Six real "Chinese-style" original ecological beauties are a lot of popular actresses.


In this era of looking at faces, "Yan value is justice" has become the consensus of the public.

However, the true beauty connotation goes far beyond the proportion of the five senses, and more importantly, it contains the soul power.

Let’s take a look at these truly stunning beauties. Do they have enough charm to convince the world?

True love at first sight, does Zhou Yun’s shining light come from Jiang Wen?

In 2002, a film called Heroes of Heaven and Earth was under intense shooting.

Zhou Yun, a girl who is still in college, came to the set and met the director Jiang Wen here.

Jiang Wen has been a veteran director for many years, while Zhou Yun is just a newcomer who has just set foot in the entertainment industry.

However, this time the encounter, but in the fate of the two people painted a heavy color.

In order to perform the role perfectly, Zhou Yun resolutely shaved off his thick black hair and polished his head.

Despite losing the embellishment of her hair, her temperament has not diminished at all, but has added a touch of skill and tenacity.

In the interval between filming, Jiang Wen often looks at Zhou Yun approvingly, with appreciation in his eyes.

And Zhou Yun will return shyly with a bright smile.

In 2005, the two formally entered the marriage hall.

Originally, people may think that the combination of the older director and Hua Dan Jr. is a little abrupt, but their feelings are like old wine, and the longer they get, the more mellow they become, which makes people want to bless.

In many films directed by Jiang Wen later, Zhou Yun appeared and successfully created female characters with different personalities.

Whether it’s the brave true nature in One Step Away, the witty blood in Let the Bullets Fly, or the free and easy pride in Evil Doesn’t Suppress Righteousness, Zhou Yun perfectly presents himself in different aspects.

Jiang Wen seems to be showing the multiple charms of Zhou Yun in his heart to the audience through focus plane.

He used the beauty of art to carve the beauty of love.

Ye Jihong, the first supermodel in China, proved her unique charm with her strength.

In 1980s, a legendary supermodel was born in the modeling field of China, and she was Ye Jihong.

Unlike porn stars in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Ye Jihong is not eye-catching by her stunning style.

Her beauty is more like a deep pool, calm and not thrilling, but can firmly grasp your eyes.

Ye Jihong knew that true charm does not need external decoration, but internal temperament.

Therefore, she attracted the attention of countless fans with her unique temperament.

Michele Monique Reis, a Hong Kong elder sister who competed with Ye Jihong, once made her feel inferior.

Michele Monique Reis’s popularity is higher and its appearance is more eye-catching.

However, Ye Jihong did not flinch, but proved his unique charm with his own strength.

Under the artist Chen Yifei’s pen, Ye Jihong seems to have a thousand words in his eyes.

She got rid of the bondage of commercial packaging and showed an extraordinary temperament.

Ye Jihong used her magnetic aura to tell the world that true beauty does not need the approval of others, but it has its own aura.

Perhaps it is this leisurely temperament that makes her a classic that cannot be copied.

Zhu Lin, the rare king of the daughter country in Journey to the West, perfectly interprets complex character with acting skills.

In 1986, the shooting of the classic The Journey to the West was in full swing.

Among many roles, the most troublesome one is the candidate for the role of king of the daughter country.

This role needs to have both the majesty of the king and the charm of women, both atmospheric and lively and amiable.

Such a complicated person was hardly found among the actors at that time.

After interviewing thousands of actors, director Yang Jie finally took a fancy to a very young actor-Zhu Lin.

Although Zhu Lin is still young, her understanding of this role is eye-catching.

Through her interpretation, the audience saw not only a touching beauty, but also a flesh-and-blood three-dimensional life.

In her rich facial expressions, she is sometimes filled with love and sometimes with sadness, which shows the inner struggle of the king of her daughter country to the fullest.

Even in the scene of confrontation with Tang Priest, she didn’t use the exaggeration that ordinary villains would use.

On the contrary, through subtle expression management, this female character has maintained her unique charm.

With his keen insight and excellent acting skills, Zhu Lin perfectly interpreted this extremely difficult role and made it lifelike.

Perhaps, it is this control of the details of the role that has made her brilliant on the road of acting.

Chen Hong, the first beauty in mainland China, conquered the difficult Hong Kong art circle with her strength.

The 1980s was the golden age of Hong Kong films.

However, for mainland actors, this fertile land of art is not friendly.

It was in such a difficult environment that Chen Hong made his mark.

She conquered many Hong Kong audiences with her unique temperament and solid acting skills, and was praised as "the first beauty in mainland China".

Chen Hong has a small square face, unlike the traditional beauty.

However, it is this asymmetrical facial line that increases her three-dimensional sense and aura.

When director Chen Kaige first met Chen Hong, she was deeply shocked by her face like an oil painting.

Although it is not a melon face, it is also beautiful.

Chen Hong is 51 years old, but she still has girlish skin.

The traces left by years on her face only made her beauty more precipitated.

Perhaps this is the unforgettable charm of Chen Hong.

With her own efforts and strength, she opened up a world of her own in a severe environment, and this spirit cannot be eroded by time.

A smile warms people’s hearts like spring breeze, and Gao Yuanyuan influences every role with sincerity.

"Mark Chao, it’s bitter to take revenge on your wife!" The heroine of this sentence is Gao Yuanyuan, who is known as "laughing like spring".

In 1997, Gao Yuanyuan entered the show business at the age of 18.

Although she is still a little childish, her unique temperament is already in the bud.

With big eyes, high nose and oval face, the proportion of Gao Yuanyuan’s five senses is perfect.

When she smiles, the whole person radiates dazzling light.

In 2014, Gao Yuanyuan returned to the public eye.

What remains unchanged is her bright smile, but what changes is the faint maternal aura revealed in the smile.

Gao Yuanyuan is not only outstanding in appearance, but also excellent in acting.

Whether it is the villain in "Eternal Dragon Slayer" or the warm-hearted girl in "Mala Tang Girl", she can infect every character with her sincerity.

Perhaps this is the real secret that she can touch the hearts of the audience.

Gao Yuanyuan endowed each character with the agility of life with his pure soul strength.

Lin Fangbing, who plays the legendary role of Yang Guifei, shows the beauty of women with her plump figure.

In the hit drama The Legend of Yang Guifei, Lin Fangbing, who successfully played the role of Yang Guifei, was deeply loved by the audience.

For this role, Lin Fangbing gained 30 Jin, reaching the highest weight in his life.

However, the plump figure did not affect her charm, but added charm.

As an excellent actor, Lin Fangbing not only presents Yang Guifei’s noble temperament in appearance, but also depicts Yang Guifei’s inner waves through subtle expressions.

In particular, her every move reveals charming amorous feelings and successfully completes the transformation from modern women to Yang Guifei.

In this play, Lin Fangbing shows the colorful life of this legendary woman with her rich acting skills.

With her understanding and expressive force of the role, she vividly showed Yang Guifei, a historical figure, to the audience.

Because of this, Lin Fangbing won the honor of best actress in the 11th Golden Eagle Award.

This is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also represents that the beauty of all plump women deserves attention and praise.


So, what is true beauty? Perhaps the external appearance is just the entrance, and what really convinces people is the inner soul power.

If a person has these beautiful qualities of tenacity, wisdom and sincerity, he can shine brilliantly.

We should use our inner eyes to discover the true beauty of the world.

What’s the weather like in Shanghai? It’s cool today! In a few days, it will be washed at 17℃ again.

