Understanding the "core training" in running from another angle

Continued content

In this column, I will continue to introduce you to the related content of running.


Let’s start with the posture. As a "most natural" sport, running hardly involves the cooperation between people and equipment (except running shoes, which will be elaborated in detail), and the running mode can be said to be a skill package brought by human beings, which is embedded in genes as people evolve to walk upright.

Since I became a father, I have watched my daughter fall to the ground, from learning to look up, turn over, crawl, stand, walk to run, and often lament the magic of the creator; At the same time, it is very enlightening to observe the movements of children! For example, if children want to pick up toys on the ground, or move a small stool, they must squat down, take them, and then squat up, instead of bending down and reaching for things on the ground first like adults; Another example is that when a child runs, the heel does not touch the ground first, but the sole touches the ground first.

When children learn to walk, their language communication skills are usually not fully developed, so these basic action patterns are not taught by adults-parents only do some auxiliary work such as help at most.Obviously, these basic movement patterns are "preset programs" that already exist in every child’s brain at birth.After a period of "debugging" and "running-in", children can use these preset programs normally, and the action differences between children are very small.??

Now the field of kinematics has fully paid attention to the value of the research on children’s sports patterns, and formed a special branch of developmental sports, and through some exercises, adults can gradually return to their original source in sports patterns.


In the introduction of the last issue, we introduced the importance of posture-because of sitting or standing for a long time in life, and often because of poor sitting or standing posture, some wrong body habits are formed, which leads to "imbalance" in the body, and this "imbalance" destroys the core stability of the human body, so it is easy to compensate in sports and becomes one of the reasons for sports injuries.

In Tiesanluan, most fans are energetic and curious sports enthusiasts, and they are also willing to try new things. I remember that for a while, "practicing the core" was a very fashionable thing in the iron three laps (maybe it still is).

Therefore, all kinds of flat support, sit-ups and abdominal muscle tears are practiced happily, and you must regularly take photos of eight abdominal muscles in front of the mirror to prove the effectiveness of "practicing the core".However, when I returned to these special sports, I found that the previous problems still existed, so I went back to the above process and entered an infinite loop.?

This is the trouble of many iron three people-they are all practicing the core, and few people can tell what the core is, and even fewer people know how to use it.?

Generally speaking, the muscles that control the spine and body posture can be called core muscles.We won’t delve into it here. The body is like a complex but not very reliable engine. Only when all parts are in normal positions can the ideal output power be achieved, and the core function is to ensure that these "parts" can be in normal positions without deviation.


Go on, running,Running mainly relies on the lower limbs to drive the body forward, and the legs do repeated periodic movements like pistons, while the pelvis is the fulcrum of the movement of the legs. If the fulcrum is not stable, the parts will deviate and the engine will act abnormally.. How to control the stability of the core to ensure the efficient operation of the engine? Here is a concept: dynamic neuromuscular stability (hereinafter referred to as DNS). Excuse me? If you know every word, you don’t know what you’re talking about. In this case, the purpose of my subject (zhuang) and general education (bi) has been achieved, and brackets laugh!?

Get down to business,Simply put, DNS is a technical means to help restore or improve sports ability through the stability of core muscles. Different from the usual methods of simply strengthening the muscle strength of waist and abdomen, DNS mainly controls the coordination of waist and abdomen muscle groups and intra-abdominal pressure through the motor nervous system to achieve the goal of core stability.

The diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles of the human body are like the lid and bottom of a mineral water bottle, and the abdominal wall is the body of this mineral water bottle. When your posture is correct, the diaphragm is opposite to the pelvic floor muscle, and you use abdominal breathing to inhale one breath into the abdominal cavity, which causes the intra-abdominal pressure to rise, just like filling a mineral water bottle with water and tightening the bottle cap. At this time, the structure and state of the bottle are very stable and not easy to deform. As shown in the figure below.

If the posture is bad, such as the pelvis leans forward excessively (many people will deliberately do this to make their chests stand high and their hips become warped), the relative position of the diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles will be destroyed, just like if you squeeze the bottle body of a mineral water bottle into it, even if it is filled with water, the bottle still cannot maintain structural stability. As shown in the figure below.

Through DNS, joints can be located in the best position, so as to obtain the best advantages of sports mechanics, and it is also conducive to the correct excitation of sports muscles. existIn long-distance endurance exercise, the muscle strength or endurance of a single muscle is not the key point. The key to improve exercise efficiency is to coordinate the work between muscles and stimulate them at the right time, and a good posture is a prerequisite for achieving efficient exercise..?

I hope this article will play a role in attracting jade, so that everyone can look at the "core" from another angle. We will talk about running shoes in the next column, so stay tuned.

Two sets of online courses taught by teacher Kaiyuan are recommended to everyone:

1. For Xiaobai’s "Biaojie" course, you can send "Biaojie" to our official "LOCOMO Endurance Sports Research Institute" for details.

2 For the Marathon course for runners, you can send the "standard iron" to our official number "LOCOMO Endurance Sports Research Institute" for details.

College students running home: 70 kilometers takes 9.5 hours to think about it.

  "I’m just doing what I like and want to challenge myself."

  On October 2nd, Wang Lang, a 20-year-old sophomore, didn’t expect that he suddenly got angry on the Weibo. Everything stems from the fact that the day before, he realized a long-simmering plan — — Running alone from the school in Dazhou, Sichuan, I returned to my hometown in Dazhu County, more than 70 kilometers away.

  Wang Lang, a 20-year-old sophomore. Sichuan Daily Map At 3: 30 in the morning on the National Day, Wang Lang started from the dormitory of Lianhu Campus of Sichuan University of Arts and Sciences, without luggage, wearing light sweatpants, carrying a sports purse around his waist, and navigating with mobile phone software, and started a nine-and-a-half-hour running trip home.

  Before dawn, it was raining heavily. After running 5 kilometers in the original urban area, Wang Lang entered the nearly 40-kilometer-long mountain road. There are no street lamps, no pedestrians, and the light from the flashlight can only illuminate the feet. Wang Lang runs with fear every step. "Psychological suffering is more difficult than physical suffering."

  Relying on his love of running, Wang Lang insisted on running the whole course, although he had frequent cramps in his thighs in the last few kilometers, so he had to slow down and pull to relieve himself after running a few hundred meters.

  Wang Lang’s self-made national day home route map. This love of running continues from my father who farmed at home. According to Wang Lang, running is my father’s hobby since childhood, but due to family conditions, I have never received professional training. "This is my father’s regret, but running is still his greatest pleasure. My father has insisted on getting up early every day for 35 years."

  Running together has also become a way of emotional communication between father and son. In March of this year, Wang Lang signed himself up for the Chengdu Double Legacy Marathon with his father. "In order to reduce his father’s regrets, the ranking is not important, and running together is very happy."

  The Paper:When did you have the idea of running home? Why?

  Wang Lang:During the National Day holiday of senior one, I also had the experience of running from home to school, but the distance was only a dozen kilometers, and I didn’t try to run as far as this time. But I ran back to Dazhu County, where my family is located, from Dazhou City. This plan was made long ago. If I hadn’t sprained my ankle before, I might have realized it during my vacation in Tomb-Sweeping Day.

  I like running, and I want to challenge myself. I want to add some colorful things to my plain life. Isn’t there a saying that we will get old if we don’t get crazy?

  The Paper:What plans and preparations have been made in advance?

  Wang Lang:Let friends take luggage belt home in advance and go into battle lightly. I brought my bank card, cash, ID card and campus card in my pocket. I was afraid of any unexpected situation on the road, so I prepared two mobile phones, which were fully charged. The route is to follow the navigation completely.

  Wang Lang:Looking at the map before running shows that it is about 73 kilometers, and it is estimated that it will take more than 17 hours to walk. But what I recorded with running software was that I ran 79.18 kilometers from school to Shuangma Station in Dazhu County, which took a total of 9 hours and 28 minutes, including the time needed to rest and replenish energy.

  The Paper:Did you encounter anything impressive on your way home from running? Have you ever thought about giving up halfway?

  Wang Lang:Actually, it’s a little scary to think about it. There are more than 30 kilometers of mountain roads in the middle. At that time, it was still dark, and it was raining cats and dogs. I was afraid of spraining my ankle and being chased by dogs. When crossing a tunnel, there were no pedestrians. My breathing, the footsteps of running, the shaking of my wallet zipper, the rain outside and the speeding of passing cars echoed in the tunnel, which was particularly scary. I was in a bad mood at that time. When I was shopping and asking for directions on the way, I met passers-by and advised me not to run, but I never thought about giving up. I had to persist and challenge what I liked.

  The Paper:Do you often run? Why do you like it?

