The delivery guy comes and goes in the wind and rain, and a contract makes him feel insecure

  Takeaway has long been integrated into people’s lives, but all kinds of illegal riding by takeaway brothers have also been criticized. Retrograde, running red lights, speeding and other behaviors have brought about continuous accidents. Recently, Meituan, an outsourcing company in Gaocheng District, Shijiazhuang City, re-signed the contract for dozens of takeaway brothers. In the eyes of most riders, this contract has many unreasonable points, and the riders have come forward to analyze the problems existing in the industry: some regulations make them lack safety protection, and some situations are helpless…

  Text/Picture Yan Zhao Evening News reporter Nankai University Yu


  Signing a new contract, most delivery riders are not satisfied

  On September 25, the company asked us to sign a new contract, but many of our riders thought that this contract was unreasonable and did not pay attention to the protection of the riders. But if we don’t sign the contract, we will be fired. Many riders have no choice but to sign the contract, but they are very dissatisfied and hope that the reporter will pay attention… "

  During the National Day holiday, this newspaper’s 24-hour news hotline received a news tip. Through the phone, the reporter communicated with the lead person, Han Bing. He was a rider. During the period when the unit asked for a contract, he was recuperating due to an injury at work. As a result, on October 1, the rider, who had been working for more than a year, was directly cancelled by the company without knowing it.

  What kind of new contract is it that causes the dissatisfaction of the delivery brothers? On October 8, the reporter came to the People’s Square of Gaocheng District as scheduled. When he heard that the reporter was coming, nearly 20 local Meituan delivery riders gathered at the scene. "We all want to reflect our views on the contract. Under such a contract, we run orders in the wind and rain, but we are very unsure and insecure." A rider said.

  According to Han Bing, Meituan takeout in the central area of Gaocheng District was contracted to this outsourcing company. They had a total of 40 or 50 riders here, most of whom were full-time delivery guys, and there were also a few part-time workers. In late September, the company came up with a contract and asked all riders to sign it as soon as possible, but everyone had opinions on several items of the contract, but if they didn’t sign it, the result was dismissal.

  First of all, everyone has an opinion on the paragraph at the beginning of this labor contract. In the contract, the company is Party A, and the delivery brother is Party B. It states that "both parties A and B have reached an equal agreement and voluntarily sign this labor contract, and jointly abide by the terms listed." Mr. Rider Wu said that before the contract was sent to everyone, no one knew about it, let alone the contents of the contract, let alone equal consensus. If you don’t sign it, you will be fired, so in order to make a living, everyone has no choice but to sign it.

  Secondly, the contract requires a lot of riders. In terms of the duration of the labor contract, although it is signed for 6 months, the contract states: "Party A can terminate the labor relationship with Party B in advance according to business needs and Party B’s performance." Some riders said bluntly: "What is the difference between signing such a contract and not signing it? The company can terminate the labor relationship at any time according to the situation, so what guarantee do we have?"

  The contract also includes the following clause: "Party A will insure Party B with employer liability insurance and commercial insurance during the contract period." It seems to protect the riders’ rights and interests, but the riders said that the company deducts 45 yuan per month from their wages, saying that the unit will pay another part of the money, and then buy insurance for everyone. But the riders said that they still do not know what insurance is on, and have never seen an insurance contract, let alone signed an insurance contract.


  The injury has not healed, and some rider accounts have been cancelled by the company

  The terms of the contract made many riders feel insecure, but the company kept urging everyone to sign, but most of them signed. But Han Bing and the other two riders had their rider accounts cancelled because they didn’t sign, so they couldn’t take orders and were fired by the company.

  The accounts of the riders were cancelled by Han Bing and Mr. Hou, but Han Bing fell to avoid other trams at the start of construction in early September, and his left hand was pressed on the broken glass on the ground and sewed. During this time, Han Bing has been recuperating and recovering. "On October 1, I went to a meeting as usual and learned about the signing of the contract. At that time, I told the unit that my hand still needs to be raised for two days. I will take the contract back to take a look first, and bring the contract back after signing it. Who knew that after finishing in the morning, I found that my account was cancelled by the unit in the evening." Han Bing said.

  The same thing happened to Mr. Hou, a rider who was hospitalized with bronchitis. "I injured my foot in September, and then I was hospitalized due to bronchitis. I didn’t bother to sign the contract during my sick leave. It was also on October 1 that I found out that my account was cancelled by the unit." Mr. Hou said.

  In addition, the rider Mr. Du’s account was also cancelled. He rushed to the company to sign a contract, and the unit restored his account that afternoon, which saved his job.

  On the afternoon of the 8th, the company’s webmaster Liu said that the two were fired because they were not working for a long time. The fired rider Han Bing said that the next step will be to apply to the labor arbitration department for arbitration.


  Many practitioners violate traffic laws and injuries are commonplace

  The Internet is full of news of illegal riding by takeaway riders, and there are many cases of traffic accidents caused by takeaway brothers who rush to deliver meals. In order to strengthen the traffic management of electric vehicles in the express delivery industry, the Traffic Administration of the Ministry of Public Security held a video conference of the national public security traffic control department in March this year, and issued a proposal to express delivery industry organizations and enterprises to strengthen the traffic management of electric vehicles.

  Traffic violations such as red light running, retrograde driving, and speeding are common and disrupt urban traffic order. In this contract, there are special clauses to bind the delivery brother. The contract states that "Party B must abide by various national traffic regulations, laws, and rules when providing labor services. If there is any violation, Party B will bear the corresponding responsibility. (Special prohibition: not wearing a helmet, working under the influence of alcohol, driving a motorcycle without a license, retrograde driving, running a red light, rushing, speeding, etc.) "

  Regarding this clause, the takeaway brothers have the most words. When it comes to traffic violations, the takeaway brothers are very helpless. "This industry does not have many requirements for academic qualifications, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can earn 4,000 or 5,000 yuan a month, but we earn hard-earned money!" Many takeaway brothers said that it is common for practitioners to be injured in collisions, and some people have been in traffic accidents, but the degree of injuries varies.


  Self-analysis: The work system makes us insecure

  The rider Xiao Zhang had been working for more than a year, and he said that he had not only bumped into an electric car, but also hit a car for food delivery, and that time he lost 2,800 yuan. Xiao Hou had hurt his foot while delivering food, Xiao Du had recently injured his knees, Xiao Wu had just injured his leg in August, and Xiao Han had also injured his hand while recovering from a work injury due to dodging a tram…

  During the conversation, the reporter noticed that these takeaway brothers were injured because of the fast speed of the car during the delivery or the illegal riding in order to take a shortcut. Why must the delivery of takeout be speeding, retrograde or even running a red light? According to these riders, they have to run 500 orders a month to get a basic salary, and they can get 4 yuan for each order. Generally speaking, from 11:00 to 2:00 pm every day, and from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm are the takeout peak, but these two periods are also the traffic peak. There are many cars on the road, and the signal light time is longer. Moreover, the order is more concentrated. " Take noon as an example, we send orders electronically, and the positions of the orders sent are different. Some orders have to run more than 4 kilometers, and often three or four orders are sent at the same time. "Xiao Han said that the company stipulates that the delivery time is within 30 minutes. If three orders are sent at the same time, all three orders must be delivered within half an hour. The food is picked up at different locations, and some people have to wait for a while to arrive at the restaurant. The three orders plus the three orders must be completed within half an hour. If there is a customer complaint after the time limit, 500 yuan will be deducted if the complaint is successful, so the time is very tight, and we have no choice but to ride quickly. Wait for less red lights or take shortcuts on the road.

  According to the riders, the company often let everyone solve the accident by themselves, and even pay for it themselves. Although there are many injuries, if you are not hospitalized, you will rarely get insurance compensation. "So we usually endure minor injuries." These delivery guys said that from 6:30 in the morning to midnight, they can be seen on the streets. Whether it is windy, rainy or snowy, they cannot ask for leave in special weather. On several rainy days this summer, the delivery guys walked through tens of centimeters of water in the street to deliver food in the rain. Afterwards, many delivery guys’ trams broke down and everyone had to repair them at their own expense. These riders hope to be understood by everyone, and they look forward to more perfect rules and regulations for the delivery industry, so that the industry can be healthy, standardized and sustainable.

Ma Ma: Under the tide of "Internet +", what magic power can Tencent "+" produce?

Pony Ma, Chairperson and CEO of Tencent

  The popularity of "Internet +" is not just because it appeared in Premier Li Keqiang’s government report, but the inevitable development of the times and the general trend of the development of information technology.

  Speaking of "Internet +", Pony Ma, chairperson and chief executive of Tencent, said he first realised in 2013 that the internet was a cross-border concept. Later, the development of the Internet was at its height, and many traditional industry people then defined the Internet as something that disrupts, conflicts and replaces traditional industries. However, "things that disrupt, conflict and replace traditional industries" are not the essence of the Internet. "The Internet is a tool, and this tool should be available to any industry," he said. But the Internet is not just a tool, but a capability, a new DNA that, when combined with various industries, can give the latter new strength and regeneration ability.