Yesterday (January 9th)
The weather in Shanghai is sunny and warm
I believe many people have taken off their down jackets.
But I got up early this morning (January 10th).
Do you suddenly feel chilly?
As a cold air arrived in Shanghai, it turned northwest last night, and the wind force increased to 4~5, and the temperature began to drop. The temperature drop in some suburbs can reach the cold wave level.
Today is the coldest day in recent days!
The temperature is 3~7℃ all day.
The northwest wind is increased to 4-5 and the gust is 6. Under the wind-cold effect, it is even colder. Everyone should wear more. Fortunately, the north wind also blew away the haze, and the air quality improved this afternoon.
The "timeliness" of this wave of cold air is very short, and it is as cold as Thursday morning. The lowest temperature in the urban area is about 1 C, and the suburban area is MINUS 3 C to MINUS 5 C. It began to warm up during the day on Thursday.
Future weather trend
During the "March 9th" this year, although there was cold air influence from time to time, the overall influence was northerly and the power was weak.
After the short-term impact of cold air, the temperature in most parts of the country rises, and around the 14th, the highest temperature in many places in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will break through 20℃, as warm as March all the year round.
In the next ten days, the temperature in Shanghai will show a trend of "short-term drop → high → small drop → high again".
From Thursday, the temperature will go out of a wave of "xiaoyang line", and the highest temperature on Sunday will even exceed 17℃.
At the beginning of next week, affected by the spread of cold air, the temperature dropped, but it was still just an "episode", and it rebounded to 17℃ again in the middle of next week!
This is really not like the temperature of "Sanjiu".
You know, Shanghai’s "three nine" all the year round
The highest temperature should be in the early 10℃
No wonder the netizen shouted:
With such a high temperature,
What about the bacon sausage?
Under such weather changes.
Fang friends should also pay attention to dressing ~
Increase or decrease in time to keep cold and warm!
From | Shanghai Weather Release
Source: News Square

Tea industry is promising (big data observation)

Core reading
Tea is a national drink, which can be compared with fine products. There are many famous teas in China, which have cultivated a long and profound tea culture and formed a super-large-scale market advantage. In recent years, while keeping the market demand basically stable, the tea industry in China has cultivated and expanded a number of new growth areas, with richer consumption scenarios, more products supplied, younger consumer groups, frequent new highlights in the industry, and steadily moving towards high-quality development.
According to the report released by China Tea Circulation Association, China’s domestic tea market remained stable in 2022, with a total domestic sales of 2,397,500 tons, up 4.15% year-on-year; Domestic sales totaled 339.527 billion yuan, up 8.82% year-on-year; The total output of spring tea this year is 1.4 million to 1.5 million tons, and the quality is basically stable.
What is the current situation of tea production and marketing in China? What are the new highlights in the industry? How to promote the tea industry to achieve high-quality development? The reporter conducted an interview.
The market demand is basically stable, and the consumer groups are getting younger and younger.
The winter is approaching, and the mountains are foggy, just like a painting. Walking into Hejiang Village, Caoba Town, Yucheng District, Ya ‘an City, Sichuan Province, a vivid picture of ecological livability came into view. Change the development ideas and seize the opportunity of e-commerce. Many villagers here have become network anchors and sold their organic green tea in their hometown to all parts of the country through the webcast platform.
"Our tea garden is a national standardized production base for green food raw materials and is currently in the pruning stage. Scarcity is the most precious thing. The tea harvested in Tomb-Sweeping Day is the best in tea, which is less disturbed by pests, with tender buds, delicate fragrance and beautiful taste. We are now preparing for the high yield of spring tea in the coming year. " Jie Chen, a 26-year-old tea farmer, started the live broadcast in the tea garden of Yuntai Mountain, which is at the highest altitude of 1,100 meters.
From mengding ganlu to Xinyang Maojian Tea, from West Lake Longjing to Huangshan Mao Feng, from Enshi Yulu to Fenghuang Danzong, there are many famous teas in China, which have cultivated a long and profound tea culture. "In recent years, relying on the advantages of domestic super-large-scale market, China tea industry has completed the adjustment and upgrading of consumption structure, and cultivated and expanded new growth areas such as herb tea and tea derivatives while maintaining basically stable market demand." Wang Qing, president of China Tea Circulation Association and chairman of the National Tea Standardization Technical Committee, said that the current consumption demand of tea and its related products has shown new changes due to the influence of modern life.
The consumption of traditional original leaf tea remained stable, and the consumption scenes were more abundant. Green tea, black tea, black tea and oolong tea are still consumers’ favorite categories. White tea, as a minor category among the six major teas, has achieved double-digit annual growth in recent years. With the popularity of the "national tide" culture, the "new Chinese teahouse" which inherits the traditional tea culture and pays attention to the scene experience and atmosphere creation has grown up, and tea tasting methods such as surrounding the stove have emerged.
Tea consumption groups are getting younger and younger. Under the influence of multiple factors, the acceptance of tea after 80s, 90s and even 00s continues to rise, and the younger generation of consumers demand personalized, diversified and healthy tea and related products. A number of new teabag enterprises and sugar-free packaged beverages have emerged. It is estimated that by 2025, the market scale of sugar-free tea in China will exceed 10 billion yuan.
Internet consumer demand has expanded. Online trading has become a powerful supplement to the domestic sales channels of tea. Last year, the total amount of online trading of tea in China exceeded 33 billion yuan, and the compound annual growth rate remained above 10% in the past three years. Driven by online consumer demand, major brand tea enterprises have started the e-commerce sector, and the annual tea trading volume and tea demand of major e-commerce platforms have also steadily increased. According to the data of Meituan, from January to June this year, the number of new tea houses in China exceeded 30,000. Driven by the digitalization and standardization services of the platform, the order volume of tea houses nationwide increased by 115% year-on-year, and Chengdu, Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou and Xi’ an were the top five cities in terms of order volume; Among the tea room consumers, consumers aged 35 and below account for more than half.
Wang Qing said that on the whole, there are three trends in the demand for tea products: brand, culture and emotional factors make traditional tea consumption concentrated in the middle and high end; Daily consumption tends to be more rational, and tea products with strong practicality and high cost performance are more popular with the public; The concept of health is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and promotes the growth of tea consumption demand.
Industry continues to innovate and product supply is diversified.
"Paper cups must be familiar to everyone, but cups with tea are rare. When we hold a meeting and receive customers, it is just right to use this cup to make tea. Boiling water is poured directly into the cup and can be drunk after waiting for a while, which is convenient and fast. " Recently, in the e-commerce live broadcast room of Xiaocheng Dashi Tea Co., Ltd. in Linqing City, Shandong Province, the anchor Zhang Qiu Lezheng introduced enthusiastically. In the production workshop not far from the live broadcast room, five fully automatic numerical control processing equipments are running at high speed, which can produce about 150,000 kinds of cup tea products every day.
"After market research, we found that this kind of teacup with tea leaves has been improved in design, which can make drinking tea easier. In recent years, the company has closely followed the changes in market demand, increased innovation and research and development, and launched products that are marketable. Last year, the turnover exceeded 20 million yuan. " Yan Li, general manager of the company said.
This is a vivid footnote for China’s tea industry to increase the supply-side structural reform.
"In the face of new changes in consumer demand, China tea industry is seizing market opportunities, making continuous efforts on the supply side, constantly improving effective supply capacity and level, and enhancing product richness and added value, and has built a set of mature, autonomous, controllable, safe and efficient tea industry chain supply chain." Mei Yu, vice president of China Tea Circulation Association, said.
Improve the level of modern production and promote industrial upgrading and efficiency.
Pu ‘er tea in Menghai County, Yunnan Province is famous at home and abroad. Banzhang production area in Brown Mountain is the core production area of Pu ‘er tea raw materials, and it is also an important origin of the brand products of Xiaocan Tea. While protecting ancient trees, the small pot tea company established a modern factory in Menghai, opened up all links in the industrial chain, enhanced the added value of tea products, promoted industrial efficiency and increased the income of tea farmers.
In recent years, new technologies and new energy sources have been continuously applied to tea processing equipment. Tea processing is developing in the direction of green, energy saving, safety and cleanliness. Continuous and standardized processing production lines are moving towards preliminary digital operation. Many standardized processing production lines of tea have been widely used, and the taste and hygienic quality have been improved, which effectively guarantees the continuous research and development of new flavors and new packaging.
The integration of tea tourism has also promoted the spread of tea culture.
"This year, we received research requests from the summer social practice teams of six colleges and universities. They came to the tea garden to observe the growing environment of’ Chuan’ brand green brick tea. This way of’ research+tourism’ has achieved good results." Chen Junhai, director of the Institute of Compaction Tea of Zhao Liqiao Tea Factory, Hubei Tea Group, and a "Jingchu craftsman" in Hubei Province, said. In 2022, Zhao Liqiao’s brick tea making skills were listed in the UNESCO World Intangible Heritage List.
In recent years, it has become a new means to help tea farmers increase their income by promoting tourism with tea, promoting tea with tourism, blending tea with tourism, combining health care, prolonging the tea industry chain and increasing the added value of tea products. All localities vigorously promote the high-quality, diversified and upgraded tea culture industry, dig deep into local traditional tea culture, intangible culture and red culture, create tea tourism products, and promote transformation and development.
New tea is popular and enters the daily life of the people.
"I like this’ Tianqingyu’ milk tea product very much. It is very healthy without adding essence or non-dairy creamer." Wang Wen, a consumer who tasted new milk tea, commented at Taigulixi Tea Store in Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Up to now, the total number of Xicha stores in China has exceeded 2,000, and it has entered over 240 cities.
In recent years, the new Chinese tea, represented by brands such as Hi Tea, Tea Baidao and Guming Tea, has been integrated into public life in various forms of health, fashion and innovation, and has become the new favorite of the market.
Ramming foundation forging long plate, moving towards high quality development
"We continue to exert our efforts in the integration of quality control, technological innovation, cultural creativity and brand building to help Shangyou Se-enriched tea brand become bigger and stronger." Chen Maolin, general manager of Jiangxi Youjiang Hongyun Tea Co., Ltd. said.
Youjiang Hongyun brand series tea is produced in Wuzhifeng, Shangyou County, Jiangxi Province. The company drives farmers to build more than 3,000 mu of selenium tea garden and uses organic tea production mode for management. This year, the company and Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences launched Gannan Alpine White Tea, which was well received by the market. Zhong Yuancai, director of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Shangyou County, introduced that the tea planting area in the county is 110,000 mu, with an output of 2,786 tons, and the brand value of "Shangyou Green Tea" reaches 641 million yuan.
According to the insiders, facing the future, China tea industry should continue to keep pace with the times and deepen the supply-side reform, and enhance the adaptability between supply and demand by improving the supply structure and quality. Only by realizing industrialization, scale, marketization and internationalization can China tea industry go further and further on the road of high-quality development.
Wang Qing believes that it is necessary to comprehensively and deeply explore and protect the essence and traditional skills of China tea culture and promote innovation and inheritance; Vigorously coordinate and integrate tea science and technology resources, promote the deep integration and development of Industry-University-Research, and promote the whole chain development and value promotion of tea industry; Accelerate the pace of modernization and transformation, establish a systematic and complete industrial system, and further promote new industrialization and informationization.
Accelerate standardized production and improve the efficiency of supply chain management. In March this year, the application for the national standard formulation plan of Technical Specification for Tea Supply Chain Management was approved by the National Standardization Committee. "Standardization is of great significance for improving the quality of tea, promoting the industry to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and promoting the modernization and upgrading of the tea industry." Du Guoyu, chairman of the small pot tea company, said.
Strengthen brand building and promote iterative upgrading of consumption. Mei Yu suggested strengthening the construction of industrial brands and supporting systems, and promoting the coordinated development of regional brands and corporate brands. We should start with improving product quality, improve the industrial supporting system, and realize the sufficient and high-quality supply of high-end enterprise brands and modern service products.
Strengthen scientific and technological support to help the industry to be stable and far-reaching. Wang Yingfeng, deputy director of Science and Technology Center of Hangzhou Tea Research Institute of All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, said that scientific research institutes should be supported and encouraged to take the lead in "seed research"; Actively promote the transformation of innovation achievements of research institutions such as universities, and form a virtuous circle pattern of "innovation of research institutions-enterprise transformation and feedback-re-innovation of institutions such as institutes".
Cartography: Wang Zheping
People’s Daily (November 29, 2023, 07 edition)

