Delicate Lanxin’s "Bian Que III" interpretation of "Artificial Intelligence+"application scene has attracted attention.

This year, the two sessions wrote "artificial intelligence+"into the government work report for the first time, which indicates that 2024 is undoubtedly the first year of artificial intelligence application industry, and the "artificial intelligence+"action will also become a hot topic, and making a big article on "artificial intelligence+"is also in line with the trend.

The "+"of "artificial intelligence+"means "+various application scenarios", which effectively applies artificial intelligence to all aspects of the national economy. At the same time, "+"can also let everyone stand on the shoulders of artificial intelligence to exert their imagination and creativity, and become a new human being who is more competitive and can open up the future.

Talking about the topic of "artificial intelligence+",not long ago, at the "Bian Que III" AI empowerment big health industry conference held in Chongqing, the organizer Chongqing Xianlilanxin Health Management Co., Ltd. released the first intelligent AI product in the weight loss industry, which undoubtedly interpreted the new scene of the innovative application of "artificial intelligence+health management", which was highly praised by colleagues in the industry and attracted the attention of many media.

According to relevant media reports, the first intelligent AI in the weight loss industry released at this event was jointly developed by Chongqing Xianlilanxin Health Management Co., Ltd. and Professor Li Ming, the first AI doctor system developer in China. "Bian Que No.3 -IPHMS Intelligent Private Health Management System" is an innovative solution with artificial intelligence, big data analysis, accurate data reconstruction and personalized physiological and pathological digital model technology as the core. It can monitor and analyze personal health data in real time, including heart rate, sleep quality, exercise situation, etc. through bracelet and mobile application technology. Then, through the analysis of artificial intelligence and AI big data, help users realize 24-hour uninterrupted intelligent monitoring of health status, provide health advice and early warning, and promote health management and disease prevention.

Intelligent private health management system aims to closely combine high technology with personal health, and help users better understand their physical condition and take actions to keep healthy through intelligent analysis and personalized health guidance.

Apps and applets developed to improve the user experience and cooperate with the health management system will also be listed one after another, which will realize the full scene of use, facilitate the service path and promote the quality transformation of products, and set a clear benchmark for the innovative practice of "artificial intelligence+private health management".

At the scene, Professor Li Ming introduced to the participants. "Bian Que No.3 -IPHMS Intelligent Private Health Management System", in the field of skin care, can also provide customized skin care programs and skin care recommendations for customers through AI technology based on skin testing and data analysis. It provides a novel and effective way for modern people to improve their quality of life and health.

In addition, Yang Jun, founder of Xianli Lanxin brand, also said; According to (Ai Media Consulting) data, from 2014 to 2021, the overall revenue of China’s big health industry maintained steady growth. In 2021, the revenue scale reached 8 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.1%, and it is expected to reach 9 trillion yuan in 2024. It shows that the demand for big health industry in China has risen sharply, and colleagues in the industry should be encouraged to "stay away from fantasy and live in vain". We should fully realize that big health industry has become the future industry with the greatest development potential, and health service has also become a strategic major undertaking related to the national economy and people’s livelihood and the overall happiness index of the future society.

It is understood that at the beginning of 2015, Mr. Yang Jun started the chain management, led a group of people to start a business over assets, and embarked on the innovative road of "health industry+store empowerment+sustainable development". Has launched a number of health brands such as slim Lanxin, Lanxin Women and Lanpinhui. Participated in the standard formulation of General Rules for Brand Influence Evaluation in China, was shortlisted for the standard working group of Evaluation Standard for National Brand Demonstration Enterprises, and also led the formulation of the industry standard of Operation and Management Standard for Health Slimming Service Institutions.

The company’s main sectors involve comprehensive services such as chain store export, beauty education and training, beauty multimedia, beauty product research and development, beauty store decoration, big health AI, artificial intelligence and so on. In just a few years, Xianli Lanxin has more than 1,800 stores in Chongqing, Guangdong, Guangxi, Henan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Anhui, Xinjiang and other provinces. The brand has traveled all over the country, helping more than 1,800 entrepreneurs and providing more than 5,000 jobs. Its deeds have been praised by the central authoritative media.

The successful release of the AI intelligent private health management system "Bian Que No.3" has upgraded Xianlilanxin from a slimming brand to a big health company with scientific research strength and technology content, with technology as the core driving force, giving the brand new vitality. It provides confidence for the weight loss industry to enhance the new quality productivity, and has important social significance and value.

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    Source: Oriental Morning Post 

Profile photo: On the afternoon of May 24, 2006, the Shanghai traffic police towed the accident vehicle away from the scene of the accident.

   Yesterday (17th), after the article "Judicial Appraisal Says Shanghai Audi Car Crashes Nine People in a Row Due to Driver’s Illusion" went online, some netizens questioned the judicial appraisal that "the driver was in a’ delusional outburst’ at the time of the crime". To this end, the reporter once again investigated this incident.

    At 5: 30 pm yesterday, Min Yinlong, director of the Judicial Appraisal Center of East China University of Political Science and Law, was interviewed by a reporter in the office of the center, and showed the reporter the appraisal certificate of Huazheng Forensic Medicine [2006] No.086 with more than 5,000 words made on June 10.

    "In the afternoon, we received a lot of phone calls from readers, and some of them hung up without waiting for us to speak." Min Yinlong said, "There must be something fishy in it", "What background does this guy have" and "Aren’t you afraid of smashing your own brand in this appraisal?" He was puzzled by the speculation and accusations that came upon him.

     About judicial expertise

    Not disturbed by other factors

    "The appraisal of this case was entrusted by Huangpu Public Security Bureau to evaluate Li Wei’s mental state appraisal and criminal responsibility ability. We have never received so-called’ special instructions’ and’ greetings’, nor have we been under any pressure, and the identity background of the appraiser is nothing special." Min Yinlong said. The reporter saw that the appraisal book showed that Li Wei, a 33-year-old appraiser, was from Harbin, with a junior high school education, and an employee of a real estate company in Shanghai.

    Min Yinlong told reporters that the judicial appraisal of mental illness includes five major parts: the entrusted institution States the general situation of the incident; Family members, etc. provide a summary of the medical history of the appraiser; Inspection: the appraiser communicates with the appraiser, judges his reaction ability according to the response, investigates the relatives, friends, neighbors and colleagues of the appraiser, and understands his interpersonal relationship, life and work, etc. Explain the test results according to the comprehensive analysis of objective indicators; Finally, the appraisal conclusion is made.

    "If you have any objection to our appraisal conclusion, you can apply to the Municipal Judicial Appraisal Expert Committee for review." Min Yinlong said that in this case, the Legislative Affairs Office of the Municipal Public Security Bureau also made a special trip to the center to learn about the situation from two forensic experts.

    "Such a major case is not a joke." Yesterday afternoon, Qian Yulin, the chief physician of the case appraiser who was on a business trip in Anhui, repeatedly said in an interview with reporters on the phone, "There is no interference from other factors in the appraisal process, and we have never brought any affair."

    Qian Yulin said that the general judicial expertise has two or three pages and about 1,000 words, while the expertise in this case has six pages and more than 5,000 words, and the final appraisal conclusion has also been recognized by the entrusting organ Huangpu Public Security Bureau.

     About the identity of the driver

    Really a full-time driver

    Yesterday, after many investigations, the reporter found that Li Wei is 33 years old, from Harbin, with a junior high school education. By 2005, he had been working in Harbin without military service. After coming to Shanghai this year, I have been working in Shanghai Xintianyuan Real Estate Company as a boss’s full-time driver.

