When it comes to reading, I really have a phobia of dense sentences.

  Photo courtesy of vision china

  "Golden Sentence" is not the product of the author’s feeding, but the reader’s participation.

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  Some children often tell me that books are classics, and they are often disappointed after reading them. After reading them for most of the day, they can’t read the "golden sentences" worth underlining and extracting. Or read a "golden sentence" and be attracted by a book, but after reading it, I found that there are too few golden sentences like this in the book, and I feel fooled. I know that many people love this "golden sentence-driven" reading. What I want to say is that this utilitarian reading is not a good way to absorb knowledge and nutrition. Searching for chapters and extracting sentences, swallowing the fragmented golden sentences alive, is not immersed in the overall content, and the efficiency is actually very low, which wastes time and good books and reading.

  "Golden Sentence" is often a "leap generalization" after a long period of material preparation and solid demonstration. For example, Adorno said: In a mass society that follows the crowd, idolatry is often manipulated in a "pseudo-personalized" way, which hides the standardization and identity of the cultural industry itself. Is this sentence "golden sentence" enough? However, it is not isolated. Only by carefully reading the previous foreshadowing and argumentation can this conclusion be logical and theoretically active. After this process, "Golden Sentence" can enter your knowledge system and become an active thought, which allows you to call freely when writing and support your output. Otherwise, the source is separated, only this sentence is extracted as a golden sentence, and the illusion of memory is formed in the notebook, which will soon become a forgotten "dead dogma."

  Professor Liu Qing also said: Our traditional academic education emphasizes that knowledge should be systematic, have complete structure and logical connection, etc., while young people prefer rich and fragmented knowledge and feelings, so they like "golden sentences". In my opinion, a more flashing sentence, which appears after the overall discussion, has a context.

  Without understanding a sentence in the knowledge system and overall outlook, that kind of "golden sentence" can’t "know". Sociologist Andrew Abbott distinguishes between "knowledge" and "knowing". "Knowledge" is a result of "knowing", and the important thing is the process of "knowing". Abbott commented: most of the students I teach think that knowing something is knowing a website. The main mode of their knowledge is to "find". For them, "reading Adam Smith" means looking for five or six sentences that are really important in each chapter. They don’t understand that the rest of Adam Smith’s sentences contain arguments and arguments, which he used to produce and defend the key parts of these students. For students, reading is just browsing outside the internet. It is an exercise to filter out the unimportant idle parts and find out the really important things. They don’t actually believe in ideas, they believe in fragmented content. For them, Smith’s theory is not an argument, but a fixed content.

  Abbott actually criticized this kind of "golden sentence-driven" reading. A book just wants to sum up a few "central ideas", "paragraphs" and "key conclusions", which can spare me the pain of "reading those idle contents". This kind of filtering and screening, as long as those "fragments of golden sentences" have not actually read or understood a book at all, the golden sentences naturally have not entered the knowledge storage that one can call freely. On the surface, I read a lot of books, but my brain is empty!

  I have always felt that "golden sentence" is not only the result of the author’s hard argument, but also a kind of reading reward for readers to immerse themselves in a book and suddenly become enlightened after tossing and turning. In other words, "golden sentence" is not the product of the author’s feeding, but the reader’s participation. Enter the author’s theoretical framework, immerse yourself in his logic, read through, read through, read the author’s deep meaning, read the logical connection, read the thought corresponding to reality, and understand a long-standing puzzle, and the "golden sentence" comes out. A "golden sentence" truly deposited in one’s own knowledge system must contain one’s own thoughts in the dialogue. I read Weber’s exposition on tool rationality and value rationality, but I didn’t read it before. But during that time, there were many events in the news that "people were regarded as tools" and "formalism bureaucracy only looked at procedures regardless of human life", and I realized that tools crushed value and realized the golden sentence connotation that "because there is a long chain between their actions and results, their moral consciousness will be blurred, which will lead to moral blindness".

  Reading is a kind of dialogue and generation, which needs to be immersed. "Golden Sentence" is an ideological reward for immersed reading, not a "essence" that can be extracted separately. That kind of extracted essence, mindless "value", is often just a marketing strategy. A famous scholar talked about the "three laws of bestsellers": first, tell what you already know in a way you don’t know; Second, repeat the statement just now and give some examples; Third, repeat the summary and you will succeed. Those golden sentences about a book, such as chicken soup and sales promotion, are mostly tailored for people who don’t study. They are just "telling what you already know in a way you don’t know", just a truth that you agree with, that you are familiar with and understand, and that’s all.

  When I study, I have a phobia of golden sentences. It’s all golden sentences. How can I stand it? The golden sentence is a "leap generalization" after a long argument, and it is a wonderful pen to make the finishing point. It’s all golden sentences, which shows that there is no argument and reason at all, and it’s all chicken soup-like, catering to you and clever conclusions. Just like the flashy PPT, it is full of "beautiful words that are nice but vague". It’s more like some fake comments. It sounds like a lot of words, and it seems that there are many golden sentences, and there is nothing but empty parallelism and superficial rhyme. The public opinion field is full of such swindlers. When they encounter something they don’t understand, they can fool them by saying a bunch of "beautiful words", so they are mystifying and euphemistic.

