Stock (1): What do you buy when you buy stocks?

Hello, my name is Peking University Xu Yuan, and welcome to my investment class.

Today we enter the second part of the course, the investment tools part. In this part, I will explain to you the basic nature of investment tools, including stocks, bonds, funds, real estate, gold and so on. For example, these are 18 kinds of weapons in the martial arts field. After understanding the basic properties of these weapons, we can choose the weapons that we can take advantage of.

As the saying goes, "If you want to do a good job, you must sharpen your tools first." Without understanding the nature of these tools, you are like a tiger without teeth, and you will be very passive in the arena of investment.

Today is the first lecture on investment tools. We begin to talk about one of the most common and important tools, namely stocks. Regarding stocks, we focus on six issues.

First, when we buy stocks, what are we buying? In particular, some companies are not profitable at all, let alone paying dividends. Why are they still worth so much money? How exactly is this priced?

Second, how to judge the stock price? Some stocks are very cheap, can you buy them? Some stocks have high unit prices, why do they go up all the way? How to judge?

Third, there are so many stocks in the market, how to quickly grasp the market situation?

Fourth, how is the stock price determined? What are the different factors?

Fifth, do A shares earn money? If you don’t make money, why are so many people playing in it?

Sixth, what kind of stocks have high returns?

Let’s look at the first question first. What do we buy when we buy stocks? In particular, some companies on the A-share market are not profitable, and there is no dividend. Why are they still so expensive? In order to clarify this problem, I divide stocks into two categories, dividend-paying and non-dividend-paying

Dividend-paying stocks have a relatively simple principle. We buy a stock because we are optimistic about the cash flow that this stock can bring.For example, if you spend 10 yuan on a stock and pay a dividend of 1 yuan a year, after ten years, you will return to your capital (for simplicity, discount is not considered here), and all dividends in the future will be profits.

If you divide it into 50 cents a year and pay it back in 20 years, all future dividends will be profits. At this time, you spent 10 yuan to buy it, which is all future dividends.

You may say, where is the company giving such a high dividend rate now? Actually, it’s not. You can have a look at Table 1. Table 1 shows the distribution of dividend rate of A-share listed companies from 2016 to 2018. As you can see, the average dividend rate of listed companies is over 30%, which is not low.

This is not the most exaggerated. The 10% companies with the most dividends have a dividend rate of over 60%. At present, there are more than 3,000 listed companies in A-shares, of which more than 300 have a dividend rate of over 60%. Therefore, the statement that A shares do not pay dividends is not consistent with the real data.

Table 1: Dividend rate of A-share listed companies (2016-2018,%)

Note: Before calculating the dividend rate, companies with negative net profit in this year are excluded, and the dividend rate is equal to the total annual dividend of the company divided by the annual net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company.

As of the production date of this table (November 2019), the dividend data for 2019 has not been published, so the data from 2016 to 2018 are used. Source: Wind information.

In fact, what you need to pay attention to is not the companies that don’t pay dividends, but the dividend rate of some companies is too high, which is a bit abnormal. You need to see what is going on. In order to illustrate this situation, we have specially compiled Table 2 and listed the companies with the highest dividend rate in recent years.

When sorting out Table 2, we made a screening and only considered large and medium-sized companies with positive profits and large market value of more than 10 billion. The data of small and micro enterprises fluctuates greatly, so we will not consider it for the time being.

Table 2: Top 30 Dividend Rates of Companies with Market Value of Over 10 Billion (2016-2018,%)

Note: The data comes from Wind. Before calculating the dividend rate, the companies with negative net profit for the year and companies with a total market value of less than 10 billion at the end of the year were excluded.

If you look at Table 2, many companies have a high dividend rate, and some companies even have a dividend rate of more than 100%, that is, dividends exceed profits. Why is this happening? To sum up, there are probably three possible reasons.

In the first case, the company has little temporary profit, but in order to maintain the stability of dividends, it still maintains a consistent dividend level. In this case, even if there is a temporary shortage of cash, the operation is still stable, so paying more dividends is to show the market that everything is under control and there is no need to panic.

China Petroleum, for example, has done such a thing. Due to lower oil and gas prices, its net profit in 2016 dropped by nearly 80% compared with that in 2015.

However, in order to maintain a steady dividend, China Petroleum used the retained undistributed profits of previous years to pay dividends in 2016, and the dividend rate reached 137.43%. By 2018, the company’s profits have improved, the denominator has become larger, and the dividend rate has fallen.

Purchase column to unlock the remaining 70%

Today, I am you | grab 50 training places in one minute! "Olive" is in the first place. Why do Qingdao people fall in love with this ball?

Peninsula all-media reporter Zhong Wenting

  Rugby is known as the first sport in the United States, but on a football field in Qingdao Guoxin Stadium, young men and women often play rugby games, and the joyful scene attracts many people to stop and watch. Recently, the reporter of "I am you today" on the peninsula felt the heat that 50 football training places were robbed in one minute.

The reporter first experienced the flag football.

  At present, Qingdao American Football Adult Equipment Group has 80 full-time players, more than 1,000 fans who often participate in training, and more than 3,000 waist flag football fans who are relatively easy to get started. Why is this minority sport so popular in Qingdao, from young people to children, from college students to returnees? Come and experience it with the reporters from Peninsula and feel the charming life of this fashionable city!

Grab the quota in one minute

It took the reporter a few days to grab it.

  Recently, the reporter came to Guoxin Stadium. Although it was 8 pm on Wednesday, the stadium was in full swing. The football team organized here is the American football team of Qingdao Conquerors. Captain Tong Yi told reporters that today’s football activities are becoming more and more popular. Professional team training and the participation of fans make this stadium lively, even on weekdays, there are different levels and intensities of training going on almost every night.

  Nowadays, no matter whether it is a zero-based "Little White" or an enthusiast who has been training for many years, he can find a suitable training team and teammates in Qingdao. "Regardless of flag football or American football, everyone’s acceptance is getting higher and higher. Now all football fans’ WeChat groups divided by category and grade have filled my top list, adding up to more than 3,000 people." Tong Yi pulled the reporter into the primary group of fans a week ago, but it took a week for the reporter to sign up.

  Because the registration is too hot, because the number of people needs to be controlled in each training, the upper limit of each registration is 50. At first, the reporter set up the information-free mode, and when he remembered to grab the quota, dozens of people had lined up behind him. Wait until the next training suitable for beginners, as soon as the registration information is sent out, 50 people will be reported in one minute, and there will be people waiting in line. Looking at the registration information carefully, there is only one second difference between the 50th person and the 51st person, and the 51st person in line is equivalent to the backup team for this training-if there are formal players who temporarily quit, the backup team members waiting in line at the back can make up the position according to the queuing order. The reporter was amazed at everyone’s enthusiasm. Captain Tong told the reporter that if you want to participate, you must register in advance. Fans know the basic registration instructions, and the organizers will also buy insurance for the players. Therefore, the registration process is very strict, and you will never accept temporary registration on the spot.

  After several days’ dedicated competition, the reporter finally grabbed a place to participate in zero-based training. On the left and right sides of the court, there is American football on one side and flag football on the other. The reporter signed up for flag football training.

Many girls are happy in flag football.

  For the classification of these two events, in many people’s impression, rugby requires intense physical collision and confrontation, which requires high physical quality. However, as a non-contact and non-collision rugby form, flag rugby has lower threshold, faster start-up and is more suitable for beginners to try to participate.