    According to the ID card provided by Li Wei, his home address in Harbin is No.6, North Qidao Street, Anyang, Daoli District, Harbin. The reporter contacted the Kang ‘an Police Station of Harbin Public Security Bureau again, and the other party said that the address had been relocated as early as 2003. At present, a commercial house named "Haifu Kangcheng" has been built here. The original residents are in the process of moving back, but Li Wei’s family cannot be directly contacted.

    Identification basis: the driver of the accident was delusional and was chased and called 110.

    Qian Yulin, the chief physician of the appraiser in the case of "Audi car hitting 9 people in a row", said that Li Wei’s appraisal was jointly completed by him and Qin Shiyong, the deputy chief physician. Qian Yulin, 66, has more than 20 years of practical experience in psychiatric judicial expertise, and Qin Shiyong, 70, has also been engaged in this expertise for more than ten years.

    "He is a very typical severe mental patient." Qian Yulin recalled to reporters a lot of incredible, ambiguous and even logically contradictory fragments in his communication with Li Wei.

  Constantly searching his girlfriend’s hair and nails

    According to the analysis in the fourth part of the appraisal report, Li Wei became a full-time driver of a company boss after coming to Shanghai. One week before the incident, Li unreasonably suspected that his girlfriend was taking drugs, constantly searched his girlfriend’s hair, nails, etc., and rummaged through the car where his girlfriend had been sitting and the place of residence to search for drugs. He inexplicably suspected that drugs were hidden between the cracks in the floor tiles, and because of his girlfriend’s walking posture, facial expression, toilet use time and other daily details, he unreasonably inferred that she was taking drugs and firmly believed it.

    Illusion girlfriend sent someone to kill herself.

    According to the analysis, on the day of the crime, Li Wei began to be nervous because he couldn’t dial his girlfriend’s cell phone and the phone number of his residence. He suspected that his girlfriend knew that he was taking drugs and reported the case to the public security organ, which was not good for him. Then, Li Wei began to feel that there were many motorcycles and cars following him while driving, so he was highly nervous and afraid. He thought that his girlfriend had assigned others to follow him and his personal life was greatly threatened.

  Dare not drink mineral water

    The appraisal also excerpted the work of Huangpu Public Security Bureau on June 2: "… During the trial, Li Wei asked for water, and the police immediately used disposable cups to get him a cup of pure water, but he said that there was sediment in the water and he could not drink it. The police changed the second cup for him, but he still thought there was something in the cup and didn’t want to drink it. To this end, the police bought two bottles of mineral water for him. Before he opened the bottle cap, he carefully looked at the light, and at the same time squeezed the mineral water bottle to see if there was any leakage, and he was reluctant to drink mineral water. "

  I dialed 110 when I was "hunted"

    In the process of identification, one detail was considered the most critical by Qian Yulin: Li Wei once said that he had called 110 while fleeing. Three times before and after, he claimed that he was being chased by others, and he was very scared and asked for more police to protect him. The police record of Public Security 110 was indeed consistent with his description.

  background for news stories

    What is "paranoia"

    Professor Zhu Rongshen, director of psychiatry and medical psychology in the first clinical department of Tongji University School of Medicine, gave the concept of "paranoia" yesterday: it is a distorted belief, pathological reasoning and judgment based on pathology. Although these beliefs and reasoning judgments do not conform to the education level of patients, patients firmly believe in them and cannot be persuaded or corrected by personal experience and experience.

    "Sudden attack" is a selective attack, and the patient is completely normal when he is outside the delusion core. Therefore, the disease belongs to a deeply hidden mental disease that is difficult for patients to find under normal circumstances.

    Professor Zhu once received such patients. He told reporters that such people are prone to auditory hallucinations and hallucinations. Even some people think that they are being tracked by satellite positioning system, and the delusions are generally related to personal experience, social and cultural background. Lee? /Chen Chaoqun

  If you are mentally ill, you will lose your driver’s license.

    The reporter learned from the relevant departments that according to the relevant regulations, anyone who suffers from mental illness and other diseases that hinder the safe driving of motor vehicles can’t get a driver’s license, and after a normal person gets a driver’s license, his driver’s license will also be cancelled.

    According to the provisions of Article 22 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, people who suffer from diseases that hinder the safe driving of motor vehicles are not allowed to drive motor vehicles. After a normal person suffers from mental illness, first of all, the driver and his family should contact the traffic control department in time. "This is also a guarantee for the safety of himself and others", and the traffic management department will cancel his driver’s license in time to prevent traffic safety from being affected. When the police find abnormal situations in the course of duty, they will also check the driver to ensure the driver’s safe driving.

    In addition, according to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Public Security, motor vehicle drivers need to go to the traffic control department under the jurisdiction of the driver’s license for regular inspection. The contents of regular inspection of motor vehicle driver’s license by public security traffic management department are: the physical condition of motor vehicle driver and the accumulated points of traffic violations. (Reporter Yang Jiehe and Zhang Ling Gu Wenjian Cheng Jia)

Editor: Chang Yan

No physical fitness, continue to open the field! China Volleyball Association issued the regulations for the 2021 National Volleyball Championship, in October, with Jiangmen for women volleyball and Z

On July 21st, China Volleyball Association issued the competition rules for the 2021 National Volleyball Championship, which are clear, and the competition will continue to be held in a closed and open court, and there is no physical fitness test link in the rules.
According to the competition rules, the 2021 National Men’s Volleyball Championship will be held in Zhangzhou Sports Training Base, Fujian Province from October 13th to 23rd, and the Women’s Volleyball Championship will be held in Jiangmen Sports Center, Guangdong Province from October 20th to 28th. In the first stage, according to the ranking order of the 2020 National Volleyball Championship, the teams were divided into two groups, A and B, and a single round robin was held in the group. In the second stage, the eight teams that won the top four in the first stage of the group competed in a cross-match, and then competed in the semi-finals and finals respectively. According to the ranking of last year’s championships, this year’s grouping is as follows:
Men’s grouping
Women’s grouping
In the competition rules, there is no physical fitness test link that appeared in the 2020 national volleyball championship, and there is no time reserved for physical fitness test in the schedule of the event, which also proves that the physical fitness test link will disappear from the national volleyball championship.
In the 2020 National Women’s Volleyball Championship held at the end of September and the beginning of October 2020, Tianjin women’s volleyball team defeated Shandong women’s volleyball team 3-1 in the final, and won the championship.
Source of this article: A new vision of sports

Little pin, big dream, beach volleyball girl’s Olympic dream

As soon as she arrived in Tokyo, China women’s sand volleyball player Xue Chen posted a dynamic on her social media: "One of the favorite activities of the Olympic Games: collecting pin!"
A small PIN is not only Xue Chen’s own hobby, but also a testimony of her hard work in every Olympic Games.
This year’s Tokyo Olympic Games is the third Olympic Games that Xue Chen, who is 33 years old, has participated in. Before going to war, she set herself such a goal: "Beijing in 2008 and London in 2012 failed to realize their wishes, and I hope that I will not regret it in Tokyo this time."
33-year-old Xue Chen is the oldest and most experienced player in China sand volleyball, and also a star player in the world sand volleyball. She was not only selected as one of the top 100 FIVB stars in the past ten years, but also a member of the FIVB Athletes Committee.
However, these achievements still can’t stop Xue Chen from pursuing higher goals. In her view, the bronze medal in the Beijing Olympic Games and the fourth place in the London Olympic Games have some regrets, and she wanted to use the Rio Olympic Games in 2016 as the "final battle" of her career, but she failed because of injuries and surgery in 2015.
"The process of rehabilitation is to climb from the bottom of the valley. In this process, I will often fall into self-doubt. I was once ready to retire after the 2017 National Games. But I was still unwilling, so I finally chose to resume training in June 2018. Fortunately, the shoulders are still very face-saving, and my running-in with my new teammate Wang Xinxin has become more tacit because of the extra year. " Xue Chen said.
With this experience, the Tokyo Olympic Games naturally carried more dreams of Xue Chen: "This will be my last Olympic Games, I will enjoy the highest stage of competitive sports, and I will try my best to play every game with Wang Xinxin, leaving no regrets."
With this dream, Xue Chen and Wang Xinxin appeared on 25th. In the face of Eipl and alix, the top American teams ranked fifth in the world, the two girls from China dared to fight hard, but their strength was a little weaker. They lost 0-2 in the end and missed the opening of the group stage. The scores of the two games were 17-21 and 19-21.
Although we lost the first match, the close score is enough to show the good state of China’s team, and Xue Chen and Wang Xinxin still have a chance to advance. Next, at 15: 00 on July 27th, Beijing time, Xue Chen and Wang Xinxin will play against Kaiser and Mei Plinke, the Netherlands’ number one group and currently ranked 14th in the world.

