Rapid recovery of tourism "new play" to incite new tourism market

"Standing at the intersection of the new free travel in golden decade, whoever can accurately understand the needs of users and provide personalized gameplay products will take the lead in the next era of tourism industry development." Chen Gang, founder and CEO of Ma Honeycomb, said at the "2023 Earth Discoverer Conference".

On December 8th, at the "Earth Discoverer Conference" hosted by Ma Honeycomb, the joint laboratory of free travel big data jointly established by china tourism academy and Ma Honeycomb released "Research Report 2023" (A Collection of Global Travel Plays), which provided a new reference example for the industry. It is reported that "Gameplay 2023" has strictly selected tens of thousands of gameplays from 130 countries around the world, and finally compiled two lists of "Top 100 New Gameplays for Domestic Tourism" and "Top 100 New Gameplays for Foreign Tourism" to recommend more unique travel experiences for travelers and guide industry partners to create more attractive tourism products.

Dai Bin, president of china tourism academy, said, "After three years of deep depression, tourism has entered a period of rapid recovery. It is expected that the recovery of the domestic tourism market will reach more than 90% in 2019 this year, which is very remarkable. Seeing the smile on the tourists’ faces is also my happiest thing. But what makes me happier is to see that the tourists like Ma Honeycomb still keep a young heart to explore and innovate after going through hardships. They deeply observe the needs of tourists and sum up a number of keywords such as personalization, theme, experience and quality. These detailed needs are the cornerstones of today’s tourism’ new gameplay’. "

(Left: Dai Bin, Dean of china tourism academy; Right: Chen Gang, founder and CEO of Ma Honeycomb)

2023 is a year of rapid recovery of tourism industry, and new tourism behavior preferences are gradually becoming clear. According to Chen Gang, in 2023, the proportion of users who searched for intentional destination gameplay exceeded 76%, and the popularity of customized tour search increased by 245% year-on-year. The popularity of high-quality demand continued to rise, and the booking of cost-effective products also increased significantly. This means that the Local travel experience has become the main factor affecting people’s consumption decisions.

"We can’t simply understand’ travel experience’ as eating better and having more fun. For young people today, any idea that can strengthen their self-expression is a plus item of travel experience, and we collectively call it’ new gameplay’". Chen Gang said, "We have specially refined the content of’ new gameplay’ based on the core contents such as Polaris Raiders and Raiders Group. Every destination has a raiders expert from Mawei to sort out a detailed new gameplay map and update it in real time according to the changes of the trend. At present, Ma Honeycomb has matched the corresponding services and products for the gameplay map through a brand-new supply chain, forming a one-stop travel service closed loop of "planting and pulling together" to help consumers realize the ultimate experience of what you see is what you get. "

The Ma Honeycomb community is also fully upgraded around the "new gameplay". In Ni Jia’s view, in the face of the brand-new personalized tourism demand, the best response formula is to provide different new gameplay exchange positions for different segments of the population. "For example, for the Z-generation’ new youth’ who is looking forward to socializing and advocating freedom, Ma Honeycomb not only launched a large number of new city weekends, but also provided opportunities to find travel partners; Facing the’ new middle-class families’ who prefer light and luxurious gameplay and pay attention to emotional value, they provide a series of new and subdivided gameplay including long-distance travel and parent-child travel; For’ senior travelers’ who pay attention to in-depth experience and humanistic value, Ma Honeycomb continues to deepen the content of outbound travel, design various novel experience routes abroad, and launch activities to send them back to a new world. " Ni Jia said that the new gameplay community ecology based on different people and different circles will better meet the personalized travel needs.

