Li Daxiao decodes his own Weibo picture: cherry on the top of the earth "should run away" parrot means "baby should cover up when he grows up"

Source: Financial website
Author: Qi Ning
On November 30th, the 2019 Snowball Carnival with the theme of "Ten Years as One" was held in Guangzhou Pearl River.
Li Daxiao, chief economist of Yingda Securities, attended the special meeting and delivered a speech on "Ten Perspectives of Investment Opportunities in the Next Decade".
Li Daxiao said, "The first bull market in China, which is the slowest, longest and can test the level of every investor, has arrived", and the fifth bull market in China began at 2440.
Li Daxiao talked about future investment from 10 perspectives, such as the rebound of RMB against the US dollar, MSCI’s expansion of A-share weight according to the established rhythm, the CSRC’s promotion of long-term funds to enter the market, the opening of bank wealth management subsidiaries and the fact that domestic GDP growth is in the forefront of major economies in the world. He said that all domestic residents used to buy houses, and they will buy bonds, stocks and wealth management products in the future.
Li Daxiao believes that the research market is the first to see where the gold mine is, the first gold mine in A shares is in real estate, the second gold mine is in banks, the third gold mine is in non-bank finance, and the fourth gold mine is in infrastructure.
At the end of the speech, Li Daxiao also decoded his own picture of Weibo: the top of the earth (June 14, 2015), cherry means "escape", and the parrot picture released in 2017 means "the baby should be covered when it grows up" …
The following is the full text of Li Daxiao’s speech:
The bull market is here! For the first time, the China stock market is the slowest, longest and most able to test the level of every investor. This bull market started from 2440. Today, I will report to all golfers in detail what his logic is and why he made such a judgment.
The global risk appetite is rising, which is a big trend. We have 17 trillion bonds with negative yields around the world, and now they are flowing out. Where are they flowing out? Flowing to the stock market, we look at three countries. The first is Germany, where the yield of negative-yielding bonds is rising, the second is the United States, and the third is China. Now it is rising, and the funds in the bond market are flowing into the stock market.
The interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve has come to an end, and the unemployment rate in the United States has hit a 50-year low. We also see that the interest rate level of the global market, including the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, is at a historical low level. We also see that the price of gold has fallen below $1,500. What does this mean? It shows that risk aversion is decreasing. What does this trend mean? It shows that those who used gold as a safe haven began to understand that gold has no P/E ratio. We also saw that the stock markets in Europe and the United States continued to strengthen, including the Dow Jones index, the Nasdaq index and the Standard & Poor’s index, and the DAX index in Germany and France.
The RMB exchange rate has been rising recently. What does the rising exchange rate mean? It means that the fun is coming!
MSCI has expanded its capacity according to regulations, and now it is 20%. I predict that in the near future, MSCI, FTSE Russell and Standard & Poor’s will expand their capacity competitively, and foreign capital will continue to flow into the stock market. Tell you a data, the proportion of foreign capital in A shares is only 2.8%, and that of bonds is only about 3%. Is it possible to expand to 10%, 20% or even 30% in the future? It’s entirely possible. We can see the capital flowing into the stock market from the north. Comrades, hold on to the good stocks in your hands.
Don’t be scared by yesterday’s decline. Foreign investors are eager to buy good stocks. We see that the CSRC is promoting domestic medium and long-term funds to enter the market. I will tell you a situation, such as pensions, insurance funds and social security funds, which are all low-allocated, and some are even zero-allocated. This situation will change soon in the future. We see that the allocation of insurance funds is only 12%, and its upper limit is 30%. Now we are studying how to expand this ceiling. We should see that the financial subsidiaries of banks are entering the market one after another, with large troops behind.
The growth rate of domestic GDP is still at the forefront of major economies in the world. Just now, Dr. Pan Xiangdong also said that although we are on the decline, compared with other major economies, China’s growth rate is still two to three times. We also see that the wealth ratio of domestic residents is changing, and financial assets will rise in the future. This trend has just begun.
I’m telling you, it’s just beginning. What do you mean? It turns out that all domestic residents buy houses, and will buy bonds, stocks and wealth management products in the future.
What is better to buy?
First, I’m buying a house in Shenzhen and Beijing, and its rental yield is 1.7%. However, we can see the index here and buy the Hang Seng State-owned ETF. The dividend yield is 3.9%, which is the first recommendation. The second recommendation is SSE 50ETF. The third recommendation is the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300ETF, and the dividend yield is better than the rent yield!
We look at four cities, Shenzhen has quietly started, Shanghai is ready to move, Guangzhou is still wandering, Beijing is still adjusting, where is the whole country? Look at Shenzhen first. Shenzhen is the weather vane, and Guangzhou will have money in the future. Of course, the potential of Shanghai and Beijing can not be ignored.
Let me tell you what will happen to the market in 2020, which is the most valuable, right?
