Is Wanda quitting AMC too early? Wang Jianlin is an entrepreneur, not a gambler

As the saying goes: a big tree attracts the wind. In early June, Wanda and Wang Jianlin accidentally became a hot topic on the Internet again. The reason is that the stock price of AMC cinema chain in the United States has recently soared again, from about $12 at the end of May to more than $60 at the close of June 2. On May 23, Wanda just issued a notice to announce that it would clear its position and withdraw from AMC.

"Wanda fell before dawn and missed tens of billions of dollars in revenue" "Wang Jianlin passed by a hundred small targets"… For a time, Wanda and Wang Jianlin became the object of self-media ridicule, but these keyboard warriors and hindsight forgot a basic fact:

Wang Jianlin is an entrepreneur, not a gambler.

As the leader of a large private enterprise like Wanda, Wang Jianlin’s decision-making priority is the stable and sustainable development of the enterprise, avoiding unnecessary risks and earning profits from the good development of the enterprise, rather than taking huge risks like a gambler in an attempt to maximize profits in the stock market.

In 2012, the US movie theater industry was booming, and the US annual movie box office reached a record high of 10.80 billion US dollars. Wanda spent 700 million US dollars to acquire the loss-making AMC theater chain at this time, mainly based on the expectation of the good development prospects of the US movie theater industry.

"After Wanda Group acquired AMC, it promoted the successful listing and merger and acquisition of AMC, making AMC the world’s largest movie theater chain, and jointly promoted the cooperation of the film industry and the exchange of film culture between China and the United States."

Wanda’s statement in the May 23 notice clearly stated the purpose and achievements of the acquisition of AMC that year.

On December 18, 2013, AMC successfully landed on the New York Stock Exchange, raising 400 million US dollars, and the opening price on the first day of listing was 19.18 US dollars, which doubled the income of Wanda’s merger and acquisition in just over a year.

If you just want to make quick money in the capital markets, Wanda can choose the opportunity to exit, why wait until now?

In 2018, the annual movie box office in North America hit a record high of $11.80 billion, and then began to decline. Wanda began to gradually withdraw from AMC’s controlling stake in that year in anticipation of the downward turning point in the development of the US movie theater industry.

Wanda not only adopts a gradual withdrawal strategy for AMC, but also for other industries with bleak development prospects. In January 2019, Wang Jianlin explained his strategic adjustment in his speech at Wanda Group’s 2018 work summary:

"For other industries that do not have a competitive advantage now, and it will be difficult to achieve a competitive advantage in the future, we must gradually and orderly withdraw. In short, Wanda needs to be thin and have something to give. This is the logic of Wanda’s past, present and future disposal of some assets."

"Some self-media or so-called experts only see that we are selling, but they don’t see that we are still investing in new projects. Then again, if everyone in Wanda’s business can understand it, then we are worthless. This kind of strategic adjustment is definitely uncomfortable, even painful, but Wanda must’stick to Qingshan and not relax, and let the wind from east to west".

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated the pace of Wanda’s exit from AMC. In January this year, American retail investors gathered to hype the first wave of AMC’s market, which sent AMC’s share price from as low as $1.91 to as high as $20.36, giving Wanda the opportunity to exit the profit.

Therefore, whether it is to acquire or withdraw from AMC, Wanda and Wang Jianlin are mainly based on the anticipation of the development prospects of the US movie theater industry, and later Wanda Group’s "domestic focus" development strategy needs.

Of course, the price of AMC’s share price should be considered, but how to ensure the stable and sustainable development of the enterprise and avoid unnecessary risks is the first consideration for entrepreneurs like Wang Jianlin.

No one can accurately predict the rise and fall of stocks. The future development prospects of the American cinema chain are not optimistic, but many industry insiders and entrepreneurs can anticipate it.

From the perspective of entrepreneurs, with AMC’s share price having risen sharply, Wanda has no problem exiting AMC and earning the money it is certain to earn.

Although AMC started the second wave of speculation this year after Wanda’s exit, and its share price continued to rise sharply, it has long been out of the hype of stock fundamentals, and the risk is extremely high. Moreover, there is no limit on the rise and fall of the US stock market. AMC’s share price can rise by 95% in a day, and it may also fall by so much. AMC’s share price once rose to $20 at the end of January this year, and quickly plummeted to $5 in February, which is evidence of this.

What’s more, the old investors know that it is difficult for the stocks of major shareholders to sell down their holdings by a large amount to rise sharply. If Wanda did not clear its position and exit AMC, AMC’s share price would not be more than 60 US dollars. Because in the process of Wanda’s large-scale selling of AMC shares, huge purchases are required, which will suppress the sharp rise in AMC’s share price.

Only after the announcement of Wanda’s clearance of AMC shares, without a lot of selling pressure, but with the expectation of a new main force entering, did AMC retail investors dare to go long without any worries, which led to the second wave of AMC share price speculation this year.

Those who mocked Wanda for "missing out on tens of billions of dollars in revenue" were either hindsight or ignorance.

According to media reports, Wall Street analysts recently reminded retail investors who are heavily invested in AMC stocks to be aware of the risks. Macquarie analyst Chad Beynon and his team believe that the debt situation of AMC theaters is worrying, and once again reiterated that AMC’s target price is $6, and the investment evaluation is "neutral".

The price of a movie ticket at an AMC theater is about $14, and the $6 target price means that in the eyes of this analyst, AMC’s share price is not worth half the price of a movie ticket at an AMC theater!

On June 5, Beijing time, Thomas Peterffy, founder and chairperson of Interactive Brokers (IBKR.US) in the United States, warned that investors in "retail group stocks" such as AMC cinema chain could face huge losses.

Wanda’s clearance and withdrawal from AMC is the need for strategic adjustment. Although it has not and cannot be sold at the highest point, it has earned double the profit while avoiding the huge risks it may face.

This is the vision and pattern of entrepreneurs, and gamblers and adventurers will never understand it.

Wanda Film Chen Zhixi: Excavating the charm of light and shadow to make young people fall in love with movies

1905 movie network feature Gain insight into the film industry and embrace Chinese films. In 2023, "China Film Report" "Blue Feather Parlor" launched the two sessions to specially plan "Dialogue Spring", inviting representatives of ten film companies to jointly promise a beautiful vision for Chinese films to move forward in the wind. From welcoming spring to entering spring. Now, we once again start with the prosperous Spring Festival stall and join hands with filmmakers to dream of 2024, when Chinese films are blooming.

"China Film Report" "Blue Feather Parlor" 2024 Two Sessions specially planned – the eighth episode of "Dialogue Spring" entered Wanda Film. The whole industry chain layout and development, closer to the audience, listen to the audience’s voice to feed back creation. Tonight, the host of the movie channel, Lan Yu, talked to the chairperson and president of Wanda Film joint stock company, let the audience walk into the cinema, walk into the movie, and feel the charm of light and shadow making dreams.

Discover and cooperate with new directors to supplement industry talents

The new work "Flowers Bloom" will be turned on for the second time

In the past period of time, the filmmaker Chen Zhixi has completed a career change – from "tens of billions of beautiful women producers" to become the chairperson of Wanda Film, the head of a film company with a whole industry chain. Wanda Film has always had a special emotion for her.

Located in the central district of Beijing’s East Fourth Ring Road, Wanda Studios has hosted most movie premieres. The studio has accompanied the filmmaker’s growth. From the very beginning, "almost all the premieres of films I have produced and invested in in my career have been in this studio."

Chen Zhixi has participated in the creation of many directors’ first works in the past, from the director’s "Lost in Thailand", the director’s "Pancake Man", and later Jia Ling’s. For her, after taking over Wanda Film, she listed the project planning for the next three years. In addition to cooperating with mature directors, she hopes to accompany more young filmmakers.

Wanda Film launched the "Elite + Program" in 2017, dedicated to discovering and cultivating professional talents in the film and television industry, and fully promoting the upgrading of China’s film industry. So far, 11 directors have been signed, as well as hundreds of screenwriters. "I hope to use my experience of accompanying many directors in the creation of their first films to accompany more young directors, so as to fill the market with more good content."

From a pure producer to the current head of a film company, in Chen Zhixi’s view, "launching some new directors and screenwriters for the industry and replenishing industry talents is the most basic work I can do."

She hopes to summarize her past experience and explore and judge the possibility of directors in more dimensions, "such as the director’s values and field control ability, to judge what kind of works this director will present to the audience and the market in the future." Chen Zhixi hopes to help these directors choose the theme and genre that best suits their talents as their debut films, so that they can succeed quickly.

Looking back at Chen Zhixi’s creative resume, she accompanied Xu Zheng, Dapeng and other filmmakers to realize the transformation from actor to director. At that time, they were all in their thirties and full of infinite possibilities. Today, Chen Zhixi looks at the actors around the age of 30, "There are three people who are very promising. I am already chatting with them, helping them choose topics, and seeing if there is a chance to move from the front to the back in the future."

In addition to the newcomer power, Wanda Cinemas will continue to work with mature and experienced directors.