Xiliang Mountain fired the "first shot of the battle of crossing the river" and 1,500 warriors died in the battlefield.

  Sixty years ago, Xu Shishan was the second battalion commander of the 270th Regiment, 90th Division, 30th Army, 9th Corps of the Third Field Army. He followed his head Zhu Muping to send troops to Xiliang Mountain. The battle of Xiliang Mountain started the "first shot of the battle of crossing the river". In the battle, more than 1,500 soldiers died in the battlefield, including the 37-year-old head Zhu Muping …

  "hide!" "Bang!" "Colonel! Colonel! You wake up … "

  "Go-go-"On the morning of March 13th, in the home of 87-year-old general Xu Shishan, time and space seemed to go back to the Battle of Xiliang Mountain in Hexian County 60 years ago. At some point, the old general suddenly stood up from the sofa, with his hands in the shape of guns, shouting and running forward …

  From guerrillas to field armies

  In the five months before the battle of crossing the river, my identity has changed four times in a row, which has never happened before; However, in the process of this rapid transformation, we have realized the transformation from guerrillas to local armed forces until we become the regular army of 270 regiments in 90 divisions of 30 armies, and at the same time, we have achieved the tragic and brilliant resume of our regiment crossing the river.

  In November 1948, just two months after I was transferred from the secretary of Qianji District Committee to the chief of staff of Shuyang Independent Regiment, I suddenly received an order from my superior, and my independent regiment was reorganized with Guanyun Independent Regiment to form the 4th Regiment of the 6th Army Division of Subei Military Region. After the adaptation, the original Shuyang Independent Regiment became the 4th Regiment and the 2nd Battalion, and I became the battalion commander of the 2nd Battalion.

  At this time, I met my head Zhu Muping, a handsome man with a tall and loud voice. From Shuyang to Guanyun, I heard many magical stories about him. Some said he was an intellectual, some said he was a lonely hero, and some said he was both civil and military.

  What kind of strange man is Zhu Muping?

  Before I could perceive and understand it slowly, the Yuntai Mountain War in Lianyungang started, and the 4th Regiment was transferred from Guanyun, which was the first battle after the formation of the 4th Regiment. According to the deployment of the military division, the 2nd Battalion of 4th Regiment is responsible for the main attack of Yuntai Mountain War. Perhaps considering that I had never led troops to fight in a big battle before, Zhu Muping volunteered to take the 2nd Battalion personally and let me stay in the regimental headquarters.

  But what I didn’t expect was that some soldiers in the second battalion suddenly became emotional when the war was about to start. I rushed to the front line, only after asking did I know that these Shuyang children would prefer me to lead the attack. They’ve been following me since the guerrilla period. The sudden situation made Zhu Muping a little embarrassed. After urgent consultations, Zhu Muping and I were finally allowed to command together, and the mood of the soldiers suddenly rose.