[Beautiful Hebei Red Line] Qiannanyu: Red Spirit and Green Beauty, a total of Taihang Legend

   On the morning of June 22nd, "Beautiful Hebei Red Line — — A delegation from the online media interview activities to commemorate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Party came to Qiannanyu Village, Jiangshui Town, Xingtai County, Hebei Province. The picture shows the Kangda Exhibition Hall.

   Hebei News Network (Reporter Chang Fangyuan) This is a fertile red soil and the greenest place in Taihang Mountain. The development model of "red+green" has turned into the badlands into a green mountain and a barren mountain ditch into an economic ditch. On the morning of June 22nd, "Beautiful Hebei Red Line — — The delegation of the online media interview activities to commemorate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Party came to Qiannanyu Village, Jiangshui Town, Xingtai County, Hebei Province. The beautiful and rich Qiannanyu made online media reporters praise it.

   Qiannanyu is the seat of China People’s Anti-Japanese Military and Political University (hereinafter referred to as "Anti-Japanese University"). On November 4, 1940, Kangda General School was stationed in Jiangshui, Xingtai County, Hebei Province. Since then, it has been running here for three years, and has trained three students, totaling 18,000. Zhu De, Peng Dehuai, Liu Bocheng, Deng Xiaoping, Luo Ruiqing, Teng Daiyuan, He Changgong and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation have fought and lived here.

   On the morning of June 22nd, "Beautiful Hebei Red Line — — A delegation from the online media interview activities to commemorate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Party came to Qiannanyu Village, Jiangshui Town, Xingtai County, Hebei Province. The picture shows online media reporters interviewing in Qiannanyu Eco-tourism Zone.

   Came to Qiannanyu, "Beautiful Hebei Red Line — — In commemoration of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the interview group first visited the Kangda Exhibition Hall. Surrounded by green hills and shaded by green trees, the Kangda Exhibition Hall is magnificent and solemn. "Looking at today’s magnificent buildings, it’s hard to imagine the hard conditions here in the past. I wanted to look for the old site of Kangda just now, but I was told by the commentator that there was no remains of the old site of Kangda, because the school building of Kangda in the war years was just a few dilapidated earth-walled grass houses. More often, teachers and students could only struggle and study on the grass and in the ravine. " After the visit, Jing Wong, a reporter from overseas network, felt that in the extremely cruel and arduous war years, groups of anti-big students took up important posts, made outstanding contributions to winning the victory of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and even the war of liberation, and showed the revolutionary ancestors’ spirit of hard struggle and the greatness of firm revolutionary belief.

   On the morning of June 22nd, "Beautiful Hebei Red Line — — A delegation from the online media interview activities to commemorate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Party came to Qiannanyu Village, Jiangshui Town, Xingtai County, Hebei Province. The picture shows the scenery of Qiannanyu Village.

   Starting from Kangda Exhibition Hall, take a battery car all the way up Panshan Road, and you will come to the entrance of Qiannanyu Eco-tourism Zone. What you see along the road are clean houses with red roofs and white walls, clear streams flowing down, and apple orchards full of fruits … … Entering the tourist area, the terraced fruit trees surrounded by layers of stones are lush, and an asphalt road winds up and shuttles through the intoxicating green. On the hillside, the six characters of "recreating beautiful mountains and rivers" planted by evergreen shrubs stand out against the blue sky and white clouds.

   Guo Tianlin, secretary of the Party Committee of Qiannanyu Village, said that Qiannanyu was not the scene before. Qiannanyu, which suffered nine disasters in ten years, was a well-known poor mountain village. In 1963, a catastrophic flood almost destroyed all the mountain vegetation and only a few hundred acres of life-saving fields in the village. Since then, Qiannanyu people have been managing mountains and controlling water for 20 years before they got this piece of green in Taihang Mountain. Today, Qiannanyu has formed a layered greening model of barren hills with "ecological forest wearing a hat, dried fruits wrapped around the waist and small terraces holding the foot". All 8300 mu of barren hills suitable for forest in the village have been afforested, with the forest coverage rate exceeding 90% and the vegetation coverage rate approaching 95%.

   More than a decade ago, Qiannanyu people made up their minds to close down polluting enterprises such as mineral processing plants and chemical plants that could bring them considerable economic benefits, and developed a 38-square-kilometer "red" and "green" combined eco-tourism zone by using anti-big red resources and green resources all over the mountain, which received nearly 500,000 tourists in 2015. Forest fruit planting and tourism development, before 2015, the collective income of Nanyu Village was 31.2 million yuan, and the per capita income reached 11,800 yuan.

   "Here, the spirit of hard struggle not only stayed in the war years, but is still being carried forward. The beautiful scenery here is not a gift from nature, but comes from people’s efforts. What is even more rare is that a group of scientific and technological leaders like Li Baoguo have emerged here, who can take root in places with difficult conditions and lead farmers to develop. " Dai Yu, a reporter from the People’s Daily Central Kitchen, lamented that in Qiannanyu, the red spirit collided with the green beauty, and Taihang Mountain was being written as a legend.

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  Come to New Year this year.

  In addition to friends and family.

  There is also a cold wave from the polar regions.

  Central Meteorological Observatory at 06: 00 on January 23

  Continue to issue a cold wave blue warning

  It is expected that it will not be until the third day

  This cold wave will continue to affect our country.

  Affected by strong cold air, it is estimated that the temperature will drop by 6 ~ 10℃ in most parts of central and eastern China, by 12~14℃ in eastern Northeast China, eastern Jiangnan and northeastern South China, and by more than 16℃ in eastern Jilin from 08: 00 on January 23rd to 08: 00 on January 25th. There are 4 ~ 6 winds in the above areas, and gusts are 7 ~ 8. Some areas in western Gansu, western Inner Mongolia, northern Qinghai and Ningxia have sand or floating dust. There are 6 ~ 8 winds and 9~10 gusts in most offshore areas of China. The lowest temperature in the process appeared on the morning of 25th, and the lowest temperature 0℃ line will be located in the east of Yunnan, south of Guizhou and north of South China.

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  From 23rd to 24th (the second day and the third day of New Year’s Day), the temperatures in Northeast China, North China and East China will hit new lows after winter, and the temperature will be 6-10℃ lower than normal.

  From the early morning of January 23rd, snowflakes began to float in Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao, Baoding and many places in Beijing.