After collaborating with Jia Ling on "Hello, Li Huanying," the two will continue to work together on the new novel "Flowers Blossom." "Half of the film has been completed, and we will continue to shoot the other half." At present, the entire film crew is also choosing the time and shooting location, "I hope to finish the film and meet the audience as soon as possible."

The whole industry chain excavates the charm of light and shadow

Awaken the enthusiasm of young audiences to fall in love with cinemas

As a film company with a whole industry chain, Wanda Film continues from the creative end to the screening end, which also allows Chen Zhixi, the head of the company, to have more opportunities to enter the audience and communicate with the audience. "In the past, more of my work was to accompany the directors to make scripts, how to set the plate and code the box office. At the stage of promotion, the previous distribution was also dependent on the outside. Now, Wanda Film has its own screening hall, which can feed back our films through the studios of the entire theater chain."

At present, there are 916 Wanda Studios across the country, and among the top 100 theaters in the national box office during the Spring Festival, Wanda accounts for as many as 67.

Chen Zhixi said that in the future, Wanda Film will continue to strengthen the high standards and high platform of the entire Wanda Studios, "continue to improve our service awareness and service quality, and create a very good viewing environment for the audience."

She was also thinking about how she used to feel like walking into a movie theater was like Chinese New Year because of the aroma of popcorn, so how could she make today’s young people fall in love with movies?

Awakening the enthusiasm of young people and making them willing to go to the cinema to watch movies has become a topic she and Wanda Film are eager to solve.

We are willing to learn more about movies and the charm of light and shadow. "Chen Zhixi hopes that under the environment of Wanda Film, she can take the initiative to change some business conditions, so that the theater can have more life-like and richer scene simulations.

"For example, in’The Trilogy of Consecrated Gods’, the props are so beautiful and the costumes are so beautiful. But after the movie is filmed, the audience is far away from them. As the end point of the movie, can we really hold some Consecrated Gods props for the director? I think that by transporting all those exquisite props and costumes to the theater, the audience can reach a deeper dimension of understanding and love for the movie."

The possibility of exploring cinemas also affects creators’ development at the front end. Judging from the current situation of the Chinese film market, a large proportion depends on box office revenue, 8% relies on Internet copyright recycling, and a very small part relies on derivatives.

In Chen Zhixi’s opinion, derivatives may be one of the paths for the recovery of film revenue in the future. "We hope that the life cycle of movies will become longer, and there can be more series movies." In particular, Wanda Film is currently developing and creating animated films in the "Bao Gong" series, and plans to create a more complete derivative system. "Animated films have more advantages in derivatives."

The animated film planned for this year’s Qixi Festival will be one of Wanda Film’s summer publicity projects. After the accumulation of the past two works, the film "will definitely have a very good derivative performance, which will really make the audience and characters, and even the film have emotional communication and interaction."

Many places have introduced online catering regulations, and takeaways need to indicate the time limit for consumption

  China News Service, Beijing, July 14 (Qiu Yu) Beijing, Shanghai and other places have introduced relevant regulations on online catering to strictly prevent the operation of "black workshops". China News Service (WeChat official account: cns2012) reporter investigation found that some third-party platforms did not publicize the merchant’s food business license, and the merchant did not mark the safe consumption time limit on the takeaway packaging according to local regulations.

  The consumer.

  When defending rights, I don’t know the "ten times compensation" rule

  How much should be paid if you eat unclean food when ordering takeout? Many consumers are unaware of this.

  Recently, Ms. Xu ordered takeout through a third-party platform for ordering food online, but ended up eating a worm. After complaining, she was only compensated with a 10 yuan voucher from the platform. Ms. Liu also had a similar experience. She ate cockroaches in takeout, and "the merchant proposed 300 yuan for private use." Both told reporters that they did not know the specific legal provisions.

  According to the Food Safety Law, if you produce food that does not meet food safety standards or operate food that you know does not meet food safety standards, in addition to claiming compensation for losses, consumers can also demand compensation from the producer or operator for ten times the price or three times the loss; if the amount of increased compensation is less than 1,000 yuan, it is 1,000 yuan.

  Zhang Liwen, a lawyer at Beijing Shi Law Firm, said in an interview with reporters that if it costs 70 yuan to order takeout, consumers can ask for an additional compensation of 1,000 yuan instead of 700 yuan, but he also reminded consumers that they should provide sufficient evidence to prove that the food "does not meet food safety standards".

  Merchant –

  The safe consumption time limit is not marked on the takeaway packaging.

  Many places have placed requirements on online catering packaging. Beijing, Sichuan, Fujian and other places require food to be marked with cooking time and safe consumption time limit. But when asked by reporters, several restaurant staff in Beijing said they were "not aware of this regulation" and would not put similar labels on takeaway packaging.

  The "Beijing Municipal Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Food Business (Interim) " clearly requires that food operators engaged in online ordering services should affix labels to food packaging, indicating the time of food processing and consumption, and reminding consumers to eat as soon as possible to avoid long-term storage.

  "This rule is reasonable and should be strictly enforced," Zhang Liwen pointed out. "When you go to a restaurant to eat, it is common sense that the food is newly made. But there is no supervision link when ordering takeout, and merchants should indicate when the food is made and how long it can be eaten."

  The reporter noticed that Beijing, Sichuan, and Fujian have relatively strict requirements for online catering packaging, while Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Liaoning have relaxed, "encouraging or recommending" affixing labels to indicate food processing time and consumption time limit.

  Platform –

  Unannounced merchant food business license

  In order to prevent "black workshops", Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian and other places not only require third-party platforms to review the food business license qualifications of online food operators, but also require third-party platforms to publicize information related to food business licenses on their websites.

  Beijing stipulates that third-party platform providers shall review and register the qualifications of food operators applying to enter the platform, timely update the operator’s identity certificate, food business license and other qualification certification materials, and publicize relevant information on the main page of their business activities.

  Reporters searched and found that the merchant pages of several well-known third-party platforms in Beijing did not publicize relevant qualification information. Although some platforms added a column of "merchant license", some merchants did not upload the license.

  "There are some difficulties in the process of verifying the qualifications of merchants," Meituan said. "The base of merchants is large, the verification time is long, and it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of the qualification documents of some merchants."

  The delivery man…

  There is a situation of "no health certificate" employment

  Shanghai, Beijing and other places require food delivery staff to obtain a health certificate. Meituan and Daojia Food Club both said that delivery staff must undergo a medical examination and obtain a health certificate before they can work. "This is a hard and fast rule."

  According to the Daojia Food Club, the company has a special person to register and manage the information of the employee’s health certificate. When the employee’s health certificate expires for one year, it will urge and supervise the employee to update and register.

  However, the reporter learned that in order to save costs, some merchants choose to deliver by themselves, sometimes hiring people to deliver food specially, and the compensation is calculated according to the singular number of delivery. Due to the high mobility of food delivery staff, they will not check whether they hold a health certificate, and there are also cases of "unlicensed employment".

  Extend –

  How to resolve online ordering disputes?

  On July 12, Mr. Yue attracted widespread attention by posting a Weibo post online in which he claimed that he had received 19 stitches after ordering food through at a store in Jinan called Marriott Donkey Meat Fire, where he was slashed at the door with a knife for giving a bad review.

  In an interview with reporters, Mr. Yue said that after the June 26 complaint, for as long as half a month, only said that it had upgraded the processing, and did not leave any contact information of the person in charge. "The processing of the merchant was only to close the online payment function for a week, and then continue to operate."

  In response, the official Weibo of responded on July 13, saying, "We oppose all violent words and deeds, and will not and cannot support any illegal party."

  Zhang Liwen believes that third-party platforms have the responsibility to deal with disputes. First, the platform should announce and punish the merchant’s behavior online; second, it should notify other third-party platforms and suggest that they carefully consider cooperating with the merchant, or blacklist the merchant and refuse to cooperate.

  He said that if consumers encounter food safety problems and merchants and platforms do not deal with them, considering the high cost of filing a lawsuit to the court, they can choose to go to the industry and commerce, food and drug administration or consumer associations to complain. It is recommended that relevant departments establish a quick handling mechanism to reduce the cost of consumer rights protection and ensure that consumers receive prompt and reasonable compensation.

  The Food Safety Law stipulates that the food and drug supervision and management, quality supervision and other departments of the people’s government at or above the county level shall publish the e-mail address or telephone number of the department to accept consultation, complaints and reports. If a consultation, complaint or report is received, it shall be accepted and promptly replied, verified and dealt with within the statutory time limit; if it is not the responsibility of the department, it shall be handed over to the department with the power to deal with it and notify the consultation, complaint and whistleblower in writing.

  The staff of the "12331" food and drug complaint hotline told reporters that if consumers can provide the specific location and name of the merchant, they can accept complaints and deal with them. (End)

This week, Jackie Chan and Wong Kar Wai meet to compete on the same day. Who will win?

1905 movie network feature andThe battle is not over yet, the week is over. This week, a total of nine new films were released, but the focus was on these two films, that isandWhich of these nine new films can I watch? How much are these two focus works worth looking forward to? Xiaodian helps you filter

"The Flying Tiger."