  The reporter first entered the football team with the waist flag on the right side of the venue. After entering the door, his teammates tied a belt for the reporter, and two pieces of cloth about half a meter long were hung on both sides of the belt. This is the waist flag. "Pulling this flag is equivalent to knocking down your opponent in American football. This is the biggest difference between the two categories. The flag football avoids direct collision and plays in a more gentle way, "Tong Yi told reporters." You see that the American football on the left needs to wear protective equipment and a helmet, but the flag football on the right doesn’t need it. Everyone can go into battle lightly, as long as they wear sports shoes. " The reporter found that the proportion of men and women in his training team is basically half and half, and most of them are young people in their twenties and thirties, while the American group with equipment accounts for the majority. Most of them are strong and their bodies reveal the traces of fitness all the year round.

Catching a ball is like hitting a sandbag.

Running is much happier.

  The reporter entered the training team of flag football. At first, fifty people were divided into five groups according to the number of times they participated in the training. The primary group where the reporter was located was the first-fourth training group. After grouping, the coach first organizes the practice of running and catching the ball without the opponent’s letting go of defense.

  The coach asked the group of ten people to form a line and take turns to train for running. After each person stood on the line, he waited for the coach’s command with his left foot in front and his right foot behind. When he heard the word "run", he ran forward quickly, stopped at the specified position quickly, and then turned around and went back. Familiar with the basic pace requirements, and then more complex running route training.

  Get familiar with the route first, and then catch the ball. In the training of catching the ball in situ, you are required to bend your knees, lean forward slightly, and keep your eyes on the ball. When the ball comes, you should stretch out your arms to meet the ball and fully relax your fingers to touch the ball. After touching the ball, both hands instantly exert force and recover it to firmly connect the ball. As it was the first time to participate in training, the reporter did not wear protective gloves, and when he reached out his hands to catch the ball, he was worried that his manicure would not be guaranteed. It’s best to wear protective gloves if there are girls participating in the training.

  When the ball comes, open your hands side by side with palms facing outwards, and there is a nearly triangular gap between the two index fingers and little fingers to catch the ball. When the coach saw that the reporter was attending for the first time, the girl would show some mercy. However, when the reporter saw a ball flying over for the first time, he was still a little instinctively afraid. At that moment, he just wanted to avoid being afraid of hitting his head. His companion described the reporter as bringing his own "ah" elongated sound effect, and then watched the ball land beside him.

Peng bo is attacking.

  This process of catching the ball is a bit like playing sandbags when I was a child, that is, "playing cat’s tail" in Qingdao dialect. Some people are scared when they see the ball, while others are excited when they see it.

  After catching the ball, you run with the ball. There are two kinds of holding the ball: two-handed holding and one-handed holding. Holding the ball with both hands is easy to combine with passing, and holding the ball with one hand is easy to accelerate. When holding the ball with both hands, the five fingers are naturally opened and the thumb is pressed on the most convex part of the ball; The palm is empty, and the finger grips the ball hard; The wrist is turned up, the elbow is set up to hold the ball in front of the body, and it swings left and right with the running action. There are two ways to hold the ball with one hand: vertical and horizontal. Hold the ball with one hand and hold it firmly with your hands, arms and chest.

  If you can catch the ball, you can either pass it to your teammates or break through the opponent’s defense and bring the ball to your camp, which means a touchdown. What the opponent’s defender has to do is to pull out the flag on the receiver’s waist. After pulling it out, the defense is successful. Therefore, when the players with the ball run, they have to avoid the other team to pull the flag.

  When the defender intercepts from the front or oblique side, he can use the arc running to get rid of his opponent. At this time, he should pay attention to the distance from his opponent, and he will be intercepted if he is too close to his opponent. Take a detour to the right as an example: lower your center of gravity and lean forward to run forward. When your opponent approaches from the front, look to the left to attract your opponent’s attention; Turn to the right with the inside of the left foot, cross the left foot to the front of the right foot, and run away in an arc. This process of running while protecting the flag is a bit like tearing a famous brand in the reporter’s view, while running to the designated position, we must not forget to protect the famous brand from being torn off.

  After understanding the basic rules, the coach organized two groups to have a friendly match. On the field, everyone encourages his teammates while learning skills. Even if there are mistakes, no one will complain. Everyone pats their shoulders and cheers on each other. At this time, losing and winning are not so important, and everyone has gained happiness in running.

From the eight-member student club

To the top four teams in the country

  Tong Yi told reporters that his Qingdao conqueror American football team was only a football club of Ocean University in 2013, with only seven or eight people at first. By 2018, there will be more than 30 American football players. They are bank employees, teachers, doctors and fitness instructors during the day ….. When they arrive at the training ground at night, they are football players when they put on their equipment. At that time, although the sport was relatively small in Qingdao, the enthusiasm of these players was very high.

  In order to improve the competitive level and get good results in the national league as soon as possible, people often go to Shanghai to participate in football training camps at their own expense. "Shanghai has always been a city with a relatively good development of domestic rugby, where there are more international coaches and a more professional training atmosphere. Therefore, in a 3-4-day training camp, everyone spends seven or eight thousand yuan to learn skills." In addition to spending money, it is not easy to bring a group of adults together for fixed training. "The fixed members are those people, and everyone has his fixed position. Without anyone, the overall training will be affected." Tong Yi recalled that in the early days when the team wanted to improve their performance, every member of the team overcame all kinds of difficulties, pooled their money and made time. "Everyone is an adult with family and career concerns. It seems that everyone has returned to his childhood and should also thank each member’s family for their support."

Jerry took a photo with Super Bowl champion Russell Wilson.

  In addition to regular training at least three times a week and going to Shanghai to participate in the improvement training camp every six months, the players at that time also contacted the old coaches in China online to ask tactical questions. "At that time, there were few people playing football in China, so no matter where people were far apart, as long as they were sincerely loved, there were some appreciate each other between them, and even strangers were willing to give you all they had to tell you about tactics by phone or online." Tong Yi missed the players’ thirst for knowledge about football at that time, "that ignorant and eager stage was as urgent and expected as a newborn trying to learn to walk."

  For Qingdao people, rugby needs a process from scratch. How to take every step on the field may be difficult for them to figure out for a long time, but it will be of great benefit to try it again after being instructed by the old coach on the Internet. Long-term hard work and exchange study, Qingdao team joined the National Rugby League in 2018, and in 2019, Qingdao team reached the third place in the northern part of the country, ranking among the top 12 in the country. In 2020, Qingdao team was shortlisted for the first time in the top four in China.

  2020 is an important year for Qingdao rugby. In that year, a senior player who represented China in the World Championships was invited from Shanghai, and a foreign coach was also invited.

  Jerry, a veteran player from the Shanghai champion team, was originally from Qingdao. After returning to Qingdao, he spent a year leading the Qingdao rugby team to practice better, free of charge. Everyone in the team tried their best, rain or shine, and the football level in Qingdao improved rapidly.

  Today, there are 80 regular football players in Qingdao, more than 1,000 fans who often take part in training, and more than 3,000 football fans with waist flags. Their influence has spread to the surrounding cities of Qingdao, and brother cities such as Yantai and Weihai often come to Qingdao to learn from them, just as the Qingdao team once went to Shanghai to study.

Both father and son are crazy about football.

