Xiliang Mountain fired the "first shot of the battle of crossing the river" and 1,500 warriors died in the battlefield.

  Sixty years ago, Xu Shishan was the second battalion commander of the 270th Regiment, 90th Division, 30th Army, 9th Corps of the Third Field Army. He followed his head Zhu Muping to send troops to Xiliang Mountain. The battle of Xiliang Mountain started the "first shot of the battle of crossing the river". In the battle, more than 1,500 soldiers died in the battlefield, including the 37-year-old head Zhu Muping …

  "hide!" "Bang!" "Colonel! Colonel! You wake up … "

  "Go-go-"On the morning of March 13th, in the home of 87-year-old general Xu Shishan, time and space seemed to go back to the Battle of Xiliang Mountain in Hexian County 60 years ago. At some point, the old general suddenly stood up from the sofa, with his hands in the shape of guns, shouting and running forward …

  From guerrillas to field armies

  In the five months before the battle of crossing the river, my identity has changed four times in a row, which has never happened before; However, in the process of this rapid transformation, we have realized the transformation from guerrillas to local armed forces until we become the regular army of 270 regiments in 90 divisions of 30 armies, and at the same time, we have achieved the tragic and brilliant resume of our regiment crossing the river.

  In November 1948, just two months after I was transferred from the secretary of Qianji District Committee to the chief of staff of Shuyang Independent Regiment, I suddenly received an order from my superior, and my independent regiment was reorganized with Guanyun Independent Regiment to form the 4th Regiment of the 6th Army Division of Subei Military Region. After the adaptation, the original Shuyang Independent Regiment became the 4th Regiment and the 2nd Battalion, and I became the battalion commander of the 2nd Battalion.

  At this time, I met my head Zhu Muping, a handsome man with a tall and loud voice. From Shuyang to Guanyun, I heard many magical stories about him. Some said he was an intellectual, some said he was a lonely hero, and some said he was both civil and military.

  What kind of strange man is Zhu Muping?

  Before I could perceive and understand it slowly, the Yuntai Mountain War in Lianyungang started, and the 4th Regiment was transferred from Guanyun, which was the first battle after the formation of the 4th Regiment. According to the deployment of the military division, the 2nd Battalion of 4th Regiment is responsible for the main attack of Yuntai Mountain War. Perhaps considering that I had never led troops to fight in a big battle before, Zhu Muping volunteered to take the 2nd Battalion personally and let me stay in the regimental headquarters.

  But what I didn’t expect was that some soldiers in the second battalion suddenly became emotional when the war was about to start. I rushed to the front line, only after asking did I know that these Shuyang children would prefer me to lead the attack. They’ve been following me since the guerrilla period. The sudden situation made Zhu Muping a little embarrassed. After urgent consultations, Zhu Muping and I were finally allowed to command together, and the mood of the soldiers suddenly rose.

  The attack began in Nancheng, and the peasant children of the second battalion, who were guerrillas, rushed forward with soil shovel and fried bobbin, screaming and screaming. The attack soon rushed to an open field in front of Yuntai Mountain, where there was no barrier to cover. The enemy troops stood in the fortifications on Yuntai Mountain and shot from above. The roaring bullets made the soldiers lift their heads, and the shells exploded in dense attack formations, and several people were overturned with one shell.

  "This won’t do!" I was in a hurry and called the company commander and platoon leader to make a new deployment.

  The adjusted formation is no longer as dense as it was at first, but changed into a three-thirds formation. The soldiers are divided into three groups, and the groups are separated, avoiding the shells falling from the air and making a quick detour down the mountain. The troops finally rushed to the foot of the mountain, which was the dead corner of enemy fire. According to the original plan, the soldiers will take a short rest here, gather the team and carry out the next wave of attacks.

  But at this time, the explosion of "dong, dong" suddenly came from the top of the head, and the blown-up gravel and debris mixed with weeds slipped down the mountain, smashing the soldiers’ faces. This is the mountain gun of the military division that fired at the enemy on the mountain. The strength of the soldiers rushed up. "Go-"I don’t know which soldier took the lead and rushed to the mountain with a gun. "Tick-tock, tick-tock-"The bugle also sounded. "Kill-"The 2nd battalion shouted and rushed up the hill. Hundreds of screaming soldiers were crushed to the mountainside, and the enemy couldn’t carry it anymore and began to turn and run away. The 2nd Battalion rushed to the top of the mountain in one breath, and pursued the victory, crushing the defeated enemy into a ravine. Ten minutes later, an enemy soldier raised a white flag and they finally surrendered.

