"Nezha" was released overseas, and netizens struggled for translation.

  The movie "Nezha", which has made great strides at the box office, has been released in North America and Australia recently, which has triggered new topics. Netizens are quite worried about how to translate these funny traditional cultural stalks, such as "hurry as a law" and "my life is up to me", in order to convey the original flavor of traditional culture and let foreigners understand it. And launched the "Nezha Speeches Translation Contest" on the Internet. When interviewed by Yangzi Evening News, many translation experts affirmed the talents of netizens. However, the translation of "as urgent as a law" into "fast fast biu biu" is accused of being unreliable — — "It’s interesting to do this, but foreign audiences can’t understand it.

  "Urgent as a law"?

  This question has been searched in Weibo.

  Netizens set off the "Nezha Speaks Translation Contest", which became a hot topic on the Internet. The most discussed is the phrase "as urgent as a law" by the greasy uncle Taiyi in the film. It is said that "the sun and the moon are born together, a thousand spirits are heavy, and the heavens and the earth are boundless, and it is as urgent as a law." This is a spell in Taoist culture in China. How to translate it so that foreigners can understand the meaning? Netizens lamented that there is no hot search in this world. The problem that one person couldn’t figure out originally became a hot search when there were more people who couldn’t think of it.

  Among them, "fast fast biu biu" is regarded as a serious nonsense: "fast fast" follows the word "hurry" in the original text and translates the "letter" in the three principles of "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance"; The "biu biu" in the back is even more brilliant, which is the powerful point of using onomatopoeia to express spells and achieve the "da" in "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance".

  The answer given by netizens with wide brains is chicken chicken like green zero, which literally translates as "chicken is like green zero". Some people also popularize science, which means that the speed of transmitting orders is as fast as that of laws, and it is best translated as speed is like lvling. Although the meaning of "fast" has been conveyed, it seems that there is a little lack of spell feeling.

  Stunned by Nezha’s classic lines

  Netizens laugh at themselves for "exhausting their English skills all their lives"

  Another example is "My life depends on me", which is translated by some netizens as I am the master of my fate. Some people think that it is not domineering enough. Such a bloody scene, we must stress the sentence and walk! That is me to be the master of me! Again, such as "although a little baby fat, but also can not hide my compelling handsome", "dragon survival, just between your thoughts" have also triggered discussions.

  The funny thing is, "Then you go to … … Don’t come back when you go. "How do you translate Shen Gongbao’s tongue-tied lines that cause all kinds of misunderstandings? “If you go… … Gone, never come back "is well received because it also distinguishes the verb tense before and after stuttering."

  As for Nezha, the first little poet in Chentangguan, doggerel comes with his mouth open, and his sad and lazy voice and expression are too powder-sucking. "I am a little monster, free and easy, killing people without blinking, eating people without salt." "Life is full of tears, and the more you struggle, the more unlucky you are. If you are tired of dying, it is better to sleep in bed. " This rhyming and humorous limerick in Chinese is translated into English, which also inspires netizens to use their life-long English skills.

  The translation teacher suggested

  JI-ji-ru-lv-ling can be transliterated directly.

  In this regard, the translation teacher Zhang Wenqin told the Yangzi Evening News reporter that "fast fast biu biu" is a bit like Chinglish, showing the sense of humor of domestic netizens, but foreigners certainly can’t understand it. In fact, you can also directly use Pinyin to translate spells and promote China culture. Even if foreign audiences can’t understand it so quickly when watching movies, they can understand it by consulting materials.

  In addition, the method that people in the industry agree with is "transliteration without translation, and foreigners will recite spells in the future." Like Pumbaa and Timon in the movie "The Lion King", the phrase "Hakula matata" that they often say is quite pleasing to the ears of China audiences, isn’t it? Such transliteration is acceptable to young people.

  David from Russia is a graduate student of Tsinghua University Institute of Humanities, and the champion of the "Chinese Bridge" global Chinese conference for foreigners. He came up with a variety of translation methods, such as literal translation: let my order be carried out immediately. Or directly translated into JI-ji-ru-lv-ling in Pinyin. You can also find similar words in English allusions, such as abrakadabra, which was originally an Arabic spell from Arabian Nights. Later, many languages transliterated the word directly. All spells are rhythmic, rhythmic and often written. For example, the word "Nezha" can also be translated in Pinyin or into Latin.

  Translation should also stick to the style of cooperation.

  The movie lines "faithfulness" and "expressiveness" are the most important.

  Fu Yu, who graduated from the English Department of NTU with a master’s degree and is currently engaged in editing work in a publishing house, thinks that netizens are very talented, which is really a variety of whimsy. "The movie lines are mainly to express clear meaning, mainly to be faithful and expressive, like ‘ Urgent as a law ’ In this way, I think translation is still needed to convey ‘ Quick ’ I think it’s quite good. "

  Fu Yu said that biu biu can also be used in movie subtitles. It is cute and funny, and the memory is deep, which is also in line with this movie. In fact, translation should also stick to the cooperative style. Generally, if the translation in the book is more elegant, rhymes and literary allusions can be used, and it is good to explain it in the form of notes. Of course, biu biu is quite out of the context of foreigners, and it must be confusing to look at it alone, but it should be understandable if it is combined with movies and sounds.

  Fu Yu said that Ang Lee’s translation of the title of eat drink man woman and the English name crouching tiger and hidden dragon are relatively direct. At first glance, they don’t seem to convey the meaning of Chinese, but with the rich content of the film, this unfamiliar phrase in the English context is endowed with a unique color of China culture.

  According to various translation theories in his study, David gave advice, "whether it’s literary works or film and television works, the overall translation style should be taken into account when translating specific words, so there is no 100% answer, so how to translate that sentence?" In his view, engaging in the translation of literary and artistic works is different from doing ordinary translation. Besides understanding the national conditions and languages of other countries, we also need to learn the theory of literary translation. (Yangzi Evening News/Yangyan reporter Zhang Nan)

How to save a bridge? More than 6 hours after the heavy car pressed the beam, many parties recalled the thrilling moment.

       CCTV News:Baoji-chengdu railway is the main artery connecting northwest and southwest. Because of the early completion of the line and low grade, how to deal with the extraordinary flood peak has become the number one problem for the railway department. On the morning of July 11th, due to the heavy rainfall in Sichuan, the water level of the Fujiang River in Mianyang City rose sharply, and the Fujiang Bridge on the baoji-chengdu railway was in danger of being washed away by the flood.

       On July 11th, the K283 train was delayed by 7 hours due to heavy rain.

       On July 11th, a large number of passengers in Chengdu Railway Station refunded their tickets and changed their visas.

       On July 11th, Mianyang Works Section was blocked.