  Wang Lang:I am a student of the Institute of Physical Education, and I usually run regularly or quantitatively at school. Running away from the phone and the crowd, talking to your heart, seems to purify your mind. It feels good to sweat after running, and it can really bring positive energy to life and study.

  I like running and am influenced by my father. His greatest pleasure is running, which lasted for 35 years. When I was at home on holiday, he woke me up at four or five in the morning and we went together.

  The Paper:Do you have any plans after this attempt?

  Wang Lang:My father and I both signed up for the Guang ‘an International Marathon in mid-October, and are going to join the Dazhou Running Group. Ranking doesn’t matter, running with dad is very happy.

It snows in Chengdu today! Netizen: Scalp snow, it is also snow.

just now
Downtown Chengdu, get off! Snow! Yes!
Chengdu Meteorological Observatory
Publish a snowfall forecast
At present, there is light snow or sleet in most areas of Chengdu
It is expected that from today’s day to tomorrow night.
There is intermittent light snow in Chengdu
The most obvious period of snowfall occurred this evening.
The temperature is-2 ~ 5℃
Wuhou, Chenghua and Qingyang
Wenjiang, Pidu, Longquan and Xindu
Netizens in other places
Sent a "good news"!
Come on!
Let’s feel the snowflakes in Chengdu first.
a pet phrase
Although the scalp is snowy, it is also snow.
The snowflake floating on the clothes
It’s really not that everyone is dazzled.
If the downtown area is dominated by a sense of snowy atmosphere,
The snow in these places is really visible to the naked eye.
Southwest jiaotong university photographed by netizens
Dujiangyan in the early morning
And Pengzhou.
The snowflakes are distinct
Not enough?
21 to 22
Sandaoyan and Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park
Lujiatan, Huanglongxi and Tiantai Mountain Scenic Area
Danjingtai Scenic Area, Dujiangyan
Jiezi Ancient Town, Jiulonggou
Xiling Snow Mountain, Pujiang, etc.
Are showing in the snow.
The main force of cold air has passed
There are weak cold air supplements in the follow-up.
Affected by strong cold air
20 -22 January
Strong cooling, rain, snow and windy weather occurred in Chengdu.
According to the monitoring data of the National Meteorological Observatory
The average temperature in Chengdu on the 21st is 6.0℃.
It is 4.4℃ lower than that on 19th.
The biggest drop is Jianyang.
From 11.4℃ to 5.7℃
The highest temperature in various places on the 22nd.
Has dropped to 4 ~ 9℃
The lowest temperature in various places in the early morning of the 22nd.
Has dropped to 0 ~ 2℃
Most parts of Chengdu
There has been the most obvious rainfall this year
Among them, the western mountain area
Longquanshan City Forest Park
And parts of Tianfu New District in Sichuan.
There was sleet or light snow.
According to the statistics of monitoring data of ground meteorological observation stations
maximum precipitation
Appeared in Tianfu New District, Sichuan
instantaneous wind speed
Appear in Qingbaijiang
According to the latest meteorological data monitoring and analysis
At present, the main force of this cold air affecting our city has passed.
Chengdu Meteorological Observatory at 16: 00 on the 22nd
Lift the blue warning of strong cooling
But there are weak cold air supplements in the follow-up.
At present, the influence of strong winds is over.
The cooling continues.
Late heating is slow.
Somatosensory still cold and biting.
Frozen hands and feet
Minimum -4℃! It’s still cold these days.
According to @ Chengdu Meteorological News
At 7 o’clock this morning, the city’s temperature
0.0℃ (Dujiangyan) ~ 2.7℃ (Shuangliu)
It is estimated that the daytime in our city will be mainly cloudy with cloudy days.
There is scattered light rain or sleet in the west and Longquan mountains around evening.
There is still light snow in the mountains
The highest temperature is about 5℃
It is estimated that in the next three days
The sky in Rongcheng is mainly cloudy or cloudy on cloudy days.
Some places have a short-lived sun.
Multi-scattered light rain or sleet
There is still light snow falling in some mountainous areas.
The highest temperature is about 5 ~ 8℃
The lowest temperature can reach -4℃
The specific weather forecast for the next few days is as follows
On the 23rd, it was cloudy on cloudy days, with scattered light rain or sleet in the west and Longquan mountains, and light snow in the mountains, with the temperature of-2 ~ 5℃.
From the evening of 23rd to 24th, there was scattered sleet on cloudy days and light snow in mountainous areas, and the temperature was-2 ~ 5℃.
From the evening of 24th to 25th, it is cloudy during the day, with scattered light rain in the west and light snow in the mountains at night, and the temperature is-4 ~ 8℃.
From the evening of 25th to 26th, it turns cloudy during the day, with scattered sleet or light snow in the mountains, and the temperature is-3 ~ 9℃.
From the evening of 26th to 27th, it was cloudy and sunny during the day, and the temperature was-2 ~ 11℃.
From the evening of 27th to 28th, it was cloudy and sunny during the day, and the temperature was-3 ~ 12℃.
It was cloudy during the day from the evening of 28th to 29th, and the temperature was 0 ~ 12℃.
The chill is very strong and the temperature continues to drop.
Today, from day to night, it is cloudy in Bazhong, Dazhou and Guang ‘an, with sleet or light rain on cloudy days in other cities in the basin and light snow in the mountainous areas around the basin. The northwest of Ganzi Prefecture and the south of Aba Prefecture are cloudy with snow showers, with partial snow, and the rest of the western Sichuan Plateau is cloudy and cloudy; Most of Panxi area is cloudy on cloudy days, among which there are showers of snow (rain) in the northeast of Liangshan Prefecture, with partial snow. Within 24 hours, the lowest temperature in the basin:-1 ~ 2℃; Maximum temperature: 3~6℃.
The rain and snow process in central and eastern China ends today.
Southwest China has become the "main battlefield" for precipitation
Yesterday, the southern part of China ushered in the strongest snowfall day, and the snow line pressed to the northern part of South China, and there were many blizzards. According to the forecast, the current rain and snow weather process will basically enter the final stage from today’s daytime. In the next few days, the "main battlefield" of precipitation will be concentrated in the southwest region, in which freezing rain will appear in southern and western Guizhou and eastern Yunnan.
Specifically, today, some areas in central and eastern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, eastern Tibet, northern and southern Qinghai, Hexi in Gansu, northern and eastern Sichuan Plateau, western Guizhou, northeastern Yunnan and other places have small to medium snow or sleet, and local snow (5 ~ 8 mm). There is light rain in parts of Sichuan Basin, south-central Yunnan, southeastern Guangxi, southwestern Guangdong, Hainan Island and Taiwan Province Island.
Tomorrow, there will be light to medium snow or sleet in parts of eastern Tibet, southern Qinghai, Hexi in Gansu, western Sichuan Plateau, western Guizhou and northeastern Yunnan, with local heavy snow (5 ~ 7 mm). There are small to moderate rains in parts of Yunnan and Sichuan Basin.
The day after tomorrow, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of eastern Tibet, southern Qinghai, southern Gansu, northern Sichuan Plateau, southern Sichuan, western Guizhou, northeastern and northwestern Yunnan. There are small to moderate rains in most parts of Yunnan and southwestern Guizhou.
Has the low temperature in various places ended for a long time?
Will last until around the 26th.
This morning, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a low-temperature blue warning. It is estimated that the lowest or average temperature in Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, south-central Zhejiang, western Fujian, Guangdong, and central and eastern Guangxi is more than 5 C lower than that in the same period of history. Among them, some areas in central and eastern Guizhou, northwestern Hunan, south-central Jiangxi, southern Zhejiang, and northwestern Guangdong are more than 7 C lower, and the minimum temperature line of 0 C will be located in northern Guangxi and northern Guangdong.
Among the big cities, the temperatures in Changsha, Hunan Province at 7: 00 this morning were only -6℃ and Guiyang at -5.9℃, both of which were rare low temperatures in late January. In addition, many areas in the south were blessed by rain and snow this time, which made them feel damp and cold, and the somatosensory temperature may be lower. The public needs to continue to do a good job in cold protection and warmth.
It is expected that the impact of this cold wave will gradually end from tonight, but due to the slow return of temperature in most parts of the central and eastern regions, this generally low temperature will continue until around the 26th, and then the temperature will gradually return to a higher or normal state than normal.
Did it snow there?
Comprehensive: CCTV News, Sichuan Meteorology, Chengdu Meteorology, Chengdu Daily,
Source: Sichuan Traffic Radio

[Beautiful Hebei Red Line] Qiannanyu: Red Spirit and Green Beauty, a total of Taihang Legend

   On the morning of June 22nd, "Beautiful Hebei Red Line — — A delegation from the online media interview activities to commemorate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Party came to Qiannanyu Village, Jiangshui Town, Xingtai County, Hebei Province. The picture shows the Kangda Exhibition Hall.