  I don’t like that kind of "looking for standard answers" reading either. If the contents of the book are regarded as "answers that can be copied", it is still exam-oriented thinking and there is no nutrition. A good book can arouse thinking, and it is the thought agitation brought by that argumentation process that challenges some common sense, inspires some new ideas and brings some wisdom. What is wisdom? If intelligence points to a standard answer, intellectual knowledge is a kind of ability to "turn the answer into a question", which is a kind of advanced literacy, which can push thinking to a higher conceptual level and move towards transparent wisdom in new questions.

  Yes, the better the book, the more you can’t get the "standard answer" from it, but it can produce many problems, which can help you get rid of the "uncertainty of ignorance", challenge most of the "taken for granted" and "self-evident" hidden in your thinking, and move towards the realm of critical thinking after experiencing "multiple chaos".

  Mr. He Zhaowu said in "A Record of Going to School": "Reading doesn’t have to have a purpose, and it’s better to have no purpose. Reading is an end in itself. Reading brings inner satisfaction, just like a spiritual roaming. In the eyes of others, it is of no value to travel for a day, but for me, the process itself is the greatest value. " Well, reading is by no means utilitarian, quick-paced, lively and immediate, but I also feel that reading will never fail you, enjoy the process, precipitate thinking, and will always nourish you at some time and somewhere.

  Ling Cao

Hankook Tire has been recognized by many parties together with DTM for the first time.

    Strong return is highly anticipated.

    n With high-performance and high-quality products and strong on-site technical support, Hankook Tire sponsored.DTMThe first year was affirmed by many parties.

    n Drawing on the experience of top-level events, Hankook Tire continuously improves the quality and performance of its products.

    (Shanghai, China)2011year10moon27Day)On October 23, 2011, the 2011 German Touring Car Masters (DTM), one of the highest-level touring car races in the world, ended the final battle in Hockenheim, Germany. As the exclusive tire supplier of DTM, Hankook Tire has drawn a successful conclusion for its first year sponsorship work with high-performance and high-quality products and strong technical support on site. BMW, which will return to DTM strongly next year, also brought its latest racing car to the scene, making 2012 DTM highly anticipated.

    Hankook Tire won many praises.

    As the first time to join hands with DTM, Hankook Tire’s outstanding performance throughout the season is obvious to all. From the gravel road surface in Zan Dewater, the Netherlands to the rainy and slippery road surface in Hockenheim Norris, the Ventus series of racing tires accompany drivers through all kinds of difficult tracks and bad weather, and maximize the performance of the car. At the same time, the high balance of handling, stability and safety of Hankook tires has also been greatly appreciated by drivers, and has been recognized and trusted by organizers and teams.

    "Hankook Tire has provided excellent products and efficient support team for the team. Although it is the first time to cooperate, I give them the highest evaluation". Hans &bull, Chairman of ITR e.V, the event organization association responsible for organizing and promoting DTM; Werner • Hans Werner Aufrecht said. At the same time, Hankook Tire’s consistently excellent performance has also won high recognition from the team leader.

    "I am very happy to be able to join hands with two top automobile brands in the world, and achieve stable performance and zero failure achievements throughout the year. By participating in DTM, the world’s top race, we have gained very valuable tire track experience, and applying it to the research and development of daily tires is the driving force for our persistent participation in DTM and other top races, "said Manfred Sandbichler, executive director of Hankook Tire Race." The end of this season means a brand-new beginning of the 2012 season, and we look forward to the wonderful performance of BMW, another top automobile brand newly added in 2012. Hankook Tire will provide the three top automobile brands in the world with the same high performance and performance at a higher level.

    Audi drivers win the annual championshipBMW returns strongly.2012 DTM

    On October 23rd, witnessed by 120,000 spectators, Jamie Green, the Mercedes-Benz driver, was the first to cross the finish line in Hockenheim and won the last race of DTM. At this point, the annual total score ranking of the 2011 season has also surfaced. Audi driver Martin Tomczyk won the drivers’ championship with an absolute advantage of 72 points, while Audi driver Mattias Ekstr?m and Mercedes-Benz driver spangler finished second and third respectively. The same high-profile team championship was won by Audi.

    Looking back on the competition of DTM in 2011 (a total of 10 races), the contest between Audi and Mercedes-Benz was full of twists and turns. Mercedes-Benz camp gained absolute advantage at the beginning of the season, but with the Audi camp’s comprehensive attack, its drivers successively won the drivers’ championships in the seventh and eighth races, and the situation showed a dramatic reversal — — In the end, the Audi ABT team "came from behind" and became the final winner.

    With excellent driving skills and fighting spirit, Tom Zeke, who won the annual championship in deus ex, has undoubtedly become the biggest dark horse this season. The strategy of "striving for progress steadily" earned him points in every race. In addition, he successfully won three races and only one pole position in Sielberg, Austria, so that he finally won the driver’s championship. In addition, as the champion of Audi, the veteran Ashton also performed well, winning three championships and one runner-up in the second half of the season, catching up with spangler, the strong rival of Mercedes-Benz.

    In addition, Hankook Tire’s Best PIT stop (tire changing and gas station in the race) award specially set up in DTM to reward the efficient and high-speed team support team was also won by Audi Phoenix team, and the Audi camp can be described as a bumper harvest this season.