       It turned out that Mianyang section of baoji-chengdu railway was blocked by heavy rain, and the water level of Fujiang River rose sharply. No one thought that this would be a catastrophic flood once in 50 years.


       Xu Xingwu, section chief of Mianyang Works Section of China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Co., Ltd.: "I have worked for so many years, and I know that the maximum flood discharge of this bridge was 8000 cubic meters per second, so it exceeded 50% yesterday (11th)."

       Railway bridges generally have two water levels, the lower of which is the speed limit water level. Once the blocked water level is reached, you can’t drive. How to deal with dangerous situations is a test for railway public works workers. They know very well that the Fujiang Bridge on the upstream line has been built for more than 60 years, and the lightness of steel beams will become a fatal shortcoming in the face of floods.

       Xu Xingwu: "The main span is a steel beam bridge, because it is light in weight, and its resistance to lateral force is poor, just like building blocks. If you put a force on the building blocks to hold them down, it will not be easy to push them down."


       Who will press and how? Everyone has the same idea. Lu Minghui, deputy section chief of Mianyang Works Section of Chengdu Bureau Group Co., Ltd. of China Railway, said: "For the special flood, our flood control office has formulated a plan to deal with the catastrophic flood."

       Xu Xingwu: "We have to take unconventional measures and adopt ‘ according to our own experience and basic principles. Heavy trucks press the bridge ’ The way to stabilize this bridge. "

       Seeing the rising water level, it is urgent to make decisions as soon as possible. However, it is not easy to make a decision to "weigh the car against the beam".

       Shi Guangde, director of the dispatching office of Chengdu Railway Bureau Group Co., Ltd., said: "The first thing we consider is the personal safety of locomotive crew and engineering technicians, and the second thing we consider is whether the weight of the loaded freight train can meet the carrying capacity of this line bridge."

       After more than ten minutes of difficult and careful research, the dispatching office officially ordered. The train is over 45 knots, loaded with ballast, weighing 4,000 tons, and the bridge is crushed by heavy vehicles!


       Lu Minghui: "The water level is about one meter away from the bottom of the beam, and there are basically no large floating objects in the upper reaches, so we decided to put the car in the past."

       There are four drivers driving these two trains, both born in 1990s. It is the first time for them to cross the Fujiang Bridge at a constant speed of less than 10km/h..


       Zhang Qiang, driver of Chengdu Locomotive Depot of China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Co., Ltd.: "This task has never been encountered before, and it must be tense. It was a heavy-duty train pulled at that time. If the operation is not stable, it will have a great impact on the bridge deck, and the flood impact may make the bridge collapse."

       Usually, the speed limit of freight trains passing through Fujiang Bridge is 80km/h, but the speed should not exceed 10km/h, and in case of heavy load, the starting and braking must be stable to reduce the impact on the bridge. It’s a bit like threading a needle. It has to be accurate. In addition, the freight train used this time is also called "railway special ballast unloading vehicle" in the industry. Recently, Mianyang Works Section is undergoing line overhaul, and the ballast unloading vehicle is parked near Mianyang, so it was put in use at the first time. However, when the car crossed the bridge, thorny problems followed.

       When the car got off the bridge, everyone didn’t relax, and everything was just beginning. At 12 noon, the water level reached its peak.


       Xu Xingwu: "We are most worried and scared when we have started to scour the bearing. Of course, there is a heavy-duty train and a heavy-duty train of more than 4,000 tons on the bridge at this time. We feel that the problem should not be too big."

       However, news came from the upstream that a large number of floating objects were washed into the river. When did they arrive here and how to deal with them? Everyone’s heart was in their throats.

       It is not only the public workers who are highly nervous, but also the four drivers in the locomotive have been on standby during the six hours of bridge pressing.

       Chen Long, driver of Chengdu Locomotive Depot of China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Co., Ltd.: "Our locomotive stayed in a safe zone after crossing the bridge. The locomotive is equivalent to being in operation all the time, which means that the car has not turned off." Zhang Qiang, driver of Chengdu Locomotive Depot of China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Co., Ltd.: "If the flood continues to rise, it will cause certain danger to the bridge deck, and we will also drive the car out immediately."


       At 4: 30 in the afternoon, the flood peak receded, and the train left the scene. The driver’s work came to an end temporarily, but in the hands of the public works workers, the last security line before opening to traffic was still being held.

       Xu Xingwu: "There is still a lot of follow-up work, mainly inspection and monitoring, especially whether there is any damage to the internal structure of the pier and whether its foundation is washed."

       After inspection, it was confirmed that baoji-chengdu railway began to return to normal traffic 8 hours after the heavy car pressed the beam.


       Shi Guangde: "The decision to use freight trains to press beams also provides a scientific basis for later decision-making."

       Xu Xingwu: "A soldier’s greatest contribution to the country is not sacrifice but victory. I think we can win if we can keep this bridge!" "

Yang Jingde: Hua Tuo, the "Imperial Doctor" who devoted his life to the aerospace industry.

source map

CCTV News:Speaking of Hua Tuo, everyone must be familiar with it. It is said that this imperial doctor in the Three Kingdoms period has a wonderful hand to rejuvenate the disease. In the Capital Aerospace Machinery Company under the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, there is also a "doctor Hua Tuo". However, this doctor is not a doctor, but an old technician who repairs machine tools. He is Yang Jingde.

Yang Jingde, born in 1937, is a national senior technician, graduated from Shanghai Aviation Industry School (formerly "East China 250 Technical School"), and is one of the earliest military industry technicians trained in New China. At the age of 18, he was assigned to Nanyuan Aviation Repair Factory, today’s Capital Aerospace Machinery Company, and began to deal with cold machine tools.

Now, Nanyuan Aviation Repair Factory has developed into a base for the batch production and development of missiles and rockets in China. From green to old, Yang Jingde never left. He used his life’s wisdom and years to interpret his persistence in the space dream.

Another kind of "magic doctor": "looking, hearing and asking" to repair machine tools

In the 1950s, China’s space industry was still in its infancy, and the conditions were very difficult. Nanyuan aviation repair shop has only a total of hundreds of equipment, all of which are hand-operated machine tools. Yang Jingde doesn’t even have a desk in her dormitory.

However, Yang Jingde was never afraid of hardships, and especially loved to study hard, seizing every opportunity and time to learn advanced technology. Because of his outstanding performance, he was also sent to learn the maintenance of precision machine tools from Soviet experts. For this reason, he made every effort to cherish this hard-won learning opportunity.

At that time, Yang Jingde, who was very young, was already quite famous in the factory. Years of study and research and tempering on the production line have enabled him to practice a stunt: "looking, smelling, asking and cutting" the equipment like an old Chinese doctor.