   Hebei News Network (Reporter Chang Fangyuan) This is a fertile red soil and the greenest place in Taihang Mountain. The development model of "red+green" has turned into the badlands into a green mountain and a barren mountain ditch into an economic ditch. On the morning of June 22nd, "Beautiful Hebei Red Line — — The delegation of the online media interview activities to commemorate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Party came to Qiannanyu Village, Jiangshui Town, Xingtai County, Hebei Province. The beautiful and rich Qiannanyu made online media reporters praise it.

   Qiannanyu is the seat of China People’s Anti-Japanese Military and Political University (hereinafter referred to as "Anti-Japanese University"). On November 4, 1940, Kangda General School was stationed in Jiangshui, Xingtai County, Hebei Province. Since then, it has been running here for three years, and has trained three students, totaling 18,000. Zhu De, Peng Dehuai, Liu Bocheng, Deng Xiaoping, Luo Ruiqing, Teng Daiyuan, He Changgong and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation have fought and lived here.

   On the morning of June 22nd, "Beautiful Hebei Red Line — — A delegation from the online media interview activities to commemorate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Party came to Qiannanyu Village, Jiangshui Town, Xingtai County, Hebei Province. The picture shows online media reporters interviewing in Qiannanyu Eco-tourism Zone.

   Came to Qiannanyu, "Beautiful Hebei Red Line — — In commemoration of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the interview group first visited the Kangda Exhibition Hall. Surrounded by green hills and shaded by green trees, the Kangda Exhibition Hall is magnificent and solemn. "Looking at today’s magnificent buildings, it’s hard to imagine the hard conditions here in the past. I wanted to look for the old site of Kangda just now, but I was told by the commentator that there was no remains of the old site of Kangda, because the school building of Kangda in the war years was just a few dilapidated earth-walled grass houses. More often, teachers and students could only struggle and study on the grass and in the ravine. " After the visit, Jing Wong, a reporter from overseas network, felt that in the extremely cruel and arduous war years, groups of anti-big students took up important posts, made outstanding contributions to winning the victory of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and even the war of liberation, and showed the revolutionary ancestors’ spirit of hard struggle and the greatness of firm revolutionary belief.

   On the morning of June 22nd, "Beautiful Hebei Red Line — — A delegation from the online media interview activities to commemorate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Party came to Qiannanyu Village, Jiangshui Town, Xingtai County, Hebei Province. The picture shows the scenery of Qiannanyu Village.

   Starting from Kangda Exhibition Hall, take a battery car all the way up Panshan Road, and you will come to the entrance of Qiannanyu Eco-tourism Zone. What you see along the road are clean houses with red roofs and white walls, clear streams flowing down, and apple orchards full of fruits … … Entering the tourist area, the terraced fruit trees surrounded by layers of stones are lush, and an asphalt road winds up and shuttles through the intoxicating green. On the hillside, the six characters of "recreating beautiful mountains and rivers" planted by evergreen shrubs stand out against the blue sky and white clouds.

   Guo Tianlin, secretary of the Party Committee of Qiannanyu Village, said that Qiannanyu was not the scene before. Qiannanyu, which suffered nine disasters in ten years, was a well-known poor mountain village. In 1963, a catastrophic flood almost destroyed all the mountain vegetation and only a few hundred acres of life-saving fields in the village. Since then, Qiannanyu people have been managing mountains and controlling water for 20 years before they got this piece of green in Taihang Mountain. Today, Qiannanyu has formed a layered greening model of barren hills with "ecological forest wearing a hat, dried fruits wrapped around the waist and small terraces holding the foot". All 8300 mu of barren hills suitable for forest in the village have been afforested, with the forest coverage rate exceeding 90% and the vegetation coverage rate approaching 95%.

   More than a decade ago, Qiannanyu people made up their minds to close down polluting enterprises such as mineral processing plants and chemical plants that could bring them considerable economic benefits, and developed a 38-square-kilometer "red" and "green" combined eco-tourism zone by using anti-big red resources and green resources all over the mountain, which received nearly 500,000 tourists in 2015. Forest fruit planting and tourism development, before 2015, the collective income of Nanyu Village was 31.2 million yuan, and the per capita income reached 11,800 yuan.

   "Here, the spirit of hard struggle not only stayed in the war years, but is still being carried forward. The beautiful scenery here is not a gift from nature, but comes from people’s efforts. What is even more rare is that a group of scientific and technological leaders like Li Baoguo have emerged here, who can take root in places with difficult conditions and lead farmers to develop. " Dai Yu, a reporter from the People’s Daily Central Kitchen, lamented that in Qiannanyu, the red spirit collided with the green beauty, and Taihang Mountain was being written as a legend.

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  Come to New Year this year.

  In addition to friends and family.

  There is also a cold wave from the polar regions.

  Central Meteorological Observatory at 06: 00 on January 23

  Continue to issue a cold wave blue warning

  It is expected that it will not be until the third day

  This cold wave will continue to affect our country.

  Affected by strong cold air, it is estimated that the temperature will drop by 6 ~ 10℃ in most parts of central and eastern China, by 12~14℃ in eastern Northeast China, eastern Jiangnan and northeastern South China, and by more than 16℃ in eastern Jilin from 08: 00 on January 23rd to 08: 00 on January 25th. There are 4 ~ 6 winds in the above areas, and gusts are 7 ~ 8. Some areas in western Gansu, western Inner Mongolia, northern Qinghai and Ningxia have sand or floating dust. There are 6 ~ 8 winds and 9~10 gusts in most offshore areas of China. The lowest temperature in the process appeared on the morning of 25th, and the lowest temperature 0℃ line will be located in the east of Yunnan, south of Guizhou and north of South China.

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  From 23rd to 24th (the second day and the third day of New Year’s Day), the temperatures in Northeast China, North China and East China will hit new lows after winter, and the temperature will be 6-10℃ lower than normal.

  From the early morning of January 23rd, snowflakes began to float in Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao, Baoding and many places in Beijing.

  [Snow in xiong’an new area]

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  Address: xiong’an new area Yuerong Park Source: Jishi Client

  [Snow in Tangshan]

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  Photo from Tangshan traffic police

  Hebei specific weather forecast

  [Hebei Meteorological Observatory continued to issue the blue warning signal of cold wave at 05: 00 on January 23, 2023]

  Affected by cold air, it is expected that the lowest temperature in the whole province will continue to drop tomorrow morning, with Baoding, Langfang and the south area dropping by 6 ~ 8℃, local dropping by 8 ~ 10℃ and other areas dropping by 2 ~ 5℃. Tomorrow morning, the minimum temperature in the north of Zhangjiakou and Chengde will drop to-33 ~-26℃, in Shijiazhuang, Cangzhou and the south, to-16 ~-12℃, and in other areas to-25 ~-17℃.

  [Hebei Meteorological Observatory continued to issue gale blue warning signal at 05: 00 on January 23, 2023]

  Affected by cold air, it is expected that there will be winds of 4 to 6 from north to northeast in eastern Chengde, Qinhuangdao, eastern Tangshan, Cangzhou, Hengshui, Xingtai and Handan from day to night, with gusts of 7, which will weaken to below 6 at night; There are 4 to 6 northwest winds, 7 gusts and 8 local gusts in Zhangjiakou, the central and western Chengde, the western Baoding and the western Shijiazhuang. There are 7-8 northeast winds, 9 gusts, 6-7 northwest winds and 8-9 gusts in coastal waters and coastal areas. Please take precautions!

  [Weather forecast issued by Hebei Meteorological Observatory at 05: 00 on January 23, 2023]

  Today, from day to night, scattered light snow or light snow turned cloudy in southern Langfang, Cangzhou, eastern Hengshui, western Shijiazhuang and western Xingtai, while other areas turned cloudy and sunny. The highest temperature is-25 ~-5℃ in Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao and northwest Baoding, and-4 ~ 2℃ in other areas. The lowest temperature is-33 ~-20℃ in Zhangjiakou, Chengde, northern Qinhuangdao and northwestern Baoding, among which-33 ~-26℃ in Bashang area and-19 ~-12℃ in other areas.

  Tomorrow, from day to night, the whole province will be sunny and cloudy.

  From day to night on the 25th, the northwest turned sunny and cloudy, while other areas were cloudy and sunny.

  Yesterday (22nd, New Year’s Day),

  The cold wave brings strong winds and cools down to "celebrate the New Year"!

  Today and tomorrow,

  On the 23rd (the second day) and 24th (the third day),

  The temperature in our province plummeted,

  Many places will be frozen.

  And the strong wind "assisted",

  The wind-cold effect is remarkable,

  Little friends, be sure to wear more clothes to protect yourself.

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

The cold wave is coming! It has snowed in these places!