Failure experiences quench the spirit.

  "peng bo, run! Faster! Good shot! " In Qingdao in June, a youth American football game officially began. Peng bo, a photographer on the sidelines, got busy. As a well-known media reporter, he had to shoot with a dozen catties of long guns and short guns, and at the same time he had to worry about the performance of his son on the field. In every competition, peng bo, a teenager, is like this, "playing as a partner" with his photographer father.

Peng bo attacked in the game.

  Today, 9-year-old peng bo has five years’ experience in rugby, and his relationship with rugby originated from an interview with his father many years ago. "I once interviewed an adult rugby team in Qingdao and fell in love with the sport at once. When peng bo was 4 years old, I sent him to learn rugby." Peng bo, the father of a loyal NFL fan, wore a jersey of NFL star Peyton Manning in the first football class. Foreign coaches were not used to addressing Chinese names and called peng bo "Manning", which naturally became the English name of peng bo.

  Four-year-old peng bo fell in love with the game when he first came to the football field, and he fell in love with the feeling of breaking through many obstacles and chasing after the wind. While he was training and playing, Dad would take out his photographic equipment to shoot the wonderful moments of the children, and use the Tik Tok "Lightning Manning" to record the growth of the children in football. Peng bo has excellent speed and flexibility. He was assigned as an attacker by the coach just after he went to training. At the age of 6, he showed excellent sense of the ball among his peers. He was assigned by the coach to take over the team and take on the most important scoring task. Now he has been able to make touchdowns again and again in the game to help the team score.

  When peng bo was 6 years old, his narwhal team played a friendly match with Jinan Cobra team, which was the first fully armed match he played with his friends. Facing Jinan team, which was older than himself and had certain competition experience, peng bo’s father described his son as "completely stupid, even the opposing players passed by him, and he wouldn’t move". He was replaced less than 3 minutes after playing, and the game ended in defeat. Failure inspired peng bo’s fighting spirit. He said to his father, "Dad, I want to practice more during the summer vacation." The original training once a week became three times a week, and soon, hard training paid off. Five months later, in the Qilu Bowl, peng bo and his teammates once again faced the Jinan team. He played well and played the whole game. In the last crucial minute of the game, he made three important Tackle, which prevented the opponent who was four years older than himself from attacking and won an exciting victory. Finally, the team won the Qilu Bowl.

His son peng bo is Peng Yan’s most satisfactory photography.

  As NFL fans, father and son often watch NFL games together and learn skills and tactics by watching them. Pumbaa has more than a dozen NFL star jerseys and many NFL peripheral products. He loves these "treasures" fondly, which also promotes peng bo’s interest in football. In order to encourage children, my father went into battle in person, participated in the adult flag football game, and won the championship against teams such as Shanghai, Dongying and Weihai, which also added a lot of confidence to peng bo.

American players come to help.

Help Qingdao win the championship

  Jerry, who came to Qingdao from Shanghai, now focuses on youth training. Jerry told reporters that there are more than 100 children studying rugby in Qingdao today. Although there are no special points for rugby majors in China at present, children’s rugby training from an early age can be brutal and tempered, which is very beneficial to physical fitness and willpower training. "Of course, intellectual development is also a very important aspect. Groups under the age of eight must master more than 20 sets of tactics. As soon as they read the tactical code, they must know where they and their companions are going to do, and their ability to adapt to the situation and psychological quality are all-round considerations in a tense environment."

  Jason, who played football in the United States since childhood, is very touched by the various benefits of football in children’s growth. Jason, a native of Tangshan, grew up in the United States. Now, after returning to China, he works as a fitness coach in a fitness studio in Yanji Road, Qingdao, and just joined the American football team of Qingdao Conquerors in June this year.

  Jason looks like a football player from the outside. Rugby is the first sport in the United States. Jason grew up playing in the United States. At the age of 19, he was selected for the Los Angeles high school team. Later, he performed well in the American college football league and entered the University of Los Angeles team with the eighth place. "Originally, Europeans are good at collision, Asians are usually more endurance, and I have been exercising for many years. I think I have both advantages at the same time." Jason is very confident about his football level. Jason has always been the only face of china in the team since he was a child. He admits that every time he comes to a new team, he will really get some strange eyes from his teammates and wonder if I, a China native, can play their ball. "Facts have proved that I can not only play, but also play very well. I used my strength to change the initial prejudice of foreigners against me and make all doubts disappear." Jason laughed and said that he was talented and could not do without long-term hard training. "I can squat 270 kilograms with a load now, and Bobby can jump 100 times continuously."

Jason is now working as a fitness instructor in Qingdao, and he will never forget his rugby feelings.

  Jason now works as a private tutor in a fitness studio on Yanji Road in Qingdao. He learned by chance that there are also professional football teams in Qingdao, so he immediately signed up for the training. In just one night, the coach discovered his strength and immediately invited him to enter the professional group for training. Jason has played in the United States for many years. He thinks that the strength of the Qingdao team today can not be underestimated, but the attack can be more fierce. "My goal is to help the Qingdao team win more championships!"

  Jason recalled the daily training of American teams in the past, and felt that it was indeed more intense than now. "At that time, players would wear 50 pounds of sandbags for long-distance running or press 20 kilograms of barbells for push-ups. Now, the training intensity of both adults and teenagers in Qingdao is much more’ civilized’ than I have ever seen before." Jason believes that the rugby environment in Qingdao can be gradually strengthened in addition to the training intensity, and the general fitness awareness of ordinary people around him is not enough. "Many people have not regarded sports as an essential part of their daily lives, so I still hope that people will get active soon. Even if they don’t play rugby, it is always beneficial to do more fitness and exercise."

Jason usually works out when he doesn’t practice.

  Finally, there is the spirit of entertainment. Jason thinks that although American football looks a bit barbaric and has a collision, in fact, its protective equipment and rules are making every effort to protect the safety of players. "I hope that once we get on the court, we will all let go of playing and abandon all social relations. No matter who is the leader and who is the colleague, we will be friends when we get on the court, and we will have a hearty game. We will neither be humble with our hands tied nor be impatient because of the inevitable collision in the game ….. I hope more and more people can join in and enjoy the happiness of the sport itself."

Reporter’s note:

The more open, the more confident.

The city of fashion is full of vitality

Nowadays, the football team in Qingdao is growing day by day.

  As a sports enthusiast, the reporter is glad to see that there are more and more interesting things in his hometown Qingdao in recent years, especially in sports and fitness. Squash, baseball, rugby and other once small sports have quietly emerged among men, women and children in the streets. With the mass base, the achievements of professional teams are among the best in the country.

  Qingdao has always been an energetic and enterprising city. People in this land are brave in challenges, high morale and full of self-confidence. American football equipment seems to be a foreign thing full of violent aesthetics. In fact, Qingdao people have played the game of "playing cat’s tail" since childhood. The happy pursuit of playing sandbags seems to have the same effect as flying on the football field today. Who can refuse this kind of happiness that makes adults go back to childhood? For children, rugby is also a good sport to develop intelligence and exercise, so there are many rugby families like peng bo.

  Nowadays, Qingdao’s economy is developing rapidly, and spiritual entertainment and mass fitness are also keeping pace with the times. Everyone is willing to spend 180 yuan to play a flag football in the stadium in their leisure time, and they can also accept spending thousands of dollars to buy American football equipment and join a professional American football team. What fun to play, enjoying life and inspiring life is the lovely romantic feelings in Qingdao people’s bones, and it is also open and inclusive to accommodate the winds from all directions.