Let me tell you, what is the password for 29 years? The first password is at 325 o’clock, and I named it the policy bottom. The second point is in 998, and I used two words. This place needs to be planted. The third is that the once-in-a-century financial crisis has brought us a once-in-a-century investment opportunity. I am here to say that 1664 needs courage. The fourth place is the diamond bottom where I was scolded for three years. I am saddened here. I used all my energy in this place to appeal that our country’s pension should enter the market at this diamond bottom. Comrades, the first three points, the pension can’t enter, the V-shaped bottom, only the diamond bottom, the pension can enter the market, but unfortunately I didn’t understand. It’s not too late. The fifth bottom, 2850, baby bottom, fell below. I named it baby diapers, and 2638 fell below again. I named it the end of the year. Aren’t you wrong? Why is it getting lower and lower? However, it is very correct to observe the SSE 50 index, because the baby has grown into a teenager and thrived.
Let’s take a look again. Let’s look at the trend of the whole market. The first top is 1559 points, and the second top is 2245 points. The third place, I put forward the need to be indifferent in 6124. The fourth place is the top of the earth, where I have been calling for a long time. I can’t buy stocks. This is a height that the earth has never been to, and I absolutely can’t buy stocks. Unfortunately, no one listens to me.
Now is the fifth bull market, starting at 2440, it is the fifth bull market in China stock market, and 2440 is a historic bottom.
I’ll tell you another secret. How can I tell the bottom? Ten times the PE is the bottom, and you can judge the bottom next time you encounter the corresponding situation. Where are the opportunities? Where are the risks? Risk accumulates at 29 times and opportunities arise at 9.31 times. Comrades, where are the historic opportunities? These are risks and these are opportunities. Where are the opportunities? The opportunity is in the blue line, where is the risk? The risk is on the purple line. The purple line is the second new share.
This is the status quo, and there may be the future. How can we identify the market? How to judge the market? We see the contrast between China and the United States, and we also see what good opportunities are there. There are "Ten Predictions" published in 2020. First, there will be an asset shortage in 2020. Second, there will be more stocks than bonds. Third, there will be a large number of delisting companies. Fourth, the scale of refinancing will increase. Fifth, the registration system. Sixth, foreign capital will enter the market in large numbers. Seventh, domestic long-term funds will enter the market. Eighth, the proportion of A shares in major indexes will increase. Ninth, it is Pay attention to where the profit is. The biggest profit, I think, is real estate, because it has an output of 16 trillion yuan, and the output of 16 trillion yuan is calculated by 10%, and it has a profit of 1.6 trillion yuan, just because most real estate enterprises are not in A shares, but in Hong Kong stocks, so it is not counted, and many real estate enterprises are not listed. Therefore, the research market first looks at where the gold mine is, the first gold mine is in real estate, the second gold mine is in banks, the third gold mine is in non-bank finance, and the fourth gold mine is in infrastructure.
How to choose the largest gold mine real estate, choose the fastest-growing enterprises, leading monopoly enterprises, and choose enterprises with upward rankings year by year. Second, we choose non-bank finance. How to choose non-bank finance? The first choice is insurance. Insurance is greater than securities and trust. What is insurance? Choose peace. Third, choose the bank, what does the bank choose? Choose China Merchants Bank. Also, we choose enterprises that increase their holdings in the secondary market on a large scale, not those that reduce their holdings in the secondary market on a large scale. And let’s look at the global valuation comparison. Globally, the first one is the Russian market, but this market is outside the global economy. We exclude it. The first one recommends Hang Seng State-owned Enterprises, the second one recommends Hang Seng Index, the third one recommends SSE 50, and the fourth one recommends CSI 300. They are more attractive than other markets in terms of valuation, and I think this attraction will be the object of global capital allocation in the future. In terms of operation: First, in 2020, stocks will be larger than bonds, and five types of black risks will emerge. Second, allocate banks’ non-bank finance, real estate, infrastructure and consumption. Pay attention to the once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunities in Hong Kong stocks. There are two main lines in the Hong Kong market, one is the investment opportunities in traditional industries, the other is the investment opportunities after the thorough adjustment of emerging industries. Not many people bought my book "Li Daxiao Investment Strategy". Why did I come here? Why do we come to snowball every year? Let me tell you a truth. People have lived a circle in the world, some have made a little money, some have not, and that’s all.But I think some people are different. Some people left a piece of music to the world, some people left a building to the world, some people left some beauty to the world, and some people left a beautiful impression in everyone’s hearts and minds. I think these people live more meaningfully.
What is my password for Weibo? Every picture has a password. At the top of the earth, on June 14th, 2015, what fruit was it? Cherry. What do you mean? Should "run away", that is, the audience in Guangzhou did not understand, he said that Miss Li was a cherry! Comrades, this baby is growing sturdily. It’s the end of the year and the baby has grown up. What kind of bird is this? Parrot, what do you mean? It should be covered. I firmly believe that who will make money in the future? Patriots earn!
Finally, please read this sentence with me, and meditate at home three times a day. It works wonders. Let’s help me read it together: Be a good person, buy good stocks and get good results.