  To sum up

  During the Spring Festival this year

  The cold in the north lasts for a long time

  It’s short but really cold in the south.

  Everyone should pay attention to cold and warmth.

  Synthesis: Website of Central Meteorological Observatory, Hebei Weather and Meteorology Beijing

[Editor in charge:


"Ordinary" and "Moderate" Who is coping with the college exam?

  editpersonaccording to

  Examinations have always been the most worrying thing for students. For college students, the performance not only represents the academic level, but also is an important basis for future research or employment. In order to get satisfactory results, students not only hope that the teacher can "draw the key points", but also hope to be lenient when judging the papers … …

  But for teachers, the mood when marking papers is by no means as simple as leaving no mercy. Recently, the reporter received a letter from a university professor, complaining about the "suffering" during the final exam. Although it has been a holiday, many jumps in the students’ papers, perfunctory answers, lackadaisical language expression, logical analysis, and even the "blank space" under the exam questions still make him sigh.

  Is what the professor said a common phenomenon? What problems are mapped out in a paper? It’s the school season again, and I hope that this year’s questioners and respondents can make real efforts to complete a satisfactory answer sheet.

  [Letters from readers]

  Shock wave behind a final exam paper

  Li Mingliang, Professor of International Business School of Tianjin Foreign Studies University.

  I have been teaching in the university for more than ten years, and at the end of each semester, I will face a serious psychological shock — — Suffer from the "torment" of the final exam. This "suffering" is not only a physical test, but also a mental torture. At the end of almost every semester, I have to read at least 200 or 300 papers by myself. These "final exam works" from students of different majors and grades are not only hard to see refreshing, serious and beautiful writing, but also jump and answer casually, and the language expression and logical analysis are indifferent. There are even many papers that leave a lot of worrying blanks. A teacher once told me that some students couldn’t answer the questions, so they simply drew a smiling face in the blank space under the examination questions, and then wrote a kind word praising the teacher, as if to please the teacher or win the teacher’s sympathy, hoping that the teacher could be "merciful."

  As we all know, examination has its unique functions of evaluation, detection, diagnosis, guidance, feedback and encouragement, which cannot be replaced by any other teaching link. The final exam is not only a final assessment and systematic evaluation of students’ learning situation of various courses since one semester, but also a process check of professional teachers’ teaching effect and teaching quality. Generally speaking, the total score of the current assessment courses in colleges and universities is comprehensively evaluated according to the usual scores and final exam scores. Among them, the usual scores include quizzes, homework, class discussions, course papers, attendance, etc. The final score is the final closed-book exam paper score, and their respective weights are different in each school. But on the whole, most colleges and universities stipulate that the final grade accounts for 50% ~ 70% of the total grade. In addition, some colleges and universities also stipulate that there should be no less than four kinds of questions in the final examination paper of each course, and the number of questions is moderate and the difficulty is moderate, which should basically ensure that candidates can complete it within 90 minutes. In this way, the test questions of many courses are limited to noun explanation questions, multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, short-answer questions, discussion questions, case analysis questions or calculation questions. Students also follow this logic year after year to review the "exam-oriented". In colleges and universities, there is also an unwritten "rules of the game". Teachers will divide the students into a general examination range at the end of the term to give each other a "reassurance". Otherwise, students will be at a loss and don’t know what to review;Teachers will also be worried that candidates will "fail in a large area" and the failure rate is too high, which will not only affect their personal teaching reputation, but also lead to tension between teachers and students; Seriously, it may also be held accountable by the teaching authorities, and even ultimately affect the annual performance appraisal and professional title promotion of teachers.

  From this point of view, the curriculum assessment in our colleges and universities is really not limited to a final examination paper. This is not only related to the relationship between teachers and students, teaching, examination, evaluation and management in colleges and universities, but also related to the talent training mode of higher education, especially the quality of talent training. In fact, for many years, we have been advocating the separation of teaching and examination, calling for the separation of teaching and examination, and teachers do not participate in the final examination of their courses, including setting questions, invigilating, marking papers, scoring and quality analysis; Instead, a set of examination management system with complete rules and regulations including examination database, automatic proposition, marking, grading, examination analysis, score management and so on is established. College curriculum examination should not blindly emphasize theory over application, knowledge over ability, results over process and grades over feedback, but should be adjusted to pay more attention to students’ innovative ability and practical ability, and realize a comprehensive evaluation system with comprehensive evaluation contents, diversified subjects, diversified methods and dynamic process. However, in reality, colleges and universities still have a long way to go in order to build a scientific, comprehensive and reasonable evaluation system and its mode reform.

  This holiday, Wang Li, a sophomore in a university in Shanxi, didn’t have an easy time. "There are two exam results that haven’t come out, and I’m particularly worried that I can’t pass them. Because I didn’t answer the last two big questions, my paper score is definitely not enough. I pray that the teacher can make my usual grades higher." For these two grades, Wang Li basically brushes the school website every day, and often chats with his classmates to "pray for blessings". "There are still a few days before school starts, and we will know the result soon."

  Liu Zhengdong, Wang Li’s classmate, told the reporter, "I had a hunch that I would fail two exams, and finally I went to the teacher to plead with him, hoping that he would hand ‘ Song ’ Point, the final result is quite satisfactory, all 60 points, just passed. " Looking at the results haven’t come out yet, Liu Zhengdong advised Wang Li to send a message to the teacher and get in touch with "feelings", so maybe he could pass the exam on the line. "After all, many students didn’t answer well."

  1. "Everything will be fine if you don’t fail."

  Are the examination papers of college students really so casual and so "vulnerable"?

  "No matter which school, there are schoolmasters, but to be honest, if there are no goals such as insurance research that explicitly require credit scores, many students are in line with ‘ Just pass the exam ’ The mentality to cope with the exam. I usually don’t listen to lectures in class, I leave homework from the Internet, review all night before the exam, and everything will be fine without failing. " Zhu Wenshuo, a college student in Beijing, told reporters.

  "The examination questions of many courses are nothing more than noun explanation questions, multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, short-answer questions, essay questions and so on." Fan Hui, a college student in Hunan, is a liberal arts student. In his view, liberal arts exams are usually relatively easy. "As long as you can remember the knowledge points, you will definitely get similar results. Especially the following essay questions, as long as you have a general understanding of this course, you can write the paper full and make sense, and the basic score will not be bad. "

  A college teacher who has been engaged in teaching for many years read this sentence repeatedly after seeing it. "I can’t say a lot, but there are some papers that have such problems. When students don’t know what to answer, they will simply list or analyze some concepts of this course, lack basic logic, and even answer irrelevant questions. Because the students know that as long as I answer this question, the teacher will give some points. "

  However, there is also a college teacher who believes that the college exam is to condense the task of assessing students’ knowledge into a test paper. "Therefore, teachers often ask questions fairly well, and students only need to write out what they think is the most correct. We can’t ask all students to keep a cutting-edge and in-depth understanding of a certain knowledge."

  2. Who is responsible for the "dull" test paper?

  Then, in the face of some "plain" answers that are difficult to make people shine at the moment, we should think deeply. What is the problem?

  In this regard, Mo Leiyu, an associate professor at China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) School of Management, believes that there are three reasons: First, the academic level of students is uneven now, and it is difficult to unify the measurement standards; Second, due to the school regulations, some colleges and universities have specific proportions for the failure rate of course assessment; Third, under the baton of postgraduate entrance examination, students are utilitarian, and many students do not attach importance to courses that are not directly related to postgraduate entrance examination.

  Chen Peng, director of the Department of Communication at Nankai University, said that sometimes, in order to "standardize" and facilitate management in a uniform way, educational management departments will require teachers to take exams according to certain prescribed formats, forms and even contents, sometimes they have formulated strict procedures for exams, and sometimes they even put forward some requirements for exam results. "For example, I have learned that the education management departments of many universities will require teachers to take exams in some form, which will facilitate the final filing management; Sometimes students’ grades are required to present an approximate normal distribution, otherwise they are considered to have problems in the exam; Sometimes teachers’ grades are questioned, and in order to be consistent with their standards, teachers are required to lower or raise their grades. In the final analysis, it is still to cope with teaching evaluation. " Chen Peng said, "As an important link in teaching, examination evaluation should respect the laws of education and teaching and be set by teachers, and should ensure that teachers are in the professional field according to professional standards, academic standards and teaching objectives ‘ Discretion ’ 。”

  "Just because the test papers answered by students are relatively dull does not mean that there is something wrong with the test itself." Some experts said that examination may not be the best way to assess, but as far as the current situation is concerned, there is no better way to test learning, supervise learning and complete evaluation. He believes that the negative impact seen at present is by no means from the examination mechanism itself.

