"Ordinary" and "Moderate" Who is coping with the college exam?

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  Examinations have always been the most worrying thing for students. For college students, the performance not only represents the academic level, but also is an important basis for future research or employment. In order to get satisfactory results, students not only hope that the teacher can "draw the key points", but also hope to be lenient when judging the papers … …

  But for teachers, the mood when marking papers is by no means as simple as leaving no mercy. Recently, the reporter received a letter from a university professor, complaining about the "suffering" during the final exam. Although it has been a holiday, many jumps in the students’ papers, perfunctory answers, lackadaisical language expression, logical analysis, and even the "blank space" under the exam questions still make him sigh.

  Is what the professor said a common phenomenon? What problems are mapped out in a paper? It’s the school season again, and I hope that this year’s questioners and respondents can make real efforts to complete a satisfactory answer sheet.

  [Letters from readers]

  Shock wave behind a final exam paper

  Li Mingliang, Professor of International Business School of Tianjin Foreign Studies University.

  I have been teaching in the university for more than ten years, and at the end of each semester, I will face a serious psychological shock — — Suffer from the "torment" of the final exam. This "suffering" is not only a physical test, but also a mental torture. At the end of almost every semester, I have to read at least 200 or 300 papers by myself. These "final exam works" from students of different majors and grades are not only hard to see refreshing, serious and beautiful writing, but also jump and answer casually, and the language expression and logical analysis are indifferent. There are even many papers that leave a lot of worrying blanks. A teacher once told me that some students couldn’t answer the questions, so they simply drew a smiling face in the blank space under the examination questions, and then wrote a kind word praising the teacher, as if to please the teacher or win the teacher’s sympathy, hoping that the teacher could be "merciful."

  As we all know, examination has its unique functions of evaluation, detection, diagnosis, guidance, feedback and encouragement, which cannot be replaced by any other teaching link. The final exam is not only a final assessment and systematic evaluation of students’ learning situation of various courses since one semester, but also a process check of professional teachers’ teaching effect and teaching quality. Generally speaking, the total score of the current assessment courses in colleges and universities is comprehensively evaluated according to the usual scores and final exam scores. Among them, the usual scores include quizzes, homework, class discussions, course papers, attendance, etc. The final score is the final closed-book exam paper score, and their respective weights are different in each school. But on the whole, most colleges and universities stipulate that the final grade accounts for 50% ~ 70% of the total grade. In addition, some colleges and universities also stipulate that there should be no less than four kinds of questions in the final examination paper of each course, and the number of questions is moderate and the difficulty is moderate, which should basically ensure that candidates can complete it within 90 minutes. In this way, the test questions of many courses are limited to noun explanation questions, multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, short-answer questions, discussion questions, case analysis questions or calculation questions. Students also follow this logic year after year to review the "exam-oriented". In colleges and universities, there is also an unwritten "rules of the game". Teachers will divide the students into a general examination range at the end of the term to give each other a "reassurance". Otherwise, students will be at a loss and don’t know what to review;Teachers will also be worried that candidates will "fail in a large area" and the failure rate is too high, which will not only affect their personal teaching reputation, but also lead to tension between teachers and students; Seriously, it may also be held accountable by the teaching authorities, and even ultimately affect the annual performance appraisal and professional title promotion of teachers.

  From this point of view, the curriculum assessment in our colleges and universities is really not limited to a final examination paper. This is not only related to the relationship between teachers and students, teaching, examination, evaluation and management in colleges and universities, but also related to the talent training mode of higher education, especially the quality of talent training. In fact, for many years, we have been advocating the separation of teaching and examination, calling for the separation of teaching and examination, and teachers do not participate in the final examination of their courses, including setting questions, invigilating, marking papers, scoring and quality analysis; Instead, a set of examination management system with complete rules and regulations including examination database, automatic proposition, marking, grading, examination analysis, score management and so on is established. College curriculum examination should not blindly emphasize theory over application, knowledge over ability, results over process and grades over feedback, but should be adjusted to pay more attention to students’ innovative ability and practical ability, and realize a comprehensive evaluation system with comprehensive evaluation contents, diversified subjects, diversified methods and dynamic process. However, in reality, colleges and universities still have a long way to go in order to build a scientific, comprehensive and reasonable evaluation system and its mode reform.

  This holiday, Wang Li, a sophomore in a university in Shanxi, didn’t have an easy time. "There are two exam results that haven’t come out, and I’m particularly worried that I can’t pass them. Because I didn’t answer the last two big questions, my paper score is definitely not enough. I pray that the teacher can make my usual grades higher." For these two grades, Wang Li basically brushes the school website every day, and often chats with his classmates to "pray for blessings". "There are still a few days before school starts, and we will know the result soon."

  Liu Zhengdong, Wang Li’s classmate, told the reporter, "I had a hunch that I would fail two exams, and finally I went to the teacher to plead with him, hoping that he would hand ‘ Song ’ Point, the final result is quite satisfactory, all 60 points, just passed. " Looking at the results haven’t come out yet, Liu Zhengdong advised Wang Li to send a message to the teacher and get in touch with "feelings", so maybe he could pass the exam on the line. "After all, many students didn’t answer well."

  1. "Everything will be fine if you don’t fail."

  Are the examination papers of college students really so casual and so "vulnerable"?

  "No matter which school, there are schoolmasters, but to be honest, if there are no goals such as insurance research that explicitly require credit scores, many students are in line with ‘ Just pass the exam ’ The mentality to cope with the exam. I usually don’t listen to lectures in class, I leave homework from the Internet, review all night before the exam, and everything will be fine without failing. " Zhu Wenshuo, a college student in Beijing, told reporters.

  "The examination questions of many courses are nothing more than noun explanation questions, multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, short-answer questions, essay questions and so on." Fan Hui, a college student in Hunan, is a liberal arts student. In his view, liberal arts exams are usually relatively easy. "As long as you can remember the knowledge points, you will definitely get similar results. Especially the following essay questions, as long as you have a general understanding of this course, you can write the paper full and make sense, and the basic score will not be bad. "

  A college teacher who has been engaged in teaching for many years read this sentence repeatedly after seeing it. "I can’t say a lot, but there are some papers that have such problems. When students don’t know what to answer, they will simply list or analyze some concepts of this course, lack basic logic, and even answer irrelevant questions. Because the students know that as long as I answer this question, the teacher will give some points. "

  However, there is also a college teacher who believes that the college exam is to condense the task of assessing students’ knowledge into a test paper. "Therefore, teachers often ask questions fairly well, and students only need to write out what they think is the most correct. We can’t ask all students to keep a cutting-edge and in-depth understanding of a certain knowledge."

  2. Who is responsible for the "dull" test paper?

  Then, in the face of some "plain" answers that are difficult to make people shine at the moment, we should think deeply. What is the problem?

  In this regard, Mo Leiyu, an associate professor at China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) School of Management, believes that there are three reasons: First, the academic level of students is uneven now, and it is difficult to unify the measurement standards; Second, due to the school regulations, some colleges and universities have specific proportions for the failure rate of course assessment; Third, under the baton of postgraduate entrance examination, students are utilitarian, and many students do not attach importance to courses that are not directly related to postgraduate entrance examination.