TikTok American users: I may go to jail for teaching English to children in China.

  On September 3rd, the website of National Public Radio published a report entitled "They teach China children English online, but now they are caught in Trump’s war against TikTok". On August 6th, Trump issued an executive order against TikTok, which not only prohibited American enterprises from doing business with this video sharing application, but also prohibited them from doing business with all subsidiaries in ByteDance. This puts the future of Hunter and nearly 4,000 American teachers who signed with GOGOKID in an extremely dangerous situation. The article is excerpted as follows:

  Kristi Hunt used to be a teacher in a public school. In the past two years, most of her income has come from teaching China children to speak English online.

  Hunter, 42, lives in Columbia, South Carolina. She said: "I am a stay-at-home mother with three children. As they grow up, I begin to miss working days." She said: "Therefore, it helped me to restart my career, and the time was flexible."

  GOGOKID, where Hunter works, is a one-to-one English teaching service organization under the ByteDance company, and ByteDance is also the parent company of TikTok, a popular short video application.

  On August 6th, President Trump issued an executive order against TikTok, which not only prohibited American enterprises from doing business with this video sharing application, but also prohibited them from doing business with all subsidiaries in ByteDance.

  This puts the future of Hunter and nearly 4,000 American teachers who signed with GOGOKID in an extremely dangerous situation.

  ↑ This is the logo of TikTok Company shot in Culver City, Los Angeles County, California, USA on August 21st. (Xinhua News Agency)

  Hunter said: "This is a very terrible, confusing and stressful period."

  According to Trump’s executive order against TikTok, "any transaction" between American citizens and ByteDance will be banned. Violation of this executive order may result in a fine of $300,000 or even criminal proceedings. This administrative order, which was prosecuted by TikTok, will take effect on September 20th.

  Hunter said: "I may be put in prison for teaching a 5-year-old how to say hello on the computer." She said, "Because of this ‘ National security risk ’ Some of our families may lose their houses and deposits because of his stroke of the pen. "

  Brian Fleming, a former lawyer of the U.S. Department of Justice who specializes in enforcing economic sanctions, said that since this action is aimed at TikTok, the government may make an exception to ByteDance’s GOGOKID and other services, but this is far from certain.

  In the confrontation between the United States and TikTok, teachers who earn their income by teaching English in GOGOKID feel nervous.

  Lindsay Jacobs, 40, is a GOGOKID teacher in eastern oklahoma city. She said: "We are collateral damage. It is really frustrating to see that this struggle continues around us, but no one knows our existence. "

  Jacobs is a navy veteran and a mother of two children. Her husband works in the federal government.

The last solar term in autumn is coming!

There are bones in the autumn mountains,

First frost has no trace of water.

Heaven and earth are for chanting,

Haze is intoxicating.

At 12: 51 today

We welcome the first frost solar terms.

This is the last solar term in autumn.

The climate changed from cool to cold.

Everything grows bleak with the cold.

First frost is the beginning of the transition from autumn to winter.

The weather is getting colder.

First frost appears

The vegetation began to yellow.

Autumn will go,

Winter is coming,

Do you feel it?

What are the customs of "first frost"?

What is "first frost Third Waiting"?

What does "first frost Three Preventions" mean?


1. What is "first frost Third Waiting"?

Jackals sacrifice animals.

Jackal’s jackal

Common name "jackal"

First frost risha beast exhibition

The ancients said it was "a sacrifice to autumn gold"

It’s also a ceremony for parting in autumn.

Yellow fall of vegetation

Wood leaves fall

Sassy air drying

Winter is coming

The stinging insect is salty and prone.

"salty" is all.

"Bowing" means bowing your head.

Lie down instead of eating.

Is hibernation.

The above excerpt is from Micro-reading Solar Terms (by Zhu Wei).

2. What does "first frost Three Preventions" mean?

First, prevent autumn dryness

As the last solar term in autumn, the weather in first frost is getting colder, and autumn dryness is obvious, which is prone to dry mouth, dry lips, dry throat, constipation, dry skin and other phenomena, and dryness is easy to hurt body fluids.

Second, prevent autumn depression

In late autumn, the weather is getting colder, the plants are yellow, the leaves and fruits are falling, and everything is bleak, which is easy to cause anxiety and make people depressed and depressed.

