How persistent is Wang Jiawei to the play? Dong Yong filmed more than 30 times in a scene of "Flowers", and Hu Ge was driven crazy

Directed by Wang Jiawei, the new drama "Flowers" starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, Xin Zhilei and others is currently being broadcast on Tencent Video. In order to present the drama perfectly, Wang Jiawei spent three years polishing the camera. Not only does it run through its own unique style in narrative, but it also repeatedly recalls actors who have already finished filming. To be honest, many viewers of Wang Jiawei’s TV series did not have high expectations this time. After all, the shooting process and narrative style of TV series and movies are completely different.

Moreover, compared to movies, the filming of TV series takes a long time, and it is completely too late to pick the shots one by one. The more popular directors and actors are often in a state of seamless integration, and the progress of normal filming TV series is too slow. "Flowers" is different, because it is directed by Wang Jiawei and Hu Ge is the main male lead, so the drama has attracted the attention of many industries and platforms from the beginning of filming. Wang Jiawei is also really persistent in the drama, and forcefully made the TV series into a movie.

Sure enough, this drama did not live up to the expectations of most audiences. Although Wang Jiawei’s fragmented narrative style did not meet the taste of the remote control audience, the online broadcast volume of "Flowers" was in the process of steady growth, and the popularity of Tencent in-app also exceeded the 30,000 mark. Tang Yan played Miss Wang with a full personality and a complete growth line. Xin Zhilei played Li Li, who was also bright and moving under the camera of Wang Jiawei, and there was a big gap with the previous image, stunning many viewers who came to follow the drama.

It can be said that when filming Wong Kar-wai’s plays, actors have the opportunity to leave their own life scenes and unlock another image of themselves, but this does not apply to actors in the rising stage and actors who have not yet stabilized their coffee positions. Because Wong Kar-wai’s seriousness and dedication to the play exceeds the image of all working actors, even a powerful faction like Hu Ge can’t stand Wong Kar-wai’s dedication to the play. Because in the past, movies were filmed, so actors in the TV drama circle did not have a real sense of Wong Kar-wai’s stream-of-consciousness shooting method.

For example, Liang Jiahui, he admitted in an interview that when he entered the group, the director only told him that the role he was going to play was Huang Yaoshi, and there was no script to tell him what to play and how to play it. So in the later shooting process, Liang Jiahui was in a kind of confusion about not knowing what to shoot. In addition to the stream of consciousness method of film shooting, Wong Kar-wai also has a lot of experience in fooling actors. In the early years of filming movies, Wong Kar-wai used his superior fooling skills to deceive many actors at the level of best actor.

For example, Tony Leung. Because he was a screenwriter in the early days, Wong Kar-wai wrote a high-quality suspense film script on the spot, and immediately won the actor Tony Leung. However, when he arrived at the filming location in Argentina, Leung Chaowei was told by the director that the role he was going to play was gay. The movie Leung Chaowei was fooled into making was "Spring", which was later enthusiastically sought after by most fans.

First of all, regardless of whether the behavior of fooling people is correct, the mere fact of editing a script to deceive the best actor proves that Wang Jiawei himself is a talented top PUA master. From this, it can be seen that Wang Jiawei’s personal style is quite distinct. This time, Wang Jiawei, who came to shoot a TV series, still adheres to the same set of principles of making movies. Hu Ge was driven crazy in the process of walking through the scenes again and again, and posted on social platforms: If I stop acting, will you still support me?

At that time, many netizens were wondering why Hu Ge’s mental state was so beautiful. All their questions were answered in interviews with the creators released one after another after the show was broadcast. It turned out that Hu Ge’s collapse came from Wang Jiawei’s strict requirements for actors to act. In an interview with the media, Hu Ge said: In his opinion, "Flower" is not just a crew, but more like Hengdian Film Academy. In addition, the entire filming cycle of "Flower" is very long, and the actors will experience a period of exhaustion in both physical and mental aspects.

It is precisely because the filming time of "Flowers" took a full three years, and the actors kept reworking and reshooting according to Wang Jiawei’s requirements, so Hu Ge felt physically and mentally exhausted. According to the cast member, Wang Jiawei’s understanding of the play is usually not on the same channel as the actors, so the actors can only rely on themselves to constantly grope. Before the director nods, the actors can only repeat the same scene, which is a stream of consciousness shooting method that really makes many actors collapse.

Because he had no idea what kind of effect Wong Kar-wai wanted to achieve, he could only keep repeating the same scene. Tony Leung broke the news that he ate 26 bowls of wonton noodles in a row during the filming of "In the Mood for Love". Liu Jialing also said in an interview that during the filming of "The True Story of Ah Fei", he wiped the floor 27 times in a row, and in the middle of the filming, several actors suddenly felt that they could not act. Therefore, when choosing the film and television works directed by Wong Kar-wai, actors should be more careful.

Dong Yong, a veteran artist who starred in "Flowers", also said: "I have always used the standards of old artists to demand myself, and the standard of" one pass "is the basic quality of old actors, but when it comes to Wang Jiawei, there is no" one pass "at all. Director Wang Jiawei keeps asking actors to reshoot clips that he is not satisfied with. There is even a scene that has not been filmed more than 30 times in a row. Later, the director called out and gave Dong Yong a break. Who knows that the first scene back to the crew after the holiday is still the last one.

From this, it can be seen that Wong Kar-wai has a strong sense of responsibility for the film and television works he directs. The truest reaction of actors nowadays is the state he pursues in the film venue. It is precisely because of this that Wong Kar-wai will hand over so many film and television works that satisfy fans. Although Wong Kar-wai has extremely high requirements for every frame of "Flower", it is precisely because of this rare persistence and dedication to the work that "Flower" will be so precious in the era of frequent bad movies.

It can be said that Flower, whether it is the texture of the picture or the design of light and shadow, is completely unlike a TV drama, and it can be said that it is a perfect work of art. In addition to the great shock of the picture to the audience, the three actresses of the play have also reached a new height of beauty, and even left their own life scenes. Tang Yan has successfully transformed with the play, and her acting has been recognized by the audience. Her image has subverted the inherent dress of silly and sweet in the past, and her portrayal of Miss Wang’s role has been affirmed by many audiences.

Although Tang Yan gave up many film and television invitations in the early stage because of the filming of "Flowers", it was not a loss, at least because she successfully got rid of the label of the idol school in this drama, and the resource rating will definitely be higher in the future. Xin Zhilei also attracted much attention because of her role as the bright and moving Li Li in the drama, and the follow-up bonus should not be underestimated.

Didi responds to "driver’s violent resistance to law and driving escape": cooperate with police investigation

  China News Service, June 14. On June 13, during the law enforcement inspection process, Shanghai Yiwang car-hailing broke through the customs and escaped, causing four injuries. The Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission Law Enforcement Corps urgently interviewed Didi about the case on the 14th. Didi responded that it actively cooperated with the police to investigate the perpetrators. Staff have been dispatched to the hospital and will advance all medical expenses and arrange accommodation for the families of the injured.

  Didi said that yesterday morning (June 13), a Didi driver in Shanghai lost control of his nervousness while evading transportation management law enforcement, and his car rammed into transportation management staff and passers-by, causing multiple injuries, one of which was seriously injured.

  After the incident, Didi immediately set up an emergency working team and dispatched staff to the hospital at noon yesterday to go all out to do a good job in the rescue of the injured, including paying all medical expenses in advance, arranging accommodation for the families of the injured, etc. Everything is to treat the injured as the first priority. At the same time, Didi has been actively cooperating with the police to investigate the perpetrators.

  Didi expressed that it is very sad and sorry for this unfortunate incident. Under any circumstances, safety is an untouchable red line, and Didi resolutely resists and condemns any behavior that ignores the safety of others.

  According to the official WeChat news of the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission, on the morning of June 13, the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission Law Enforcement Corps and Jing’an Traffic Police were conducting law enforcement inspections at the intersection of Zhenning Road, Yan’an West Road. An illegal online car-hailing car escaped, causing four people to be injured in the process. After investigation, the white BYD car of the escape car "Shanghai AF08630" was registered on the Didi platform in May 2018, but neither the driver Hao nor the car had the qualifications to engage in online car-hailing business.

  On the afternoon of the 13th, the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission Law Enforcement Corps launched an investigation into the driver Hao’s unauthorized operation of taxis. The driver will face a fine of 10,000 yuan and a penalty of temporarily withholding the motor vehicle driver’s license for three months. In response to the Shanghai branch of Didi Chuxing Technology Co., Ltd. providing ride-hailing information services for drivers and vehicles who do not have the qualification to operate, the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission Law Enforcement Corps has also filed an investigation, and the platform company will face an administrative penalty of 100,000 yuan. In addition, the public security department will further investigate the driver’s suspected violent resistance to the law and other behaviors.