Six real "Chinese-style" original ecological beauties are a lot of popular actresses.


In this era of looking at faces, "Yan value is justice" has become the consensus of the public.

However, the true beauty connotation goes far beyond the proportion of the five senses, and more importantly, it contains the soul power.

Let’s take a look at these truly stunning beauties. Do they have enough charm to convince the world?

True love at first sight, does Zhou Yun’s shining light come from Jiang Wen?

In 2002, a film called Heroes of Heaven and Earth was under intense shooting.

Zhou Yun, a girl who is still in college, came to the set and met the director Jiang Wen here.

Jiang Wen has been a veteran director for many years, while Zhou Yun is just a newcomer who has just set foot in the entertainment industry.

However, this time the encounter, but in the fate of the two people painted a heavy color.

In order to perform the role perfectly, Zhou Yun resolutely shaved off his thick black hair and polished his head.

Despite losing the embellishment of her hair, her temperament has not diminished at all, but has added a touch of skill and tenacity.

In the interval between filming, Jiang Wen often looks at Zhou Yun approvingly, with appreciation in his eyes.

And Zhou Yun will return shyly with a bright smile.

In 2005, the two formally entered the marriage hall.

Originally, people may think that the combination of the older director and Hua Dan Jr. is a little abrupt, but their feelings are like old wine, and the longer they get, the more mellow they become, which makes people want to bless.

In many films directed by Jiang Wen later, Zhou Yun appeared and successfully created female characters with different personalities.

Whether it’s the brave true nature in One Step Away, the witty blood in Let the Bullets Fly, or the free and easy pride in Evil Doesn’t Suppress Righteousness, Zhou Yun perfectly presents himself in different aspects.

Jiang Wen seems to be showing the multiple charms of Zhou Yun in his heart to the audience through focus plane.

He used the beauty of art to carve the beauty of love.

Ye Jihong, the first supermodel in China, proved her unique charm with her strength.

In 1980s, a legendary supermodel was born in the modeling field of China, and she was Ye Jihong.

Unlike porn stars in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Ye Jihong is not eye-catching by her stunning style.

Her beauty is more like a deep pool, calm and not thrilling, but can firmly grasp your eyes.

Ye Jihong knew that true charm does not need external decoration, but internal temperament.

Therefore, she attracted the attention of countless fans with her unique temperament.

Michele Monique Reis, a Hong Kong elder sister who competed with Ye Jihong, once made her feel inferior.

Michele Monique Reis’s popularity is higher and its appearance is more eye-catching.

However, Ye Jihong did not flinch, but proved his unique charm with his own strength.

Under the artist Chen Yifei’s pen, Ye Jihong seems to have a thousand words in his eyes.

She got rid of the bondage of commercial packaging and showed an extraordinary temperament.

Ye Jihong used her magnetic aura to tell the world that true beauty does not need the approval of others, but it has its own aura.

Perhaps it is this leisurely temperament that makes her a classic that cannot be copied.

Zhu Lin, the rare king of the daughter country in Journey to the West, perfectly interprets complex character with acting skills.

In 1986, the shooting of the classic The Journey to the West was in full swing.

Among many roles, the most troublesome one is the candidate for the role of king of the daughter country.

This role needs to have both the majesty of the king and the charm of women, both atmospheric and lively and amiable.

Such a complicated person was hardly found among the actors at that time.

After interviewing thousands of actors, director Yang Jie finally took a fancy to a very young actor-Zhu Lin.

Although Zhu Lin is still young, her understanding of this role is eye-catching.

Through her interpretation, the audience saw not only a touching beauty, but also a flesh-and-blood three-dimensional life.

In her rich facial expressions, she is sometimes filled with love and sometimes with sadness, which shows the inner struggle of the king of her daughter country to the fullest.

Even in the scene of confrontation with Tang Priest, she didn’t use the exaggeration that ordinary villains would use.

On the contrary, through subtle expression management, this female character has maintained her unique charm.

With his keen insight and excellent acting skills, Zhu Lin perfectly interpreted this extremely difficult role and made it lifelike.

Perhaps, it is this control of the details of the role that has made her brilliant on the road of acting.

Chen Hong, the first beauty in mainland China, conquered the difficult Hong Kong art circle with her strength.

The 1980s was the golden age of Hong Kong films.

However, for mainland actors, this fertile land of art is not friendly.

It was in such a difficult environment that Chen Hong made his mark.

She conquered many Hong Kong audiences with her unique temperament and solid acting skills, and was praised as "the first beauty in mainland China".

Chen Hong has a small square face, unlike the traditional beauty.

However, it is this asymmetrical facial line that increases her three-dimensional sense and aura.

When director Chen Kaige first met Chen Hong, she was deeply shocked by her face like an oil painting.

Although it is not a melon face, it is also beautiful.

Chen Hong is 51 years old, but she still has girlish skin.

The traces left by years on her face only made her beauty more precipitated.

Perhaps this is the unforgettable charm of Chen Hong.

With her own efforts and strength, she opened up a world of her own in a severe environment, and this spirit cannot be eroded by time.

A smile warms people’s hearts like spring breeze, and Gao Yuanyuan influences every role with sincerity.

"Mark Chao, it’s bitter to take revenge on your wife!" The heroine of this sentence is Gao Yuanyuan, who is known as "laughing like spring".

In 1997, Gao Yuanyuan entered the show business at the age of 18.

Although she is still a little childish, her unique temperament is already in the bud.

With big eyes, high nose and oval face, the proportion of Gao Yuanyuan’s five senses is perfect.

When she smiles, the whole person radiates dazzling light.

In 2014, Gao Yuanyuan returned to the public eye.

What remains unchanged is her bright smile, but what changes is the faint maternal aura revealed in the smile.

Gao Yuanyuan is not only outstanding in appearance, but also excellent in acting.

Whether it is the villain in "Eternal Dragon Slayer" or the warm-hearted girl in "Mala Tang Girl", she can infect every character with her sincerity.

Perhaps this is the real secret that she can touch the hearts of the audience.

Gao Yuanyuan endowed each character with the agility of life with his pure soul strength.

Lin Fangbing, who plays the legendary role of Yang Guifei, shows the beauty of women with her plump figure.

In the hit drama The Legend of Yang Guifei, Lin Fangbing, who successfully played the role of Yang Guifei, was deeply loved by the audience.

For this role, Lin Fangbing gained 30 Jin, reaching the highest weight in his life.

However, the plump figure did not affect her charm, but added charm.

As an excellent actor, Lin Fangbing not only presents Yang Guifei’s noble temperament in appearance, but also depicts Yang Guifei’s inner waves through subtle expressions.

In particular, her every move reveals charming amorous feelings and successfully completes the transformation from modern women to Yang Guifei.

In this play, Lin Fangbing shows the colorful life of this legendary woman with her rich acting skills.

With her understanding and expressive force of the role, she vividly showed Yang Guifei, a historical figure, to the audience.

Because of this, Lin Fangbing won the honor of best actress in the 11th Golden Eagle Award.

This is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also represents that the beauty of all plump women deserves attention and praise.


So, what is true beauty? Perhaps the external appearance is just the entrance, and what really convinces people is the inner soul power.