Three defenses against autumn cold

During the solar term in first frost, the temperature drops suddenly, and the elderly are prone to suffer from "old cold legs" and other diseases, and chronic bronchitis is also prone to relapse or aggravation, which is also the peak period for the recurrence of chronic gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcer. This time node is no longer suitable for "autumn freezing". For the elderly and children with poor resistance, clothes should be increased or decreased on time, so as to avoid the invasion of damp and cold pathogens and lead to illness.

3. How to maintain health in first frost season?

"salt water in the morning, honey soup in the evening"

The main climate feature of autumn is dryness, but drinking boiled water alone cannot completely resist the negative effects brought by autumn dryness. Drinking boiled water is easy to lose. If you add a little salt to boiled water, it is not so easy to lose. Drinking some salt water during the day and honey water at night is not only a good way to replenish human body’s water, but also a good diet for keeping in good health and resisting aging in autumn. At the same time, it can prevent constipation caused by autumn dryness, which really kills three birds with one stone.

Nourishing yin and moistening lung should be "flat"

In order to prevent autumn dryness, you can eat more foods with more sweet and cold juices, such as pears, grapefruit, sugar cane, bananas, oranges and other fruits, and vegetables can eat more carrots, white gourd, tremella, lotus roots and various bean products.

In autumn dry season, we should pay attention not to eat or eat less spicy barbecue food, such as pepper, pepper, cinnamon, ginger, onion and wine, especially ginger. These foods are hot and lose a lot of water in cooking, so they are easy to get angry after eating. Of course, it is not a big problem to use a small amount of onions, ginger and peppers as condiments. In ancient medical books, there was also such a "warning": "Don’t eat ginger in autumn within one year; Don’t eat ginger at night within one day. "

Diet and exercise are both suitable.

Autumn is the season when people are most likely to gain fat. The days are cool and the nights are long, people’s appetite is wide open, and they are comfortable to rest at night. The daily calorie intake of the human body easily exceeds the calorie consumption, so that fat is accumulated little by little. If it is not adjusted, people will gain a lot of weight after autumn and winter.

Year after year, people will soon "get fat". Therefore, it is necessary to let children pay attention to a reasonable diet, and also pay attention to strengthening physical exercise when feasting.

Grab the tail of autumn.

Enjoy the beauty of autumn again.

Continue to refuel and enrich yourself

Welcome the arrival of winter

Source: People’s Daily

Editor: Yang Liwei

Second trial: Yu Guanglin Third trial: Zhao Xiaobing.

● Yongzhou Airport 2021 winter and spring flight information is coming! More than 20 cities are free for you to fly ~ ● About a case of positive detection of new coronavirus nucleic acid in Changsha, Hunan Province ● Yongzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention released the latest announcement of personnel entering (returning) Yong ● Attention! I feel good that the electronic police equipment in these two sections of Yongzhou central city is about to be put into use. Please watch it with me. Video applet likes, tap twice to cancel like watching, tap twice to cancel watching.

Original title: "The last solar term in autumn is coming! 》

What do you call children of all kinds of animals in English?

We all know that the puppy of a dog is called Puppy in English and the kitten of a cat is called Kitten.

But, you know what? Goat cubs are represented by kid in English. Yes, that’s the kid we often refer to as a child.

Therefore, what we are going to learn with you today is the vocabulary expression of various animal cubs in English.

What do you call children of all kinds of animals in English?

Are you ready? Let’s start now.

Duck –duckling

Eagle –eaglet

Eel (eel) –elver

Elephant –calf

Elk (moose) –calf

Ferret (white glaze) –kit

Fish –fry

What do you call children of all kinds of animals in English?

Fox –cub/kit

Frog –tadpole

Giraffe –calf

Goat –kid

Goose –gosling

Hare (hare) –leveret

Red hartebeest –calf

Hawk (falcon) –chick/eyas

What do you call children of all kinds of animals in English?

Horse –foal/colt/filly

Kangaroo –joey

Leopard –cub

Lion –cub

Mink –kit

Owl –owlet

Peafowl –peachick

Note: peacock means male peacock, peahen means female peacock.

Pheasant –chick

What do you call children of all kinds of animals in English?

Pig –piglet/ porkling/gilt

Pigeon –squab/squeaker

Pike (pike) –pickerel

Possum –joey

Rabbit –kitten

Rat –pup

Rhinoceros (rhinoceros) –calf

Roedeer (roedeer) –kid

Salmon –parr/smolt

Seal –calf/pup

What do you call children of all kinds of animals in English?

Sheep –lamb

Skunk –kitten

Spider –spiderling

Swan –cygnet

Tiger –cub

Toad (clam –tadpole

Wallaby (wallaby) –joey

Walrus –cub

Weasel –kit

Whale (whale) –calf

Wolf –cub/pup/whelp

Zebra (zebra) –foal

What do you call children of all kinds of animals in English?