    It is reported that after 18 years away from DTM, BMW will return to DTM in the 2012 season. After completing the test of Hankook tire, BMW expressed great satisfaction and looked forward to the cooperation next year. At the same time, China and Shanghai may once again become one of the DTM substations since 2010, which makes China racing fans have more expectations.


    Third runner-up of the year: Audi driver Tom Zeke (middle) and Ashton (left) and Mercedes-Benz driver spangler (right)


    Last stop champion: Mercedes-Benz driver Green

    About Hankook Tire Co., Ltd.

    Hankook Tire (CEO: Xu Chenghe), the seventh largest tire manufacturing company in the world, is also one of the fastest growing radial tire manufacturers for passenger cars, light trucks (SUVs, RVs, etc.), trucks and buses. Hankook Tire’s five R&D centers around the world are dedicated to developing cutting-edge technologies, and the annual R&D expenditure accounts for 5% of the total revenue, constantly improving customer satisfaction through high-quality products. Hankook Tire has a sales network in 180 countries around the world, with more than 16,000 employees. Nearly 80% of the company’s annual income comes from increasingly mature overseas markets.

    For more information, please visit Hankook Tire Chinese website: www.hankooktire.com.cn.

In 2023, Beijing municipal social football fans watched the game: Feel the diverse charm of football.

BEIJING, Beijing, October 31 (Xinhua) In 2023, the fans’ watching activities of Beijing municipal social football activities were successfully held in Beijing Manchester United Dream Theater recently. Through a variety of football activities, fans and friends felt the fun brought by football.

The event was hosted by Beijing Social Sports Management Center and undertaken by Beijing Football Association. The fans’ watching activities are led by the government, with the community as the main body, aiming at integrating the participation of resources in football characteristic venues, integrating football matches, mass entertainment, parent-child interaction and other forms, so that citizens and friends can feel the charm of high-standard football matches.

At the event site, fans and friends experienced a variety of watching content. A series of simulation training facilities seem to bring fans and friends to the green field: "AR Football Experience Equipment" helps football lovers improve their practical skills such as dribbling, passing and shooting through technology; "Table football" has exercised the fans’ overall overall view of the football experience; "Under-table football" improves the ball control ability under the feet in a limited space by playing against two people.

Many fans also invited friends to play indoor 3v3 football matches to simulate team struggle on the pitch. A fan who participated in the event said that through a variety of football series activities, he enjoyed the top football matches with everyone and felt the fun brought by football together.

In 2023, Beijing municipal social football fans watched the game. Photo: Provided by the event organizer

In addition, fans and friends can also watch many European giants’ games on the spot. It is reported that there have been many watching games such as "Manchester United vs Crystal Palace", "Manchester United vs brentford", "Barcelona vs Real Madrid", "Chicago Flame vs Miami International" and "Manchester United vs Manchester City".

According to the organizer, at present, there have been seven football fans’ watching activities at the municipal level in Beijing. The purpose of the football fans’ watching activities is to provide professional services, and through the combination of various experience facilities and watching games, a good watching environment is created for the fans, so that citizens and friends can feel the charm of high-standard football matches, thus promoting the healthy development of football. (End)



    Source: Oriental Morning Post 

Profile photo: On the afternoon of May 24, 2006, the Shanghai traffic police towed the accident vehicle away from the scene of the accident.

   Yesterday (17th), after the article "Judicial Appraisal Says Shanghai Audi Car Crashes Nine People in a Row Due to Driver’s Illusion" went online, some netizens questioned the judicial appraisal that "the driver was in a’ delusional outburst’ at the time of the crime". To this end, the reporter once again investigated this incident.

    At 5: 30 pm yesterday, Min Yinlong, director of the Judicial Appraisal Center of East China University of Political Science and Law, was interviewed by a reporter in the office of the center, and showed the reporter the appraisal certificate of Huazheng Forensic Medicine [2006] No.086 with more than 5,000 words made on June 10.

    "In the afternoon, we received a lot of phone calls from readers, and some of them hung up without waiting for us to speak." Min Yinlong said, "There must be something fishy in it", "What background does this guy have" and "Aren’t you afraid of smashing your own brand in this appraisal?" He was puzzled by the speculation and accusations that came upon him.

     About judicial expertise

    Not disturbed by other factors

    "The appraisal of this case was entrusted by Huangpu Public Security Bureau to evaluate Li Wei’s mental state appraisal and criminal responsibility ability. We have never received so-called’ special instructions’ and’ greetings’, nor have we been under any pressure, and the identity background of the appraiser is nothing special." Min Yinlong said. The reporter saw that the appraisal book showed that Li Wei, a 33-year-old appraiser, was from Harbin, with a junior high school education, and an employee of a real estate company in Shanghai.

    Min Yinlong told reporters that the judicial appraisal of mental illness includes five major parts: the entrusted institution States the general situation of the incident; Family members, etc. provide a summary of the medical history of the appraiser; Inspection: the appraiser communicates with the appraiser, judges his reaction ability according to the response, investigates the relatives, friends, neighbors and colleagues of the appraiser, and understands his interpersonal relationship, life and work, etc. Explain the test results according to the comprehensive analysis of objective indicators; Finally, the appraisal conclusion is made.

    "If you have any objection to our appraisal conclusion, you can apply to the Municipal Judicial Appraisal Expert Committee for review." Min Yinlong said that in this case, the Legislative Affairs Office of the Municipal Public Security Bureau also made a special trip to the center to learn about the situation from two forensic experts.