At the same time, "new gameplay" has also become a favorable starting point for marketing. Liu Tingting, head of commercial marketing of Mawei, said that the core of Mawei’s marketing is to help destinations and brands find the right people, do the right content and then spread it to more right people. "The community and the strategy group upgraded this year are the first steps for Mawei to find accurate marketing people. The so-called’ right content’ is to explore and even create the destination experience under the drive of new gameplay, and thus create new theme products, trigger IP linkage, let users see, buy, feel, and then spread to more people. " According to reports, Ma Honeycomb has created a brand-new gameplay experience for many destinations at home and abroad in 2023, and promoted it through various channels and forms. "The new gameplay is like a key to open the door to new tourism marketing, which will rejuvenate traditional destinations, take mature destinations to a new level, and let brands find new scenes of tourism marketing. We are also looking forward to working with more destinations and brands to open up the infinite possibilities of’ new gameplay’." (Reporter Zhan Zhao)

Source: Guangming Net

Understanding the Four Realms of History

History is an evil teacher who only tells the truth to free people.

-Lord acton

For some countries or nations, history may be a fetter and a burden, but if you want to liberate from history, the safest and most reliable means is to recognize history.How a country’s citizens know about history determines what kind of future this country will have to a certain extent.Therefore, a correct understanding of history is extremely important for us at present.

Hegel said, "The only lesson that human beings have learned from history is that they have not learned any lessons from history". The reason for this is precisely because human beings have all kinds of wrong understandings of history. However, a historian, with his vigilance and insight, corrected the wrong cognitive model of history and helped us learn wisdom from history and enhance our realm. He is Lord acton.

From Lord acton’s works such as Freedom and Power and Lectures on Modern History, The Prophet Bookstore summarized the following four ideological paths of understanding history, each of which is a historical thinking that goes straight to the bottom:

1. History lies not in abundance, but in truth.

In human history, there are many false histories, the most typical of which is the "history" from the hands of autocratic monarchs. In order to maintain their own orthodoxy, they always delete historical materials and monopolize history. If we want to break away from the domination of power in the vast "history" where fakes are everywhere, we must have the knowledge and courage to find the truth.

Acton believes that the value of history lies not in its richness, but in its credibility. No matter how much false history is piled up, it is equivalent to garbage. It is better not to have it. Only in reliable historical facts can human beings learn real lessons.

2. Meaning is not in the present, but in eternity.

People usually think that the main significance of history is to provide lessons for the present. This is not wrong, but if it is only so, it will be a bit narrow. Because "the present" is always full of disputes and agitation, and the sacred and just beliefs should be detached from it and need to be formed in a quiet space.

Acton said, "Beyond credibility, it is a question of detachment". The key point of historical significance lies in "grasping the eternal problems, so that we are free from limiting the transient and changeable things". Reading history lies in thinking about the origin and root of things, thus gaining a transcendental wisdom.

3. Truth is important, but morality is more important.

In the face of history, if we only pay attention to the truth, it is often easy to draw wrong conclusions. For example, ancient aristocratic rule had many disadvantages, which is a fact, but it does not lead to the conclusion that civilian rule is better. As acton said, "The question is not which specific class is not suitable for ruling, but all classes are not suitable for ruling". Without the universal morality of mankind as a whole, any rule is dangerous.

Acton believes that "ideas are often repeated, rules of conduct are often changed, and creeds also rise and fall, but moral laws are engraved on the eternal monument". Therefore, history must have morality and faith running through it, and we must return to caring for people themselves. Without the restraint of moral principles, history can easily lead to blind hatred and become a call for slaughter.

4. Great history bears witness to the wisdom of God.

Acton believes that if we don’t take into account the history of 3,000 years, we can’t find philosophy in the historical observation of nearly a hundred years in modern times. But compared with ancient history, the cognition of modern history is more important. Because the transformation of mankind from barbarism to civilization in modern history helps us to see that "the wisdom of God’s rule is not reflected in the perfection of the world, but in the improvement of the world".

Modern history "tells our own story and is a record of our own life". Modern history "still hinders the pace of human beings and puzzles the human mind", and every part of modern history "contains extremely precious lessons". If we don’t know how to use the precedents and teachings, we will only repeat the same mistakes in the future and pay a huge price.

The above four points are only a small part of Lord acton’s historical insights. What he warned by moral laws is the weakness of the whole human race and the universal humanity. Acton’s unique transcendence and historical concern made him a prophet, but he was destined to be a minority in history.