  The officers and men of the 2nd Battalion have been hitting the seaside of Lianyungang. These soldiers in Shuyang have never seen the sea! They jumped and shouted on the beach, picked up stones and threw them into the sea. The people in Lianyungang sent gifts to the troops, and the soldiers saw fish as big as a small wooden boat for the first time in their lives. This fish has not been eaten by a company.

  In this battle, the Sixth Army Division wiped out more than 3,000 enemies, and groups of prisoners were taken to Xuzhou. When the officers and men of the 2nd Battalion saw the captured hills of Type 38 rifles, they all threw away their ground-breaking guns and went up to grab them. Those prisoners are still unconvinced, and they look down on the way we rob guns, saying that they lost to these hillbillies.

  After the victory of Yuntai Mountain, the 2nd Battalion returned to the station of Guanyun 4th Regiment. A month later, the 4th Regiment was renamed the Secret Service Corps. On February 3, 1949, the Independent Regiment of Suqian County was upgraded to a battalion to supplement the Special Service Regiment, making its organizational system complete. After the Spring Festival in 1949, the Secret Service Corps was reorganized and became the last organizational group of the 30th Army of the 3rd Field Army of the China People’s Liberation Army, namely the 90th Division, with three battalions under its jurisdiction. The original Guanyun Independent Regiment, Shuyang Independent Regiment and Suqian Independent Regiment became the first, second and third battalions respectively. Zhu Muping continued to be the head of the team, and my identity changed again, from the battalion commander of the second battalion to the instructor of the second battalion.

  Move to Chaimi River in Shuyang to rest.

  After being reorganized into a field army, my 270th regiment left Guanyun and moved to Pingdun on the bank of Chaimi River in Shuyang for rest. This rare short break gave me a better understanding of my head Zhu Muping.

  On the second day after being reorganized into the 270 th Regiment, the troops left Guanyun County and moved to the flat pier on the bank of Chaimi River in Shuyang for rest, and were formally organized into the main regiment of the 30 th Army. Due to the insufficient strength of the 270 th regiment, the superior has transferred some personnel from the East China Sea, Xinyi and other local armed forces to supplement. At the same time, formally determine the task of crossing the river south to liberate all China. The slogan "Go across the Yangtze River and capture Chiang Kai-shek alive" often resounds through the troops and floats to the fields with the wind.

  Only then did I understand the meaning behind the four changes in five months. It turned out that the superior leaders had planned to prevent our guerrillas from becoming field troops one step at a time, so they were divided into multiple steps.

  After becoming a field army, Zhu Muping, the head of the team, became more and more busy, often going out for meetings and organizing soldiers’ training. Although we are in the same group, Zhu Muping and I don’t meet much and know each other very little. In the Yuntai Mountain War, he left me the impression that he was courageous, brave and not afraid of sacrifice. At that time, some soldiers secretly gave him a nickname "rash fellow" behind his back. During the rest of the army, with the increase of contact opportunities with each other, I learned a lot about my colonel’s experience and filled me with high respect for him.

  Zhu Muping took part in the revolution as early as 1932, when he was only 20 years old and was still a young student in Xiangshuikou Middle School. Because an underground party member was arrested and gave up the list, Zhu Muping had to avoid Shanghai. In Shanghai, he served as the secretary of the street league branch, promoting revolution among unemployed workers in the name of doing small business. In mid-January 1934, Zhu Muping was arrested. But the enemy didn’t know his true identity, and after several tortures, he got nothing, so he had to be sentenced to one year and three months as a suspect. After he was released from prison, Zhu Muping’s brother-in-law took him back to his hometown in Lianshui.