????What kind of magic can the Internet "+" produce?

  Back on March 5, Premier Li Keqiang delivered a government work report and formally proposed "formulating an’Internet + ‘action plan to promote the integration of mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, etc. with modern manufacturing, promote the healthy development of e-commerce, industrial Internet and Internet finance, and guide Internet companies to expand the international market." For a time, "Internet +" became a key buzzword in major media, and the power of the Internet extended to various industries such as transportation, medical care, education, manufacturing, and agriculture.

  It can be seen from the daily life closest to the people that the Internet has unknowingly penetrated into everyone’s life. Functions such as social networking, shopping, payment, taxi hailing, car washing, and registration can almost all be realized through the Internet. The Internet is becoming one of the necessities of life on an equal footing with water and electricity. Pony Ma defines the Internet as a new information energy source. He believes that all industries can integrate "Internet +" into their own industries. If they do not do so, this industry and industry will be outdated and eliminated.

  Although "Internet +" has not been a hot word for a long time, the Internet’s changes to traditional industries continue. From a broad perspective, "Internet +" is fully radiating to the tertiary industry based on the information and communication industry, and is penetrating into the primary and secondary industries. Services such as catering, tourism, entertainment and other services have begun to move towards a mature "Internet +" development stage. At the same time, industrial Internet and agricultural modernization will bring new opportunities for the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

  In depth, "Internet +" has gradually penetrated from the link of information transmission to the links of multiple industrial chains such as manufacturing, distribution, and operation. Use information productivity to shift the scale production in the industrial age to a new production model that can meet the needs of personalized long tails. "Internet +" is penetrating from consumer goods to equipment manufacturing, energy, new materials and other industries, and will comprehensively promote the transformation of traditional industrial production methods.

  According to official data, our country’s online retail enterprises have created more than 9 million jobs, and it is expected to reach 30 million by the end of 2015. Take WeChat as an example. In 2014, WeChat stimulated 95.20 billion of information consumption, equivalent to 3.4% of China’s total information consumption in 2014, driving social employment 10.07 million people. It is expected that by the end of 2015, WeChat-driven information consumption will grow to 142.80 billion yuan. This is the magic of Internet "+", but there are more than 10 million netizens in China. The above figures are just the tip of the iceberg dug out by China’s information economy. In the future, the number of Internet "+" will continue to set new records.

????Do subtraction before addition

  For major traditional industries, compared to what the Internet can "+", they are more concerned about how to "+". An example that Ma Yun often cites is the **** between WeChat and operators about two and a half years ago. Some outsiders said that WeChat replaced text messages, which was a replacement and subversion for operators. He admitted that the pressure was very high at that time. This was the first major impact between mobile Internet and traditional communications. A year and a half ago, Internet finance attracted the attention of regulators again, and online credit cards were subsequently suspended. In the past year, Didi and Kuaidi have triggered government supervision issues in the transportation sector. There have been many collisions in the process of the integration of the Internet and traditional industries, but these collisions are not enough to stand in the way of traditional industries moving towards the Internet. In Ma Jintao’s view, the above problems are "healthy" and can be solved through discussions in various departments.

  Pony Ma said that before the "Internet +" wave came, Tencent had made the largest organizational restructuring in history three years ago to adapt to the mobile Internet and the combination of the Internet and traditional industries. Tencent abandoned the "do everything" strategy, and search, e-commerce, and some O2O and small businesses have been axed. Now, Tencent only does two things: connectors and content industries.

  In recent public occasions, Pony Ma has repeatedly explained the clear positioning of Tencent, and the most powerful backing for Tencent to become a connector that connects people, people, services, and devices is the two major platforms of QQ and WeChat. The latest data shows that WeChat has 549 million monthly active users, and more than 8 million official accounts, which are increasing at a rate of 15,000 per day. QQ’s monthly active users are 832 million, QQ space has 668 million monthly active users, and Tencent’s international users are 200 million, covering more than 200 countries and regions. It is this series of numbers that give Tencent the confidence to propose "connecting everything".

  Pony Ma said that the second thing Tencent does is the content industry, which includes news, online games, videos, literature, music, etc., and other things will be handed over to partners. In the words of Pony Ma: "Before adding, you must first subtract." Pony Ma admitted that this is also the conclusion that Tencent has come to after years of pain. Tencent will firmly be the best partner for all entrepreneurs. Just like the saying "half life": Tencent now only retains half life and gives the other half life to partners, so that an ecosystem will be formed.

????Tencent "+" has produced fruitful results in various industries

  After the two sessions this year, Tencent quickly launched the "Internet +" action. Since March 23, Tencent has signed "Internet +" strategic cooperation agreements with Henan, Chongqing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou and other provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government. And on April 29, it hosted the 2015 "Internet + China" Summit with the theme "Imperative". At this conference, Tencent launched the "Internet +" ecosystem for the first time. At this conference, 16 cities including Changsha, Wuxi and Dalian signed a strategic framework cooperation agreement with Tencent and became a member of the "Internet +" ecosystem. At present, some cities have access to WeChat city services, allowing citizens to enjoy more than 10 convenient services such as checking the weather, paying bills, booking passports, and inquiring about violations of regulations through WeChat.

  But Tencent’s eyes are not only on the field of "smart cities". In terms of medical care, nearly 100 hospitals across the country have launched WeChat full-process visits, and more than 1,200 hospitals support WeChat registration. The service has accumulated more than 3 million patients, saving more than 6 million hours for patients and greatly improving efficiency. In terms of education, Tencent has cooperated with a number of educational institutions to open Tencent classrooms, opening more than 20,000 courses for primary and secondary schools, universities, vocational education, IT training and other multi-level people, with about 73,000 people taking classes every week. In terms of finance, WeBank also began to test its first Internet credit product "Microloan" after Premier Li Keqiang issued the first batch of online loans. In addition, in various fields such as emergency management and media, Tencent is doing "Internet +" exploration.

  It is worth noting that in order to welcome the "maker era", Tencent has upgraded its open API, which has been running for nearly four years. On April 28, Tencent officially upgraded its startup base to Tencent Maker Space. Hou Xiaonan, general manager of Tencent open API, said at the summit: "Tencent hopes to integrate the power of society, integrate the alliance of venture capital, combine offline acceleration and online support, and create a three-dimensional Maker Space for entrepreneurs."

  Data from Tencent shows that the total number of open API applications has reached 2.40 million, including entertainment, life, education and other aspects. The total number of entrepreneurs has reached 5 million, covering the first to third tier cities across the country. At the same time, over 500,000 square meters of 25 Tencent Maker space has been planned to land.

  Pony Ma said: "In the new era, what Tencent needs to do is to build a ladder, that is, return to the core platform. What we can do is to provide all industries with spare parts and tools, so that they can fly higher and safer in the wave of integration with the mobile Internet." The innovative DNA brought by "Internet +" has begun to seep into various industries. I believe that the innovative seeds implanted with the "Internet +" gene will soon spread all over the country and continue to bear fruitful fruits.

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Hengchi 5 Shanghai’s first test drive, "new car builder" Hengda is ready?

On April 19, Hengda Automobile made its debut at the 2021 Shanghai International Auto Show and released nine new cars at the same time. Subsequently, Hengda Automobile held a media test ride and test drive activity at its Shanghai factory. The test drive models were blue and color-matching Hengchi 5.

The specific parameters of Hengchi’s nine cars were exposed, and the test ride experience of Hengchi 5 was good

Hengchi 5 is created by the team of international styling design master Shiro Nakamura. From the scene, Hengchi 5 has original H-shaped headlights, 21-inch oversized wheels, neat lines, dynamic color scheme, and exuding a youthful atmosphere.

The interiors of new energy vehicles have always been known for their sense of technology. After the test riders enter Hengchi 5, they can look up and see a panoramic sunroof, and in front of them is a 3D curved triplex screen. In addition, Hengchi 5 also has AR Driving augmented reality driving assistance, Tencent, Baidu dual ecosystem.

It is understood that the model has a range of up to 700km. "You can feel the outstanding design and careful workmanship of Evergrande," said the test driver.

At the morning press conference, Dai Lei, executive vice president of Hengda Automobile, who has just joined, disclosed the parameters of nine Hengchi cars: the maximum comprehensive battery life of all models is 700km, and some models exceed 800km. Among them, Hengchi’s flagship model, Hengchi 1, is the world’s first pure electric D-class flagship sedan, with a length of 5320mm, a wheelbase of 3170mm, and a battery life of 760km. The pure electric ultra-luxury B-class SUV Hengchi 9 has a length of 4810mm, a wheelbase of 2910mm, and a battery life of up to 810km.

