"Don’t Call Me" Gambling God "Beijing Conference was a special occasion. Chow Yun Fat and Anita Yuen gathered in" Parent-child Run "

On June 18th, Father’s Day, a special activity in a park in Beijing-the movie "Don’t call me a gambler" and "Father’s Day Parent-child Run in 2023" kicked off. Starring Chow Yun Fat and Anita Yuen, director Anthony Pun, screenwriter Zhuang Wenqiang, producer Huang Bin, art director Man Lim Chung, producers Yu Dong, Chen Huilian and other creative artists attended the event together, extending the plot of father and son’s blood running in the film to the outside of the play. Humor at the scene shows that he plays a gambler in this film, but "he fell in love with running and stopped gambling", and together with 100 groups of parent-child runners composed of father and children, he completed a 5-kilometer running activity and celebrated Father’s Day.

Don’t call me "gambler"

No score yet

The plot was released in Hongkong, China on June 21st, 2023.

The movie "Don’t call me a gambler" will be released nationwide on June 21st during the Dragon Boat Festival, and the pre-sale has been fully opened. I look forward to Fage’s "running" on the big screen and making great strides all the way.

In the movie "Don’t call me" God of Gambling ",Chow Yun Fat plays Wu Guanghui, who is addicted to gambling for half his life. When he falls into the trough of his life, he is inspired by his sudden son, and his father and son run together to awaken each other’s love, which also rekindles Wu Guanghui’s love for life. The "2023 Father’s Day Parent-child Run" activity initiated by this film is to extend the plot in the film to the outside of the play, and invite 100 groups of father and son to run for love together.

On the same day, Chow Yun Fat, who was on the runway with many runners, was in high spirits, but he couldn’t hide his healthy figure created by running. Fage said that he insisted on running for many years, which not only made his body better, but also made many friends, and admitted that "today’s activities are as caring, warm-hearted and heartfelt as the film." And Jing Jing Anita Yuen added humorously that he had "practiced for a week" for today’s activity and called on all runners to "run well with Brother Fa!"

Among the runners, some fathers took their children to participate in activities, and some young friends came with their parents, which was very suitable for Father’s Day. In addition, Jin Qiaoqiao, Huo Siyan and Uh-huh also attended the activity and joined the running group. Before the game, Fage warmed up with the runners and took a group photo at the starting line, which pushed the atmosphere of the event to a climax.

After the event, Chen Qingyi, vice president and general manager of Bona Film Group, Liang Feng, co-founder and CEO of Yuepao Circle, Hou Qi, Party branch secretary and executive director of Beijing Lvxin Garden Co., Ltd., and Na Heli, general manager of Beijing Lvxin Garden Co., Ltd. fired the starting gun together, and Fage rushed out of the starting point with the film creator and the parent-child runner, and successfully reached the finish line after a 5-kilometer run. Fage, who finished the race, said with emotion that he saw so many excellent runners today, "I will continue to exercise myself."

At the end of the activity, Fage and Anita Yuen presented medals to the 10 runners who took the lead in crossing the finish line, and selected a number of lucky spectators to give movie tickets, which ended the happy and energetic parent-child running activity.

Holding this parent-child running activity on Father’s Day complements the theme of the movie "Don’t call me a gambler". In the movie, the booster for Wu Guanghui and his son to move towards a new life is running, which makes them rekindle their hopes for life together. At the scene, Fage said that his role in the film was once a bad man, but in the end he understood the responsibility of the family and "brought warmth to his family".

Anita Yuen, who plays Wu Guanghui’s lover in the movie, bluntly said that although the movie is about father and son, he sent his son back to Wu Guanghui. "No matter what happens, the family should be together.". Yu Dong, chairman of Bona Film, also said: The film is related to running and also to his father. "I believe the audience will be moved by the film."

The gross profit margin of this airline is higher than that of Maotai?

Text | BT Financial Data Pass, Author | Three Crazy

Cathay Pacific has been controversial because of its attitude towards non-English-speaking passengers, but this does not affect its ultra-high profit margin.

In May 2023, Cathay Pacific was pushed to the forefront because of the blanket incident. Some passengers accused the flight attendants of showing obvious discrimination when providing blankets to non-English passengers. This incident quickly sparked heated discussion on social media.

In fact, this is not the first time that Cathay Pacific has attracted public attention because of discrimination. In the past few years, similar incidents have been common, and every time they have caused widespread discussion and criticism in society. However, Cathay Pacific does not seem to have learned from these incidents, and its service attitude has not been fundamentally solved.

Looking back at the long river of history, the development history of Cathay Pacific is accompanied by glory and shadow.

Since its birth in 1946, Cathay Pacific has carried the dream of Hong Kong’s take-off. At that time, Hong Kong was in the midst of a booming economy, and the founders of Cathay Pacific, Dragonair and Singapore Airlines were ambitious and determined to write their own legends in this hot land. They bravely embarked on the journey with a small plane and several short-haul routes.

However, the road to entrepreneurship is not smooth sailing. Cathay Pacific opened international routes and bought new aircraft during the expansion period, but its management means and technical level are still immature. Facing the competition of international aviation giants, Cathay Pacific strives for a breakthrough, but it also has to face various internal contradictions and challenges.

Entering the period of internationalization, Cathay Pacific ushered in a golden period of development. The opening of international routes such as new york, London and Sydney, as well as the cooperation with many international airlines, have made Cathay Pacific gradually emerge. However, just when Cathay Pacific seemed to have unlimited scenery, the shadow came quietly. The decline in service quality and frequent management loopholes have dealt an unprecedented blow to Cathay Pacific’s reputation.

During the merger period, Cathay Pacific tried to make up for its own shortcomings through acquisition and cooperation. The acquisition of Dragonair has undoubtedly injected new vitality into Cathay Pacific, but it has also brought many integration problems. At the same time, the cooperation and alliance with other airlines are not smooth sailing, and problems such as interest disputes and cultural differences have put Cathay Pacific into a situation of internal and external troubles.

In the period of modernization and transformation, Cathay Pacific tried to revive itself through digital transformation and the introduction of new aircraft models and technical means. However, in the face of intensified market competition and changes in customer demand, Cathay Pacific’s road to transformation seems to be difficult. Although innovative measures such as SkyTeam membership plan have been launched, it still needs to be improved in terms of service quality and operational efficiency.

In addition to service disputes, Cathay Pacific’s financial situation is also worrying. The performance of losing money for three consecutive years makes investors feel pessimistic about the company’s prospects. The latest financial report shows that despite the company’s efforts in some aspects, revenue and net profit have been greatly improved, but the overall financial situation has not improved significantly.

After the recent relatively bright financial report was released, Cathay Pacific’s share price fell instead of rising. According to statistics, the stock price fell by 3.27% in the trading day after the financial report was released, which reflected the market’s concern about the company’s future performance. As of the close of March 14th, Cathay Pacific’s share price was HK$ 8.870 per share, which was 40% lower than the high of HK$ 14.672.