  [Snow in xiong’an new area]

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  Address: xiong’an new area Yuerong Park Source: Jishi Client

  [Snow in Tangshan]

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  Photo from Tangshan traffic police

  Hebei specific weather forecast

  [Hebei Meteorological Observatory continued to issue the blue warning signal of cold wave at 05: 00 on January 23, 2023]

  Affected by cold air, it is expected that the lowest temperature in the whole province will continue to drop tomorrow morning, with Baoding, Langfang and the south area dropping by 6 ~ 8℃, local dropping by 8 ~ 10℃ and other areas dropping by 2 ~ 5℃. Tomorrow morning, the minimum temperature in the north of Zhangjiakou and Chengde will drop to-33 ~-26℃, in Shijiazhuang, Cangzhou and the south, to-16 ~-12℃, and in other areas to-25 ~-17℃.

  [Hebei Meteorological Observatory continued to issue gale blue warning signal at 05: 00 on January 23, 2023]

  Affected by cold air, it is expected that there will be winds of 4 to 6 from north to northeast in eastern Chengde, Qinhuangdao, eastern Tangshan, Cangzhou, Hengshui, Xingtai and Handan from day to night, with gusts of 7, which will weaken to below 6 at night; There are 4 to 6 northwest winds, 7 gusts and 8 local gusts in Zhangjiakou, the central and western Chengde, the western Baoding and the western Shijiazhuang. There are 7-8 northeast winds, 9 gusts, 6-7 northwest winds and 8-9 gusts in coastal waters and coastal areas. Please take precautions!

  [Weather forecast issued by Hebei Meteorological Observatory at 05: 00 on January 23, 2023]

  Today, from day to night, scattered light snow or light snow turned cloudy in southern Langfang, Cangzhou, eastern Hengshui, western Shijiazhuang and western Xingtai, while other areas turned cloudy and sunny. The highest temperature is-25 ~-5℃ in Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao and northwest Baoding, and-4 ~ 2℃ in other areas. The lowest temperature is-33 ~-20℃ in Zhangjiakou, Chengde, northern Qinhuangdao and northwestern Baoding, among which-33 ~-26℃ in Bashang area and-19 ~-12℃ in other areas.

  Tomorrow, from day to night, the whole province will be sunny and cloudy.

  From day to night on the 25th, the northwest turned sunny and cloudy, while other areas were cloudy and sunny.

  Yesterday (22nd, New Year’s Day),

  The cold wave brings strong winds and cools down to "celebrate the New Year"!

  Today and tomorrow,

  On the 23rd (the second day) and 24th (the third day),

  The temperature in our province plummeted,

  Many places will be frozen.

  And the strong wind "assisted",

  The wind-cold effect is remarkable,

  Little friends, be sure to wear more clothes to protect yourself.

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  To sum up

  During the Spring Festival this year

  The cold in the north lasts for a long time

  It’s short but really cold in the south.

  Everyone should pay attention to cold and warmth.

  Synthesis: Website of Central Meteorological Observatory, Hebei Weather and Meteorology Beijing

[Editor in charge:


"Sports Lottery, New Spring, Longteng and Good Luck" opens in Shandong.

Recently, the theme activities of the Chinese sports lottery "Sports Lottery in New Spring, Longteng Good Luck" were opened in Weifang, Jinan, Liaocheng and other places, which sent blessings and good luck to Shandong citizens in the New Year of the Dragon and let everyone feel the festive atmosphere in advance.

The brand promotion activity of "Sports Lottery New Spring Longteng Good Luck" was held in Weifang Taihuacheng Holiday Plaza a few days ago. This activity fully demonstrated the brand strength of public welfare sports lottery through comprehensive experience forms such as "exhibition, performance, play and competition". On the day of the event, the citizens who came to Weifang Taihuacheng Holiday Plaza were pleasantly surprised to find that the holiday hall had a new look overnight and entered the festive "Longmen" to the "Sports Lottery New Spring" activity area, as if they were in a paradise. Different theme zones are set up at the scene, including not only the big screen stage, the wishing tree for the Spring Festival, the photo punching box, the good luck red envelope wall, but also the public welfare flip wall, the "Happy Five Knows" of the responsible sports lottery, the easel of the Asian Cup rational lottery board, etc., to show the use direction of the sports lottery public welfare fund and the concept of responsible lottery, and the knowledge of rational lottery for popular science, so that the public can fully feel the public welfare attribute and brand culture of sports lottery.

The wonderful live performance of the national tide attracted many viewers to stop and watch. The enthusiastic and energetic flash program performance kicked off in "Encouragement of the Prosperous Age". The singer sang popular songs such as "Broad Sky" and "Red Sun", and the wonderful magic performance brought by the female magician made everyone feel the magic charm at close range. Dancers with fluttering sleeves brought the classical elegance that has passed through thousands of years with a song "Jing Hong Dance", which surprised the eyes of the audience, and then they used a costume version of the popular dance "Subject III" to make everyone stunned.

A sports lottery top scratch experience zone was set up at the event site, and a variety of theme tickets such as "Long Xing Universiade", "Happy New Year to Xianglong" and "Happy New Year" brought a strong New Year atmosphere, and the audience experienced the fun of scratching prizes on the spot and helped public welfare. In the exhibition areas of non-legacy paper-cuts, Weifang kites and other special folk culture, non-genetic inheritors personally cut out lifelike "Le Xiaoxing" paper-cuts and gave them to the audience at the scene, which was loved by many young people. In front of Weifang’s special kite booth, there are not only customized kites in Le Xiaoxing’s version, but also children can paint colorful kites on the spot to make a kite with childlike innocence and commemorative significance. The Chinese New Year wishing tree in the atrium is covered with wishing cards, such as "Going ashore for the 2024 college entrance examination", "Wishing the family peace, happiness and success" and "being together forever" … Young people write down their New Year wishes on the wishing cards and place a wonderful New Year dream on them. In front of the photo punching box at the scene, the girls and boys held placards and took photos with hands such as "Long Xing Universiade" and "Step by Step Promotion" to convey New Year greetings.

During the activity, the host called the masses to participate in interactive games such as "football shooting", "passing balloons overhead" and prize-winning questions and answers, and won exquisite small gifts such as red envelopes, lanterns and origami. At the event site, Le Xiaoxing, the mascot of sports lottery, also interacted with everyone with different images, including a large statue of Le Xiaoxing at the Longmen, a doll of Le Xiaoxing who walked around and interacted with everyone, a kite of Le Xiaoxing, a paper-cut of Le Xiaoxing, etc. The super cute and lovely image was loved by everyone, which also made everyone experience the fun of sports lottery in all directions.

In Jinan, the theme activity of "Sports Lottery in New Spring, Longteng Good Luck" was recently launched in Sunacmao, Daming Lake and Gaoxin Wanda Sports Lottery Store. Fun interactive games and prize-winning question-and-answer sessions were set up at the event site. In the game, everyone experienced the joy of moving, and laughter continued. Everyone actively participated in the prize-winning question and answer session and won a surprise gift. Le Xiaoxing became a "group pet" at the scene, and everyone rushed to take pictures with it, leaving many wonderful moments. Through the explanation of the host, everyone also learned about the public welfare attribute and the concept of responsible lottery in China. The citizens experienced the top-scraping and lotto games on the spot. Ms. Zhang said: "This’ red envelope is coming’ is particularly festive. I buy some every year. I can’t miss such wonderful activities today. " There are also many "lottery fans" who bet on the spot to support public welfare undertakings, and look forward to realizing their little dreams with the help of lotto in the New Year. In Liaocheng, a sports lottery exhibition experience center was opened in Gaotang Fortune Plaza, and the brand promotion activities of "Sports Lottery New Spring Longteng Good Luck" were launched simultaneously. Accompanied by dynamic music, the event kicked off. The explosive dance attracted a large number of young people to stop and watch. The fashionable and interesting New Year theme photo punching box was deeply loved by the public, and everyone took photos as a souvenir, adding a new year atmosphere to the upcoming Spring Festival. While enjoying the dynamic dance, the on-site citizens also actively participated in the quiz of sports lottery knowledge and won exquisite gifts. At the event, a "wishing card" was also prepared for every citizen. In the new year, I wrote down my good wishes and hung them onOn the "wishing tree", I record my beautiful thoughts on life and look forward to a good fortune in the New Year.