What roads have you taken to make a car? The factory will interview for production in the fourth quarter

At a press conference in the morning, Liu Yongzhuo, president of Evergrande New Energy Vehicle Group, announced the mass production schedule. "In the fourth quarter of this year, Hengchi Automobile will fully start trial production and will be delivered on a large scale next year. In addition, power battery products with high specific energy, high safety, long life and super fast charging will also be mass-produced in the second half of this year," Liu Yongzhuo said.

Liu Yongzhuo said that the development of new energy vehicles and the promotion of peak carbon dioxide emissions and comprehensive carbon targets have been raised to the national strategy. As a world’s top 500 enterprise with 2.30 trillion total assets and 700 billion annual sales scale, Evergrande has made up its mind to enter the new energy vehicle market, and to do the best.

At the beginning of determining the car, Hengda made clear the positioning and goal of the car: Hengda Automobile will become the world’s largest and most powerful new energy vehicle group, with annual production and sales exceeding 1 million vehicles by 2025 and annual production and sales exceeding 5 million vehicles by 2035. Hengda Automobile’s core technology must be world-class, intellectual property rights must be owned independently, and product quality must be world-class.

Liu Yongzhuo said that by the end of last year, Hengda Group had invested 47.40 billion yuan in the new energy vehicle industry, of which research and development investment was as high as 24.90 billion. "Hengda Automobile already has the world’s leading core technology in the fields of chassis architecture, powertrain, battery engineering technology, intelligence, network connection, and autonomous driving," Liu Yongzhuo said.

According to the data, Hengda Automobile has established the Global Research Institute and the Academy of Intelligent Sciences, and established the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, including model research and development, vehicle technology, battery research and development, autonomous driving, intelligent networking, artificial intelligence, and intelligent communication. At present, Hengda Automobile has more than 8,700 professionals, a scientific research team of more than 3,500 people, and 20 top international experts, including Gao Jingshen, deputy general manager of GAC Toyota, Li Junxiu, former president of the battery research institute of SK Group in South Korea, and Dai Lei, a former BMW and Infiniti executive.

Mr. Liu said that Hengda’s production base would begin trial production by the end of this year. Hengda has planned and built "digital, intelligent and ecological" smart factories in accordance with Industry 4.0 standards, introduced advanced equipment and production processes from Siemens and ABB, and signed cooperation agreements with the world’s top 148 auto parts companies.

According to reports, the sales aspect mainly adopts the direct sales model, Hengda Automobile has set up 36 exhibition experience centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities, 1,600 investment sales centers, and 3,000 self-operated and authorized warranty after-sales service centers.

In the field of smart charging, Hengda Automobile and State Grid established a joint venture company "State Grid Evergrande" to focus on smart charging services in community parking spaces. At the same time, Hengda Automobile also connected the world’s largest real estate and automobile online and offline trading platform "RV Treasure". Hengda Automobile also launched the Hengchi Intelligent Network System with Tencent and Baidu, which fully integrates Hengda’s own ecosystem and gathers industry resources to achieve "car-family integration".

Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter, Bai Jinlei, Editor, Zhao Ze, Proofreader, Liu Baoqing

Geely Wangbo: To be the first Chinese brand fuel vehicle

  At the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show, Wang Bo, deputy general manager of the sales company, talked to Aika Auto. Wang Bo said that as the first model of the Galaxy series, the mission of the Galaxy L7 is to be the first choice for smart travel for Chinese family users, and to break into the first camp of China’s A-class smart electric hybrid SUVs. The following is the transcript of the conversation.


  Aika Auto: Mr. Wang, what new cars and new technologies did the brand bring to the Shanghai Auto Show?

  Wang Bo:Geely is in Hall 5.1 of this Shanghai Auto Show, bringing the core products of the Galaxy L7, which is the first SUV of the Geely brand’s mid-to-high-end new energy series – the Galaxy series. The prototype car of the Galaxy series "Galaxy Light" is also on display. In addition, there are geometric series such as Panda mini and Geometric G6/M6, (|) Hi · P, (|) Hi · F, (|) Hi · P and other hybrid products and (|). At the Geely booth press conference this morning, we released the Galaxy L7 Smart Love cockpit system to bring users more intelligent and scene-based experience. This is the situation of Geely’s booth at this Shanghai Auto Show.

  Aika Auto: Bank L7 made its debut and appearance at the auto show as a new model. What role does the Galaxy series play? Product features?

  Wang Bo:The Galaxy series is a mid-to-high-end new energy series released by Geely brand in February this year. At present, Geely Automobile is divided into three series. The Galaxy series just mentioned focuses on the high-value new energy market above the 150,000. Geometry series is mainly an entry-level cost-effective new energy vehicle, mainly within 150,000. The original Geely series, called the Jixing series, is mainly in the current fuel vehicle market to seize share.

  As the first model of the Galaxy series, the mission of the Galaxy L7 is to be the first choice for Chinese family users to travel intelligently, and to break into the first camp of China’s A-class smart electric hybrid SUV. This model will be delivered in the second quarter. This morning, we released the Smart Love cockpit, and also released the L7 Super Experience Officer plan. From the users who have ordered nationwide, 100 people will be selected to test drive this model first. Of course, in addition to experiencing the product power, we will also give us more rationalization suggestions. We will apply these suggestions to the later product upgrades and improvements, so as to make this car a model without shortcomings in the smart electric hybrid market.


  Aika Auto: Is it a rational co-creation based on experience?

  Wang Bo:Yes, Geely has always been committed to co-creation with users. Before today, many of our models were constantly involved in the research and development process, such as vehicle styling design, body color, interior seat fabric, and even the interface design of the car-machine system. Open the door and build a car, this has always been Geely’s philosophy.

  Aika Automobile: The current growth rate of new energy is relatively rapid, but considering the domestic and global markets, new energy and fuel vehicles will develop simultaneously in a short period of time. How should Geely respond?

  Wang Bo:I think the point I just talked about is also one of the focuses of the industry at present. We call it the Chinese auto market and even the global auto market. There are two certainties. One certainty is that new energy is growing rapidly, especially in the first quarter of the Chinese auto market, where the proportion of new energy is close to 30%. The other certainty is that the fuel vehicle market still has a relatively large volume. In the case of coexistence of the two for a long time, Geely Automobile has also adapted and embraced changes, making some optimizations and adjustments to its organizational structure.

  This year, we established three business divisions, Galaxy Division and Geometry Division, which mainly seize the opportunity of rapid development of new energy and realize the rapid transformation of enterprises to new ones. In March this year, our new energy sales accounted for more than 25%. Jixing Division is responsible for the fuel vehicle market and strives to achieve the ultimate share in the Chinese automobile fuel vehicle market. Geely has always been highly competitive in the fuel vehicle field, and our goal has always been to be the first in China’s brand fuel vehicles.


  Aika Automobile: 2023 is Geely’s product year and the year of accelerated new energy transformation. What are the plans for the overall product layout?

  Wang Bo:The first model of the Galaxy series just mentioned, L7, will be mass-produced and delivered in the second quarter. The second model, L6, which is a sedan, will be delivered to users in the third quarter, and a pure electric model E8 will be delivered in the fourth quarter. In addition, Geely’s fuel vehicles also have new products, and a new model will be released at the end of this month (|) COOL. This model has a 2.7-meter wheelbase and is also the most mainstream A-class SUV. Our positioning is to create the strongest SUV model in the 100,000 class. He will form a product matrix with Boyue L to strengthen Geely’s share in the A-class SUV market. In addition, our China Star high-end series and Shuangbin will have new annual models released and launched one after another.

  Aika Automobile: Everyone says that the second half of new energy is intelligent. Geely launched the Geely 2025 strategy in 2021, so now it has also made a series of layouts. What is the progress of Geely’s intelligent field so far? What are the results?

  Wang Bo:After the release of Geely’s Smart 2025 strategy, it has been advancing steadily and orderly according to the overall strategy. Geely Automobile has always maintained strategic resolve, and intelligent results are gradually emerging. The Galaxy L7 Smart Love cockpit we just talked about this morning is actually part of Smart Geely 2025. In addition, in terms of chips, the "No. 1" self-developed chip has been mass-produced in March, and Geely’s self-developed chip will also be put on the brand 08 model for the first time. In addition, the Xingrui Smart Computing Center has been launched in February. It is the smart computing center with the largest scale of self-built equipment, leading comprehensive computing power, the most comprehensive business coverage, the strongest intelligent support capacity, and high security level among domestic car companies. The implementation of this series of achievements will be gradually applied to Geely’s new models.

  AIKA: Okay, thank you.

After scolding "cutting leeks", Wang Bicong threw 2 million to buy Jia Yueting’s new car

Original, Team Author, Shuaizhen Business Vision

Why did Wang Sicong jump into the "fire pit" when he knew that the other party was a liar?

Produced by Shuai Zhen Business Vision (ID: ailishi777)

A few days ago, Jia Yueting made a rare appearance at the China Auto Blue Book Forum and participated in the meeting by video link. This is his first public appearance in China since he left the United States for six years.