Cathay Pacific released its financial report for 2023 on March 13th, and its performance showed a positive trend of turning losses into profits. On the whole, after experiencing the losses in 2022, the company achieved a significant recovery in performance through efforts.

From the overall performance overview, in 2023, Cathay Pacific’s performance income reached 94.485 billion Hong Kong dollars, compared with the loss of 6.623 billion Hong Kong dollars in the same period in 2022, achieving a significant increase in net profit of 9.789 billion Hong Kong dollars. This achievement is mainly due to the strong recovery of passenger transport business.

What is optimistic is that Cathay Pacific’s passenger transport business has grown substantially. In terms of passenger transport, Cathay Pacific’s passenger transport revenue is HK$ 55.951 billion, an astonishing increase of 308.8% compared with 2022. In 2023, the company transported 18 million passengers, with an average daily passenger capacity of 49,300 passengers, an increase of 541.4% compared with 2022. This growth reflects the strong recovery of the aviation market and Cathay Pacific’s efforts in passenger service.

The recovery in North Asia has been remarkable. From the perspective of Cathay Pacific’s global passenger transport business, the data of all regions have shown an increasing trend. It is particularly noteworthy that the recovery of North Asia, which is dominated by the mainland of China, is more remarkable. The financial report shows that in North Asia, the company’s carrying capacity increased by 534.7% year-on-year, and the passenger carrying rate also increased by 23.6 percentage points, reaching 78.4%. This growth rate ranks first in all regions, showing the importance of the North Asian market to Cathay Pacific and the company’s strong competitiveness in the region.

In addition to North Asia, Cathay Pacific’s performance in other regions can not be ignored. In South Asia, Middle East and Africa, the company’s carrying capacity increased by 467.7% year-on-year, and the passenger carrying rate also increased by 15.9 percentage points. In Southeast Asia, the carrying capacity increased by 456.6% year-on-year, and the passenger carrying rate increased by 17.7 percentage points. These data show the company’s business recovery and growth momentum on a global scale.

As we all know, the gross profit margin of Maotai is the ceiling of many industries.The gross profit margin can be higher than that of Maotai, and Cathay Pacific is one of the few.

Cathay Pacific’s gross profit margin in 2023 was as high as 91.85%, which even exceeded the gross profit margin of 91.71% of Kweichow Moutai in the same period. In general, gross profit margin is regarded as an important indicator of enterprise profitability and operating efficiency. Cathay Pacific’s gross profit margin is higher than Maotai’s, which explains its high profit margin in aviation business to some extent.

However, when we further observe Cathay Pacific’s net interest rate, we find that its net interest rate is only 10.36%, far lower than that of Kweichow Moutai’s 53.09%. This phenomenon of high gross profit margin and low net interest rate actually reveals a series of challenges Cathay Pacific faces in its operation.

First of all, labor cost is one of the important expenses in airline operation.With the recovery of global economy and the recovery of aviation market, in order to attract and retain talents, airlines often need to improve the salary and welfare level of employees. This has increased the labor cost of Cathay Pacific to a certain extent, thus compressing its net interest rate space.

Secondly, in addition to labor costs, airlines also need to face various cost pressures such as fuel price fluctuations, aircraft maintenance costs, and route operating costs.The changes of these cost factors will directly affect the profitability of airlines. For example, the increase in fuel prices will increase the operating costs of airlines, thus reducing their net interest rates.

In addition, market competition is also one of the important factors that affect the net interest rate of airlines.In the highly competitive aviation market, airlines often need to adopt price competition strategy in order to compete for market share and customer resources. Although this strategy can increase sales and market share, it will also reduce the profit rate of airlines to some extent.

Although Cathay Pacific has a high gross profit margin, its net interest rate performance is not ideal due to the increase of labor costs and market competition. In order to improve profitability, Cathay Pacific needs to make more efforts in cost control, market expansion and service quality improvement. Because Cathay Pacific’s high gross profit margin did not bring high net interest rate.

In the aviation industry, the performance of companies is often affected by multiple factors such as macroeconomics, fuel price, market competition and service quality. Cathay Pacific, as one of them, does not have obvious advantages over the same industry in some aspects.

First look at the revenue data. Although the revenue disclosed by Cathay Pacific in the latest financial report is still huge, compared with the industry leaders, its growth rate is somewhat weak. Take Singapore Airlines and Emirates as examples. Both airlines have achieved steady revenue growth in the past few years, while Cathay Pacific’s revenue growth is relatively slow.

There are many reasons for this situation. On the one hand, the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, especially in Asia, where emerging airlines are constantly emerging, posing a severe challenge to traditional airlines. On the other hand, Cathay Pacific may be too conservative in route layout and market expansion, failing to fully grasp the growth opportunities of emerging markets.

Let’s look at the net profit data. Cathay Pacific’s net profit performance is also not optimistic. Compared with its counterparts such as Singapore Airlines and Emirates Airlines, Cathay Pacific’s net profit level is low and fluctuates greatly. This instability not only affects the profitability of the company, but also increases the risk of investors.

The reasons of net profit fluctuation mainly include fuel price fluctuation, exchange rate change, market demand change and other factors. However, Cathay Pacific seems to be unable to cope with these risks. Especially in terms of fuel prices, Cathay Pacific failed to effectively hedge the pressure brought by rising fuel costs, resulting in a greater impact on net profit.

In terms of gross profit margin and net interest rate, Cathay Pacific’s performance is also unsatisfactory. Although its gross profit rate is relatively high, its net profit rate is far below the average level of the same industry. This means that the company is facing great cost pressure in the operation process, and the profit space is severely squeezed. This is mainly due to the pressure of labor cost, fuel cost and market competition faced by the company in the operation process, which leads to the compression of profit space.

Because Cathay Pacific has been criticized for its service quality, there are as many as 721 complaints about Cathay Pacific on the complaint platform Black Cat. In order to improve the service level, the company has increased its investment in employee training, which has increased its labor cost to some extent. It is reported that the labor cost of Cathay Pacific in 2023 increased by 3 billion yuan compared with previous years.

Although Cathay Pacific has made efforts in service training, its service problems are still frequent, which may be related to the company’s management system, staff quality and corporate culture. In contrast, Singapore Airlines and Emirates Airlines have shown good stability in terms of gross profit margin and net interest rate.

There are two main reasons for this situation. First of all, fixed expenses such as labor costs account for a relatively high proportion, which makes it difficult for Cathay Pacific to reduce costs during its operation. Especially in terms of employee compensation and welfare, Cathay Pacific needs to invest a lot of money to maintain the stability of the workforce and the quality of service. Secondly, the fierce market competition makes airlines have to adopt price competition strategy to attract customers, which further reduces Cathay Pacific’s profit margin.

In fact, how to find a balance between improving service quality and controlling costs is a big problem for Cathay Pacific. On the one hand, improving service quality can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, thus bringing more market share and benefits to the company. On the other hand, excessive investment may lead to rising costs, declining profit margins and even losses. Therefore, Cathay Pacific needs to pay more attention to cost control and operational efficiency improvement on the premise of ensuring service quality.