If a person has these beautiful qualities of tenacity, wisdom and sincerity, he can shine brilliantly.

We should use our inner eyes to discover the true beauty of the world.

What’s the weather like in Shanghai? It’s cool today! In a few days, it will be washed at 17℃ again.

Yesterday (January 9th)
The weather in Shanghai is sunny and warm
I believe many people have taken off their down jackets.
But I got up early this morning (January 10th).
Do you suddenly feel chilly?
As a cold air arrived in Shanghai, it turned northwest last night, and the wind force increased to 4~5, and the temperature began to drop. The temperature drop in some suburbs can reach the cold wave level.
Today is the coldest day in recent days!
The temperature is 3~7℃ all day.
The northwest wind is increased to 4-5 and the gust is 6. Under the wind-cold effect, it is even colder. Everyone should wear more. Fortunately, the north wind also blew away the haze, and the air quality improved this afternoon.
The "timeliness" of this wave of cold air is very short, and it is as cold as Thursday morning. The lowest temperature in the urban area is about 1 C, and the suburban area is MINUS 3 C to MINUS 5 C. It began to warm up during the day on Thursday.
Future weather trend
During the "March 9th" this year, although there was cold air influence from time to time, the overall influence was northerly and the power was weak.
After the short-term impact of cold air, the temperature in most parts of the country rises, and around the 14th, the highest temperature in many places in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will break through 20℃, as warm as March all the year round.
In the next ten days, the temperature in Shanghai will show a trend of "short-term drop → high → small drop → high again".
From Thursday, the temperature will go out of a wave of "xiaoyang line", and the highest temperature on Sunday will even exceed 17℃.
At the beginning of next week, affected by the spread of cold air, the temperature dropped, but it was still just an "episode", and it rebounded to 17℃ again in the middle of next week!
This is really not like the temperature of "Sanjiu".
You know, Shanghai’s "three nine" all the year round
The highest temperature should be in the early 10℃
No wonder the netizen shouted:
With such a high temperature,
What about the bacon sausage?
Under such weather changes.
Fang friends should also pay attention to dressing ~
Increase or decrease in time to keep cold and warm!
From | Shanghai Weather Release
Source: News Square

WHO discusses ending COVID-19’s global emergency as soon as possible.

  "When we enter the fourth year of the pandemic, we are definitely in a much better situation now than a year ago." Tan Desai said that at the peak of the Omicron epidemic, more than 70,000 deaths were reported to WHO every week. By last October, the number had dropped to less than 10,000, which was close to the lowest level since the COVID-19 pandemic.

  On January 27th, Geneva time, the World Health Organization (WHO) held the 14th meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) Emergency Committee on the COVID-19 (Covid-19) pandemic to discuss and evaluate whether the current COVID-19 pandemic still constitutes a public health emergency (PHEIC) of international concern. After the meeting, WHO Director-General Tan Desai will make a final decision according to the recommendations of the Committee. The relevant results are expected to be announced as early as January 30th.

  Three years ago, on January 30, 2020, WHO announced that the new coronavirus epidemic was a public health emergency of international concern, and issued the highest alert level of United Nations agencies. On March 11th of that year, WHO declared that the COVID-19 epidemic constituted a global pandemic.

  Thereafter, every few months, the emergency committee will hold a meeting to discuss whether the COVID-19 pandemic meets the standard called "public health emergencies of international concern". The 13th recent meeting was held on October 13th, 2022, and the outcome of the meeting still maintained the global emergency in COVID-19.

  According to the binding international treaty "International Health Regulations", public health emergencies of international concern need to meet three standards: serious, sudden, abnormal or unexpected; It may spread across national boundaries; It may require a coordinated international response.

  At the press conference held on December 14th last year, Tan Desai expressed the hope that "COVID-19 pandemic will no longer be a public health emergency of international concern" in 2023. According to reports, the criteria for ending the global emergency in COVID-19 will be discussed at the meeting of the WHO Emergency Committee in COVID-19 in January 2023.

  Does the current epidemic in China affect the decision?

  On January 27th, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus made an opening speech at the meeting of the Emergency Committee in COVID-19, summarizing the current global epidemic situation.

  "When we enter the fourth year of the pandemic, we are definitely in a much better situation than a year ago." Tan Desai said that at the peak of the Omicron epidemic, more than 70,000 deaths were reported to WHO every week. By last October, the number had dropped to less than 10,000, which was close to the lowest level since the COVID-19 pandemic.

  However, he pointed out that since the beginning of December last year, the number of deaths reported every week in the world has been rising. The lifting of restrictions in China has led to a sharp increase in the death toll in the world’s most populous country. "Last week, nearly 40,000 people reported to WHO died, more than half of them from China. In the past eight weeks, more than 170,000 deaths have been reported. The actual number is definitely much higher. " At present, WHO has updated the relevant data page (WHO COVID-19 Dashboard) to include the cases and deaths reported in China in recent weeks.

  Global data of infections and deaths in Covid-19. Source: WHO official website

  Margaret Harris, a WHO spokeswoman, told Caixin that on January 26th, 2023, China reported more cases and deaths to WHO. From December 9, 2022 to January 23, 2023, more than 87 million cases and more than 75,000 deaths were reported in China (excluding Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan Province). With these additional data, the cumulative number of cases worldwide has increased from more than 664 million to more than 751 million. The cumulative global death toll has risen from more than 6.7 million to nearly 6.8 million.

  Harris said that China CDC issued additional announcements on January 15th, 21st and 25th, but the data shared were not classified by date, so WHO could not include them in the report. When asked to what extent the information provided by China will affect the decision on whether to lift the state of emergency, Harris only said, "The Committee has reviewed all relevant global data on the issues under consideration."

  According to the website of China CDC, from December 8, 2022 to January 26, 2023, there were 78,960 cases of Covid-19-related deaths in hospitals nationwide, including 6,473 cases of respiratory failure caused by Covid-19 infection and 72,487 cases of basic diseases complicated with Covid-19 infection.

  Professor Zhang Style, head of the Department of Epidemiology and tenured professor at UCLA School of Public Health, recently said in a column that considering the future development and control of COVID-19 infection and severe death in China, it is unlikely that WHO will decide to terminate the state of emergency of "public health emergencies" at the meeting at the end of this month. He estimated that if COVID-19 infection and severe death in China were effectively controlled, WHO would declare the end of the state of emergency within this year. However, the possible sequelae caused by COVID-19 need to be further studied and effective methods should be adopted to prevent and treat them.

  Countries adjust epidemic prevention policies

  In his speech on January 27th, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus pointed out that there are still the following challenges:

  Vaccines, treatments and diagnostic methods are essential to prevent serious diseases, save lives and reduce the pressure on health systems and health workers. But the global response is still faltering, because in too many countries, these powerful life-saving tools have not yet reached the people who need them most — — Especially the elderly and health workers.

  Many health systems around the world are struggling to cope with COVID-19, in addition to taking care of patients with other diseases, including influenza and RSV, as well as health workers who are short of work and exhausted.

  At the same time, the global monitoring and gene sequencing have declined sharply, making it more difficult to track known mutations and detect new mutations. Constant errors and false information are weakening the public’s trust in safe and effective COVID-19 control tools.