  Zhu Muping’s military struggle career began in Lianshui. "We don’t have the feudal power of landlords. They have guns. We can’t do without guns. If there are bad guys, we must use guns." Zhu Muping began to unite the youth of the village, and concentrated the local steel guns to prevent bandits, forming the first local armed forces. In 1936, he also took advantage of the opportunity of the Kuomintang to recruit instructors to train able-bodied men, and went to Bailugou as an instructor for several months to study military affairs. In 1939, Lianshui was occupied by the Japanese army, and Zhu Muping formally set up a team and set up a guerrilla group, which later became one of the three old foundations of the 270 th Regiment.

  In War of Resistance against Japan, he served as the district head and battalion chief of Lianshui Ma Duo, in charge of military affairs. Zhu Muping often moves at night, and comes and goes at night with only one or two guards. He is often used to wearing a dark gray robe, tying his waist with a belt, putting a gun in his clothes and leaving. When encountering enemies, spies and secret agents, Zhu Muping showed no mercy and was shot on the spot.

  At that time, what the people in Lianshui hated most was Shao Xiaoxi, the captain of the pseudo-self-defense. Zhu Muping and others decided to make an example of this traitor. In the late spring of 1939, Shao Xiaoxi appeared on the streets of Lianshui, watching while walking, and grabbing at the things on the street stalls. When he left the sentry at the gate of the city for more than 70 meters, Zhu Muping quietly appeared behind him, and two shots were fired, and Shao Xiaoxi was killed on the spot.

  Although he has done underground work, led guerrillas to fight some battles and went deep into the den to exterminate traitors, Zhu Muping still feels that he has never fought a big battle. Whenever there was a big or small battle, he volunteered to his superiors and led the team to battle. On the battlefield, he never took the command in the town, but took the lead and charged in the bullets.

  Before the end of the rest of the troops, Zhu Muping took time to go to Huaiyin to visit some old comrades-in-arms in the military division. When saying goodbye to every comrade-in-arms, he left a word of "Goodbye in Jiangnan" to his comrades-in-arms with a cheerful expression. No one expected that this turned out to be a farewell speech with his comrades-in-arms.

In 2022, the total box office of China movies exceeded 30 billion, and the new film "Unknown" was set.

Special feature of 1905 film network Comedy movies starring directors, screenwriters, writers, etc. recently announced that they will be scheduled for the first day of the New Year in 2023 and enter the "Spring Festival file".

This is also the re-cooperation between director Su Lun and Lei Jiayin, and Zhang Xiaofei returns to the Spring Festival archives again after the excellent works of the Spring Festival archives, and often switches seamlessly between "Goddess" and "Female Nerve", full of joy.

The film tells the story of Lei Jiayin and Zhang Xiaofei’s unexpected exchange of bodies and family members with a crush on Zhang Xiaofei after their blind date, which led to a strange "exchange" journey with laughter and tears.

There are five differences in the following two posters about this film. How many did you find in the message area?

How to arrange exercise at home? Five self-weight movements will help you gain muscle and lose fat, and carve a good figure.

Original content, those who carry it without authorization will be investigated! # How to exercise at home #

Fitness is a thing that needs persistence to achieve something. The longer you persist in fitness, the more you will gain.

If you can arrange an hour of exercise every day, you can improve your active metabolism, promote the decline of body fat rate, strengthen your heart and lung function and slow down the aging of your body. Doing more strength training in fitness can prevent muscle loss, improve your basal metabolic value, and make your body shape better after losing weight.

Then, how can people who don’t have time to go out to exercise arrange exercise at home? I suggest you start exercising from these movements:

Action 1, opening and closing jump

A warm-up action, which is also recognized as fat burning action, can help you quickly raise your heart rate, let your body enter a state of fat burning, activate your body muscles and avoid muscle loss. Each time for 30 seconds, repeat 4 groups.

Action 2, high leg lift

This movement can promote the blood circulation of lower limbs and improve the flexibility of lower limbs. During the training, we should tighten the abdominal muscles and lift our legs as much as possible for 30 seconds at a time, repeating 4 groups.

Action 3, push-ups

Push-ups can exercise upper limb muscles, improve upper limb lines and strength, and make you look better in clothes. Push-ups are performed in 4-5 groups at a time, with 15-20 in each group. Those who cannot complete multiple push-ups at one time can start with kneeling push-ups and upward inclined push-ups.