Spring in the snow believes that everything is sprouting, and the Year of the Dragon will be lucky before starting. Next, Shandong Sports Lottery will also convey the concept of public welfare and responsibility to the public in a more colorful form, show the public welfare image of fashion and warm sunshine, continue to contribute to the development of social public welfare undertakings and sports undertakings, and add color to the people’s better life. (From January 30th, China Sports Daily, 08 edition) 

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Stock (1): What do you buy when you buy stocks?

Hello, my name is Peking University Xu Yuan, and welcome to my investment class.

Today we enter the second part of the course, the investment tools part. In this part, I will explain to you the basic nature of investment tools, including stocks, bonds, funds, real estate, gold and so on. For example, these are 18 kinds of weapons in the martial arts field. After understanding the basic properties of these weapons, we can choose the weapons that we can take advantage of.

As the saying goes, "If you want to do a good job, you must sharpen your tools first." Without understanding the nature of these tools, you are like a tiger without teeth, and you will be very passive in the arena of investment.

Today is the first lecture on investment tools. We begin to talk about one of the most common and important tools, namely stocks. Regarding stocks, we focus on six issues.

First, when we buy stocks, what are we buying? In particular, some companies are not profitable at all, let alone paying dividends. Why are they still worth so much money? How exactly is this priced?

Second, how to judge the stock price? Some stocks are very cheap, can you buy them? Some stocks have high unit prices, why do they go up all the way? How to judge?

Third, there are so many stocks in the market, how to quickly grasp the market situation?

Fourth, how is the stock price determined? What are the different factors?

Fifth, do A shares earn money? If you don’t make money, why are so many people playing in it?

Sixth, what kind of stocks have high returns?

Let’s look at the first question first. What do we buy when we buy stocks? In particular, some companies on the A-share market are not profitable, and there is no dividend. Why are they still so expensive? In order to clarify this problem, I divide stocks into two categories, dividend-paying and non-dividend-paying

Dividend-paying stocks have a relatively simple principle. We buy a stock because we are optimistic about the cash flow that this stock can bring.For example, if you spend 10 yuan on a stock and pay a dividend of 1 yuan a year, after ten years, you will return to your capital (for simplicity, discount is not considered here), and all dividends in the future will be profits.

If you divide it into 50 cents a year and pay it back in 20 years, all future dividends will be profits. At this time, you spent 10 yuan to buy it, which is all future dividends.

You may say, where is the company giving such a high dividend rate now? Actually, it’s not. You can have a look at Table 1. Table 1 shows the distribution of dividend rate of A-share listed companies from 2016 to 2018. As you can see, the average dividend rate of listed companies is over 30%, which is not low.

This is not the most exaggerated. The 10% companies with the most dividends have a dividend rate of over 60%. At present, there are more than 3,000 listed companies in A-shares, of which more than 300 have a dividend rate of over 60%. Therefore, the statement that A shares do not pay dividends is not consistent with the real data.

Table 1: Dividend rate of A-share listed companies (2016-2018,%)

Note: Before calculating the dividend rate, companies with negative net profit in this year are excluded, and the dividend rate is equal to the total annual dividend of the company divided by the annual net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company.

As of the production date of this table (November 2019), the dividend data for 2019 has not been published, so the data from 2016 to 2018 are used. Source: Wind information.

In fact, what you need to pay attention to is not the companies that don’t pay dividends, but the dividend rate of some companies is too high, which is a bit abnormal. You need to see what is going on. In order to illustrate this situation, we have specially compiled Table 2 and listed the companies with the highest dividend rate in recent years.

When sorting out Table 2, we made a screening and only considered large and medium-sized companies with positive profits and large market value of more than 10 billion. The data of small and micro enterprises fluctuates greatly, so we will not consider it for the time being.

Table 2: Top 30 Dividend Rates of Companies with Market Value of Over 10 Billion (2016-2018,%)

Note: The data comes from Wind. Before calculating the dividend rate, the companies with negative net profit for the year and companies with a total market value of less than 10 billion at the end of the year were excluded.

If you look at Table 2, many companies have a high dividend rate, and some companies even have a dividend rate of more than 100%, that is, dividends exceed profits. Why is this happening? To sum up, there are probably three possible reasons.

In the first case, the company has little temporary profit, but in order to maintain the stability of dividends, it still maintains a consistent dividend level. In this case, even if there is a temporary shortage of cash, the operation is still stable, so paying more dividends is to show the market that everything is under control and there is no need to panic.

China Petroleum, for example, has done such a thing. Due to lower oil and gas prices, its net profit in 2016 dropped by nearly 80% compared with that in 2015.

However, in order to maintain a steady dividend, China Petroleum used the retained undistributed profits of previous years to pay dividends in 2016, and the dividend rate reached 137.43%. By 2018, the company’s profits have improved, the denominator has become larger, and the dividend rate has fallen.

Purchase column to unlock the remaining 70%

Today, I am you | grab 50 training places in one minute! "Olive" is in the first place. Why do Qingdao people fall in love with this ball?

Peninsula all-media reporter Zhong Wenting

  Rugby is known as the first sport in the United States, but on a football field in Qingdao Guoxin Stadium, young men and women often play rugby games, and the joyful scene attracts many people to stop and watch. Recently, the reporter of "I am you today" on the peninsula felt the heat that 50 football training places were robbed in one minute.

The reporter first experienced the flag football.

  At present, Qingdao American Football Adult Equipment Group has 80 full-time players, more than 1,000 fans who often participate in training, and more than 3,000 waist flag football fans who are relatively easy to get started. Why is this minority sport so popular in Qingdao, from young people to children, from college students to returnees? Come and experience it with the reporters from Peninsula and feel the charming life of this fashionable city!

Grab the quota in one minute

It took the reporter a few days to grab it.

  Recently, the reporter came to Guoxin Stadium. Although it was 8 pm on Wednesday, the stadium was in full swing. The football team organized here is the American football team of Qingdao Conquerors. Captain Tong Yi told reporters that today’s football activities are becoming more and more popular. Professional team training and the participation of fans make this stadium lively, even on weekdays, there are different levels and intensities of training going on almost every night.

  Nowadays, no matter whether it is a zero-based "Little White" or an enthusiast who has been training for many years, he can find a suitable training team and teammates in Qingdao. "Regardless of flag football or American football, everyone’s acceptance is getting higher and higher. Now all football fans’ WeChat groups divided by category and grade have filled my top list, adding up to more than 3,000 people." Tong Yi pulled the reporter into the primary group of fans a week ago, but it took a week for the reporter to sign up.

  Because the registration is too hot, because the number of people needs to be controlled in each training, the upper limit of each registration is 50. At first, the reporter set up the information-free mode, and when he remembered to grab the quota, dozens of people had lined up behind him. Wait until the next training suitable for beginners, as soon as the registration information is sent out, 50 people will be reported in one minute, and there will be people waiting in line. Looking at the registration information carefully, there is only one second difference between the 50th person and the 51st person, and the 51st person in line is equivalent to the backup team for this training-if there are formal players who temporarily quit, the backup team members waiting in line at the back can make up the position according to the queuing order. The reporter was amazed at everyone’s enthusiasm. Captain Tong told the reporter that if you want to participate, you must register in advance. Fans know the basic registration instructions, and the organizers will also buy insurance for the players. Therefore, the registration process is very strict, and you will never accept temporary registration on the spot.