It can be seen that foal, kid, kit, joey, cub, calf and other words are the most commonly used in English names of animal cubs. spider and duck’s cub names all add ling after the original words, while eagle, owl and pig all add let at the end of the original words (because eagle has the letter le at the end and owl has the letter L at the end, T and et are added directly respectively).

For the convenience of memory, you can summarize the words of cubs with the same words or similar endings. In this way, the vocabulary has doubled in an instant!

(Source: Oxford Dictionary WeChat WeChat official account, Editor: Helen)

During the Spring Festival holiday, the national road traffic is generally stable and orderly. It is expected that the self-driving return traffic around the Lantern Festival will remain high.

Beijing, February 17 (Reporter Jing Wong) The reporter learned from the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security that as of 19: 00 on February 17, the road traffic safety situation in China was generally stable and orderly, and no serious road traffic accidents were reported.
According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, from February 17 to 22, due to the cold wave weather, there will be a sharp drop in temperature in most parts of China, with heavy snowstorms in parts of Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang, and small to moderate rains in eastern North China, most of Huanghuai and parts of northern South China, which will adversely affect traffic.
The Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security reminds drivers and friends to always put traffic safety first, pay close attention to the weather and road information before going out, arrange the travel time and route reasonably, and don’t drive too fast and fatigue in order to hurry.
On February 16, 2024, in Chongqing, airport employees held their posts to escort passengers back to Spring Festival travel rush.
During the Spring Festival holiday, the national road traffic was generally stable and orderly.
The Spring Festival holiday takes a long time. According to the relevant person in charge of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, people travel by car and concentrate, and the road traffic flow continues to run at a high level. From the traffic flow of 700 important passage nodes of 73 expressways monitored by the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, it is about 20% higher than that of the same period last year. Local public security traffic control departments judge and judge easily blocked road sections in advance, formulate organization and diversion plans one by one, strengthen regional police cooperation among departments, strengthen linkage and cooperation with transportation, fire rescue, medical first aid and other departments, highway maintenance, obstacle clearing and other units, strengthen patrol control and command and guidance of key time periods, key road sections and important nodes, and make every effort to unblock and ensure smooth work.
In order to ensure the road traffic safety during the Spring Festival holiday, the majority of traffic police auxiliary police stick to their posts, keep a close eye on the key sections with concentrated traffic flow and prominent hidden dangers according to the characteristics of traffic violations and accidents during the holiday, pay close attention to the three keys of source investigation, key rectification and strict road management, adhere to the combination of fixed-point duty and mobile inspection, and strictly investigate serious traffic violations such as drunk driving and "three overload and one fatigue". During the long holiday, the country dispatched 181,000 police officers and 62,000 police cars every day, started more than 4,000 traffic police law enforcement stations and set up more than 20,000 temporary duty stations.
In Hainan, in order to cope with the superposition of traffic flow on the first day of work after the holiday and Spring Festival travel rush’s departure from the island, Haikou traffic police will guide the cross-sea vehicles and local residents to avoid cross-traffic conflicts.
In view of the traffic guarantee of vehicles crossing the sea on the first day of work after the holiday and in Spring Festival travel rush, at the press conference of Qiongzhou Strait Spring Festival travel rush in Haikou City in 2024, the relevant person in charge of the traffic police detachment of Haikou Public Security Bureau introduced that in order to serve and ensure the passengers and friends to cross the sea safely and return smoothly, Haikou Public Security Traffic Police implemented measures such as separation of passenger cars and trucks, separation of cross-sea and transit lanes, classification control and diversion guidance, and went all out to unblock and ensure smoothness.
On February 17, 2024, Hebi, Henan Province, the last day of the Spring Festival holiday, people set foot on the return journey one after another.
Beijing: Line 7 does not stop, and Line 10 opens 30 minutes earlier.
In response to the large passenger flow of railways and civil aviation returning to Beijing, the reporter learned from the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission that on February 17, the Beijing Municipal Transportation Department adopted comprehensive measures such as subway delay, bus encryption, dispatching and renting (network car) to "guarantee point" transportation, and increasing airport bus capacity to ensure passengers’ connecting trips at night.
Beijing West Railway Station and Metro Line 7 take measures of non-stop and continuous operation. The operation time of Beijing West Railway Station on Metro Line 9 was extended by one hour. The operation hours of the 9, 21 and 387 originating routes are extended, and the four originating routes, including the night 14, night 22, night 23 and night 36, are arranged with mobile capacity to ensure passengers’ travel.
Beijing South Railway Station, Metro Line 14 extended the operation of Beijing South Railway Station for 1.5 hours. The operation time of Metro Line 4 is extended by one hour. On February 18th, the public transport capacity was strengthened from 1 am to 3 am, and seven spare cars were added to three night shift lines (night 15, night 17 and night 24), and high-speed rail lines were opened in due course.
Beijing Fengtai Station, on February 18th, Metro Line 10 opened 30 minutes earlier and Line 16 opened 1 hour earlier. The bus will strengthen the capacity of two high-speed rail lines at Fengtai Station at night, add 16 spare cars to the two special lines, and arrange 10 extra spare cars to be called at any time in the surrounding bus stations.
Beijing Railway Station and Metro Line 2 both extended their operation hours by 30 minutes, and opened their doors 10 minutes earlier on February 18th. Seven bus lines increase capacity.
Beijing Chaoyang Station, Metro Line 14 Dongfeng beiqiao extended its operation for 1.5 hours on the upstream and 1 hour on the downstream. Public transport increased investment in transport capacity and continued to add 10 cars, with a total of 140 cars. The capacity of the night 13 road will be increased, and the Chaoyang station will be issued. The shuttle bus from Shilibao and Hujialou to Dongdaqiao will strengthen the connection capacity to the East Third Ring Road.
In addition, the subway Daxing Airport Line was delayed for 1.5 hours, and the subway line 19 and Daxing Airport Line were delayed synchronously.
Chuzhou, Anhui Province: Charging Station in High-speed Service Area "Full Power" Escort
Official tip: refuse to take the overcrowded car and "hacker transport"
It is predicted that by the Lantern Festival, the passenger flow of self-driving return cars will remain high, and due to the cold wave weather, a new round of rainfall, snowfall and cooling will be ushered in most parts of the country, which will adversely affect the return traffic in Spring Festival travel rush.
The Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security reminds drivers that when traveling by car, they should pay close attention to the weather changes and road traffic conditions, plan and arrange their trips reasonably, and adjust their travel plans as much as possible in case of bad weather such as low temperature, freezing rain, snow, fog and dust. To drive according to the law, do not overspeed, overload passengers, fatigue driving, and drunk driving is strictly prohibited; It is necessary to be civilized and courteous, pay attention to observation and slow down at intersections. In case of slow traffic and traffic congestion, queue up in order to pass, and do not fight for the road or occupy the emergency lane; In the event of a traffic accident, it is necessary to keep in mind that "the car pulls over and people evacuate, that is, call the police" to prevent secondary accidents; Be sure to choose legal and compliant vehicles when taking passenger vehicles, refuse to take overcrowded vehicles and "hacking", and fasten your seat belts all the time.
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China’s "After 00" vs. Zhao Ruliang won the first men’s championship in Chinese billiards World Championships.