The change in the rating of Cathay Pacific also reflects its performance to some extent. In recent years, due to the problems in service quality, cost control and market competition, some institutions have downgraded Cathay Pacific. These rating changes not only affected the company’s share price performance, but also dealt a blow to its market reputation and investor confidence.

In the latest trading day, Cathay Pacific’s share price fell by more than 4%, and CLSA downgraded its rating and earnings forecast. In the research report released by CITIC Lyon, Cathay Pacific’s investment rating was adjusted from "buy" to "outperform the market" and the target price was kept at HK$ 10.6.

The report predicts that the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the company will increase by 29% to HK$ 5.1 billion in the second half of 2023, which is 22% higher than previously expected. At the same time, it is expected that the company will resume paying ordinary dividends in advance.

However, CLSA believes that the risk return of the current share price is not attractive in view of the changes in air ticket prices and rising staff costs. Therefore, the agency lowered its profit forecast for 2024-25 by 4-5%, mainly because it has not seen obvious signs of improvement in freight business.

ICBC International, the investment banking department of the largest bank in the Mainland, downgraded Cathay Pacific to "strong sell" and adjusted its target price to HK$ 6. This shows that ICBC International is pessimistic about Cathay Pacific’s future development prospects.

To sum up, Cathay Pacific’s performance in 2023 does not have obvious advantages in the aviation industry. In order to enhance its competitiveness, Cathay Pacific needs to make more efforts in service quality, cost control, operational efficiency and market risk management.

The Chengdu Auto Show ended, making its debut at SAIC Audi to show its top popularity.

The 24th Chengdu Auto Show ended on September 7th. In 2021, when the development and recovery of the global automobile industry is still affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, China, as one of the most important automobile production and sales countries in the world, cannot be immune to it.

Nowadays, the normalization of epidemic prevention and control has become the most basic policy. The audience wears masks, the car dealers wear masks, and even the car models on the platform wear masks. The A-class auto show held under such conditions, Chengdu International Auto Show has become one of the most important voice platforms in the automobile industry in China and even in the world, and it is truly a battleground for world-renowned auto companies to release their "star models".

All kinds of luxury and mid-to-high-end car brands have brought their own brand-new products at Chengdu Auto Show. As a brand-new luxury brand born only this year, SAIC Audi has set up its own booth for the first time since its establishment. This time, SAIC Audi brought its two innovative models to the 2021 Chengdu International Auto Show. As a high-profile flagship model of SAIC Audi luxury, the new Audi A7L advanced version completed its first official appearance in Southwest China.

During the auto show, the popularity of SAIC Audi booth in Hall 3 has been very high, and consumers coming and going to see the car are in an endless stream. On the booth, two car color versions of the new Audi A7L are displayed, namely limited color Qingshan Dai and Xinghe Blue. The new A7L inherits the design essence of the Audi Prologue concept car in appearance. The coupe-style body lines, obsidian black sports kit and 21-inch RS racing wheels show the sporty feeling of this car. The A7L’s power combination is also verifying this point. The A7L’s first version is equipped with a 3.0TFSI V6 engine, which matches the 48V light mixing system and accelerates for 5.6 seconds per 100 kilometers. Intelligent quattro four-wheel drive technology, the only active air suspension in its class and DAWS dynamic all-wheel steering system combination. It is no exaggeration to call A7L the benchmark of the same level in this series of power operation configurations.

While A7L shows its athletic talent, it also shows the elegance of an administrative model everywhere. The frameless electric suction door with A8 grade and the configuration of multi-layer aviation glass minimize the noise interference in the car. As an extended model, A7L has a body length of more than 5 meters, a wheelbase of more than 3 meters and the widest body in its class. All these hard indicators have built a leapfrog administrative space experience for A7L. The seats in the car are tailor-made seats for China consumers, with thickened advanced foam materials, lengthened cushions and widened back. All this is for A7L to create an administrative experience far beyond its peers.

In addition to the car as the protagonist, this exhibition is the first independent exhibition of SAIC Audi. For example, there is a fan interaction space on the second floor, which will display many Audi products, including the clothes used by men, the bags that women like, and the car models and pens that children like. This area has also become the favorite of children during the auto show.

Audi Box[ Enterprising Red Man Station] is the punching place for online celebrity and fashionable men and women. The whole Audi Box presents a cool cube, which combines cool tuners and retro microphones with the trend of the times to integrate retro elements with the trend icon, conveying Audi’s extraordinary design concept and enterprising attitude towards life.

Such a diversified booth suitable for men, women and children is the answer sheet handed over by SAIC Audi at Chengdu Auto Show. The high popularity at the scene proves the success of this auto show and consumers’ expectations for the brand SAIC Audi.

Beijing will be fined 100 yuan for violating the rules in the fifth ring of China I and China II vehicles on working days from the 15th.

  The South Center for the Elimination and Renewal of Old Motor Vehicles in Beijing has recently made an appointment for the elimination and renewal of vehicles by a large number of car owners.

  Starting from tomorrow, the city will implement restrictions on vehicles in countries I and II on working days within the Fifth Ring Road. Vehicles that fail to meet the standards can’t enter the Fifth Ring Road. In addition, the city has introduced an incentive policy to encourage car owners to eliminate the vehicles in countries I and II. Many car owners have joined the ranks of eliminating old motor vehicles. The reporter learned from the Emissions Trading Center of the Beijing Stock Exchange that with the advent of the new policy of restricting traffic, there are a large number of car owners who have recently made an appointment for the elimination and renewal of motor vehicles. It is recommended that car owners make an appointment for the date after March 1. According to the introduction of the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, since the implementation of the policy on December 1, 2016, the Beijing old motor vehicle elimination and renewal trading platform has actively handled the government subsidy procedures for vehicle owners, and has audited and subsidized 26,447 national I and II light gasoline vehicles. By the end of last year, there were 397,000 national I and II light gasoline vehicles in this city.


  The information is complete and can be done in five minutes.

  The South Center for the Elimination and Renewal of Old Motor Vehicles in Beijing is located in Xinfadi Automobile Trading Market in the South Fourth Ring Road, which is the largest number of car owners in the six old motor vehicle elimination outlets in this city. At 10 o’clock yesterday, when the Beijing Morning Post reporter came here, there were already many car owners waiting for the application form in the processing hall. The handling hall is small, with six handling windows, two auditing windows and one consulting window, which can facilitate the owner to complete all formalities in one stop. Hu Xiaolin, the person in charge of the southern central network, said that in the past, all service windows were in different rooms. From consultation to review of materials, car owners needed to go in and out of many offices. "So later, we integrated these windows in an office area, so that car owners only need to go through all the formalities once."

  How long does it take the owner from entering the gate of the processing hall to completing all formalities? The answer given by Hu Xiaolin is 5 minutes. According to the reporter’s observation, because many data owners have already filled in and printed from the Internet before, after entering the lobby, the owners first hand over the data to the staff for preliminary review, and after the review is completed, they can go to the final review window to go through the formalities of receiving subsidies, so the processing time is not long.