  The attack began in Nancheng, and the peasant children of the second battalion, who were guerrillas, rushed forward with soil shovel and fried bobbin, screaming and screaming. The attack soon rushed to an open field in front of Yuntai Mountain, where there was no barrier to cover. The enemy troops stood in the fortifications on Yuntai Mountain and shot from above. The roaring bullets made the soldiers lift their heads, and the shells exploded in dense attack formations, and several people were overturned with one shell.

  "This won’t do!" I was in a hurry and called the company commander and platoon leader to make a new deployment.

  The adjusted formation is no longer as dense as it was at first, but changed into a three-thirds formation. The soldiers are divided into three groups, and the groups are separated, avoiding the shells falling from the air and making a quick detour down the mountain. The troops finally rushed to the foot of the mountain, which was the dead corner of enemy fire. According to the original plan, the soldiers will take a short rest here, gather the team and carry out the next wave of attacks.

  But at this time, the explosion of "dong, dong" suddenly came from the top of the head, and the blown-up gravel and debris mixed with weeds slipped down the mountain, smashing the soldiers’ faces. This is the mountain gun of the military division that fired at the enemy on the mountain. The strength of the soldiers rushed up. "Go-"I don’t know which soldier took the lead and rushed to the mountain with a gun. "Tick-tock, tick-tock-"The bugle also sounded. "Kill-"The 2nd battalion shouted and rushed up the hill. Hundreds of screaming soldiers were crushed to the mountainside, and the enemy couldn’t carry it anymore and began to turn and run away. The 2nd Battalion rushed to the top of the mountain in one breath, and pursued the victory, crushing the defeated enemy into a ravine. Ten minutes later, an enemy soldier raised a white flag and they finally surrendered.

  The officers and men of the 2nd Battalion have been hitting the seaside of Lianyungang. These soldiers in Shuyang have never seen the sea! They jumped and shouted on the beach, picked up stones and threw them into the sea. The people in Lianyungang sent gifts to the troops, and the soldiers saw fish as big as a small wooden boat for the first time in their lives. This fish has not been eaten by a company.

  In this battle, the Sixth Army Division wiped out more than 3,000 enemies, and groups of prisoners were taken to Xuzhou. When the officers and men of the 2nd Battalion saw the captured hills of Type 38 rifles, they all threw away their ground-breaking guns and went up to grab them. Those prisoners are still unconvinced, and they look down on the way we rob guns, saying that they lost to these hillbillies.

  After the victory of Yuntai Mountain, the 2nd Battalion returned to the station of Guanyun 4th Regiment. A month later, the 4th Regiment was renamed the Secret Service Corps. On February 3, 1949, the Independent Regiment of Suqian County was upgraded to a battalion to supplement the Special Service Regiment, making its organizational system complete. After the Spring Festival in 1949, the Secret Service Corps was reorganized and became the last organizational group of the 30th Army of the 3rd Field Army of the China People’s Liberation Army, namely the 90th Division, with three battalions under its jurisdiction. The original Guanyun Independent Regiment, Shuyang Independent Regiment and Suqian Independent Regiment became the first, second and third battalions respectively. Zhu Muping continued to be the head of the team, and my identity changed again, from the battalion commander of the second battalion to the instructor of the second battalion.

  Move to Chaimi River in Shuyang to rest.

  After being reorganized into a field army, my 270th regiment left Guanyun and moved to Pingdun on the bank of Chaimi River in Shuyang for rest. This rare short break gave me a better understanding of my head Zhu Muping.

  On the second day after being reorganized into the 270 th Regiment, the troops left Guanyun County and moved to the flat pier on the bank of Chaimi River in Shuyang for rest, and were formally organized into the main regiment of the 30 th Army. Due to the insufficient strength of the 270 th regiment, the superior has transferred some personnel from the East China Sea, Xinyi and other local armed forces to supplement. At the same time, formally determine the task of crossing the river south to liberate all China. The slogan "Go across the Yangtze River and capture Chiang Kai-shek alive" often resounds through the troops and floats to the fields with the wind.

  Only then did I understand the meaning behind the four changes in five months. It turned out that the superior leaders had planned to prevent our guerrillas from becoming field troops one step at a time, so they were divided into multiple steps.

  After becoming a field army, Zhu Muping, the head of the team, became more and more busy, often going out for meetings and organizing soldiers’ training. Although we are in the same group, Zhu Muping and I don’t meet much and know each other very little. In the Yuntai Mountain War, he left me the impression that he was courageous, brave and not afraid of sacrifice. At that time, some soldiers secretly gave him a nickname "rash fellow" behind his back. During the rest of the army, with the increase of contact opportunities with each other, I learned a lot about my colonel’s experience and filled me with high respect for him.

  Zhu Muping took part in the revolution as early as 1932, when he was only 20 years old and was still a young student in Xiangshuikou Middle School. Because an underground party member was arrested and gave up the list, Zhu Muping had to avoid Shanghai. In Shanghai, he served as the secretary of the street league branch, promoting revolution among unemployed workers in the name of doing small business. In mid-January 1934, Zhu Muping was arrested. But the enemy didn’t know his true identity, and after several tortures, he got nothing, so he had to be sentenced to one year and three months as a suspect. After he was released from prison, Zhu Muping’s brother-in-law took him back to his hometown in Lianshui.

  Zhu Muping’s military struggle career began in Lianshui. "We don’t have the feudal power of landlords. They have guns. We can’t do without guns. If there are bad guys, we must use guns." Zhu Muping began to unite the youth of the village, and concentrated the local steel guns to prevent bandits, forming the first local armed forces. In 1936, he also took advantage of the opportunity of the Kuomintang to recruit instructors to train able-bodied men, and went to Bailugou as an instructor for several months to study military affairs. In 1939, Lianshui was occupied by the Japanese army, and Zhu Muping formally set up a team and set up a guerrilla group, which later became one of the three old foundations of the 270 th Regiment.

  In War of Resistance against Japan, he served as the district head and battalion chief of Lianshui Ma Duo, in charge of military affairs. Zhu Muping often moves at night, and comes and goes at night with only one or two guards. He is often used to wearing a dark gray robe, tying his waist with a belt, putting a gun in his clothes and leaving. When encountering enemies, spies and secret agents, Zhu Muping showed no mercy and was shot on the spot.

  At that time, what the people in Lianshui hated most was Shao Xiaoxi, the captain of the pseudo-self-defense. Zhu Muping and others decided to make an example of this traitor. In the late spring of 1939, Shao Xiaoxi appeared on the streets of Lianshui, watching while walking, and grabbing at the things on the street stalls. When he left the sentry at the gate of the city for more than 70 meters, Zhu Muping quietly appeared behind him, and two shots were fired, and Shao Xiaoxi was killed on the spot.

  Although he has done underground work, led guerrillas to fight some battles and went deep into the den to exterminate traitors, Zhu Muping still feels that he has never fought a big battle. Whenever there was a big or small battle, he volunteered to his superiors and led the team to battle. On the battlefield, he never took the command in the town, but took the lead and charged in the bullets.

  Before the end of the rest of the troops, Zhu Muping took time to go to Huaiyin to visit some old comrades-in-arms in the military division. When saying goodbye to every comrade-in-arms, he left a word of "Goodbye in Jiangnan" to his comrades-in-arms with a cheerful expression. No one expected that this turned out to be a farewell speech with his comrades-in-arms.

In 2022, the total box office of China movies exceeded 30 billion, and the new film "Unknown" was set.

Special feature of 1905 film network Comedy movies starring directors, screenwriters, writers, etc. recently announced that they will be scheduled for the first day of the New Year in 2023 and enter the "Spring Festival file".