The 6th CBSA Chinese Billiards World Championship ended the men’s team final on the afternoon of 16th. In the confrontation between two young players from China after 00, Zhao Ruliang beat Shen Shenyi 41-28, winning the men’s team championship in the Chinese Billiards World Championship for the first time.

The men’s team of the Chinese Billiards World Championships is strong, and none of the top 16 professional men of the Chinese Billiards Association is absent. The famous British Eipl, Shi Hanqing, john young and Zheng Yubo all appeared in the competition.

As the last runner-up, Zhao Ruliang was recognized as one of the favourites to win the championship before the competition. In the double-losing stage, Zhao Ruliang won Grain Rain Peng, Suniri and Lei Yiwei in a row, and advanced from the winning department to the top 32. In the single defeat stage, Zhao Ruliang stood out and eliminated Dai Yong, Chu Bingjie, Xu Xiaoying and john young successively, and entered the final.

Shen Shenyi, born in 2004, has risen rapidly in Chinese billiards in recent years, and entered the tournament directly as a seed player. In the single defeat stage, Shen Shenyi beat Eipl, narrowly beat American star Zhang Ronglin, beat Niu Zhuang in the quarter-final, and beat dark horse Xu Tianwei in the semi-final, and reached the final of the World Championships for the first time in his career.

In the third stage of the men’s final, Zhao Ruliang, who is more experienced in the competition, played a small climax at the last minute to determine the obvious lead. In the fourth stage, he won four games in a row, and then won 41-28 in the third match point, winning the championship prize of 3 million yuan (RMB, the same below).

The 6th CBSA Chinese Billiards World Championship is divided into men’s group and women’s group. In the women’s group competition that ended before, Tang Chunxiao beat Liu Xiazhi 19-9 to win the championship.

CBSA Chinese Billiards World Championship, initiated by China Billiards Association in 2015, is the largest and highest-level Chinese billiards tournament in the world, which also accelerates the internationalization of Chinese billiards. A total of 496 players from 41 countries and regions participated in this tournament, and the scale of participation reached a new high, with a total prize money of 10.43 million yuan. (Reporter Jiang Tao)

This year, I went to work for 251 days, two days more than last year.

Unconsciously, the 8-day Spring Festival holiday is coming to an end, and I have to go to work for 6 days in the first week after the holiday. After going to work on Sunday, February 18th, there will be another Monday. According to the Notice of General Office of the State Council on Some Holiday Arrangements in 2024, the holiday date of this year’s Spring Festival is: February 10th to 17th, with a total of 8 days. Go to work on February 4 (Sunday) and February 18 (Sunday). It is reported that the working day in 2023 is 249 days, and the working day in 2024 is 251 days. This year, I have to go to work for 2 days more than last year.