  Chen Peng, director of the Department of Communication at Nankai University, said that sometimes, in order to "standardize" and facilitate management in a uniform way, educational management departments will require teachers to take exams according to certain prescribed formats, forms and even contents, sometimes they have formulated strict procedures for exams, and sometimes they even put forward some requirements for exam results. "For example, I have learned that the education management departments of many universities will require teachers to take exams in some form, which will facilitate the final filing management; Sometimes students’ grades are required to present an approximate normal distribution, otherwise they are considered to have problems in the exam; Sometimes teachers’ grades are questioned, and in order to be consistent with their standards, teachers are required to lower or raise their grades. In the final analysis, it is still to cope with teaching evaluation. " Chen Peng said, "As an important link in teaching, examination evaluation should respect the laws of education and teaching and be set by teachers, and should ensure that teachers are in the professional field according to professional standards, academic standards and teaching objectives ‘ Discretion ’ 。”

  "Just because the test papers answered by students are relatively dull does not mean that there is something wrong with the test itself." Some experts said that examination may not be the best way to assess, but as far as the current situation is concerned, there is no better way to test learning, supervise learning and complete evaluation. He believes that the negative impact seen at present is by no means from the examination mechanism itself.

  Chen Peng said: "Exams and grades are the intersection of students and teachers in knowledge dissemination. Different understanding of the role of knowledge in the educational process and life path leads to different understanding of exams between teachers and students and between different students. However, if there are courses, there will be exams, because every course needs quality evaluation and effect test, and it is necessary to innovate in ways and methods. "

  3. How to get the true level in the exam?

  Kun Wang, a student of a university in Beijing, was deeply impressed by a small innovation in an ordinary exam. She told reporters that in the final exam of English listening course last semester, in addition to the regular British accent, there was also a Japanese accent in her listening materials. "Although it is indeed difficult to distinguish, it is inevitable to encounter this kind of communication situation in practical application. After several years of professional courses, it is necessary for us to exercise our ability to eliminate all kinds of interference factors."

  "We all know that exams are very important, but we often ignore the significance of exams." Kun Wang said that when we take exams just for the sake of exams, the effect will naturally be greatly reduced.

  "The meaning of the exam is to know what progress students have made and what students have gained through the study of the course ‘ Value-added ’ , to what extent ‘ Value-added ’ ; Discover the shortcomings of students’ learning process and find out which aspects of students have failed to achieve the expected learning effect, so as to provide targeted and targeted help to students. " Professor Xie Xiaoqing, former director of beijing language and culture university Institute of Educational Measurement, said.

  Then, how to make the exam play a greater role and make the exam get the true level?

  In Mo Leiyu’s view, the examination can be analyzed in detail, such as dividing the examination into two parts, setting a unified national examination method for the basic knowledge part, and stipulating a bottom line that students of this major must reach. If it is not reached, the basic knowledge is not mastered. "Now there are many channels for students to acquire knowledge, but most of them are fragmented and difficult to connect, so it is still necessary to systematically examine the basic knowledge. Non-single answer questions involving creative and divergent thinking can be flexibly assessed by interviews and other means. "

  Xie Xiaoqing emphasized: "The knowledge test mainly examines the memory of specific professional knowledge. This kind of memory knowledge can often be completed with the help of online search, which is easy to dampen students’ interest in learning. The ability test mainly examines those psychological characteristics that have a wide influence and are relatively stable. This kind of test has obvious effect on improving students’ overall quality. At the same time, the ability test is not easily affected by the surprise preparation, and can accurately reflect the students’ real learning level. "

  (Our reporter Jin Haotian, our correspondent Jiang Jiaqian)

This special reunion dinner is really delicious!

Original title: This special reunion dinner is really delicious!

"Today’s annual meal is very fragrant and warm." On January 30, after eating a special reunion dinner at school, Wang Tongbang, a 2021 graduate student of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Education of Huazhong Normal University, said with emotion.

This year, a total of 161 students from Huazhong Normal University stayed in school for the New Year. On the day before New Year’s Eve, the school invited the students’ representatives who stayed in school during the winter vacation to have a "group annual banquet" and sent the students a New Year gift package and warm wishes. Although this special "Group Year Banquet" took the form of distributing box lunches and scattered meals, the students still lamented: "It smells good!" "I also feel at home when I stay in school for the New Year."

In a conference room in the Nanhu complex of the school, representatives of teachers and students communicate while eating lunch boxes. "I wish the students a prosperous and prosperous Year of the Tiger, and learn something!" The school leaders sent New Year greetings to the students who stayed in school for the New Year, asked about their study and life, and told everyone to pay attention to safety precautions, strengthen physical exercise, and communicate with family and friends more. If you encounter difficulties in life during your stay in school, the school will provide you with all kinds of help in time.

On the same day, Huazhong Normal University also prepared lunch boxes, Chinese New Year gift packages and Chinese New Year red envelopes for the students who did not attend the group annual banquet at the scene, which were collected by the heads of various training units and sent to the students’ dormitory. The delicious food and the warm words of the teachers moved the students deeply.

"Although I haven’t seen my family, it is also a special experience and growth opportunity for me to stay in school for the New Year." Yun Tianrun, a 2020 undergraduate from the School of Psychology in Hong Kong, said.

Li Bairong, a 2019 undergraduate from the School of Computer Science, is from Taiwan Province. He said that he was used to living in Wuhan and wanted to feel the Spring Festival in Hubei this year.

After receiving the gift package, Xing Xu, a 2018 doctoral student of China Rural Research Institute, said: "The concern and condolences of the school made me deeply feel the’ temperature of Chinese teachers’. Wuhan is very cold after the snow, but my heart is warm. Guizishan is my home in Wuhan. "

The reporter learned that in order to ensure that the students staying in school have a warm and happy New Year, in addition to ensuring normal meals during the winter vacation, Huazhong Normal University also provides free meals for the students staying in school from New Year’s Eve to the second day of the first month.

Hubei Daily All-Media Reporter Han Xiaoling Correspondent Wu Yan Party Botao

(Photo taken by correspondent Chen Xichang)

Source: Hubei Daily


97,000 real estate enterprises’ transformation "the second half" financial model transformation to reduce debt into a starting point.

  Huang Qifan believes that the huge annual real estate transaction volume of 16 trillion to 17 trillion will surely become a historical turning point, and the future market will gradually shrink.

  About 97,000 real estate enterprises are gradually entering the deep-water period of transformation. With the implementation of measures such as deleveraging and stabilizing finance, China’s real estate sector will enter the "second half" era of stock management.

  "Overall, the era of China’s real estate in short supply is over." Huang Qifan, vice chairman of China International Economic Exchange Center, said at the World Chinese Real Estate Society held on July 13th, "The huge annual transaction volume of real estate in China is bound to become a historical turning point, and the market will gradually shrink in the future; Therefore, in the next decade, I predict that the real estate growth rate will not be higher than China’s GDP and M2 growth rate, but it will not fall too fast and will enter a stage of steady growth in an all-round way. "

  How should real estate enterprises with an average debt of more than 80% go into battle lightly? "Learning from the experience of developed countries, in fact, financial transformation is also crucial for housing enterprises." Wang He, secretary-general of the World Chinese Real Estate Society, said, "The transformation of real estate enterprises should start from the financial field, such as REITs (real estate trust and investment funds) to reduce the burden on enterprises."