In the video, Jia Yueting wears a signature smile, with an assembled FF91 parked behind him, to prove to the outside world that the FF91 is really mass-produced.

The first batch of FF91s in mass production in the United States has been delivered to car owners, most of whom are Wall Street executives or Hollywood stars.

The appearance on the domestic auto forum this time is clearly Jia Yueting’s preparation for the sale of FF91 in China. According to people familiar with the matter, China’s first FF91 owner is the famous "national husband" Wang Sicong.

Anyone familiar with Wang Sicong knows that he rented a garage at the Peninsula Hotel in Shanghai, where more than 20 luxury cars, including Ferrari, Lamborghini, Rolls-Royce, Bentley Mulsanne, Maybach, and limited-edition Porsche, are parked, with a total value of over 100 million yuan.

Only there are no electric luxury cars.

This time, Wang Bicong threw 2 million to buy Jia Yueting’s new car, which is a bit confusing. You know, he once publicly criticized Jia Yueting on Weibo as a "liar who cuts leeks".

Why did Wang Sicong jump into the "fire pit" when he knew that the other party was a liar? The story starts with an investment made seven years ago.


Jia Yueting used to be the God of Wealth of Wang Sicong.

In 2009, after Wang Sicong returned from studying abroad, Wang Jianlin always wanted to train him as a successor and take over the then-thriving Wanda Group.

Wang Sicong has his own ideas. He doesn’t want people to say that he is a rich second generation of "fighting father", and wants to break out-point himself.

Therefore, Wang Jianlin gave Wang Sicong 500 million yuan as the capital base for starting a business and agreed: "This 500 million yuan loss is fine, I will give you another 500 million yuan, but if you lose again, you will honestly go back to Wanda to work."

Wang Sicong took the 500 million yuan given by his father and established an investment company called "Pusi Capital", looking for small companies with potential all over the world.

In his opinion, it is too hard for his father to make money by building a building. Real entrepreneurs should learn to let others make money for themselves.

The person who helped Wang Sicong make money was Jia Yueting.

At that time, Jia Yueting had unlimited scenery in the capital markets, holding the two major industries of LeTV film and television and LeTV sports.

Under the guidance of his wife Gan Wei, Jia Yueting turned Zhang Yimou, Guo Jingming, Sun Honglei, Huang Xiaoming, Li Bingbing, Sun Li and other celebrities into LeTV shareholders.

The famous LeTV has attracted the attention of Wang Sicong. In 2015, he invested 100 million yuan in LeTV Sports, accounting for 11% of the shares and becoming the largest shareholder.

Jia Yueting did not disappoint Wang Sicong. Under the superb capital operation of the former, LeTV Sports only took one year, and the valuation soared from 2 billion to 20 billion, which expanded by 10 times. Wang Sicong did nothing, just made 2.20 billion!

After 2017, there were a lot of self-media on the Internet, saying that Wang Sicong was not only handsome, but also very powerful. It took a few years to turn the 500 million yuan given by his father into 5 billion yuan. As expected of the "national husband" that every woman wants to marry.

In fact, Wang Sicong just followed the trend and voted for LeTV, which is no different from the "chasing high" of ordinary investors.


When Wang Sicong was immersed in the vanity of "national husband", Guo Taiming, the real business boss, had sensed that LeEco was going to die.

The reason was that Jia Yueting held a "buy a member and get a color TV" activity, which caught the home appliance factory by surprise. Huang Hongsheng, the boss of Skyworth, said that he had dealt with color TVs all his life, and he never dreamed that one day he would buy a color TV for free!

Under the free offensive, LeTV color TV surged forward, with annual sales reaching 6 million units, becoming the fourth largest color TV brand in the country. LeTV’s share price rose with the tide, and its valuation reached 160 billion.

Jia Yueting wanted to seize control of the color TV industry and began a series of merger plans.

He first set his sights on Skyworth and invited Huang Hongsheng to a Beijing palace for dinner. During the dinner, Jia Yueting opened two bottles of 82-year-old Lafite. After three rounds of wine, Jia Yueting stated the purpose of the dinner: he wanted to buy 30% of Skyworth’s shares at 1.5 times the price.

Huang Hongsheng is excited, which means he can cash out billions at a time.

But Mr. Jia added: LeEco will pay $100 million first, and the rest will be paid within nine months. He then produced a letter of intent for Mr. Huang to sign.

Huang Hongsheng was not drunk and said that he was not in a hurry to sign the contract. He would wait until he went back to discuss with the team.

This decision saved Skyworth.

A few days later, Huang Hongsheng received a call from Guo Taiming and also made an appointment for dinner. At the dinner, Guo Taiming said straight to the point, "I heard that Jia Yueting talked to you about the acquisition?"

Huang Hongsheng explained the situation. Guo Taiming pointed and said, "He also talked to me about buying a TV brand in my hands."

What makes Guo Taiming puzzled is that Jia Yueting’s 100 million deposit has been on the account for 8 months, why did the balance not arrive?

Guo Taiming asked Huang Hongsheng, "Do you think Jia Yueting has so much money?"

The answer is no. At the moment, LeEco’s funds are extremely tight, and there are only five months left before the collapse.

Afterwards, Huang Hongsheng rejected Jia Yueting’s acquisition offer. Guo Taiming also cancelled the deal because he did not receive the balance, earning a deposit of 100 million in vain.

Capital that sensed something was wrong began to secretly sell off LeEco’s shares. Wang Sicong, the "son", was still in the dark, and his daily concern was "Which girlfriend do you want to hang out with today?"


In April 2017, the LeTV empire began to disintegrate; in July, it was revealed that there were problems such as exaggerated profits and false sales; in October, Jia Yueting resigned as chairperson and went to the United States, but has not yet returned.

Wang Sicong woke up like a dream, not only did the 2 billion he earned in the early stage disappear, but even the principal of more than 1 billion was wasted.

The bad news doesn’t stop there.

In 2019, Panda Live, which he invested in and served as CEO, declared bankruptcy after losing the money-burning war, leaving 1 billion debt black hole.

Then, the entertainment company "Banana Project", which he founded, lost orders from Tencent, got into trouble, and was sued by many creditors. Wang Sicong became "Lao Lai".

A company screenwriter even knelt down to Wang Sicong in order to ask for 800,000 royalties. But only in exchange: "Go to court and sue me!"

After a series of blows, the once-famous Pulse Capital lost all its "underpants". "National husband" was suddenly beaten back to its original form and became synonymous with playboy.

The unwilling Wang Sicong took Jia Yueting to court again, demanding Jia Yueting to compensate 100 million yuan on the grounds that LeTV Sports violated the agreement.

The court upheld Wang Sicong’s request.

It is said that Jia Yueting contacted Wang Sicong privately to ensure that he would be responsible for the debt to the end, and promised to give him one when FF91 was mass-produced.

6 years later, Jia Yueting’s situation is improving. More than 20 billion in debt, he has paid more than 10 billion, only owe 9.80 billion. Wang Sicong’s 100 million probability has been paid off.

Therefore, the two repaired their relationship. Only then did the news come out that Wang Sicong bought FF91. Jia Yueting, who made a comeback, proved his ability.

Wang Sicong was courteous, and it was not surprising to buy an FF91 to support him. After all, there are no eternal friends in the mall, only eternal interests.


Original title: "After scolding" cutting leeks ", Wang Bicong threw 2 million to buy Jia Yueting’s new car"

Read the original text

3 hours, 88 hours and 1003 days of Xiaomi automobile

Headline reported today.

3,400 people, spent 10 billion, and "fought for Xiaomi car" for more than 1,000 days.

At 2 pm on December 28th, 2023, Xiaomi’s first car was finally unveiled by Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi.

88 hours of publicity

This "grand meeting" of science and technology circles and bicycle circles officially kicked off four days ago.

On December 24th, Christmas Eve, Lei Jun sent Weibo: @ Xiaomi Auto at 10pm.

At 9: 00 a.m. on 25th, Weibo, the official of Xiaomi Automobile, released the first blog post, officially announcing the time and theme of the conference.

On the 25th, it was also the 1,000th day that Xiaomi announced the official construction of the car.

Before this, all kinds of news, spy photos, leaked photos and ID photos have stripped Xiaomi of his car. Lei Jun also said that "it is a great pity that there are always all kinds of leaks or rumors in the middle, which is really not our intention", and the team has been very low-key and pragmatic.

However, the enthusiasm and curiosity of rice noodles for Xiaomi cars have not decreased, but have been ignited by pictures and words that have been exposed again and again.

After the official announcement of the press conference, Weibo of Lei Jun began intensive publicity around Xiaomi Automobile.

On 25th, Lei Jun emphasized that "this time, only technology will be released, not products" and "Xiaomi Automobile will completely redefine the technology stack of the automobile industry, which will be a major leap in the technical field of the automobile industry".

