Communist Party focused on the three goals of "expanding domestic demand, boosting confidence and preventing risks", and proposed to strengthen macro-policy regulation, countercyclical adjustment and policy reserve, which clearly released the signal of supporting the real economy. Wen Bin, chief economist of China Minsheng Bank, believes that policy bottoming and economic accumulation will drive the subsequent stable credit expansion and credit structure optimization, and further enhance the momentum of steady economic recovery.

  "A series of policy combinations introduced in July are highly targeted, which will effectively alleviate the operating pressure of private enterprises, accelerate the recovery of the real estate market, promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, stimulate residents’ consumption, expand consumption and investment, improve growth expectations, and accelerate the promotion of credit repair." Wang Yunjin, a senior researcher at Zhixin Investment Research Institute, also believes that the policy level is expected to continue to increase in the third quarter. The People’s Bank of China may comprehensively consider various tools of monetary policy and continue to support credit expansion by lowering the RRR, structurally lowering interest rates, and guiding banks to lower the interest rate of existing mortgages.

  Dong Ximiao said that in the past three years, China has not implemented a strong stimulus policy, and there is a large room for monetary policy adjustment, and policy tools and policy reserves are relatively rich, so it is possible to increase implementation. At present, the weighted average deposit reserve ratio of financial institutions in China is about 7.6%, and there is still room for RRR reduction. At the same time, we should further deepen the reform of interest rate marketization, give play to the role of LPR formation mechanism reform, and guide the market interest rate to continue to decline. (Economic Daily reporter Yao Jin)

Rejuvenate after a century. Shanghai International Film Festival focuses on traditional Chinese opera films.