Generally speaking, historical research values scientific methods, objective facts and impartial attitude; However, acton’s historical research is the last echo of western classical liberalism, and what he emphasized is precisely the points farthest from history in our eyes-freedom, morality and faith. This unique historical perspective is unfamiliar to Chinese people, but also lacking-perhaps this is the fundamental reason why China has not been able to get out of the cycle of chaos control for thousands of years.

Inject youthful strength into cultural inheritance and development (solid foundation and new discussion on culture)

Source: People’s Daily

"Do you want to innovate in the lyrics and plot? Make the audience feel more interesting. " "A play is long, no play is short. Traditional operas have to adapt to the theater, and the plot is compact and simple. " This is a daily discussion among young actors in Zhejiang Wuju Art Research Institute. In this troupe, which accounts for nearly 90% of the post-80s, post-90s, and post-00s, the actors practice hard the Four Merits and Five Methods and improve the literary and martial arts, and are active in more than 500 performances every year, so that the audience can feel the "fashion" of the opera.

The new appearance of Wu Opera is the epitome of contemporary China youth’s active participation in cultural inheritance and development. It has become the cultural consciousness of contemporary China youth to explore the cultural roots and take the initiative to inherit and innovate, from the young archaeologists at Sanxingdui archaeological site, to the young restorers who "rejuvenate" ancient villages, and then to the young creative talents in the national wind and tide.

Young people can use new technologies and new means to skillfully combine Chinese excellent traditional culture with contemporary life and open up innovative space. Taking intangible cultural heritage as an example, in the front line of rural revitalization, young people use innovative ideas to stimulate intangible cultural heritage, which not only inherits intangible cultural heritage, but also promotes rural development. Yang Changqin, the representative of the 14th National People’s Congress and the inheritor of the post-90s generation of Chishui bamboo weaving, a provincial-level non-legacy in Guizhou Province, studied skills and innovatively introduced a series of handicrafts such as bamboo weaving porcelain, which directly led to the increase of income of 177 households and 570 people in the ethnic village of Datong Town, Chishui City, and the bamboo weaving industry led to the employment of nearly 30,000 people in surrounding towns and villages. On the Tik Tok platform, in 2022, nearly seven creators in the field of non-legacy became young people, with over 1,000 live broadcasts every day; Young talents from professional troupes such as Huangmei Opera and Huagu Opera have stepped onto the "Cloud Stage", covering more than 300 kinds of operas. Last year, the number of people watching live broadcasts exceeded 2.5 billion, with an average of 3,200. Thanks to the innovative enthusiasm and creativity of youth groups, Chinese culture, including intangible cultural heritage, continues to glow with the glory of the times.

Inheritance needs innovation, and innovation calls for youth. Generate’s creativity in the cultural inheritance and innovation of the youth group proves the enterprising spirit of the Chinese nation, respecting the past and not retro, and reflects the outstanding innovation of Chinese civilization. Growing up in contemporary China, the stage for young people to display their skills is extremely broad. It is expected that the vast number of young people will inject more youthful strength into the cultural inheritance and development with high spirits.

Rambling, just want to explain what is "culture"

Why do you want to talk about culture? Because people can’t do without culture. People practice culture all the time.

What is culture? The dictionary says: culture is the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth created by human beings. Especially spiritual wealth, such as literature, art, education, science, etc.

Of course, the popular concept of culture is not so beautiful, probably because people like elegance, so everything they want to culture has become culture. The least funny thing is that even the toilet has become a culture. In fact, the toilet can really be a culture. Because culture is a collection of human activities and human history.

In textbooks, "culture" is a word and the label is a noun. But I always think that culture is a combination of two words, or a phrase. First, "Wen" is a noun, and the last word is "Hua", a verb.

In fact, culture is a process. The process of culture is the process that the whole human society bid farewell to primitiveness and ignorance, and to ignorance and barbarism. The process of culture is the process of human civilization.

Culture is not civilization, but only when culture exists can civilization exist. Culture is the foundation of civilization. Without culture, there is no civilization.

Therefore, as long as human beings exist, culture must exist, and as long as there are human beings, culture must exist.

This is culture.