  On the morning of June 14, the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission Law Enforcement Corps will urgently interview Didi Chuxing Technology Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch on this case.

Best films at home and abroad gather! 2024 Qingming file, these films cannot be missed

1905 movie network feature Spring is strong, and April is approaching, and the spring-filled film market will also usher in a new lineup. Up to now, there have been many good films at home and abroad aimed at the Qingming Festival, with diverse film types and star-studded films, making people dizzy.

Among them, leading the release in front of the Qingming Festival, can it be better?

At the same time, in the new film of Qingming Festival, there are not only director Wan Dan Caima’s posthumous work, but also the new film of the animation master, and the film "The Great" Anti "and other films to be screened. During Qingming Festival, who can win the championship in one fell swoop?

Film critic Wu Yanyu said on the program that this year’s Qingming Films are destined to be a special schedule. On the one hand, this year’s films will give audiences a lively, rich and relevant experience in Qingming Films, and the previous weekend’s films will continue to release energy during the schedule. Movies about life thinking such as "Let’s Shake the Sun Together", "Snow Leopard" and "What kind of life do you want to live" can also attract more viewers’ attention in this schedule.

On the other hand, when the residual heat of the Spring Festival is gradually exhausted, and the May Day and summer holidays have not yet arrived, the Qingming file plays a connecting role at this time. Many films are set here. While seeking their own positioning, they also hope that the audience’s viewing enthusiasm and viewing habits can be better continued.

Hot movie promotion

(Sort by release date)

"Godzilla vs. King Kong 2: Rise of the Empires"



Plot Synopsis: After the last Monster Burning Battle, King Kong and Godzilla will once again join forces to confront a great threat lurking in the world, and gradually explore the origin of these beasts and the mysteries of places such as Skull Island. At the same time, the veil of the ancient battle will also be revealed. It was the battle that created these extraordinary creatures and profoundly affected the fate of the human world.

What to watch: A new film released on the 10th anniversary of the birth of "Monster Universe" will also comprehensively upgrade the story between Godzilla and King Kong, the two monster kings. The film will tell the story more deeply from the perspective of monsters, allowing audiences to understand and explore more of the grand world view of the monster universe.

"Galaxy Writers"


Starring : / / / Li Wenru/Song Xiaoliang 

Synopsis: A screenwriter who doesn’t listen to any revisions (Song Muzi, played), a screenwriter who listens to all revisions (Hewenjun, played), an arrogant, a bold, the strongest in the galaxy (Ruo) Party B, to challenge the top Party A company’s talent.

What to watch: The film has exploded since its debut at the film festival. As the "survival apocalypse of contemporary migrant workers", the film may become the next "workplace movie" hit.

"Let’s Shake the Sun Together"


Starring : / / / / Liu Dan

Synopsis: When "brainless" Lu Tu (Peng Yuchang, played) meets "unhappy" Ling Min (Li Gengxi, played), two young people with severe illness but very different personalities, because of the "Relay of Life" agreement, they accidentally embark on a healing journey full of love and strength.

What to watch: The film is the final chapter of Han Yan’s "life trilogy". Although it is a second set, there is no doubt that the love story of the critically ill patient is more suitable for the social emotions in the Qingming period. The superb acting skills of the two young stars and the spirit of facing life with a positive and sunny attitude can make people feel the power of the film.

The Snow Leopard.


Starring : / / /

Synopsis: A snow leopard breaks into a herdsman’s sheepfold and kills nine sheep. Therefore, the herdsman father and son are at odds. The son insists on killing the leopard, but the father insists on releasing the snow leopard. Faced with the huge loss of nine sheep, release or kill? The fates of humans and snow leopards seem to be tied together.

What to watch: This film is the last work of director Wanma Tseden, and it is also a story about how people and animals eventually get along. Director Wanma Tseden focuses on the story of his hometown on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to analyze the contradictions and conflicts between all things from a unique perspective, and also hides the grand proposition of human nature and life, which is worthy of deep consideration for every audience.

"What kind of life do you want to live?"

Director: Hayao Miyazaki

Starring: Satoshi Yamashi / / / Aimu/  

Synopsis: After the mother of the young Muzhen dies in the sea of fire, he forms a new family with his father and stepmother. Deep in sadness, Zhenren is gloomy and withdrawn, and it is difficult to integrate into the new environment. An accident, he follows a talking heron into the abandoned mysterious tower, but unexpectedly enters the fantasy "world of the dead" and embarks on an incredible adventure.

What to watch: The film is regarded as the 83-year-old Hayao Miyazaki’s "life film, farewell work". The superb production and story core have won the film global recognition. It has won a double harvest at the overseas box office and won several awards, including the 96th Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature. This time, the Qingming schedule was selected for release, and domestic audiences were also full of expectations. The number of people who wanted to see it has been far ahead of the films in the same schedule.

"The Grass World"


Starring : / / / /

Plot synopsis: Wu Tahua (Jiang Qinqin, played) is driven away from the tea garden by her lover (Chen Jianbin, played) on her front foot, and her back foot is tricked into the MLM organization "Butterfly International" by her closest good sister Jin Lan. After newly graduated college student He Mulian (Wu Lei, played) finds her mother, Wu Tahua, trapped in the MLM quagmire, she begins to try her best to rescue her.

What to watch: The film combines the story of "Mulian Saving the Mother" with the realistic issue of "anti-pyramid scheme". Through the victim’s perspective of He Mulian and Wu Taihua, it reveals the emotional manipulation behind pyramid scheme, restores the real scene of pyramid scheme, and shows the pyramid-style brainwashing trap. Jiang Qinqin also won the Best Actress of the 17th Asian Film Awards with this film. Her wonderful performance in the film is also worth looking forward to.

"The yellow bird is behind!"


Starring : / / / /  

Synopsis: Guan Xiuying (played) is brutally murdered, and the suspects with disparate identities have their own motives. Powerful people buy murderers to kill, gambler Zheng Wei (played by Huang Jue) sees the money, and a desperate woman Xiao Yazhen (played by Tao Hong) takes revenge and kills… Under the tracking of police officer Yuan Wenshan (played by Feng Shaofeng), it is found that there is another secret to the case.

What to watch: The film’s suspense elements are dense, the story and characters are set to be curious, the plot is reversed many times, and the truth is confusing. It coincides with the ancient Chinese saying "the mantis catches the cicada, and the yellow sparrow is behind". In addition to the "real murderer", there is also the real murderer.

Ali and Byte Limit pull, can feed Douyin takeaway?


Text | Blue Hole Business, Yu Weilin

Editing | Giorgio Lisa

In just one month, rumors of "ByteDance acquiring" broke out twice.

In the latest version, Caijing quoted sources as saying that not only did it state that ByteDance’s bid was $7 billion – one of the points of disagreement between the two sides, but also that ByteDance only wanted the delivery team of, while Ali wanted the word energy saving to undertake the entire

Although soon, the rumors were once again confirmed by both sides, the outside world believed that the "Schr?dinger’s acquisition" was only a layer of window paper away from the ground – "denial" was just a prescribed action in the negotiations between the two sides.

In the past two years, the local life battlefield has seen renewed waves due to Douyin’s disruption, with the store business performing traffic magic, but the home business has experienced ups and downs. Douyin’s local life is still in a state of "running through the process".

The low-hanging fruit has been picked, and moving forward is a tough battle with real swords and real guns. Meituan spent tens of billions of yuan to build the performance ability, and if Douyin wants to replicate it, he needs to invest several times more time and money. Buying is the most cost-effective way, and it is also in line with Zhang Yiming’s usual style of "vigorously performing miracles".

Five years ago, Ali bought for $9.50 billion; in the past few years, the decline is not only valuation, but also market share. Now is almost reduced to a regional player, takeaway is a low-margin business, and it is difficult to make profits without scale effects. If Ali wants to stop losses in time, Douyin is the only potential buyer on the table.

If Douyin wants to be a "universal entrance", it is impossible to give up local life. But the question is, even if he eats and completes the closed loop of local life, can he win Meituan? What Douyin lacks in local life is only the ground delivery team? What Ali + couldn’t do in the past, can it be done by Douyin +

Just as Yu Yongfu said in his internal letter in 2021: "This is a protracted battle, a boxing match that has just begun. The process is destined to be long and cruel. Neither side can defeat the opponent, but can only fight for points."