The oil on the equipment guide rail is more or less, clear or turbid. Yang Jingde can tell the cause of the fault with his eyes.

He can also "listen" to the fault. A few years ago, a British imported equipment was abnormal. Yang Jingde went to the front of the machine tool, leaned down, listened to the noise of the equipment, and then felt the temperature and rotation frequency of the equipment with his hands. The roar in the workshop was extremely noisy, but it did not affect his judgment at all, and he found the "lesion" in a few times.

What’s more, there is another trick, "sound detection from a distance", which makes everyone have to admire the superb skills of this old technician.

One year, Yang Jingde had just finished gallstone surgery, and one of the equipment in the unit was broken. In order not to affect the production, he walked out of the hospital and went back to the workshop for a day. Until he found the cause of the equipment failure and solved the problem, the young comrades of the rest of the equipment could do it by themselves, and he dragged his tired body home. Who knows that at 9 o’clock in the evening, my colleague called and said that the machine that had just been repaired had broken down again. In desperation, he can only instruct the on-site personnel by telephone remote control: "You put your mobile phone next to the machine and I will listen." He vaguely heard the irregular noise in the roar of the machine.

"You put ‘ Lead screw ’ Clean it and see if there is anything extra. " Yang Jingde said.

After the maintenance master took down the "lead screw", he found that there was indeed something superfluous in it. It was aluminium scrap who wore the ball of the "lead screw", which caused the equipment to malfunction. Clean it and reinstall it. Problem solved!

Lay the foundation for your dream with your aerospace peers.

"On October 1, 1997, I began to enter the stage of re-employment, and the specific work was as follows … …” It can be seen from a yellowed Production Task Record Book that this old technician can retire 19 years ago. At that time, Yang Jingde was famous for his stunts, and many units wanted to hire him. The boss of a company came three times and offered him 5000 yuan a month. One company even said, "The salary is up to you, and you are hired as a consultant, so you don’t have to work."

At that time, the salary of rehiring old experts in the factory was 500 yuan per month. Before retiring, the factory leader only said to Yang Jingde: "The factory can’t live without you." He nodded without hesitation.

"I was trained in the factory. Everything I have is given by the factory. I can’t be ungrateful." Yang Jingde said. Not for fame, not for profit, Yang Jingde is like a rock. This firmness is the infinite loyalty of this old technician to the aerospace industry.

After rehiring, the leader always told Yang Jingde that he didn’t have to come to work every day, so call him if he had any questions. But he is still not at ease, coming every day.

Selfless and earnest attitude, marvelous machine repair technology, Yang Jingde has saved a lot of money and made progress for the factory over the years.

In the summer of 2014, an imported machine tool broke down seriously, and there was no maintenance capacity in China, so it had to return to the country of origin, with a maintenance cost of more than 1.3 million yuan and a cycle of at least 3 months. This is a high-precision machine tool, and no one dares to touch it. Yang Jingde looked at it and said, "It can be repaired!"

As a result, 77-year-old Yang Jingde stooped and got in and out of the equipment every day, sweating and working for 20 days. Finally, the machine tool was repaired with only 150,000 yuan. Yang Jingde not only saved "foreign equipment", but also saved more than one million yuan in maintenance costs for the factory. This shocked the original manufacturers.

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In 2015, Yang Jingde was 78 years old. Considering his age, the company leaders were really worried about his physical condition, so they ended their re-employment. However, he is still the same as before, and the unit is responsive and has no words.

The old man who repaired machines walked with the aerospace industry all the way, and every progress of this career condensed his life’s hard work and pursuit. He is a witness and a founder. (Text/Liu Chang)

When it comes to reading, I really have a phobia of dense sentences.

  Photo courtesy of vision china

  "Golden Sentence" is not the product of the author’s feeding, but the reader’s participation.

  — — — — — — — — — —

  Some children often tell me that books are classics, and they are often disappointed after reading them. After reading them for most of the day, they can’t read the "golden sentences" worth underlining and extracting. Or read a "golden sentence" and be attracted by a book, but after reading it, I found that there are too few golden sentences like this in the book, and I feel fooled. I know that many people love this "golden sentence-driven" reading. What I want to say is that this utilitarian reading is not a good way to absorb knowledge and nutrition. Searching for chapters and extracting sentences, swallowing the fragmented golden sentences alive, is not immersed in the overall content, and the efficiency is actually very low, which wastes time and good books and reading.

  "Golden Sentence" is often a "leap generalization" after a long period of material preparation and solid demonstration. For example, Adorno said: In a mass society that follows the crowd, idolatry is often manipulated in a "pseudo-personalized" way, which hides the standardization and identity of the cultural industry itself. Is this sentence "golden sentence" enough? However, it is not isolated. Only by carefully reading the previous foreshadowing and argumentation can this conclusion be logical and theoretically active. After this process, "Golden Sentence" can enter your knowledge system and become an active thought, which allows you to call freely when writing and support your output. Otherwise, the source is separated, only this sentence is extracted as a golden sentence, and the illusion of memory is formed in the notebook, which will soon become a forgotten "dead dogma."

  Professor Liu Qing also said: Our traditional academic education emphasizes that knowledge should be systematic, have complete structure and logical connection, etc., while young people prefer rich and fragmented knowledge and feelings, so they like "golden sentences". In my opinion, a more flashing sentence, which appears after the overall discussion, has a context.

  Without understanding a sentence in the knowledge system and overall outlook, that kind of "golden sentence" can’t "know". Sociologist Andrew Abbott distinguishes between "knowledge" and "knowing". "Knowledge" is a result of "knowing", and the important thing is the process of "knowing". Abbott commented: most of the students I teach think that knowing something is knowing a website. The main mode of their knowledge is to "find". For them, "reading Adam Smith" means looking for five or six sentences that are really important in each chapter. They don’t understand that the rest of Adam Smith’s sentences contain arguments and arguments, which he used to produce and defend the key parts of these students. For students, reading is just browsing outside the internet. It is an exercise to filter out the unimportant idle parts and find out the really important things. They don’t actually believe in ideas, they believe in fragmented content. For them, Smith’s theory is not an argument, but a fixed content.

  Abbott actually criticized this kind of "golden sentence-driven" reading. A book just wants to sum up a few "central ideas", "paragraphs" and "key conclusions", which can spare me the pain of "reading those idle contents". This kind of filtering and screening, as long as those "fragments of golden sentences" have not actually read or understood a book at all, the golden sentences naturally have not entered the knowledge storage that one can call freely. On the surface, I read a lot of books, but my brain is empty!