Action 4, squat

Squat can exercise hip and leg muscles, improve hip line, and shape long legs with full hips and tight heels. Beginners start with freehand squats, and then carry out weight-bearing squats or squat jumps after a foundation, with 5 groups of 15 in each group.

Action 5, lunge squat

Squat lunge is also an effective action to exercise the muscles of lower limbs, which can improve the hip and leg lines and improve the stability of lower limbs at the same time. Do it 10 times left and right, and repeat 5 groups.

Action 6, the goat stands up

This action can exercise core muscles, improve core strength, make you less injured during exercise, and also improve the problem of backache caused by sedentary. The action is carried out 15 times and repeated in 4 groups.

Female estrogen deficiency usually has these five manifestations! These four methods can make up for it.

Estrogen is a "spring-protecting pill" for women, whose skin is white and beautiful, long legs and exquisite figure depend on it to some extent.

So, don’t let your estrogen balance be insufficient!

So, what are the symptoms of estrogen deficiency and what should I do?

Estrogen is one of the "female" hormones secreted by ovary, and it is an important hormone in female endocrine system. It maintains the health of female body in many aspects, including reproductive system, bone, cardiovascular system and nervous system.

Estrogen plays many roles in the female body, including:

Promoting sexual maturity:Estrogen is the main hormone of female sexual maturity, which controls female menstrual cycle and ovarian function.

Maintain bone health:Estrogen helps to maintain bone density and protect women from bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

Maintaining cardiovascular health:Estrogen can help reduce the risk of heart disease in women and protect women from some other cardiovascular diseases.

Maintain skin health:Estrogen plays a key role in maintaining the health of women’s skin, which maintains the vitality, elasticity and health of cells.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the ovarian function is normal, women generally do not have estrogen deficiency, and estrogen can be dynamically adjusted, and occasionally the body will adjust quickly after a night. However, in these three cases, there will still be insufficient estrogen.

1. Age factor

With the increase of women’s age, ovarian function gradually declines, and the level of estrogen secretion decreases year by year.

2. Health factors

After a woman suffers from mastitis, the estrogen produced in her body will decrease. In addition, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid problems and anemia, may lead to female estrogen deficiency. Due to abnormal ovarian function or other serious diseases, women may experience irregular menstrual cycle, and irregular menstruation may lead to a decline in estrogen levels.

3. Life factors

Excessive consumption of estrogen-containing food, long-term busy lifestyle, smoking, excessive drinking and inability to cope with stressful life will also lead to insufficient estrogen in women.

Female estrogen deficiency may have different effects on women’s body, mood and cognition. Here are some common symptoms:

oneClimacteric symptoms

Female estrogen deficiency is one of the main causes of menopausal symptoms. With the advent of menopause, women may have a variety of discomfort symptoms, such as hot flashes, sweating, headache, palpitations, insomnia, anxiety and depression, which are all caused by estrogen deficiency.

2. cardiovascular diseases

Studies have found that estrogen can resist oxidation, inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce atherosclerotic plaques and other protective effects, and estrogen deficiency will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in women.

3. Osteoporosis

Estrogen is very important for bone health. It can promote calcium absorption and bone growth. When estrogen is insufficient, bone density will gradually decrease, increasing the risk of osteoporosis.

4. Skin problems

Estrogen deficiency can make women’s skin dry, lose elasticity and appear fine lines.

5. Mental state changes

Studies have shown that estrogen can regulate neurotransmitters in the brain and affect mood and behavior. Estrogen deficiency can lead to mental state changes such as mood swings, irritability and insomnia in women.

Step 1 pay attention to diet

Nutrients in diet have a great influence on estrogen level. You can eat more foods rich in vitamin B, iron, calcium, zinc, folic acid, tea phenol, etc., such as bean products, grains, fruits, vegetables, flaxseed, oats, alfalfa, etc., which are also helpful to improve cardiovascular health. At the same time, women should avoid eating excessively greasy food.

Step 2 exercise actively

Exercise is another good way to keep healthy, which can promote the synthesis of estrogen and help women maintain good physical condition and endocrine system function. It is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise every week, such as running, walking, swimming and yoga.

3. A healthy lifestyle

Women should try to avoid unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, drinking and excessive stress, which will have a negative impact on estrogen levels. At the same time, it is necessary to correctly handle psychological pressure, and through decompression skills and maintaining emotional stability, it can help women to better regulate the endocrine system to stabilize the estrogen level in the body.