Original title: Fans’ Gala, Fans’ New Meal | Rejuvenating over a Hundred Years Shanghai International Film Festival focuses on traditional Chinese opera movies.
Traditional Chinese opera is a national art treasure that our people are proud of. In the film history of China, drama and film are thicker than water. In 1948, China’s first color film, Life and Death Hate, was a Peking Opera stage film. In 1954, butterfly lovers, the first color film produced by New China, was also opera film.
Traditional Chinese opera is an important source of China’s film themes in his early years, and it is also a model for artistic creation style. The film has given the opportunity to graft the traditional opera content with the brand-new media. Through video recording, the stage performance has been preserved, and the famous singers and local operas have crossed the gap of region, time and culture, entered the people and even influenced overseas.
Stills of Jingyang Bell
In 1962, the Yue Opera film Dream of Red Mansions was a masterpiece. It was a problem in itself to shoot a masterpiece in more than three hours. Fortunately, Xu Jin, the screenwriter of the drama, had profound skills, closely followed the love thread of Baodai, and her lyrics were elegant and fresh, which was quite vivid. The director connected the true and false scenes almost seamlessly and grasped the rhythm well. The performance is even better. Lin Daiyu of Wang Wenjuan, known as "Living Daiyu", is unsurpassed until today.
It has been more than a hundred years since the first China opera film was born. Today’s opera film works have better blended the artistic forms of the two. The use of 3D shooting techniques has made the performance of the opera more tense, and the classic opera has a brand-new vitality in the film, which is full of brilliance and elegance on the big screen.
Stills of The West Chamber
The 21st Shanghai International Film Festival will also focus on the future development of China’s traditional opera films. During the Jin Jue Forum, a traditional opera film forum will be held, and many experts and scholars from all over the country will gather together to discuss the development and transformation of traditional opera films. There are also many excellent opera films in the exhibition list for the audience, including the above-mentioned 1962 Yue Opera film A Dream of Red Mansions, as well as the 3D Kunqu Opera film Jingyang Bell and the 3D Yue Opera film The West Chamber, which won the Golden Maple Leaf Film Festival in Canada in 2017. These opera films in the new era, while inheriting the classics, have no lack of innovative power, and have given the old operas with modern improved aesthetics and technology.
A Dream of Red Mansions (1962)
Dream of the Red Chamber
Director: Cen Fan
Screenwriter: Xu Jin
Starring: Xu Yulan/Wang Wenjuan/Lv Ruiying/Jin Caifeng/Zhou Bao
Introduction to the film
Lin Daiyu, who lost her loving mother early, went to live in her grandmother’s Jia family and became friends with her cousin Baoyu. In the second year, Xue Baochai, who was born in a famous family and had a "great demeanor", came to Jia’s house again. Because Baoyu has a piece of Baoyu brought from the womb and Baochai has a gold lock, people say behind their backs that they are destined for each other. Baoyu and a group of sisters get along well day and night, but they are soul mates with Daiyu alone.
Jia Zheng wanted his son to become a dragon, forcing Baoyu to read eight-part essay. Baoyu and Daiyu, who despised fame and fortune, peeked at The West Chamber, which was forbidden to read, and understood each other’s thoughts. Baochai also hopes that Baoyu can concentrate on his official career and always preach to him, which makes Baoyu very disgusted. Daiyu is sensitive by nature and has many misunderstandings with Baoyu. Nevertheless, their feelings are getting deeper and deeper. However, Lady Jia and Baoyu’s mother, Mrs. Wang, don’t think much of Baodai’s feelings. In their view, Daiyu is eccentric and not as docile and sensible as Baochai, so she set up a "switch plan" to trick Baoyu into marrying Baochai …
Romance of the West Chamber 3D(2016)
The Love Story In The Western Chamber
Director: Xia Weiliang
Screenwriter: Sun Hongjiang
Starring: Fang Yafen/Qian Huili/Zhang Yongmei/Wu Qun
Introduction to the film
During the first year of Zhenguan in Tang Dynasty, Zhang Xun, a scholar, passed by Pujiu Temple and met Cui Yingying, the daughter of Xiangguo. When she saw her love, she borrowed the West Chamber. Just as Zhang Xun and Yingying were soul mates, Sun Feihu surrounded Pujiu Temple and forced Suo Yingying to be his wife. Cui Furen made it clear in public: Who can get rid of thieves and soldiers, is willing to match his daughter. Zhang Xun stepped forward, only to find that his wife broke the contract again.
Yingying cheated matchmaker and sent her to hand over the poem to Zhang Xun. When they met in the garden, Yingying improvised the design, reprimanded her and left. Zhang Xun became ill because of this. Yingying couldn’t bear it after all, and decided to enter the west wing at night. Soon, Cui Furen was aware of it, and the matchmaker said it truthfully, and accused the lady of breaking her promise and being ungrateful. Madam had no choice but to betroth Yingying to Zhang Xun. However, Zhang Xun was forced to go to Beijing to take the exam, and he was married in the middle and rear.
Jingyangzhong 3D(2016)
The Bell Tolls For A Dynasty
Director: Xia Weiliang
Screenwriter: Zhou Changfu
Starring: Lian/Wu Shuang
Introduction to the film
At the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Jiashen, Li Zicheng soldiers were trapped in Shanxi, which matched Yanjing, the capital of Ming Dynasty. The bell rang in Jingyang, and Emperor Chongzhen summoned the ministers to discuss the matter, ordered General Li Guozhen to supervise the enemy and sent eunuch Du Xun to supervise the army. Due to the lack of soldiers and horses and Du Xun’s elbow, the army was defeated and Li Guozhen died. When Chongzhen heard the news, he wanted to order Zhou Kui, the ruler of the country, to protect the prince from fleeing, but Zhou Kui turned his back on him. Li Zicheng surrounded the capital, and Chongzhen ordered the bell of Jingyang to ring the officials, but few people responded.
Chongzhen was filled with sorrow and hate, and he made a letter to himself. At the same time, he led his family to cry and sacrifice to the ancestral temple. When the capital city was breached, Chongzhen knew that the tide was gone, and ordered the queen and princess to commit suicide and go to Jingshan alone. Looking back on the past, he felt deeply ashamed of his ancestors under the spring, and he was even more indignant: he made great efforts to govern, but Daming Jiangshan was lost in his own hands! He left a suicide note written in blood, but he hoped that Li Zicheng would not hurt the people and his body would be broken; I hope future generations can learn from Daming. Jingyang bell rings again …

From the field to the supermarket, many measures are taken to ensure adequate supply of living materials and stable prices.

Original title: From the field to the supermarket, many measures are taken to ensure adequate supply of living materials and stable prices.