    "Such a major case is not a joke." Yesterday afternoon, Qian Yulin, the chief physician of the case appraiser who was on a business trip in Anhui, repeatedly said in an interview with reporters on the phone, "There is no interference from other factors in the appraisal process, and we have never brought any affair."

    Qian Yulin said that the general judicial expertise has two or three pages and about 1,000 words, while the expertise in this case has six pages and more than 5,000 words, and the final appraisal conclusion has also been recognized by the entrusting organ Huangpu Public Security Bureau.

     About the identity of the driver

    Really a full-time driver

    Yesterday, after many investigations, the reporter found that Li Wei is 33 years old, from Harbin, with a junior high school education. By 2005, he had been working in Harbin without military service. After coming to Shanghai this year, I have been working in Shanghai Xintianyuan Real Estate Company as a boss’s full-time driver.

    According to the ID card provided by Li Wei, his home address in Harbin is No.6, North Qidao Street, Anyang, Daoli District, Harbin. The reporter contacted the Kang ‘an Police Station of Harbin Public Security Bureau again, and the other party said that the address had been relocated as early as 2003. At present, a commercial house named "Haifu Kangcheng" has been built here. The original residents are in the process of moving back, but Li Wei’s family cannot be directly contacted.

    Identification basis: the driver of the accident was delusional and was chased and called 110.

    Qian Yulin, the chief physician of the appraiser in the case of "Audi car hitting 9 people in a row", said that Li Wei’s appraisal was jointly completed by him and Qin Shiyong, the deputy chief physician. Qian Yulin, 66, has more than 20 years of practical experience in psychiatric judicial expertise, and Qin Shiyong, 70, has also been engaged in this expertise for more than ten years.

    "He is a very typical severe mental patient." Qian Yulin recalled to reporters a lot of incredible, ambiguous and even logically contradictory fragments in his communication with Li Wei.

  Constantly searching his girlfriend’s hair and nails

    According to the analysis in the fourth part of the appraisal report, Li Wei became a full-time driver of a company boss after coming to Shanghai. One week before the incident, Li unreasonably suspected that his girlfriend was taking drugs, constantly searched his girlfriend’s hair, nails, etc., and rummaged through the car where his girlfriend had been sitting and the place of residence to search for drugs. He inexplicably suspected that drugs were hidden between the cracks in the floor tiles, and because of his girlfriend’s walking posture, facial expression, toilet use time and other daily details, he unreasonably inferred that she was taking drugs and firmly believed it.

    Illusion girlfriend sent someone to kill herself.

    According to the analysis, on the day of the crime, Li Wei began to be nervous because he couldn’t dial his girlfriend’s cell phone and the phone number of his residence. He suspected that his girlfriend knew that he was taking drugs and reported the case to the public security organ, which was not good for him. Then, Li Wei began to feel that there were many motorcycles and cars following him while driving, so he was highly nervous and afraid. He thought that his girlfriend had assigned others to follow him and his personal life was greatly threatened.

  Dare not drink mineral water

    The appraisal also excerpted the work of Huangpu Public Security Bureau on June 2: "… During the trial, Li Wei asked for water, and the police immediately used disposable cups to get him a cup of pure water, but he said that there was sediment in the water and he could not drink it. The police changed the second cup for him, but he still thought there was something in the cup and didn’t want to drink it. To this end, the police bought two bottles of mineral water for him. Before he opened the bottle cap, he carefully looked at the light, and at the same time squeezed the mineral water bottle to see if there was any leakage, and he was reluctant to drink mineral water. "

  I dialed 110 when I was "hunted"

    In the process of identification, one detail was considered the most critical by Qian Yulin: Li Wei once said that he had called 110 while fleeing. Three times before and after, he claimed that he was being chased by others, and he was very scared and asked for more police to protect him. The police record of Public Security 110 was indeed consistent with his description.

  background for news stories

    What is "paranoia"

    Professor Zhu Rongshen, director of psychiatry and medical psychology in the first clinical department of Tongji University School of Medicine, gave the concept of "paranoia" yesterday: it is a distorted belief, pathological reasoning and judgment based on pathology. Although these beliefs and reasoning judgments do not conform to the education level of patients, patients firmly believe in them and cannot be persuaded or corrected by personal experience and experience.

    "Sudden attack" is a selective attack, and the patient is completely normal when he is outside the delusion core. Therefore, the disease belongs to a deeply hidden mental disease that is difficult for patients to find under normal circumstances.

    Professor Zhu once received such patients. He told reporters that such people are prone to auditory hallucinations and hallucinations. Even some people think that they are being tracked by satellite positioning system, and the delusions are generally related to personal experience, social and cultural background. Lee? /Chen Chaoqun

  If you are mentally ill, you will lose your driver’s license.

    The reporter learned from the relevant departments that according to the relevant regulations, anyone who suffers from mental illness and other diseases that hinder the safe driving of motor vehicles can’t get a driver’s license, and after a normal person gets a driver’s license, his driver’s license will also be cancelled.

    According to the provisions of Article 22 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, people who suffer from diseases that hinder the safe driving of motor vehicles are not allowed to drive motor vehicles. After a normal person suffers from mental illness, first of all, the driver and his family should contact the traffic control department in time. "This is also a guarantee for the safety of himself and others", and the traffic management department will cancel his driver’s license in time to prevent traffic safety from being affected. When the police find abnormal situations in the course of duty, they will also check the driver to ensure the driver’s safe driving.