  After several days’ dedicated competition, the reporter finally grabbed a place to participate in zero-based training. On the left and right sides of the court, there is American football on one side and flag football on the other. The reporter signed up for flag football training.

Many girls are happy in flag football.

  For the classification of these two events, in many people’s impression, rugby requires intense physical collision and confrontation, which requires high physical quality. However, as a non-contact and non-collision rugby form, flag rugby has lower threshold, faster start-up and is more suitable for beginners to try to participate.

  The reporter first entered the football team with the waist flag on the right side of the venue. After entering the door, his teammates tied a belt for the reporter, and two pieces of cloth about half a meter long were hung on both sides of the belt. This is the waist flag. "Pulling this flag is equivalent to knocking down your opponent in American football. This is the biggest difference between the two categories. The flag football avoids direct collision and plays in a more gentle way, "Tong Yi told reporters." You see that the American football on the left needs to wear protective equipment and a helmet, but the flag football on the right doesn’t need it. Everyone can go into battle lightly, as long as they wear sports shoes. " The reporter found that the proportion of men and women in his training team is basically half and half, and most of them are young people in their twenties and thirties, while the American group with equipment accounts for the majority. Most of them are strong and their bodies reveal the traces of fitness all the year round.

Catching a ball is like hitting a sandbag.

Running is much happier.

  The reporter entered the training team of flag football. At first, fifty people were divided into five groups according to the number of times they participated in the training. The primary group where the reporter was located was the first-fourth training group. After grouping, the coach first organizes the practice of running and catching the ball without the opponent’s letting go of defense.

  The coach asked the group of ten people to form a line and take turns to train for running. After each person stood on the line, he waited for the coach’s command with his left foot in front and his right foot behind. When he heard the word "run", he ran forward quickly, stopped at the specified position quickly, and then turned around and went back. Familiar with the basic pace requirements, and then more complex running route training.

  Get familiar with the route first, and then catch the ball. In the training of catching the ball in situ, you are required to bend your knees, lean forward slightly, and keep your eyes on the ball. When the ball comes, you should stretch out your arms to meet the ball and fully relax your fingers to touch the ball. After touching the ball, both hands instantly exert force and recover it to firmly connect the ball. As it was the first time to participate in training, the reporter did not wear protective gloves, and when he reached out his hands to catch the ball, he was worried that his manicure would not be guaranteed. It’s best to wear protective gloves if there are girls participating in the training.

  When the ball comes, open your hands side by side with palms facing outwards, and there is a nearly triangular gap between the two index fingers and little fingers to catch the ball. When the coach saw that the reporter was attending for the first time, the girl would show some mercy. However, when the reporter saw a ball flying over for the first time, he was still a little instinctively afraid. At that moment, he just wanted to avoid being afraid of hitting his head. His companion described the reporter as bringing his own "ah" elongated sound effect, and then watched the ball land beside him.

Peng bo is attacking.

  This process of catching the ball is a bit like playing sandbags when I was a child, that is, "playing cat’s tail" in Qingdao dialect. Some people are scared when they see the ball, while others are excited when they see it.

  After catching the ball, you run with the ball. There are two kinds of holding the ball: two-handed holding and one-handed holding. Holding the ball with both hands is easy to combine with passing, and holding the ball with one hand is easy to accelerate. When holding the ball with both hands, the five fingers are naturally opened and the thumb is pressed on the most convex part of the ball; The palm is empty, and the finger grips the ball hard; The wrist is turned up, the elbow is set up to hold the ball in front of the body, and it swings left and right with the running action. There are two ways to hold the ball with one hand: vertical and horizontal. Hold the ball with one hand and hold it firmly with your hands, arms and chest.

  If you can catch the ball, you can either pass it to your teammates or break through the opponent’s defense and bring the ball to your camp, which means a touchdown. What the opponent’s defender has to do is to pull out the flag on the receiver’s waist. After pulling it out, the defense is successful. Therefore, when the players with the ball run, they have to avoid the other team to pull the flag.

  When the defender intercepts from the front or oblique side, he can use the arc running to get rid of his opponent. At this time, he should pay attention to the distance from his opponent, and he will be intercepted if he is too close to his opponent. Take a detour to the right as an example: lower your center of gravity and lean forward to run forward. When your opponent approaches from the front, look to the left to attract your opponent’s attention; Turn to the right with the inside of the left foot, cross the left foot to the front of the right foot, and run away in an arc. This process of running while protecting the flag is a bit like tearing a famous brand in the reporter’s view, while running to the designated position, we must not forget to protect the famous brand from being torn off.

  After understanding the basic rules, the coach organized two groups to have a friendly match. On the field, everyone encourages his teammates while learning skills. Even if there are mistakes, no one will complain. Everyone pats their shoulders and cheers on each other. At this time, losing and winning are not so important, and everyone has gained happiness in running.

From the eight-member student club

To the top four teams in the country

  Tong Yi told reporters that his Qingdao conqueror American football team was only a football club of Ocean University in 2013, with only seven or eight people at first. By 2018, there will be more than 30 American football players. They are bank employees, teachers, doctors and fitness instructors during the day ….. When they arrive at the training ground at night, they are football players when they put on their equipment. At that time, although the sport was relatively small in Qingdao, the enthusiasm of these players was very high.

  In order to improve the competitive level and get good results in the national league as soon as possible, people often go to Shanghai to participate in football training camps at their own expense. "Shanghai has always been a city with a relatively good development of domestic rugby, where there are more international coaches and a more professional training atmosphere. Therefore, in a 3-4-day training camp, everyone spends seven or eight thousand yuan to learn skills." In addition to spending money, it is not easy to bring a group of adults together for fixed training. "The fixed members are those people, and everyone has his fixed position. Without anyone, the overall training will be affected." Tong Yi recalled that in the early days when the team wanted to improve their performance, every member of the team overcame all kinds of difficulties, pooled their money and made time. "Everyone is an adult with family and career concerns. It seems that everyone has returned to his childhood and should also thank each member’s family for their support."

Jerry took a photo with Super Bowl champion Russell Wilson.

  In addition to regular training at least three times a week and going to Shanghai to participate in the improvement training camp every six months, the players at that time also contacted the old coaches in China online to ask tactical questions. "At that time, there were few people playing football in China, so no matter where people were far apart, as long as they were sincerely loved, there were some appreciate each other between them, and even strangers were willing to give you all they had to tell you about tactics by phone or online." Tong Yi missed the players’ thirst for knowledge about football at that time, "that ignorant and eager stage was as urgent and expected as a newborn trying to learn to walk."

  For Qingdao people, rugby needs a process from scratch. How to take every step on the field may be difficult for them to figure out for a long time, but it will be of great benefit to try it again after being instructed by the old coach on the Internet. Long-term hard work and exchange study, Qingdao team joined the National Rugby League in 2018, and in 2019, Qingdao team reached the third place in the northern part of the country, ranking among the top 12 in the country. In 2020, Qingdao team was shortlisted for the first time in the top four in China.

  2020 is an important year for Qingdao rugby. In that year, a senior player who represented China in the World Championships was invited from Shanghai, and a foreign coach was also invited.

  Jerry, a veteran player from the Shanghai champion team, was originally from Qingdao. After returning to Qingdao, he spent a year leading the Qingdao rugby team to practice better, free of charge. Everyone in the team tried their best, rain or shine, and the football level in Qingdao improved rapidly.