  I was lucky enough to make up my mind now.

  Yesterday, I handled the branch in the South Center. Mr. Tian Zhihui, a citizen, successfully completed all the formalities. Within 15 working days, a subsidy of 12,000 yuan will be paid to Tian Zhihui’s bank account. Speaking of his fiat, which was just scrapped in 2003, Mr. Tian said frankly that he was "really reluctant." Although that Fiat has been driving for 14 years this year, Tian Zhihui’s family didn’t drive much, so the mileage in the past 14 years was only over 100,000 kilometers. "At the end of last year, I heard that the country I and country II cars were restricted, and I was still lucky. There was nothing wrong with my car anywhere, so I wanted to see if I could not eliminate it." However, seeing that the restriction policy will be officially implemented on February 15, Tian Zhihui decided to join the team that eliminated old motor vehicles. "I take the fourth ring road from home to work, and once I start to restrict my car, I will definitely not be able to drive it. In addition, isn’t the government giving back subsidies, so it’s better to scrap it quickly. "

  With the subsidy, it will be eliminated now.

  The owner Yu Xiansheng’s national II car was originally a second-hand car. Yu Xiansheng said, "I was short of money before, so I bought a second-hand car. I originally thought that I would change the car after I had enough money for a year or two, but this is not the policy that has to be restricted now, and now there is a subsidy for eliminating the country I and country II cars, so I will scrap them in advance. "

  Ms. Ma, the owner of the car, and her husband also went to the South Center to go through the formalities yesterday. Ms. Ma said that the on-site handling procedure is not complicated. At the same time, she suggested increasing the publicity of policies related to the elimination of old motor vehicles. "For example, policy interpretation brochures can be distributed to the community, and the community can post them on the bulletin board, so that some older car owners can clearly understand the handling process without surfing the Internet."

  ■ Reminder

  Don’t forget your ID card and CCB card.

  1 Hu Xiaolin introduced that all car owners who handle the elimination of old motor vehicles need to make an appointment online for the specific time of on-site processing. If they miss the processing time, they need to make an appointment again. When the reporter interviewed at the scene, he met a car owner who missed the appointment time. After arriving at the scene, he could not go through the formalities and had to make a new appointment on his mobile phone with the help of the staff.

  Identity card and bank card are two documents that the owner must remember to bring with him in addition to the information. Hu Xiaolin said: "Especially the bank card, the owner must check it, and it must be the owner’s own CCB current savings card. We have had many cases in which the car owners brought the wrong bank card after they came, which led to the situation of going home to get the bank card or re-applying for the bank card. "

  In addition, Hu Xiaolin reminded that car owners need to bring the original and photocopy of their ID cards when they come to the outlets. Although it is convenient for car owners to copy their ID cards on the spot in the lobby, the reporter found that there are many people in the copying office, so if the car owners have copied their ID cards before coming to the lobby, it will be faster to go to the scene.

  Avoid getting together and make an appointment for next month.

  2 "Beijing Old Motor Vehicle Elimination and Updating Management Information System" is a network platform for all car owners to eliminate old motor vehicles. Hu Xiaolin introduced that the online reservation system has been fully opened. Take the South Center as an example, the daily handling volume is nearly 500 people every Tuesday to Thursday, and there are more than 1,000 car owners going through formalities every day at six on-site handling points in the city, of which 60%— 70% are national I and II vehicles. Hu Xiaolin said that at present, the online booking time for eliminating old motor vehicles in February is saturated, and it is recommended that car owners make an appointment after March 1 to stagger the peak.

  How to distinguish between country I and country II cars

  One is "counting time", which can be distinguished according to the vehicle registration date marked on your driving book. Cars bought after June 30, 2006 in this city are not national I and II cars.

  The second is "counting the stars", which means looking at the environmental protection signs issued by the annual inspection of motor vehicles. If there is no green sign of a star, a star or two stars, it is a country I and a country II car.

  The third is "looking at materials", according to the vehicle emission standards marked by materials such as the vehicle factory certificate issued by the automobile manufacturer when buying a new car.

  Fourth, "seeking help", you can log on to the "Motor Vehicle Emission Standard Inquiry" column of the website of Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau; Or directly call the "12369" Beijing environmental complaint reporting consultation telephone, and ask the staff to help you directly inquire.

  Restriction measures

  From February 15th, light gasoline vehicles with national I and II emission standards are prohibited from driving on the roads within the Fifth Ring Road (excluding Saturdays and Sundays). Offenders will be fined 100 yuan, which will be calculated once every 4 hours.

  Subsidy policy

  From December 1, 2016 to the end of 2017, light gasoline vehicles with emission standards of country I and country II can receive government subsidies in advance. Among them, the elimination before the end of June 2017 is 2000 yuan more than the elimination from July to the end of December 2017.

  Beijing Morning Post reporter Wu Tingting/Wen

  Chief Photojournalist Ning Wu/photo

How to save a bridge? More than 6 hours after the heavy car pressed the beam, many parties recalled the thrilling moment.

       CCTV News:Baoji-chengdu railway is the main artery connecting northwest and southwest. Because of the early completion of the line and low grade, how to deal with the extraordinary flood peak has become the number one problem for the railway department. On the morning of July 11th, due to the heavy rainfall in Sichuan, the water level of the Fujiang River in Mianyang City rose sharply, and the Fujiang Bridge on the baoji-chengdu railway was in danger of being washed away by the flood.

       On July 11th, the K283 train was delayed by 7 hours due to heavy rain.

       On July 11th, a large number of passengers in Chengdu Railway Station refunded their tickets and changed their visas.

       On July 11th, Mianyang Works Section was blocked.

       It turned out that Mianyang section of baoji-chengdu railway was blocked by heavy rain, and the water level of Fujiang River rose sharply. No one thought that this would be a catastrophic flood once in 50 years.


       Xu Xingwu, section chief of Mianyang Works Section of China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Co., Ltd.: "I have worked for so many years, and I know that the maximum flood discharge of this bridge was 8000 cubic meters per second, so it exceeded 50% yesterday (11th)."

       Railway bridges generally have two water levels, the lower of which is the speed limit water level. Once the blocked water level is reached, you can’t drive. How to deal with dangerous situations is a test for railway public works workers. They know very well that the Fujiang Bridge on the upstream line has been built for more than 60 years, and the lightness of steel beams will become a fatal shortcoming in the face of floods.

       Xu Xingwu: "The main span is a steel beam bridge, because it is light in weight, and its resistance to lateral force is poor, just like building blocks. If you put a force on the building blocks to hold them down, it will not be easy to push them down."


       Who will press and how? Everyone has the same idea. Lu Minghui, deputy section chief of Mianyang Works Section of Chengdu Bureau Group Co., Ltd. of China Railway, said: "For the special flood, our flood control office has formulated a plan to deal with the catastrophic flood."