  I have always felt that "golden sentence" is not only the result of the author’s hard argument, but also a kind of reading reward for readers to immerse themselves in a book and suddenly become enlightened after tossing and turning. In other words, "golden sentence" is not the product of the author’s feeding, but the reader’s participation. Enter the author’s theoretical framework, immerse yourself in his logic, read through, read through, read the author’s deep meaning, read the logical connection, read the thought corresponding to reality, and understand a long-standing puzzle, and the "golden sentence" comes out. A "golden sentence" truly deposited in one’s own knowledge system must contain one’s own thoughts in the dialogue. I read Weber’s exposition on tool rationality and value rationality, but I didn’t read it before. But during that time, there were many events in the news that "people were regarded as tools" and "formalism bureaucracy only looked at procedures regardless of human life", and I realized that tools crushed value and realized the golden sentence connotation that "because there is a long chain between their actions and results, their moral consciousness will be blurred, which will lead to moral blindness".

  Reading is a kind of dialogue and generation, which needs to be immersed. "Golden Sentence" is an ideological reward for immersed reading, not a "essence" that can be extracted separately. That kind of extracted essence, mindless "value", is often just a marketing strategy. A famous scholar talked about the "three laws of bestsellers": first, tell what you already know in a way you don’t know; Second, repeat the statement just now and give some examples; Third, repeat the summary and you will succeed. Those golden sentences about a book, such as chicken soup and sales promotion, are mostly tailored for people who don’t study. They are just "telling what you already know in a way you don’t know", just a truth that you agree with, that you are familiar with and understand, and that’s all.

  When I study, I have a phobia of golden sentences. It’s all golden sentences. How can I stand it? The golden sentence is a "leap generalization" after a long argument, and it is a wonderful pen to make the finishing point. It’s all golden sentences, which shows that there is no argument and reason at all, and it’s all chicken soup-like, catering to you and clever conclusions. Just like the flashy PPT, it is full of "beautiful words that are nice but vague". It’s more like some fake comments. It sounds like a lot of words, and it seems that there are many golden sentences, and there is nothing but empty parallelism and superficial rhyme. The public opinion field is full of such swindlers. When they encounter something they don’t understand, they can fool them by saying a bunch of "beautiful words", so they are mystifying and euphemistic.

  I don’t like that kind of "looking for standard answers" reading either. If the contents of the book are regarded as "answers that can be copied", it is still exam-oriented thinking and there is no nutrition. A good book can arouse thinking, and it is the thought agitation brought by that argumentation process that challenges some common sense, inspires some new ideas and brings some wisdom. What is wisdom? If intelligence points to a standard answer, intellectual knowledge is a kind of ability to "turn the answer into a question", which is a kind of advanced literacy, which can push thinking to a higher conceptual level and move towards transparent wisdom in new questions.

  Yes, the better the book, the more you can’t get the "standard answer" from it, but it can produce many problems, which can help you get rid of the "uncertainty of ignorance", challenge most of the "taken for granted" and "self-evident" hidden in your thinking, and move towards the realm of critical thinking after experiencing "multiple chaos".

  Mr. He Zhaowu said in "A Record of Going to School": "Reading doesn’t have to have a purpose, and it’s better to have no purpose. Reading is an end in itself. Reading brings inner satisfaction, just like a spiritual roaming. In the eyes of others, it is of no value to travel for a day, but for me, the process itself is the greatest value. " Well, reading is by no means utilitarian, quick-paced, lively and immediate, but I also feel that reading will never fail you, enjoy the process, precipitate thinking, and will always nourish you at some time and somewhere.

  Ling Cao

What safety matters should college students pay attention to in winter vacation? Please keep this guide.

  Zhongxin. com, January 18 th At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the winter vacation is coming. While everyone is enjoying the holiday, the safety issue cannot be ignored. What are the safety matters that need to be paid attention to when studying in school, practicing practice and traveling during holidays? Yesterday, Weibo, the official of the Information Office of the Ministry of Education, issued the "Safety Guide for College Students’ Winter Holidays", reminding college students to beware of illegal organizations such as pyramid schemes, choose regular recruitment/part-time websites, and pay attention to personal information protection.

  Detention safety article

  When staying in school during the holiday, students should know the arrangement of logistics service during the winter vacation in advance, and strengthen the study of safety knowledge such as fire prevention, theft prevention, fraud prevention and food hygiene, and strengthen the awareness of safety prevention.

  Guard against stealing, robbing and cheating

  Lock the dormitory doors and windows when you go out, take care of your valuables, and especially don’t lend your documents to others easily. Don’t store a lot of cash or leave valuables in the dormitory or on your body.

  Prevent problems from not "burning"

  Pay attention to the safety of electricity use, turn off the power in time when you leave the dormitory, do not go to bed with computers and appliances, do not pull and connect wires in the dormitory, do not use high-power appliances, and do not make a fire in the dormitory to prevent winter fires. Call 119 as soon as possible because of an electric fire.

  Abide by dormitory management regulations

  Don’t stay with the opposite sex and foreigners, don’t rent out beds to others, and don’t store flammable and explosive materials.

  Pay attention to the safety of daily life

  Keep the dormitory environment clean and tidy, and dry clothes and bedding frequently; Indoor ventilation should be frequent to promote air circulation and prevent diseases. Pay attention to keep warm and cold, exercise diligently, ensure nutrition, avoid overeating and pay attention to food hygiene.

  Healthy and civilized internet access

  Rational use of the network, reasonable arrangement of time, not indulging in the network; Beware of online fraud and abide by online ethics; Protect property safety, don’t indulge in online games and video games, and don’t contact or participate in unfamiliar online games, live broadcasts, QQ groups, WeChat groups and post bars.

  Practice safety article

  During the holidays, many students choose to find internships, but the peak season of winter internship is also the peak of fraud. At the same time, college students should protect themselves and guard against being cheated.

  Choose a regular recruitment/part-time website.

  College students must log on to the official recruitment website and be wary of "employment agencies" and "employment agencies". Before submitting their resumes, they must inquire about the company’s relevant information and judge its authenticity.

  Pay attention to the protection of personal information

  Some personal information on your resume need not be too specific, such as mailing address, but should focus on your work experience. Be alert to all kinds of telecom fraud and online fraud, and report to the police in time when problems are found.

  Beware of illegal organizations such as pyramid schemes.

  Be alert and stay away from pyramid schemes, which usually have one or more of the following characteristics: when you join the club, you are told that one of your duties is to develop more people; Pay an expensive membership fee; Many people are in high spirits in the workplace. If pyramid schemes are identified, college students should immediately stop working and call the police in time.

  Take care of your finances

  When you go out for an internship, you should not carry too much cash with you, leaving only a small amount of pocket money. Generally, you should not give your luggage to someone you don’t know.

  Choose a regular lodging place.

  If you want to stay in a hotel or guest house with a business license and regular management, you can give valuables to the service desk for safekeeping, don’t go out alone at night, lock the doors and windows when you sleep, and don’t sleep in a room with strangers.