The Infinity War of local life, even if the acquisition is completed, is far from the end.

Douyin Local Life: Good Night Yet to Come

In the past two years of the Douyin Meituan dispute, the outside world’s attention has focused on how Meituan defends the city, but it has ignored that Douyin’s battle for local life has not gone smoothly as imagined, and the traffic stick has also encountered "hard bones".

"Changing coaches" is the most obvious signal. In November 2023, Douyin publicly admitted that Pu Yanzi, the head of commercialization, will also serve as the head of life services business, and Zhu Shiyu, the original head, will be transferred. Pu Yanzi’s internal evaluation is that his style is pragmatic and he is good at solving complex problems.

Industry analysts "Zouma Finance" interpret that the role of the commercialization leader in Douyin is similar to that of Alimama to Ali, and it is the existence of the "God of Wealth". Pu Yanzi, who is more "important", can not only mobilize the commercial traffic of Douyin, but also the commercial traffic resources of almost all traffic-type products such as Jinri Toutiao and Watermelon Video in Douyin – this is the highest configuration that Douyin can give.

Douyin’s local life is far from a "good night". They need more resources and more fierce leaders. The core incentive is the failure of takeaway.

In June last year, according to the "LatePost" report, Douyin takeaway’s annual GMV target was reduced from 100 billion yuan to 5 billion yuan, which came to an "ankle cut". At the same time, the focus of takeaway business changed to: try to run through business processes in more ways.

Half a year has passed, and according to a report by "Whip Bulls" at the end of December last year, Douyin life service partners in multiple regions revealed that Douyin will no longer renew their contracts with them. "Except for the five cities of Chengdu, Changsha, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Fuzhou, the Douyin takeaway business in other cities will be suspended." The purpose is to "penetrate the above five cities in order to obtain comprehensive and sufficient experience and lessons, and then promote the replication to other cities."

Since it was exposed in July 2021, Douyin has been running in the takeaway field for two and a half years, but it is still "running through the process".

The cost is undoubtedly huge. According to a report by Sohu News in March last year, Douyin’s boost to merchants in the pilot takeaway service was 5%, which was three percentage points lower than that of its peers. But Douyin’s traffic is expensive, and its investment in takeout should be higher than that of Meituan and, including the costs of delivery and service providers.

This raises the suspicion that takeout is a low-margin chore, and if it is so difficult to move forward, why not give up? Because it does not want to watch consumers flee due to the lack of takeout.

According to a report by "LatePost" in February last year, Douyin Group CEO Zhang Nan once imagined at an internal meeting that Douyin would become a universal portal for users’ mobile devices, not only to swipe content when bored, but also to shop, choose restaurants, and buy plane tickets to book hotels.

This is Douyin’s ambition, and it is also the common dream of Internet giants. Today’s Capital Xu Xin once said in his early speech that there are actually only 12 apps commonly used by users, and apps that are opened more than 8 times a day are exclusive and monopolistic, and "flowers" can grow on them.

Therefore, for Douyin’s local life, it is necessary to close the loop between home and store, which is the answer that Meituan proved ten years ago.

As early as 2014, Wang Huiwen once answered the reporter "Why does Meituan want to do takeout?" He said, "Group buying and takeout, there must be a lot of overlap in the business. From the perspective of the merchant, we can bring it customer flow and transactions. Consumers group buying to the store, or ordering takeout to be delivered to consumers for transaction. Although they are two different transaction models, the merchants will not reject them."

The lack of Douyin takeaway links today is like the short board on the bucket. On the one hand, consumers who have settled through home group buying will flow to Meituan when they repurchase takeaway; on the other hand, the merchants who have made great efforts to attract them will only stay at the store level, and cannot reap the commission of takeaway business.

According to public information, Douyin’s GMV in 2022 is 77 billion yuan, while it has increased by 256% in 2023. It is estimated that the GMV completed in 2023 is about 197.12 billion yuan, exceeding the original target of 150 billion yuan. But if you can’t take takeaway business, how long can such high-speed growth be maintained is an unknown.

Since takeaway is a must, then the existing cooperation model is not good? Since August 2022, Douyin and have cooperated, and Douyin has diverted traffic and has fulfilled the contract, but both sides have different ideas, and they have not fully connected on the page jump. Douyin cannot obtain the core data assets, so he has more than two years of experience in "running through the process".

Douyin and Meituan are bound to have a head-to-head war, but Douyin looks at his hand and only has abundant traffic and funds, but lacks infrastructure, including systems, teams, and the Know-How capabilities that Meituan has accumulated for more than a decade.

And these, eat can make up for it?

"Are you shaking?" Can you win Meituan?

Before Douyin’s disruption, the takeaway battlefield had long since died down. Meituan began to explore instant retail in search of incremental growth; Alibaba’s system became infrastructure, focusing on stopping losses.

A set of data clearly illustrates the changes in in Alibaba. According to third-party data agency trustdata, in 2020, Meituan and’s market share was 60% and 25% respectively; by 2022, it had become 72% and 15%.

From to "Shake it", how much can it shake Meituan? Let’s take a look at the fundamentals of the two companies first.

Look at the supply side first, there is the most intuitive data. According to the relevant report of Guolian Securities, the average daily active users of Meituan takeaway business version in October 2023 4.8861 million, and the average daily active users of business version 2.6131 million, Meituan is almost 1.87 times that of

Looking at the demand side, according to Quset Mobile data, in October 2023, APP DAU 2154.6 million, Meituan takeaway APP DAU 17.4993 million, Meituan APP DAU 144 million. You know, Meituan APP is the main position of all businesses. Combined with past financial reports, Meituan takeaway also leads in terms of annual transaction users.

What about + Douyin? According to the data report released by "Douyin Life Service Business Observation" on January 2, 2024, in 2023, Douyin Life Service stores will exceed 4.50 million. Even taking into account deduplicate factors, on the supply side, Douyin + will still have a considerable base.

In addition, the addition of may recoup Douyin’s disadvantage on the supply side of small and medium-sized merchants. "Blue Hole Business" once mentioned in the article "Meituan, Can Use Magic to Beat Magic" that the high cost makes it difficult for small and medium-sized merchants to survive in Douyin. "If you don’t buy advertising and don’t have traffic, you will have zero sales."

On the demand side, Douyin’s traffic magic and’s home consumption mindset are expected to make up for their previous shortcomings.

Different from Meituan, benefiting from the acquisition and Ali system, a large proportion of’s loyal customers come from 88VIP members, which is characterized by strong spending power. Double 11 in 2023, 88VIP user scale broke through 32 million, and transactions increased by double digits year-on-year. According to Ali’s financial report, the average annual consumption of this group in 2022 reached 57,000 yuan, and the demand-side customer unit price may be expected.

From the perspective of supply and demand, has been ahead of Meituan, and it may have new vitality. But whether it can win or not, the performance side is more critical. What Douyin wants most is also the delivery team of Capacity is the "card point" that Douyin takeaway cannot push, and it is also the "east wind" that Douyin only owes for the development of instant retail.

According to’s official website, Hummingbird, its delivery platform, has 3 million active riders, including full-time and crowdsourcing; but according to a report released by Meituan in 2022, Meituan has 6.24 million riders. In fact, in 2019, has more than 3 million riders, and Meituan is 3.99 million. With losing ground, riders naturally flow to Meituan, which has a more dominant order volume.

Of course, the fulfillment of contracts does not rely solely on offline capacity. Offline delivery and online fulfillment are two sides of the same coin. It is rumored that Douyin only needs "delivery staff" and does not need "programmers". is currently the second largest takeaway in the market after Meituan, and its fulfillment system is the closest option to contend with it.

After it was merged into Alibaba that year,’s hummingbird system was the first to be transformed. Alibaba’s expectation for hummingbird was to rely on the foundation of takeaway services and cooperate with Alibaba’s retail "three-kilometer ideal life circle", which meant that in the past few years, hummingbird and Hema, Tmall Hourly, and first-line brand instant delivery have a long match, and the handling situation is far more complicated than food delivery.

At the same time, Hummingbird’s intelligent scheduling system has been supported by Alibaba Cloud. Now AI has become one of the core directions of Ali’s development, and Hummingbird’s computing power and iteration speed have been enhanced. Because Hummingbird is deeply bound to Ali, it has also become one of the arguments that Alibaba will not give up easily.

But in the Ali system can only be said to be self-improvement, and whether it can resist Meituan requires a question mark.