4. Hormone replacement therapy

For severe symptoms of estrogen deficiency, hormone replacement therapy can be considered, that is, synthetic estrogen is used to replace the estrogen lacking in the body. Modern medicine provides many types of artificial estrogens for treatment, including oral drugs, patches and gels. Patients can discuss with their doctors the most suitable alternative treatment, and the dosage and duration are usually customized according to the patient’s individualization.

However, long-term use of estrogen replacement therapy will reduce the level of estrogen, so it must be used under the guidance of a doctor to avoid the adverse effects of estrogen replacement therapy.

Finally, although estrogen is important, it can’t be supplemented indiscriminately, let alone the more the better. Supplementing too much is not only beneficial to the body, but also may lead to hysteromyoma, mammary gland hyperplasia, menstrual disorder and so on, and even increase the probability of breast cancer and endometrial cancer. Therefore, those health care products on the market that claim to maintain ovaries suggest that you eat less.

More recommendations:

Get out of the way! These most pitiable "maintenance" projects cost money and hurt people! Never believe it.

?When you become a mother, don’t do these seven things no matter how busy or tired you are, it hurts your health!

?Endocrine disorders are easy to cause these five diseases! Especially those who have these four habits should pay attention.

China’s Common Sense of History: The Beginning of Modern China History

The modern history of China began in 1840. Before that, China society was a feudal society. After that, great changes have taken place in China society, which gradually became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society.

In 1840, Britain launched the Opium War of aggression against China. After this war, capital-imperialism launched many wars of aggression against China one after another, such as the Anglo-French Allied War in 1957, the Sino-French War in 1884, the Sino-Japanese War in 1894, and Britain, the United States, Germany, France, Russia, Japan, Italy and Austria Eight-Nation Alliance in 1900. After defeating China by war, these invaders forced China to sign many unequal treaties, occupied many territories in China, and gained many economic, political and military privileges. They arbitrarily stationed troops in China, set up factories and banks, controlled customs, foreign trade and trade ports in China, preached, ran newspapers, set up schools and carried out other cultural invasions at will, and so on.

In order to suppress the resistance of the people in China, the invaders also colluded with the reactionary feudal rulers in China, making the feudal landlord class in China the mainstay of their rule in China. In this way, China has gradually changed from an independent country to a semi-colonial country. A modern history of China, that is, the bloody history of imperialism invading China and enslaving the people of China.

In the feudal society of China, the self-sufficient economy combining small-scale agriculture with handicraft industry occupied the main position. At that time, farmers not only produced the agricultural products they needed, but also produced most of the industrial products they needed. The commodity economy was underdeveloped. After the Opium War, the feudal economy was destroyed under the impact of foreign capitalism, farmers and craftsmen went bankrupt in large numbers, and the commodity economy developed. While the feudal economy was destroyed, a new economic relationship emerged, that is, capitalist economic relationship.

With the emergence and initial development of capitalist economy, in addition to the original landlord class and peasant class, two new classes have emerged in China society: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. China society is not a complete feudal society, but a semi-feudal society. However, the purpose of imperialist aggression against China is to turn China into a colony, not to turn China into a capitalist country. They colluded with the feudal forces to oppress and hinder the development of capitalism in China. Therefore, in China society at this time, the feudal exploitation of peasants by the landlord class was still preserved, and the feudal relations of production still occupied a significant advantage. Under the double oppression of imperialism and feudalism, China’s economy and politics have never developed and progressed, and the people of China, especially the peasants, are getting poorer day by day. They live a cold and hungry life and have no political rights.

In this way, after the Opium War, China changed from an independent feudal country to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country ruled by China feudal forces, and embarked on the road of colonization day by day.