Director: Ding Sheng

Starring: Jackie Chan/Huang Zitao/Wang Kai/Wang Continental/Sang Ping/Wu Yonglun

Release Date: 2016-12-23

Duration: 123 minutes

Director Ding Sheng’s most well-known work in recent years was last year’s work. Whether it was the wonderful performance of supporting actor Wang Qianyuan or the inner impulse to eat dumplings after watching it, it was impressive. This year, Director Ding Sheng rushed into the New Year’s Eve stall with his new work and partnered with a group of big coffee.

After that, Jackie Chan, who worked with Ding Sheng three times, and Huang Zitao, Wang Kai and Wang Continental, who worked together for the first time, formed a folk anti-Japanese guerrilla team. They were all railway workers at Zaozhuang Railway Station on Jinpu Railway. Jackie Chan was the captain Ma Yuan, the foreman of the porters. They worked in the day and came out to fight the devils at night. The common people gave them a name called the Railway Flying Tigers.

The posters released so far in this film are all very beautiful, and the characters in the play are also very talkative. Several new actors and Xiao Xianrou have shown a funny side.

And for Jackie Chan, who was very desperate to film, this time it was still the same. He led the Flying Tigers in the Northeast at minus 20 degrees, on a 100-ton train head, completing various forms including skateboard train scraping, slide train scraping, and other extreme movements such as train jumping.

The film also did a lot of things, except for releasing a poster of the longest, longest and longest in history(The poster is too long, click here to view it.)In addition, there will also be scenes of a train crash in the movie.

They also used actors to create more than 80 memes, which can be used directly. (However, the release date is not the 30th in the picture, but the 23rd~)

The Ferryman.

Director and Screenwriter: Zhang Jiajia

Producer: Wong Kar-wai

Starring: Tony Leung/Takeshi Kancheng/Eason Chan/Angelababy/Zhang Rongrong…

Release Date: 2016-12-23

Duration: 128 minutes

Wong Kar-wai, who has been making a play for many years, has not released a new film, but has released a film he supervised, "The Ferryman".

The director of this play is the screenwriter Zhang Jiajia. "Passing Through Your World" has been released on National Day, and the story integrity of the script is not good. The problem of lines not speaking human words has been seen. This time, he not only wrote but also directed "Ferryman". Zhang Jiajia’s goodnight heart language lines will still appear in such an atmosphere, which is amazing. What kind of atmosphere? Let’s see what Takeshi Kancheng said:

Of course, Tony Leung and Takeshi Kancheng can be seen enjoying the performance of comedy when filming this drama. They have also transformed from the melancholy male gods of these years to the early Hong Kong-style comedies. They are funny and desperate.

However, it has to be said that these few words of Takeshi Kancheng are the same as what we feel when we see the trailer. I didn’t expect "Ferryman" to be a comedy. In the trailer that has been exposed so far, only a few lines are from Tony Leung, Takeshi Kancheng, Angelababy, Zhang Rongrong, Xiong Dailin, Jia Ling, Liu Yan. Other places are basically based on the narration of Tony Leung and Takeshi Kancheng.

These casts are very mixed, except for Tony Leung and Takeshi Kancheng, as well as Anglebaby, whose acting skills have been criticized, Dapeng, who has just given a wonderful performance in China, comedians Jia Ling and Cui Zhijia, as well as popular singers Li Yuchun, Little Fresh Meat Luhan, High Cold Muse Rhododendron and so on.

The film’s story is simple. Adapted from Zhang Jiajia’s novel, Tony Leung’s Chen Mo and Takeshi Kancheng’s Guan Chun open a bar and act as ferrymen, who can rescue people who come for help from their pain and bring them happiness and warmth. The nature of the story sounds very similar to another film, helping people solve difficulties and fulfill their wishes.

Of course, there is no shortage of emotional stories in "Ferryman". The current CPs are: Tony Leung and Du Juan, Takeshi Kancheng and Zhang Rongrong, Eason Chan and Angelababy.

"The world is like a book, I prefer your sentence, I would like to be a comma and stay at your feet. But you have your own reader, and I am just a ferryman." This is from Zhang Jiajia’s novel, let’s see if this sentence will become a narration or a line.

Next Page: Other New Films Next Week

New regulations on online takeout are about to be introduced, goodbye to "black workshops, fly houses"

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 30 Question: How does "the trouble on the tip of the tongue" stop coming? – Exploring the new coordinates of national food safety governance

  Xinhua News Agency reporter

  From "online takeaway" to "rest assured meat dishes", with the increasingly upgraded concept of national consumption, the people’s requirements for delicious food continue to increase. Eating healthy and safe is a "big deal" for the people, and every link in the food industry has also become the focus of attention of the people.

  Implement the food and beverage quality and safety improvement project, make "looking for a smiley face to eat" a consumer fashion, and use "bright kitchen and bright stove" to "light up" food safety… In recent years, the food and drug supervision department has strictly controlled every line of defense from farmland to dining table, zero tolerance for violations of laws and regulations, Kuaishou, and heavy punches.

  Platform checks: New regulations on online takeout are coming soon

  Statistics from the China Cuisine Association show that in 2016, the national catering income was 3.58 trillion yuan, of which the online ordering market reached 357.90 billion yuan, accounting for about 10%. While the huge market size poses challenges to supervision, online catering chaos such as "black workshops" and "fly halls" also brings "troubles on the tip of the tongue" to takeaway diners.

  According to industry insiders, "black workshops" and "fly halls" are frequent, the source is offline, and the root is on the platform. To manage the chaos of online ordering, the third-party platform also needs to play the role of "gatekeeper". Bi Jingquan, director of the State Food and Drug Administration, previously stressed that it is necessary to strictly implement the responsibility of the third-party platform for online catering services and ensure that the food business license displayed online is true, which is to ensure that the offline producers and operators must be brick and mortar stores, not "black workshops"; to ensure that the food is not contaminated during the delivery process, because the logistics company for the delivery is selected and designated by the third-party platform; to ensure that complaints against consumers are dealt with in a timely manner, because consumers order food and settle on the third-party platform.

  "Those who use the internet to provide catering services should have a physical store and obtain a food business license in accordance with the law," according to the "exposure draft" published by the Food and Drug Administration. Experts said that the "binding brick and mortar store" regulation will erect a "high-voltage line" at the source of online catering food production.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Second Division of the Food and Drug Administration, the next step is for the Food and Drug Administration to issue the "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Catering Services" to clarify the respective food safety responsibilities and obligations of online third-party service platforms, online catering service units, and food and drug regulatory authorities, standardize online catering service business practices, prevent and control online catering service food safety risks, and protect consumer rights and interests.

  Back Kitchen Live: The "Transparent Food Safety" behind the inter-provincial report

  Recently, a news that a user in Shandong Province reported a Jiangsu restaurant across provinces has caused heated debate in the industry. According to the surveillance video exposed by the user on the Internet, three people in chef’s clothes are suspected of not wearing masks, eating with their hands, and playing with mobile phones during meals. It is understood that this store is a Quanjude franchise store in Huaian, Jiangsu. Quanjude has ordered it to suspend business immediately for rectification.

  Why can Shandong netizens report across provinces? It turned out that the Huai’an Food and Drug Administration launched the "Food Safety + Internet" transparent co-governance system and established the "Huai’an Transparent Food and Drug Administration" network platform, which connected all the videos of "Mingchu Liangzao" to the network and was open to the society and accepted social supervision. Therefore, some Shandong netizens "reported across provinces" the behavior of restaurant employees suspected of not meeting relevant regulations.

  Zhong Kai, deputy director of the Kexin Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center, said that in the supervision process, not every restaurant has a supervisor watching every minute, but countless consumers may change into regulators at any time and participate in the co-governance of food safety society. This is the charm of "bright kitchen and bright stove" and "transparent food safety".

  "Although’bright kitchen and bright stove ‘is not the master key to solve all problems, it will become an important way for the public to participate in the social governance of food safety, and it will also become an important deterrent to illegal food production and operation," Zhong Kai said.

  It is understood that by the end of 2016, the number of catering service units that have implemented "bright kitchen and bright stove" in various places reached 902,600 households, an increase of 115% over the same period in 2015, an increase of 483,700 households; the catering service units that have implemented "bright kitchen and bright stove" accounted for 27.52% of the total number of licensed catering service units.

  The relevant person in charge of the Second Division of the Food and Drug Administration pointed out that the implementation of the "bright kitchen and bright stove" has given full play to the social supervision role of consumers, extended the supervision tentacles, further enhanced the pertinence and targeting of supervision, and to a certain extent realized the all-weather supervision of food safety in catering service units, effectively making up for the shortage of supervision personnel.

  Full chain traceability: scan the code to scan out the "past and present life" of a box of durians.

  Scan the barcode, check the origin, check the date… In the 52 Meitehao supermarkets in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, there are more than 60 food safety traceability inquiry machines "lurking", so that the ordinary people who come to shop directly praise "Buy safely and rest assured".