Enjoy the beautiful scenery, visit the big collection and taste the culture … Xiao Ni, the anchor of the second element, invites you to spend the New Year in Shandong.

Qilu Net Lightning News February 3 rd What do you think of winter in Shandong? It is to climb the mountain to enjoy the snow and see the scenery wrapped in silver. It is to play with ice and snow and unlock the new gameplay in the winter fairy tale world; Or enjoy the folk customs in the countryside and feel the folk customs in winter … Follow Xiao Ni, the virtual anchor of Lightning News, and go to Shandong for the New Year together to get a close look at Qi Feng Lu Yun and friendly shandong.

How to heat up the car quickly in winter?

The following are the most effective ways to warm up your car in winter:

1. Start the car first, wait for 20 seconds, and then warm it up by driving at a low speed to avoid slamming on the accelerator.

2. The correct and effective way to warm up the car is to go on the road 30 seconds to one minute after starting and keep the speed low. The engine speed should not exceed 3,000 ~ 3,500 rpm, and it is generally kept at 2,000 rpm to avoid excessive wear of the engine and gearbox. Wait for the engine temperature to rise to the normal operating temperature (about 3 to 5 minutes), and then resume normal driving.

Hot cars in winter are a concern of car owners. Here are some effective methods:

1. Start the car first, wait for 20 seconds, and then drive at a low speed after the idle speed of the engine is completely stable to avoid slamming on the accelerator. This can fully lubricate the engine oil and reduce wear.

2. The correct and effective way to warm up the car is to go on the road 30 seconds to one minute after starting and keep the speed low. The engine speed should not exceed 3,000 ~ 3,500 rpm, and it is generally kept at 2,000 rpm to avoid excessive wear of the engine and gearbox. Wait for the engine temperature to rise to the normal operating temperature (about 3 to 5 minutes), and then resume normal driving.

In a word, the correct hot car method can protect the engine and gearbox and prolong the life of the car. In the cold winter, it is necessary to warm up the car, but don’t over-warm it to avoid wasting fuel and time.

WHO discusses ending COVID-19’s global emergency as soon as possible.

  "When we enter the fourth year of the pandemic, we are definitely in a much better situation now than a year ago." Tan Desai said that at the peak of the Omicron epidemic, more than 70,000 deaths were reported to WHO every week. By last October, the number had dropped to less than 10,000, which was close to the lowest level since the COVID-19 pandemic.

  On January 27th, Geneva time, the World Health Organization (WHO) held the 14th meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) Emergency Committee on the COVID-19 (Covid-19) pandemic to discuss and evaluate whether the current COVID-19 pandemic still constitutes a public health emergency (PHEIC) of international concern. After the meeting, WHO Director-General Tan Desai will make a final decision according to the recommendations of the Committee. The relevant results are expected to be announced as early as January 30th.

  Three years ago, on January 30, 2020, WHO announced that the new coronavirus epidemic was a public health emergency of international concern, and issued the highest alert level of United Nations agencies. On March 11th of that year, WHO declared that the COVID-19 epidemic constituted a global pandemic.

  Thereafter, every few months, the emergency committee will hold a meeting to discuss whether the COVID-19 pandemic meets the standard called "public health emergencies of international concern". The 13th recent meeting was held on October 13th, 2022, and the outcome of the meeting still maintained the global emergency in COVID-19.

  According to the binding international treaty "International Health Regulations", public health emergencies of international concern need to meet three standards: serious, sudden, abnormal or unexpected; It may spread across national boundaries; It may require a coordinated international response.

  At the press conference held on December 14th last year, Tan Desai expressed the hope that "COVID-19 pandemic will no longer be a public health emergency of international concern" in 2023. According to reports, the criteria for ending the global emergency in COVID-19 will be discussed at the meeting of the WHO Emergency Committee in COVID-19 in January 2023.

  Does the current epidemic in China affect the decision?

  On January 27th, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus made an opening speech at the meeting of the Emergency Committee in COVID-19, summarizing the current global epidemic situation.

  "When we enter the fourth year of the pandemic, we are definitely in a much better situation than a year ago." Tan Desai said that at the peak of the Omicron epidemic, more than 70,000 deaths were reported to WHO every week. By last October, the number had dropped to less than 10,000, which was close to the lowest level since the COVID-19 pandemic.

  However, he pointed out that since the beginning of December last year, the number of deaths reported every week in the world has been rising. The lifting of restrictions in China has led to a sharp increase in the death toll in the world’s most populous country. "Last week, nearly 40,000 people reported to WHO died, more than half of them from China. In the past eight weeks, more than 170,000 deaths have been reported. The actual number is definitely much higher. " At present, WHO has updated the relevant data page (WHO COVID-19 Dashboard) to include the cases and deaths reported in China in recent weeks.