  At present, nearly 100,000 real estate enterprises registered in industrial and commercial registration have become the epitome of China’s real estate development in the first half.

  According to Gao Bo, director of the Center for Urban and Real Estate Research of Nanjing University, the development of real estate has contributed to GDP, promoted the process of urbanization, promoted land finance and housing finance, and reduced financial risks. Only by taking the modernization of the housing system as a prerequisite can the real estate industry really do it.

  For example, in 2018, the added value of the real estate industry in the United States accounted for about 13.2% of GDP. In the first three quarters of the same year, the added value of real estate in China was about 4.36 trillion, accounting for 6.69% of GDP.

  There is no doubt about this step of transformation. How to turn? Many experts in the research field believe that on the one hand, it is necessary to shift from extensive expansion strategy to refined operation, on the other hand, enterprises need to fundamentally change their financial model.

  "The transformation of real estate enterprises should pay attention to ‘ Lianggao ’ That is, high quality and high technology. " Jia Shenghua, director of the Real Estate Research Center of Zhejiang University, said, "High quality means that housing enterprises should return to their final purpose of residence, not quantitative expansion; High technology means that more technical means need to be integrated into the development and management of houses. "

  "REITs are like an IPO of an office building, and the share can be transferred, traded and distributed." Hu Feng, a senior director of dtz and head of the North China District Valuation and Consulting Service Department, told the First Financial Reporter, "It is equivalent to sharing this building. If you buy a share, you can enjoy the benefits of the share. This share can be transferred and transferred, so the assets will flow."

  According to the First Financial Reporter, Ping An Real Estate, Poly Real Estate, Xuhui and Longhu have also stepped in since CITIC, the first private equity REITs in China, was launched in May 2014. According to the data of Industrial Securities, as of May 12 this year, 48 REITs have been issued in China, with a total amount of 93.42 billion yuan.

  The REITs research group of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University estimates that the market size of REITs in China is about 4 trillion to 12 trillion.

  Liu Qiao, dean of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University and professor of finance, believes that REITs will probably become one of the most important starting points for China’s financial system reform or supply-side reform in the next few years.

  Liu Qiao also wrote in CBN that REITs are not limited to real estate. At present, the problem of financing difficulty and high cost for enterprises in China, especially private enterprises, has been very prominent. The introduction of REITs is conducive to reducing systemic financial risks and promoting the development of real estate industry and upstream and downstream industries.

  "If the capital operation in previous years was to borrow money to get land, then in the second half of the stock management era, we must calm down and operate our assets well." Chen Xiaoou, independent director of Yuexiu Real Estate Trust, told the reporter, "We are providing asset management services for Chengdu Luhu Eco-city, such as business format and asset sorting, and later asset securitization."

  In the era of stock management, in addition to residential real estate, building economy will also become an important carrier to adjust industrial structure.

  According to Zhu Jianhui, head of the research department of Jones Lang LaSalle in West China, "At present, the building economy is also operating under the dual-track background of urbanization and urban renewal; We also found two characteristics: first, the demand side of building transformation mostly comes from technology-driven enterprises such as we work and incubation centers; Second, real estate buildings such as Joy City began to build amusement parks, maternal and child rooms, etc., paying more attention to the humanistic value brought to consumers. "

  The quality transformation of housing enterprises under the empowerment of many technologies has gradually landed nationwide. In other words, housing enterprises really began to bid farewell to the extensive and expansive development model in the past, focusing on social services that are people-oriented and meet domestic demand.

  How does technology drive the development of cities and real estate? According to Wang Yeqiang, director of the Land Economy and Real Estate Research Office of the Institute of Urban Development and Environment of China Academy of Social Sciences, on the one hand, smart cities should be built through technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing and big data to meet the needs of residents’ production and life; On the one hand, infrastructure and industrial informatization should be highly developed.

  Some large real estate enterprises are integrating big data and Internet of Things into residential management and services.

  Wu Zhihua, CEO of Greentown Service Group, said, "Take a certain community as an example, the proportion of elderly people over 60 years old is 10.98%, and the proportion of second children in the community is higher than the national average; Through this kind of analysis, we have laid out the services of children’s education, nutrition and rehabilitation for the elderly in the community. At present, 130,000 people have established health records on our platform, and 400,000 elderly users are enjoying paid chronic disease management services.

  Small and medium-sized housing enterprises choose to cut in from low energy consumption and green ecological technology. "The core of real estate is still the residential industry, and this cannot be lost. The reason is that it can develop rapidly and standardize, and because it has a large market consumer group and belongs to popular products, it has strong anti-risk ability. " Li Biao, chairman of yueda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. said, "In addition to paying attention to building quality, scientific research and development is also our strength."

  Previously, Jinmaofu attracted much attention in the industry because it proposed 12 black technologies (to meet residents’ comprehensive household needs such as air, temperature, humidity and noise), and the average price of its housing in Hongkou, Shanghai New Town was about 102,000/square meter.

  "We already have the 12 major scientific and technological systems of Jinmaofu, and we have a clear understanding of ourselves, that is, to be an expert in quality life operation." Li Biao told the First Financial Reporter, "In addition to residential technology research and development, looking further, we are developing projects around the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomerations (such as Suzhou, Nantong and Yancheng)."

  Some real estate big data companies have already quietly laid out. "According to more than 50 major industries involved in real estate, we divided the data into eight thematic directions, including transaction end, residential security end and residential service end." Yan Zhimin, chairman of Hangzhou Zhongfang Information Technology Co., Ltd. told the First Financial Reporter.

  "For example, in Fuyang, which is more than 20 kilometers away from Hangzhou, the price of a parking space in a certain community reached 800,000, but the house price in the community was around 10,000. At that time, the people and the media were very controversial; Therefore, we assisted the government to make a data analysis and look at the reasonable reasons according to the floor price and market environment. In the future, data-based disaster reduction, shock absorption, escape, etc. will be used to ensure residential safety. " Yan Zhimin added.

This Italian children’s choir is hard to get a ticket every year. How will they appear in Shanghai this year?