  Chen Peng said: "Exams and grades are the intersection of students and teachers in knowledge dissemination. Different understanding of the role of knowledge in the educational process and life path leads to different understanding of exams between teachers and students and between different students. However, if there are courses, there will be exams, because every course needs quality evaluation and effect test, and it is necessary to innovate in ways and methods. "

  3. How to get the true level in the exam?

  Kun Wang, a student of a university in Beijing, was deeply impressed by a small innovation in an ordinary exam. She told reporters that in the final exam of English listening course last semester, in addition to the regular British accent, there was also a Japanese accent in her listening materials. "Although it is indeed difficult to distinguish, it is inevitable to encounter this kind of communication situation in practical application. After several years of professional courses, it is necessary for us to exercise our ability to eliminate all kinds of interference factors."

  "We all know that exams are very important, but we often ignore the significance of exams." Kun Wang said that when we take exams just for the sake of exams, the effect will naturally be greatly reduced.

  "The meaning of the exam is to know what progress students have made and what students have gained through the study of the course ‘ Value-added ’ , to what extent ‘ Value-added ’ ; Discover the shortcomings of students’ learning process and find out which aspects of students have failed to achieve the expected learning effect, so as to provide targeted and targeted help to students. " Professor Xie Xiaoqing, former director of beijing language and culture university Institute of Educational Measurement, said.

  Then, how to make the exam play a greater role and make the exam get the true level?

  In Mo Leiyu’s view, the examination can be analyzed in detail, such as dividing the examination into two parts, setting a unified national examination method for the basic knowledge part, and stipulating a bottom line that students of this major must reach. If it is not reached, the basic knowledge is not mastered. "Now there are many channels for students to acquire knowledge, but most of them are fragmented and difficult to connect, so it is still necessary to systematically examine the basic knowledge. Non-single answer questions involving creative and divergent thinking can be flexibly assessed by interviews and other means. "

  Xie Xiaoqing emphasized: "The knowledge test mainly examines the memory of specific professional knowledge. This kind of memory knowledge can often be completed with the help of online search, which is easy to dampen students’ interest in learning. The ability test mainly examines those psychological characteristics that have a wide influence and are relatively stable. This kind of test has obvious effect on improving students’ overall quality. At the same time, the ability test is not easily affected by the surprise preparation, and can accurately reflect the students’ real learning level. "

  (Our reporter Jin Haotian, our correspondent Jiang Jiaqian)

97,000 real estate enterprises’ transformation "the second half" financial model transformation to reduce debt into a starting point.

  Huang Qifan believes that the huge annual real estate transaction volume of 16 trillion to 17 trillion will surely become a historical turning point, and the future market will gradually shrink.

  About 97,000 real estate enterprises are gradually entering the deep-water period of transformation. With the implementation of measures such as deleveraging and stabilizing finance, China’s real estate sector will enter the "second half" era of stock management.

  "Overall, the era of China’s real estate in short supply is over." Huang Qifan, vice chairman of China International Economic Exchange Center, said at the World Chinese Real Estate Society held on July 13th, "The huge annual transaction volume of real estate in China is bound to become a historical turning point, and the market will gradually shrink in the future; Therefore, in the next decade, I predict that the real estate growth rate will not be higher than China’s GDP and M2 growth rate, but it will not fall too fast and will enter a stage of steady growth in an all-round way. "

  How should real estate enterprises with an average debt of more than 80% go into battle lightly? "Learning from the experience of developed countries, in fact, financial transformation is also crucial for housing enterprises." Wang He, secretary-general of the World Chinese Real Estate Society, said, "The transformation of real estate enterprises should start from the financial field, such as REITs (real estate trust and investment funds) to reduce the burden on enterprises."

  At present, nearly 100,000 real estate enterprises registered in industrial and commercial registration have become the epitome of China’s real estate development in the first half.

  According to Gao Bo, director of the Center for Urban and Real Estate Research of Nanjing University, the development of real estate has contributed to GDP, promoted the process of urbanization, promoted land finance and housing finance, and reduced financial risks. Only by taking the modernization of the housing system as a prerequisite can the real estate industry really do it.

  For example, in 2018, the added value of the real estate industry in the United States accounted for about 13.2% of GDP. In the first three quarters of the same year, the added value of real estate in China was about 4.36 trillion, accounting for 6.69% of GDP.

  There is no doubt about this step of transformation. How to turn? Many experts in the research field believe that on the one hand, it is necessary to shift from extensive expansion strategy to refined operation, on the other hand, enterprises need to fundamentally change their financial model.

  "The transformation of real estate enterprises should pay attention to ‘ Lianggao ’ That is, high quality and high technology. " Jia Shenghua, director of the Real Estate Research Center of Zhejiang University, said, "High quality means that housing enterprises should return to their final purpose of residence, not quantitative expansion; High technology means that more technical means need to be integrated into the development and management of houses. "

  "REITs are like an IPO of an office building, and the share can be transferred, traded and distributed." Hu Feng, a senior director of dtz and head of the North China District Valuation and Consulting Service Department, told the First Financial Reporter, "It is equivalent to sharing this building. If you buy a share, you can enjoy the benefits of the share. This share can be transferred and transferred, so the assets will flow."

  According to the First Financial Reporter, Ping An Real Estate, Poly Real Estate, Xuhui and Longhu have also stepped in since CITIC, the first private equity REITs in China, was launched in May 2014. According to the data of Industrial Securities, as of May 12 this year, 48 REITs have been issued in China, with a total amount of 93.42 billion yuan.

  The REITs research group of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University estimates that the market size of REITs in China is about 4 trillion to 12 trillion.

  Liu Qiao, dean of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University and professor of finance, believes that REITs will probably become one of the most important starting points for China’s financial system reform or supply-side reform in the next few years.

  Liu Qiao also wrote in CBN that REITs are not limited to real estate. At present, the problem of financing difficulty and high cost for enterprises in China, especially private enterprises, has been very prominent. The introduction of REITs is conducive to reducing systemic financial risks and promoting the development of real estate industry and upstream and downstream industries.

  "If the capital operation in previous years was to borrow money to get land, then in the second half of the stock management era, we must calm down and operate our assets well." Chen Xiaoou, independent director of Yuexiu Real Estate Trust, told the reporter, "We are providing asset management services for Chengdu Luhu Eco-city, such as business format and asset sorting, and later asset securitization."

  In the era of stock management, in addition to residential real estate, building economy will also become an important carrier to adjust industrial structure.

  According to Zhu Jianhui, head of the research department of Jones Lang LaSalle in West China, "At present, the building economy is also operating under the dual-track background of urbanization and urban renewal; We also found two characteristics: first, the demand side of building transformation mostly comes from technology-driven enterprises such as we work and incubation centers; Second, real estate buildings such as Joy City began to build amusement parks, maternal and child rooms, etc., paying more attention to the humanistic value brought to consumers. "

  The quality transformation of housing enterprises under the empowerment of many technologies has gradually landed nationwide. In other words, housing enterprises really began to bid farewell to the extensive and expansive development model in the past, focusing on social services that are people-oriented and meet domestic demand.

  How does technology drive the development of cities and real estate? According to Wang Yeqiang, director of the Land Economy and Real Estate Research Office of the Institute of Urban Development and Environment of China Academy of Social Sciences, on the one hand, smart cities should be built through technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing and big data to meet the needs of residents’ production and life; On the one hand, infrastructure and industrial informatization should be highly developed.

  Some large real estate enterprises are integrating big data and Internet of Things into residential management and services.

  Wu Zhihua, CEO of Greentown Service Group, said, "Take a certain community as an example, the proportion of elderly people over 60 years old is 10.98%, and the proportion of second children in the community is higher than the national average; Through this kind of analysis, we have laid out the services of children’s education, nutrition and rehabilitation for the elderly in the community. At present, 130,000 people have established health records on our platform, and 400,000 elderly users are enjoying paid chronic disease management services.

  Small and medium-sized housing enterprises choose to cut in from low energy consumption and green ecological technology. "The core of real estate is still the residential industry, and this cannot be lost. The reason is that it can develop rapidly and standardize, and because it has a large market consumer group and belongs to popular products, it has strong anti-risk ability. " Li Biao, chairman of yueda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. said, "In addition to paying attention to building quality, scientific research and development is also our strength."

  Previously, Jinmaofu attracted much attention in the industry because it proposed 12 black technologies (to meet residents’ comprehensive household needs such as air, temperature, humidity and noise), and the average price of its housing in Hongkou, Shanghai New Town was about 102,000/square meter.

  "We already have the 12 major scientific and technological systems of Jinmaofu, and we have a clear understanding of ourselves, that is, to be an expert in quality life operation." Li Biao told the First Financial Reporter, "In addition to residential technology research and development, looking further, we are developing projects around the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomerations (such as Suzhou, Nantong and Yancheng)."