  Liu Shansi, a Chinese virologist at Ohio State University and an academician of the American Academy of Microbiology, said in a recent interview with a reporter from the Science and Technology Department that the toxicity of Omicron has been weakened recently, which can be considered as a change from pandemic to endemic. "The overall trend of virus evolution is that the pathogenicity is getting weaker and weaker, although it will increase at some stages." He pointed out that it is still necessary to be alert to cross-population transmission in Covid-19 and gene recombination in Covid-19, but as long as this kind of situation does not occur, he hopes to see WHO announce the end of COVID-19’s "global pandemic" in 2023.

  In response to public health emergencies of international concern, WHO will issue a set of action suggestions to countries, including: strengthening surveillance to identify new cases, isolating cases and quarantining contacts; Take measures to screen at borders, airports, ports or entry points; Inform the public about the risks of the disease and the additional protective measures that individuals can take; And if there is no vaccine at present, additional research may be needed to develop treatments or vaccines.

  A few days ago, Japan and South Korea have successively adjusted their epidemic prevention levels or related epidemic prevention policies.

  On January 27th, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced that Covid-19 would be downgraded to "Category 5" in the Infectious Diseases Law on May 8th. After the change, the observation time of infected people and close contacts will be cancelled, and medical care will be transformed into a normal system in stages. In addition, it is up to the individual to decide whether to wear a mask indoors or outdoors.

  On January 20th, Korean Prime Minister Han Dezhu presided over an epidemic prevention meeting to discuss the adjustment of the indoor mandatory mask order. On January 30, the South Korean government announced that from now on, only people are advised to wear masks indoors, and it is no longer mandatory. The Korean government mask order was completely lifted after more than 27 months. However, medical institutions, pharmacies, high-risk places, public transport carriages, etc. will continue to maintain the obligation of indoor masks. For five high-risk situations, Korean epidemic prevention departments strongly recommend wearing masks.

  The government of China has also adjusted the infection of the new coronavirus from "Class A tube" to "Class B tube" from January 8th. Isolation measures will no longer be implemented for Covid-19 infected people, and close contacts will no longer be judged; No longer delimit high and low risk areas; No longer take quarantine and infectious disease management measures for entry personnel and goods. The detection strategy is adjusted to be willing to check and check.

How to arrange exercise at home? Five self-weight movements will help you gain muscle and lose fat, and carve a good figure.

Original content, those who carry it without authorization will be investigated! # How to exercise at home #

Fitness is a thing that needs persistence to achieve something. The longer you persist in fitness, the more you will gain.

If you can arrange an hour of exercise every day, you can improve your active metabolism, promote the decline of body fat rate, strengthen your heart and lung function and slow down the aging of your body. Doing more strength training in fitness can prevent muscle loss, improve your basal metabolic value, and make your body shape better after losing weight.

Then, how can people who don’t have time to go out to exercise arrange exercise at home? I suggest you start exercising from these movements:

Action 1, opening and closing jump

A warm-up action, which is also recognized as fat burning action, can help you quickly raise your heart rate, let your body enter a state of fat burning, activate your body muscles and avoid muscle loss. Each time for 30 seconds, repeat 4 groups.

Action 2, high leg lift

This movement can promote the blood circulation of lower limbs and improve the flexibility of lower limbs. During the training, we should tighten the abdominal muscles and lift our legs as much as possible for 30 seconds at a time, repeating 4 groups.

Action 3, push-ups

Push-ups can exercise upper limb muscles, improve upper limb lines and strength, and make you look better in clothes. Push-ups are performed in 4-5 groups at a time, with 15-20 in each group. Those who cannot complete multiple push-ups at one time can start with kneeling push-ups and upward inclined push-ups.

Action 4, squat

Squat can exercise hip and leg muscles, improve hip line, and shape long legs with full hips and tight heels. Beginners start with freehand squats, and then carry out weight-bearing squats or squat jumps after a foundation, with 5 groups of 15 in each group.

Action 5, lunge squat

Squat lunge is also an effective action to exercise the muscles of lower limbs, which can improve the hip and leg lines and improve the stability of lower limbs at the same time. Do it 10 times left and right, and repeat 5 groups.

Action 6, the goat stands up

This action can exercise core muscles, improve core strength, make you less injured during exercise, and also improve the problem of backache caused by sedentary. The action is carried out 15 times and repeated in 4 groups.

Female estrogen deficiency usually has these five manifestations! These four methods can make up for it.

Estrogen is a "spring-protecting pill" for women, whose skin is white and beautiful, long legs and exquisite figure depend on it to some extent.

So, don’t let your estrogen balance be insufficient!

So, what are the symptoms of estrogen deficiency and what should I do?

Estrogen is one of the "female" hormones secreted by ovary, and it is an important hormone in female endocrine system. It maintains the health of female body in many aspects, including reproductive system, bone, cardiovascular system and nervous system.

Estrogen plays many roles in the female body, including:

Promoting sexual maturity:Estrogen is the main hormone of female sexual maturity, which controls female menstrual cycle and ovarian function.

Maintain bone health:Estrogen helps to maintain bone density and protect women from bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

Maintaining cardiovascular health:Estrogen can help reduce the risk of heart disease in women and protect women from some other cardiovascular diseases.

Maintain skin health:Estrogen plays a key role in maintaining the health of women’s skin, which maintains the vitality, elasticity and health of cells.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the ovarian function is normal, women generally do not have estrogen deficiency, and estrogen can be dynamically adjusted, and occasionally the body will adjust quickly after a night. However, in these three cases, there will still be insufficient estrogen.

1. Age factor

With the increase of women’s age, ovarian function gradually declines, and the level of estrogen secretion decreases year by year.

2. Health factors

After a woman suffers from mastitis, the estrogen produced in her body will decrease. In addition, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid problems and anemia, may lead to female estrogen deficiency. Due to abnormal ovarian function or other serious diseases, women may experience irregular menstrual cycle, and irregular menstruation may lead to a decline in estrogen levels.

3. Life factors

Excessive consumption of estrogen-containing food, long-term busy lifestyle, smoking, excessive drinking and inability to cope with stressful life will also lead to insufficient estrogen in women.

Female estrogen deficiency may have different effects on women’s body, mood and cognition. Here are some common symptoms:

oneClimacteric symptoms

Female estrogen deficiency is one of the main causes of menopausal symptoms. With the advent of menopause, women may have a variety of discomfort symptoms, such as hot flashes, sweating, headache, palpitations, insomnia, anxiety and depression, which are all caused by estrogen deficiency.

2. cardiovascular diseases

Studies have found that estrogen can resist oxidation, inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce atherosclerotic plaques and other protective effects, and estrogen deficiency will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in women.

3. Osteoporosis

Estrogen is very important for bone health. It can promote calcium absorption and bone growth. When estrogen is insufficient, bone density will gradually decrease, increasing the risk of osteoporosis.

4. Skin problems

Estrogen deficiency can make women’s skin dry, lose elasticity and appear fine lines.

5. Mental state changes

Studies have shown that estrogen can regulate neurotransmitters in the brain and affect mood and behavior. Estrogen deficiency can lead to mental state changes such as mood swings, irritability and insomnia in women.

Step 1 pay attention to diet

Nutrients in diet have a great influence on estrogen level. You can eat more foods rich in vitamin B, iron, calcium, zinc, folic acid, tea phenol, etc., such as bean products, grains, fruits, vegetables, flaxseed, oats, alfalfa, etc., which are also helpful to improve cardiovascular health. At the same time, women should avoid eating excessively greasy food.