The Italian Antoniano Chorus ("An Tuan" for short) is no stranger to many audiences in China. Every New Year, the choir’s New Year concert in Shanghai has become a regular program for many parent-child families, and it is not difficult for parents of all walks of life to "grab tickets". Because every time, the tickets for the New Year concert will be sold out within 1 minute. This record has been maintained for many years.
Since its first performance in China in 2016, the troupe has held a New Year Chorus Concert at Shanghai Children’s Art Theater (SAIC Roewe Children’s Cultural Center) for five consecutive years. When the epidemic struck this year, foreign performing groups could not come to China. The organizer, Shanghai Children’s Art Theater, made a decision to continue to hold the Anzhuan New Year Concert in 2021 and put it on in a "cross-time" way.
This concert tried a brand-new stage technology, using high-definition video and holographic technology to realize the interaction between Italy and China. An Tuan will sing in Italy and interact with the China Sisters from a distance. There will be six concerts from December 31st to January 3rd. The concert on New Year’s Day will be broadcast live through Youku platform.
Liang Xiaoxia, general manager of Shanghai Children’s Art Theater, revealed that this New Year concert "through time and space" is the most difficult concert they have had in the five years since they introduced the troupe. In addition to the great technical difficulties, including the time difference and different ideas between China and Italy. However, because the Italian security corps is located in a high-risk area, it has also overcome various difficulties in rehearsal and filming. Mr. Cavalli Giampaolo, artistic director of ANTuan, said that it was the most difficult but also the warmest New Year concert that ANTuan had completed in the past 57 years.
Liang Xiaoxia said that the reason why we insisted on presenting the New Year’s Concert in this way this year was that we hoped to satisfy the thoughts of the Shanghai audience; Second, I hope that through this concert that spans time and space, there will be a warm connection between China and the international children. Just like the theme of this year’s New Year concert: "2021, More Love".
Affected by the epidemic, the real person did not come to the New Year concert to be put on hold.Every year, New Year’s Eve is celebrated with the songs of the troupe, which has become a fixed project for many China audiences to welcome the new year. This year, an Tuan can’t come to China, and there is no live concert. What should we do?
Finally, after consulting with Shanghai Children’s Art Theater, the troupe decided to present the New Year concert in this special period with high-definition video.
However, can the audience’s expectations be met by playing HD video alone, and how can the audience who go into the theater to listen to the concert have a unique live experience? After discussion, the Chinese and Italian teams finally decided to use holographic technology.
Holographic technology used to be used in concerts and other large-scale activities, but it is the first time in the world to be used in concerts, especially children’s chorus concerts. For this reason, the organizer invited the best professional technical team in China, used the world’s most advanced cable-stayed film projection technology, and equipped the top dance equipment in the industry to achieve the best imaging effect in the industry at present.
It is envisaged that the three tracks of the concert will be presented by holographic projection technology. On the stage, the pre-recorded singing video of the troupe will be presented by holographic technology, while the China Sisters Hydrangea Choir of the troupe will perform live, so the two choirs will present the effect of "singing on the same stage", and there will be an interactive experience of live performance and virtual imaging.
In the past, holographic film technology was mostly in the form of "single person and single film", but this time, the Chinese and Italian teams must solve the problem of presenting dozens of choir children on the same film at the same time. Not only that, but also will interact with the security group at the scene. The number of people, the complexity of design, the difficulty of shooting and the difficulty of the later stage are unprecedented for the technical team.
In order to solve this series of problems, the domestic technical team has produced a shooting guide with dozens of pages for ANTuan, explaining each shot, each angle and each group of protagonists in detail.
Because this is the first time that an Tuan has challenged holographic technology, the effect of the first shooting is not satisfactory. The teams in China and Italy overcame the time difference and communicated remotely all night. Finally, gather all the children in the choir again and shoot again.
Although there are great challenges and difficulties, Liang Xiaoxia said, "The impact of the epidemic has prevented the troupe from coming to the scene to perform, but at the same time, this situation has also made us think, open up more imagination and see if we can use scientific and technological means to make the performance team who can’t come to the scene personally bring a good stage experience to the audience."
Liang Xiaoxia said that the application of holographic technology in the New Year concert is also an attempt by Shanghai Children’s Art Theater to perform on the stage at present and in the post-epidemic era, which can provide reference and inspiration for the future.
Serious risk escalation of epidemic situation, bumpy recording and difficult transmissionFor the Italian Chorus Antoniano, the experience of this New Year concert is unprecedented.
Lombardia, where the choir is located, is listed as a high-risk area of red epidemic by the Italian government, and Italy is one of the countries with the worst epidemic in Europe. This year, almost all performances of the choir were suspended, including the children’s chorus gold medal competition that the choir participates in every year, which was also announced to be postponed until next year.
At the same time, due to the epidemic situation, the Italian national television team, which recorded the concert for ANTuan in previous years, was unable to assist in the filming this year, and the staff of the technical department of ANTuan made up the seats one by one at the first time, which solved the shooting problem.
However, the local government does not allow many people to enter the studio for recording. To this end, the security group specially applied to the Italian government, and after more than two months of examination and approval, it finally obtained special approval. Therefore, during the Italian epidemic, ANTuan became the only organization that was able to carry out multi-person shed recording.
During each rehearsal and recording, the local government will also appoint two health supervisors to be full-time inspectors at the scene.
The problems encountered in shooting are also continuous. Because there are 40 members in the official performance, according to the requirements of Italian epidemic prevention and control, only half of them can now enter the studio for recording. At the same time, when rehearsing and recording, each child should be separated by a safe distance of at least 1 meter. As a result, during the video recording in the studio, the children no longer stood on the chorus table, but stood on 23 little red dot landmarks which had been strictly measured.
In order to present the best visual effect, the troupe shot every song in the concert from multiple positions and angles, and it took a long time to shoot the material of 18 songs. But at the same time, how to "send" the massive materials of the whole New Year concert to China at the fastest speed has become another difficult problem under special conditions this year.
After numerous international discussions and various schemes, there are only one or two days left before the concert starts. Liang Xiaoxia and her team are still making various adjustments across the time difference every day, striving to make the concert present the best effect. In Italy, all the children and the conductor of the troupe are full of expectations for this unprecedented concert.
"So many times, the children didn’t complain, because the children themselves are very curious and looking forward to it. They will ask, can holographic technology really send us to China? What will we look like on China’s screen? "
Liang Xiaoxia said that since she introduced AnTuan five years ago, this children’s choir has been regarded as the most healing and joyful choir. Therefore, I hope that in this special New Year, more audiences can enjoy and share the warmth and healing brought by the concert.
(This article is from The Paper, please download the "The Paper" APP for more original information)

27. Set up vendors’ standard points to develop stall economy. Netizen: It’s so smoky.

  Seimi Zhang, June 4 (Xinhua) Recently, the word "stall economy" has been completely popular, and the number of related Weibo topics has exceeded 600 million. Many places have set up vendors’ standard points to encourage the development of stall economy.

  Set up vendors’ standard points in many places to develop stall economy

  According to incomplete statistics, up to now, there are at least Shanghai, Jinan, Nanning, Zhengzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Hefei, Xiamen, Shaanxi, Liaoning, Jiangxi, Gansu, Changchun, Hangzhou, Changsha, Shijiazhuang, Nanning, Qingdao, Yichang, Huanggang, Deyang, Panzhihua, Guang ‘an, Nanchong, Ziyang.

  Data map: stall economy. Zhongxin jingwei photo

  Ying Xiwen, head of the macro-regional research team of the People’s Bank of China think tank, pointed out in an interview with Zhongxin Jingwei client that the stall economy has always been a "gray zone" in China’s urban economy, and its existence has certain rationality, which has alleviated the employment pressure to a certain extent, promoted the development of the tertiary industry, and at the same time activated the market and stimulated economic development.