  Choose tutoring through formal channels.

  Looking for tutoring through schools, acquaintances and formal intermediaries, we should not trust small advertisements and other unidentified tutoring information. The first time you go to a student’s home to give a lecture, please be accompanied by your classmates, and then get to know the parents of the students before you can continue on the basis of ensuring safety. When you go out as a tutor, you must tell your classmates the other person’s home address and telephone number, and tell them the time to return to school, in case of other circumstances, you can contact your classmates in time.

  Travel safety articles

  The winter vacation is coming, and I believe many college students have arranged travel plans. Although travel is full of novelty, it is inevitable that there will be security problems. Therefore, whether traveling together or going home for the New Year, students must do a good job in safety protection.

  Don’t put valuables in conspicuous places.

  When traveling, it is best not to carry a lot of cash and valuables, and the backpack must be placed in a conspicuous field of vision, or given to a companion.

  Take a legally qualified vehicle.

  When choosing a chartered car service for travel and tourism, you should choose vehicles and drivers with legal operation qualifications, and don’t take the "black" bus that attracts tourists privately. If you are in doubt about the condition of the vehicle, you can ask the transporter to show relevant certificates. Don’t take an illegal "black" bus because of greed and cheapness.

  Do not take overloaded and overcrowded vehicles.

  Don’t go out in vehicles that are overloaded and mixed with passengers and goods. Vehicle overload seriously affects the braking and handling performance of vehicles, and is prone to safety accidents such as brake failure. For your own safety, you must not take chances and take overloaded vehicles because of preferential prices and quick arrival.

  Minimize going out in bad weather.

  In winter, freezing, rain and snow are frequent, and the road surface is slippery. Travel should check the weather of the destination in advance, reduce going out in severe weather such as fog, rain and snow, and pay attention to safety.

  The mobile phone must be kept open.

  Before leaving school, you must inform the counselor, roommates and parents of your personal whereabouts and contact information, and keep the communication tools open so that you can find out in time and help solve the problem.

  Beware of overly enthusiastic strangers.

  Do not trust strangers’ words and deeds, and do not drink or eat strangers’ drinks and food easily; Don’t casually accept strangers’ bags, buy tickets, look after things and other help. For college students who are not deeply involved in the world, it is indispensable to guard against others.

  Communication security article

  With the coming of winter vacation, college students need to be alert to high-incidence telecommunication network fraud such as booking fraud, online shopping refund and high-paying recruitment. What are the characteristics of these frauds? Learn with Xiaobian.

  False booking

  Criminals use portals to make fake web pages of online booking companies, publish false information such as booking air tickets and train tickets, and lure victims into being fooled by lower fares. Later, he asked for another remittance to commit fraud on the grounds of "incomplete identity information" and "frozen account number".

  Refund of online shopping goods

  Criminals took advantage of college students’ online shopping for a large number of goods during the Spring Festival, pretending to be online shop customer service staff to make phone calls or send text messages and falsely claiming that the goods taken by the victims were out of stock and needed a refund, demanding bank card numbers, passwords and other information to commit fraud.

  High-paying recruitment

  Criminals take advantage of students’ eagerness to practice during the winter vacation, and recruit online staff such as online shop customer service staff, typists, and people who brush traffic through the Internet with high salaries to commit fraud on the grounds of paying deposits and deposits.

  Loan installment shopping

  Criminals send short messages in groups, saying that they can provide loans or purchase goods by installment for those who are short of funds, with low monthly interest rate and no guarantee. Once the victim believes it, the other party will commit fraud in the name of prepaid interest, deposit, etc., and will face high interest if it fails to do so.

  online game

  Criminals use online games to buy and sell game coins and equipment. After defrauding players’ trust, players are allowed to send money offline, and they will not trade after they get the money. Criminals post information on the game forum, get the remittance and game account provided by the player, and embezzle it together with the account for a day or two.


"Water Story" became an Oscar winner. Last year, the Oolong incident was ridiculed again.

  Beijing, March 5 (Reporter Zhang Xi) On the morning of the 5th Beijing time, the 90th Academy Awards ceremony was held at Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, USA. The Story of Water, led by 13 nominations, was not disappointing, and finally won four awards, namely, best film, best director, best art direction and best original soundtrack, and became the biggest winner.

  — — "Water Story" became a big winner.

  This year’s Oscar didn’t disappoint people. The Story of Water won with pride, winning four awards: best film, best director, best art direction and best original score.

Guillermo del toro, the director of Water Story, took the golden statuette as the best director.

  Guilmault Deltoro, a Mexican director, has directed the Maze of Pan Shen, Pacific Rim and Scarlet Peak. Although "Mermaid Love" is an old topic, Guilmault has brought politics, conspiracy, prejudice and other elements together in "Tales of Water", and this is the first time that he has been nominated for the Oscar for Best Director.

  It’s no surprise that "Tale of Waters" has won 13 nominations in one fell swoop. It is the 10th film in the history of Oscar Awards. It has won the Golden Lion Award at the 74th Venice International Film Festival, the Best Director, Best Actress and Best Photography at the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award, the Best Film, Best Director, Best Art Direction and Best Score at the 23rd American Critics’ Choice Award, and the Best Director and Best Score at the 75th American Film Golden Globe Award.

Gary Oldman won the Best Actor for his wonderful performance in The Dark Hour.

  — — The best actor and actress deserved it.

  This year’s Oscar for Best Actor and Actress was won by Gary Odeman and Francis McDermott, both of whom are veteran actors.

  Gary Odeman, 60, is nominated for this award for the second time and won it for the first time. Before that, he had already swept the Critics’ Choice Award, Golden Globe Award, Screen Actors Guild Awards and British Film Academy Award for his excellent performance in The Dark Hour. Gary Odeman said after winning the prize that his mother will be 99 years old next month, and he can finally take home an Oscar trophy.

Frances McDormand won the best actress for her performance in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.

  Francis McDermott won the Oscar for the second time. Her performance in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri was well received. The film is currently being shown in China, with a douban score of 8.7. Many viewers think that Francis has contributed to the "textbook performance" and expressed the feelings of losing her daughter to the fullest.

The best animated short film was awarded to Dear Basketball, and Kobe won the first golden statuette.

  — — There is no suspense in animated feature films and short films.

  The animated film "Journey to the Dream Ring" won the best animated feature film award, and producer Dara Anderson bluntly said that the award proved that art can cross ethnic groups and spread to the whole world. "Only in a world where everyone can hear each other’s voices can we do this."

  Dear Basketball, an animated short film produced by Kobe Bryant, won the best animated short film. The film lasted about 6 minutes. It was a long poem published by Kobe Bryant when he announced his retirement at the end of the season in 2015. It was directed by the famous animator Keane, and Kobe Bryant personally dubbed it.