       Xu Xingwu: "We have to take unconventional measures and adopt ‘ according to our own experience and basic principles. Heavy trucks press the bridge ’ The way to stabilize this bridge. "

       Seeing the rising water level, it is urgent to make decisions as soon as possible. However, it is not easy to make a decision to "weigh the car against the beam".

       Shi Guangde, director of the dispatching office of Chengdu Railway Bureau Group Co., Ltd., said: "The first thing we consider is the personal safety of locomotive crew and engineering technicians, and the second thing we consider is whether the weight of the loaded freight train can meet the carrying capacity of this line bridge."

       After more than ten minutes of difficult and careful research, the dispatching office officially ordered. The train is over 45 knots, loaded with ballast, weighing 4,000 tons, and the bridge is crushed by heavy vehicles!


       Lu Minghui: "The water level is about one meter away from the bottom of the beam, and there are basically no large floating objects in the upper reaches, so we decided to put the car in the past."

       There are four drivers driving these two trains, both born in 1990s. It is the first time for them to cross the Fujiang Bridge at a constant speed of less than 10km/h..


       Zhang Qiang, driver of Chengdu Locomotive Depot of China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Co., Ltd.: "This task has never been encountered before, and it must be tense. It was a heavy-duty train pulled at that time. If the operation is not stable, it will have a great impact on the bridge deck, and the flood impact may make the bridge collapse."

       Usually, the speed limit of freight trains passing through Fujiang Bridge is 80km/h, but the speed should not exceed 10km/h, and in case of heavy load, the starting and braking must be stable to reduce the impact on the bridge. It’s a bit like threading a needle. It has to be accurate. In addition, the freight train used this time is also called "railway special ballast unloading vehicle" in the industry. Recently, Mianyang Works Section is undergoing line overhaul, and the ballast unloading vehicle is parked near Mianyang, so it was put in use at the first time. However, when the car crossed the bridge, thorny problems followed.

       When the car got off the bridge, everyone didn’t relax, and everything was just beginning. At 12 noon, the water level reached its peak.


       Xu Xingwu: "We are most worried and scared when we have started to scour the bearing. Of course, there is a heavy-duty train and a heavy-duty train of more than 4,000 tons on the bridge at this time. We feel that the problem should not be too big."

       However, news came from the upstream that a large number of floating objects were washed into the river. When did they arrive here and how to deal with them? Everyone’s heart was in their throats.

       It is not only the public workers who are highly nervous, but also the four drivers in the locomotive have been on standby during the six hours of bridge pressing.

       Chen Long, driver of Chengdu Locomotive Depot of China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Co., Ltd.: "Our locomotive stayed in a safe zone after crossing the bridge. The locomotive is equivalent to being in operation all the time, which means that the car has not turned off." Zhang Qiang, driver of Chengdu Locomotive Depot of China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Co., Ltd.: "If the flood continues to rise, it will cause certain danger to the bridge deck, and we will also drive the car out immediately."


       At 4: 30 in the afternoon, the flood peak receded, and the train left the scene. The driver’s work came to an end temporarily, but in the hands of the public works workers, the last security line before opening to traffic was still being held.

       Xu Xingwu: "There is still a lot of follow-up work, mainly inspection and monitoring, especially whether there is any damage to the internal structure of the pier and whether its foundation is washed."

       After inspection, it was confirmed that baoji-chengdu railway began to return to normal traffic 8 hours after the heavy car pressed the beam.


       Shi Guangde: "The decision to use freight trains to press beams also provides a scientific basis for later decision-making."

       Xu Xingwu: "A soldier’s greatest contribution to the country is not sacrifice but victory. I think we can win if we can keep this bridge!" "

When it comes to reading, I really have a phobia of dense sentences.

  Photo courtesy of vision china

  "Golden Sentence" is not the product of the author’s feeding, but the reader’s participation.

  — — — — — — — — — —

  Some children often tell me that books are classics, and they are often disappointed after reading them. After reading them for most of the day, they can’t read the "golden sentences" worth underlining and extracting. Or read a "golden sentence" and be attracted by a book, but after reading it, I found that there are too few golden sentences like this in the book, and I feel fooled. I know that many people love this "golden sentence-driven" reading. What I want to say is that this utilitarian reading is not a good way to absorb knowledge and nutrition. Searching for chapters and extracting sentences, swallowing the fragmented golden sentences alive, is not immersed in the overall content, and the efficiency is actually very low, which wastes time and good books and reading.

  "Golden Sentence" is often a "leap generalization" after a long period of material preparation and solid demonstration. For example, Adorno said: In a mass society that follows the crowd, idolatry is often manipulated in a "pseudo-personalized" way, which hides the standardization and identity of the cultural industry itself. Is this sentence "golden sentence" enough? However, it is not isolated. Only by carefully reading the previous foreshadowing and argumentation can this conclusion be logical and theoretically active. After this process, "Golden Sentence" can enter your knowledge system and become an active thought, which allows you to call freely when writing and support your output. Otherwise, the source is separated, only this sentence is extracted as a golden sentence, and the illusion of memory is formed in the notebook, which will soon become a forgotten "dead dogma."

  Professor Liu Qing also said: Our traditional academic education emphasizes that knowledge should be systematic, have complete structure and logical connection, etc., while young people prefer rich and fragmented knowledge and feelings, so they like "golden sentences". In my opinion, a more flashing sentence, which appears after the overall discussion, has a context.

  Without understanding a sentence in the knowledge system and overall outlook, that kind of "golden sentence" can’t "know". Sociologist Andrew Abbott distinguishes between "knowledge" and "knowing". "Knowledge" is a result of "knowing", and the important thing is the process of "knowing". Abbott commented: most of the students I teach think that knowing something is knowing a website. The main mode of their knowledge is to "find". For them, "reading Adam Smith" means looking for five or six sentences that are really important in each chapter. They don’t understand that the rest of Adam Smith’s sentences contain arguments and arguments, which he used to produce and defend the key parts of these students. For students, reading is just browsing outside the internet. It is an exercise to filter out the unimportant idle parts and find out the really important things. They don’t actually believe in ideas, they believe in fragmented content. For them, Smith’s theory is not an argument, but a fixed content.

  Abbott actually criticized this kind of "golden sentence-driven" reading. A book just wants to sum up a few "central ideas", "paragraphs" and "key conclusions", which can spare me the pain of "reading those idle contents". This kind of filtering and screening, as long as those "fragments of golden sentences" have not actually read or understood a book at all, the golden sentences naturally have not entered the knowledge storage that one can call freely. On the surface, I read a lot of books, but my brain is empty!

  I have always felt that "golden sentence" is not only the result of the author’s hard argument, but also a kind of reading reward for readers to immerse themselves in a book and suddenly become enlightened after tossing and turning. In other words, "golden sentence" is not the product of the author’s feeding, but the reader’s participation. Enter the author’s theoretical framework, immerse yourself in his logic, read through, read through, read the author’s deep meaning, read the logical connection, read the thought corresponding to reality, and understand a long-standing puzzle, and the "golden sentence" comes out. A "golden sentence" truly deposited in one’s own knowledge system must contain one’s own thoughts in the dialogue. I read Weber’s exposition on tool rationality and value rationality, but I didn’t read it before. But during that time, there were many events in the news that "people were regarded as tools" and "formalism bureaucracy only looked at procedures regardless of human life", and I realized that tools crushed value and realized the golden sentence connotation that "because there is a long chain between their actions and results, their moral consciousness will be blurred, which will lead to moral blindness".