Takeaway fulfillment has the characteristics of "multi-concurrency" and "strong randomness", and a strong online fulfillment system can be regarded as Meituan’s "moat". As Wang Xing said in the first quarter of 2023 earnings report: "If the takeaway business wants to complete each transaction efficiently, it needs a reliable order fulfillment system. We have accumulated a deep foundation in the consumer, merchant, and distribution network of the takeaway business, and it is difficult for other players to break through."

Another factor that cannot be quantified, but can determine the course of the war, is methodology and organizational ability.

On the one hand, the Know-How capabilities and takeaway talents accumulated by are equivalent to directly giving answers to Douyin, who has been "running through the process"; but on the other hand, with the invasion of organizational culture and the migration of management authority after Alibaba’s acquisition,’s core management has gradually lost, and its playing style is also very different from that of Zhang Xuhao’s era., which pursues cost control, has gradually shrunk into a regional player.

In the two years after Alibaba acquired, morale was booming. Wang Lei, the earliest head of Alibaba’s department, also stated internally, "It turned out that played Meituan on the first floor and the second floor, but now we are standing on the sixth floor."

At that time, Wang Lei participated in Double 11 and Double 12 with his local life, interacted with Youku and Juhuasuan, and connected with Autonavi and Hema. But from the first quarter of 2019 to the second quarter of 2020,’s market share did not rise but fell.

An industry insider told Blue Hole Business that during that time, he went on a business trip to Shunde, Guangdong. increased subsidies and launched activities in the local area, hoping to gain momentum in several of Meituan’s advantageous cities, but the results came to nothing. [The business of local life is more complicated than imagined, and the success of one city may not be replicated in all cities.]

A Meituan person once recalled with "Blue Hole Business" that at that time, Meituan did not regard the other party as a competitor when competing with "Although Meituan gave less resources than the other party in each city, it always got good results in the end. There is indeed a methodology."

Frustrated by the competition, Alibaba began to adjust its thinking. In July 2021, Yu Yongfu, known as the "integration master", took over local life and proposed the so-called "541 formation" and "four vertical and four horizontal" playing methods, but this was an internal staff that also had some unclear theories.

Falling on, the strategy focuses more on key cities, which is the so-called "efficiency first, then scale", emphasizing the strengthening of instant retail and distribution capabilities in terms of capabilities, and paying more attention to festival marketing in terms of tactics, such as the repeated mention of "guess the answer to win the free order".

The key data obtained from the above actions is that’s unit economic benefits continue to be positive, and its losses have narrowed year by year. But takeaway is always a low-margin business, and if you want to make money, you still need to do it on a large scale.’s long-term strategy is to stop bleeding for Ali, but it is the opposite for itself.

The local life battlefield is far more complicated than imagined, and it is unknown whether Douyin can recover the share that has lost in the past few years.

Although Meituan’s share price fell every time the acquisition scandal broke, it proved the outside world’s attitude towards the deal. But even if the acquisition is completed, it is only an escalation of the war situation, not an end.

2022 Yangtze River Delta Digital Economy Development Conference | Be a "trendsetter" in the digital age

  Xinhua Daily Financial News On the afternoon of January 6, the 2022 Yangtze River Delta Digital Economy Development Conference hosted by Xinhua Daily was held in Nanjing. Digital economy business associations from three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta, member enterprises of Jiangsu Digital Economy Federation, scientific research institutes, and Financial Institution Group gathered together to discuss the digital economy layout in the Yangtze River Delta region, new paths for digital economy development, and jointly seek digital development in important fields.

  The 2022 Yangtze River Delta Digital Economy Development Conference was launched

  Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Xinhua Daily, Chairperson of Xinhua Newspaper Media Group, Shuangchuxue, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences, Xia Jinwen, Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, Gu Wanfeng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Editor-in-Chief of Xinhua Daily, Gu Leiming, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shan Zhongde, former Director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission,Professor Qian Zhixin of Nanjing University, Wen Zhigang, deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Zhao Jianguo, deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Chi Yu, deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Zhou Hengxin, member of the party group and deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, Li Yang, member of the party committee and vice president of the Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences, Gu Xindong, deputy editor-in-chief of Xinhua Daily, Chen Jing, member and vice chairperson of the party group of the Jiangsu Federation of Industry and Commerce, Zhu Guoqiang, deputy general manager of the Jiangsu Provincial Cultural Investment Group, Lin Jingran, vice chairperson of the Jiangsu Federation of Industry and Commerce and president of the Bank of Nanjing, Sun Libin, vice president of the Jiangsu Provincial Chamber of Commerce and Digital Economy Federation, Li Xiaodong, second-level inspector of the Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Chen Jun, deputy director of the Jiangsu

  As a mainstream media group in Jiangsu, Xinhua Newspaper Media Group has also benefited from its "digital" wings. Media is the beneficiary of the digital economy, and it is also the aggregator, linker and amplifier of digital economic resources. The group feels a great responsibility and a glorious mission to pay attention to the development trend of the digital economy, track the development trend of the digital economy, and spread the development energy of the digital economy.

  Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Xinhua Daily, Chairperson of Xinhua Press Media Group

  Gu Leiming, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Editor-in-Chief of Xinhua Daily

  Xia Jinwen, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences, issued a question about the times and development of the digital economy era. He said that focusing on the digital economy layout in the Yangtze River Delta region and working together to study the new concepts, new paths and new kinetic energy of digital economy development is an important topic full of vitality and tension, full of interpretation and capital power. For the Yangtze River Delta, it is necessary to give full play to the respective advantages of one city and three provinces in the field of digital economy and build a national digital economy development highland.

  Xia Jinwen, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences

  Digitalization empowers manufacturing and promotes high-quality development

  Data is the oil of the digital economy era and a production factor for high-quality development. It empowers the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and spawns new industries and new business models. In 2020, the scale of China’s digital economy will reach 39.20 trillion yuan, maintaining a year-on-year growth rate of 9.7%, becoming an important engine for stable economic growth. Among them, the bright Yangtze River Delta accounts for 28% of the total scale of the national digital economy and about 44% of the regional GDP.

  Shan Zhongde, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, suggested at the conference that Jiangsu manufacturing should deeply integrate information technology, digital technology and intelligent manufacturing, vigorously promote the deep integration of industry, university and research development and open cooperation, accelerate the construction of a manufacturing world talent center and innovation highland, and continue to promote the construction of an open and shared innovation system, and accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing and world-class industrial clusters.

  Shan Zhongde, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

  "Digitalization is the only way for each of our manufacturing industries. Although there are pains, it is also necessary to go." According to Zhang Chunlong, director and researcher of the Institute of Social Policy of the Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences and executive vice president of the Jiangsu Institute of Regional Modernization, digitalization has caused the vigorous development of our economy and has become a strong driving force for the future development of our economy.

  Zhang Chunlong, Director and Researcher of the Institute of Social Policy, Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences, and Executive Vice President of Jiangsu Institute of Regional Modernization

  The digital transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry is the key to improving the competitiveness of China’s manufacturing industry. Compaq Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the manufacture of personal care products, daily necessities, toothpaste and other products. In 2015, after completing an industry acquisition, the company invested 40 million yuan to digitally transform it. And, in the following years, a total of nearly 100 million yuan was invested to digitally upgrade the production line. Now, the company has a unified set of physical control, quality control and design data standard management and control processes, which has realized the digital control of raw materials, filling technology, packaging and other links, meeting the needs of industry management.

  Shuangliang Group has built a "big service" platform of "smart service" + "smart energy", building new competitiveness with the help of digital platform, driving business model changes with innovation, breaking through data barriers between platforms, and realizing cross-platform online operation of the whole life cycle of equipment. Xu Jianfeng, deputy general manager of the digital center of Shuangliang energy-saving system joint stock company, said that the current general equipment manufacturing industry is transforming into customized services, from selling equipment to selling services, which requires innovation in business models. Digital combined with modern services has become an important breakthrough point for manufacturing enterprise transformation and management upgrading.

  Phoenix (China) Investment Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of the German Phoenix Electric Group in China, focusing on the field of electronic connectivity and electronic interfaces, as well as the field of industrial automation. "We not only pay attention to the development of the company itself, but also take the initiative to take the initiative to bridge the Sino-German cooperation, bring Germany’s advanced technology, management concept and craftsman spirit to China, and actively promote and practice Industry 4.0." Gu Jiandang, president of the company, said that industrial enterprises hope to use the energy given by the new generation of information technology to unlock more potential through digital transformation. "At present, we have established an" Ecological Empowerment Co-creation Association "with local partner companies to open up cooperation, cross-border integration, and actively embrace the smart industry ecology." He said.