  Global data of infections and deaths in Covid-19. Source: WHO official website

  Margaret Harris, a WHO spokeswoman, told Caixin that on January 26th, 2023, China reported more cases and deaths to WHO. From December 9, 2022 to January 23, 2023, more than 87 million cases and more than 75,000 deaths were reported in China (excluding Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan Province). With these additional data, the cumulative number of cases worldwide has increased from more than 664 million to more than 751 million. The cumulative global death toll has risen from more than 6.7 million to nearly 6.8 million.

  Harris said that China CDC issued additional announcements on January 15th, 21st and 25th, but the data shared were not classified by date, so WHO could not include them in the report. When asked to what extent the information provided by China will affect the decision on whether to lift the state of emergency, Harris only said, "The Committee has reviewed all relevant global data on the issues under consideration."

  According to the website of China CDC, from December 8, 2022 to January 26, 2023, there were 78,960 cases of Covid-19-related deaths in hospitals nationwide, including 6,473 cases of respiratory failure caused by Covid-19 infection and 72,487 cases of basic diseases complicated with Covid-19 infection.

  Professor Zhang Style, head of the Department of Epidemiology and tenured professor at UCLA School of Public Health, recently said in a column that considering the future development and control of COVID-19 infection and severe death in China, it is unlikely that WHO will decide to terminate the state of emergency of "public health emergencies" at the meeting at the end of this month. He estimated that if COVID-19 infection and severe death in China were effectively controlled, WHO would declare the end of the state of emergency within this year. However, the possible sequelae caused by COVID-19 need to be further studied and effective methods should be adopted to prevent and treat them.

  Countries adjust epidemic prevention policies

  In his speech on January 27th, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus pointed out that there are still the following challenges:

  Vaccines, treatments and diagnostic methods are essential to prevent serious diseases, save lives and reduce the pressure on health systems and health workers. But the global response is still faltering, because in too many countries, these powerful life-saving tools have not yet reached the people who need them most — — Especially the elderly and health workers.

  Many health systems around the world are struggling to cope with COVID-19, in addition to taking care of patients with other diseases, including influenza and RSV, as well as health workers who are short of work and exhausted.

  At the same time, the global monitoring and gene sequencing have declined sharply, making it more difficult to track known mutations and detect new mutations. Constant errors and false information are weakening the public’s trust in safe and effective COVID-19 control tools.

  Liu Shansi, a Chinese virologist at Ohio State University and an academician of the American Academy of Microbiology, said in a recent interview with a reporter from the Science and Technology Department that the toxicity of Omicron has been weakened recently, which can be considered as a change from pandemic to endemic. "The overall trend of virus evolution is that the pathogenicity is getting weaker and weaker, although it will increase at some stages." He pointed out that it is still necessary to be alert to cross-population transmission in Covid-19 and gene recombination in Covid-19, but as long as this kind of situation does not occur, he hopes to see WHO announce the end of COVID-19’s "global pandemic" in 2023.

  In response to public health emergencies of international concern, WHO will issue a set of action suggestions to countries, including: strengthening surveillance to identify new cases, isolating cases and quarantining contacts; Take measures to screen at borders, airports, ports or entry points; Inform the public about the risks of the disease and the additional protective measures that individuals can take; And if there is no vaccine at present, additional research may be needed to develop treatments or vaccines.

  A few days ago, Japan and South Korea have successively adjusted their epidemic prevention levels or related epidemic prevention policies.

  On January 27th, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced that Covid-19 would be downgraded to "Category 5" in the Infectious Diseases Law on May 8th. After the change, the observation time of infected people and close contacts will be cancelled, and medical care will be transformed into a normal system in stages. In addition, it is up to the individual to decide whether to wear a mask indoors or outdoors.

  On January 20th, Korean Prime Minister Han Dezhu presided over an epidemic prevention meeting to discuss the adjustment of the indoor mandatory mask order. On January 30, the South Korean government announced that from now on, only people are advised to wear masks indoors, and it is no longer mandatory. The Korean government mask order was completely lifted after more than 27 months. However, medical institutions, pharmacies, high-risk places, public transport carriages, etc. will continue to maintain the obligation of indoor masks. For five high-risk situations, Korean epidemic prevention departments strongly recommend wearing masks.

  The government of China has also adjusted the infection of the new coronavirus from "Class A tube" to "Class B tube" from January 8th. Isolation measures will no longer be implemented for Covid-19 infected people, and close contacts will no longer be judged; No longer delimit high and low risk areas; No longer take quarantine and infectious disease management measures for entry personnel and goods. The detection strategy is adjusted to be willing to check and check.