This is also the re-cooperation between director Su Lun and Lei Jiayin, and Zhang Xiaofei returns to the Spring Festival archives again after the excellent works of the Spring Festival archives, and often switches seamlessly between "Goddess" and "Female Nerve", full of joy.

The film tells the story of Lei Jiayin and Zhang Xiaofei’s unexpected exchange of bodies and family members with a crush on Zhang Xiaofei after their blind date, which led to a strange "exchange" journey with laughter and tears.

There are five differences in the following two posters about this film. How many did you find in the message area?

Serie A

At 1 am on October 30th, Beijing time, in the 10th round of Serie A in 2023-24, Inter Milan played against Rome at home. In the first half, Charles Hanoglu shot and hit the doorframe; In the second half, Thuram scored the winning goal in the 81st minute, and Augusto hit the crossbar again. In the end, Inter Milan beat Rome 1-0, overtaking Ewan and rising to the top of the standings.

In this game, Roma coach Jose Mourinho was unable to play against his old club because of suspension, but Lu Kaku appeared in the starting lineup of Rome, and he was booed by tens of thousands of Inter fans at Meazza Stadium.

In the 6th minute, Char Hanoglu blasted a long-range shot in front of the restricted area, and the ball bounced back after hitting the doorframe. Then Thuram’s barb hit the door and the goalkeeper got it. In the 7th minute, Inter’s left corner kicked into the restricted area, and lautaro’s header was not strong enough, so the goalkeeper confiscated the ball.

In the 15th minute, dumfries made a cross from the right, Thuram’s header hit the defender, and then his stab was blocked by the goalkeeper. In the 16th minute, Di Marco’s shot on the left side of the restricted area missed the far post.

In the 24th minute, mkhitaryan received the clearance ball before the top of the arc and volleyed it high. In the 38th minute, dumfries made another cross on the right, and pawar, who was inserted into the restricted area, volleyed his right foot and missed. In the 45th+3rd minute, varela got the chance to volley in the restricted area, and the ball was higher than the crossbar. At the end of the first half, neither team scored.

In the second half, it was easy to fight again. In the 48 th minute, Inter Milan’s free kick was hoisted into the penalty area, and Thuram’s header was high.

In the 59th minute, varela crosses the restricted area, Thuram returns the ball in the chest, lautaro volleys with his right foot, and the ball bounces to the ground and is hugged by the goalkeeper. In the 65th minute, Rome won a free kick in front of the penalty area, and chaaraoui took the penalty and hit the wall. Two minutes later, Charles Hanoglu blasted a long-range shot in front of the restricted area, and the ball hit the defender and crossed the bottom line in disguise.

In the 76th minute, Aslani took the ball in front of the restricted area. When he saw that no one had come forward to block it, he hit a long-range shot, and the ball slightly missed the post.In the 81st minute, Di Marco crossed the ball on the left side of the frontcourt, and Thuram, who was inserted into the middle of the restricted area, grabbed the ball and scored a goal. Inter Milan led Rome 1-0.

In the 89th minute, Augusto made a cross on the left side of the frontcourt. Thuram’s outflanking shot in the middle missed. In the 90th minute, Augusto made a long-range shot in front of the restricted area, and the ball hit the crossbar and popped up.

In the end, the whole game ended and Inter Milan beat Rome 1-0.

"Cross-border" Integration of Tourism to Promote Green Development

Source: People’s Daily Online-People’s Daily Overseas Edition

Scenery of Aershan National Forest Park (photo of drone). Xinhua News Agency reporter Lian Zhenshe

Tourists watch the float parade in Aershan City, Xing ‘an League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Zhipeng photo

In September, the coolness in the Daxinganling forest area grew stronger, but the lush small town of Aershan was booming. On September 2-3, the 2023 China (Aershan) Tourism Conference, co-sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Xinhua News Agency and the People’s Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, was held in Aershan City, Xing ‘an League. Representatives of cultural and tourism industries from all over the country gathered in this small town famous for tourism to talk about the "cross-border" integration of tourism and promote green development.

Promote industrial integration

Talking about the Multiple Values of Tourism

During the tourism conference, theme forums such as "Green Development of Cultural Tourism Integration", "Tourism Promotes Exchanges and Blending among Ethnic Groups" and "Tourism Promotes Rural Revitalization and Helps Common Prosperity" were held successively. Dozens of experts and representatives talked about the integration of cultural tourism industry, and talked about the multiple values of tourism in ethnic cultural exchanges and blending, regional development and industrial upgrading.

"Tourism is an important channel for exchanges and mutual learning between different regions and cultures." Shan Gangxin, director of the Resource Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said that in recent years, all localities have actively promoted industrial integration, enriched the supply of tourism products, and promoted exchanges, exchanges and blending among ethnic groups.

"Tourism has changed the life of Aunt Ding’s family." Rao Xiangbi, deputy director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, introduced at the meeting that Ding Dama’s family in Gongshan County, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture has six ethnic groups. As the earliest person in the local area to set up a family inn, Ding Dama passed on the ethnic integration family culture to tourists, which was popular among tourists and it was hard to find a room in the peak season.

According to "2023 China Tourism and Vacation Development Report" released by china tourism academy during the Tourism Conference, the development of China’s holiday industry has initially formed such modes as linkage development of scenic spots, creation of accommodation scenes and development of industrial clusters. Tourism "cross-border" and "out of the circle" promote industrial integration and constantly broaden the tourism format. Sanhuali Resort with "Agriculture+Cultural Tourism", Tsingtao Brewery Garden with "Industry+Cultural Tourism" and Cool Play Town with "Sports+Cultural Tourism" in Ke Qiao, Shaoxing, and other industrial integration practices, break through industrial barriers and enhance regional development value.

Promote common prosperity

Discussion on focusing on rural revitalization

At the meeting, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Xinhua News Agency jointly launched the activity of "I design for the countryside", and at the same time held the awarding ceremony of national ski resorts and national key villages and towns for rural tourism.

"Rural tourism can organically combine rural excellent traditional culture, natural local features and modern tourism needs, and promote rural industrial integration, improve living environment and increase villagers’ income." Zhang Xiaoli, Director of the Rural Tourism and Creative Products Guidance Division of the Resource Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, introduced at the forum.

"In recent years, all parts of Inner Mongolia have actively explored the path and mode of rural tourism development and created a number of demonstration villages to help rural revitalization." Wei Zhiguo, deputy director of the Inner Mongolia Department of Culture and Tourism, said.

The exhibition "Ten Years in Aershan" was held during the conference. Ten years ago, most people in rural areas of Aershan lived in old houses with "boards and mud", and the forestry resources on which they depended for their livelihood were gradually exhausted and their living conditions were poor. In 2012, the commercial logging of natural forests was completely stopped in Aershan City, and the ecological construction was re-dressed in green for the forest area. Forestry workers "put down their axes as tour guides", and tourism gave this small town a new vitality.

In the past 10 years, the number of tourists received in Aershan has increased from more than 2 million to more than 5 million. In the first half of this year, the number of tourists received by Aershan City increased by 6 times year-on-year, achieving a tourism income of 1.65 billion yuan. Today, nearly half of the population in Aershan is engaged in tourism. As tourism becomes more and more popular, the lives of ordinary people are getting more and more prosperous.

Advocate harmonious symbiosis

Suggestions on the development of green tourism

The theme of this tourism conference is "Green Development of Cultural Tourism Integration". Experts and representatives put forward suggestions on the development of green tourism market, product design, resource development and business philosophy to promote the development of green tourism.