  "I am a’regular customer ‘of this machine." Li Nan Nan, who lives in Xinghua Street, Taiyuan City, told reporters that whether she is buying fresh meat, vegetables, fruits, etc., or choosing ordinary goods, she is used to checking on the supermarket traceability machine. The reporter’s experience found that picking up a box of durians, pointing the barcode at the scanning area, the system popped up the message of this box of durians: "Supplied by Qingxu County Agricultural Products Base" "Produced on July 14" "Shelf life is 5 days", and the attached "Agricultural Product Source Batch Certificate" clearly shows that the box of durians was purchased from Beijing Xinfadi Agricultural Products Wholesale Market – it took less than a minute to understand the entire product chain.

  Huang Dengyu, director of the Food Circulation Department of the Shanxi Provincial Food and Drug Administration, said that after the system is put into use, it can not only simplify the cumbersome bill retention management, but also realize the dynamic control of quality management "from farmland to table" and "from factory to table", escorting the safety of the tongue.

  Establishing a food safety traceability system is one of the priorities of this year’s food safety work, and it is also an important goal of the "13th Five-Year" National Food Safety Plan. It is understood that 30 provinces across the country have arranged the deployment of safe meat and vegetable demonstration supermarket creation activities based on local work conditions to promote enterprises to implement their main responsibilities. (Written reporter: Chen Cong; Participating reporters: Huo Yao, Dong Xiaohong, Bao Xiaojing, Shuai Cai)

The first Deep Blue G318 with Deep Blue Super Range Extension 2.0 is coming strong, creating a happy "mobile home"

On March 18th, the "Deep Blue G318 Experience Day and Deep Blue Super Range Extension Technology Evolution Day" was held in Chengdu. At this hardcore conference in the history of Deep Blue automobiles, Deep Blue Motors released the first hardcore SUV, Deep Blue G318 and Deep Blue Super Range 2.0. As the first "technology new hardcore" SUV of Deep Blue Motors, the release of Deep Blue G318 heralds its further expansion in the field of new energy. And Deep Blue Super Range 2.0 evolves for more savings, cooler and safer. It sits on 10 global firsts and enjoys 2 industry exclusives. It is a veritable decathlon champion and defines the highest standard in the field of range extension.

The first Deep Blue G318 with Deep Blue Super Range Extension 2.0 is coming strong, creating a happy "mobile home"

At the press conference, Deng Chenghao, CEO of Deep Blue Automobile, said, "It is easy to build a tram, but difficult to build a good tram, and even more difficult to build a good tram that makes consumers applaud. Deep Blue Super Range Extension was born to solve the pain points of trams and came to applaud users", demonstrating Deep Blue Automobile’s strong confidence in its own technology. This time, Deep Blue Super Range 2.0 has fully evolved, and refreshes the "hybrid ceiling" with "more economical, cooler and safer".

The first Deep Blue G318 with Deep Blue Super Range Extension 2.0 is coming strong, creating a happy "mobile home"

Deep Blue Super Range Extension 2.0 is more economical, cooler and safer

For most users, all the cool points of new energy vehicles come from electric drives, and all pain points come from batteries, such as battery life anxiety, inconvenient replenishment, battery safety, etc. And Deep Blue Super Range Extension 2.0 effectively solves the relevant painpoints under the premise of ensuring the complete release of electric drive cool points, bringing users an unprecedented driving experience.

The first Deep Blue G318 with Deep Blue Super Range Extension 2.0 is coming strong, creating a happy "mobile home"

Natural piggy bank:The Force Super Integrated Electric Drive 2.0 included in it has a 92.59% efficiency of the electric drive assembly, leading the world, allowing users to drive farther and use more. The Force Intelligent Range Extension 2.0 is equipped with a new Blue Whale engine and a special generator and drive motor system for range extension, which can achieve the world’s highest oil-to-electricity conversion efficiency of 3.63 kWh of electricity per liter of oil, and truly use less oil to generate more electricity.

Such a high oil-to-electricity conversion ratio is due to the fact that Deep Blue Automobile has mastered the core technology of the engine. The new Blue Whale engine adopts a number of leading technologies such as the world’s first 500bar ultra-high pressure fuel injection system and the world’s first 150mJ high-energy ignition system, achieving an ultra-high compression ratio of 16:1 and a world-class thermal efficiency of 44.28%. It ensures that the engine does not waste every drop of fuel, making the "natural piggy bank" worthy of its name.

Forever electric car feeling:The Force Superfocus Electric Drive 2.0 deeply integrates more than ten components and functions of the electric drive system, greatly reducing the weight and volume of the electric drive system and the electronic control system, and the power density of the electric drive assembly is as high as 2.53kW/kg, allowing "small size, low weight" to burst out strong power. The special generator equipped with the Force Intelligent Range Extension 2.0 has 100kW ultra-high peak power and 70kW continuous output power, which can ensure continuous power output even in the feeding state.

In addition, in terms of silent performance, the Force Intelligent Range Extender 2.0 starts the car’s range extender noise mutation ≤ 1dB (A) during travel, the idle charging car noise ≤ 35.9dB (A), and the in-situ start steering wheel vibration ≤ 0.04g; the Force Superset Electric Drive 2.0 electric drive assembly has a one-meter sound pressure level ≤ 75.1dB (A), which truly realizes non-inductive start and silent operation, allowing users to enjoy the "forever electric car feeling" super cool driving!

A sense of security at any time:The Golden Bell Battery 2.0 used in Deep Blue Super Range Extension 2.0 has four characteristics of "long life, true safety, super efficiency, and fast replenishment", which completely eliminates users’ concerns.

The high-stability standard battery used in it has a cycle life of > 5000cls, which is much higher than the cycle life of 3000-4000cls of ordinary lithium iron phosphate batteries. At the same time, the SOC calculation error of the golden bell battery is ≤ 3%, which leads the industry average and achieves 600,000 km attenuation without perception. The multi-dimensional system safety design based on intrinsic safety, passive safety and active safety effectively avoids thermal runaway. As of now, the dark blue car 150,000 super range extension users still maintain a "0" fire record.

The first Deep Blue G318 with Deep Blue Super Range Extension 2.0 is coming strong, creating a happy "mobile home"

In addition, the charging rate of the Golden Bell Battery 2.0 has been fully improved, and the charging time of 30% to 80% SOC is only 15 minutes. The first wide temperature range micronucleus high-frequency pulse heating technology, the temperature compatibility range is expanded to -30 ° C to 0 ° C, the power performance is increased by 55%, and the charging time is shortened by 30%. Under -30 ° C environment, the fast charging time of 0% -80% SOC is shortened by 40 minutes, which effectively solves the anxiety of users to replenish energy in winter.

The first dark blue super range extension 2.0 dark blue G318 solves the four major pain points of traditional hardcore

At the press conference, the dark blue G318, which is positioned as the "new hard-core technology", was unveiled simultaneously. In response to the four pain points of the traditional hard-core SUV’s similar shape, poor comfort, cramped space, and high energy consumption, the four major innovations of "new hard-core style, new hard-core comfort, new hard-core space, and new hard-core energy consumption" brought new choices to users.

The first Deep Blue G318 with Deep Blue Super Range Extension 2.0 is coming strong, creating a happy "mobile home"

New hardcore look:The dark blue G318 creates the appearance of the "Starship" with the design concept of "Cyber Metal, Rough Stone Cut". The front face of the "Warship" is tough and majestic; the rear of the "Space Gate" sci-fi car is full of futuristic feeling. In terms of interior, the built-in 14.6-inch large screen, with physical buttons, allows technology and hard style to combine. The Starship push-pull rod-type shift lever allows users to enjoy the surging power and a smooth driving feeling.

New Hardcore Comfort:The deep blue G318 adopts a combination of double fork arms + multi-link suspension, supplemented by air suspension, CDC suspension and active magic carpet, for more stable and comfortable handling. The R-EPS steering system with circulating ball power is more powerful and responsive, making the steering more accurate and smooth. High-strength seven-ring mesh body structure, the torsional stiffness of the body is 45000Nm/deg, which is much higher than that of common hard-core SUVs (mostly below 30000Nm/deg), making the whole vehicle have better NVH performance and dynamic comfort.

The deep blue G318 has two locks, a central stepless differential lock and a magnetic mechanical differential lock, which greatly improves the passability and comfort under extreme road conditions. The ET all-terrain system integrates 16 driving modes to easily cope with various road conditions. In particular, the in-situ U-turn function can reduce the minimum turning radius of the vehicle to 3.2 meters, achieving a 180-degree extreme U-turn!

New hardcore space:Thanks to the 5010 * 1985 * 1960mm body size and 2880mm long wheelbase, the dark blue G318 has a transverse room rate of 61% and a longitudinal room rate of 68%. Both front and rear passengers can get spacious and comfortable head and leg space. The front and rear seats can be completely flat, allowing users to choose between the "sofa bed" and the "1.8m queen bed". The 818L-1747L trunk space can accommodate up to 29 20-inch suitcases, which has a stronger loading capacity than the maximum of 12 for friends.

The first Deep Blue G318 with Deep Blue Super Range Extension 2.0 is coming strong, creating a happy "mobile home"

The dark blue G318 also has a strong extension space. The dynamic load-bearing capacity of the roof rack can reach 80kg, and the static load-bearing capacity is 300kg, which can expand into a large flat on the first floor and a small bungalow on the second floor; the rear and roof are equipped with 1.6T qualification tow hooks and the only roof searchlight in the industry that can be legally launched on the road. 6kW external discharge can meet the needs of 8 tents at the same time, making outdoor life more exciting!