  Some real estate big data companies have already quietly laid out. "According to more than 50 major industries involved in real estate, we divided the data into eight thematic directions, including transaction end, residential security end and residential service end." Yan Zhimin, chairman of Hangzhou Zhongfang Information Technology Co., Ltd. told the First Financial Reporter.

  "For example, in Fuyang, which is more than 20 kilometers away from Hangzhou, the price of a parking space in a certain community reached 800,000, but the house price in the community was around 10,000. At that time, the people and the media were very controversial; Therefore, we assisted the government to make a data analysis and look at the reasonable reasons according to the floor price and market environment. In the future, data-based disaster reduction, shock absorption, escape, etc. will be used to ensure residential safety. " Yan Zhimin added.

Stock (1): What do you buy when you buy stocks?

Hello, my name is Peking University Xu Yuan, and welcome to my investment class.

Today we enter the second part of the course, the investment tools part. In this part, I will explain to you the basic nature of investment tools, including stocks, bonds, funds, real estate, gold and so on. For example, these are 18 kinds of weapons in the martial arts field. After understanding the basic properties of these weapons, we can choose the weapons that we can take advantage of.

As the saying goes, "If you want to do a good job, you must sharpen your tools first." Without understanding the nature of these tools, you are like a tiger without teeth, and you will be very passive in the arena of investment.

Today is the first lecture on investment tools. We begin to talk about one of the most common and important tools, namely stocks. Regarding stocks, we focus on six issues.

First, when we buy stocks, what are we buying? In particular, some companies are not profitable at all, let alone paying dividends. Why are they still worth so much money? How exactly is this priced?

Second, how to judge the stock price? Some stocks are very cheap, can you buy them? Some stocks have high unit prices, why do they go up all the way? How to judge?

Third, there are so many stocks in the market, how to quickly grasp the market situation?

Fourth, how is the stock price determined? What are the different factors?

Fifth, do A shares earn money? If you don’t make money, why are so many people playing in it?

Sixth, what kind of stocks have high returns?

Let’s look at the first question first. What do we buy when we buy stocks? In particular, some companies on the A-share market are not profitable, and there is no dividend. Why are they still so expensive? In order to clarify this problem, I divide stocks into two categories, dividend-paying and non-dividend-paying

Dividend-paying stocks have a relatively simple principle. We buy a stock because we are optimistic about the cash flow that this stock can bring.For example, if you spend 10 yuan on a stock and pay a dividend of 1 yuan a year, after ten years, you will return to your capital (for simplicity, discount is not considered here), and all dividends in the future will be profits.

If you divide it into 50 cents a year and pay it back in 20 years, all future dividends will be profits. At this time, you spent 10 yuan to buy it, which is all future dividends.

You may say, where is the company giving such a high dividend rate now? Actually, it’s not. You can have a look at Table 1. Table 1 shows the distribution of dividend rate of A-share listed companies from 2016 to 2018. As you can see, the average dividend rate of listed companies is over 30%, which is not low.

This is not the most exaggerated. The 10% companies with the most dividends have a dividend rate of over 60%. At present, there are more than 3,000 listed companies in A-shares, of which more than 300 have a dividend rate of over 60%. Therefore, the statement that A shares do not pay dividends is not consistent with the real data.

Table 1: Dividend rate of A-share listed companies (2016-2018,%)

Note: Before calculating the dividend rate, companies with negative net profit in this year are excluded, and the dividend rate is equal to the total annual dividend of the company divided by the annual net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company.

As of the production date of this table (November 2019), the dividend data for 2019 has not been published, so the data from 2016 to 2018 are used. Source: Wind information.

In fact, what you need to pay attention to is not the companies that don’t pay dividends, but the dividend rate of some companies is too high, which is a bit abnormal. You need to see what is going on. In order to illustrate this situation, we have specially compiled Table 2 and listed the companies with the highest dividend rate in recent years.

When sorting out Table 2, we made a screening and only considered large and medium-sized companies with positive profits and large market value of more than 10 billion. The data of small and micro enterprises fluctuates greatly, so we will not consider it for the time being.

Table 2: Top 30 Dividend Rates of Companies with Market Value of Over 10 Billion (2016-2018,%)

Note: The data comes from Wind. Before calculating the dividend rate, the companies with negative net profit for the year and companies with a total market value of less than 10 billion at the end of the year were excluded.

If you look at Table 2, many companies have a high dividend rate, and some companies even have a dividend rate of more than 100%, that is, dividends exceed profits. Why is this happening? To sum up, there are probably three possible reasons.

In the first case, the company has little temporary profit, but in order to maintain the stability of dividends, it still maintains a consistent dividend level. In this case, even if there is a temporary shortage of cash, the operation is still stable, so paying more dividends is to show the market that everything is under control and there is no need to panic.

China Petroleum, for example, has done such a thing. Due to lower oil and gas prices, its net profit in 2016 dropped by nearly 80% compared with that in 2015.

However, in order to maintain a steady dividend, China Petroleum used the retained undistributed profits of previous years to pay dividends in 2016, and the dividend rate reached 137.43%. By 2018, the company’s profits have improved, the denominator has become larger, and the dividend rate has fallen.

Purchase column to unlock the remaining 70%

Why should we promote inclusive finance and how to do a good job in inclusive finance?

Inclusive finance, as it literally means, is a financial business that benefits everyone. Finance has its own characteristics in the process of development. For a long time, most people still feel that finance is somewhat high, and not everyone needs or has the opportunity to get financial services. Inclusive finance, on the other hand, is committed to making the slightly cold finance serve more classes and people, especially the general public who need financial support but can’t get financial services at ordinary times.

What is inclusive finance?

Inclusive finance refers to providing financial services with appropriate cost, convenience and effectiveness to all social strata according to the principle of equal opportunity and sustainable business. The concept of inclusive finance is an exotic product, which originated from the advocacy of the United Nations in 2005. The original English text is Financial Inclusion, which literally means "financial inclusion". This direct and blunt translation can explain the original meaning and goal of inclusive finance, that is, to include more groups in the scope of financial services. Of course, the Chinese translation of "inclusive finance" means that finance generally benefits the masses, which also shows the original meaning and is more elegant.

To put it simply, inclusive finance wants financial services to reach everyone who needs them, so that the financial needs of all social strata can be met. If finance is a kind of help, then it is necessary to let this help help more people and help everyone in need.

Why push inclusive finance?

From the perspective of the financial industry itself, the financial industry has its natural preference for the choice of customers. For example, banks prefer to serve big customers and rich customers, even though these customers themselves do not need financial support such as loans. In banking practice, there is not much difference in human resources between making a loan of 100 million yuan and making a loan of 1 million yuan. However, in order to complete the business volume of 100 million yuan, those who do a single 100 million yuan only need to do one stroke, while those who do a single 1 million yuan have to do 100 strokes. The human resource cost and operating cost behind it are very different. Therefore, if only from the perspective of commercial interests, banks are willing to provide more financial services to large and medium-sized customers.

In addition, from the customer’s point of view, the internal management of large and medium-sized customers is more standardized, the statements are more credible, and their credit is generally better. Comparatively speaking, small customers have small scale, irregular internal management, and even no qualified statements can be provided, so the credit risk of small customers and inclusive customers is generally greater. Finally, the loan business is reflected in the non-performing rate index, and the default rate generated by banks as small customers/inclusive customers may be higher, and the higher non-performing rate will bring more losses.

If there are no special regulatory requirements to correct the deviation, most banks will serve large customers more, while small customers and inclusive customers will not get financial support. From the perspective of social benefits, although the large customers are large, after all, the social economy is composed of more small enterprises or micro-enterprises, and the inclusive enterprises attract more employed people and maintain more people’s livelihoods. If small customers/inclusive customers do not get enough financial support, it will not be conducive to the all-round and healthy development of the national economy.

Since the financial industry itself is easy to form the deviation of the above-mentioned service targets, it needs external forces to correct it. This is why the supervision of the United Nations and many countries will give special impetus to inclusive finance.

Where is the difficulty in inclusive finance?

Heard a famous professor describe inclusive finance (SME loan problem), he said: "SME loans, banks do, banks die;" If banks don’t do it, SMEs will die. " Although this description is extreme, it also reflects some actual situations. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are weak in their ability to resist risks due to their small size, large operational uncertainty, and opaque information, and are prone to problems such as dishonesty of business owners. After banks put in loans for SMEs, the probability of bad loans is indeed not small. In reality, many banks’ business practices have repeatedly proved that inclusive finance/SME loans are difficult to do. Bank employees often find that bad loans appear in the loan portfolio one after another shortly after banks increase the investment of small and medium-sized enterprises. Compared with large and medium-sized enterprises, the loan of Pratt & Whitney customers takes a shorter time from delivery to non-performing loans, and the number of non-performing loans appears more. Even some banks are caught in the quagmire of continuously collecting the non-performing loans of Pratt & Whitney/SMEs shortly after the establishment of SMEs or inclusive finance Department.