  When receiving the award today, Kobe said frankly, "As a basketball player, some people want us to keep our mouths shut, but we are glad to be better than those people’s demands."

The picture shows the scene of the 90th Academy Awards.

  — — Last year, the Oolong incident was ridiculed again.

  At last year’s Oscar ceremony, due to a mistake in the process, there was an oolong incident in which the best film Moonlight was awarded to la la land by mistake. In order to avoid repeating the mistake of taking the wrong award envelope, this year’s Oscar specially wrote the award in big letters on the envelope. However, the Oolong incident still became the object of ridicule at the party.

  The host Jimmy Cammore took the lead in quipping, "If someone calls your name this time, don’t hurry to go on stage", and Mark hamill also humorously said, "Never say" la la land ".

  Interestingly, Warren Beatty and Fei Donnawei, who awarded the "Best Film of Oolong" last year, awarded the Best Film Award again this year. Director Guilmault Deltoro specially took out the envelope from Warren Beatty and made sure that it was awarded correctly, then happily waved it for everyone to see.

"Journey to the Dream Ring" won the best animated feature film. The creative theory said that "Journey to the Dream Ring" proved that art can cross races and spread to the whole world.

  "Journey to the Dream Ring" won the best animated feature film. The creative theory said that "Journey to the Dream Ring" proved that art can cross races and spread to the whole world.

  Winner list:

  Best film: Water Story

  Best Director: The Story of Water by Guilmault Deltoro.

  Best Actor: Gary Odeman’s Dark Hour.

  Best Actress: Francis McDowell Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.

  Best Supporting Actor: Sam Rockwell Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

  Best Supporting Actress: I, the Queen of Flowers by Alison Jenny

  Best adapted screenplay: Please call me by your name.

  Best Original Screenplay: Escape from Breaking Town

  Best Editing: "Dunkirk"

  Best Photography: Blade Runner 2049

  Best animated feature film: Journey to the Dream Ring

  Best animated short film: Dear Basketball

  Best Foreign Language Film: Ordinary Women

  Best original song: "Remember Me" and "Journey to the Dream Ring"

  Best documentary short film: Blocked in Heaven

  Best documentary: Icarus

  Best artistic direction: Water Story

  Best costume design: Phantom of the Dress

  Best sound editing: Dunkirk.

  Best Sound Effect: Dunkirk.

  Best live-action short film: The Silent Child

  Best original soundtrack: Water Story

  Best visual effect: Blade Runner 2049

  Best Makeup and Hairstyle Design: The Dark Hour (End)

Foreigner: I love Beijing autumn girls to show their charm in boots and stockings.

    China people have a very flexible scale for the change of seasons. Someone said, "Ah, the Mid-Autumn Festival has come, and autumn has begun." Others said, "Autumn really begins with the first rain after the Mid-Autumn Festival." Someone also told me: "When the wind from Siberia swept the streets and the fruits and leaves on the trees began to fall in the cold wind, autumn really came."

    However, it is already October, and I have not paid special attention to these phenomena. Due to the lack of accurate explanation of meteorology, I have to try to define the beginning of autumn by myself. Since ancient times, it has been men’s instinct to explain seasonal changes through natural signals. The leaves changed color, the rice ripened, the birds began to change their hair and flew to a warm place for the winter. I am still sensitive to nature, and of course I can judge the change of seasons by some kind of signal given by nature.

    Of all the signals I have observed, the most representative is women’s dress. That’s why I define autumn in Beijing as "when girls start to put on boots". It’s really too hot to wear boots in summer in Beijing. If women barely put it on, they can’t stand it for more than 10 minutes, and it not only makes people feel funny, but also makes the salt excreted by the body rise sharply.

    I have been in Singapore for several years. In that country where I can always sweat profusely, even female parliamentarians and company bosses wear shorts, sleeveless T-shirts and breathable sandals to work. Therefore, boots always attract my attention.

    Boots are always paired with stockings and plaid skirts. I often look at these different landscapes with ecstasy, so I am always laughed at by some kind people. One day, I walked out of Dawanglu subway station in Beijing, and it was about 10 minutes’ walk to my apartment. If there is a girl dressed as I just described and walks past me to take the subway, I will not hesitate to follow her. This may be why, sometimes when I get home, I will find my wife sitting gracefully on the bench in boots, stockings and tartan skirt. Perhaps this is why I always look forward to autumn in Beijing.

    Unfortunately, autumn is not far away when it comes to winter. Winter will make people wrap themselves up like "Zongzi". In my opinion, a thick coat over the knee is one of Beijing women’s favorite clothes in winter. They make women’s curves suddenly disappear and make Beijing look like a city with countless huge, crooked and upright caterpillars. Autumn in Beijing is sweet because it is the last season for people to show their charm before the arrival of the four-month cold winter in Beijing.

Editor: Li Erqing

Understanding the "core training" in running from another angle

Continued content

In this column, I will continue to introduce you to the related content of running.


Let’s start with the posture. As a "most natural" sport, running hardly involves the cooperation between people and equipment (except running shoes, which will be elaborated in detail), and the running mode can be said to be a skill package brought by human beings, which is embedded in genes as people evolve to walk upright.

Since I became a father, I have watched my daughter fall to the ground, from learning to look up, turn over, crawl, stand, walk to run, and often lament the magic of the creator; At the same time, it is very enlightening to observe the movements of children! For example, if children want to pick up toys on the ground, or move a small stool, they must squat down, take them, and then squat up, instead of bending down and reaching for things on the ground first like adults; Another example is that when a child runs, the heel does not touch the ground first, but the sole touches the ground first.

When children learn to walk, their language communication skills are usually not fully developed, so these basic action patterns are not taught by adults-parents only do some auxiliary work such as help at most.Obviously, these basic movement patterns are "preset programs" that already exist in every child’s brain at birth.After a period of "debugging" and "running-in", children can use these preset programs normally, and the action differences between children are very small.??

Now the field of kinematics has fully paid attention to the value of the research on children’s sports patterns, and formed a special branch of developmental sports, and through some exercises, adults can gradually return to their original source in sports patterns.


In the introduction of the last issue, we introduced the importance of posture-because of sitting or standing for a long time in life, and often because of poor sitting or standing posture, some wrong body habits are formed, which leads to "imbalance" in the body, and this "imbalance" destroys the core stability of the human body, so it is easy to compensate in sports and becomes one of the reasons for sports injuries.

In Tiesanluan, most fans are energetic and curious sports enthusiasts, and they are also willing to try new things. I remember that for a while, "practicing the core" was a very fashionable thing in the iron three laps (maybe it still is).