  Today, there are 80 regular football players in Qingdao, more than 1,000 fans who often take part in training, and more than 3,000 football fans with waist flags. Their influence has spread to the surrounding cities of Qingdao, and brother cities such as Yantai and Weihai often come to Qingdao to learn from them, just as the Qingdao team once went to Shanghai to study.

Both father and son are crazy about football.

Failure experiences quench the spirit.

  "peng bo, run! Faster! Good shot! " In Qingdao in June, a youth American football game officially began. Peng bo, a photographer on the sidelines, got busy. As a well-known media reporter, he had to shoot with a dozen catties of long guns and short guns, and at the same time he had to worry about the performance of his son on the field. In every competition, peng bo, a teenager, is like this, "playing as a partner" with his photographer father.

Peng bo attacked in the game.

  Today, 9-year-old peng bo has five years’ experience in rugby, and his relationship with rugby originated from an interview with his father many years ago. "I once interviewed an adult rugby team in Qingdao and fell in love with the sport at once. When peng bo was 4 years old, I sent him to learn rugby." Peng bo, the father of a loyal NFL fan, wore a jersey of NFL star Peyton Manning in the first football class. Foreign coaches were not used to addressing Chinese names and called peng bo "Manning", which naturally became the English name of peng bo.

  Four-year-old peng bo fell in love with the game when he first came to the football field, and he fell in love with the feeling of breaking through many obstacles and chasing after the wind. While he was training and playing, Dad would take out his photographic equipment to shoot the wonderful moments of the children, and use the Tik Tok "Lightning Manning" to record the growth of the children in football. Peng bo has excellent speed and flexibility. He was assigned as an attacker by the coach just after he went to training. At the age of 6, he showed excellent sense of the ball among his peers. He was assigned by the coach to take over the team and take on the most important scoring task. Now he has been able to make touchdowns again and again in the game to help the team score.

  When peng bo was 6 years old, his narwhal team played a friendly match with Jinan Cobra team, which was the first fully armed match he played with his friends. Facing Jinan team, which was older than himself and had certain competition experience, peng bo’s father described his son as "completely stupid, even the opposing players passed by him, and he wouldn’t move". He was replaced less than 3 minutes after playing, and the game ended in defeat. Failure inspired peng bo’s fighting spirit. He said to his father, "Dad, I want to practice more during the summer vacation." The original training once a week became three times a week, and soon, hard training paid off. Five months later, in the Qilu Bowl, peng bo and his teammates once again faced the Jinan team. He played well and played the whole game. In the last crucial minute of the game, he made three important Tackle, which prevented the opponent who was four years older than himself from attacking and won an exciting victory. Finally, the team won the Qilu Bowl.

His son peng bo is Peng Yan’s most satisfactory photography.

  As NFL fans, father and son often watch NFL games together and learn skills and tactics by watching them. Pumbaa has more than a dozen NFL star jerseys and many NFL peripheral products. He loves these "treasures" fondly, which also promotes peng bo’s interest in football. In order to encourage children, my father went into battle in person, participated in the adult flag football game, and won the championship against teams such as Shanghai, Dongying and Weihai, which also added a lot of confidence to peng bo.

American players come to help.

Help Qingdao win the championship

  Jerry, who came to Qingdao from Shanghai, now focuses on youth training. Jerry told reporters that there are more than 100 children studying rugby in Qingdao today. Although there are no special points for rugby majors in China at present, children’s rugby training from an early age can be brutal and tempered, which is very beneficial to physical fitness and willpower training. "Of course, intellectual development is also a very important aspect. Groups under the age of eight must master more than 20 sets of tactics. As soon as they read the tactical code, they must know where they and their companions are going to do, and their ability to adapt to the situation and psychological quality are all-round considerations in a tense environment."

  Jason, who played football in the United States since childhood, is very touched by the various benefits of football in children’s growth. Jason, a native of Tangshan, grew up in the United States. Now, after returning to China, he works as a fitness coach in a fitness studio in Yanji Road, Qingdao, and just joined the American football team of Qingdao Conquerors in June this year.

  Jason looks like a football player from the outside. Rugby is the first sport in the United States. Jason grew up playing in the United States. At the age of 19, he was selected for the Los Angeles high school team. Later, he performed well in the American college football league and entered the University of Los Angeles team with the eighth place. "Originally, Europeans are good at collision, Asians are usually more endurance, and I have been exercising for many years. I think I have both advantages at the same time." Jason is very confident about his football level. Jason has always been the only face of china in the team since he was a child. He admits that every time he comes to a new team, he will really get some strange eyes from his teammates and wonder if I, a China native, can play their ball. "Facts have proved that I can not only play, but also play very well. I used my strength to change the initial prejudice of foreigners against me and make all doubts disappear." Jason laughed and said that he was talented and could not do without long-term hard training. "I can squat 270 kilograms with a load now, and Bobby can jump 100 times continuously."

Jason is now working as a fitness instructor in Qingdao, and he will never forget his rugby feelings.

  Jason now works as a private tutor in a fitness studio on Yanji Road in Qingdao. He learned by chance that there are also professional football teams in Qingdao, so he immediately signed up for the training. In just one night, the coach discovered his strength and immediately invited him to enter the professional group for training. Jason has played in the United States for many years. He thinks that the strength of the Qingdao team today can not be underestimated, but the attack can be more fierce. "My goal is to help the Qingdao team win more championships!"

  Jason recalled the daily training of American teams in the past, and felt that it was indeed more intense than now. "At that time, players would wear 50 pounds of sandbags for long-distance running or press 20 kilograms of barbells for push-ups. Now, the training intensity of both adults and teenagers in Qingdao is much more’ civilized’ than I have ever seen before." Jason believes that the rugby environment in Qingdao can be gradually strengthened in addition to the training intensity, and the general fitness awareness of ordinary people around him is not enough. "Many people have not regarded sports as an essential part of their daily lives, so I still hope that people will get active soon. Even if they don’t play rugby, it is always beneficial to do more fitness and exercise."

Jason usually works out when he doesn’t practice.

  Finally, there is the spirit of entertainment. Jason thinks that although American football looks a bit barbaric and has a collision, in fact, its protective equipment and rules are making every effort to protect the safety of players. "I hope that once we get on the court, we will all let go of playing and abandon all social relations. No matter who is the leader and who is the colleague, we will be friends when we get on the court, and we will have a hearty game. We will neither be humble with our hands tied nor be impatient because of the inevitable collision in the game ….. I hope more and more people can join in and enjoy the happiness of the sport itself."

Reporter’s note:

The more open, the more confident.

The city of fashion is full of vitality

Nowadays, the football team in Qingdao is growing day by day.

  As a sports enthusiast, the reporter is glad to see that there are more and more interesting things in his hometown Qingdao in recent years, especially in sports and fitness. Squash, baseball, rugby and other once small sports have quietly emerged among men, women and children in the streets. With the mass base, the achievements of professional teams are among the best in the country.

  Qingdao has always been an energetic and enterprising city. People in this land are brave in challenges, high morale and full of self-confidence. American football equipment seems to be a foreign thing full of violent aesthetics. In fact, Qingdao people have played the game of "playing cat’s tail" since childhood. The happy pursuit of playing sandbags seems to have the same effect as flying on the football field today. Who can refuse this kind of happiness that makes adults go back to childhood? For children, rugby is also a good sport to develop intelligence and exercise, so there are many rugby families like peng bo.