  Gu Jiandang, President of Phoenix (China) Investment Co., Ltd.

  Based on the integration of "data +", Liu Zhen, an IEEE academician and chairperson and co-founder of Aolin Technology, emphasized that although the development prospects of the digital economy are broad, pan-industrial enterprises urgently need to shift from informatization to digital intelligence, so that data can play an explicit business value. He believes that enterprise digital transformation should pay more attention to value-driven, so that enterprises can "see" the effect of digital transformation. Among them, enterprise digital twins are the engine of digital intelligence systems, which describe, diagnose, predict, and make decisions on enterprise operations and business activities, and then realize the interactive mapping of physical space and cyberspace.

  IEEE academician, chairperson and co-founder of Aolin Technology

  Grasp the "key increments" of the digital economy, become better, stronger and bigger industries

  Digitalization is not only an inevitable demand for the development of the real industry, but also invisibly rewrites all walks of life. China’s industry is undergoing tremendous and subtle changes.

  The digitalization of the service industry is an important trend in the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, which will inject new impetus into the high-quality development of our country’s economy. For example, Jiangsu Dayun Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jiangsu Provincial Cultural Investment Group, which undertakes the investment functions of Jiangsu Provincial Cultural Investment Group to fulfill the cultural protection, inheritance and utilization of the Jiangsu section of the Grand Canal Cultural Belt and the integrated development of cultural tourism. It is a new era comprehensive cultural tourism development enterprise that promotes cultural construction and tourism development and empowers the establishment of the Grand Canal Cultural Tourism Project.

  Zhu Guoqiang, deputy general manager of Jiangsu Provincial Cultural Investment Management Group, party committee member and chairperson of Jiangsu Dayun Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd., said that the company’s digital cloud platform for the Grand Canal National Cultural Park covers the development and operation of the smart cultural tourism platform, the planning and construction of the digital cloud platform for the National Grand Canal Cultural Park, the promotion of cultural tourism scenic spots, the mining of cultural and creative projects, education and sports, and research and learning operations. It has now formed a business layout in four major sectors: culture, tourism, science and technology, and sports. The platform has created the country’s first "one cloud and four ends" online Grand Canal overall framework, creating a cloud-based government server level, public server level, Enterprise Services end and international communication end, to achieve cross-regional, cross-system, cross-departmental information collection, data analytics, collaborative office, project management, to solve the canal management main body, cultural and tourism resources scattered pain points.

  Zhu Guoqiang, Deputy General Manager of Jiangsu Cultural Investment Management Group, Party Committee Member and Chairperson of Jiangsu Dayun Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd.

  The financial industry is an industry that entered the digital age earlier, and many business scenarios are being reshaped digitally. "The digital transformation of commercial banks should be closely related to business processes, providing customers with better and more convenient service experience, helping to explore more business scenarios and find sustainable profit growth points." Yu Xuanjie, chief information officer of Bank of Nanjing, said that around the "1 + 3" action plan of customer expansion and quality improvement carried out by Bank of Nanjing, we have accelerated the online process of public products. At the same time, we have launched digital credit cards for retail customers, and the financial service capabilities of various scenarios have been continuously enhanced.

  Yu Xuanjie, Chief Information Officer of Bank of Nanjing

  To create characteristic digital services, the digital transformation of China Merchants Bank Nanjing Branch has fully penetrated into many scenarios such as convenience, convenience and wealth management, running through all aspects of social livelihood and business operation, and has successively launched "convenience service cloud platform", "hall identification system", "one-stop online payment platform", "salary and Futong", "wealth through train", "come to invest", "capital verification treasure" and other financial products, effectively meeting the financial needs of users through "people + digitalization".

  Allocate factor resources and do a good job in the "new infrastructure" of the digital economy

  With the collision and integration of digitalization and industry, the efficiency of factor resource allocation and the improvement of value creation model. At the same time, a group of information technology companies were born in response to the times, with "data" as the paddle, the wave of the tide era.

  A number of well-known enterprises in the industry, such as iFLYTEK and Huayun Data, have deeply cultivated the industry and made data-driven effective in the enterprise. As a well-known domestic Xinchuang cloud computing group, Huayun Data Holding Group is committed to building a dual moat of digital transformation and information technology application innovation. It has become the earliest group of standard makers for the long-term development of China’s Xinchuang industry based on rules, the most backbone of innovation guardians driven by scientific and technological hard power, and the most reliable peers to help ecological partners achieve digital transformation.

  Founded in March 2021, Yancheng Big Data Group Co., Ltd. focuses on big data infrastructure building, innovative application of government data assets, development and operation of information projects, investment and development of digital industries, and ecological construction of digital economy, focusing on big data, artificial intelligence, robotics and other new generation information technology industries, and strives to empower high-quality development with data.

  Fang Jingyan, head of Jiangsu Pengwei Software Co., Ltd., said that digital transformation is closely related to the development of enterprises. At present, many enterprises have a foundation for digitalization, and how to connect digitalization with production and operation requires professional planning. Pengwei has been focusing on CRM software for 15 years, and has continued to make efforts in mobile application solutions. With the help of new thinking and new technologies of mobile Internet, it helps enterprises improve their management mode and management level, and improve their core competitiveness.

  Wang Wei, founder of Qingke Chain Valley, introduced that Qingke Chain Valley is a tangible physical carrier, a park, and an intangible and unbounded service platform. On the one hand, we provide enterprises with smart park-style digital services, and on the other hand, as a blockchain technology service platform, we empower the society and the government to solve the problem of data on the chain.

  Wang Wei, founder of Zero2IPO Chain Valley

  At the meeting, the Jiangsu Provincial Digital Economy Federation and the Party Branch of the Jiangsu Provincial Digital Economy Federation were officially established. Gu Wanfeng, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and party secretary of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, said that currently, Jiangsu’s industry is facing an important turning point in the conversion of old and new kinetic energy. The integration and innovation of all walks of life and the digital economy is an effective path to achieve high-quality development, and it is also the only way to maintain Jiangsu’s economic vitality and competitiveness. "The majority of entrepreneurs should strengthen their awareness of development and speed up digital transformation." He said that he hoped that the federation will aim to build consensus and strengthen political leadership; rely on its characteristics and advantages to improve service quality and efficiency; and take standardized development as the guide and play a collaborative governance role.

  Gu Wanfeng, Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce

  Sun Libin, president of the Provincial Digital Economy Federation, said that the Federation will give full platform advantages, strive to seize the commanding heights of the new round of scientific and technological revolution, and help Jiangsu’s economic transformation and upgrading; strengthen cooperation with other provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Delta region related to digital economy, promote data industry cooperation and platform co-construction, give full play to the synergy effect of the Yangtze River Delta network, and jointly promote the development of the integration of the Yangtze River Delta digital economy.

  Sun Libin, President of Jiangsu Digital Economy Federation

  Zhou Hengxin, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, said in his speech that the digital economy is related to the overall situation of national development, and the development of the digital economy is a strategic choice to grasp the new round of scientific and technological revolution and new opportunities for industrial transformation. We will strongly support the work of the federation and continue to pay attention to the growth and healthy development of the federation.

  Zhou Hengxin, Deputy Director of the Department of Civil Affairs of Jiangsu Province

  At the meeting, Gu Leiming, deputy secretary of the party committee and editor-in-chief of Xinhua Daily, and Li Yang, deputy dean of the Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, awarded licenses for the Yangtze River Delta digital transformation "benchmark case" enterprises, and Gu Xindong, deputy editor-in-chief of Xinhua Daily, and Chen Jing, a member of the party group of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, and vice chairperson, awarded licenses to Nanjing Bank joint stock company, China-Italy Life Insurance Jiangsu Branch, Huayun Data Holdings Group Co., Ltd., Nanjing Metro Operation Co., Ltd., Huatai Securities joint stock company and other Yangtze River Delta digital transformation "excellent case" enterprises. At the same time, 10 companies including Jiangsu Bank joint stock company, Yancheng Big Data Group Co., Ltd., Nanjing Jindun Public Safety Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Nanjing Qingke Chain Valley Technology Service Co., Ltd., Nanjing Woxu Communication Technology Co., Ltd., Compaoli Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Sino-Austrian Industrial Development Co., Ltd., China Merchants Bank joint stock company Nanjing Branch, Ningbo Bank joint stock company Nanjing Branch, and CLP Jinxin Software (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. were awarded the "innovation case" of the digital transformation of the Yangtze River Delta. Qian Zhixin and Li Xiaodong, the second-level inspector of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, awarded the award to the winning enterprises.