New hardcore energy consumption:The dark blue G318 is the first to take the dark blue super range extension 2.0, with a pure electric cruising range of 190km and a comprehensive cruising range of more than 1000km. 1L of oil generates 3.63 degrees of power, reducing the fuel consumption of the feed to 6.7L/100km (CLTC), and the cost of using the car is lower.

Equipped with a dual-motor four-wheel drive system, the maximum power is 316kW, and it can burst out 6200N · m wheel end peak torque, and the zero-hundred acceleration is only 6.3s. All systems are equipped with ENC active noise reduction technology, allowing users to enjoy the "forever tram feeling" driving experience!

In terms of battery safety, the Golden Bell Battery 2.0 is used, with a built-in distance of more than 100mm and a ground clearance of 278mm-348mm battery pack, plus 10 layers of bottom protection, allowing for smooth outdoor travel without fear of bumps.

The first Deep Blue G318 with Deep Blue Super Range Extension 2.0 is coming strong, creating a happy "mobile home"

At the same time, Deep Blue Automobile simultaneously released the "318 National Highway Ecological Protection Plan": for every G318 sold in the future, 318 yuan will be set aside for the ecological protection of 318 National Highway and the construction of charging piles. In the next three years, Deep Blue Automobile will build no less than 1,000 Deep Blue charging piles in major hotels and homestays along 318 National Highway.

In addition, the "Deep Blue Car G318 Self-Driving Tour Club" was also officially established. The first batch of limited recruitment of 318,000 members can obtain two exclusive rights. First, before June 30, Dading users will receive a "double 318 National Highway Hot Spot Tour Package" worth 6,000 yuan, and enjoy the VIP remote service of Deep Blue Car throughout the process; second, they will have the opportunity to be invited to participate in the official 318 long-distance travel.

In today’s increasingly mature new energy vehicle market, users have increasingly high requirements for vehicle performance, battery safety, and energy economy, and Deep Blue Super Range 2.0 has successfully met these needs, not only bringing new technology paradigms to the industry, but also injecting new vitality into the development of the global new energy vehicle market. The Deep Blue G318 also starts from the actual pain points of users, and with a very forward-looking design concept, it shows the strength of hardliners that is completely different from traditional hardliners SUVs!

BYD, give me back my gearbox! Tang DM-p was upgraded reversely, which disappointed the old car owners.

At 8 o’clock on the evening of June 9, the long-awaited Tang DM-p finally officially appeared for pre-sale, with a pure battery life of 215 kilometers, a super intelligent electric four-wheel drive, an acceleration of 4.3 seconds at zero, and a fuel consumption of 6.5L per 100 kilometers, which is a performance benchmark of this level. Perhaps my expectations are too high. As the first generation of Tang car owners, I am slightly disappointed with the new Tang DM-p, and even think it is a compromise between technology and market.

Dynasty series is BYD’s pioneering work. Since the first generation of Qin and Tang Dynasties, it has established its position as a leader in new energy vehicles. In particular, the 542 strategy, Tang Zhanfanbang, eclipsed the joint venture car at the same level! Zero acceleration of 4.9 seconds, full-time electric four-wheel drive, in the 200,000-class SUV, Tang Yi rides the dust! Even under a million, there are few opponents. Since then, BYD has gained the first batch of fans, and I am one of them.

The first batch of Tang car owners, the pride of domestic cars was rooted in their bones. At that time, the 2015 Tang didn’t even have a small BSG motor, and it was said to be an oil tiger, but I could drive it below 6L (the road conditions were smooth), and even went to
get away
) specific fuel consumption. The running-in between people and cars has reached such a level as an armband, an automatic transmission car, and I can even control the engine rpm through mode switching and throttle depth, just like manual transmission.

In 18 years, the second generation of Tang Dynasty went on the market, and started the family design of Longyan, upgraded the BSG small motor, and the zero-hundred-speed acceleration was also improved to 4.5 seconds, which can be said to be a brand-new look from the inside out. At that time, the president of Volkswagen even came to Wan Li for a test drive, so that he was caught speeding and made a wave of advertisements for BYD for free.

Perhaps the starting point of Tang is too high. This time, Tang DM-p did evolve and upgrade in some places, but it also lost something. The prospective car owner may be happy, but for an old car owner like me, he is slightly disappointed. Tang DM-p still hasn’t evolved to the perfect appearance in my heart, and there are some grooves, so I really can’t spit it out.

First, what about the gearbox?

DM-i doesn’t need it, because it focuses on economy and fuel economy. Han DM-p can also use no gearbox, and the passability of the car determines that it can only take pavement. But as an SUV with main performance,Represents poetry and the distant Tang DynastyI think the gearbox is necessary.

EHS electric hybrid system can be more fuel-efficient and smooth, and the super intelligent electric four-wheel drive is realized by three-in-one rear electric drive, and its stability and difficulty relief are not inferior to the previous version. When using the gearbox, it is inevitable that there will be a sense of shifting, which will reduce the driving experience and increase fuel consumption. However, the gearbox has two advantages that ECVT can’t compare. The first isThe engine can be involved in the full speed range., the power bonus is higher. The second isOil and electricity systems are independent of each other, which can form double insurance..

ECVT (including all the existing DHT in 2nd and 3rd gears) has no starting gear, so once the battery, motor and circuit system fail, the engine cannot drive the vehicle alone. And the hybrid gearbox, such as the old Tang and Han DM, can run on pure oil, at the very least, the safety is more secure, and it will not squat halfway. It is more reliable when you drive long distances, even when you cross long distances.

Second, upgrade 2.0T to 1.5T?

Compared with the 2021 Tang DM, the power of Tang DM-p has not been significantly improved, and the official announcement is 4.3 seconds faster than the actual measurement. However, the old Tang DM was realized by 2.0T engine+dual motors with total power of 394kW, while the new Tang DM-p was realized by 1.5T engine+dual motors with total power of 480kW.

We don’t blow black, the displacement is small, the fuel consumption will inevitably decrease, and on this basis, the performance has not weakened, which can be regarded as an improvement. The old Tang DM lost 7.5L of electricity and fuel consumption, while the new one was reduced to 6.5L..

In addition, the thermal efficiency of the new 1.5T Xiaoyun engine is more than 40%, and the noise and vibration are obviously better than the old 2.0T If the new and old models are compared, the new NVH must be far superior to the old ones. Although I have not measured this, I can tell from the technical details.

However, it is 1.5T after all. In order to make the power reach the previous high standard, the motor power has to be increased, and in order to maintain the output of the motor, the battery has to be increased. So this is the Tang DM-p with a battery life of 215Km. butDon DM-p, in my mind, it should be 2.0T!

2.0T high thermal efficiency engine, BYD487ZQD, the thermal efficiency is actually not too high, 39% is enough, and the soul of Tang is not fuel-efficient. I think the fuel consumption of 7.5L is acceptable, because if it can be charged at home, it will still be driven by pure electricity most of the time. My old Tang needs 9L for electricity consumption, but I also have to worry about the expiration of gasoline. For most people, 80Km pure battery life is enough.

Third, don DM-p is still

BYD’s marketing level is a long story. before
The four-wheel drive version is called Song PLUS DM-i AWD, which is the same as adding a rear motor on the basis of the EHS hybrid of DM-i. And when I got to Han,
In addition, the rear motor realizes four-wheel drive, because the pure battery life is longer, it is called DM-P. Is there any rule for this naming? Who can tell me what is the difference between DM-i AWD and DM-p? Is the motor more powerful?

In fact, according to the classification defined by BYD itself, the current DM-p of Tang and Han should be called DM-i AWD. Because DM-p is defined as the ultimate performance, regardless of fuel consumption, it should be a 2.0T engine+a hybrid special gearbox with a starting gear (which can be an advanced version of DCT). On this basis, plus a large motor and a large battery necessary for a large motor, it should not be a problem to have a pure battery life of 200Km and a break of 4 seconds.

As a car, the solution of DM-i AWD (cash DM-p) is indeed better than the solution with gearbox. However, as an SUV, I still think that a gearbox is needed to add a heavy insurance to poetry and the distance.

In fact, from the change of naming, we can also see the internal entanglement of BYD. If the technical scheme of early DM-p was determined, there would not be such a freak as AWD on Song Plus DM-I. Maybe just call it
DM-P. I guess, when Song PLUS DM-i AWD was released, BYD didn’t deny that DM-p had a gearbox, and finally, for various reasons, it had to compromise with the market.

Fourth, high-cost solutions cut off the possibility of low prices.

Why does Tang DM-p need 215Km pure battery life? In fact, for most families, the average mileage of a year is 10,000 kilometers, and the average is only about 30Km kilometers per day. Therefore, it is enough to travel in the urban area with pure electricity for 80Km. Even if you run a little farther occasionally, the mileage of pure electricity is not enough. It is nothing more than using some oil. The long battery life is meaningless. But why do the pure battery life of Tang and Han DM-p exceed 200Km?