  Reading is a kind of dialogue and generation, which needs to be immersed. "Golden Sentence" is an ideological reward for immersed reading, not a "essence" that can be extracted separately. That kind of extracted essence, mindless "value", is often just a marketing strategy. A famous scholar talked about the "three laws of bestsellers": first, tell what you already know in a way you don’t know; Second, repeat the statement just now and give some examples; Third, repeat the summary and you will succeed. Those golden sentences about a book, such as chicken soup and sales promotion, are mostly tailored for people who don’t study. They are just "telling what you already know in a way you don’t know", just a truth that you agree with, that you are familiar with and understand, and that’s all.

  When I study, I have a phobia of golden sentences. It’s all golden sentences. How can I stand it? The golden sentence is a "leap generalization" after a long argument, and it is a wonderful pen to make the finishing point. It’s all golden sentences, which shows that there is no argument and reason at all, and it’s all chicken soup-like, catering to you and clever conclusions. Just like the flashy PPT, it is full of "beautiful words that are nice but vague". It’s more like some fake comments. It sounds like a lot of words, and it seems that there are many golden sentences, and there is nothing but empty parallelism and superficial rhyme. The public opinion field is full of such swindlers. When they encounter something they don’t understand, they can fool them by saying a bunch of "beautiful words", so they are mystifying and euphemistic.

  I don’t like that kind of "looking for standard answers" reading either. If the contents of the book are regarded as "answers that can be copied", it is still exam-oriented thinking and there is no nutrition. A good book can arouse thinking, and it is the thought agitation brought by that argumentation process that challenges some common sense, inspires some new ideas and brings some wisdom. What is wisdom? If intelligence points to a standard answer, intellectual knowledge is a kind of ability to "turn the answer into a question", which is a kind of advanced literacy, which can push thinking to a higher conceptual level and move towards transparent wisdom in new questions.

  Yes, the better the book, the more you can’t get the "standard answer" from it, but it can produce many problems, which can help you get rid of the "uncertainty of ignorance", challenge most of the "taken for granted" and "self-evident" hidden in your thinking, and move towards the realm of critical thinking after experiencing "multiple chaos".

  Mr. He Zhaowu said in "A Record of Going to School": "Reading doesn’t have to have a purpose, and it’s better to have no purpose. Reading is an end in itself. Reading brings inner satisfaction, just like a spiritual roaming. In the eyes of others, it is of no value to travel for a day, but for me, the process itself is the greatest value. " Well, reading is by no means utilitarian, quick-paced, lively and immediate, but I also feel that reading will never fail you, enjoy the process, precipitate thinking, and will always nourish you at some time and somewhere.

  Ling Cao



    Source: Oriental Morning Post 

Profile photo: On the afternoon of May 24, 2006, the Shanghai traffic police towed the accident vehicle away from the scene of the accident.

   Yesterday (17th), after the article "Judicial Appraisal Says Shanghai Audi Car Crashes Nine People in a Row Due to Driver’s Illusion" went online, some netizens questioned the judicial appraisal that "the driver was in a’ delusional outburst’ at the time of the crime". To this end, the reporter once again investigated this incident.

    At 5: 30 pm yesterday, Min Yinlong, director of the Judicial Appraisal Center of East China University of Political Science and Law, was interviewed by a reporter in the office of the center, and showed the reporter the appraisal certificate of Huazheng Forensic Medicine [2006] No.086 with more than 5,000 words made on June 10.

    "In the afternoon, we received a lot of phone calls from readers, and some of them hung up without waiting for us to speak." Min Yinlong said, "There must be something fishy in it", "What background does this guy have" and "Aren’t you afraid of smashing your own brand in this appraisal?" He was puzzled by the speculation and accusations that came upon him.

     About judicial expertise

    Not disturbed by other factors

    "The appraisal of this case was entrusted by Huangpu Public Security Bureau to evaluate Li Wei’s mental state appraisal and criminal responsibility ability. We have never received so-called’ special instructions’ and’ greetings’, nor have we been under any pressure, and the identity background of the appraiser is nothing special." Min Yinlong said. The reporter saw that the appraisal book showed that Li Wei, a 33-year-old appraiser, was from Harbin, with a junior high school education, and an employee of a real estate company in Shanghai.

    Min Yinlong told reporters that the judicial appraisal of mental illness includes five major parts: the entrusted institution States the general situation of the incident; Family members, etc. provide a summary of the medical history of the appraiser; Inspection: the appraiser communicates with the appraiser, judges his reaction ability according to the response, investigates the relatives, friends, neighbors and colleagues of the appraiser, and understands his interpersonal relationship, life and work, etc. Explain the test results according to the comprehensive analysis of objective indicators; Finally, the appraisal conclusion is made.

    "If you have any objection to our appraisal conclusion, you can apply to the Municipal Judicial Appraisal Expert Committee for review." Min Yinlong said that in this case, the Legislative Affairs Office of the Municipal Public Security Bureau also made a special trip to the center to learn about the situation from two forensic experts.

    "Such a major case is not a joke." Yesterday afternoon, Qian Yulin, the chief physician of the case appraiser who was on a business trip in Anhui, repeatedly said in an interview with reporters on the phone, "There is no interference from other factors in the appraisal process, and we have never brought any affair."

    Qian Yulin said that the general judicial expertise has two or three pages and about 1,000 words, while the expertise in this case has six pages and more than 5,000 words, and the final appraisal conclusion has also been recognized by the entrusting organ Huangpu Public Security Bureau.

     About the identity of the driver

    Really a full-time driver

    Yesterday, after many investigations, the reporter found that Li Wei is 33 years old, from Harbin, with a junior high school education. By 2005, he had been working in Harbin without military service. After coming to Shanghai this year, I have been working in Shanghai Xintianyuan Real Estate Company as a boss’s full-time driver.

    According to the ID card provided by Li Wei, his home address in Harbin is No.6, North Qidao Street, Anyang, Daoli District, Harbin. The reporter contacted the Kang ‘an Police Station of Harbin Public Security Bureau again, and the other party said that the address had been relocated as early as 2003. At present, a commercial house named "Haifu Kangcheng" has been built here. The original residents are in the process of moving back, but Li Wei’s family cannot be directly contacted.

    Identification basis: the driver of the accident was delusional and was chased and called 110.

    Qian Yulin, the chief physician of the appraiser in the case of "Audi car hitting 9 people in a row", said that Li Wei’s appraisal was jointly completed by him and Qin Shiyong, the deputy chief physician. Qian Yulin, 66, has more than 20 years of practical experience in psychiatric judicial expertise, and Qin Shiyong, 70, has also been engaged in this expertise for more than ten years.