  Xinhua Daily · Financial Reporter, Chen Xian, Chu Chu, Meng Peijia

  Trainee reporters, Cui Hao, Zhan Chao

Tencent’s share price has reached a new high, and Ma Yun has become China’s richest man

  Not long ago, Tencent’s mobile game "Honor of Kings" was repeatedly criticized by the media, and its share price suffered a setback, but then it continued to rise. Yesterday it reached a record high of 320.60 Hong Kong dollars, up nearly 3% from the previous day. Tencent’s market value reached 3.045056 trillion Hong Kong dollars, making it the most valuable listed company in China. According to Forbes’ real-time rich list, Pony Ma’s personal wealth rose to 36.20 billion US dollars, ranking 18th in the world on the list, surpassing Ma Yun and Wang Jianlin to become the richest man in China.

  Tencent’s share price yesterday reached a record high of 320.60 Hong Kong dollars, up nearly 3% from the previous day. Tencent’s market value reached 3.045056 trillion Hong Kong dollars, making it the most valuable listed company in China. The personal wealth of Pony Ma, chairperson and CEO of Tencent, also rose, reaching 36.20 billion US dollars, making him the richest man in China.

  Tencent’s share price reaches HK $320

  Yesterday, the stock price of Tencent, which is listed on the Hong Kong stock market, reached a record high. As of the end of the day, it rose 2.95% to 320.60 Hong Kong dollars. At present, Tencent’s market value has reached 3.045056 trillion Hong Kong dollars (about 389.283 billion US dollars), making it once again the most valuable listed company in China. At present, Tencent’s market value ranks eighth in the global market value ranking, second only to Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway.

  Data show that in the past six months, the share price of Tencent Holdings has risen from 190 Hong Kong dollars at the beginning of the year to 320 Hong Kong dollars today, a cumulative increase of 66%. Not long ago, Tencent’s mobile game "Honor of Kings" was repeatedly criticized by the media, and its share price suffered a setback, but then it continued to rise.

  The latest two quarterly report shows that a total of 30 funds (shares are calculated separately) hold a large position in Tencent Holdings, with a total of 11.0689 million shares. The net value of these funds has also risen with the rise of heavy stocks, and has obtained rich returns.

  At present, a number of institutions hold "buy" ratings on Tencent and have raised their target price for Tencent. Morgan Stanley raised its target price of Tencent from the original 310 Hong Kong dollars to 370 Hong Kong dollars; Nomura Securities raised its target price to 341 yuan; Bank of America Merrill Lynch maintained its "buy" rating, raising the target price of Tencent to 331 yuan, and expects the mobile game business to continue to drive the company’s revenue. Deutsche Bank raised the target price of Tencent from 320 yuan to 327 yuan, and rated it "buy".

  Pony Ma becomes China’s richest man

  According to Forbes’ real-time rich list, Pony Ma’s personal wealth rose to 36.20 billion US dollars, ranking 18th in the world on the list, surpassing Jack Ma, who ranked 20th, and Wang Jianlin, who ranked 26th, to become the richest man in China.

  According to the latest disclosure of rights and interests of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Pony Ma’s share of the issued shares of Tencent Holdings fell from 13.91% on July 8, 2004 to 8.73% on November 28, 2016. However, Tencent’s market value has increased by nearly a thousand times from billions of Hong Kong dollars at that time to trillions of Hong Kong dollars at present; Tencent’s share price has risen from HK $3.70 per share in June 2004 to HK $320.60 today, and it has also undergone a split of five. According to this calculation, in the 13 years of listing, Tencent’s share price has increased by more than 433 times. The wealth of Pony Ma, the founder of the company, has naturally risen.

  2017 interim results will be announced next Wednesday

  Tencent will announce its 2017 interim results next Wednesday. According to statistics, in the past five years, Tencent’s revenue growth rate has been 54%, 38%, 31%, 30% and 48% respectively. Tencent’s performance in the first quarter of this year shows that operating income 49.588 billion yuan, an increase of 54.83% year-on-year, and net profit 14.548 billion yuan, an increase of 57.46% year-on-year. Roughly calculated, in the 90 days of the first quarter of this year, Tencent Holdings’ average daily revenue was about 550 million yuan, and the average daily net profit was about 160 million yuan.

  The market generally believes that although Tencent is involved in a wide range of business, it is still relatively focused on social networking and gaming. "In the past, everyone thought that Tencent could do anything, and we also took a detour," Pony Ma once said. "We have changed a lot in the past two years, cutting more and more businesses… Since entering mobile game operations, a lot of energy has been on the layout of global mobile games, which is our main business."

  The game business is Tencent’s main business, which is not only one side of Ma Yun’s words, but also reflected in Tencent’s financial report. In 2016, Tencent’s 2016 annual revenue was 151.938 billion, of which online game revenue was 70.844 billion, accounting for 47%. In Quarter 1 this year, Tencent achieved revenue of about RMB 14.10 billion in PC client side games, an increase of 24% year-on-year, benefiting from the increase in contributions of major games such as League of Legends, Dungeons and Warriors, and FIFA Online 3. In mobile games, revenue of about RMB 12.90 billion was achieved, an increase of 57% year-on-year, driven by existing and new games such as ("Honor of Kings", "Crossfire: Gunfight King" and "Dragon Valley"). In particular, "Honor of Kings", its tens of millions of DAU players have achieved not only a game, but also a hot topic in society. As of the fourth quarter of 2016, "Honor of Kings" has 50 million DAU. In the past six months, the popularity of the game has gradually increased, and it has attracted the attention of Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily and other media. I hope the game can lead positive energy and fulfill its social responsibility.

  As of the first quarter of this year, Tencent’s QQ monthly active accounts reached 861 million, and the combined monthly active accounts of WeChat and WeChat reached 938 million, an increase of 23% over the same period last year. Social and other advertising revenue increased by 67% to RMB 4.379 billion, mainly driven by advertising revenue growth from WeChat Moments, WeChat public accounts, app stores and mobile browsers.

  related news

  Tencent launched credit score

  "Tencent Credit" has opened a public beta for some users, and some users can already check their credit scores in the account column of QQ Wallet in the "Tencent Credit" official account of mobile QQ.

  Beiqing Daily reporter learned that Tencent Credit is a personal credit management platform launched by Tencent Credit, and the credit score can reflect the user’s credit level. Similar to Zhima Credit Score, Tencent Credit Score is also evaluated by the system credit scoring model. It relies on comprehensive evaluation of data from multiple dimensions such as social, payment, finance, and society to monitor in real time. The higher the score, the higher the credit level. Users can improve their credit score by repaying credit cards in a timely manner, paying water, electricity and gas bills on time, binding bank cards on the official website of Tenpay or mobile QQ wallet, purchasing wealth management products, and improving accurate credit information in credit management. Loan defaults, credit card repayments and other behaviors will be recorded, and even affect the credit score.

  Tencent said that users can not only understand their credit level through Tencent credit scores, but also enjoy the financial privileges and life privileges that good credit brings to them, such as cash lending, bank card application, consumption installment, and credit travel.

  It is reported that only QQ super members are currently eligible for the public beta. Tencent said that the public beta qualification is not directly related to QQ members, QQ years, QQ levels, account transfer consumption and other conditions. It is based on the user’s real name and credit comprehensive evaluation and randomly opened. At present, the public beta list is small, and there is no active application path for the time being. The public beta list will be gradually opened in the future. This group text/This reporter, Wen Jing, photo/DongIC fang

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  On February 29, the "2024 19th China (Jinan) International Solar Energy Utilization Conference and the 3rd China (Shandong) New Energy and Energy Storage Application Expo" with the theme of "Golden Sunshine, Clean Energy, Dual Carbon Leading, and Storage Development" opened at Shandong International Convention and Exhibition Center. The conference lasted for three days.

  This year’s exhibition has been newly upgraded, and the site adopts the "1 + N + N" conference model, that is, 1 boutique exhibition, more than 10 forum meetings, and more than 20 new product launches and precise docking activities. With a professional perspective, an efficient platform, and deeper content, we will lead the development direction of the new energy industry and become the "wind vane" exhibition of the industry.