This technology conference will be a comprehensive display of Xiaomi’s technology accumulation since its founding 13 years ago. Lei Jun predicted that "it will take a long time, so I hope everyone can prepare in advance".

On 26th, Lei Jun recalled the press conference that announced "Fighting for Xiaomi Automobile" three years ago. Lei Jun said that building an advanced mobile smart space is the mission of Xiaomi to build a car.

Lei Jun also answered several questions that netizens are most concerned about, such as the duration of the press conference and the origin of the name of Xiaomi SU7, and revealed the price information of Xiaomi car that everyone is most concerned about: "We haven’t made a final decision on pricing. However, Xiaomi SU7 is indeed a bit expensive. However, Lei Jun also stressed that "there are expensive reasons".

Intelligent driving has always been regarded as one of Xiaomi’s killer weapons. In August last year, Xiaomi’s autonomous driving technology made its debut. At that time, in the promotional video, Xiaomi was able to summon vehicles with one button, automatically navigate, automatically cope with some complicated car conditions, and independently parking service.

At that press conference, Lei Jun announced that the goal of Xiaomi’s autonomous driving is to enter the first camp of the industry in 2024, and the first phase investment of Xiaomi Automobile has reached 3.3 billion yuan.

On the 27th, Lei Jun not only promoted Xiaomi 澎湃 os and the whole ecology of people, cars and homes, but also launched the "tribute" series. Not only made posters, but also paid tribute to BYD, Weilai, Tucki, Ideality, Huawei and other car companies. In the evening, tribute lights were lit up in several cities.

There are several episodes here, in which BYD, Wei Lai, Tucki, Ideality and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited in Lei Jun’s words all responded enthusiastically. BYD also played the previous slogan "Together is China Auto".

However, Huawei’s terminal, which was attacked by Lei Jun at, didn’t respond, probably because it wanted to emphasize the difference between itself and Xiaomi again. Huawei doesn’t make cars.

However, some netizens thought that Huawei didn’t respond. Some netizens left a message in BYD Weibo, saying that "this is the leading brother".

Yang Xueliang, senior vice president of Geely, who was not at, was very active, sending several messages in succession, such as "Come on, although not saluted, we still open our chest to welcome new players in", "Too late", "I can’t understand", "2024 is the first year of salutation", "If people always want to be saluted, it will be over, but if people always want to salute others, there is no promise" and so on.

Yang Xueliang is so active, there may be three reasons besides the traffic of Xiaomi.

First of all, it may have broken some defenses without being named by Xiaomi. After all, Geely is also one of the world’s top 500 enterprises, and it is also vigorously transforming into new energy sources.

Second, it is said that Xiaomi Automobile has dug many lucky people, such as Hu Zhengnan, an executive of Xiaomi Automobile. Hu Zhengnan once held the positions of President of Research Institute, Senior Vice President and Director of Product Technology Management Committee in Geely Automobile. At this conference, some fans also expected President Hu to give a speech on stage.

Third, and most directly, last night was the launch conference of Krypton 007, but Xiaomi stirred it up. Earlier, we issued a document explaining the reasons why the top executives organized a group to visit Xiaomi. And when Yang Xueliang broadcast live on the press conference of Krypton 007 in Wentu last night, he also left a message saying, "We don’t compete with Xiaomi" and "(Xiaomi SU7) surpasses 007, try it".

Xiaomi’s conference was also supported by many auto-related technology companies. Under Xiaomi Auto Weibo, Internet and auto parts manufacturers including Gaode Map, Cool Dog Music, Nexter Auto System and ZF (auto parts supplier) left messages in support.

This morning, at 6: 35, Lei Jun released Weibo’s "I was a little excited today and woke up early". At 12 noon, another set of photos of SU7 Bay Blue was released.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the afternoon conference.

3-hour press conference

Lei Jun comprehensively introduced the technology of Xiaomi Automobile from five aspects:

Super motor

Xiaomi released its own research and independently produced super motors.

Super motor V6 series, the speed can reach 21000rpm. On the first mass production model SU7, Xiaomi V6/V6s motors have been installed, which were jointly developed with UMC and Huichuan respectively.

Super motor V8s is made of high-strength silicon steel, with the strength as high as 960MPa, and adopts bidirectional oil-cooled heat dissipation technology, with the efficiency jumping by 50%.

The V8s has a maximum speed of 27200rpm, a maximum horsepower of 578ps, a peak power of 425kW, a peak torque of 635N.m, a maximum efficiency of 98.11% and a power density of 10.14kW/kg.

V8s is expected to be mass-produced in 2025.

The super motor in the experimental stage adopts carbon fiber laser winding process, and the pre-research in the laboratory has achieved 35000rpm, which is still some time away from mass production.

In the field of motor electronic control, Xiaomi has applied for 155 patents and authorized 60 patents.

Super battery

Xiaomi Automobile released an 800V carbonized high-voltage platform with a maximum voltage of 871V, which is "a real 800V high-voltage platform" and equipped with CTB integrated battery technology, with the highest volume efficiency of 77.8% in the world.

In terms of safety, Xiaomi battery has passed the most stringent thermal failure safety standards in the world, with 17 layers of high-voltage insulation protection, the largest cooling area of 7.8m2, and 165 pieces of aerogel insulation. Xiaomi Che Yun also cooperates with the security early warning system.

At the same time, Xiaomi Automobile adopts the industry’s first battery inversion technology to ensure the safety of the passenger compartment to the greatest extent.

Lei Jun said that Xiaomi Automobile is determined to be the king of electric vehicles in winter.

Xiaomi has built its own battery pack factory. In the field of batteries, Xiaomi has applied for 132 patents and authorized 65 patents.

Super die casting

Xiaomi is super die-cast, reaching 9100 tons, with full stack self-research and full link independent design. This figure also exceeds Tesla’s factories in Shanghai and the United States.

At the press conference, Lei Jun introduced Xiaomi Titan Alloy, a self-developed alloy material of Xiaomi, and said that Xiaomi Automobile is the only automobile factory in China with mass-produced self-developed alloy materials.

At the same time, self-developed structural design, 72-in-1 integrated die-casting rear floor and three-stage rear floor anti-collision design were also introduced.

Intelligent Drive

Intelligent driving is essentially AI. Xiaomi started all in AI in 2016 and currently has 3,000 AI engineers.

Lei Jun introduced that the investment in smart driving Xiaomi is determined. The smart driving team of Xiaomi Automobile has 1,000 people and 200 test vehicles.

Xiaomi’s full-stack self-developed intelligent driving technology, with a total investment of 3.3 billion yuan in the first phase, has now increased to 4.7 billion yuan, and its goal of autonomous driving is to enter the first camp in the industry in 2024.

Xiaomi Auto released auto-driving technologies such as zoom BEV, super-resolution occupation network technology and large road model, which will support three functions: high-speed navigation, urban navigation and parking service.

Lei Jun said that it plans to open 100 cities to pilot NOA by the end of next year.

Intelligent cockpit

Xiaomi Automobile Intelligent Cockpit is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 chip, based on surging OS technology, which is mainly composed of 16.1 central control ecological screen, flip instrument screen, 56 "HUD and rear expansion screen, and can realize five-screen linkage.

Lei Jun said that it has created an exclusive CarIoT ecosystem for Xiaomi Automobile. At present, CarIoT ecosystem is fully open to third parties. Apple users also have a good experience in driving Xiaomi car. Xiaomi car supports wireless CarPlay, AirPlay and even iPad, which can control the air conditioning, music and seats of the car.

Xiaomi 澎湃 OS officially got on the bus, and "the whole ecology of people and cars" was closed.

Xiaomi Auto officially released Modena’s technical architecture, and Lei Jun said that the design target is 100 "industry-leading" technologies.

Xiaomi automobile

Xiaomi SU7, which was almost stripped before the press conference, officially released the official map.

Xiaomi SU7, positioned as a C-class high-performance eco-technology car, is a car that Lei Jun hopes to be "comparable to Porsche and Tesla".

Xiaomi SU7 has three color schemes, namely "Gulf Blue", "Elegant Grey" and "Olive Green". With a length of 4997mm, a width of 1963mm, a height of 1440mm and a wheelbase of 3000mm, Xiaomi SU7 has the lowest drag coefficient Cd 0.195 for cars in the world.

Lei Jun also introduced Xiaomi SU7′ s drop-shaped headlights, light ring taillights, 175-degree ripple surface and semi-hidden door handles.

In terms of interiors, Xiaomi SU7 has introduced three models, namely Galaxy Grey, Twilight Red and Obsidian Black. In addition to the five screens mentioned above, it is also equipped with a wraparound cockpit, a suspended instrument panel, a 5.35㎡ vehicle glass surface and a three-spoke D-shaped steering wheel.

Xiaomi SU7 has a C-class large space, 1012mm front vertical seating space and 105mm rear knee space; 517L trunk, China pure electric vehicle maximum 105L front case.