    "He is a very typical severe mental patient." Qian Yulin recalled to reporters a lot of incredible, ambiguous and even logically contradictory fragments in his communication with Li Wei.

  Constantly searching his girlfriend’s hair and nails

    According to the analysis in the fourth part of the appraisal report, Li Wei became a full-time driver of a company boss after coming to Shanghai. One week before the incident, Li unreasonably suspected that his girlfriend was taking drugs, constantly searched his girlfriend’s hair, nails, etc., and rummaged through the car where his girlfriend had been sitting and the place of residence to search for drugs. He inexplicably suspected that drugs were hidden between the cracks in the floor tiles, and because of his girlfriend’s walking posture, facial expression, toilet use time and other daily details, he unreasonably inferred that she was taking drugs and firmly believed it.

    Illusion girlfriend sent someone to kill herself.

    According to the analysis, on the day of the crime, Li Wei began to be nervous because he couldn’t dial his girlfriend’s cell phone and the phone number of his residence. He suspected that his girlfriend knew that he was taking drugs and reported the case to the public security organ, which was not good for him. Then, Li Wei began to feel that there were many motorcycles and cars following him while driving, so he was highly nervous and afraid. He thought that his girlfriend had assigned others to follow him and his personal life was greatly threatened.

  Dare not drink mineral water

    The appraisal also excerpted the work of Huangpu Public Security Bureau on June 2: "… During the trial, Li Wei asked for water, and the police immediately used disposable cups to get him a cup of pure water, but he said that there was sediment in the water and he could not drink it. The police changed the second cup for him, but he still thought there was something in the cup and didn’t want to drink it. To this end, the police bought two bottles of mineral water for him. Before he opened the bottle cap, he carefully looked at the light, and at the same time squeezed the mineral water bottle to see if there was any leakage, and he was reluctant to drink mineral water. "

  I dialed 110 when I was "hunted"

    In the process of identification, one detail was considered the most critical by Qian Yulin: Li Wei once said that he had called 110 while fleeing. Three times before and after, he claimed that he was being chased by others, and he was very scared and asked for more police to protect him. The police record of Public Security 110 was indeed consistent with his description.

  background for news stories

    What is "paranoia"

    Professor Zhu Rongshen, director of psychiatry and medical psychology in the first clinical department of Tongji University School of Medicine, gave the concept of "paranoia" yesterday: it is a distorted belief, pathological reasoning and judgment based on pathology. Although these beliefs and reasoning judgments do not conform to the education level of patients, patients firmly believe in them and cannot be persuaded or corrected by personal experience and experience.

    "Sudden attack" is a selective attack, and the patient is completely normal when he is outside the delusion core. Therefore, the disease belongs to a deeply hidden mental disease that is difficult for patients to find under normal circumstances.

    Professor Zhu once received such patients. He told reporters that such people are prone to auditory hallucinations and hallucinations. Even some people think that they are being tracked by satellite positioning system, and the delusions are generally related to personal experience, social and cultural background. Lee? /Chen Chaoqun

  If you are mentally ill, you will lose your driver’s license.

    The reporter learned from the relevant departments that according to the relevant regulations, anyone who suffers from mental illness and other diseases that hinder the safe driving of motor vehicles can’t get a driver’s license, and after a normal person gets a driver’s license, his driver’s license will also be cancelled.

    According to the provisions of Article 22 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, people who suffer from diseases that hinder the safe driving of motor vehicles are not allowed to drive motor vehicles. After a normal person suffers from mental illness, first of all, the driver and his family should contact the traffic control department in time. "This is also a guarantee for the safety of himself and others", and the traffic management department will cancel his driver’s license in time to prevent traffic safety from being affected. When the police find abnormal situations in the course of duty, they will also check the driver to ensure the driver’s safe driving.

    In addition, according to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Public Security, motor vehicle drivers need to go to the traffic control department under the jurisdiction of the driver’s license for regular inspection. The contents of regular inspection of motor vehicle driver’s license by public security traffic management department are: the physical condition of motor vehicle driver and the accumulated points of traffic violations. (Reporter Yang Jiehe and Zhang Ling Gu Wenjian Cheng Jia)

Editor: Chang Yan

Experience the China big plane C919.

  (video production: the main station is dreaming of the media creative studio)

  Commercial aircraft has always been called the jewel in the crown of modern industry. On May 5, 2017, with the success of the first flight of China C919 passenger plane, China people’s dream of a big plane took another step forward. In the following five years, the C919 large passenger plane has been conducting evidence-based test flight. On September 29th, 2022, it ushered in the most important moment — — Obtaining the type certificate issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China also means that after 15 years’ efforts, China has completed the whole process of design, manufacture, test, flight test and airworthiness certification of a large jet airliner in strict accordance with the internationally accepted airworthiness standards for the first time. The C919 has the "safety qualification" to deliver to customers and put into market operation, and it also marks that China’s airworthiness certification ability has reached the advanced level in the world.

  For this important historical moment, two C919 aircraft flew to Beijing from the development site, which was the first time that a large C919 passenger plane flew to Beijing Capital International Airport. As the first "passengers", CCTV reporters from the main station followed one of the planes and experienced this unusual journey exclusively. This is the first time that a large C919 passenger plane has witnessed the report by the media since its first flight. What exactly is the interior of C919 cabin like? What kind of experience will you have when you take the C919 domestic large plane for the first time? The CCTV reporter at the reception desk reveals the secret for you!

  (CCTV reporter Cui Xia Tao Jiashu assisted in filming China Commercial Aircraft He Chun Xu Bingnan Yan Tianyu)

TikTok American users: I may go to jail for teaching English to children in China.

  On September 3rd, the website of National Public Radio published a report entitled "They teach China children English online, but now they are caught in Trump’s war against TikTok". On August 6th, Trump issued an executive order against TikTok, which not only prohibited American enterprises from doing business with this video sharing application, but also prohibited them from doing business with all subsidiaries in ByteDance. This puts the future of Hunter and nearly 4,000 American teachers who signed with GOGOKID in an extremely dangerous situation. The article is excerpted as follows:

  Kristi Hunt used to be a teacher in a public school. In the past two years, most of her income has come from teaching China children to speak English online.

  Hunter, 42, lives in Columbia, South Carolina. She said: "I am a stay-at-home mother with three children. As they grow up, I begin to miss working days." She said: "Therefore, it helped me to restart my career, and the time was flexible."

  GOGOKID, where Hunter works, is a one-to-one English teaching service organization under the ByteDance company, and ByteDance is also the parent company of TikTok, a popular short video application.

  On August 6th, President Trump issued an executive order against TikTok, which not only prohibited American enterprises from doing business with this video sharing application, but also prohibited them from doing business with all subsidiaries in ByteDance.

  This puts the future of Hunter and nearly 4,000 American teachers who signed with GOGOKID in an extremely dangerous situation.