Therefore, all kinds of flat support, sit-ups and abdominal muscle tears are practiced happily, and you must regularly take photos of eight abdominal muscles in front of the mirror to prove the effectiveness of "practicing the core".However, when I returned to these special sports, I found that the previous problems still existed, so I went back to the above process and entered an infinite loop.?

This is the trouble of many iron three people-they are all practicing the core, and few people can tell what the core is, and even fewer people know how to use it.?

Generally speaking, the muscles that control the spine and body posture can be called core muscles.We won’t delve into it here. The body is like a complex but not very reliable engine. Only when all parts are in normal positions can the ideal output power be achieved, and the core function is to ensure that these "parts" can be in normal positions without deviation.


Go on, running,Running mainly relies on the lower limbs to drive the body forward, and the legs do repeated periodic movements like pistons, while the pelvis is the fulcrum of the movement of the legs. If the fulcrum is not stable, the parts will deviate and the engine will act abnormally.. How to control the stability of the core to ensure the efficient operation of the engine? Here is a concept: dynamic neuromuscular stability (hereinafter referred to as DNS). Excuse me? If you know every word, you don’t know what you’re talking about. In this case, the purpose of my subject (zhuang) and general education (bi) has been achieved, and brackets laugh!?

Get down to business,Simply put, DNS is a technical means to help restore or improve sports ability through the stability of core muscles. Different from the usual methods of simply strengthening the muscle strength of waist and abdomen, DNS mainly controls the coordination of waist and abdomen muscle groups and intra-abdominal pressure through the motor nervous system to achieve the goal of core stability.

The diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles of the human body are like the lid and bottom of a mineral water bottle, and the abdominal wall is the body of this mineral water bottle. When your posture is correct, the diaphragm is opposite to the pelvic floor muscle, and you use abdominal breathing to inhale one breath into the abdominal cavity, which causes the intra-abdominal pressure to rise, just like filling a mineral water bottle with water and tightening the bottle cap. At this time, the structure and state of the bottle are very stable and not easy to deform. As shown in the figure below.

If the posture is bad, such as the pelvis leans forward excessively (many people will deliberately do this to make their chests stand high and their hips become warped), the relative position of the diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles will be destroyed, just like if you squeeze the bottle body of a mineral water bottle into it, even if it is filled with water, the bottle still cannot maintain structural stability. As shown in the figure below.

Through DNS, joints can be located in the best position, so as to obtain the best advantages of sports mechanics, and it is also conducive to the correct excitation of sports muscles. existIn long-distance endurance exercise, the muscle strength or endurance of a single muscle is not the key point. The key to improve exercise efficiency is to coordinate the work between muscles and stimulate them at the right time, and a good posture is a prerequisite for achieving efficient exercise..?

I hope this article will play a role in attracting jade, so that everyone can look at the "core" from another angle. We will talk about running shoes in the next column, so stay tuned.

Two sets of online courses taught by teacher Kaiyuan are recommended to everyone:

1. For Xiaobai’s "Biaojie" course, you can send "Biaojie" to our official "LOCOMO Endurance Sports Research Institute" for details.

2 For the Marathon course for runners, you can send the "standard iron" to our official number "LOCOMO Endurance Sports Research Institute" for details.

It snows in Chengdu today! Netizen: Scalp snow, it is also snow.