  Zhang Zhixin, an associate professor at the School of Urban Economics and Public Administration of Capital University of Economics and Business, told the client of Zhongxin Jingwei that liberalizing the development of stall economy can meet people’s consumption demand, especially during the epidemic period, stall economy brings convenience to people’s shopping, and at the same time increases the fireworks in the city, which also meets the current requirements for epidemic prevention and control.

  The first Shanghai Nightlife Festival was launched on June 6th.

  On June 3rd, the press conference of Shanghai Municipal Government revealed that Shanghai will hold the first Shanghai Nightlife Festival from June 6th to June 30th. Create a new image of night Shanghai with fireworks, Shanghai flavor, fashion trend and international style.

  In addition, recently, Shanghai Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau formulated and issued the Guiding Opinions of Shanghai Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau on Optimizing the Business Environment, and Shanghai will support the development of new consumption formats. Promote the economic development of the night market, cooperate with local governments and relevant administrative departments to scientifically set up the night market, guide the night market to implement the management subject and implement merchant autonomy. Support specialty stores to carry out "external placement" operation, and implement refined management of external placement time and placement scope.

  Jinan proposes to develop "small store economy"

  On June 2nd, Liu Yanqiu, director of Jinan Municipal Bureau of Commerce, said at the press conference held by Jinan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government that Jinan would rationally release the street stall economy, and vigorously develop the night economy, promote consumption transformation and upgrading, and increase jobs by upgrading the IP brand of the night economy, cultivating the theme blocks of the night economy, holding special activities of the night economy, and building the brand of the night economy and culture.

  Jinan also proposed to develop "small store economy", optimize the access process of "small stores", shorten the time limit for examination and approval, and guide various formats to extend business hours; Support catering stores to increase snack categories and rest places to increase consumers’ stay time; Moderately allow businesses to make personalized shop signs, shop signs, beautiful Chen and street artists to sing, and increase the employment opportunities of urban residents.

  Nanning makes it clear that minor violations of urban management laws and regulations will not be punished.

  On June 2nd, the headquarters office of "Beautiful Nanning Clean, Smooth and Orderly Action" issued "Guiding Opinions on Doing a Good Job in Services such as Occupation Management, Road Market and Mobile Vendors", which came into effect on the 2nd and is valid until December 31st this year.

  The "Opinions" clarify that in order to protect the economy, temporary stalls are allowed to be opened near residential concentrated areas to guide self-produced and self-sold farmers and mobile vendors to regulate their operations; Encourage the use of idle areas inside and outside the community, set up temporary stalls, and where conditions permit, set up the morning market and night market. The "Opinions" also make it clear that enterprises and operators will not be punished for minor violations of relevant laws and regulations on urban management due to their production and business activities. In principle, no booth fee, booth rent and other fees will be charged to operators and mobile vendors who occupy the roads in permitted areas.

  Demonstrative zones of night economic agglomeration are arranged around Zhengzhou.

  On June 2nd, Zhengzhou issued "Opinions on Implementing People-Centered Development Thought and Doing Better Work for the People", in which it was mentioned that each county (city, district) and development zone should rationally arrange one or two demonstration zones of "night goods, night shopping, night appreciation, night tour and night health" and hold one or three night economic theme activities. To carry out the selection of night economic activities in counties (cities, districts) and development zones, the municipal finance will reward the top three with 1 million yuan, 800,000 yuan and 500,000 yuan respectively.

  On the evening of June 2, Zhengzhou Jiankang Road Night Market was very lively. Zhongxin jingwei photo

  In addition, all counties (cities, districts) and development zones in Zhengzhou should clearly plan their distribution, implement management measures, make full use of public places such as squares and parks and idle land, and set up bazaars and characteristic flea markets according to the principles of fixed time, fixed place, fixed format, fixed expenses and fixed management.

  Nanjing added 1,410 temporary outside stalls.

  On May 1st, Nanjing Urban Management Bureau issued "Guiding Opinions on Doing a Good Job in Service Management of Temporary Outside Stalls during Epidemic Prevention", requiring that obvious signs should be set up in temporary outside areas, stalls should be numbered, business items, business hours and safety tips should be publicized, and garbage should be collected separately at the site.

  On the basis of the existing 3,400 temporary stalls, Nanjing Urban Management Bureau added 134 temporary external stalls in the city this year. The area, scale and time period of setting up temporary external stalls in this opening need to be reviewed by the urban management departments of all districts. The urban management law enforcement department will resolutely investigate and deal with illegal acts such as occupying roads and unlicensed mobile stalls.

  Chengdu plans a more elaborate stall policy version 2.0

  On March 14th, Chengdu issued "Chengdu Urban Management Five Permits and One Persist in Coordinating Epidemic Prevention and Control to Help Economic Development". On the premise of ensuring safety, not occupying blind roads and fire exits, not infringing on the interests of others, and doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, cleaning and sanitation, it is allowed to set up temporary stalls, allow street shops to operate outside the door, allow large shopping malls to carry out occupation promotion and allow mobile vendors to sell. As of May 28th, Chengdu has set up 2,230 temporary road stalls and stalls, allowing 17,147 temporary crossing points and 20,130 mobile vendors, increasing employment by more than 100,000 people.

  According to the Chengdu Urban Management Committee, Chengdu is planning a more precise and precise version of the policy 2.0, so as to realize the organic unity of standardized and orderly occupation of roads, clean and tidy city environment, convenient and fast life for citizens, more active urban consumption and stronger market atmosphere.

  Hefei stalls are divided into "forbidden areas" and "diversion areas"

  The setting area of Hefei stalls is divided into "forbidden area" and "diversion area". Among them, the "forbidden area" refers to the main roads, window units, squares, bridges (including footbridges), underground passages, the periphery of office areas, the entrance and exit of the campus within 100 meters, and other areas where stalls are not allowed to be set up as stipulated by laws and regulations. In addition to the forbidden areas, the areas outside the forbidden areas shall be demarcated by the district governments and development zone management committees and announced to the public without affecting the lives of citizens and traffic, and shall be standardized and managed according to the standards.

  There are 37 stalls in the "grooming area" to provide convenience for the public. In addition to 37 temporarily defined stalls, there are some seasonal or temporary convenience stalls in Hefei, mainly including watermelon temporary sales outlets, breakfast carts, kiosks and so on.

  Xiamen has been trying out the "booth" since 2019.

  Since June last year, the trial of "booth" has been carried out, and 50 "booth" of various types have been built in Xiamen, providing 1150 booths. In addition to the autonomy of business households, urban management and law enforcement departments also cooperate with relevant responsible units to do a good job in food safety and environmental sanitation management at these "stalls".

  Xiamen Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau said that it will further communicate and coordinate with relevant departments, make full use of idle venues, roads with few cars, beaches, etc., and establish flea markets, gourmet streets, fruit markets, etc. in a time-limited manner to bring more mobile vendors into orderly management.

  For the first time at the provincial level in Shaanxi Province, the "Four Permits" for occupying roads were put forward.

  On May 27th, Shaanxi Province issued a notice, proposing that "street shops in urban areas should be allowed to operate without affecting pedestrian access and ensuring safety, large shopping malls should be allowed to occupy the road for promotion, temporary stalls should be opened in residential areas, and mobile vendors should be allowed to occupy the road for operation at a certain time and area". This is the first time at the provincial level in Shaanxi Province that the "four permits" on the occupation of roads have been put forward.