Tang Xiaoyun, vice president of China Tourism Research Institute, said that in recent years, a variety of green tourism products in China have attracted much attention, and forest baths, hot spring baths, grassland tours, diving, skiing, mountaineering and hiking have continuously catalyzed the development of the green tourism market.

Lihong Fu’s travel agency launched a study tour on forest ecology. She took her children into the deep forest and picked up pine cones and needles on the ground. "Nature is the best raw material for artistic creation." Lihong Fu said that she started a study tour group to let children know about forest culture and feel the concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature in artistic creativity.

Next to the venue of the tourism conference is the forest oxygen bath road in Aershan City. When tourists walk up the mountain road, it is not difficult to find that the steps are composed of abandoned train track sleepers, which not only has historical vicissitudes, but also reflects the green tourism development concept. The Lujiaowan Hot Spring Holiday Camp in Aershan City adopts overhead design to protect the original ecological function of the grassland under the building.

"We will actively develop green tourism with intensive resources, environmental protection, energy saving and low carbon, and sharing between host and guest." Tang Xiaoyun proposed that the national cultural and tourism system should further strengthen the protection of resources, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, improve the quality of green tourism services, and vigorously promote the formation of a new trend of civilized, healthy and green tourism.

(Xinhua News Agency, Hohhot, reporter He Shuzhen)

Women who are stared at in street shooting have nowhere to escape.

Author | Liu Chezai Editor | Yan Fei

Summer has come, and photographers holding cameras in the street are waiting for this cool season. On the streets of Taikooli, Chengdu, there are often fashionable hipsters in strange clothes, but more people just come for "beauty".

Here, the lens of street photographer Xiaomi captures a woman wearing a pink floral sling and a middle-aged man also wearing pink. Their light pace, such as the spring breeze, the swaying charm of the girl and the obvious age difference between the two make the photographer feel very excited.

But no one expected that this video of lovers’ elegant demeanor made the whole people witness an extramarital affair led by a global project management company. Subsequently, the girl’s personal social account was revealed, and people talked about the details of her private life and made great comments on it. And the sales of the pink floral dress with suspenders on her body soared with the heat until it was sold out.


When interviewed by the media, the photographer Xiaomi has deleted the video. He explained: "At that time, when shooting in the street, the two did not refuse. Many photographers were shooting, and they were chasing after each other in the front." But the reality is that most people who are photographed don’t know how to explicitly refuse to shoot in public. In addition, they will not know where these photos and videos will eventually flow and how they will be used.

Aside from the discipline of this matter and the moral controversy of extramarital affairs, the invasion of privacy and the "sexual gaze" revealed in street shooting since its appearance are deeply disturbing.

Abused "street shooting"

"Street shooting" is an exotic product. "Street snap" means capturing the moment on the street. At the beginning of the 20th century, it first appeared in European and American fashion circles. Photographers found that the instantaneous state of models outside the show was more personalized than that on the show.

In that era of strong personal consciousness and the rise of popular culture, photographers took to the streets to capture popular fashion through street shooting. In 1970s, William John Cunningham, the originator of street photography, was famous for his candid camera and street photography. He is a milliner himself, and after a series of street shooting works, he became a fashion photographer in The New York Times.

Bill Cunningham who is shooting in the street. (Photo/new york Museum of History)

Subsequently, many professional photographers turned their subjects from celebrities to street people. They were fascinated by the urban street environment and the mental state of people in it, and took many unforgettable street photographs so far.

Photo taken by legendary street photographer vivian maier. (Photo/"Looking for vivian maier")

In about 2007, Zhong Hao, the "street shooter", found inspiration from foreign fashion street shooters and began to take pictures of people he thought were dressed in fashion in downtown Hangzhou. Until 2010, with the rise of fast fashion in China, people began to pay attention to wearing, and street photography, as a fashion photography, gradually became popular in China.

With the rise of social media, around 2018, a large number of street auctions have emerged in China. For example, Sanlitun in Beijing, Yintai in Hangzhou, Taikooli in Chengdu, Tianjie in Chongqing and Anfu Road in Shanghai are all business districts where hipsters gather.

Anfu road street shooting is a grand occasion. (Photo/vision china)

At first, street shooting focused on capturing people’s clothes. But soon, in the battle for attention of social media, beauty became a natural traffic password. More and more street shooting bloggers began to target women groups, paying more attention to the beauty’s face value and figure when shooting.

At this time, street shooting has little to do with the randomness of "street". In other words, the public nature of "street" sheltered all kinds of irrationality when the photographer openly raised the camera.

Walking around Taikooli, Chengdu in June, you will see many people holding cameras, shooting at girls in short skirts, bare legs and revealing their waists. Some people will pose when they see the camera, but others will speed up their steps and cover their faces with mineral water bottles or fans. But this is not enough to deter the photographers. If the subjects don’t have a more explicit refusal, they will trot close to each other and continue to look for positions and angles.

A man running in the street. (Photo/Weibo)

In 2019, due to the phenomenon of chasing and blocking shots in street shooting, it caused serious interference to pedestrians and made people feel uncomfortable that their privacy was violated. Taikooli, Chengdu, issued a public notice prohibiting street shooting, stating that "unauthorized photographing/shooting is prohibited" and setting up a sign to remind people to "raise awareness of prevention and protect personal portrait rights". At present, these warning signs are still there, but the ban is gone.

Warning signs in Taikooli business district in Chengdu. (Figure/Time Video)

In fact, the problem of invasion of privacy almost exists with the birth of street shooting. In fashion street shooting, in order to avoid the risk of privacy, the most reasonable way is to obtain the consent of the subject before shooting and inform the shooting purpose.

People generally have a high degree of acceptance for some recorded humanistic street beats.

In these humanistic street photography, recording the interaction between people and the environment is the key point. Joel Meyerowitz, an American street photographer, said when explaining street photography: "I am interested in the whole street environment, not a specific person." In Joel’s lens, people are integrated with their surroundings. The structure, light and shadow of the street environment and the people in it present the rhythm of a city.

Joel Meyerowitz, an American street photographer, walks the streets of new york with a 35mm camera on his arm every day to capture passers-by. (Photo/photographer official website)

But in some photographers’ works today, the street remains unchanged, and they just want to shoot different faces and bodies. Street shooting has nothing to do with fashion and has lost its public value.

Sexual Gaze in Street Shooting

After the scandal was revealed, photographer Xiaomi deleted the video, but different versions of video clips are still popular online. The scandal has become a joke, the male client is invisible, and an inspection of the female client has just begun.

In many videos, the figure of the male party is directly cut off, leaving only the enlarged female body parts for the spectators to touch carefully. The comment area is full of comments on "genuine goods and good leadership taste", which proves the status quo that women are regarded as "appendages" under the gaze of men.

Susan Sontag wrote in On Photography, "Photography is not practiced by most people as art, it is a power tool." The behavior of street shooters aiming long guns and short guns at young women reflects the power difference between the sexes. The female body in front of the camera has become the carrier of men’s "possession" power.

People with cameras are looking for "prey" everywhere. (Photo/vision china)

In some street shooting accounts featuring snapshot, photographers not only put the camera on it, but even ask passers-by to interact with it in a provocative tone.

Previously, a female star met a street shooter on the street, and the other party held a mobile phone while shooting and flirted: "Beauty, come and say hello to everyone." The female star was angry and uncooperative, leaving a string of swearing words, which also triggered the criticism of female stars by netizens.

In the face of girls’ anti-sneak shots, the most commonly used words of photographers and their supporters are: "Isn’t it for filming to dress so well?" Not cooperating with filming means that girls are not generous and rude. This means that the authority of male gaze construction is everywhere, while women don’t even have the right to say "no".