From the time the foreign invaders launched an armed attack on China, the heroic and unyielding people of China also started their struggle against foreign invaders and feudal forces. The Opium War, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the Sino-French War, the Sino-Japanese War, the Reform Movement of 1898, the Boxer Rebellion and the Revolution of 1911 were all glorious struggles against foreign aggression in China’s modern history, which showed the great heroic struggle spirit of the China people against imperialism and feudalism. Therefore, the modern history of China is also a glorious history of China people’s indomitable resistance to imperialist aggression and feudal rule. (Rufeng)

New Trends and Influences in Fashion: Sustainability, Street Culture and Digital Transformation

Fashion, as a dynamic theme, plays an extremely key role in contemporary society, and its influence has gone beyond the simple clothing and appearance, extending to many levels of culture, society and psychology. With the passage of time, we can clearly see that some exciting trends are shaping this field.

First of all, with the increasingly prominent environmental problems, people began to pay more attention to the impact of the clothing industry on the natural environment. Traditional fashion production and consumption patterns lead to resource waste and environmental damage. This situation has aroused people’s concern about sustainability, and many fashion brands and designers have begun to reflect on their production methods and materials used.

Sustainable fashion emphasizes the consideration of environmental, social and economic influences in the process of design, production and consumption. This trend is not only reflected in the choice of materials, but also includes the choice of energy use, transportation mode and packaging materials in the production process. More and more brands began to adopt environmentally friendly materials, advocating the concept of circular economy and zero waste production. The practice of sustainable fashion includes careful selection and use of materials, such as organic cotton, recycled fiber and degradable materials, to reduce the impact on the environment. In addition, energy consumption in the production process is also paid attention to, and some brands adopt clean energy and energy-saving technologies. Transportation is also a key link, and using more environmentally friendly transportation methods can reduce carbon emissions.

Consumers’ consciousness gradually turned to sustainability, and they began to choose to support environmental protection brands and buy more durable and high-quality clothing. This consumption change not only supports the development of sustainable fashion economically, but also promotes the spread of more environmentally friendly fashion concepts in society.

Secondly, street culture is a symbol of young people at first, but with the development of the times, it has crossed different ages and become an important part of fashion. This cultural integration has brought more diverse fashion styles and broken the boundaries of traditional aesthetics. Street elements such as sportswear, graffiti elements and loose tailoring are gradually emerging in fashion design. The introduction of these elements makes fashion more creative and energetic, and at the same time reflects a unique aesthetic.

The influence of street culture makes people pay more attention to individuality and self-expression. People no longer pursue a single fashion standard, but show their unique personality and attitude through clothing. This diverse attitude gives fashion greater freedom.

Street culture pays attention to freedom, innovation and non-traditional aesthetics, which affects people’s attitudes and views on fashion. Fashion is no longer an unattainable symbol, but a lifestyle that is closely related to everyone.

Third, in the digital age, the fashion industry has also ushered in tremendous changes. Social media has become a new platform for fashion information dissemination, and people can easily obtain the latest fashion trends, trends and brand information. Fashion bloggers and celebrities share their fashion collocations and opinions on social media, introducing fashion into people’s daily lives. They have become fashion opinion leaders, influencing people’s purchasing decisions and aesthetic concepts. This phenomenon enhances the visibility and influence of the fashion industry.

The digital age has brought convenience to online shopping, and consumers can choose their favorite clothes anytime and anywhere. This change enables consumers to meet their personal needs more flexibly, and also promotes the growth of the fashion industry.

Social media platforms create more opportunities for interaction between consumers and brands. Consumers can communicate directly with brands, provide feedback and suggestions, and brands can understand consumers’ needs more accurately, thus providing products closer to the market.

To sum up, as a dynamic field, fashion is not only the surface of clothing, but also the comprehensive embodiment of environmental protection, personality and culture. The sustainable revolution, the rise of street culture and digital transformation have jointly shaped the diversity and vitality of fashion field. These trends are not only reflected in fashion design, but also profoundly affect all aspects of individuals and society.

People convey their values, hobbies and personal styles through clothing, thus establishing their own unique personal image. The culture and values represented by fashion are also imperceptibly influencing people’s attitudes and behaviors. Some fashion brands influence people’s attitudes towards society and life by advocating values such as environmental protection, diversity, inclusiveness and innovation.