Xiaomi SU7 has a zero acceleration of 2.78 seconds, a zero braking of 33.3 meters and a top speed of 265 km/h..

In terms of battery life, Xiaomi SU7 is equipped with Xiaomi-Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited battery, with a battery capacity of 101kWh, a cruising range of 800km under CLTC condition and a battery life of 220km after charging for 5 minutes. At the same time, it has good low-temperature performance.

In terms of safety, Xiaomi automobile adopts the armored cage steel-aluminum hybrid body design, with high-strength steel and aluminum alloy accounting for 90.1%, the highest strength reaching 2000MPa, and the torsional stiffness of the whole vehicle reaching 51000 N m/deg. Xiaomi Automobile has completed 40+ crash tests and is equipped with 7 airbags.

In addition, Xiaomi is equipped with 16 active safety technologies, including self-developed active safety simulation verification system and self-developed "4D space-time labeling" technology.

The price of Xiaomi SU7 has not been announced yet. However, when Lei Jun introduced the SU7 battery, he said, "Don’t pay 99,000 yuan, don’t pay 149,000 yuan." "There are more than 100,000 battery packs. What are you thinking? 」

1003 days

Lei Jun said that Xiaomi Automobile is already in small-scale mass production, but it will take another few months and a lot of verification before it can be officially released.

On March 30, 2021, Lei Jun officially announced Xiaomi to build a car at the press conference. At that time, Lei Jun’s cold was very serious, his voice was hoarse, and his speech was very difficult, but he still insisted on finishing the whole press conference.

After that, every dynamic of Xiaomi Automobile was put in the spotlight. For example, the official application for the trademark of Xiaomi Automobile, the acquisition of Shendong Technology, the incorporation of Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd. and the photo of 17 core members, the production base of Xiaomi in Yizhuang, and various leaked news in the later period.

Today, the Xiaomi Auto Conference was held in Beijing National Convention Center. "From Beijing Xiaomi Science and Technology Park to Beijing National Convention Center, the straight-line distance is just over 20 kilometers, and we walked for 1003 days."

"Through 15-20 years’ efforts, we will become the top five automobile manufacturers in the world and strive for the all-round rise of China’s automobile industry. This is Lei Jun’s long-term goal for Xiaomi Automobile.

But at the moment, Xiaomi Automobile will face many challenges. For example, whether the final pricing can satisfy users, how much sales can be achieved next year, and even the proud autonomous driving has already become a compulsory course for various new energy manufacturers.

And the new energy battlefield has also been fierce. Xiaomi car jumping from one red sea to another, "is it too slow?"

But in any case, Xiaomi Automobile has shown its own strength and determination to "lead in an all-round way" and officially participated in the competition in the new energy market.

When the horn sounded, the war was on the verge.

2022 Yangtze River Delta Digital Economy Development Conference | Be a "trendsetter" in the digital age

  Xinhua Daily Financial News On the afternoon of January 6, the 2022 Yangtze River Delta Digital Economy Development Conference hosted by Xinhua Daily was held in Nanjing. Digital economy business associations from three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta, member enterprises of Jiangsu Digital Economy Federation, scientific research institutes, and Financial Institution Group gathered together to discuss the digital economy layout in the Yangtze River Delta region, new paths for digital economy development, and jointly seek digital development in important fields.

  The 2022 Yangtze River Delta Digital Economy Development Conference was launched

  Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Xinhua Daily, Chairperson of Xinhua Newspaper Media Group, Shuangchuxue, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences, Xia Jinwen, Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, Gu Wanfeng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Editor-in-Chief of Xinhua Daily, Gu Leiming, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shan Zhongde, former Director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission,Professor Qian Zhixin of Nanjing University, Wen Zhigang, deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Zhao Jianguo, deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Chi Yu, deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Zhou Hengxin, member of the party group and deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, Li Yang, member of the party committee and vice president of the Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences, Gu Xindong, deputy editor-in-chief of Xinhua Daily, Chen Jing, member and vice chairperson of the party group of the Jiangsu Federation of Industry and Commerce, Zhu Guoqiang, deputy general manager of the Jiangsu Provincial Cultural Investment Group, Lin Jingran, vice chairperson of the Jiangsu Federation of Industry and Commerce and president of the Bank of Nanjing, Sun Libin, vice president of the Jiangsu Provincial Chamber of Commerce and Digital Economy Federation, Li Xiaodong, second-level inspector of the Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Chen Jun, deputy director of the Jiangsu

  As a mainstream media group in Jiangsu, Xinhua Newspaper Media Group has also benefited from its "digital" wings. Media is the beneficiary of the digital economy, and it is also the aggregator, linker and amplifier of digital economic resources. The group feels a great responsibility and a glorious mission to pay attention to the development trend of the digital economy, track the development trend of the digital economy, and spread the development energy of the digital economy.

  Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Xinhua Daily, Chairperson of Xinhua Press Media Group

  Gu Leiming, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Editor-in-Chief of Xinhua Daily

  Xia Jinwen, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences, issued a question about the times and development of the digital economy era. He said that focusing on the digital economy layout in the Yangtze River Delta region and working together to study the new concepts, new paths and new kinetic energy of digital economy development is an important topic full of vitality and tension, full of interpretation and capital power. For the Yangtze River Delta, it is necessary to give full play to the respective advantages of one city and three provinces in the field of digital economy and build a national digital economy development highland.

  Xia Jinwen, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences

  Digitalization empowers manufacturing and promotes high-quality development

  Data is the oil of the digital economy era and a production factor for high-quality development. It empowers the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and spawns new industries and new business models. In 2020, the scale of China’s digital economy will reach 39.20 trillion yuan, maintaining a year-on-year growth rate of 9.7%, becoming an important engine for stable economic growth. Among them, the bright Yangtze River Delta accounts for 28% of the total scale of the national digital economy and about 44% of the regional GDP.

  Shan Zhongde, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, suggested at the conference that Jiangsu manufacturing should deeply integrate information technology, digital technology and intelligent manufacturing, vigorously promote the deep integration of industry, university and research development and open cooperation, accelerate the construction of a manufacturing world talent center and innovation highland, and continue to promote the construction of an open and shared innovation system, and accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing and world-class industrial clusters.

  Shan Zhongde, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

  "Digitalization is the only way for each of our manufacturing industries. Although there are pains, it is also necessary to go." According to Zhang Chunlong, director and researcher of the Institute of Social Policy of the Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences and executive vice president of the Jiangsu Institute of Regional Modernization, digitalization has caused the vigorous development of our economy and has become a strong driving force for the future development of our economy.

  Zhang Chunlong, Director and Researcher of the Institute of Social Policy, Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences, and Executive Vice President of Jiangsu Institute of Regional Modernization

  The digital transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry is the key to improving the competitiveness of China’s manufacturing industry. Compaq Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the manufacture of personal care products, daily necessities, toothpaste and other products. In 2015, after completing an industry acquisition, the company invested 40 million yuan to digitally transform it. And, in the following years, a total of nearly 100 million yuan was invested to digitally upgrade the production line. Now, the company has a unified set of physical control, quality control and design data standard management and control processes, which has realized the digital control of raw materials, filling technology, packaging and other links, meeting the needs of industry management.

  Shuangliang Group has built a "big service" platform of "smart service" + "smart energy", building new competitiveness with the help of digital platform, driving business model changes with innovation, breaking through data barriers between platforms, and realizing cross-platform online operation of the whole life cycle of equipment. Xu Jianfeng, deputy general manager of the digital center of Shuangliang energy-saving system joint stock company, said that the current general equipment manufacturing industry is transforming into customized services, from selling equipment to selling services, which requires innovation in business models. Digital combined with modern services has become an important breakthrough point for manufacturing enterprise transformation and management upgrading.

  Phoenix (China) Investment Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of the German Phoenix Electric Group in China, focusing on the field of electronic connectivity and electronic interfaces, as well as the field of industrial automation. "We not only pay attention to the development of the company itself, but also take the initiative to take the initiative to bridge the Sino-German cooperation, bring Germany’s advanced technology, management concept and craftsman spirit to China, and actively promote and practice Industry 4.0." Gu Jiandang, president of the company, said that industrial enterprises hope to use the energy given by the new generation of information technology to unlock more potential through digital transformation. "At present, we have established an" Ecological Empowerment Co-creation Association "with local partner companies to open up cooperation, cross-border integration, and actively embrace the smart industry ecology." He said.

  Gu Jiandang, President of Phoenix (China) Investment Co., Ltd.

  Based on the integration of "data +", Liu Zhen, an IEEE academician and chairperson and co-founder of Aolin Technology, emphasized that although the development prospects of the digital economy are broad, pan-industrial enterprises urgently need to shift from informatization to digital intelligence, so that data can play an explicit business value. He believes that enterprise digital transformation should pay more attention to value-driven, so that enterprises can "see" the effect of digital transformation. Among them, enterprise digital twins are the engine of digital intelligence systems, which describe, diagnose, predict, and make decisions on enterprise operations and business activities, and then realize the interactive mapping of physical space and cyberspace.