  At the same time, Xi ‘an plans to set up 100 vegetable morning markets, 100 night market barbecue centralized management areas and 100 temporary food stall sites this year.

  Spreading economic related topics into hot search professional households

  Source: Weibo screenshot

  In the past few days, Weibo topics such as # Street Economy # # Urban Management called vendors to set up stalls # # Street Cars # have been on the hot search list. As of 23: 30 on June 3, the reading volume of # Street Economy # Weibo topic has exceeded 630 million, with more than 100,000 discussions.

  Source: Weibo User Comments Screenshot

  Spread the economic fire all over the country, all over the network. Netizens have said: "It is suggested that every city should leave some places for stalls, not sneaking stalls but civilized stalls, which will not affect traffic and the environment, but also increase income." "Stalls, night markets, so fireworks, like it." "The stall is really convenient and affordable and gives the community a sense of life."

  Source: Weibo User Comments Screenshot

  At the same time, netizens have also given advice to the economic development of the stalls: "The bottom line of maintaining hygiene, exclusive areas and food safety should also be adhered to." "It is allowed to set up stalls, but it can’t be arbitrarily placed, and a new harmonious and win-win economic order will be established." "Don’t overdo it, don’t be across the board."

  Expert: Letting go of the stall economy does not mean letting go of responsibility.

  During the development of stall economy, it is inevitable to cause some urban management problems, such as sanitation and pollution, traffic congestion, noise disturbing people, insecure commodity quality and safety, social security and tax evasion.

  The essay suggests taking this opportunity to solve the long-standing problem of standardizing stall economy in one fell swoop. The first is to register and manage the practitioners in the stall economy. The second is to limit the space and time of operation to avoid affecting traffic. The third is to strengthen the control of health pollution and establish an emergency management system for epidemic prevention. The fourth is to set up a service quality supervision mechanism to protect consumers’ rights and interests. The fifth is to improve management efficiency with the help of Internet thinking, such as online application, registration and tax filing.

  Zhang Zhixin said that letting go of the stall economy does not mean letting go of the responsibility, nor does it mean giving up the law. In terms of food safety, environmental pollution and other aspects related to the vital interests of the people, urban law enforcement departments must investigate reports, investigate violations and enforce the law strictly. But at the same time, we should avoid overcorrection and one size fits all. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

WHO discusses ending COVID-19’s global emergency as soon as possible.

  "When we enter the fourth year of the pandemic, we are definitely in a much better situation now than a year ago." Tan Desai said that at the peak of the Omicron epidemic, more than 70,000 deaths were reported to WHO every week. By last October, the number had dropped to less than 10,000, which was close to the lowest level since the COVID-19 pandemic.

  On January 27th, Geneva time, the World Health Organization (WHO) held the 14th meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) Emergency Committee on the COVID-19 (Covid-19) pandemic to discuss and evaluate whether the current COVID-19 pandemic still constitutes a public health emergency (PHEIC) of international concern. After the meeting, WHO Director-General Tan Desai will make a final decision according to the recommendations of the Committee. The relevant results are expected to be announced as early as January 30th.

  Three years ago, on January 30, 2020, WHO announced that the new coronavirus epidemic was a public health emergency of international concern, and issued the highest alert level of United Nations agencies. On March 11th of that year, WHO declared that the COVID-19 epidemic constituted a global pandemic.

  Thereafter, every few months, the emergency committee will hold a meeting to discuss whether the COVID-19 pandemic meets the standard called "public health emergencies of international concern". The 13th recent meeting was held on October 13th, 2022, and the outcome of the meeting still maintained the global emergency in COVID-19.

  According to the binding international treaty "International Health Regulations", public health emergencies of international concern need to meet three standards: serious, sudden, abnormal or unexpected; It may spread across national boundaries; It may require a coordinated international response.

  At the press conference held on December 14th last year, Tan Desai expressed the hope that "COVID-19 pandemic will no longer be a public health emergency of international concern" in 2023. According to reports, the criteria for ending the global emergency in COVID-19 will be discussed at the meeting of the WHO Emergency Committee in COVID-19 in January 2023.

  Does the current epidemic in China affect the decision?

  On January 27th, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus made an opening speech at the meeting of the Emergency Committee in COVID-19, summarizing the current global epidemic situation.

  "When we enter the fourth year of the pandemic, we are definitely in a much better situation than a year ago." Tan Desai said that at the peak of the Omicron epidemic, more than 70,000 deaths were reported to WHO every week. By last October, the number had dropped to less than 10,000, which was close to the lowest level since the COVID-19 pandemic.

  However, he pointed out that since the beginning of December last year, the number of deaths reported every week in the world has been rising. The lifting of restrictions in China has led to a sharp increase in the death toll in the world’s most populous country. "Last week, nearly 40,000 people reported to WHO died, more than half of them from China. In the past eight weeks, more than 170,000 deaths have been reported. The actual number is definitely much higher. " At present, WHO has updated the relevant data page (WHO COVID-19 Dashboard) to include the cases and deaths reported in China in recent weeks.

  Global data of infections and deaths in Covid-19. Source: WHO official website

  Margaret Harris, a WHO spokeswoman, told Caixin that on January 26th, 2023, China reported more cases and deaths to WHO. From December 9, 2022 to January 23, 2023, more than 87 million cases and more than 75,000 deaths were reported in China (excluding Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan Province). With these additional data, the cumulative number of cases worldwide has increased from more than 664 million to more than 751 million. The cumulative global death toll has risen from more than 6.7 million to nearly 6.8 million.

  Harris said that China CDC issued additional announcements on January 15th, 21st and 25th, but the data shared were not classified by date, so WHO could not include them in the report. When asked to what extent the information provided by China will affect the decision on whether to lift the state of emergency, Harris only said, "The Committee has reviewed all relevant global data on the issues under consideration."

  According to the website of China CDC, from December 8, 2022 to January 26, 2023, there were 78,960 cases of Covid-19-related deaths in hospitals nationwide, including 6,473 cases of respiratory failure caused by Covid-19 infection and 72,487 cases of basic diseases complicated with Covid-19 infection.

  Professor Zhang Style, head of the Department of Epidemiology and tenured professor at UCLA School of Public Health, recently said in a column that considering the future development and control of COVID-19 infection and severe death in China, it is unlikely that WHO will decide to terminate the state of emergency of "public health emergencies" at the meeting at the end of this month. He estimated that if COVID-19 infection and severe death in China were effectively controlled, WHO would declare the end of the state of emergency within this year. However, the possible sequelae caused by COVID-19 need to be further studied and effective methods should be adopted to prevent and treat them.

  Countries adjust epidemic prevention policies

  In his speech on January 27th, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus pointed out that there are still the following challenges:

  Vaccines, treatments and diagnostic methods are essential to prevent serious diseases, save lives and reduce the pressure on health systems and health workers. But the global response is still faltering, because in too many countries, these powerful life-saving tools have not yet reached the people who need them most — — Especially the elderly and health workers.

  Many health systems around the world are struggling to cope with COVID-19, in addition to taking care of patients with other diseases, including influenza and RSV, as well as health workers who are short of work and exhausted.