  ↑ This is the logo of TikTok Company shot in Culver City, Los Angeles County, California, USA on August 21st. (Xinhua News Agency)

  Hunter said: "This is a very terrible, confusing and stressful period."

  According to Trump’s executive order against TikTok, "any transaction" between American citizens and ByteDance will be banned. Violation of this executive order may result in a fine of $300,000 or even criminal proceedings. This administrative order, which was prosecuted by TikTok, will take effect on September 20th.

  Hunter said: "I may be put in prison for teaching a 5-year-old how to say hello on the computer." She said, "Because of this ‘ National security risk ’ Some of our families may lose their houses and deposits because of his stroke of the pen. "

  Brian Fleming, a former lawyer of the U.S. Department of Justice who specializes in enforcing economic sanctions, said that since this action is aimed at TikTok, the government may make an exception to ByteDance’s GOGOKID and other services, but this is far from certain.

  In the confrontation between the United States and TikTok, teachers who earn their income by teaching English in GOGOKID feel nervous.

  Lindsay Jacobs, 40, is a GOGOKID teacher in eastern oklahoma city. She said: "We are collateral damage. It is really frustrating to see that this struggle continues around us, but no one knows our existence. "

  Jacobs is a navy veteran and a mother of two children. Her husband works in the federal government.

Company Frontline | Donghua Software Theme Points Adjustment and Update

  () F10 data shows that on February 25th, 2024, () theme points have been updated and adjusted:

  Intelligent integrated machine

  On November 6, 2023, the company disclosed on the interactive platform that Donghua Pengxiao Company has successfully developed PX100, PX200, PX300 and GT100 series all-in-one products, which are mainly used for self-service and window service of public security and government affairs, and are still under constant research and upgrading to provide more powerful support for public security construction and government affairs services. Among them, GT100 is an intelligent all-in-one machine specially built for uncertified cities. It has a series of powerful functions, such as face recognition, voice recognition, environmental monitoring, national secret encryption authentication and so on, and has won unanimous praise.

  Huawei kunpeng

  On September 25, 2023, the company disclosed on the interactive platform that the company has maintained in-depth cooperation with major domestic CPU manufacturers (such as Kunpeng, Haiguang, Godson, Feiteng, etc.) and system manufacturers. On may 25, 2023, the company disclosed on the interactive platform that the company’s Qingdao Pengxiao all-in-one machine project is under fundraising and construction, and Pengxiao all-in-one machine is gradually promoting sales to customers in key industries such as finance, communication, energy and medical care.

Relying on the company’s branches all over the country, we will build a nationwide marketing network system and provide integrated soft and hard solution services around Kunpeng’s ecology.

  The company’s aerospace software listed in science and technology innovation board.

  On May 24th, 2023, the stock of aerospace software was officially listed in science and technology innovation board, Shanghai Stock Exchange. In addition, Xingdong Shenqi, a holding subsidiary of Xi ‘an Donghua Software Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, invested RMB 79.7 million in aerospace software with its own funds. Xi ‘an Donghua Software Co., Ltd., as the executive partner of Xingdong Shenqi, holds 56.12% of its shares. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Xingdong Shenqi holds 22.11 million shares of aerospace software, accounting for 7.37% of its total share capital before its initial public offering and 5.53% of its total share capital after its initial public offering.

  Products in the field of vehicle networking

  On August 22, 2022, the company disclosed on the interactive platform that in the field of car networking, the company’s self-developed products have covered the main products of the car networking industry and have related applications, including: intelligent roadside equipment, cloud control platform, intelligent network application, and car networking operation and maintenance platform.

  Cross-border payment

  On March 1, 2022, the company disclosed on the interactive platform that the company and the clearing center of the People’s Bank of China have a long-term customer relationship. The Company has successively participated in several projects of the Clearing Center of the People’s Bank of China, such as the 2020 payment system host storage update project of the Clearing Center of the People’s Bank of China and the 2019 RMB cross-border payment system equipment update and software upgrade project of the Clearing Center of the People’s Bank of China.

  Digital industry application (water conservancy industry)

  In 2022, the company made full use of the leading advantages of industries involved in top-level architecture design such as smart water conservancy and the 14th Five-Year Plan, made use of more than ten years’ experience in water conservancy business, and applied artificial intelligence, big data, water conservancy model, digital twinning and other information technologies, focusing on digital twinning project, digital twinning basin and smart water conservancy application to achieve breakthroughs, solve the pain points of water conservancy business and promote the high-quality development of water conservancy. In the implementation of several typical projects, the company has formed a number of smart water conservancy platform products that have been tested by actual business. Through smart water conservancy projects such as Pearl River Delta, Indo-China and Liaoning, the big data object model, governance method and service system of water conservancy projects are developed, and the digital twin water conservancy project data backplane products are formed. Through Changsha Smart Water Conservancy Platform Project, integrating visualization engine, BIGIS, simulation and other technologies, digital twin scenes such as water resources management, flood control and disaster reduction, and engineering construction management have been developed, and digital twin basin products have been formed. Through the project of Shanxi Data Capability Center, a full-service platform of "one account, one picture, one platform" for water conservancy has been developed, and a smart water conservancy integrated platform product has been formed. Through the river length system project, the integrated application system of artificial intelligence voice technology and river and lake management is developed, and the assistant of river length, supervision assistant and intelligent outbound call are realized, forming the intelligent product of intelligent robot for river and lake supervision.

  Xiong’ an Donghua

  Xiong’ an Donghua Global Software R&D Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, completed the establishment of industrial and commercial registration on November 1, 2017 with a registered capital of 200 million yuan, mainly engaged in software technology development, technical consultation, technical service, technology promotion and technology transfer; Computer information system integration service; Data processing; Basic software services, application software services, public software services, etc. As an enterprise that obtained the industrial and commercial business license earlier in xiong’an new area, the company will give full play to its leading role in the software information service industry, and make use of its accumulated industry experience in emerging fields such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, big data, smart medical care, smart city, government information, etc., and actively carry out intensive cultivation in the fields of medical care, education, finance, water conservancy, government affairs, big data and cloud computing, demonstrating the company’s strategic determination to deeply cultivate xiong’an new area and lay out the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.


  In terms of smart medical care, the company has successively won the bid for the first phase of the national national health insurance informatization project-the project of application support platform, and several projects of the national health information platform in Yanqing District, Datong City, Chuzhou City and Ankang City in Beijing. In addition, the company has also made important progress in cloud clinic and intelligent network hospital, and launched the cloud clinic system in four Shanghai UIH imaging centers located in Changchun, Hengshui, Xi ‘an and Wuhan respectively. Nanjing Jiangbei Medical Cloud Hospital, the first intelligent network hospital in Nanjing Jiangbei New District, which relies on a three-level comprehensive entity hospital, covers the functions of online consultation, health education, appointment for diagnosis and treatment, etc. Through cooperation with seven community health service centers, the high-quality medical resources of the three-level hospitals are sunk and docked with all the distribution points, and convenient drug circulation is realized through prescription circulation.