    In addition, according to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Public Security, motor vehicle drivers need to go to the traffic control department under the jurisdiction of the driver’s license for regular inspection. The contents of regular inspection of motor vehicle driver’s license by public security traffic management department are: the physical condition of motor vehicle driver and the accumulated points of traffic violations. (Reporter Yang Jiehe and Zhang Ling Gu Wenjian Cheng Jia)

Editor: Chang Yan

The last solar term in autumn is coming!

There are bones in the autumn mountains,

First frost has no trace of water.

Heaven and earth are for chanting,

Haze is intoxicating.

At 12: 51 today

We welcome the first frost solar terms.

This is the last solar term in autumn.

The climate changed from cool to cold.

Everything grows bleak with the cold.

First frost is the beginning of the transition from autumn to winter.

The weather is getting colder.

First frost appears

The vegetation began to yellow.

Autumn will go,

Winter is coming,

Do you feel it?

What are the customs of "first frost"?

What is "first frost Third Waiting"?

What does "first frost Three Preventions" mean?


1. What is "first frost Third Waiting"?

Jackals sacrifice animals.

Jackal’s jackal

Common name "jackal"

First frost risha beast exhibition

The ancients said it was "a sacrifice to autumn gold"

It’s also a ceremony for parting in autumn.

Yellow fall of vegetation

Wood leaves fall

Sassy air drying

Winter is coming

The stinging insect is salty and prone.

"salty" is all.

"Bowing" means bowing your head.

Lie down instead of eating.

Is hibernation.

The above excerpt is from Micro-reading Solar Terms (by Zhu Wei).

2. What does "first frost Three Preventions" mean?

First, prevent autumn dryness

As the last solar term in autumn, the weather in first frost is getting colder, and autumn dryness is obvious, which is prone to dry mouth, dry lips, dry throat, constipation, dry skin and other phenomena, and dryness is easy to hurt body fluids.

Second, prevent autumn depression

In late autumn, the weather is getting colder, the plants are yellow, the leaves and fruits are falling, and everything is bleak, which is easy to cause anxiety and make people depressed and depressed.

Three defenses against autumn cold

During the solar term in first frost, the temperature drops suddenly, and the elderly are prone to suffer from "old cold legs" and other diseases, and chronic bronchitis is also prone to relapse or aggravation, which is also the peak period for the recurrence of chronic gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcer. This time node is no longer suitable for "autumn freezing". For the elderly and children with poor resistance, clothes should be increased or decreased on time, so as to avoid the invasion of damp and cold pathogens and lead to illness.

3. How to maintain health in first frost season?

"salt water in the morning, honey soup in the evening"

The main climate feature of autumn is dryness, but drinking boiled water alone cannot completely resist the negative effects brought by autumn dryness. Drinking boiled water is easy to lose. If you add a little salt to boiled water, it is not so easy to lose. Drinking some salt water during the day and honey water at night is not only a good way to replenish human body’s water, but also a good diet for keeping in good health and resisting aging in autumn. At the same time, it can prevent constipation caused by autumn dryness, which really kills three birds with one stone.

Nourishing yin and moistening lung should be "flat"

In order to prevent autumn dryness, you can eat more foods with more sweet and cold juices, such as pears, grapefruit, sugar cane, bananas, oranges and other fruits, and vegetables can eat more carrots, white gourd, tremella, lotus roots and various bean products.

In autumn dry season, we should pay attention not to eat or eat less spicy barbecue food, such as pepper, pepper, cinnamon, ginger, onion and wine, especially ginger. These foods are hot and lose a lot of water in cooking, so they are easy to get angry after eating. Of course, it is not a big problem to use a small amount of onions, ginger and peppers as condiments. In ancient medical books, there was also such a "warning": "Don’t eat ginger in autumn within one year; Don’t eat ginger at night within one day. "

Diet and exercise are both suitable.

Autumn is the season when people are most likely to gain fat. The days are cool and the nights are long, people’s appetite is wide open, and they are comfortable to rest at night. The daily calorie intake of the human body easily exceeds the calorie consumption, so that fat is accumulated little by little. If it is not adjusted, people will gain a lot of weight after autumn and winter.

Year after year, people will soon "get fat". Therefore, it is necessary to let children pay attention to a reasonable diet, and also pay attention to strengthening physical exercise when feasting.

Grab the tail of autumn.

Enjoy the beauty of autumn again.

Continue to refuel and enrich yourself

Welcome the arrival of winter

Source: People’s Daily

Editor: Yang Liwei

Second trial: Yu Guanglin Third trial: Zhao Xiaobing.

● Yongzhou Airport 2021 winter and spring flight information is coming! More than 20 cities are free for you to fly ~ ● About a case of positive detection of new coronavirus nucleic acid in Changsha, Hunan Province ● Yongzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention released the latest announcement of personnel entering (returning) Yong ● Attention! I feel good that the electronic police equipment in these two sections of Yongzhou central city is about to be put into use. Please watch it with me. Video applet likes, tap twice to cancel like watching, tap twice to cancel watching.

Original title: "The last solar term in autumn is coming! 》

During the Spring Festival holiday, the national road traffic is generally stable and orderly. It is expected that the self-driving return traffic around the Lantern Festival will remain high.