  Nowadays, Qingdao’s economy is developing rapidly, and spiritual entertainment and mass fitness are also keeping pace with the times. Everyone is willing to spend 180 yuan to play a flag football in the stadium in their leisure time, and they can also accept spending thousands of dollars to buy American football equipment and join a professional American football team. What fun to play, enjoying life and inspiring life is the lovely romantic feelings in Qingdao people’s bones, and it is also open and inclusive to accommodate the winds from all directions.


Six real "Chinese-style" original ecological beauties are a lot of popular actresses.


In this era of looking at faces, "Yan value is justice" has become the consensus of the public.

However, the true beauty connotation goes far beyond the proportion of the five senses, and more importantly, it contains the soul power.

Let’s take a look at these truly stunning beauties. Do they have enough charm to convince the world?

True love at first sight, does Zhou Yun’s shining light come from Jiang Wen?

In 2002, a film called Heroes of Heaven and Earth was under intense shooting.

Zhou Yun, a girl who is still in college, came to the set and met the director Jiang Wen here.

Jiang Wen has been a veteran director for many years, while Zhou Yun is just a newcomer who has just set foot in the entertainment industry.

However, this time the encounter, but in the fate of the two people painted a heavy color.

In order to perform the role perfectly, Zhou Yun resolutely shaved off his thick black hair and polished his head.

Despite losing the embellishment of her hair, her temperament has not diminished at all, but has added a touch of skill and tenacity.

In the interval between filming, Jiang Wen often looks at Zhou Yun approvingly, with appreciation in his eyes.

And Zhou Yun will return shyly with a bright smile.

In 2005, the two formally entered the marriage hall.

Originally, people may think that the combination of the older director and Hua Dan Jr. is a little abrupt, but their feelings are like old wine, and the longer they get, the more mellow they become, which makes people want to bless.

In many films directed by Jiang Wen later, Zhou Yun appeared and successfully created female characters with different personalities.

Whether it’s the brave true nature in One Step Away, the witty blood in Let the Bullets Fly, or the free and easy pride in Evil Doesn’t Suppress Righteousness, Zhou Yun perfectly presents himself in different aspects.

Jiang Wen seems to be showing the multiple charms of Zhou Yun in his heart to the audience through focus plane.

He used the beauty of art to carve the beauty of love.

Ye Jihong, the first supermodel in China, proved her unique charm with her strength.

In 1980s, a legendary supermodel was born in the modeling field of China, and she was Ye Jihong.

Unlike porn stars in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Ye Jihong is not eye-catching by her stunning style.

Her beauty is more like a deep pool, calm and not thrilling, but can firmly grasp your eyes.

Ye Jihong knew that true charm does not need external decoration, but internal temperament.

Therefore, she attracted the attention of countless fans with her unique temperament.

Michele Monique Reis, a Hong Kong elder sister who competed with Ye Jihong, once made her feel inferior.

Michele Monique Reis’s popularity is higher and its appearance is more eye-catching.

However, Ye Jihong did not flinch, but proved his unique charm with his own strength.

Under the artist Chen Yifei’s pen, Ye Jihong seems to have a thousand words in his eyes.

She got rid of the bondage of commercial packaging and showed an extraordinary temperament.

Ye Jihong used her magnetic aura to tell the world that true beauty does not need the approval of others, but it has its own aura.

Perhaps it is this leisurely temperament that makes her a classic that cannot be copied.

Zhu Lin, the rare king of the daughter country in Journey to the West, perfectly interprets complex character with acting skills.

In 1986, the shooting of the classic The Journey to the West was in full swing.

Among many roles, the most troublesome one is the candidate for the role of king of the daughter country.

This role needs to have both the majesty of the king and the charm of women, both atmospheric and lively and amiable.

Such a complicated person was hardly found among the actors at that time.

After interviewing thousands of actors, director Yang Jie finally took a fancy to a very young actor-Zhu Lin.

Although Zhu Lin is still young, her understanding of this role is eye-catching.

Through her interpretation, the audience saw not only a touching beauty, but also a flesh-and-blood three-dimensional life.

In her rich facial expressions, she is sometimes filled with love and sometimes with sadness, which shows the inner struggle of the king of her daughter country to the fullest.

Even in the scene of confrontation with Tang Priest, she didn’t use the exaggeration that ordinary villains would use.

On the contrary, through subtle expression management, this female character has maintained her unique charm.

With his keen insight and excellent acting skills, Zhu Lin perfectly interpreted this extremely difficult role and made it lifelike.

Perhaps, it is this control of the details of the role that has made her brilliant on the road of acting.

Chen Hong, the first beauty in mainland China, conquered the difficult Hong Kong art circle with her strength.

The 1980s was the golden age of Hong Kong films.

However, for mainland actors, this fertile land of art is not friendly.

It was in such a difficult environment that Chen Hong made his mark.

She conquered many Hong Kong audiences with her unique temperament and solid acting skills, and was praised as "the first beauty in mainland China".

Chen Hong has a small square face, unlike the traditional beauty.

However, it is this asymmetrical facial line that increases her three-dimensional sense and aura.

When director Chen Kaige first met Chen Hong, she was deeply shocked by her face like an oil painting.

Although it is not a melon face, it is also beautiful.

Chen Hong is 51 years old, but she still has girlish skin.

The traces left by years on her face only made her beauty more precipitated.

Perhaps this is the unforgettable charm of Chen Hong.

With her own efforts and strength, she opened up a world of her own in a severe environment, and this spirit cannot be eroded by time.

A smile warms people’s hearts like spring breeze, and Gao Yuanyuan influences every role with sincerity.

"Mark Chao, it’s bitter to take revenge on your wife!" The heroine of this sentence is Gao Yuanyuan, who is known as "laughing like spring".

In 1997, Gao Yuanyuan entered the show business at the age of 18.

Although she is still a little childish, her unique temperament is already in the bud.

With big eyes, high nose and oval face, the proportion of Gao Yuanyuan’s five senses is perfect.

When she smiles, the whole person radiates dazzling light.

In 2014, Gao Yuanyuan returned to the public eye.

What remains unchanged is her bright smile, but what changes is the faint maternal aura revealed in the smile.

Gao Yuanyuan is not only outstanding in appearance, but also excellent in acting.

Whether it is the villain in "Eternal Dragon Slayer" or the warm-hearted girl in "Mala Tang Girl", she can infect every character with her sincerity.

Perhaps this is the real secret that she can touch the hearts of the audience.

Gao Yuanyuan endowed each character with the agility of life with his pure soul strength.

Lin Fangbing, who plays the legendary role of Yang Guifei, shows the beauty of women with her plump figure.

In the hit drama The Legend of Yang Guifei, Lin Fangbing, who successfully played the role of Yang Guifei, was deeply loved by the audience.

For this role, Lin Fangbing gained 30 Jin, reaching the highest weight in his life.

However, the plump figure did not affect her charm, but added charm.

As an excellent actor, Lin Fangbing not only presents Yang Guifei’s noble temperament in appearance, but also depicts Yang Guifei’s inner waves through subtle expressions.

In particular, her every move reveals charming amorous feelings and successfully completes the transformation from modern women to Yang Guifei.

In this play, Lin Fangbing shows the colorful life of this legendary woman with her rich acting skills.

With her understanding and expressive force of the role, she vividly showed Yang Guifei, a historical figure, to the audience.

Because of this, Lin Fangbing won the honor of best actress in the 11th Golden Eagle Award.

This is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also represents that the beauty of all plump women deserves attention and praise.


So, what is true beauty? Perhaps the external appearance is just the entrance, and what really convinces people is the inner soul power.

If a person has these beautiful qualities of tenacity, wisdom and sincerity, he can shine brilliantly.

We should use our inner eyes to discover the true beauty of the world.