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  Efficient links, deeply empowering

  The exhibition scale of this year’s "Solar Energy Exhibition" is 60,000 square meters, divided into photovoltaic, energy storage, photovoltaic building integration, distributed energy multi-energy complementary, industry-university-research, finance and other professional exhibition areas, attracting State Grid, Huawei, BYD, Midea, Haier, Tongwei, Sunshine Power, Jinke, Longji, JA, Trina Solar, Canadian Solar, Zhonglai, Oriental Risen, Chint, TBEA, GCL, China Building Materials, China Energy Conservation and other global more than 600 new energy brand enterprises participated in the exhibition. Focus on displaying new technologies, new products and solutions for the whole industry chain such as solar photovoltaic, energy storage, and multi-energy complementary. The whole chain efficiently links industry and cross-disciplinary information and resources, and deeply empowers the development of the industry to help achieve the goal of "peak carbon dioxide emissions carbon neutrality". It is expected that the audience will reach 100,000 in three days.

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  One exhibition brings together the world, one exhibition sees the future

  It is reported that this exhibition has a strong lineup of exhibitors, including 12 of the world’s top 500 companies, 30 of the global energy 500 companies, and 18 of the Chinese private 500 companies. The exhibition brings together the world’s top new energy companies and technologies, leading the development direction of the industry. It is not only a national channel ordering conference, but also the largest distributed solar storage cooperation conference in the country. It is also an energy end point application event in the Asia-Pacific region.

  "Sea" and "land" photovoltaic products become a highlight

  This "Solar Energy Exhibition" not only brought together photovoltaic boutiques from "sea" and "land", but also showcased many new photovoltaic and energy storage technology products, some of which were unveiled for the first time at the exhibition. Not only the "distributed photovoltaic + flexible storage" solution that debuted on land, the lotus module that has no border barrier and is beautiful and clean like a lotus flower, the high-efficiency photovoltaic module that is completely black, the intelligent flexible bracket system applied to more use scenarios, the beautiful, energy-saving and noise-reducing hollow light-transmitting series power generation glass, and the heterojunction photovoltaic module with high reliability performance at sea. These products have value and strength, making them the highlight of the conference.

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  Efficient activities promote development

  During the same period of the exhibition, more than 10 forums and conferences were also held, including "2024 3rd Yellow River Basin New Energy Innovation and Development Conference", "2024 2nd Shandong Province New Energy High-Quality Development Forum", "2024 7th China Distributed Photovoltaic Conference", "2024 6th China Household Photovoltaic Conference", etc. More than 40 academicians and experts from the industry attended the conference to give wonderful speeches, and exchanged and discussed photovoltaic, energy storage, smart energy and other content. The topics have connotation and depth. During the same period, more than 20 business investment conferences, new product launches and precise docking activities will also be held.

  This year’s "Solar Energy Exhibition" is jointly organized by Shandong Solar Energy Industry Association, Shandong Xinchenghua Exhibition Co., Ltd., and Shandong Chenghua Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Deep in scheming! The reporter investigated the refusal of the online car appointment, and the driver induced the passenger to cancel the order

       CCTV News:Nowadays, it is becoming more and more common to travel through online car-hailing, but there are some hidden hidden operations, which "add a little bit of congestion" to travel. A reporter recently found in Beijing that Didi Express has "rejected orders, refused orders" and "induced passengers to cancel orders". Sometimes, passengers not only have difficulty completing the trip smoothly, but also inadvertently lower their credit rating on the Didi platform, which affects future online car-hailing trips.


       Drivers who take orders and refuse to take them may be related to the Didi Express reward model. According to several Didi Express drivers, the model of Didi Express rewarding drivers has changed in recent years. At present, Didi Express drivers need to follow the driver-side application prompts and receive a certain number of singular numbers in different reward models to get bonuses.

       Didi Express customer service introduced that how many orders have to be completed in a day, how much is the reward, such as how many orders are completed from what time to what time, how much is the reward, and there is that kind of reward. The driver-side display is the main one every day, and it is also possible that there may be several rewards a day.

       In the current mode of Didi Express assigning orders, some drivers will selectively cancel orders in order to earn bonuses for the number of orders they receive, while passengers will spend more time and energy to complete online car-hailing trips, and even inadvertently lower their credit score on this platform.

       Didi Express driver: "Many people are like this, because in order to get a reward of 100 yuan, he pulled this order a little farther, forty or fifty, and may not be able to get the reward because of this order."


       Who cancels or "demotes" the driver to induce "Youdao"

       During the reporter’s investigation, it was learned from a number of Didi Express drivers and customer service that as a constraint on express drivers by the platform, the driver voluntarily canceled the order, which may be regarded as a violation. During the investigation, many express drivers said that they would be fined 10 yuan per order and deducted corresponding service points.

       In order to further avoid the financial penalties and deductions of service points that may be caused after the passenger complains about the active cancellation of the order, many express drivers said that they will find some reasons to excuse themselves, and some drivers will ask the passenger to cancel the order, claiming that the cancellation of the order by the passenger has no impact on themselves.

       The truth is as the driver said, does it have no impact on the passengers? However, the reporter got the opposite answer from several other Didi Express drivers and customer service. According to the Didi Express driver, the current platform implements two-way constraints on drivers and passengers, and passengers take the initiative to cancel orders, which may also reduce credit value. At present, after the Didi Chuxing APP completes the express order, passengers and drivers have two-way evaluations. The customer service introduced that both drivers and passengers implement a 5-point credit score rule. Some express drivers said that after receiving the order, they found that the passenger’s credit score was lower than 4 points, and the rejection rate would be greatly improved.


       Complain to the platform, but do not inform the result of the complaint?

       Legal experts said that filing a complaint with the platform is the cheapest and most efficient measure for passengers to protect their rights. According to the customer service of Didi Express, express drivers who are found to have violated the rules after verification will usually be dealt with in three ways: warning, financial punishment and ban punishment according to the severity of the situation. But the final processing result will not be fed back to passengers.

       Liu Junhai, a professor at Renmin University of China Law School, introduced that Article 8 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law of our country stipulates that consumers have the right to know the real situation of their use of goods or services. In order to protect consumers’ right to know, Article 20, paragraph 2, also specifically stipulates the information disclosure obligations of business operators.

       Professor Liu Junhai believes that the online ride-hailing platform, as the creator of the transaction model, the drafter of the transaction rules, the selector of the relevant drivers, and the winner of the relevant economic benefits, should resolve consumer complaints as soon as possible as the preferred solution to resolve disputes. Not only from a legal perspective, but also from a business ethics perspective, it is not enough to develop the market and occupy the market itself. The most important thing is that enterprises should stand together with consumers consciously, learn to think from a different perspective, and further optimize their own complaint and dispute resolution process from the perspective of consumers.

Many places have introduced online catering regulations, and takeaways need to indicate the time limit for consumption

  China News Service, Beijing, July 14 (Qiu Yu) Beijing, Shanghai and other places have introduced relevant regulations on online catering to strictly prevent the operation of "black workshops". China News Service (WeChat official account: cns2012) reporter investigation found that some third-party platforms did not publicize the merchant’s food business license, and the merchant did not mark the safe consumption time limit on the takeaway packaging according to local regulations.

  The consumer.

  When defending rights, I don’t know the "ten times compensation" rule

  How much should be paid if you eat unclean food when ordering takeout? Many consumers are unaware of this.

  Recently, Ms. Xu ordered takeout through a third-party platform for ordering food online, but ended up eating a worm. After complaining, she was only compensated with a 10 yuan voucher from the platform. Ms. Liu also had a similar experience. She ate cockroaches in takeout, and "the merchant proposed 300 yuan for private use." Both told reporters that they did not know the specific legal provisions.

  According to the Food Safety Law, if you produce food that does not meet food safety standards or operate food that you know does not meet food safety standards, in addition to claiming compensation for losses, consumers can also demand compensation from the producer or operator for ten times the price or three times the loss; if the amount of increased compensation is less than 1,000 yuan, it is 1,000 yuan.

  Zhang Liwen, a lawyer at Beijing Shi Law Firm, said in an interview with reporters that if it costs 70 yuan to order takeout, consumers can ask for an additional compensation of 1,000 yuan instead of 700 yuan, but he also reminded consumers that they should provide sufficient evidence to prove that the food "does not meet food safety standards".

  Merchant –

  The safe consumption time limit is not marked on the takeaway packaging.

  Many places have placed requirements on online catering packaging. Beijing, Sichuan, Fujian and other places require food to be marked with cooking time and safe consumption time limit. But when asked by reporters, several restaurant staff in Beijing said they were "not aware of this regulation" and would not put similar labels on takeaway packaging.