just now
Downtown Chengdu, get off! Snow! Yes!
Chengdu Meteorological Observatory
Publish a snowfall forecast
At present, there is light snow or sleet in most areas of Chengdu
It is expected that from today’s day to tomorrow night.
There is intermittent light snow in Chengdu
The most obvious period of snowfall occurred this evening.
The temperature is-2 ~ 5℃
Wuhou, Chenghua and Qingyang
Wenjiang, Pidu, Longquan and Xindu
Netizens in other places
Sent a "good news"!
Come on!
Let’s feel the snowflakes in Chengdu first.
a pet phrase
Although the scalp is snowy, it is also snow.
The snowflake floating on the clothes
It’s really not that everyone is dazzled.
If the downtown area is dominated by a sense of snowy atmosphere,
The snow in these places is really visible to the naked eye.
Southwest jiaotong university photographed by netizens
Dujiangyan in the early morning
And Pengzhou.
The snowflakes are distinct
Not enough?
21 to 22
Sandaoyan and Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park
Lujiatan, Huanglongxi and Tiantai Mountain Scenic Area
Danjingtai Scenic Area, Dujiangyan
Jiezi Ancient Town, Jiulonggou
Xiling Snow Mountain, Pujiang, etc.
Are showing in the snow.
The main force of cold air has passed
There are weak cold air supplements in the follow-up.
Affected by strong cold air
20 -22 January
Strong cooling, rain, snow and windy weather occurred in Chengdu.
According to the monitoring data of the National Meteorological Observatory
The average temperature in Chengdu on the 21st is 6.0℃.
It is 4.4℃ lower than that on 19th.
The biggest drop is Jianyang.
From 11.4℃ to 5.7℃
The highest temperature in various places on the 22nd.
Has dropped to 4 ~ 9℃
The lowest temperature in various places in the early morning of the 22nd.
Has dropped to 0 ~ 2℃
Most parts of Chengdu
There has been the most obvious rainfall this year
Among them, the western mountain area
Longquanshan City Forest Park
And parts of Tianfu New District in Sichuan.
There was sleet or light snow.
According to the statistics of monitoring data of ground meteorological observation stations
maximum precipitation
Appeared in Tianfu New District, Sichuan
instantaneous wind speed
Appear in Qingbaijiang
According to the latest meteorological data monitoring and analysis
At present, the main force of this cold air affecting our city has passed.
Chengdu Meteorological Observatory at 16: 00 on the 22nd
Lift the blue warning of strong cooling
But there are weak cold air supplements in the follow-up.
At present, the influence of strong winds is over.
The cooling continues.
Late heating is slow.
Somatosensory still cold and biting.
Frozen hands and feet
Minimum -4℃! It’s still cold these days.
According to @ Chengdu Meteorological News
At 7 o’clock this morning, the city’s temperature
0.0℃ (Dujiangyan) ~ 2.7℃ (Shuangliu)
It is estimated that the daytime in our city will be mainly cloudy with cloudy days.
There is scattered light rain or sleet in the west and Longquan mountains around evening.
There is still light snow in the mountains
The highest temperature is about 5℃
It is estimated that in the next three days
The sky in Rongcheng is mainly cloudy or cloudy on cloudy days.
Some places have a short-lived sun.
Multi-scattered light rain or sleet
There is still light snow falling in some mountainous areas.
The highest temperature is about 5 ~ 8℃
The lowest temperature can reach -4℃
The specific weather forecast for the next few days is as follows
On the 23rd, it was cloudy on cloudy days, with scattered light rain or sleet in the west and Longquan mountains, and light snow in the mountains, with the temperature of-2 ~ 5℃.
From the evening of 23rd to 24th, there was scattered sleet on cloudy days and light snow in mountainous areas, and the temperature was-2 ~ 5℃.
From the evening of 24th to 25th, it is cloudy during the day, with scattered light rain in the west and light snow in the mountains at night, and the temperature is-4 ~ 8℃.
From the evening of 25th to 26th, it turns cloudy during the day, with scattered sleet or light snow in the mountains, and the temperature is-3 ~ 9℃.
From the evening of 26th to 27th, it was cloudy and sunny during the day, and the temperature was-2 ~ 11℃.
From the evening of 27th to 28th, it was cloudy and sunny during the day, and the temperature was-3 ~ 12℃.
It was cloudy during the day from the evening of 28th to 29th, and the temperature was 0 ~ 12℃.
The chill is very strong and the temperature continues to drop.
Today, from day to night, it is cloudy in Bazhong, Dazhou and Guang ‘an, with sleet or light rain on cloudy days in other cities in the basin and light snow in the mountainous areas around the basin. The northwest of Ganzi Prefecture and the south of Aba Prefecture are cloudy with snow showers, with partial snow, and the rest of the western Sichuan Plateau is cloudy and cloudy; Most of Panxi area is cloudy on cloudy days, among which there are showers of snow (rain) in the northeast of Liangshan Prefecture, with partial snow. Within 24 hours, the lowest temperature in the basin:-1 ~ 2℃; Maximum temperature: 3~6℃.
The rain and snow process in central and eastern China ends today.
Southwest China has become the "main battlefield" for precipitation
Yesterday, the southern part of China ushered in the strongest snowfall day, and the snow line pressed to the northern part of South China, and there were many blizzards. According to the forecast, the current rain and snow weather process will basically enter the final stage from today’s daytime. In the next few days, the "main battlefield" of precipitation will be concentrated in the southwest region, in which freezing rain will appear in southern and western Guizhou and eastern Yunnan.
Specifically, today, some areas in central and eastern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, eastern Tibet, northern and southern Qinghai, Hexi in Gansu, northern and eastern Sichuan Plateau, western Guizhou, northeastern Yunnan and other places have small to medium snow or sleet, and local snow (5 ~ 8 mm). There is light rain in parts of Sichuan Basin, south-central Yunnan, southeastern Guangxi, southwestern Guangdong, Hainan Island and Taiwan Province Island.
Tomorrow, there will be light to medium snow or sleet in parts of eastern Tibet, southern Qinghai, Hexi in Gansu, western Sichuan Plateau, western Guizhou and northeastern Yunnan, with local heavy snow (5 ~ 7 mm). There are small to moderate rains in parts of Yunnan and Sichuan Basin.
The day after tomorrow, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of eastern Tibet, southern Qinghai, southern Gansu, northern Sichuan Plateau, southern Sichuan, western Guizhou, northeastern and northwestern Yunnan. There are small to moderate rains in most parts of Yunnan and southwestern Guizhou.
Has the low temperature in various places ended for a long time?
Will last until around the 26th.
This morning, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a low-temperature blue warning. It is estimated that the lowest or average temperature in Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, south-central Zhejiang, western Fujian, Guangdong, and central and eastern Guangxi is more than 5 C lower than that in the same period of history. Among them, some areas in central and eastern Guizhou, northwestern Hunan, south-central Jiangxi, southern Zhejiang, and northwestern Guangdong are more than 7 C lower, and the minimum temperature line of 0 C will be located in northern Guangxi and northern Guangdong.
Among the big cities, the temperatures in Changsha, Hunan Province at 7: 00 this morning were only -6℃ and Guiyang at -5.9℃, both of which were rare low temperatures in late January. In addition, many areas in the south were blessed by rain and snow this time, which made them feel damp and cold, and the somatosensory temperature may be lower. The public needs to continue to do a good job in cold protection and warmth.
It is expected that the impact of this cold wave will gradually end from tonight, but due to the slow return of temperature in most parts of the central and eastern regions, this generally low temperature will continue until around the 26th, and then the temperature will gradually return to a higher or normal state than normal.
Did it snow there?
Comprehensive: CCTV News, Sichuan Meteorology, Chengdu Meteorology, Chengdu Daily,
Source: Sichuan Traffic Radio

Little pin, big dream, beach volleyball girl’s Olympic dream

As soon as she arrived in Tokyo, China women’s sand volleyball player Xue Chen posted a dynamic on her social media: "One of the favorite activities of the Olympic Games: collecting pin!"
A small PIN is not only Xue Chen’s own hobby, but also a testimony of her hard work in every Olympic Games.
This year’s Tokyo Olympic Games is the third Olympic Games that Xue Chen, who is 33 years old, has participated in. Before going to war, she set herself such a goal: "Beijing in 2008 and London in 2012 failed to realize their wishes, and I hope that I will not regret it in Tokyo this time."
33-year-old Xue Chen is the oldest and most experienced player in China sand volleyball, and also a star player in the world sand volleyball. She was not only selected as one of the top 100 FIVB stars in the past ten years, but also a member of the FIVB Athletes Committee.
However, these achievements still can’t stop Xue Chen from pursuing higher goals. In her view, the bronze medal in the Beijing Olympic Games and the fourth place in the London Olympic Games have some regrets, and she wanted to use the Rio Olympic Games in 2016 as the "final battle" of her career, but she failed because of injuries and surgery in 2015.
"The process of rehabilitation is to climb from the bottom of the valley. In this process, I will often fall into self-doubt. I was once ready to retire after the 2017 National Games. But I was still unwilling, so I finally chose to resume training in June 2018. Fortunately, the shoulders are still very face-saving, and my running-in with my new teammate Wang Xinxin has become more tacit because of the extra year. " Xue Chen said.
With this experience, the Tokyo Olympic Games naturally carried more dreams of Xue Chen: "This will be my last Olympic Games, I will enjoy the highest stage of competitive sports, and I will try my best to play every game with Wang Xinxin, leaving no regrets."
With this dream, Xue Chen and Wang Xinxin appeared on 25th. In the face of Eipl and alix, the top American teams ranked fifth in the world, the two girls from China dared to fight hard, but their strength was a little weaker. They lost 0-2 in the end and missed the opening of the group stage. The scores of the two games were 17-21 and 19-21.
Although we lost the first match, the close score is enough to show the good state of China’s team, and Xue Chen and Wang Xinxin still have a chance to advance. Next, at 15: 00 on July 27th, Beijing time, Xue Chen and Wang Xinxin will play against Kaiser and Mei Plinke, the Netherlands’ number one group and currently ranked 14th in the world.