Beijing, February 17 (Reporter Jing Wong) The reporter learned from the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security that as of 19: 00 on February 17, the road traffic safety situation in China was generally stable and orderly, and no serious road traffic accidents were reported.
According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, from February 17 to 22, due to the cold wave weather, there will be a sharp drop in temperature in most parts of China, with heavy snowstorms in parts of Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang, and small to moderate rains in eastern North China, most of Huanghuai and parts of northern South China, which will adversely affect traffic.
The Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security reminds drivers and friends to always put traffic safety first, pay close attention to the weather and road information before going out, arrange the travel time and route reasonably, and don’t drive too fast and fatigue in order to hurry.
On February 16, 2024, in Chongqing, airport employees held their posts to escort passengers back to Spring Festival travel rush.
During the Spring Festival holiday, the national road traffic was generally stable and orderly.
The Spring Festival holiday takes a long time. According to the relevant person in charge of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, people travel by car and concentrate, and the road traffic flow continues to run at a high level. From the traffic flow of 700 important passage nodes of 73 expressways monitored by the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, it is about 20% higher than that of the same period last year. Local public security traffic control departments judge and judge easily blocked road sections in advance, formulate organization and diversion plans one by one, strengthen regional police cooperation among departments, strengthen linkage and cooperation with transportation, fire rescue, medical first aid and other departments, highway maintenance, obstacle clearing and other units, strengthen patrol control and command and guidance of key time periods, key road sections and important nodes, and make every effort to unblock and ensure smooth work.
In order to ensure the road traffic safety during the Spring Festival holiday, the majority of traffic police auxiliary police stick to their posts, keep a close eye on the key sections with concentrated traffic flow and prominent hidden dangers according to the characteristics of traffic violations and accidents during the holiday, pay close attention to the three keys of source investigation, key rectification and strict road management, adhere to the combination of fixed-point duty and mobile inspection, and strictly investigate serious traffic violations such as drunk driving and "three overload and one fatigue". During the long holiday, the country dispatched 181,000 police officers and 62,000 police cars every day, started more than 4,000 traffic police law enforcement stations and set up more than 20,000 temporary duty stations.
In Hainan, in order to cope with the superposition of traffic flow on the first day of work after the holiday and Spring Festival travel rush’s departure from the island, Haikou traffic police will guide the cross-sea vehicles and local residents to avoid cross-traffic conflicts.
In view of the traffic guarantee of vehicles crossing the sea on the first day of work after the holiday and in Spring Festival travel rush, at the press conference of Qiongzhou Strait Spring Festival travel rush in Haikou City in 2024, the relevant person in charge of the traffic police detachment of Haikou Public Security Bureau introduced that in order to serve and ensure the passengers and friends to cross the sea safely and return smoothly, Haikou Public Security Traffic Police implemented measures such as separation of passenger cars and trucks, separation of cross-sea and transit lanes, classification control and diversion guidance, and went all out to unblock and ensure smoothness.
On February 17, 2024, Hebi, Henan Province, the last day of the Spring Festival holiday, people set foot on the return journey one after another.
Beijing: Line 7 does not stop, and Line 10 opens 30 minutes earlier.
In response to the large passenger flow of railways and civil aviation returning to Beijing, the reporter learned from the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission that on February 17, the Beijing Municipal Transportation Department adopted comprehensive measures such as subway delay, bus encryption, dispatching and renting (network car) to "guarantee point" transportation, and increasing airport bus capacity to ensure passengers’ connecting trips at night.
Beijing West Railway Station and Metro Line 7 take measures of non-stop and continuous operation. The operation time of Beijing West Railway Station on Metro Line 9 was extended by one hour. The operation hours of the 9, 21 and 387 originating routes are extended, and the four originating routes, including the night 14, night 22, night 23 and night 36, are arranged with mobile capacity to ensure passengers’ travel.
Beijing South Railway Station, Metro Line 14 extended the operation of Beijing South Railway Station for 1.5 hours. The operation time of Metro Line 4 is extended by one hour. On February 18th, the public transport capacity was strengthened from 1 am to 3 am, and seven spare cars were added to three night shift lines (night 15, night 17 and night 24), and high-speed rail lines were opened in due course.
Beijing Fengtai Station, on February 18th, Metro Line 10 opened 30 minutes earlier and Line 16 opened 1 hour earlier. The bus will strengthen the capacity of two high-speed rail lines at Fengtai Station at night, add 16 spare cars to the two special lines, and arrange 10 extra spare cars to be called at any time in the surrounding bus stations.
Beijing Railway Station and Metro Line 2 both extended their operation hours by 30 minutes, and opened their doors 10 minutes earlier on February 18th. Seven bus lines increase capacity.
Beijing Chaoyang Station, Metro Line 14 Dongfeng beiqiao extended its operation for 1.5 hours on the upstream and 1 hour on the downstream. Public transport increased investment in transport capacity and continued to add 10 cars, with a total of 140 cars. The capacity of the night 13 road will be increased, and the Chaoyang station will be issued. The shuttle bus from Shilibao and Hujialou to Dongdaqiao will strengthen the connection capacity to the East Third Ring Road.
In addition, the subway Daxing Airport Line was delayed for 1.5 hours, and the subway line 19 and Daxing Airport Line were delayed synchronously.
Chuzhou, Anhui Province: Charging Station in High-speed Service Area "Full Power" Escort
Official tip: refuse to take the overcrowded car and "hacker transport"
It is predicted that by the Lantern Festival, the passenger flow of self-driving return cars will remain high, and due to the cold wave weather, a new round of rainfall, snowfall and cooling will be ushered in most parts of the country, which will adversely affect the return traffic in Spring Festival travel rush.
The Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security reminds drivers that when traveling by car, they should pay close attention to the weather changes and road traffic conditions, plan and arrange their trips reasonably, and adjust their travel plans as much as possible in case of bad weather such as low temperature, freezing rain, snow, fog and dust. To drive according to the law, do not overspeed, overload passengers, fatigue driving, and drunk driving is strictly prohibited; It is necessary to be civilized and courteous, pay attention to observation and slow down at intersections. In case of slow traffic and traffic congestion, queue up in order to pass, and do not fight for the road or occupy the emergency lane; In the event of a traffic accident, it is necessary to keep in mind that "the car pulls over and people evacuate, that is, call the police" to prevent secondary accidents; Be sure to choose legal and compliant vehicles when taking passenger vehicles, refuse to take overcrowded vehicles and "hacking", and fasten your seat belts all the time.
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No physical fitness, continue to open the field! China Volleyball Association issued the regulations for the 2021 National Volleyball Championship, in October, with Jiangmen for women volleyball and Z