In fact, no matter how high the non-performing rate of Pratt & Whitney or small and medium-sized customers is, banks can’t do business, as long as the income can cover the risks, that is, related businesses need to raise interest rates to make up for the losses caused by credit risks. However, since inclusive finance is Pratt & Whitney, the characteristics of Pratt & Whitney determine that inclusive finance can’t charge too high interest rates or handling fees. Since the risks and benefits are not equal, it is more likely that the bank will eventually bear the actual losses as a result of inclusive finance business.

Of course, the benefits of inclusive finance should be judged not only by the economic benefits of the business, but also by the overall social benefits. But if a business is risky and easy to cause losses, the difficulty of business development is also obvious.

What should inclusive finance be like?

Although inclusive finance has its development difficulties, the development of inclusive finance still needs to take into account both economic and social benefits. The development of inclusive finance needs to pay attention to "four characteristics", namely, inclusiveness, convenience, availability and commercial sustainability. Only by developing inclusive finance into an inclusive, convenient and sustainable business can inclusive finance benefit more social classes and enable banks as commercial institutions to continuously develop inclusive finance services.

Inclusive finance should expand its service coverage, expand its audience as much as possible, and let all those who want to get financial services have the opportunity to get services. In fact, according to the statistics of the World Bank, by 2017, 31% of adults in the world still don’t even have a bank account, let alone financing services and other more complicated services.

Countries around the world have actually done a lot to expand the inclusiveness of inclusive finance. For example, in June 2016, Mexico launched the National inclusive finance Strategy to accelerate the promotion of more than half of the population excluded from the formal and regulated financial system to obtain financial services; In July 2016, Mozambique launched the new inclusive finance Strategy, which increased the accessibility of financial services from 24% to 60%; Peru launched the National inclusive finance Strategy in 2015, and the government strives to ensure that at least 75% of adults can use trading accounts by 2021.

Inclusive finance also needs to enhance accessibility and business sustainability. In this regard, the Grameen Bank founded by Muhammad Yunus is a famous case. Up to now, the bank has issued $37.58 billion in unsecured loans, and the corresponding number of borrowers is as high as 10.45 million. In other words, the average amount borrowed by each borrower is only $3,600. The bank labels itself as a bank for the poor, and currently operates in 81,678 villages in Bangladesh (accounting for 94% of all its villages). Grameen Bank even provides interest-free loans to beggars to help them build their financial capacity so that they don’t have to beg any more. According to the information disclosed by the bank, 21,383 beggars have given up begging and achieved self-sufficiency. The loan recovery rate of Grameen Bank is as high as 96.71% (as of November 2023), which makes the bank have basic business sustainability. Grameen Bank has also become a model for inclusive finance to learn from, and its founder Professor Yunus won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.

Although inclusive finance is a manifestation of banks’ social responsibility, sometimes banks can give up some commercial interests in order to fulfill their social responsibility. After all, banks are still commercial organizations, and it is not difficult to bear the loss or loss at one time. However, in the long run, the inclusive finance business itself will not be sustainable. The society needs charity, and the government can also make financial arrangements, but inclusive finance is not charity, it is a part of the business of commercial banks after all, and inclusive finance with sustainable development has vitality.

What are the specific ways to develop inclusive finance?

Many business models have been formed in the practice of inclusive finance, and each model has its advantages and disadvantages. It is hard to say which model can win the world. Various specific models and measures for developing inclusive finance jointly promote the development of inclusive finance.

The most famous model in inclusive finance is the credit factory model, because it was first proposed by Temasek, also known as Temasek model. The credit factory model regards credit as a factory assembly line to produce products, and its characteristics and advantages lie in product standardization, business batch, process intensification and personnel specialization. The core of the credit factory lies in the link design of the process, that is, bank employees can be responsible for several links without mastering the whole process. This factory model can make the processing efficiency of small and medium-sized loans more efficient and the business more standardized. Both China Construction Bank and Bank of China have introduced the credit factory model to develop their own loans for SMEs. Of course, credit factories also have bottlenecks. For example, credit products themselves are not personalized enough, and they can’t cope well with some personalized inclusive finance needs.

Another well-known mode in inclusive finance is IPC mode. IPC is a German company, whose full name is International Project Consulting GmbH, that is, an international project consulting company. It has developed the methodology and operational means of SME credit operation, such as report restoration and precise risk control. For example, cross-checking is one of the core technologies of its loan analysis and evaluation, and the information is verified and judged by means of SME account books, contract information, product receipt and issue documents, water and electricity bills, tax bills, and interviews with parties and third parties, so as to obtain an objective evaluation of the enterprise. Using IPC mode to carry out business does not change the main flow of bank credit, so it is easy to start. IPC is a kind of relational credit with high viscosity, which embodies the characteristics of small and beautiful. However, its operation mode is too nonstandard and difficult to copy, so there is a bottleneck. In addition, the production tools used in the model are also somewhat backward compared with the big data analysis methods that are more widely used at present.

In China, the SME loan model in inclusive finance combines the popularity of digital finance, thus developing other distinctive business models, such as the micro-online business model. The micro-online business model is also the model of digital credit. Its advantages are reflected in the overall subversive innovation and the use of big data for risk control decision-making, which brings fast, convenient and better user experience unique to the mobile Internet era, and brings extremely low operational and decision-making costs to bank operations. However, this model also has its limitations. There is a wall between social data and transaction data, and there are restrictions on the transformation of social scenes into business traffic, and there is a deviation between data and reality.

In addition, in the credit business of inclusive finance and small and medium-sized enterprises, China has also developed the Taizhou model, or the super loan officer model. The representative financial institution of this model is the local small and medium-sized banks in Taizhou. After independent exploration of localization, Taizhou mode adopts local market positioning, combined with meticulous management system and more in-depth credit technology to cultivate a more suitable local credit culture. Its core lies in building a relational credit scene through community marketing, increasing the sources of information acquisition and realizing 360 due diligence. That is to say, through a super loan officer who is familiar with the local situation, as the core person to carry out business, because the business is all local, this loan officer can fully grasp the situation of the clients in inclusive finance, and then decide whether to launch credit. This model is more in line with the local economic characteristics, and its ideas of "time is more important than price" and "repayment willingness is more important than repayment ability" in inclusive finance are refreshing.

For banks, developing inclusive finance’s business is like "eating meat in the cracks of bones". Although it is not so delicious, it can be a sustainable business and can produce greater social benefits. For people who urgently need inclusive finance’s services, inclusive finance needs more than icing on the cake. The development of inclusive finance will be more conducive to the balanced, harmonious and sustainable development of the whole society.

[The author Xue Jian is the president of a bank branch, and an expert in the L/C Group and Forfaiting Group of the Banking Committee of China National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce]

Tea industry is promising (big data observation)