Because this is necessary for large motors, the battery pack must be large enough to support the voltage required for high power output of large motors! And the cost of the battery is real money, so the price of this generation of Tang Han is much more expensive than the previous generation. You can say it’s worth the money, but it’s not friendly to some friends with insufficient budget.

Fifth, the strength comparison of Tang DM-p products.

The above spit is mainly because I don’t agree with BYD’s technical route, butAs far as Tang DM-p is concerned, the improvement is still huge.. Even if it sells for more than 300 thousand, its product strength at this price is still the strongest, and the only thing that can compete with it is only.
DHT PHEV, plus 2021 Tang DM, we put the three cars together to compare the product strength.

1. compare mocha DHT PHEV:Mocha There are only two configurations of PHEV, one is the 252Km distinguished model equivalent to Tang DM-i, which has no advantage in price and battery life. The fast charge is only 60W, and it takes one hour to charge the battery to 80%. The advantage is that the power is better than that of Tang DM-i 252Km, which is 7.4 seconds, and Bitang DM-i’s performance of 8.5 seconds is more than one second faster. Compared with the two-drive version, it is obvious that the newly released Tang DM-i 252 honor is more worth buying.

The four-wheel drive version, which corresponds to Tang DM-p, is slightly inferior in power, but the gap between 4.8 seconds and 4.3 seconds does not make much sense for home use. Tang DM-p has longer battery life and stronger fast charge. The specific configuration is basically the same horizontal line, while Tang DM-p has a wide temperature range heat pump air conditioner, which has obvious advantages in winter endurance.

In addition, Mocha has five seats, while Tang provided seven-seat and six-seat versions.

Previously, my evaluation of Moka DHT PHEV was before the release of Tang DM-p, and it was 300,000 SUV with the highest cost performance, and there was no one. Sure enough, after the release of Tang DM-p, the most cost-effective 300,000 SUV was taken away.

2. Compare 21 Tang DM models.The price ranges of the two cars do not overlap, so they do not constitute direct competition. Tang DM has only two advantages. The first is its low price. Although it is a product of the previous generation, its performance is not weak. The second is that the oil and electricity systems are independent of each other, which is equivalent to double insurance. However, in other respects, it is definitely a penny for a penny. The pure battery life of Tang DM-p is 215Km. You may not need it, but the money is spent in place, and the surplus is better than nothing. Moreover, the power is insufficient and the fuel consumption is much lower than that of the same class fuel vehicle.

In addition, the biggest improvement is assisted driving. In the past, Tang DM’s assisted driving was only L2 level on the passing line, and the top models only had parallel auxiliary function. The new Tang DM-p has reached the level of quasi-L3, ACC adaptive cruise supports stop-and-go mode, forward and backward travel tips, blind spot monitoring, active lane keeping system, automatic parking in the whole scene … and the safety has also increased by one level.

The second is fast charging. Previously, the most popular voice of old riders was the fast charging function. For Tang DM with 80Km battery life, fast charging is of little significance, because no matter how fast it is filled, it can only run 80Km. However, for the pure battery life of 215Km, it is worthwhile to charge 80% in 20 minutes. 200Km requires 13L of oil. If it can be recharged, it can save more than 100 yuan of oil money.

Sixth, Tang DM-p, DM-i, DM and EV purchase suggestions.

1. It is recommended not to be obsessed with SUV. If it is only for urban transportation, I recommend Han DM-p more. The budget is more than 280 thousand,
More fragrant.

2, there is no demand for four-wheel drive, home to buy Tang DM-i 112Km battery life version, starting at 202,800, cheap is the last word! 112Km pure battery life is enough for most families. The long battery life of 252Km is 80 thousand expensive, which is highly recommended! If you have that budget, you might as well buy DM-P.

3. I want to buy a car after retirement in go on road trip, and I recommend 21 models of Tang DM on the grounds of double insurance. If you have enough budget and don’t go to too remote places, you can also choose Tang DM-p with fast charging, and the cost of comprehensive vehicles is lower.

4. Do not travel far, meet the needs of family cars,
Since you don’t travel far and drive in the city, the two drives will be enough. Unless you are in a northern city, you need to deal with icy roads. The battery life depends on your travel radius. There is no difference between 730Km and 500Km for a pure tram, only the difference between sufficient and insufficient.Make sure you don’t plan to drive long distances. EV smells better than DM-i and DM-p, although it is more expensive..

5. Tang DM-p configuration suggestionsPersonally, the most cost-effective one is the middle-equipped exclusive type, which has a lot more active safety configuration and comfort configuration than the low-equipped one, and can be equipped with a six-seat enjoyment combination suit, with a 2+2+2 seat layout for 10,000 yuan, and the second row of seats can be upgraded with ventilation, heating, massage and lumbar support, which is very cost-effective. Low matching is not recommended, and the loss of 20 thousand yuan difference is too much. The top matching mainly adds an active suspension, and supports full-scene automatic parking, Brembo brake calipers and differential locks. Of course, the budget is sufficient, but the cost performance is not higher than that of the middle matching model.

Write it at the endIn fact, Tang DM has basically reached the ultimate performance of family cars in the previous generation, so that it is difficult for the new model to achieve any substantive breakthrough. Moreover, although Tang is the flagship model of the dynasty family, it is not the top in BYD’s product system, the legendary high-end brand (starry sky? It is getting closer and closer to us, whether it is spit or disappointment, it must still be admitted that Tang DM-p is a 300,000-level SUV with the strongest product strength. Even if there is only a small step forward, it is also breaking through yourself.

Huawei’s technology is a masterpiece, and the M9 interior is exposed. Three giant screens+luxury hardcover, mobile living room.

"The best SUV within 10 million", the interior was exposed!

With the official appearance of Huawei’s flagship SUV M9, the real car interior map was exposed just last weekend.

Source: Network

Judging from the picture, the M9 in the asking world focuses on luxury and simplicity, adopting the popular ones.Sanlian screen designThere is also a large area of leather wrapped and decorated with brown wooden decorative plates.

The official previously said that the design of the exterior design was inspired by the "Kun Peng" in Zhuangzi’s book "Happy Travel", which belongs to the world.Brand-new family designIt is obviously different from M7 and M5, and the functions such as headlights and air inlet duct are also integrated.

Self-contained appearance and interior, as well as a series of intelligent configurations blessed by Huawei. Let Yu Chengdong bluntly say that M9 is "The best SUV within 10 million yuan",even" the most powerful SUV you can see on the road. "

At present, the most anticipated thing is the selling price, and now M9 has opened the reservation. The ideal price of "the best SUV within 5 million" is 429,800. How much will M9, the best SUV within 10 million, sell?

Let’s take a look at the highlights of the exposed interior.

Wenjie M9 adopts a brand-new interior design language, and is not equipped with the same floating central control panel as M7 and M5.

The biggest change is that there are more screens. Counting the HUD, there are four large screens in the front row. Previously, it was reported that the M9 car will appear the most. 10 screensFrom this point of view, even if there is one person in the car, there is still wealth.

Source: Network

After the dashboard, the central control big screen and the passenger entertainment screen are lined up, the screen size is very amazing, and it supports the AR-HUD head-up display system. Huawei said that it is mass production in the industry.HUAWEI AR-HUD with the largest frame, which can achieve the display effect equivalent to a maximum of 10 meters away and a maximum of 96 inches.

In the middle area of the steering wheel, it is different from the polygon design of M5 and M7. The M9 is round and surrounded by chrome trim, which adds a sense of luxury.

Not surprisingly, the central control screen of M9 will integrate Huawei’s latest 4. 4.0 Intelligent cockpit system.

In August this year, Huawei released a new smart ecosystem of HarmonyOS 4 at the developer conference. As a part of Huawei’s ecology, HarmonyOS 4 also ushered in an upgrade in terms of car machines.

Huawei revealed that under the blessing of HarmonyOS 4, the HarmonyOS cockpit will be realized from single person and single equipment.Multi-person and multi-device collaborative experience.

The newly upgraded HarmonyOS cockpit supports multi-screen simulcast, and multi-screen sharing allows the front and rear passengers in the car to watch movies synchronously. HarmonyOS distributed soft bus technology can connect Huawei MatePad Pro with the car, and the video selected for playing in the front row can be transferred to the back panel in real time.

Previously highly praised in the worldSuper desktop functionIt has also been optimized. For example, the cooperation between the mobile phone and the car machine is smoother, and the game on the mobile phone can be seamlessly transferred to the car machine, and the game can be played with the handle and the central control big screen in the car.

The super desktop also increases the circulation of the operation interface of the drone. When users use the drone, they can use the super desktop to use the cockpit screen as a display screen and control the drone through the cockpit screen in the car.

The head application in the super desktop has also increased voice control. In terms of intelligent voice control, the data released by Huawei shows that at present, 87.6% of cockpit operations are completed by voice assistant Xiaoyi.

At the same time, the entertainment screen of the M9 passenger car will be expected to be equipped with "Light field screen",known as the integration of liquid crystal display technology and space optical technology, and using original optical engine technology, has the characteristics of large frame, depth of field, low motion sickness and eye relaxation.