On July 21st, China Volleyball Association issued the competition rules for the 2021 National Volleyball Championship, which are clear, and the competition will continue to be held in a closed and open court, and there is no physical fitness test link in the rules.
According to the competition rules, the 2021 National Men’s Volleyball Championship will be held in Zhangzhou Sports Training Base, Fujian Province from October 13th to 23rd, and the Women’s Volleyball Championship will be held in Jiangmen Sports Center, Guangdong Province from October 20th to 28th. In the first stage, according to the ranking order of the 2020 National Volleyball Championship, the teams were divided into two groups, A and B, and a single round robin was held in the group. In the second stage, the eight teams that won the top four in the first stage of the group competed in a cross-match, and then competed in the semi-finals and finals respectively. According to the ranking of last year’s championships, this year’s grouping is as follows:
Men’s grouping
Women’s grouping
In the competition rules, there is no physical fitness test link that appeared in the 2020 national volleyball championship, and there is no time reserved for physical fitness test in the schedule of the event, which also proves that the physical fitness test link will disappear from the national volleyball championship.
In the 2020 National Women’s Volleyball Championship held at the end of September and the beginning of October 2020, Tianjin women’s volleyball team defeated Shandong women’s volleyball team 3-1 in the final, and won the championship.
Source of this article: A new vision of sports

This year, I went to work for 251 days, two days more than last year.

Unconsciously, the 8-day Spring Festival holiday is coming to an end, and I have to go to work for 6 days in the first week after the holiday. After going to work on Sunday, February 18th, there will be another Monday. According to the Notice of General Office of the State Council on Some Holiday Arrangements in 2024, the holiday date of this year’s Spring Festival is: February 10th to 17th, with a total of 8 days. Go to work on February 4 (Sunday) and February 18 (Sunday). It is reported that the working day in 2023 is 249 days, and the working day in 2024 is 251 days. This year, I have to go to work for 2 days more than last year.

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  Come to New Year this year.

  In addition to friends and family.

  There is also a cold wave from the polar regions.

  Central Meteorological Observatory at 06: 00 on January 23

  Continue to issue a cold wave blue warning

  It is expected that it will not be until the third day

  This cold wave will continue to affect our country.

  Affected by strong cold air, it is estimated that the temperature will drop by 6 ~ 10℃ in most parts of central and eastern China, by 12~14℃ in eastern Northeast China, eastern Jiangnan and northeastern South China, and by more than 16℃ in eastern Jilin from 08: 00 on January 23rd to 08: 00 on January 25th. There are 4 ~ 6 winds in the above areas, and gusts are 7 ~ 8. Some areas in western Gansu, western Inner Mongolia, northern Qinghai and Ningxia have sand or floating dust. There are 6 ~ 8 winds and 9~10 gusts in most offshore areas of China. The lowest temperature in the process appeared on the morning of 25th, and the lowest temperature 0℃ line will be located in the east of Yunnan, south of Guizhou and north of South China.

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  From 23rd to 24th (the second day and the third day of New Year’s Day), the temperatures in Northeast China, North China and East China will hit new lows after winter, and the temperature will be 6-10℃ lower than normal.

  From the early morning of January 23rd, snowflakes began to float in Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao, Baoding and many places in Beijing.

  [Snow in xiong’an new area]

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  Address: xiong’an new area Yuerong Park Source: Jishi Client

  [Snow in Tangshan]

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  Photo from Tangshan traffic police

  Hebei specific weather forecast

  [Hebei Meteorological Observatory continued to issue the blue warning signal of cold wave at 05: 00 on January 23, 2023]

  Affected by cold air, it is expected that the lowest temperature in the whole province will continue to drop tomorrow morning, with Baoding, Langfang and the south area dropping by 6 ~ 8℃, local dropping by 8 ~ 10℃ and other areas dropping by 2 ~ 5℃. Tomorrow morning, the minimum temperature in the north of Zhangjiakou and Chengde will drop to-33 ~-26℃, in Shijiazhuang, Cangzhou and the south, to-16 ~-12℃, and in other areas to-25 ~-17℃.