Step 2 exercise actively

Exercise is another good way to keep healthy, which can promote the synthesis of estrogen and help women maintain good physical condition and endocrine system function. It is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise every week, such as running, walking, swimming and yoga.

3. A healthy lifestyle

Women should try to avoid unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, drinking and excessive stress, which will have a negative impact on estrogen levels. At the same time, it is necessary to correctly handle psychological pressure, and through decompression skills and maintaining emotional stability, it can help women to better regulate the endocrine system to stabilize the estrogen level in the body.

4. Hormone replacement therapy

For severe symptoms of estrogen deficiency, hormone replacement therapy can be considered, that is, synthetic estrogen is used to replace the estrogen lacking in the body. Modern medicine provides many types of artificial estrogens for treatment, including oral drugs, patches and gels. Patients can discuss with their doctors the most suitable alternative treatment, and the dosage and duration are usually customized according to the patient’s individualization.

However, long-term use of estrogen replacement therapy will reduce the level of estrogen, so it must be used under the guidance of a doctor to avoid the adverse effects of estrogen replacement therapy.

Finally, although estrogen is important, it can’t be supplemented indiscriminately, let alone the more the better. Supplementing too much is not only beneficial to the body, but also may lead to hysteromyoma, mammary gland hyperplasia, menstrual disorder and so on, and even increase the probability of breast cancer and endometrial cancer. Therefore, those health care products on the market that claim to maintain ovaries suggest that you eat less.

More recommendations:

Get out of the way! These most pitiable "maintenance" projects cost money and hurt people! Never believe it.

?When you become a mother, don’t do these seven things no matter how busy or tired you are, it hurts your health!

?Endocrine disorders are easy to cause these five diseases! Especially those who have these four habits should pay attention.

Women, Life, Freedom

Mahsa Gina Amigny

On my social media, that photo appeared again and again. A young woman was lying in a hospital bed, unconscious, with a breathing tube in her mouth. Her thick black eyelashes and curly black hair outline her young face. The post is written in Persian, and my mastery of this language can only be regarded as a primary level. I brushed these posts and continued my daily routine: seeing a doctor, teaching, and constantly urging my 17-year-old daughter Laila to fill out her college application.

As the days passed, the story became well known. The photo shows Mahsa Gina Amigny, a 22-year-old girl who has just been admitted to the university. While vacationing with her family in Tehran, she was detained by the "moral police" because of her loose headscarf. In the detention center, she was beaten and taken to the hospital, and eventually died of her injuries. Her dream was to become a lawyer, but she was disillusioned by a wisp of floating hair.

The news of her death spread through a photo. It was a photo of her parents hugging and crying in the hospital, which was shared by a reporter on Twitter. This tweet caused widespread protests, led by girls and women. My news source has become an ocean of photos of young girls. They wear black eyeliner like my daughter Lila-in the video, they laugh, cook and dance. However, many of them, Billera is still young, so they disappeared and even were murdered.

Iran was not like this. The Islamic Revolution in Israel in 1979 overthrew an oppressive monarchy and promised freedom. But from the perspective of my third-grade student at that time, everything became more depressed as time went by. Schools have become single-sex and headscarves have become mandatory. It started as a scarf, and later it became "Manteo", a loose, knee-length raincoat-like coat. But the color can only be brown, black, gray or navy blue. Pants must be worn below. Schools check from time to time, and moral police in the street look for people who violate the rules. If you are caught, you will be whipped.

In 1984, we pretended to attend a medical conference and fled Iran. We each took only one suitcase. It was not until a few hours before we boarded the plane that I knew we were leaving and would never come back. In Massachusetts, I started my eighth grade life. My Iranian part was sealed up by me-until last autumn, which forced me to recall those times.

I remember soldiers knocking at the door and searching for counter-revolutionary materials. They sat on my parents’ bed and quickly played all our videos backwards. Mostly Pink Panther, but those men don’t find it interesting.

I remember cutting my hair short and pretending to be a boy so that I could ride a bike without being bound by a headscarf. One day, I inadvertently put on pink shorts and exposed my girl identity. When those Nissan patrol cars chased me, I understood the meaning of "fight or flight". I escaped.

I remember the consequences of intellectual dissent. My aunt was expelled from dental school because she was accused of reading opposition newspapers. My cousin was forced to "repent" on TV and then executed. Another cousin was imprisoned many times because of his faith. He had cigarette burns on his arm and his nails were pulled out. He finally escaped, but his wife was killed at the age of 21.

Those memories are like dreams, awakened by images on social media. Girls and women in the video, screaming "Zan, Zendegi, Azadi"-"Women, Life, Freedom", bravely walked towards bullets and batons. Every day, the number of deaths and arrests is increasing.

A 52-year-old surgeon protested against the arrested protesters and the use of ambulances to transport security forces at a rally in front of the headquarters of the Medical Association. The doctor’s name is Parisa, and it is said that he was later shot and killed by agents.

All this makes my heart ache, and so does the silence around me. I live every day like a machine, thinking about all the unfairness. Why are people like Laila free to apply for universities and express their opinions, while girls in Iran are subjected to unspeakable punishment for demanding basic human rights?

I can take care of patients. But in Iran, my colleagues are threatened by taking care of injured protesters. They were held in solitary confinement and even murdered. Dr. Ida Rostami, 36, bravely provided treatment for injured protesters. She told her mother that she was coming home, but she never came back. When the police asked her mother to identify the body, they said that Ida had died in a car accident. But her body tells a different story. Her eyes were removed, her face was smashed, and her hand used to treat patients was broken.

So is Dr. Parrisa Bachmani. The official report said that she died in a car accident. The story repeats itself again and again. Protesters disappeared and were later reported to have jumped off a building or died in a car accident. I feel lonely and out of touch with the community. That was my home for 25 years.

One Wednesday, I met an Iranian-American colleague in the clinic corridor. Where the patient was waiting, we were in tears. We started to hold Zoom meetings every week to support each other. Campus communities have also become active. Everyone is involved, from young female postdoctoral fellows who have just arrived in the United States to retired professors. Our reaction is direct and strong. Usually calm men and women cry.

We ask the non-Iranian community to support us. They did it. Every message, email, signature and solidarity has become our strength. The community stands up, speaks, and amplifies our voices. At such an easier time to be silent, they chose to stand on our side.

As the Persian poet Saadi wrote in Bani Adam a thousand years ago, human beings are like a body, and everyone is a part of the body, created by the same essence. When one part is injured, the other part can’t be safe. If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you are not worthy of being human.

A quarter of doctors in the United States are international graduates. Our roots are all over the world, spanning generations. Our sense of belonging comes from embracing all forms of humanity. See the injured people and stand beside them. Send text messages of support and sign petitions. Whether for Iran, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Turkey or Sudan, these actions connect us like a part of the body.

# Iran #

People’s Network Review: Strengthening Cultural Self-confidence and Promoting the Rejuvenation of Chinese Civilization

Source: People’s Network-Viewpoint Channel

Visit Xuanyuan Temple of Huangdi Mausoleum, and pay tribute to the vigor and uprightness of cypress planted by Huangdi in 5000 years. At Lushan Mao site and Shiyan Mao site, feel the grand scenery of the capital city of "Wanbang came to Korea" 4000 years ago; In Baoji Bronze Museum, I realized the pre-Qin civilization of the Western Zhou Dynasty 3,000 years ago … With the launch of the online theme of "Why is China in a Prosperous Age", an interview group composed of Chinese and foreign journalists, experts and scholars set off from Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province, and started a wonderful journey of exploring the source. The magnificent treasures and voluminous documents help us decipher the code of civilization and strengthen our cultural self-confidence.