CCTV News: In the face of cold weather, all localities have taken various measures to ensure the normal supply and stable prices of daily necessities such as meat and vegetables. The cold wave weather has also had a certain impact on vegetable greenhouses and animal husbandry, and all localities have strengthened protection to minimize adverse effects.
Recently, the cold weather in Shanxi has continued, and the local authorities have strengthened the organization of goods supply and increased the inventory, and made every effort to ensure that the meat food in supermarkets and farmers’ markets has sufficient inventory and stable prices.
Han Songzhe, a beef seller:Beef has been selling well recently, the supply is quite sufficient, and the price is very stable.
Taiyuan citizen Zhang Aihong:Snow and slippery roads, these supplies are quite good, and the price seems to be cheaper than the previous days.
Recently, Jinan, Zibo, Weifang and other places in Shandong Province ushered in snowfall, which led to snow and ice on the Jiqing Expressway. The local area immediately started snow removal and ice melting operations to ensure traffic and material transportation. In a vegetable warehouse in Weifang, workers are loading 20 tons of pumpkins for shipment to Jiaxing, Zhejiang.
Truck driver Zhao Yunbin:After it snowed these days, I was worried that the road surface on the expressway was frozen and it was not easy to run. I didn’t expect to go up and see that the snow on the road was very clean and it ran very smoothly.
At present, there are 148,000 mu of vegetables in field in hua county, Henan Province, covering spinach, celery, pepper and other varieties. More than 1,200 mu of celery in Shigu Village is in the growth stage, and local agricultural technicians provide production guidance to growers from the aspects of cold protection, heat preservation and spraying nutrition.
Affected by the cold wave weather, more than 20,000 vegetable greenhouses in the whole area of Feixiang District, Hebei Province were all covered by heavy snow, and nearly 1,000 vegetable greenhouses were damaged to varying degrees. Local agricultural technicians at all levels are subcontracted to households, and vegetable farmers are directed to clear snow, strengthen sheds and reduce losses.
Strong cold wave weather brings great challenges to agriculture and animal husbandry production in Inner Mongolia, especially to animal husbandry. In Ordos, the local authorities actively coordinated the storage of forage, cleared the snow in time, reduced the load-bearing capacity of sheds, and helped farmers and herdsmen cope with extreme weather. More than 11.6 million yuan of disaster prevention subsidies have also been paid in place.
Source: CCTV

Women who are stared at in street shooting have nowhere to escape.

Author | Liu Chezai Editor | Yan Fei

Summer has come, and photographers holding cameras in the street are waiting for this cool season. On the streets of Taikooli, Chengdu, there are often fashionable hipsters in strange clothes, but more people just come for "beauty".

Here, the lens of street photographer Xiaomi captures a woman wearing a pink floral sling and a middle-aged man also wearing pink. Their light pace, such as the spring breeze, the swaying charm of the girl and the obvious age difference between the two make the photographer feel very excited.

But no one expected that this video of lovers’ elegant demeanor made the whole people witness an extramarital affair led by a global project management company. Subsequently, the girl’s personal social account was revealed, and people talked about the details of her private life and made great comments on it. And the sales of the pink floral dress with suspenders on her body soared with the heat until it was sold out.


When interviewed by the media, the photographer Xiaomi has deleted the video. He explained: "At that time, when shooting in the street, the two did not refuse. Many photographers were shooting, and they were chasing after each other in the front." But the reality is that most people who are photographed don’t know how to explicitly refuse to shoot in public. In addition, they will not know where these photos and videos will eventually flow and how they will be used.

Aside from the discipline of this matter and the moral controversy of extramarital affairs, the invasion of privacy and the "sexual gaze" revealed in street shooting since its appearance are deeply disturbing.

Abused "street shooting"

"Street shooting" is an exotic product. "Street snap" means capturing the moment on the street. At the beginning of the 20th century, it first appeared in European and American fashion circles. Photographers found that the instantaneous state of models outside the show was more personalized than that on the show.

In that era of strong personal consciousness and the rise of popular culture, photographers took to the streets to capture popular fashion through street shooting. In 1970s, William John Cunningham, the originator of street photography, was famous for his candid camera and street photography. He is a milliner himself, and after a series of street shooting works, he became a fashion photographer in The New York Times.

Bill Cunningham who is shooting in the street. (Photo/new york Museum of History)

Subsequently, many professional photographers turned their subjects from celebrities to street people. They were fascinated by the urban street environment and the mental state of people in it, and took many unforgettable street photographs so far.

Photo taken by legendary street photographer vivian maier. (Photo/"Looking for vivian maier")

In about 2007, Zhong Hao, the "street shooter", found inspiration from foreign fashion street shooters and began to take pictures of people he thought were dressed in fashion in downtown Hangzhou. Until 2010, with the rise of fast fashion in China, people began to pay attention to wearing, and street photography, as a fashion photography, gradually became popular in China.

With the rise of social media, around 2018, a large number of street auctions have emerged in China. For example, Sanlitun in Beijing, Yintai in Hangzhou, Taikooli in Chengdu, Tianjie in Chongqing and Anfu Road in Shanghai are all business districts where hipsters gather.