  IEEE academician, chairperson and co-founder of Aolin Technology

  Grasp the "key increments" of the digital economy, become better, stronger and bigger industries

  Digitalization is not only an inevitable demand for the development of the real industry, but also invisibly rewrites all walks of life. China’s industry is undergoing tremendous and subtle changes.

  The digitalization of the service industry is an important trend in the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, which will inject new impetus into the high-quality development of our country’s economy. For example, Jiangsu Dayun Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jiangsu Provincial Cultural Investment Group, which undertakes the investment functions of Jiangsu Provincial Cultural Investment Group to fulfill the cultural protection, inheritance and utilization of the Jiangsu section of the Grand Canal Cultural Belt and the integrated development of cultural tourism. It is a new era comprehensive cultural tourism development enterprise that promotes cultural construction and tourism development and empowers the establishment of the Grand Canal Cultural Tourism Project.

  Zhu Guoqiang, deputy general manager of Jiangsu Provincial Cultural Investment Management Group, party committee member and chairperson of Jiangsu Dayun Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd., said that the company’s digital cloud platform for the Grand Canal National Cultural Park covers the development and operation of the smart cultural tourism platform, the planning and construction of the digital cloud platform for the National Grand Canal Cultural Park, the promotion of cultural tourism scenic spots, the mining of cultural and creative projects, education and sports, and research and learning operations. It has now formed a business layout in four major sectors: culture, tourism, science and technology, and sports. The platform has created the country’s first "one cloud and four ends" online Grand Canal overall framework, creating a cloud-based government server level, public server level, Enterprise Services end and international communication end, to achieve cross-regional, cross-system, cross-departmental information collection, data analytics, collaborative office, project management, to solve the canal management main body, cultural and tourism resources scattered pain points.

  Zhu Guoqiang, Deputy General Manager of Jiangsu Cultural Investment Management Group, Party Committee Member and Chairperson of Jiangsu Dayun Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd.

  The financial industry is an industry that entered the digital age earlier, and many business scenarios are being reshaped digitally. "The digital transformation of commercial banks should be closely related to business processes, providing customers with better and more convenient service experience, helping to explore more business scenarios and find sustainable profit growth points." Yu Xuanjie, chief information officer of Bank of Nanjing, said that around the "1 + 3" action plan of customer expansion and quality improvement carried out by Bank of Nanjing, we have accelerated the online process of public products. At the same time, we have launched digital credit cards for retail customers, and the financial service capabilities of various scenarios have been continuously enhanced.

  Yu Xuanjie, Chief Information Officer of Bank of Nanjing

  To create characteristic digital services, the digital transformation of China Merchants Bank Nanjing Branch has fully penetrated into many scenarios such as convenience, convenience and wealth management, running through all aspects of social livelihood and business operation, and has successively launched "convenience service cloud platform", "hall identification system", "one-stop online payment platform", "salary and Futong", "wealth through train", "come to invest", "capital verification treasure" and other financial products, effectively meeting the financial needs of users through "people + digitalization".

  Allocate factor resources and do a good job in the "new infrastructure" of the digital economy

  With the collision and integration of digitalization and industry, the efficiency of factor resource allocation and the improvement of value creation model. At the same time, a group of information technology companies were born in response to the times, with "data" as the paddle, the wave of the tide era.

  A number of well-known enterprises in the industry, such as iFLYTEK and Huayun Data, have deeply cultivated the industry and made data-driven effective in the enterprise. As a well-known domestic Xinchuang cloud computing group, Huayun Data Holding Group is committed to building a dual moat of digital transformation and information technology application innovation. It has become the earliest group of standard makers for the long-term development of China’s Xinchuang industry based on rules, the most backbone of innovation guardians driven by scientific and technological hard power, and the most reliable peers to help ecological partners achieve digital transformation.

  Founded in March 2021, Yancheng Big Data Group Co., Ltd. focuses on big data infrastructure building, innovative application of government data assets, development and operation of information projects, investment and development of digital industries, and ecological construction of digital economy, focusing on big data, artificial intelligence, robotics and other new generation information technology industries, and strives to empower high-quality development with data.

  Fang Jingyan, head of Jiangsu Pengwei Software Co., Ltd., said that digital transformation is closely related to the development of enterprises. At present, many enterprises have a foundation for digitalization, and how to connect digitalization with production and operation requires professional planning. Pengwei has been focusing on CRM software for 15 years, and has continued to make efforts in mobile application solutions. With the help of new thinking and new technologies of mobile Internet, it helps enterprises improve their management mode and management level, and improve their core competitiveness.

  Wang Wei, founder of Qingke Chain Valley, introduced that Qingke Chain Valley is a tangible physical carrier, a park, and an intangible and unbounded service platform. On the one hand, we provide enterprises with smart park-style digital services, and on the other hand, as a blockchain technology service platform, we empower the society and the government to solve the problem of data on the chain.

  Wang Wei, founder of Zero2IPO Chain Valley

  At the meeting, the Jiangsu Provincial Digital Economy Federation and the Party Branch of the Jiangsu Provincial Digital Economy Federation were officially established. Gu Wanfeng, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and party secretary of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, said that currently, Jiangsu’s industry is facing an important turning point in the conversion of old and new kinetic energy. The integration and innovation of all walks of life and the digital economy is an effective path to achieve high-quality development, and it is also the only way to maintain Jiangsu’s economic vitality and competitiveness. "The majority of entrepreneurs should strengthen their awareness of development and speed up digital transformation." He said that he hoped that the federation will aim to build consensus and strengthen political leadership; rely on its characteristics and advantages to improve service quality and efficiency; and take standardized development as the guide and play a collaborative governance role.

  Gu Wanfeng, Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce

  Sun Libin, president of the Provincial Digital Economy Federation, said that the Federation will give full platform advantages, strive to seize the commanding heights of the new round of scientific and technological revolution, and help Jiangsu’s economic transformation and upgrading; strengthen cooperation with other provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Delta region related to digital economy, promote data industry cooperation and platform co-construction, give full play to the synergy effect of the Yangtze River Delta network, and jointly promote the development of the integration of the Yangtze River Delta digital economy.

  Sun Libin, President of Jiangsu Digital Economy Federation

  Zhou Hengxin, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, said in his speech that the digital economy is related to the overall situation of national development, and the development of the digital economy is a strategic choice to grasp the new round of scientific and technological revolution and new opportunities for industrial transformation. We will strongly support the work of the federation and continue to pay attention to the growth and healthy development of the federation.

  Zhou Hengxin, Deputy Director of the Department of Civil Affairs of Jiangsu Province

  At the meeting, Gu Leiming, deputy secretary of the party committee and editor-in-chief of Xinhua Daily, and Li Yang, deputy dean of the Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, awarded licenses for the Yangtze River Delta digital transformation "benchmark case" enterprises, and Gu Xindong, deputy editor-in-chief of Xinhua Daily, and Chen Jing, a member of the party group of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, and vice chairperson, awarded licenses to Nanjing Bank joint stock company, China-Italy Life Insurance Jiangsu Branch, Huayun Data Holdings Group Co., Ltd., Nanjing Metro Operation Co., Ltd., Huatai Securities joint stock company and other Yangtze River Delta digital transformation "excellent case" enterprises. At the same time, 10 companies including Jiangsu Bank joint stock company, Yancheng Big Data Group Co., Ltd., Nanjing Jindun Public Safety Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Nanjing Qingke Chain Valley Technology Service Co., Ltd., Nanjing Woxu Communication Technology Co., Ltd., Compaoli Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Sino-Austrian Industrial Development Co., Ltd., China Merchants Bank joint stock company Nanjing Branch, Ningbo Bank joint stock company Nanjing Branch, and CLP Jinxin Software (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. were awarded the "innovation case" of the digital transformation of the Yangtze River Delta. Qian Zhixin and Li Xiaodong, the second-level inspector of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, awarded the award to the winning enterprises.

  Xinhua Daily · Financial Reporter, Chen Xian, Chu Chu, Meng Peijia

  Trainee reporters, Cui Hao, Zhan Chao

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  On February 29, the "2024 19th China (Jinan) International Solar Energy Utilization Conference and the 3rd China (Shandong) New Energy and Energy Storage Application Expo" with the theme of "Golden Sunshine, Clean Energy, Dual Carbon Leading, and Storage Development" opened at Shandong International Convention and Exhibition Center. The conference lasted for three days.

  This year’s exhibition has been newly upgraded, and the site adopts the "1 + N + N" conference model, that is, 1 boutique exhibition, more than 10 forum meetings, and more than 20 new product launches and precise docking activities. With a professional perspective, an efficient platform, and deeper content, we will lead the development direction of the new energy industry and become the "wind vane" exhibition of the industry.