It is worth noting that in the exposed photos, a round object can also be seen above the center console, which is suspected to beSpeech recognition robotIt is a bit like NOMI from Weilai. Some people speculate that this component may realize the related functions and interactions of Huawei’s own audio system HUAWEI SOUNDS.

In other details, the M9 is equipped with a button-type door handle and a lever-type window control button. The steering wheel is equipped with a three-position multifunctional design, and the air conditioning outlet is equipped at the bottom of the center console screen.Dual wireless charging of mobile phoneThere are a few physical buttons and crystal control knobs below.

Source: Network

In terms of materials, the car is wrapped in a lot of leather, decorated with brown wooden decorative plates, and equipped with headrest cushions.

On the whole, the interior design of the M9 is more radical than before, gradually moving closer to the big screen and multi-screen, and paying more attention to creating a sense of luxury in the car.

After seeing the interior, let’s talk about the appearance.

Wen Jie M9 did not follow the previous designs of M5 and M7, but adopted a brand-new design language. The official said that it was inspired by the beast in the ancient Chinese book "Happy Wandering"roc”。

The front face is closed, instead of adopting split headlight design, the traditional shape is used. In the center of the headlight, a light bar is designed that runs horizontally. The front bumper and side skirt of the car body are also decorated with a circle of chrome trim, which is matched with the two-color spliced car body.

In the whole appearance, the most technical explosion is the headlight combination of the front of the car.

In a word, when Audi wakes up overnight, the name of "Centennial Lamp Factory" may change hands?

The headlights of the M9 are adopted.Digital pixel structureThe high beam, low beam, daytime running light and intelligent interactive light are all gathered in the same lampshade, which Huawei officially calls. XPixel intelligent car light.

This combination of smart car lights can project all kinds of characters, patterns and animation effects. In Yu Chengdong’s words, the interactive ability is "beyond your imagination".

At the end of September, at the new product launch conference of Huawei’s autumn full scene, Huawei released the HUAWEI xPixel smart car light solution. This scheme provides double lamps. 2.6 million pixel projectionAnd it has the only dual-lamp precise fusion algorithm ability in the industry, which improves the night vision ability by 185%.

How smart can this so-called smart headlight be?

First of all,Turn on the high beam at willAnd will not disturb the driver of the opposite vehicle.

When the high beam shines on the opposite car, it will not shine on the driver’s eyes in that position, which is equivalent to picking out the driver’s position, another sense of "human body stroke."

Secondly, this smart light set can also help you.Test road width.

When passing through a narrow road, sometimes the width of the road is uncertain. If you don’t know if you can drive the car, you can open the width-testing lamp blanket, and the light can help you pass, and give a hint whether you can pass.

In addition, this carpet can also "turn”。

When the vehicle changes lanes, it can turn on the "S"-shaped headlights and let the lights be laid on the road to remind other drivers of the lane change path of the vehicle. In the demonstration video released by Huawei a few days ago, this magical light carpet can measure the distance forward, show the distance from the car, and prevent rear-end collision, and the tunnel will automatically light up.

In addition to the above functions, this set of smart headlights can also throw a light carpet on the ground after the M9 is started, which can not only broadcast the weather, but also play holiday eggs, and even follow the music and atmosphere lights.

Oh, yes, and "Lighting animation",a huge Huawei logo, always hints at your attribute bonus of Huawei.

Yu Chengdong’s idea is that this lamp can be used for watching movies, singing songs and expressing oneself. According to Huawei’s plan, more DIY content should be added in the future.

Compared with the gaudy front of the car, the design of the side of the new car is relatively simple and calm, and the waist line, window line and roof line are very straight.

The same is true for the rear of the car. The taillights of the M9 match the headlights, and the overall shape is consistent. The middle is a light bar that runs horizontally, and the outer side also uses a large-area dot matrix light source.

Judging from the real car diagram, the appearance of the boundary M9 is one word: big.

The flagship SUV of Panoramic Wisdom, which is positioned by M9, is indeed very large in size. The length, width and height of the new car are 5230/1999/1800mm, respectively, with a wheelbase. 3110mm.

Source: Network

In terms of seat layout, like the ideal L9, Jiejie M9 adopts a 6-seat design of 2+2+2, in which the second row of seats is an independent executive seat, and all six seats in three rows in the car support electric adjustment.

However, the M9 will also offer a variety of seating modes.Can switch 3, 4, 5 and 6 seats in various layout forms..

There is no doubt that the first competitor that M9 faces is the ideal L9. Ideal L9, a six-seat flagship SUV owned by Ideal, once topped the sales list of large SUVs in China.

In terms of body size, the length, width and height of L9 are 5218x1998x1800mm and the wheelbase is 3105mm, which are basically the same for both sides, but the length and wheelbase of M9 are slightly larger than L9, and 22-inch wheels are standard.

A blogger who broke the news before said that he asked about the space in the second row of M9.Invincible and spacious",inferred from the layout of the photos of the third row of seats transmitted by the internet, the second row of seats should be transferred to the back when the photos were taken, which shows that the adjustable range of the second row is great.

Source: Network

All the seats in the car are provided with electric slide rails, and there are MagLink magic suction car interfaces behind the seats, and the third row provides water cup holders, air conditioning outlets, stereos and other configurations.

And the ideal L9 two or three rows of spatial data are as follows:

It is reported that Wenjie M9 has achieved the same flat floor as MPV, with three rows of access without steps. Therefore, it is speculated by the industry that maybe Yu Chengdong is not going to "touch" L9 with M9 this time, but is going to catch the thief first, aiming at the ideal super flagship-Mega.

When the ideal MEGA has not yet appeared, the ideal aspect has been put forward many times, and MEGA will become Above 500,000 yuan, the market sales volume is the first., regardless of vehicle type and power form.

And the pre-sale interval of the M9 in the world is 500,000-600,000 yuan, and the two sides are full of gunpowder, and the war is on the verge.

However, the ideal MEGA is only powered by pure electricity, and the M9 provides it.Pure electric and extended range power versions.

Among them, the pure electric version of the front/rear drive motor power is 160kW/230kW, with a total power of 390kW, which will be equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited ternary lithium battery, with comprehensive battery life. 600km.

The extended range version will be equipped with a 1.5T range extender, with a maximum power of 112kW, the power of the front and rear drive motors of 165kW/200kW respectively, and the total power of the system of 365kW. Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited ternary lithium battery is also used, with a pure battery life of 175km.

In other configurations, Wenjie M9 will also provide Huawei ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving assistance, rear laser projection, laser radar, 800V fast charging and other configurations.

According to the official news, the M9 will be listed in December, which is also the second confrontation between Huawei and Ideality after the M7. As for who can win, it depends on whether M9 can be listed like M7.

Song MAX DM//Tang EV and other BYD new car prospects in 2019.

  [car home News] Although the past 2018 was not a "good year" for many brands, for BYD, which has been deeply rooted in the field of new energy, this brand still maintained a high growth rate in the case of cold car market last year. Judging from the published data, BYD sold a total of 520,700 vehicles throughout the year, up 27.09% year-on-year. Among them, there are 247,800 new energy vehicles and 272,900 fuel vehicles, basically achieving an equal share of new energy and fuel vehicles. From the brand sales data, this achievement is still very good in the case of weak automobile market last year.

  In the next 2019, BYD will have many new cars on the market. After our combing, BYD will launch three new energy vehicles, including (|)EV 600, Song MAX DM and e1(F0 EV). In addition, S1, Song and brand-new large and medium-sized riders will also join the battle. Let’s take a look at these new cars together.

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BYD Auto Outlook in 2019 brand car make and model Time to market page number BYD Song MAX plug-in hybrid version within the year first page BYD Tang EV 600 In March this year first page BYD Brand-new medium and large cars (Han? ) within the year first page BYD Quanxin song within the year Second pages BYD S2 within the year Second pages BYD e1 within the year Second pages

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● Song MAX DM

Time to market: within 2019
New car features: the styling design has been upgraded/the comprehensive torque is 740 Nm.

  The plug-in hybrid version of Song MAX has made a lot of noise last year, and this car will be officially launched this year. After the new car adopts plug-in hybrid technology, the highest comprehensive torque reaches an astonishing 740 Nm, and the appearance is slightly different from that of the gasoline version, and the interior part is more scientific and technological.

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  In appearance, the design of the plug-in hybrid version of Song MAX is different from that of the gasoline version. For example, the style of the front grille will change, and the shape of the fog lighting strips on both sides will be slightly different. At the same time, this car is also equipped with multi-spoke wheels. The charging port of the car is located on the right rear fender.

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  In the interior part, this plug-in hybrid version is equipped with a rotatable large-size screen used in the official map earlier, which is more scientific and technological. In terms of details, the "Song" logo on the steering wheel of the plug-in hybrid version has become a blue font, and it also uses the same electronic gear as Song DM, which is very high-grade. In the back row, we can see that the car is equipped with rear air conditioning control buttons, 220V power supply, USB interface and so on.

  In terms of power, the new car uses a 1.5T turbocharged engine with a 6-speed dual-clutch gearbox, and at the same time, it is equipped with front and rear dual motors. The maximum power of both motors is 110 kW and the maximum torque is 250 Nm. The comprehensive power and torque of the power system are 333kW and 740N·m respectively.