Anfu road street shooting is a grand occasion. (Photo/vision china)

At first, street shooting focused on capturing people’s clothes. But soon, in the battle for attention of social media, beauty became a natural traffic password. More and more street shooting bloggers began to target women groups, paying more attention to the beauty’s face value and figure when shooting.

At this time, street shooting has little to do with the randomness of "street". In other words, the public nature of "street" sheltered all kinds of irrationality when the photographer openly raised the camera.

Walking around Taikooli, Chengdu in June, you will see many people holding cameras, shooting at girls in short skirts, bare legs and revealing their waists. Some people will pose when they see the camera, but others will speed up their steps and cover their faces with mineral water bottles or fans. But this is not enough to deter the photographers. If the subjects don’t have a more explicit refusal, they will trot close to each other and continue to look for positions and angles.

A man running in the street. (Photo/Weibo)

In 2019, due to the phenomenon of chasing and blocking shots in street shooting, it caused serious interference to pedestrians and made people feel uncomfortable that their privacy was violated. Taikooli, Chengdu, issued a public notice prohibiting street shooting, stating that "unauthorized photographing/shooting is prohibited" and setting up a sign to remind people to "raise awareness of prevention and protect personal portrait rights". At present, these warning signs are still there, but the ban is gone.

Warning signs in Taikooli business district in Chengdu. (Figure/Time Video)

In fact, the problem of invasion of privacy almost exists with the birth of street shooting. In fashion street shooting, in order to avoid the risk of privacy, the most reasonable way is to obtain the consent of the subject before shooting and inform the shooting purpose.

People generally have a high degree of acceptance for some recorded humanistic street beats.

In these humanistic street photography, recording the interaction between people and the environment is the key point. Joel Meyerowitz, an American street photographer, said when explaining street photography: "I am interested in the whole street environment, not a specific person." In Joel’s lens, people are integrated with their surroundings. The structure, light and shadow of the street environment and the people in it present the rhythm of a city.

Joel Meyerowitz, an American street photographer, walks the streets of new york with a 35mm camera on his arm every day to capture passers-by. (Photo/photographer official website)

But in some photographers’ works today, the street remains unchanged, and they just want to shoot different faces and bodies. Street shooting has nothing to do with fashion and has lost its public value.

Sexual Gaze in Street Shooting

After the scandal was revealed, photographer Xiaomi deleted the video, but different versions of video clips are still popular online. The scandal has become a joke, the male client is invisible, and an inspection of the female client has just begun.

In many videos, the figure of the male party is directly cut off, leaving only the enlarged female body parts for the spectators to touch carefully. The comment area is full of comments on "genuine goods and good leadership taste", which proves the status quo that women are regarded as "appendages" under the gaze of men.

Susan Sontag wrote in On Photography, "Photography is not practiced by most people as art, it is a power tool." The behavior of street shooters aiming long guns and short guns at young women reflects the power difference between the sexes. The female body in front of the camera has become the carrier of men’s "possession" power.

People with cameras are looking for "prey" everywhere. (Photo/vision china)

In some street shooting accounts featuring snapshot, photographers not only put the camera on it, but even ask passers-by to interact with it in a provocative tone.

Previously, a female star met a street shooter on the street, and the other party held a mobile phone while shooting and flirted: "Beauty, come and say hello to everyone." The female star was angry and uncooperative, leaving a string of swearing words, which also triggered the criticism of female stars by netizens.

In the face of girls’ anti-sneak shots, the most commonly used words of photographers and their supporters are: "Isn’t it for filming to dress so well?" Not cooperating with filming means that girls are not generous and rude. This means that the authority of male gaze construction is everywhere, while women don’t even have the right to say "no".

The chase scenes and frivolous orders are uncomfortable. (Figure/short video account)

A photographer who pretends to photograph each other’s "beauty" completely deprives the subjectivity of female beauty. In other words, this interpretation of women’s motivation to dress up completely ignores the possibility of women’s self-satisfaction. It seems that women’s dress and beauty must be confirmed by men and exposed to produce meaning.

Finally, under the guidance of male perspective, the chest, long legs, exposed parts, suspenders and short skirts become the focus of street photos. The material is full of sexual gaze from men, and the audience’s sexual fantasies are also met invisibly.

The invasiveness of the camera, coupled with male gaze. (Photo/"Blonde Monroe")

What is even more disturbing after this is the flow of these photos.

These photographers often use street shooting materials to run social accounts. On social networks or short video platforms, you can see a lot of street shooting content. In order to drain, they often use labels such as "long legs", "beautiful little sister" and "fair skin". On some street shooting websites, users want to watch the full version of the street shooting video and even need to pay to unlock it.