The chase scenes and frivolous orders are uncomfortable. (Figure/short video account)

A photographer who pretends to photograph each other’s "beauty" completely deprives the subjectivity of female beauty. In other words, this interpretation of women’s motivation to dress up completely ignores the possibility of women’s self-satisfaction. It seems that women’s dress and beauty must be confirmed by men and exposed to produce meaning.

Finally, under the guidance of male perspective, the chest, long legs, exposed parts, suspenders and short skirts become the focus of street photos. The material is full of sexual gaze from men, and the audience’s sexual fantasies are also met invisibly.

The invasiveness of the camera, coupled with male gaze. (Photo/"Blonde Monroe")

What is even more disturbing after this is the flow of these photos.

These photographers often use street shooting materials to run social accounts. On social networks or short video platforms, you can see a lot of street shooting content. In order to drain, they often use labels such as "long legs", "beautiful little sister" and "fair skin". On some street shooting websites, users want to watch the full version of the street shooting video and even need to pay to unlock it.

Many subjects discovered that they had been photographed when they saw their photos and videos online. In order to better protect the privacy of portrait rights, the provisions of the Civil Code, which came into effect on January 1, 2021, point out: "Without the consent of the portrait owner, the portrait owner may not use or disclose the portrait of the portrait owner by publishing, copying, distributing, renting or exhibiting."

In addition to explicitly expressing rejection when being photographed, this provision directly requires street photographers to obtain the consent of the photographed when using their own street photographs, and not to use the street photographs beyond the authorized scope afterwards, let alone illegally use them.

You must obtain the consent of the other party before shooting. (Photo/"Follow Your Home")

But this is still based on personal consciousness, and more importantly, the attitude of the platform to these street shooting behaviors-can more censorship links be set up on the level of protecting women’s privacy? And, can you improve the efficiency of feedback on complaints?

At present, many platforms have set up complaint portals that infringe privacy and portrait rights, but the complaint cycle is very long, and it often takes several working days or even longer to get feedback. This gives the photographer an opportunity.

Back to this incident, while the whole people applauded for "catching rape", we should also realize that the flood of street shooting has extended to people’s private lives, and it is difficult for ordinary people who have been infringed to delete photos or sue each other. Only by raising the illegal cost and reducing the difficulty of safeguarding rights can vulgar street shooting gradually disappear.

Proofreading: Yang Chao

Operation: hee hee

Typesetting: Zhong Yinglin

Exercise can cure everything.

It’s been eight days since the Tokyo Olympic Games ended.

The national team won 38 gold medals, 32 silver medals and 18 bronze medals, which made us feel the strength of our motherland.

The athletes who returned to China for isolation have never been idle.

Trampoline champion Zhu Xueying took a yoga mat and a yoga ball with her, and even set up a mini trampoline beside the bed. I have to say, it was a champion.

Li Fabin, a weightlifting champion, practiced handstand with only two boxes of water, as if in a gym.

Wang Shun, who won the 200-meter medley, squatted and stood up without any equipment …

As long as people who really want to exercise, not to mention that there is no venue and no equipment, it is the most difficult isolation period, so it does not hinder.

Don’t blame netizens for commenting:"In the future, my unconditional excuses for exercising at home are gone."

We have long known that we are often beaten in the face. Many times we are tired, stressed, and have a headache and brain fever, which are just rhetoric and have nothing to do with the exercise itself.

The hardest thing about exercise is not the process of doing it, but the decision to do it.

When you really start exercising, you will find that it is too cured!

A while ago, there was a way to exercise while playing mobile phones on the Internet:

You can lie on your stomach and lie down, paralyzed in various positions, as long as you move your legs, it looks relaxed.

But the people who really tried it said this:

"I don’t want to move after two moves. I want to play with my mobile phone quietly."

"As soon as I lie in bed, I really don’t want to move."

"I have to raise my mobile phone, my arm is too tired …"

It doesn’t take long or much trouble to exercise in a down-to-earth manner. On the contrary, the more you think about being lazy and don’t want to move, the harder it will be to move in the future.

Sometimes, fatigue is not the amount of activity, but perhaps nothing.

Sometimes, it is not because you are tired that you lie down, but because you lie down.

Fatigue and burnout have long been a modern disease.

I have seen a post: "What kind of experience is it to exercise for an hour every day?"

Answer that the Lord goes to work normally every day, and he is indescribably tired, even when he returns home.

He is introverted. He can either go to the bookstore on weekends, play games, and occasionally get together for dinner, all of which can be done for half a day.

However, his physical foundation is already thin, and with high-intensity work, it is almost impossible to cope easily.

Until he made up his mind and set himself an exercise plan.

Practice bench press, back pull and leg flexion and extension.

There is an action called Dumbbell Flying Birds, which requires lying on a stool, stepping on the floor with two feet and reaching out with dumbbells in both hands. It is very standard to do it.

He persisted for 10 months, got rid of fat and got abdominal muscles, and the whole person changed.

The diet is more and more regular, and when I get home every day, my face is no longer tired.

After exercising, I found that those things that once tired him to death were nothing more than that. Besides work, I could do things I like, fall in love, and do a lot.

It used to be said that if you don’t die, you won’t die, and if you don’t shout tired, you won’t be tired. Later, I found out that those tired reactions are all your real physical state.

Enough physical strength, fatigue won’t last long.

Never stop until you like sports.

When you feel the thrill of exercise, you don’t want to stop, especially when you taste the sweetness.

After all, this is the best relaxation.

People who exercise for a long time can easily understand:My brain has become clear.

This is not a coincidence, but a necessity.

A study in the United States shows that,

Middle-aged people do 75 minutes of moderate and high-intensity exercise every week, which is very effective in promoting brain health and maintaining brain structure.

The risk of brain lesions and cerebral infarction in old age will also be greatly reduced.

The most direct benefit is to do things more smoothly.

The amount of information we receive every day is huge, which is difficult for our brains to digest.

When reading a book, I can’t concentrate. After watching a small video for 3 seconds, I unconsciously want to cross it away, let alone really meet something, which requires deep thinking.

The brain is like every part of the body. If you use it too hard at a time, it will strike.

It will become stronger with constant exercise.

Tao Hong, an actor, accidentally entered the show business at the age of 22. He just made a play and was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with full marks. She is the first student to get full marks in Chinese opera.

Before she was 30 years old, she became the winner of the Golden Rooster Award and the China Watch Award.

When she retired, she was silent. Two years ago, a film "Little Joy" became a big fire again. Even Bo Huang praised her: "She is a very smart person."

She was on the synchronized swimming team when she was very young. Even after retiring as an actress, she often practiced water yoga. Pilates, morning running, never broken.

After exercise, everything is easy to do.

If you don’t think it’s enough, you can look at Academician Zhong Nanshan, now 85 years old, who is still fighting against the epidemic when Delta virus spreads.

He fought against SARS at the age of 67 and studied COVID-19 in recent two years. His mind never stopped.

In these years, he is either treating people or on his way to treat them.

He also exercises three times a week for decades to make his brain run at high speed.

Even when he is on a business trip, he will take a stretcher and do some simple exercise. There are dumbbells and treadmills at home, and everything is available.

There is no one with a simple mind, developed limbs and a truly developed mind, and the limbs will never be simple.

Envy others’ Excellence, envy others’ ease, but I don’t know that kung fu is behind me.

Living clearly and working clearly are all in sports, which has created a strong mind.

The exercise you are doing now has surprises waiting for you in the future.

When a person is tired physically, he can rest, his brain is tired, and he can relax, most afraid of being tired.

Your state of mind directly determines your state.

Psychology has long been studied, and people who exercise regularly are much less likely to suffer from depression.