Core reading
Tea is a national drink, which can be compared with fine products. There are many famous teas in China, which have cultivated a long and profound tea culture and formed a super-large-scale market advantage. In recent years, while keeping the market demand basically stable, the tea industry in China has cultivated and expanded a number of new growth areas, with richer consumption scenarios, more products supplied, younger consumer groups, frequent new highlights in the industry, and steadily moving towards high-quality development.
According to the report released by China Tea Circulation Association, China’s domestic tea market remained stable in 2022, with a total domestic sales of 2,397,500 tons, up 4.15% year-on-year; Domestic sales totaled 339.527 billion yuan, up 8.82% year-on-year; The total output of spring tea this year is 1.4 million to 1.5 million tons, and the quality is basically stable.
What is the current situation of tea production and marketing in China? What are the new highlights in the industry? How to promote the tea industry to achieve high-quality development? The reporter conducted an interview.
The market demand is basically stable, and the consumer groups are getting younger and younger.
The winter is approaching, and the mountains are foggy, just like a painting. Walking into Hejiang Village, Caoba Town, Yucheng District, Ya ‘an City, Sichuan Province, a vivid picture of ecological livability came into view. Change the development ideas and seize the opportunity of e-commerce. Many villagers here have become network anchors and sold their organic green tea in their hometown to all parts of the country through the webcast platform.
"Our tea garden is a national standardized production base for green food raw materials and is currently in the pruning stage. Scarcity is the most precious thing. The tea harvested in Tomb-Sweeping Day is the best in tea, which is less disturbed by pests, with tender buds, delicate fragrance and beautiful taste. We are now preparing for the high yield of spring tea in the coming year. " Jie Chen, a 26-year-old tea farmer, started the live broadcast in the tea garden of Yuntai Mountain, which is at the highest altitude of 1,100 meters.
From mengding ganlu to Xinyang Maojian Tea, from West Lake Longjing to Huangshan Mao Feng, from Enshi Yulu to Fenghuang Danzong, there are many famous teas in China, which have cultivated a long and profound tea culture. "In recent years, relying on the advantages of domestic super-large-scale market, China tea industry has completed the adjustment and upgrading of consumption structure, and cultivated and expanded new growth areas such as herb tea and tea derivatives while maintaining basically stable market demand." Wang Qing, president of China Tea Circulation Association and chairman of the National Tea Standardization Technical Committee, said that the current consumption demand of tea and its related products has shown new changes due to the influence of modern life.
The consumption of traditional original leaf tea remained stable, and the consumption scenes were more abundant. Green tea, black tea, black tea and oolong tea are still consumers’ favorite categories. White tea, as a minor category among the six major teas, has achieved double-digit annual growth in recent years. With the popularity of the "national tide" culture, the "new Chinese teahouse" which inherits the traditional tea culture and pays attention to the scene experience and atmosphere creation has grown up, and tea tasting methods such as surrounding the stove have emerged.
Tea consumption groups are getting younger and younger. Under the influence of multiple factors, the acceptance of tea after 80s, 90s and even 00s continues to rise, and the younger generation of consumers demand personalized, diversified and healthy tea and related products. A number of new teabag enterprises and sugar-free packaged beverages have emerged. It is estimated that by 2025, the market scale of sugar-free tea in China will exceed 10 billion yuan.
Internet consumer demand has expanded. Online trading has become a powerful supplement to the domestic sales channels of tea. Last year, the total amount of online trading of tea in China exceeded 33 billion yuan, and the compound annual growth rate remained above 10% in the past three years. Driven by online consumer demand, major brand tea enterprises have started the e-commerce sector, and the annual tea trading volume and tea demand of major e-commerce platforms have also steadily increased. According to the data of Meituan, from January to June this year, the number of new tea houses in China exceeded 30,000. Driven by the digitalization and standardization services of the platform, the order volume of tea houses nationwide increased by 115% year-on-year, and Chengdu, Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou and Xi’ an were the top five cities in terms of order volume; Among the tea room consumers, consumers aged 35 and below account for more than half.
Wang Qing said that on the whole, there are three trends in the demand for tea products: brand, culture and emotional factors make traditional tea consumption concentrated in the middle and high end; Daily consumption tends to be more rational, and tea products with strong practicality and high cost performance are more popular with the public; The concept of health is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and promotes the growth of tea consumption demand.
Industry continues to innovate and product supply is diversified.
"Paper cups must be familiar to everyone, but cups with tea are rare. When we hold a meeting and receive customers, it is just right to use this cup to make tea. Boiling water is poured directly into the cup and can be drunk after waiting for a while, which is convenient and fast. " Recently, in the e-commerce live broadcast room of Xiaocheng Dashi Tea Co., Ltd. in Linqing City, Shandong Province, the anchor Zhang Qiu Lezheng introduced enthusiastically. In the production workshop not far from the live broadcast room, five fully automatic numerical control processing equipments are running at high speed, which can produce about 150,000 kinds of cup tea products every day.
"After market research, we found that this kind of teacup with tea leaves has been improved in design, which can make drinking tea easier. In recent years, the company has closely followed the changes in market demand, increased innovation and research and development, and launched products that are marketable. Last year, the turnover exceeded 20 million yuan. " Yan Li, general manager of the company said.
This is a vivid footnote for China’s tea industry to increase the supply-side structural reform.
"In the face of new changes in consumer demand, China tea industry is seizing market opportunities, making continuous efforts on the supply side, constantly improving effective supply capacity and level, and enhancing product richness and added value, and has built a set of mature, autonomous, controllable, safe and efficient tea industry chain supply chain." Mei Yu, vice president of China Tea Circulation Association, said.
Improve the level of modern production and promote industrial upgrading and efficiency.
Pu ‘er tea in Menghai County, Yunnan Province is famous at home and abroad. Banzhang production area in Brown Mountain is the core production area of Pu ‘er tea raw materials, and it is also an important origin of the brand products of Xiaocan Tea. While protecting ancient trees, the small pot tea company established a modern factory in Menghai, opened up all links in the industrial chain, enhanced the added value of tea products, promoted industrial efficiency and increased the income of tea farmers.
In recent years, new technologies and new energy sources have been continuously applied to tea processing equipment. Tea processing is developing in the direction of green, energy saving, safety and cleanliness. Continuous and standardized processing production lines are moving towards preliminary digital operation. Many standardized processing production lines of tea have been widely used, and the taste and hygienic quality have been improved, which effectively guarantees the continuous research and development of new flavors and new packaging.
The integration of tea tourism has also promoted the spread of tea culture.
"This year, we received research requests from the summer social practice teams of six colleges and universities. They came to the tea garden to observe the growing environment of’ Chuan’ brand green brick tea. This way of’ research+tourism’ has achieved good results." Chen Junhai, director of the Institute of Compaction Tea of Zhao Liqiao Tea Factory, Hubei Tea Group, and a "Jingchu craftsman" in Hubei Province, said. In 2022, Zhao Liqiao’s brick tea making skills were listed in the UNESCO World Intangible Heritage List.
In recent years, it has become a new means to help tea farmers increase their income by promoting tourism with tea, promoting tea with tourism, blending tea with tourism, combining health care, prolonging the tea industry chain and increasing the added value of tea products. All localities vigorously promote the high-quality, diversified and upgraded tea culture industry, dig deep into local traditional tea culture, intangible culture and red culture, create tea tourism products, and promote transformation and development.
New tea is popular and enters the daily life of the people.
"I like this’ Tianqingyu’ milk tea product very much. It is very healthy without adding essence or non-dairy creamer." Wang Wen, a consumer who tasted new milk tea, commented at Taigulixi Tea Store in Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Up to now, the total number of Xicha stores in China has exceeded 2,000, and it has entered over 240 cities.
In recent years, the new Chinese tea, represented by brands such as Hi Tea, Tea Baidao and Guming Tea, has been integrated into public life in various forms of health, fashion and innovation, and has become the new favorite of the market.
Ramming foundation forging long plate, moving towards high quality development
"We continue to exert our efforts in the integration of quality control, technological innovation, cultural creativity and brand building to help Shangyou Se-enriched tea brand become bigger and stronger." Chen Maolin, general manager of Jiangxi Youjiang Hongyun Tea Co., Ltd. said.
Youjiang Hongyun brand series tea is produced in Wuzhifeng, Shangyou County, Jiangxi Province. The company drives farmers to build more than 3,000 mu of selenium tea garden and uses organic tea production mode for management. This year, the company and Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences launched Gannan Alpine White Tea, which was well received by the market. Zhong Yuancai, director of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Shangyou County, introduced that the tea planting area in the county is 110,000 mu, with an output of 2,786 tons, and the brand value of "Shangyou Green Tea" reaches 641 million yuan.
According to the insiders, facing the future, China tea industry should continue to keep pace with the times and deepen the supply-side reform, and enhance the adaptability between supply and demand by improving the supply structure and quality. Only by realizing industrialization, scale, marketization and internationalization can China tea industry go further and further on the road of high-quality development.
Wang Qing believes that it is necessary to comprehensively and deeply explore and protect the essence and traditional skills of China tea culture and promote innovation and inheritance; Vigorously coordinate and integrate tea science and technology resources, promote the deep integration and development of Industry-University-Research, and promote the whole chain development and value promotion of tea industry; Accelerate the pace of modernization and transformation, establish a systematic and complete industrial system, and further promote new industrialization and informationization.
Accelerate standardized production and improve the efficiency of supply chain management. In March this year, the application for the national standard formulation plan of Technical Specification for Tea Supply Chain Management was approved by the National Standardization Committee. "Standardization is of great significance for improving the quality of tea, promoting the industry to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and promoting the modernization and upgrading of the tea industry." Du Guoyu, chairman of the small pot tea company, said.
Strengthen brand building and promote iterative upgrading of consumption. Mei Yu suggested strengthening the construction of industrial brands and supporting systems, and promoting the coordinated development of regional brands and corporate brands. We should start with improving product quality, improve the industrial supporting system, and realize the sufficient and high-quality supply of high-end enterprise brands and modern service products.
Strengthen scientific and technological support to help the industry to be stable and far-reaching. Wang Yingfeng, deputy director of Science and Technology Center of Hangzhou Tea Research Institute of All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, said that scientific research institutes should be supported and encouraged to take the lead in "seed research"; Actively promote the transformation of innovation achievements of research institutions such as universities, and form a virtuous circle pattern of "innovation of research institutions-enterprise transformation and feedback-re-innovation of institutions such as institutes".
Cartography: Wang Zheping
People’s Daily (November 29, 2023, 07 edition)