Many subjects discovered that they had been photographed when they saw their photos and videos online. In order to better protect the privacy of portrait rights, the provisions of the Civil Code, which came into effect on January 1, 2021, point out: "Without the consent of the portrait owner, the portrait owner may not use or disclose the portrait of the portrait owner by publishing, copying, distributing, renting or exhibiting."

In addition to explicitly expressing rejection when being photographed, this provision directly requires street photographers to obtain the consent of the photographed when using their own street photographs, and not to use the street photographs beyond the authorized scope afterwards, let alone illegally use them.

You must obtain the consent of the other party before shooting. (Photo/"Follow Your Home")

But this is still based on personal consciousness, and more importantly, the attitude of the platform to these street shooting behaviors-can more censorship links be set up on the level of protecting women’s privacy? And, can you improve the efficiency of feedback on complaints?

At present, many platforms have set up complaint portals that infringe privacy and portrait rights, but the complaint cycle is very long, and it often takes several working days or even longer to get feedback. This gives the photographer an opportunity.

Back to this incident, while the whole people applauded for "catching rape", we should also realize that the flood of street shooting has extended to people’s private lives, and it is difficult for ordinary people who have been infringed to delete photos or sue each other. Only by raising the illegal cost and reducing the difficulty of safeguarding rights can vulgar street shooting gradually disappear.

Proofreading: Yang Chao

Operation: hee hee

Typesetting: Zhong Yinglin

China’s Common Sense of History: The Beginning of Modern China History

The modern history of China began in 1840. Before that, China society was a feudal society. After that, great changes have taken place in China society, which gradually became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society.

In 1840, Britain launched the Opium War of aggression against China. After this war, capital-imperialism launched many wars of aggression against China one after another, such as the Anglo-French Allied War in 1957, the Sino-French War in 1884, the Sino-Japanese War in 1894, and Britain, the United States, Germany, France, Russia, Japan, Italy and Austria Eight-Nation Alliance in 1900. After defeating China by war, these invaders forced China to sign many unequal treaties, occupied many territories in China, and gained many economic, political and military privileges. They arbitrarily stationed troops in China, set up factories and banks, controlled customs, foreign trade and trade ports in China, preached, ran newspapers, set up schools and carried out other cultural invasions at will, and so on.

In order to suppress the resistance of the people in China, the invaders also colluded with the reactionary feudal rulers in China, making the feudal landlord class in China the mainstay of their rule in China. In this way, China has gradually changed from an independent country to a semi-colonial country. A modern history of China, that is, the bloody history of imperialism invading China and enslaving the people of China.

In the feudal society of China, the self-sufficient economy combining small-scale agriculture with handicraft industry occupied the main position. At that time, farmers not only produced the agricultural products they needed, but also produced most of the industrial products they needed. The commodity economy was underdeveloped. After the Opium War, the feudal economy was destroyed under the impact of foreign capitalism, farmers and craftsmen went bankrupt in large numbers, and the commodity economy developed. While the feudal economy was destroyed, a new economic relationship emerged, that is, capitalist economic relationship.

With the emergence and initial development of capitalist economy, in addition to the original landlord class and peasant class, two new classes have emerged in China society: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. China society is not a complete feudal society, but a semi-feudal society. However, the purpose of imperialist aggression against China is to turn China into a colony, not to turn China into a capitalist country. They colluded with the feudal forces to oppress and hinder the development of capitalism in China. Therefore, in China society at this time, the feudal exploitation of peasants by the landlord class was still preserved, and the feudal relations of production still occupied a significant advantage. Under the double oppression of imperialism and feudalism, China’s economy and politics have never developed and progressed, and the people of China, especially the peasants, are getting poorer day by day. They live a cold and hungry life and have no political rights.

In this way, after the Opium War, China changed from an independent feudal country to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country ruled by China feudal forces, and embarked on the road of colonization day by day.

From the time the foreign invaders launched an armed attack on China, the heroic and unyielding people of China also started their struggle against foreign invaders and feudal forces. The Opium War, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the Sino-French War, the Sino-Japanese War, the Reform Movement of 1898, the Boxer Rebellion and the Revolution of 1911 were all glorious struggles against foreign aggression in China’s modern history, which showed the great heroic struggle spirit of the China people against imperialism and feudalism. Therefore, the modern history of China is also a glorious history of China people’s indomitable resistance to imperialist aggression and feudal rule. (Rufeng)