As designers, we should always pay attention to the evolution and trend of fashion field, realize the importance of sustainability, and integrate the concept of environmental protection into the design process. Choosing environmentally friendly materials, adopting recyclable production mode and paying attention to the life cycle of products are all our goals in design. At the same time, we should pay close attention to the development of street culture, draw creative inspiration from it, and skillfully integrate street elements into the design to meet diversified consumer needs. With the advent of the digital age, we should keep up with the pace of science and technology. Mastering digital tools and technologies can better promote their own design works, interact with consumers, and integrate into social media platforms to establish close ties with fashion opinion leaders and consumers. This will help to improve brand awareness and visibility. By paying attention to sustainability, drawing lessons from street culture, using digital tools and transmitting positive values, we can make positive contributions to the development of fashion and lead fashion to a better future.

Author: Chen Chao

People’s Network Review: Strengthening Cultural Self-confidence and Promoting the Rejuvenation of Chinese Civilization

Source: People’s Network-Viewpoint Channel

Visit Xuanyuan Temple of Huangdi Mausoleum, and pay tribute to the vigor and uprightness of cypress planted by Huangdi in 5000 years. At Lushan Mao site and Shiyan Mao site, feel the grand scenery of the capital city of "Wanbang came to Korea" 4000 years ago; In Baoji Bronze Museum, I realized the pre-Qin civilization of the Western Zhou Dynasty 3,000 years ago … With the launch of the online theme of "Why is China in a Prosperous Age", an interview group composed of Chinese and foreign journalists, experts and scholars set off from Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province, and started a wonderful journey of exploring the source. The magnificent treasures and voluminous documents help us decipher the code of civilization and strengthen our cultural self-confidence.

Cultural self-confidence is a more basic, broader and deeper self-confidence and a more basic, deeper and more lasting force in the development of a country and a nation. The Chinese nation is an ancient and great nation in the world. It has created a splendid civilization that has lasted for more than 5,000 years and made indelible contributions to the progress of human civilization. Through cultural relics, heritages and texts, the online theme propaganda of "Why is China in a Prosperous Age in China" makes people more and more amazed at the profoundness and long history of Chinese civilization. Numerous cultural creations have strengthened our cultural confidence, from a subset of classics and history with rich knowledge, to the four books and five classics, six towers and three strategies that show profound wisdom, from jade carving and bronze wares and ceramic silk weaving that show superb skills, to piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and songs with elegant interests.

How to treat one’s excellent traditional culture is an important criterion to judge whether a country or a nation has cultural self-confidence. In the new era, the Chinese civilization tracing project has made important progress, the national cultural digitalization strategy has been rapidly promoted, and the national cultural park has been built in an orderly way … A major project has blossomed with more dazzling light of civilization, helping the people of China to glow with stronger historical consciousness and initiative.

Strengthening cultural self-confidence means sticking to your own path. The road of Socialism with Chinese characteristics came out under the guidance of Marxism, and it also came out from the history of Chinese civilization for more than 5,000 years. For example, the people’s congress system is deeply related to the people-oriented thought of Chinese civilization and the idea of ruling the world together. The system of regional ethnic autonomy inherits the tradition of China’s cultural unification, which is based on Kyushu, Liuhe and the four seas. If we continue to explore our own roads and methods on the land of China, we should base ourselves on the great historical practice and contemporary practice of the Chinese nation, seek the source of living water from traditional culture, provide enlightenment for understanding and transforming the world, provide inspiration for governing the country and opening up a new road without forgetting the way we came.

The revival of a nation is always supported by the prosperity of culture; The progress of an era is always marked by cultural prosperity. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China drew a grand blueprint for building a socialist modernization power in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way with Chinese modernization. On the new journey, we should further strengthen our cultural self-confidence, work together to create a new culture belonging to our times, build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation, and provide a strong value guiding force, cultural cohesion and spiritual impetus for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Great China, magnificent mountains and rivers. Looking back at the depths of history, one of the important reasons why the Chinese nation has survived from countless difficulties and hardships is that Chinese culture has provided strong spiritual support to overcome difficulties. Looking into the future, there are calm, stormy waves, rushing rivers and flying clouds. Standing on the land of China infiltrated with excellent traditional culture, we have the majestic power of more than 1.4 billion China people, our historical background is extremely profound, and our determination to advance is extremely strong. Illuminate the way forward with the light of thought, and eliminate all difficulties and dangers with the power of spirit, and we will surely build a towering spiritual building and promote the rejuvenation of Chinese civilization.