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  Efficient links, deeply empowering

  The exhibition scale of this year’s "Solar Energy Exhibition" is 60,000 square meters, divided into photovoltaic, energy storage, photovoltaic building integration, distributed energy multi-energy complementary, industry-university-research, finance and other professional exhibition areas, attracting State Grid, Huawei, BYD, Midea, Haier, Tongwei, Sunshine Power, Jinke, Longji, JA, Trina Solar, Canadian Solar, Zhonglai, Oriental Risen, Chint, TBEA, GCL, China Building Materials, China Energy Conservation and other global more than 600 new energy brand enterprises participated in the exhibition. Focus on displaying new technologies, new products and solutions for the whole industry chain such as solar photovoltaic, energy storage, and multi-energy complementary. The whole chain efficiently links industry and cross-disciplinary information and resources, and deeply empowers the development of the industry to help achieve the goal of "peak carbon dioxide emissions carbon neutrality". It is expected that the audience will reach 100,000 in three days.

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  One exhibition brings together the world, one exhibition sees the future

  It is reported that this exhibition has a strong lineup of exhibitors, including 12 of the world’s top 500 companies, 30 of the global energy 500 companies, and 18 of the Chinese private 500 companies. The exhibition brings together the world’s top new energy companies and technologies, leading the development direction of the industry. It is not only a national channel ordering conference, but also the largest distributed solar storage cooperation conference in the country. It is also an energy end point application event in the Asia-Pacific region.

  "Sea" and "land" photovoltaic products become a highlight

  This "Solar Energy Exhibition" not only brought together photovoltaic boutiques from "sea" and "land", but also showcased many new photovoltaic and energy storage technology products, some of which were unveiled for the first time at the exhibition. Not only the "distributed photovoltaic + flexible storage" solution that debuted on land, the lotus module that has no border barrier and is beautiful and clean like a lotus flower, the high-efficiency photovoltaic module that is completely black, the intelligent flexible bracket system applied to more use scenarios, the beautiful, energy-saving and noise-reducing hollow light-transmitting series power generation glass, and the heterojunction photovoltaic module with high reliability performance at sea. These products have value and strength, making them the highlight of the conference.

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  Efficient activities promote development

  During the same period of the exhibition, more than 10 forums and conferences were also held, including "2024 3rd Yellow River Basin New Energy Innovation and Development Conference", "2024 2nd Shandong Province New Energy High-Quality Development Forum", "2024 7th China Distributed Photovoltaic Conference", "2024 6th China Household Photovoltaic Conference", etc. More than 40 academicians and experts from the industry attended the conference to give wonderful speeches, and exchanged and discussed photovoltaic, energy storage, smart energy and other content. The topics have connotation and depth. During the same period, more than 20 business investment conferences, new product launches and precise docking activities will also be held.

  This year’s "Solar Energy Exhibition" is jointly organized by Shandong Solar Energy Industry Association, Shandong Xinchenghua Exhibition Co., Ltd., and Shandong Chenghua Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Many places have introduced online catering regulations, and takeaways need to indicate the time limit for consumption

  China News Service, Beijing, July 14 (Qiu Yu) Beijing, Shanghai and other places have introduced relevant regulations on online catering to strictly prevent the operation of "black workshops". China News Service (WeChat official account: cns2012) reporter investigation found that some third-party platforms did not publicize the merchant’s food business license, and the merchant did not mark the safe consumption time limit on the takeaway packaging according to local regulations.

  The consumer.

  When defending rights, I don’t know the "ten times compensation" rule

  How much should be paid if you eat unclean food when ordering takeout? Many consumers are unaware of this.

  Recently, Ms. Xu ordered takeout through a third-party platform for ordering food online, but ended up eating a worm. After complaining, she was only compensated with a 10 yuan voucher from the platform. Ms. Liu also had a similar experience. She ate cockroaches in takeout, and "the merchant proposed 300 yuan for private use." Both told reporters that they did not know the specific legal provisions.

  According to the Food Safety Law, if you produce food that does not meet food safety standards or operate food that you know does not meet food safety standards, in addition to claiming compensation for losses, consumers can also demand compensation from the producer or operator for ten times the price or three times the loss; if the amount of increased compensation is less than 1,000 yuan, it is 1,000 yuan.

  Zhang Liwen, a lawyer at Beijing Shi Law Firm, said in an interview with reporters that if it costs 70 yuan to order takeout, consumers can ask for an additional compensation of 1,000 yuan instead of 700 yuan, but he also reminded consumers that they should provide sufficient evidence to prove that the food "does not meet food safety standards".

  Merchant –

  The safe consumption time limit is not marked on the takeaway packaging.

  Many places have placed requirements on online catering packaging. Beijing, Sichuan, Fujian and other places require food to be marked with cooking time and safe consumption time limit. But when asked by reporters, several restaurant staff in Beijing said they were "not aware of this regulation" and would not put similar labels on takeaway packaging.

  The "Beijing Municipal Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Food Business (Interim) " clearly requires that food operators engaged in online ordering services should affix labels to food packaging, indicating the time of food processing and consumption, and reminding consumers to eat as soon as possible to avoid long-term storage.

  "This rule is reasonable and should be strictly enforced," Zhang Liwen pointed out. "When you go to a restaurant to eat, it is common sense that the food is newly made. But there is no supervision link when ordering takeout, and merchants should indicate when the food is made and how long it can be eaten."

  The reporter noticed that Beijing, Sichuan, and Fujian have relatively strict requirements for online catering packaging, while Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Liaoning have relaxed, "encouraging or recommending" affixing labels to indicate food processing time and consumption time limit.

  Platform –

  Unannounced merchant food business license

  In order to prevent "black workshops", Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian and other places not only require third-party platforms to review the food business license qualifications of online food operators, but also require third-party platforms to publicize information related to food business licenses on their websites.

  Beijing stipulates that third-party platform providers shall review and register the qualifications of food operators applying to enter the platform, timely update the operator’s identity certificate, food business license and other qualification certification materials, and publicize relevant information on the main page of their business activities.

  Reporters searched and found that the merchant pages of several well-known third-party platforms in Beijing did not publicize relevant qualification information. Although some platforms added a column of "merchant license", some merchants did not upload the license.

  "There are some difficulties in the process of verifying the qualifications of merchants," Meituan said. "The base of merchants is large, the verification time is long, and it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of the qualification documents of some merchants."

  The delivery man…

  There is a situation of "no health certificate" employment

  Shanghai, Beijing and other places require food delivery staff to obtain a health certificate. Meituan and Daojia Food Club both said that delivery staff must undergo a medical examination and obtain a health certificate before they can work. "This is a hard and fast rule."

  According to the Daojia Food Club, the company has a special person to register and manage the information of the employee’s health certificate. When the employee’s health certificate expires for one year, it will urge and supervise the employee to update and register.

  However, the reporter learned that in order to save costs, some merchants choose to deliver by themselves, sometimes hiring people to deliver food specially, and the compensation is calculated according to the singular number of delivery. Due to the high mobility of food delivery staff, they will not check whether they hold a health certificate, and there are also cases of "unlicensed employment".

  Extend –

  How to resolve online ordering disputes?

  On July 12, Mr. Yue attracted widespread attention by posting a Weibo post online in which he claimed that he had received 19 stitches after ordering food through at a store in Jinan called Marriott Donkey Meat Fire, where he was slashed at the door with a knife for giving a bad review.

  In an interview with reporters, Mr. Yue said that after the June 26 complaint, for as long as half a month, only said that it had upgraded the processing, and did not leave any contact information of the person in charge. "The processing of the merchant was only to close the online payment function for a week, and then continue to operate."

  In response, the official Weibo of responded on July 13, saying, "We oppose all violent words and deeds, and will not and cannot support any illegal party."

  Zhang Liwen believes that third-party platforms have the responsibility to deal with disputes. First, the platform should announce and punish the merchant’s behavior online; second, it should notify other third-party platforms and suggest that they carefully consider cooperating with the merchant, or blacklist the merchant and refuse to cooperate.

  He said that if consumers encounter food safety problems and merchants and platforms do not deal with them, considering the high cost of filing a lawsuit to the court, they can choose to go to the industry and commerce, food and drug administration or consumer associations to complain. It is recommended that relevant departments establish a quick handling mechanism to reduce the cost of consumer rights protection and ensure that consumers receive prompt and reasonable compensation.

  The Food Safety Law stipulates that the food and drug supervision and management, quality supervision and other departments of the people’s government at or above the county level shall publish the e-mail address or telephone number of the department to accept consultation, complaints and reports. If a consultation, complaint or report is received, it shall be accepted and promptly replied, verified and dealt with within the statutory time limit; if it is not the responsibility of the department, it shall be handed over to the department with the power to deal with it and notify the consultation, complaint and whistleblower in writing.

  The staff of the "12331" food and drug complaint hotline told reporters that if consumers can provide the specific location and name of the merchant, they can accept complaints and deal with them. (End)