Cultural self-confidence is a more basic, broader and deeper self-confidence and a more basic, deeper and more lasting force in the development of a country and a nation. The Chinese nation is an ancient and great nation in the world. It has created a splendid civilization that has lasted for more than 5,000 years and made indelible contributions to the progress of human civilization. Through cultural relics, heritages and texts, the online theme propaganda of "Why is China in a Prosperous Age in China" makes people more and more amazed at the profoundness and long history of Chinese civilization. Numerous cultural creations have strengthened our cultural confidence, from a subset of classics and history with rich knowledge, to the four books and five classics, six towers and three strategies that show profound wisdom, from jade carving and bronze wares and ceramic silk weaving that show superb skills, to piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and songs with elegant interests.

How to treat one’s excellent traditional culture is an important criterion to judge whether a country or a nation has cultural self-confidence. In the new era, the Chinese civilization tracing project has made important progress, the national cultural digitalization strategy has been rapidly promoted, and the national cultural park has been built in an orderly way … A major project has blossomed with more dazzling light of civilization, helping the people of China to glow with stronger historical consciousness and initiative.

Strengthening cultural self-confidence means sticking to your own path. The road of Socialism with Chinese characteristics came out under the guidance of Marxism, and it also came out from the history of Chinese civilization for more than 5,000 years. For example, the people’s congress system is deeply related to the people-oriented thought of Chinese civilization and the idea of ruling the world together. The system of regional ethnic autonomy inherits the tradition of China’s cultural unification, which is based on Kyushu, Liuhe and the four seas. If we continue to explore our own roads and methods on the land of China, we should base ourselves on the great historical practice and contemporary practice of the Chinese nation, seek the source of living water from traditional culture, provide enlightenment for understanding and transforming the world, provide inspiration for governing the country and opening up a new road without forgetting the way we came.

The revival of a nation is always supported by the prosperity of culture; The progress of an era is always marked by cultural prosperity. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China drew a grand blueprint for building a socialist modernization power in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way with Chinese modernization. On the new journey, we should further strengthen our cultural self-confidence, work together to create a new culture belonging to our times, build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation, and provide a strong value guiding force, cultural cohesion and spiritual impetus for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Great China, magnificent mountains and rivers. Looking back at the depths of history, one of the important reasons why the Chinese nation has survived from countless difficulties and hardships is that Chinese culture has provided strong spiritual support to overcome difficulties. Looking into the future, there are calm, stormy waves, rushing rivers and flying clouds. Standing on the land of China infiltrated with excellent traditional culture, we have the majestic power of more than 1.4 billion China people, our historical background is extremely profound, and our determination to advance is extremely strong. Illuminate the way forward with the light of thought, and eliminate all difficulties and dangers with the power of spirit, and we will surely build a towering spiritual building and promote the rejuvenation of Chinese civilization.

The most profitable mobile game in July was announced! Netease has two explosions in succession, or become the biggest winner in the summer?

Hello, everyone, this is the surprise game, and I’m the little brother.

Not long ago, Sensor Tower, a well-known mobile application data analysis company, announced the global top mobile game revenue list in June 2023. Which games are on the list? What’s the mystery? I will give you an analysis today!

Note: The data does not include the third-party Android market in China and other regions.

Income list: The top 10 are the glory of the king, PUBGM, Against the Water, Royal Match, candy crush saga, Roblox, Collapse: Star Dome Railway, Gold Coin Master and MONOPOLY GO! "enchanted gardens"

The glory of the king took in $220 million (about RMB 1.6 billion) in the global App Store and Google Play this month, and there is no doubt that it will continue to win the global mobile game bestseller list.

On July 8th, the game launched Milady’s perfect holiday skin, which set the peak of income in that month. With the return of two limited skins, the introduction of new hero Doria, and the update of summer welfare, the game not only maintained the strong interest of players, but also further consolidated the champion position on the best-selling list.

Tencent’s PUBG Mobile (combined with Peace Elite) regained the second place from Collapse: Star Dome Railway with a revenue of 172 million US dollars.

On July 4th, with the introduction of new function carrier replacement, the game topped the best-selling list of iPhone mobile games in China for four consecutive days. On July 7, the game launched the activity of "Pure Dream Wedding Yarn" and set a revenue peak for that month. Continuing its success, on July 14th, the game cooperated with Sega to launch Sonik-themed skin, which further increased the revenue.

Netease’s "Going Against the Water" mobile game was launched on June 30, ranking third on the list with a revenue of $113 million. Thanks to the excellent art design and rich game content, from June 30th, the martial arts MMORPG mobile game "Going Against the Water" was ranked among the top 3 best sellers of iPhone mobile games in China during July, and the whole summer file almost became the home of this product!

Before opening the service, 45 million reservations were made, PCU exceeded 1 million in 10 minutes, and it topped the best-selling list twice, and 40 million players were recruited in a month. In addition, the game also topped the global mobile game revenue growth list in July. These data look terrible!

It is worth mentioning that in this month’s income list, Mihayou’s "Collapse: Star Dome Railway" is still barely on the list, and "The Original God" has disappeared directly. It seems that the 3.8 summer version of "The Original God" is "clear summer! Paradise? Great secret! " , because Youqu and Keli are replicas, their flowing water level is among the lowest among many versions since the original God beta.

However, the original God launched a new version of 4.0 Fontaine on August 16th, which may make the original God return to the income list?

Income growth list: The top ten are Against the Water, PUBGM, The Legend of Guild Wars in Dragon Ball, Crystal Nucleus, MONOPOLY GO, Call of Duty Mobile Games, Royal Match, Top Speed, Blue Archives and Soul of Professional Baseball A.

In July, the revenue growth performance of Crystal Nucleus by DNF, a porcelain-touching company, was also excellent. Since the public beta on July 14th, Crystal Nucleus has further occupied the bestseller list after the airborne free list.

According to the data of the three-party platform, it is estimated that the total platform flow of Crystal Nucleus has reached 400-500 million yuan within 12 days after the game was released, and it is estimated that the single-day flow will be 30 million yuan or even higher, making it the highest-paid game of domestic action RPG, taking off directly with ByteDance’s game business, and doubling the flow.

In addition, Netease’s "Peak Speed" also maintained a high income growth in July. With highly realistic racing, personalized customization and immersive experience, Peak Speed successfully entered the seventh place in the revenue growth list in the first month of its release, which is very rare as a racing game.

Thanks to the opening of the national service, the game "Blue Files", which has been on the shelves for many years, once again reached the revenue growth list. On the first day of the national service public beta, the flow of iOS reached 1.62 million.

In fact, the foreign service of "Blue Archives" has reached more than 240 million US dollars at the beginning of the year, and the annual income peaked at 2 billion. The original performance was very good, and the opening of the national service made "Blue Archives" make another big profit.

However, at present, "Blue Files" has fallen beyond the top 100 in the best-selling list of games in the AppStore. I wonder if the success of Japanese clothing can be copied? Can the fire continue in August?

A positive shock problemWhat games did you play in July?