  At the same time, the global monitoring and gene sequencing have declined sharply, making it more difficult to track known mutations and detect new mutations. Constant errors and false information are weakening the public’s trust in safe and effective COVID-19 control tools.

  Liu Shansi, a Chinese virologist at Ohio State University and an academician of the American Academy of Microbiology, said in a recent interview with a reporter from the Science and Technology Department that the toxicity of Omicron has been weakened recently, which can be considered as a change from pandemic to endemic. "The overall trend of virus evolution is that the pathogenicity is getting weaker and weaker, although it will increase at some stages." He pointed out that it is still necessary to be alert to cross-population transmission in Covid-19 and gene recombination in Covid-19, but as long as this kind of situation does not occur, he hopes to see WHO announce the end of COVID-19’s "global pandemic" in 2023.

  In response to public health emergencies of international concern, WHO will issue a set of action suggestions to countries, including: strengthening surveillance to identify new cases, isolating cases and quarantining contacts; Take measures to screen at borders, airports, ports or entry points; Inform the public about the risks of the disease and the additional protective measures that individuals can take; And if there is no vaccine at present, additional research may be needed to develop treatments or vaccines.

  A few days ago, Japan and South Korea have successively adjusted their epidemic prevention levels or related epidemic prevention policies.

  On January 27th, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced that Covid-19 would be downgraded to "Category 5" in the Infectious Diseases Law on May 8th. After the change, the observation time of infected people and close contacts will be cancelled, and medical care will be transformed into a normal system in stages. In addition, it is up to the individual to decide whether to wear a mask indoors or outdoors.

  On January 20th, Korean Prime Minister Han Dezhu presided over an epidemic prevention meeting to discuss the adjustment of the indoor mandatory mask order. On January 30, the South Korean government announced that from now on, only people are advised to wear masks indoors, and it is no longer mandatory. The Korean government mask order was completely lifted after more than 27 months. However, medical institutions, pharmacies, high-risk places, public transport carriages, etc. will continue to maintain the obligation of indoor masks. For five high-risk situations, Korean epidemic prevention departments strongly recommend wearing masks.

  The government of China has also adjusted the infection of the new coronavirus from "Class A tube" to "Class B tube" from January 8th. Isolation measures will no longer be implemented for Covid-19 infected people, and close contacts will no longer be judged; No longer delimit high and low risk areas; No longer take quarantine and infectious disease management measures for entry personnel and goods. The detection strategy is adjusted to be willing to check and check.

From the field to the supermarket, many measures are taken to ensure adequate supply of living materials and stable prices.

Original title: From the field to the supermarket, many measures are taken to ensure adequate supply of living materials and stable prices.

CCTV News: In the face of cold weather, all localities have taken various measures to ensure the normal supply and stable prices of daily necessities such as meat and vegetables. The cold wave weather has also had a certain impact on vegetable greenhouses and animal husbandry, and all localities have strengthened protection to minimize adverse effects.
Recently, the cold weather in Shanxi has continued, and the local authorities have strengthened the organization of goods supply and increased the inventory, and made every effort to ensure that the meat food in supermarkets and farmers’ markets has sufficient inventory and stable prices.
Han Songzhe, a beef seller:Beef has been selling well recently, the supply is quite sufficient, and the price is very stable.
Taiyuan citizen Zhang Aihong:Snow and slippery roads, these supplies are quite good, and the price seems to be cheaper than the previous days.
Recently, Jinan, Zibo, Weifang and other places in Shandong Province ushered in snowfall, which led to snow and ice on the Jiqing Expressway. The local area immediately started snow removal and ice melting operations to ensure traffic and material transportation. In a vegetable warehouse in Weifang, workers are loading 20 tons of pumpkins for shipment to Jiaxing, Zhejiang.
Truck driver Zhao Yunbin:After it snowed these days, I was worried that the road surface on the expressway was frozen and it was not easy to run. I didn’t expect to go up and see that the snow on the road was very clean and it ran very smoothly.
At present, there are 148,000 mu of vegetables in field in hua county, Henan Province, covering spinach, celery, pepper and other varieties. More than 1,200 mu of celery in Shigu Village is in the growth stage, and local agricultural technicians provide production guidance to growers from the aspects of cold protection, heat preservation and spraying nutrition.
Affected by the cold wave weather, more than 20,000 vegetable greenhouses in the whole area of Feixiang District, Hebei Province were all covered by heavy snow, and nearly 1,000 vegetable greenhouses were damaged to varying degrees. Local agricultural technicians at all levels are subcontracted to households, and vegetable farmers are directed to clear snow, strengthen sheds and reduce losses.
Strong cold wave weather brings great challenges to agriculture and animal husbandry production in Inner Mongolia, especially to animal husbandry. In Ordos, the local authorities actively coordinated the storage of forage, cleared the snow in time, reduced the load-bearing capacity of sheds, and helped farmers and herdsmen cope with extreme weather. More than 11.6 million yuan of disaster prevention subsidies have also been paid in place.
Source: CCTV

Rapid recovery of tourism "new play" to incite new tourism market

"Standing at the intersection of the new free travel in golden decade, whoever can accurately understand the needs of users and provide personalized gameplay products will take the lead in the next era of tourism industry development." Chen Gang, founder and CEO of Ma Honeycomb, said at the "2023 Earth Discoverer Conference".

On December 8th, at the "Earth Discoverer Conference" hosted by Ma Honeycomb, the joint laboratory of free travel big data jointly established by china tourism academy and Ma Honeycomb released "Research Report 2023" (A Collection of Global Travel Plays), which provided a new reference example for the industry. It is reported that "Gameplay 2023" has strictly selected tens of thousands of gameplays from 130 countries around the world, and finally compiled two lists of "Top 100 New Gameplays for Domestic Tourism" and "Top 100 New Gameplays for Foreign Tourism" to recommend more unique travel experiences for travelers and guide industry partners to create more attractive tourism products.

Dai Bin, president of china tourism academy, said, "After three years of deep depression, tourism has entered a period of rapid recovery. It is expected that the recovery of the domestic tourism market will reach more than 90% in 2019 this year, which is very remarkable. Seeing the smile on the tourists’ faces is also my happiest thing. But what makes me happier is to see that the tourists like Ma Honeycomb still keep a young heart to explore and innovate after going through hardships. They deeply observe the needs of tourists and sum up a number of keywords such as personalization, theme, experience and quality. These detailed needs are the cornerstones of today’s tourism’ new gameplay’. "

(Left: Dai Bin, Dean of china tourism academy; Right: Chen Gang, founder and CEO of Ma Honeycomb)

2023 is a year of rapid recovery of tourism industry, and new tourism behavior preferences are gradually becoming clear. According to Chen Gang, in 2023, the proportion of users who searched for intentional destination gameplay exceeded 76%, and the popularity of customized tour search increased by 245% year-on-year. The popularity of high-quality demand continued to rise, and the booking of cost-effective products also increased significantly. This means that the Local travel experience has become the main factor affecting people’s consumption decisions.