The most profitable mobile game in July was announced! Netease has two explosions in succession, or become the biggest winner in the summer?

Hello, everyone, this is the surprise game, and I’m the little brother.

Not long ago, Sensor Tower, a well-known mobile application data analysis company, announced the global top mobile game revenue list in June 2023. Which games are on the list? What’s the mystery? I will give you an analysis today!

Note: The data does not include the third-party Android market in China and other regions.

Income list: The top 10 are the glory of the king, PUBGM, Against the Water, Royal Match, candy crush saga, Roblox, Collapse: Star Dome Railway, Gold Coin Master and MONOPOLY GO! "enchanted gardens"

The glory of the king took in $220 million (about RMB 1.6 billion) in the global App Store and Google Play this month, and there is no doubt that it will continue to win the global mobile game bestseller list.

On July 8th, the game launched Milady’s perfect holiday skin, which set the peak of income in that month. With the return of two limited skins, the introduction of new hero Doria, and the update of summer welfare, the game not only maintained the strong interest of players, but also further consolidated the champion position on the best-selling list.

Tencent’s PUBG Mobile (combined with Peace Elite) regained the second place from Collapse: Star Dome Railway with a revenue of 172 million US dollars.

On July 4th, with the introduction of new function carrier replacement, the game topped the best-selling list of iPhone mobile games in China for four consecutive days. On July 7, the game launched the activity of "Pure Dream Wedding Yarn" and set a revenue peak for that month. Continuing its success, on July 14th, the game cooperated with Sega to launch Sonik-themed skin, which further increased the revenue.

Netease’s "Going Against the Water" mobile game was launched on June 30, ranking third on the list with a revenue of $113 million. Thanks to the excellent art design and rich game content, from June 30th, the martial arts MMORPG mobile game "Going Against the Water" was ranked among the top 3 best sellers of iPhone mobile games in China during July, and the whole summer file almost became the home of this product!

Before opening the service, 45 million reservations were made, PCU exceeded 1 million in 10 minutes, and it topped the best-selling list twice, and 40 million players were recruited in a month. In addition, the game also topped the global mobile game revenue growth list in July. These data look terrible!

It is worth mentioning that in this month’s income list, Mihayou’s "Collapse: Star Dome Railway" is still barely on the list, and "The Original God" has disappeared directly. It seems that the 3.8 summer version of "The Original God" is "clear summer! Paradise? Great secret! " , because Youqu and Keli are replicas, their flowing water level is among the lowest among many versions since the original God beta.

However, the original God launched a new version of 4.0 Fontaine on August 16th, which may make the original God return to the income list?

Income growth list: The top ten are Against the Water, PUBGM, The Legend of Guild Wars in Dragon Ball, Crystal Nucleus, MONOPOLY GO, Call of Duty Mobile Games, Royal Match, Top Speed, Blue Archives and Soul of Professional Baseball A.

In July, the revenue growth performance of Crystal Nucleus by DNF, a porcelain-touching company, was also excellent. Since the public beta on July 14th, Crystal Nucleus has further occupied the bestseller list after the airborne free list.

According to the data of the three-party platform, it is estimated that the total platform flow of Crystal Nucleus has reached 400-500 million yuan within 12 days after the game was released, and it is estimated that the single-day flow will be 30 million yuan or even higher, making it the highest-paid game of domestic action RPG, taking off directly with ByteDance’s game business, and doubling the flow.

In addition, Netease’s "Peak Speed" also maintained a high income growth in July. With highly realistic racing, personalized customization and immersive experience, Peak Speed successfully entered the seventh place in the revenue growth list in the first month of its release, which is very rare as a racing game.

Thanks to the opening of the national service, the game "Blue Files", which has been on the shelves for many years, once again reached the revenue growth list. On the first day of the national service public beta, the flow of iOS reached 1.62 million.

In fact, the foreign service of "Blue Archives" has reached more than 240 million US dollars at the beginning of the year, and the annual income peaked at 2 billion. The original performance was very good, and the opening of the national service made "Blue Archives" make another big profit.

However, at present, "Blue Files" has fallen beyond the top 100 in the best-selling list of games in the AppStore. I wonder if the success of Japanese clothing can be copied? Can the fire continue in August?

A positive shock problemWhat games did you play in July?