● Song MAX EV

Time to market: within 2019
New car features: different design/pure electric drive

  This year, apart from the plug-in hybrid model, Song MAX is expected to launch. We also learned from the application information of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology that BYD has declared the pure electric version of Song MAX, a 6/7-seat MPV model with hot sales in the current market. This model inherits the family design of the fuel version, and the exterior design is only different in the middle net and the lower enclosure.

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  BYD Song MAX pure electric version has a body size of 4680*1810*1680mm and a wheelbase of 2785, which is completely consistent with the fuel version. The front face still uses the "Dragon Face" family design language. The difference from the fuel version lies in the design of the middle net, which adopts the plate array shape similar to armor, and the chrome-plated horizontal stripes in the fog light area are also slightly different from the fuel version. Tyre size is 225/50 R18, and the rim adopts ten-spoke slender stripe shape.

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  In terms of optional configuration, it is known that sunroof, luggage rack, keyless entry, lane keeping, privacy glass, panoramic image, side air curtain, wheel core cover, etc. will be installed on different versions of vehicles as optional accessories. In addition, we also see from the application information that the car is rated to carry 6/7 passengers, so it can be inferred that the car may launch two versions of 6-seat and 7-seat like a fuel car.

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  In terms of power, the pure electric version of BYD Song MAX will use a permanent magnet synchronous motor with a peak power of 120kW, and the power battery will use a ternary lithium battery with a maximum speed of 150 km/h. We know that BYD will digitally mark the cruising range of pure electric vehicles at the rear, but from the pictures provided by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, it is difficult to determine whether the car is EV500 or EV600.

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  Although Song MAX’s plug-in hybrid model is based on the gasoline version, it has been greatly improved in terms of vehicle performance. If nothing else, the comprehensive torque of 740 Nm alone is enough to join the "sports car" club, and its arrival is a boon for consumers who have certain requirements for vehicle performance. As for the pure electric version, BYD’s pure electric drive technology is also quite mature, so there is no need to worry about technology, and it is expected to have a good performance.

  Combined with the information of the plug-in hybrid version of Song MAX and pure electric vehicles exposed this time, they will undoubtedly drop a blockbuster in the domestic MPV market after their launch. After all, hybrid or new energy MPVs are rare in the market, and BYD’s move will certainly enhance its competitiveness in the MPV model market.

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● Tang EV
Time to market: February 2019
New car features: BYD SUV and new energy SUV product series flagship/Roewe and other brands are direct competitors.

  Tang’s car is in the limelight in the new car market in 2018. In addition to the fuel version and plug-in hybrid version that have already been listed, the pure electric drive Tang EV model was also launched in June 2018, and it was opened at the Guangzhou Auto Show in 2018. Pre-sale,The pre-sale price range is 260,000-360,000 yuan.0-100km/h takes 4.5 seconds.

BYD Tang New Energy 2018 EV High Match

  As a new member of the Tang family, the biggest change in the design of Xintang EV comes from the grille. The brand-new matrix grille is consistent with the concept car of the previous dynasty, and its shape is like the armor of the Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses. At the same time, the front side of the car is surrounded by larger chrome decoration and its shape is sharper.

BYD Tang New Energy 2018 EV High Match

  Viewed from the side, the side of the new car is consistent with the DM version, and adopts the hidden C-pillar and D-pillar design. It is worth mentioning that the car will be equipped with 265/40 R22 horse brand tires and Brembo’s six-piston calipers. It is difficult to see the difference between the tail shape and the Tang DM version, and the taillight group still uses integrated LED light source.

BYD Tang New Energy 2018 Tang EV

  In terms of interior modeling, the interior of BYD Tang EV is consistent with the DM version of Tang, and the whole is very simple. The rotatable central control screen and full LCD instrument panel still appear on the new car, and the shift lever is replaced by an electronic gear lever. It is understood that the car will provide 2+3+2 and 2+3 seat layouts for consumers to choose from in the future.

BYD Tang New Energy 2018 EV High Match

  In terms of power, the new car is equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous motor with a maximum power of 180 kW (245 HP). According to the application information, the new car will launch three kinds of endurance models: EV500, EV550 and EV600.

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  In the field of new energy, BYD is undoubtedly the leader of China brand car companies. After years of research and development, the plug-in hybrid technology of this enterprise has now entered the third generation product cycle, which is not only updated in technology, but also better in function and reliability. Pure electric vehicles have always been BYD’s main direction, so the arrival of Tang EV is not abrupt. It’s just that the pre-sale price of this new car up to 360,000 yuan after listing may discourage some consumers who pay attention to it. After all, there are plenty of options in this price range. Therefore, it also means that it has to face more pressure from competitors, but with the help of national policies and BYD’s own strength, I believe this car will have this good market prospect.

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● Brand-new medium and large cars
Launch time: or in 2019
New car features: BYD’s new product sequence/expected to be adopted.

  Speaking of the models in BYD’s product sequence, medium and large cars have always been the products that everyone is looking forward to. As early as 2015, there was news that BYD was developing a new medium and large car. According to BYD’s naming method, this car is likely to be named "Han".

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  At present, the specific shape of this car has not been exposed, but according to the information we obtained, BYD Han’s body length, width and height are 4950/1890/1490mm and the wheelbase is 2940mm, which is likely to be positioned as a medium-sized and large car. In other words, it will be the flagship model of BYD car products after its launch.

Tesla MODEL S 2015 MODEL S P90D

"Tesla model sp90d"

  What is more noteworthy is that this car is equipped with a stronger plug-in hybrid system, which consists of a 2.0T engine and a 150 HP motor, while the four-wheel drive version will also use a 476 HP motor at the rear axle. Under such a powertrain blessing, BYD Han’s 0-100km/h acceleration time is expected to reach 2.9 seconds, reaching the same level as Tesla MODEL S P90D.

  In addition, in terms of configuration, according to the information that has flowed out, this car is expected to be equipped with ACC adaptive cruise, electric suction door, head-up display, lane keeping assistance, electric rear spoiler, trunk that can be opened by induction, etc. Generally speaking, it is rich.

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  Although in recent years, China brands like to get together to release products in the SUV market, the car market can’t be ignored. As long as there are good products, there is no need for consumers to recognize them. BYD’s new generation Qin, which was listed soon, is such an example. Looking at BYD’s layout in the car market, the existing models are still concentrated in the field of compact cars. When it comes to medium and large cars, this brand has not been involved for the time being, but this level of models can play a role in enhancing the brand image and has a positive effect on the establishment of consumer confidence. Establishing the flagship product is the only way for a car company that wants to build a better brand, so we also expect this car to meet with you in recent years.

BYD Qin L will be listed soon: the price may reach 120 thousand, and the fuel consumption performance is amazing.

[ITBEAR technology information] on February 6 th, recently, BYD Qin family welcomed a new member-BYD Qin L. This new car has passed the declaration of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which indicates that it will meet with consumers soon. As an upgraded version of BYD Qin series, Qin L is positioned as a medium-sized car, which is between Qin and Han, providing more choices for the market.

It is reported that BYD Qin L has received much attention in the warm-up stage. Some bloggers broke the news that the starting price of the new car may be around 120,000 yuan, which is 20,000 yuan higher than the current Qin Plus DM-I. However, the difference of 20,000 yuan is not aimless, because Qin L will be the first vehicle equipped with DM5.0 technology, and its NEDC fuel consumption is only about 2.9L, which is far lower than the current 3.8L of Qin PLUS. This remarkable improvement will undoubtedly attract many consumers who have higher requirements for fuel consumption.

In terms of body size, BYD Qin L shows the advantages of medium-sized cars. Its length, width and height are 4830mm, 1900mm and 1495mm respectively, and its wheelbase reaches 2790 mm. This data is obviously larger than the existing Qin PLUS series models, which makes Qin L have more room to play in the internal space. At the same time, the total mass of the new car is 2035kg, and the kerb mass is 1660kg, which ensures the stability and safety of the vehicle.

In design, BYD Qin L continues BYD’s family-style "Dragon Face" design language. Its front face is equipped with a huge air intake grille, and it is available in two styles: hot stamping or not. Both sides of the grille are equipped with C-shaped air ducts, which makes the whole front look sporty. The side of the car body adopts smooth line design to create an elegant and dynamic car body posture.

In terms of power, BYD Qin L is equipped with an engine with a displacement of 1498ml, with a maximum power of 74kW. According to ITBEAR technology information, the new car will also adopt a brand-new hybrid system-the fifth-generation DM-i hybrid system, with a brand-new hybrid chassis code-named "P5" and a former McPherson rear four-bar independent suspension. This series of technical upgrades will make Qin L reach a higher level in power and economy. In addition, the new car also offers two pure electric cruising ranges of 60km and 90km, with corresponding battery capacities of 10.08kWh and 15.874kWh respectively.

Generally speaking, the appearance of BYD Qin L has undoubtedly brought new vitality to the medium-sized car market. Its upgraded size, design and power system make it a leader in its class. In the future, we have reason to expect BYD Qin L’s performance in the market.