  [Hebei Meteorological Observatory continued to issue gale blue warning signal at 05: 00 on January 23, 2023]

  Affected by cold air, it is expected that there will be winds of 4 to 6 from north to northeast in eastern Chengde, Qinhuangdao, eastern Tangshan, Cangzhou, Hengshui, Xingtai and Handan from day to night, with gusts of 7, which will weaken to below 6 at night; There are 4 to 6 northwest winds, 7 gusts and 8 local gusts in Zhangjiakou, the central and western Chengde, the western Baoding and the western Shijiazhuang. There are 7-8 northeast winds, 9 gusts, 6-7 northwest winds and 8-9 gusts in coastal waters and coastal areas. Please take precautions!

  [Weather forecast issued by Hebei Meteorological Observatory at 05: 00 on January 23, 2023]

  Today, from day to night, scattered light snow or light snow turned cloudy in southern Langfang, Cangzhou, eastern Hengshui, western Shijiazhuang and western Xingtai, while other areas turned cloudy and sunny. The highest temperature is-25 ~-5℃ in Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao and northwest Baoding, and-4 ~ 2℃ in other areas. The lowest temperature is-33 ~-20℃ in Zhangjiakou, Chengde, northern Qinhuangdao and northwestern Baoding, among which-33 ~-26℃ in Bashang area and-19 ~-12℃ in other areas.

  Tomorrow, from day to night, the whole province will be sunny and cloudy.

  From day to night on the 25th, the northwest turned sunny and cloudy, while other areas were cloudy and sunny.

  Yesterday (22nd, New Year’s Day),

  The cold wave brings strong winds and cools down to "celebrate the New Year"!

  Today and tomorrow,

  On the 23rd (the second day) and 24th (the third day),

  The temperature in our province plummeted,

  Many places will be frozen.

  And the strong wind "assisted",

  The wind-cold effect is remarkable,

  Little friends, be sure to wear more clothes to protect yourself.

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  To sum up

  During the Spring Festival this year

  The cold in the north lasts for a long time

  It’s short but really cold in the south.

  Everyone should pay attention to cold and warmth.

  Synthesis: Website of Central Meteorological Observatory, Hebei Weather and Meteorology Beijing

[Editor in charge:


The first large-scale rain and snow countdown in 2020! It will snow in over 13 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities

Attention! Attention! Attention!
Starting from the weekend (4th)
The first large-scale rain and snow in 2020 will kick off.
This process has a wide range and a large accumulated precipitation.
Long duration.
4-5 days,North-central Shaanxi, Shanxi and HebeiEqual place
There is little to medium snow or sleet.
North-central Shaanxi, South ShanxiThere is heavy snow locally.
6-7 days,South-central Shaanxi, South Shanxi
Northern Henan and southern ShandongEqual place
There will be heavy snow or sleet.
Huanghuai, Jianghuai and Jianghan will enter rainy mode.
Rain and snow arrival schedule
Put it away! See when you get off at home.
Rain and snow arrival schedule:
Main areas: East of Southwest China, East of Northwest China to Jianghan, West of Huanghuai and West of North China.Key provinces:Central Shanxi, eastern Ningxia, western Inner Mongolia, south-central ShanxiThere may be moderate to heavy snow in the area, and there may be heavy snow in some areas.
Main areas: the eastern part of northwest China to North China and its southern part to the Yangtze River.Key provinces:North-central Shanxi, Shanxi, western Hebei, northwestern HenanThere may be medium snow and local heavy snow in the area.
Main areas: areas along the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.Key provinces:Central and southern Shaanxi, southwestern Shanxi, western Henan, northwestern Shandong, and western HubeiThere will be snowfall in the area, and there will be heavy snow and local snowstorms in high altitude areas in southwestern Shaanxi, southwestern Shanxi and western Hubei.
Main areas: southern Huanghuai, Jianghuai and northern Jiangnan.Key provinces:Eastern Henan, south-central ShandongThere may be snowfall in the area, and it is not excluded that there may be heavy snow to blizzard in some areas.
In some cities in the north
Due to the recent high temperature
This round of rain and snow is a bit "skin"
Some rain first and then turn to snow.
Some may have rain, sleet and ice particles.
Xi’an: From the afternoon of the 4th to the 7th, it turned to sleet at night on the 5th.ZhengzhouLate at night on the 4th → evening on the 7th, there may be rain, sleet and ice particles, etc. The most likely time for sleet is the daytime on the 5th and the early morning to the morning on the 7th.JinanDuring the day on the 5th → at night on the 7th, sleet will start to turn around the early morning of the 7th.Beijing: 5 th night →6 th morning, XiaoxueShijiazhuang: the morning of 5th → the night of 5th, in the snow.
It’s snowing in the north, and it’s mainly raining in the south.
Hubei, southern Henan, northern Anhui and northern Jiangsu
Eastern Chongqing and western YunnanThere is moderate to heavy rain in other places.
Due to the long time limit of forecast
The public should also pay attention to the upcoming forecast.
The rain and snow lasted for a long time this time.
Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan and Shandong provinces.
It is necessary to guard against the influence of rain and snow on aviation and road traffic.