  The "Beijing Municipal Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Food Business (Interim) " clearly requires that food operators engaged in online ordering services should affix labels to food packaging, indicating the time of food processing and consumption, and reminding consumers to eat as soon as possible to avoid long-term storage.

  "This rule is reasonable and should be strictly enforced," Zhang Liwen pointed out. "When you go to a restaurant to eat, it is common sense that the food is newly made. But there is no supervision link when ordering takeout, and merchants should indicate when the food is made and how long it can be eaten."

  The reporter noticed that Beijing, Sichuan, and Fujian have relatively strict requirements for online catering packaging, while Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Liaoning have relaxed, "encouraging or recommending" affixing labels to indicate food processing time and consumption time limit.

  Platform –

  Unannounced merchant food business license

  In order to prevent "black workshops", Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian and other places not only require third-party platforms to review the food business license qualifications of online food operators, but also require third-party platforms to publicize information related to food business licenses on their websites.

  Beijing stipulates that third-party platform providers shall review and register the qualifications of food operators applying to enter the platform, timely update the operator’s identity certificate, food business license and other qualification certification materials, and publicize relevant information on the main page of their business activities.

  Reporters searched and found that the merchant pages of several well-known third-party platforms in Beijing did not publicize relevant qualification information. Although some platforms added a column of "merchant license", some merchants did not upload the license.

  "There are some difficulties in the process of verifying the qualifications of merchants," Meituan said. "The base of merchants is large, the verification time is long, and it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of the qualification documents of some merchants."

  The delivery man…

  There is a situation of "no health certificate" employment

  Shanghai, Beijing and other places require food delivery staff to obtain a health certificate. Meituan and Daojia Food Club both said that delivery staff must undergo a medical examination and obtain a health certificate before they can work. "This is a hard and fast rule."

  According to the Daojia Food Club, the company has a special person to register and manage the information of the employee’s health certificate. When the employee’s health certificate expires for one year, it will urge and supervise the employee to update and register.

  However, the reporter learned that in order to save costs, some merchants choose to deliver by themselves, sometimes hiring people to deliver food specially, and the compensation is calculated according to the singular number of delivery. Due to the high mobility of food delivery staff, they will not check whether they hold a health certificate, and there are also cases of "unlicensed employment".

  Extend –

  How to resolve online ordering disputes?

  On July 12, Mr. Yue attracted widespread attention by posting a Weibo post online in which he claimed that he had received 19 stitches after ordering food through at a store in Jinan called Marriott Donkey Meat Fire, where he was slashed at the door with a knife for giving a bad review.

  In an interview with reporters, Mr. Yue said that after the June 26 complaint, for as long as half a month, only said that it had upgraded the processing, and did not leave any contact information of the person in charge. "The processing of the merchant was only to close the online payment function for a week, and then continue to operate."

  In response, the official Weibo of responded on July 13, saying, "We oppose all violent words and deeds, and will not and cannot support any illegal party."

  Zhang Liwen believes that third-party platforms have the responsibility to deal with disputes. First, the platform should announce and punish the merchant’s behavior online; second, it should notify other third-party platforms and suggest that they carefully consider cooperating with the merchant, or blacklist the merchant and refuse to cooperate.

  He said that if consumers encounter food safety problems and merchants and platforms do not deal with them, considering the high cost of filing a lawsuit to the court, they can choose to go to the industry and commerce, food and drug administration or consumer associations to complain. It is recommended that relevant departments establish a quick handling mechanism to reduce the cost of consumer rights protection and ensure that consumers receive prompt and reasonable compensation.

  The Food Safety Law stipulates that the food and drug supervision and management, quality supervision and other departments of the people’s government at or above the county level shall publish the e-mail address or telephone number of the department to accept consultation, complaints and reports. If a consultation, complaint or report is received, it shall be accepted and promptly replied, verified and dealt with within the statutory time limit; if it is not the responsibility of the department, it shall be handed over to the department with the power to deal with it and notify the consultation, complaint and whistleblower in writing.

  The staff of the "12331" food and drug complaint hotline told reporters that if consumers can provide the specific location and name of the merchant, they can accept complaints and deal with them. (End)

This week, Jackie Chan and Wong Kar Wai meet to compete on the same day. Who will win?

1905 movie network feature andThe battle is not over yet, the week is over. This week, a total of nine new films were released, but the focus was on these two films, that isandWhich of these nine new films can I watch? How much are these two focus works worth looking forward to? Xiaodian helps you filter

"The Flying Tiger."

Director: Ding Sheng

Starring: Jackie Chan/Huang Zitao/Wang Kai/Wang Continental/Sang Ping/Wu Yonglun

Release Date: 2016-12-23

Duration: 123 minutes

Director Ding Sheng’s most well-known work in recent years was last year’s work. Whether it was the wonderful performance of supporting actor Wang Qianyuan or the inner impulse to eat dumplings after watching it, it was impressive. This year, Director Ding Sheng rushed into the New Year’s Eve stall with his new work and partnered with a group of big coffee.

After that, Jackie Chan, who worked with Ding Sheng three times, and Huang Zitao, Wang Kai and Wang Continental, who worked together for the first time, formed a folk anti-Japanese guerrilla team. They were all railway workers at Zaozhuang Railway Station on Jinpu Railway. Jackie Chan was the captain Ma Yuan, the foreman of the porters. They worked in the day and came out to fight the devils at night. The common people gave them a name called the Railway Flying Tigers.

The posters released so far in this film are all very beautiful, and the characters in the play are also very talkative. Several new actors and Xiao Xianrou have shown a funny side.

And for Jackie Chan, who was very desperate to film, this time it was still the same. He led the Flying Tigers in the Northeast at minus 20 degrees, on a 100-ton train head, completing various forms including skateboard train scraping, slide train scraping, and other extreme movements such as train jumping.

The film also did a lot of things, except for releasing a poster of the longest, longest and longest in history(The poster is too long, click here to view it.)In addition, there will also be scenes of a train crash in the movie.

They also used actors to create more than 80 memes, which can be used directly. (However, the release date is not the 30th in the picture, but the 23rd~)

The Ferryman.

Director and Screenwriter: Zhang Jiajia

Producer: Wong Kar-wai

Starring: Tony Leung/Takeshi Kancheng/Eason Chan/Angelababy/Zhang Rongrong…

Release Date: 2016-12-23

Duration: 128 minutes

Wong Kar-wai, who has been making a play for many years, has not released a new film, but has released a film he supervised, "The Ferryman".

The director of this play is the screenwriter Zhang Jiajia. "Passing Through Your World" has been released on National Day, and the story integrity of the script is not good. The problem of lines not speaking human words has been seen. This time, he not only wrote but also directed "Ferryman". Zhang Jiajia’s goodnight heart language lines will still appear in such an atmosphere, which is amazing. What kind of atmosphere? Let’s see what Takeshi Kancheng said:

Of course, Tony Leung and Takeshi Kancheng can be seen enjoying the performance of comedy when filming this drama. They have also transformed from the melancholy male gods of these years to the early Hong Kong-style comedies. They are funny and desperate.

However, it has to be said that these few words of Takeshi Kancheng are the same as what we feel when we see the trailer. I didn’t expect "Ferryman" to be a comedy. In the trailer that has been exposed so far, only a few lines are from Tony Leung, Takeshi Kancheng, Angelababy, Zhang Rongrong, Xiong Dailin, Jia Ling, Liu Yan. Other places are basically based on the narration of Tony Leung and Takeshi Kancheng.

These casts are very mixed, except for Tony Leung and Takeshi Kancheng, as well as Anglebaby, whose acting skills have been criticized, Dapeng, who has just given a wonderful performance in China, comedians Jia Ling and Cui Zhijia, as well as popular singers Li Yuchun, Little Fresh Meat Luhan, High Cold Muse Rhododendron and so on.

The film’s story is simple. Adapted from Zhang Jiajia’s novel, Tony Leung’s Chen Mo and Takeshi Kancheng’s Guan Chun open a bar and act as ferrymen, who can rescue people who come for help from their pain and bring them happiness and warmth. The nature of the story sounds very similar to another film, helping people solve difficulties and fulfill their wishes.

Of course, there is no shortage of emotional stories in "Ferryman". The current CPs are: Tony Leung and Du Juan, Takeshi Kancheng and Zhang Rongrong, Eason Chan and Angelababy.

"The world is like a book, I prefer your sentence, I would like to be a comma and stay at your feet. But you have your own reader, and I am just a ferryman." This is from Zhang Jiajia’s novel, let’s see if this sentence will become a narration or a line.

Next Page: Other New Films Next Week