"We can’t simply understand’ travel experience’ as eating better and having more fun. For young people today, any idea that can strengthen their self-expression is a plus item of travel experience, and we collectively call it’ new gameplay’". Chen Gang said, "We have specially refined the content of’ new gameplay’ based on the core contents such as Polaris Raiders and Raiders Group. Every destination has a raiders expert from Mawei to sort out a detailed new gameplay map and update it in real time according to the changes of the trend. At present, Ma Honeycomb has matched the corresponding services and products for the gameplay map through a brand-new supply chain, forming a one-stop travel service closed loop of "planting and pulling together" to help consumers realize the ultimate experience of what you see is what you get. "

The Ma Honeycomb community is also fully upgraded around the "new gameplay". In Ni Jia’s view, in the face of the brand-new personalized tourism demand, the best response formula is to provide different new gameplay exchange positions for different segments of the population. "For example, for the Z-generation’ new youth’ who is looking forward to socializing and advocating freedom, Ma Honeycomb not only launched a large number of new city weekends, but also provided opportunities to find travel partners; Facing the’ new middle-class families’ who prefer light and luxurious gameplay and pay attention to emotional value, they provide a series of new and subdivided gameplay including long-distance travel and parent-child travel; For’ senior travelers’ who pay attention to in-depth experience and humanistic value, Ma Honeycomb continues to deepen the content of outbound travel, design various novel experience routes abroad, and launch activities to send them back to a new world. " Ni Jia said that the new gameplay community ecology based on different people and different circles will better meet the personalized travel needs.

At the same time, "new gameplay" has also become a favorable starting point for marketing. Liu Tingting, head of commercial marketing of Mawei, said that the core of Mawei’s marketing is to help destinations and brands find the right people, do the right content and then spread it to more right people. "The community and the strategy group upgraded this year are the first steps for Mawei to find accurate marketing people. The so-called’ right content’ is to explore and even create the destination experience under the drive of new gameplay, and thus create new theme products, trigger IP linkage, let users see, buy, feel, and then spread to more people. " According to reports, Ma Honeycomb has created a brand-new gameplay experience for many destinations at home and abroad in 2023, and promoted it through various channels and forms. "The new gameplay is like a key to open the door to new tourism marketing, which will rejuvenate traditional destinations, take mature destinations to a new level, and let brands find new scenes of tourism marketing. We are also looking forward to working with more destinations and brands to open up the infinite possibilities of’ new gameplay’." (Reporter Zhan Zhao)

Source: Guangming Net

25 photos that make you laugh, so funny, so funny.

1. The skier is holding a sheep, which will never be forgotten.

2.The pug’s face says it all, and the surprised look is so cute.

3. The new superhero team, mothman and Batman.

This playground is occupied by cats.

It’s so cute that the big dog is watching the fun with the puppy on his back.

6. Several lions are eyeing around the car, and the people in the car are feeding raw meat.

7. Holding an umbrella like this is really domineering.

8. When camping, all the clothes were towed away by wild boar. What should I do?

9. The book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu.

10. The greedy elephant tore down the kitchen.

11. Carrying a cat for a walk, the cat looks around curiously like a child.

Is the horror sticker stuck on the back glass of the car to cure the high beam dog or to scare people?

13. The special service desk is like a big soup pot.

14. Foreign netizens found that a moose got lost because of heavy snow and broke into the basement.

15. This toilet is a bit special. I don’t know what it is used for.

16. The clown touches the pony, and the pony’s eyes are a little special.

17. The car seat disguised by a real person is just a little fat, if only it were thinner.

18. Little brother plays the piano outdoors, and a group of long-tailed monkeys come to make trouble.

19. There are many donkeys pulling carts, and it is the first time for people to pull donkeys by car.

20. Don’t pee on the floor, or we’ll cut off our balls.

21. Save King Super Bee.

22. Two very sleepy "sumo wrestlers" fell asleep.

23. This is a strange photo.

A flock of sheep caused a traffic jam.

25. Take a rooster to the Internet cafe to play games.

26. The legendary mushroom cat

Don’t randomly choose the basic models, look at the ideas of these fashion bloggers and wear fashion charm with classic models.

As the saying goes, women who can dress are more attractive. Look at those who are really temperament. In fact, their face value may not be so outstanding, but because they can dress and their clothes are online, they always leave a good impression on people. So, as ordinary people, how should we match them in our daily lives? You can take a look at the ideas of the following fashion hipsters. They also wear fashion charm with classic models, which looks particularly amazing and is worth learning.

1, tailoring design

There are many factors to pay attention to when dressing. The first thing is to look at the tailoring and design of a dress, compared with that fancy dress. Most people are more suitable to wear this basic model in their daily life, just like a simple shirt, which is low-key and durable, and it is also very temperament when worn on the body. The cutting design is simple and does not incorporate too many complicated designs, so it is very convenient to control.

2, materials and fabrics

Another thing to look at is the fabric. A person can dress and of course choose clothes. They will choose high-quality clothes for themselves, so that they will look more beautiful when they are matched. For example, many girls usually choose these satin and velvet clothes, which are relatively advanced and still have a lot of temperament when they wear them.

3, low-key and advanced color matching

Another point is the color matching of clothes, which is ignored by many people. In fact, there are many girls who usually ignore the color of clothes when they buy clothes. They always think that as long as the style they wear is personalized enough, but if the color doesn’t suit you, it’s no use matching it yourself. We have to choose advanced colors, such as white and khaki, which are more elegant.

Especially white, a classic color, is really a color that most people will choose first. White is very eye-catching and versatile. It can be combined with all kinds of colors you like, and it will feel beautiful when you wear it on your body. Like these combinations of white and khaki, they are very elegant, simple and fashionable, and can modify your skin color.

You don’t need to buy too much clothes in autumn. After all, quality is more important than quantity. You can choose this simple knitted cardigan, which is very gentle to wear on your body. A simple knitted cardigan with a T-shirt can reflect the layering, and this collocation method is also very gentle, and you can also match it directly in daily wear.

You can also choose to wear a suit, which is very fashionable and capable. Like the following goddesses, they are concave in black, gray and white suits. It really saves a lot of time by using the matching of suits, which looks very attractive. This matching of suits adjusts the proportion of individuals’ bodies and looks intellectual and generous.

Simple sweaters also have different interpretations. Sisters can try to choose these colorful sweaters for themselves when choosing, which will make them more energetic, such as fluorescent green or rose red sweaters, which are particularly beautiful and fashionable.

Shirts with wide-leg pants are already a classic look. Sisters who are not good at matching can also match them directly. These simple short shirts with high-waisted wide-leg pants look neat and free, and they are very energetic. At the same time, they can also adjust their bodies with the help of short tops and long bottoms.

These fashionable windbreaker coats look cool and sassy when worn on the body. A medium-long windbreaker is domineering on the body, and the waist-closing design helps us to modify our figure, which can also avoid wearing dullness, and the overall look is quite easy to increase. If you’re worried that it’s not fashionable enough, just combine these boots to match it, so it’s really exciting to wear.

The charm of basic models is greater than expected. The girls above choose various basic models for themselves, which are low-key and generous and full of charm. Combining with some personalized matching skills, you can reflect your charm and add good temperament.

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