For everyone who works hard, the mentality is something that can be adjusted.

Some netizens shared her experience when she was unemployed, and she could collapse at any little thing.

A colleague who squeezed her out everywhere before leaving her job was promoted to the leadership. She was treated as an idiot and made a particularly unpleasant noise before leaving.

She was depressed for a time, so she didn’t look for a job. She was too scared to sleep at night and had to turn on the light.

Occasionally drinking with friends, and staring at the ceiling all night when I come back, I repeatedly doubt myself.

At that time, there was a reality show in the workplace on TV. In the camera, the boy asked the leader, "Am I really bad?"

She sat on the sofa and immediately burst into tears.

It was really difficult to start exercising. She got up the courage to run downstairs, climbed the stairs back and forth with her fat, and soon she gasped and often felt depressed.

Slowly, she began to adapt, increased exercise and went to the gym to practice.

She finally came out of the emotional black hole, and she could meditate by herself, find something to do, and began to enjoy the loneliness of doing nothing every minute.

Even the diet became regular, and she began to cook rich meals for herself, rewarding herself and enjoying every good weather.

When she is alone, she is also in the mood to read books and watch movies, and often makes videos to record her life. She also bought a full set of review materials, and finally had time to read the business English certificate that she had always wanted to take.

When you are at the bottom, you have to fend for yourself.

Doing happy things and thinking from different angles is superficial and most direct, and it depends on exercise.

Dopamine produced by exercise can help you.

Sweating, or the same dilemma, but you unconsciously completed the adjustment.

You don’t have to force yourself to smile, but you have a smile unconsciously.

The fashion blogger @ 发发发发发 said that every day, someone asked her how to stick to sports punching, but in her opinion, only those who don’t like it need to stick to it.

Exercise is just like eating and sleeping, even more enjoyable.

With the good mood gained in sports, even the unhappiness of life can be swept away.

Before we go to the gym, there are always countless hesitations: "It’s raining, it’s too hot, it’s troublesome to work overtime today, have dinner at night and change into sportswear, and the equipment is not ready yet …"

But if you ask those who exercise regularly, they only have one sentence: "Put on your running shoes and set off."

Exercise should not be a kind of suffering.

When the sweat comes down, you will cure all the fatigue, and your body, mind and mood will gradually improve.

Exercise is an investment with the highest rate of return and will not regret it.

Because when you love sports, happiness will love you.

Take the first step and experience a real relaxation.

author | yew, born in 1990, is an iron lady, whose pen can turn into a knife, and her eyebrows and eyes are smiling.

picture | vision china

Fashion says: wearing the end is an eternal topic.

#2023 Creative Challenge #

Fashion says: wear the end

Fashion is an eternal topic, and everyone wants to wear their own style and personality. However, in the process of wearing, we also need to know some basic principles and the end of wearing, in order to really wear our own style.

1. The end of the coat is solid color. A simple solid color coat can be matched with all kinds of clothes and occasions, which is very versatile, and it is also a necessary item to maintain a professional image.

2. The end of jewelry is gold. The texture and temperament of gold can highlight your personality and taste, and it is also a way to show your economic strength.

3. The end of skin care is minimalism. Simple skin care steps and ingredients can ensure the health and hydration of the skin and avoid the burden of too many ingredients on the skin.

4. The end of hairdressing is black and straight. Black long straight hairstyle has always been one of the classic styles, which can highlight the beauty and mystery of women, and it is also easier to take care of.

5. The end of the sweater is white. White sweater is simple and stylish, and can be matched with various trousers and shoes to make your wearing more diversified.

6. The end of the sweater is white. The white sweater is simple and atmospheric, and can be matched with all kinds of short skirts and jeans to keep you fashionable in winter without losing the warmth.

7. Cowboys are at the end of trousers. Jeans are classic items to wear. They can be simply matched with T-shirts and sneakers, or they can be advanced with shirts and shoes to make your wear more diversified.

8. The end of the long down is black. Black long down can keep you warm and fashionable in winter without losing a sense of high class.

9. The end of the short down is white. White short down is classic and atmospheric, and can be matched with all kinds of trousers and shoes to keep you fashionable in winter without losing a sense of simplicity.

10. The end of the trench coat is khaki. Khaki windbreaker can be matched with all kinds of suits and trousers, which can not only maintain professional image, but also show your fashion taste.

11. The end of fashion is Xiaoxiangfeng. Xiaoxiang style is one of the classics in the fashion world. It is simple and elegant, allowing you to show your taste and style in the workplace and daily life.

12. At the end of the national wind is the cheongsam. Cheongsam is a traditional fashion item in China, simple and atmospheric, which can show your elegance and China cultural heritage.

13. The ends of sports shoes are black and white. Black and white sports shoes are very popular in sports and daily wear, simple and atmospheric, and can be matched with various clothes and occasions.

14. The end of the lotus leaf is pink. Pink flounced clothes are very suitable for women to wear, simple and elegant, which can show women’s femininity and charm.

15. The ends of high heels are red. Red high heels can not only enhance women’s temperament and self-confidence, but also become the highlight and finishing touch of personality collocation.

16. The end of casual shoes is a wild color. Joker-colored casual shoes are suitable for various occasions and wearing styles, so that you can keep a relaxed state.

17. The end of the cotton coat is orange. Orange cotton-padded clothes are very suitable for men to wear, simple and atmospheric, and can be matched with all kinds of trousers and shoes.

18. The end of the leather coat is black. Black leather coat not only has a sense of fashion and personality, but also can enhance your male charm and courage.

19. The dress ends with a V-neck. V-neck dress can show the elegance and beauty of women, and at the same time make your waist line more prominent.

20. At the end of the coat is a fur collar. A fur collar style coat can keep warm and temperament in winter, making you more elegant and fashionable to wear.

21. The end of the turtleneck is black. Black turtleneck can keep you warm and fashionable in winter, without losing a sense of high class.

22. The end of a solid T-shirt is white. A white T-shirt can be matched with all kinds of trousers and shoes, which can be simple and show your fashion taste.

23. The short-sleeved shirt has a bow tie at the end. Bow tie shirts can not only enhance men’s temperament and charm, but also make you look more decent and generous at family gatherings and banquets.

24. The end of the vest is black. Black vest can be used with all kinds of clothes and occasions, which can not only maintain the sense of youth but also show your maturity and stability.

25. The end of the hat is black. Black hat can be matched with all kinds of clothes and shoes, which can not only beautify your appearance, but also keep you warm in winter.

26. The glasses have a black frame at the end. Black-rimmed glasses can show your intellectuality and professionalism, and at the same time beautify your appearance.

27. The end of fruity lipstick is nude. Naked lipstick is simple and atmospheric, which allows you to show your elegance and beauty on any occasion.

28. The end of the small leather bag is black. Small black leather bags can be matched with various occasions and clothes, which can not only facilitate carrying items, but also show your sense of fashion and taste.

29. The end of the big bag is brown. Brown bags can be matched with all kinds of clothes and occasions, which can not only hold more items, but also show you a sense of fashion and atmosphere.

30. The ends of trousers are black. Black trousers can be matched with various occasions and clothes, which can not only show your professional image and professionalism, but also make you feel comfortable and comfortable in your daily life.

# Pay attention to high-grade sense of wearing # # Wear aesthetic dispute # # Fashion top-grade wear # # High-grade sense of overlapping wear sharing # # Share winter dress # # Fashionable fine wear cheats # # Autumn and winter atmosphere wear # # Pragmatic wear # # Autumn and winter fashion expensive sense # # Dress style innovation #

#2023 Creative Challenge #